# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006- Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class CustomField < ActiveRecord::Base include Redmine::SafeAttributes include Redmine::SubclassFactory has_many :enumerations, lambda {order(:position)}, :class_name => 'CustomFieldEnumeration', :dependent => :delete_all has_many :custom_values, :dependent => :delete_all has_and_belongs_to_many :roles, :join_table => "#{table_name_prefix}custom_fields_roles#{table_name_suffix}", :foreign_key => "custom_field_id" acts_as_positioned serialize :possible_values store :format_store validates_presence_of :name, :field_format validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :type, :case_sensitive => true validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 30 validates_length_of :regexp, maximum: 255 validates_inclusion_of :field_format, :in => proc {Redmine::FieldFormat.available_formats} validate :validate_custom_field before_validation :set_searchable before_save do |field| field.format.before_custom_field_save(field) end after_save :handle_multiplicity_change after_save do |field| if field.saved_change_to_visible? && field.visible field.roles.clear end end scope :sorted, lambda {order(:position)} scope :visible, (lambda do |*args| user = args.shift || User.current if user.admin? # nop elsif user.memberships.any? where( "#{table_name}.visible = ? OR #{table_name}.id" \ " IN (SELECT DISTINCT cfr.custom_field_id FROM #{Member.table_name} m" \ " INNER JOIN #{MemberRole.table_name} mr ON mr.member_id = m.id" \ " INNER JOIN #{table_name_prefix}custom_fields_roles#{table_name_suffix} cfr" \ " ON cfr.role_id = mr.role_id" \ " WHERE m.user_id = ?)", true, user.id ) else where(:visible => true) end end) def visible_by?(project, user=User.current) visible? || user.admin? end safe_attributes( 'name', 'field_format', 'possible_values', 'regexp', 'min_length', 'max_length', 'is_required', 'is_for_all', 'is_filter', 'position', 'searchable', 'default_value', 'editable', 'visible', 'multiple', 'description', 'role_ids', 'url_pattern', 'text_formatting', 'edit_tag_style', 'user_role', 'version_status', 'extensions_allowed', 'full_width_layout') def copy_from(arg, options={}) return if arg.blank? custom_field = arg.is_a?(CustomField) ? arg : CustomField.find_by(id: arg.to_s) self.attributes = custom_field.attributes.dup.except('id', 'name', 'position') custom_field.enumerations.each do |e| new_enumeration = self.enumerations.build new_enumeration.attributes = e.attributes.except('id') end self.default_value = nil if custom_field.enumerations.any? if %w(IssueCustomField TimeEntryCustomField ProjectCustomField VersionCustomField).include?(self.class.name) self.role_ids = custom_field.role_ids.dup end if self.is_a?(IssueCustomField) self.tracker_ids = custom_field.tracker_ids.dup self.project_ids = custom_field.project_ids.dup end self end def format @format ||= Redmine::FieldFormat.find(field_format) end def field_format=(arg) # cannot change format of a saved custom field if new_record? @format = nil super end end def set_searchable # make sure these fields are not searchable self.searchable = false unless format.class.searchable_supported # make sure only these fields can have multiple values self.multiple = false unless format.class.multiple_supported true end def validate_custom_field format.validate_custom_field(self).each do |attribute, message| errors.add attribute, message end if regexp.present? begin Regexp.new(regexp) rescue errors.add(:regexp, :invalid) end end if default_value.present? validate_field_value(default_value).each do |message| errors.add :default_value, message end end end def possible_custom_value_options(custom_value) format.possible_custom_value_options(custom_value) end def possible_values_options(object=nil) if object.is_a?(Array) object.map {|o| format.possible_values_options(self, o)}.reduce(:&) || [] else format.possible_values_options(self, object) || [] end end def possible_values values = read_attribute(:possible_values) if values.is_a?(Array) values.each do |value| value.to_s.force_encoding('UTF-8') end values else [] end end # Makes possible_values accept a multiline string def possible_values=(arg) if arg.is_a?