# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class IssueQuery < Query self.queried_class = Issue self.view_permission = :view_issues self.available_columns = [ QueryColumn.new(:id, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.id", :default_order => 'desc', :caption => '#', :frozen => true), QueryColumn.new(:project, :sortable => "#{Project.table_name}.name", :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:tracker, :sortable => "#{Tracker.table_name}.position", :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:parent, :sortable => ["#{Issue.table_name}.root_id", "#{Issue.table_name}.lft ASC"], :default_order => 'desc', :caption => :field_parent_issue), QueryAssociationColumn.new(:parent, :subject, :caption => :field_parent_issue_subject), QueryColumn.new(:status, :sortable => "#{IssueStatus.table_name}.position", :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:priority, :sortable => "#{IssuePriority.table_name}.position", :default_order => 'desc', :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:subject, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.subject"), QueryColumn.new(:author, :sortable => lambda {User.fields_for_order_statement("authors")}, :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:assigned_to, :sortable => lambda {User.fields_for_order_statement}, :groupable => true), TimestampQueryColumn.new(:updated_on, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.updated_on", :default_order => 'desc', :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:category, :sortable => "#{IssueCategory.table_name}.name", :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:fixed_version, :sortable => lambda {Version.fields_for_order_statement}, :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:start_date, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.start_date", :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:due_date, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.due_date", :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:estimated_hours, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.estimated_hours", :totalable => true), QueryColumn.new( :total_estimated_hours, :sortable => lambda do "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(estimated_hours) FROM #{Issue.table_name} subtasks" \ " WHERE #{Issue.visible_condition(User.current).gsub(/\bissues\b/, 'subtasks')}" \ " AND subtasks.root_id = #{Issue.table_name}.root_id" \ " AND subtasks.lft >= #{Issue.table_name}.lft" \ " AND subtasks.rgt <= #{Issue.table_name}.rgt), 0)" end, :default_order => 'desc'), QueryColumn.new(:done_ratio, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.done_ratio", :groupable => true), TimestampQueryColumn.new(:created_on, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.created_on", :default_order => 'desc', :groupable => true), TimestampQueryColumn.new(:closed_on, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.closed_on", :default_order => 'desc', :groupable => true), QueryColumn.new(:last_updated_by, :sortable => lambda {User.fields_for_order_statement("last_journal_user")}), QueryColumn.new(:relations, :caption => :label_related_issues), QueryColumn.new(:attachments, :caption => :label_attachment_plural), QueryColumn.new(:description, :inline => false), QueryColumn.new(:last_notes, :caption => :label_last_notes, :inline => false) ] has_many :projects, foreign_key: 'default_issue_query_id', dependent: :nullify, inverse_of: 'default_issue_query' after_update { projects.clear unless visibility == VISIBILITY_PUBLIC } scope :for_all_projects, ->{ where(project_id: nil) } def self.default(project: nil, user: User.current) query = nil # user default if user&.logged? && (query_id = user.pref.default_issue_query).present? query = find_by(id: query_id) end # project default query ||= project&.default_issue_query # global default if query.nil? && (query_id = Setting.default_issue_query).present? query = find_by(id: query_id) end query end def initialize(attributes=nil, *args) super attributes self.filters ||= {'status_id' => {:operator => "o", :values => [""]}} end def draw_relations r = options[:draw_relations] r.nil? || r == '1' end def draw_relations=(arg) options[:draw_relations] = (arg == '0' ? '0' : nil) end def draw_progress_line r = options[:draw_progress_line] r == '1' end def draw_progress_line=(arg) options[:draw_progress_line] = (arg == '1' ? '1' : nil) end def draw_selected_columns r = options[:draw_selected_columns] r == '1' end def draw_selected_columns=(arg) options[:draw_selected_columns] = (arg == '1' ? '1' : nil) end def build_from_params(params, defaults={}) super self.draw_relations = params[:draw_relations] || (params[:query] && params[:query][:draw_relations]) || options[:draw_relations] self.draw_progress_line = params[:draw_progress_line] || (params[:query] && params[:query][:draw_progress_line]) || options[:draw_progress_line] self.draw_selected_columns = params[:draw_selected_columns] || (params[:query] && params[:query][:draw_selected_columns]) || options[:draw_progress_line] self end def initialize_available_filters add_available_filter( "status_id", :type => :list_status, :values => lambda {issue_statuses_values} ) add_available_filter( "project_id", :type => :list, :values => lambda {project_values} ) if project.nil? add_available_filter( "tracker_id", :type => :list, :values => trackers.collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s]} ) add_available_filter( "priority_id", :type => :list, :values => IssuePriority.all.collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s]} ) add_available_filter( "author_id", :type => :list, :values => lambda {author_values} ) add_available_filter( "assigned_to_id", :type => :list_optional, :values => lambda {assigned_to_values} ) add_available_filter( "member_of_group", :type => :list_optional, :values => lambda {Group.givable.visible.collect {|g| [g.name, g.id.to_s]}} ) add_available_filter( "assigned_to_role", :type => :list_optional, :values => lambda {Role.givable.collect {|r| [r.name, r.id.to_s]}} ) add_available_filter( "fixed_version_id", :type => :list_optional, :values => lambda {fixed_version_values} ) add_available_filter( "fixed_version.due_date", :type => :date, :name => l(:label_attribute_of_fixed_version, :name => l(:field_effective_date)) ) add_available_filter( "fixed_version.status", :type => :list, :name => l(:label_attribute_of_fixed_version, :name => l(:field_status)), :values => Version::VERSION_STATUSES.map{|s| [l("version_status_#{s}"), s]} ) add_available_filter( "category_id", :type => :list_optional, :values => lambda {project.issue_categories.collect{|s| [s.name, s.id.to_s]}} ) if project add_available_filter "subject", :type => :text add_available_filter "description", :type => :text add_available_filter "notes", :type => :text add_available_filter "created_on", :type => :date_past add_available_filter "updated_on", :type => :date_past add_available_filter "closed_on", :type => :date_past add_available_filter "start_date", :type => :date add_available_filter "due_date", :type => :date add_available_filter "estimated_hours", :type => :float if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_time_entries, project, :global => true) add_available_filter "spent_time", :type => :float, :label => :label_spent_time end add_available_filter "done_ratio", :type => :integer if User.current.allowed_to?(:set_issues_private, nil, :global => true) || User.current.allowed_to?(:set_own_issues_private, nil, :global => true) add_available_filter( "is_private", :type => :list, :values => [[l(:general_text_yes), "1"], [l(:general_text_no), "0"]] ) end add_available_filter( "attachment", :type => :text, :name => l(:label_attachment) ) add_available_filter( "attachment_description", :type => :text, :name => l(:label_attachment_description) ) if User.current.logged? add_available_filter( "watcher_id", :type => :list, :values => lambda {watcher_values} ) end add_available_filter( "updated_by", :type => :list, :values => lambda {author_values} ) add_available_filter( "last_updated_by", :type => :list, :values => lambda {author_values} ) if project && !project.leaf? add_available_filter( "subproject_id", :type => :list_subprojects, :values => lambda {subproject_values} ) end add_available_filter( "project.status", :type => :list, :name => l(:label_attribute_of_project, :name => l(:field_status)), :values => lambda {project_statuses_values} ) if project.nil? || !project.leaf? add_custom_fields_filters(issue_custom_fields) add_associations_custom_fields_filters :project, :author, :assigned_to, :fixed_version IssueRelation::TYPES.each do |relation_type, options| add_available_filter( relation_type, :type => :relation, :label => options[:name], :values => lambda {all_projects_values} ) end add_available_filter "parent_id", :type => :tree, :label => :field_parent_issue add_available_filter "child_id", :type => :tree, :label => :label_subtask_plural add_available_filter "issue_id", :type => :integer, :label => :label_issue Tracker.disabled_core_fields(trackers).each do |field| delete_available_filter field end end def available_columns return @available_columns if @available_columns @available_columns = self.class.available_columns.dup @available_columns += issue_custom_fields.visible.collect {|cf| QueryCustomFieldColumn.new(cf)} if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_time_entries, project, :global => true) # insert the columns after total_estimated_hours or at the end index = @available_columns.find_index {|column| column.name == :total_estimated_hours} index = (index ? index + 1 : -1) subselect = "SELECT SUM(hours) FROM #{TimeEntry.table_name}" + " JOIN #{Project.table_name} ON #{Project.table_name}.id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.project_id" + " WHERE (#{TimeEntry.visible_condition(User.current)}) AND #{TimeEntry.table_name}.issue_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id" @available_columns.insert( index, QueryColumn.new(:spent_hours, :sortable => "COALESCE((#{subselect}), 0)", :default_order => 'desc', :caption => :label_spent_time, :totalable => true) ) subselect = "SELECT SUM(hours) FROM #{TimeEntry.table_name}" + " JOIN #{Project.table_name} ON #{Project.table_name}.id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.project_id" + " JOIN #{Issue.table_name} subtasks ON subtasks.id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.issue_id" + " WHERE (#{TimeEntry.visible_condition(User.current)})" + " AND subtasks.root_id = #{Issue.table_name}.root_id AND subtasks.lft >= #{Issue.table_name}.lft AND subtasks.rgt <= #{Issue.table_name}.rgt" @available_columns.insert( index + 1, QueryColumn.new(:total_spent_hours, :sortable => "COALESCE((#{subselect}), 0)", :default_order => 'desc', :caption => :label