(Array) values = arg.compact.map {|a| a.to_s.strip}.reject(&:blank?) write_attribute(:possible_values, values) else self.possible_values = arg.to_s.split(/[\n\r]+/) end end def set_custom_field_value(custom_field_value, value) format.set_custom_field_value(self, custom_field_value, value) end def cast_value(value) format.cast_value(self, value) end def value_from_keyword(keyword, customized) format.value_from_keyword(self, keyword, customized) end # Returns the options hash used to build a query filter for the field def query_filter_options(query) format.query_filter_options(self, query) end def totalable? format.totalable_supported end def full_width_layout? full_width_layout == '1' end def full_text_formatting? text_formatting == 'full' end # Returns a ORDER BY clause that can used to sort customized # objects by their value of the custom field. # Returns nil if the custom field can not be used for sorting. def order_statement return nil if multiple? format.order_statement(self) end # Returns a GROUP BY clause that can used to group by custom value # Returns nil if the custom field can not be used for grouping. def group_statement return nil if multiple? format.group_statement(self) end def join_for_order_statement format.join_for_order_statement(self) end def visibility_by_project_condition(project_key=nil, user=User.current, id_column=nil) if visible? || user.admin? "1=1" elsif user.anonymous? "1=0" else project_key ||= "#{self.class.customized_class.table_name}.project_id" id_column ||= id "#{project_key} IN (SELECT DISTINCT m.project_id FROM #{Member.table_name} m" \ " INNER JOIN #{MemberRole.table_name} mr ON mr.member_id = m.id" \ " INNER JOIN #{table_name_prefix}custom_fields_roles#{table_name_suffix} cfr" \ " ON cfr.role_id = mr.role_id" \ " WHERE m.user_id = #{user.id} AND cfr.custom_field_id = #{id_column})" end end def <=>(field) position <=> field.position end # Returns the class that values represent def value_class format.target_class if format.respond_to?(:target_class) end def self.customized_class self.name =~ /^(.+)CustomField$/ $1.constantize rescue nil end # to move in project_custom_field def self.for_all where(:is_for_all => true).order(:position).to_a end def type_name nil end # Returns the error messages for the given value # or an empty array if value is a valid value for the custom field def validate_custom_value(custom_value) value = custom_value.value errs = format.validate_custom_value(custom_value) unless errs.any? if value.is_a?(Array) if !multiple? errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.invalid') end if is_required? && value.detect(&:present?).nil? errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.blank') end else if is_required? && value.blank? errs << ::I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.blank') end end end errs end # Returns the error messages for the default custom field value def validate_field_value(value) validate_custom_value(CustomFieldValue.new(:custom_field => self, :value => value)) end # Returns true if value is a valid value for the custom field def valid_field_value?(value) validate_field_value(value).empty? end def after_save_custom_value(custom_value) format.after_save_custom_value(self, custom_value) end def format_in?(*args) args.include?(field_format) end def self.human_attribute_name(attribute_key_name, *args) attr_name = attribute_key_name.to_s if attr_name == 'url_pattern' attr_name = "url" end super(attr_name, *args) end def css_classes "#{field_format}_cf cf_#{id}" end protected # Removes multiple values for the custom field after setting the multiple attribute to false # We kepp the value with the highest id for each customized object def handle_multiplicity_change if !new_record? && multiple_before_last_save && !multiple ids = custom_values. where( "EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} cve" \ " WHERE cve.custom_field_id = #{CustomValue.table_name}.custom_field_id" \ " AND cve.customized_type = #{CustomValue.table_name}.customized_type" \ " AND cve.customized_id = #{CustomValue.table_name}.customized_id" \ " AND cve.id > #{CustomValue.table_name}.id)" ).pluck(:id) if ids.any? custom_values.where(:id => ids).delete_all end end end end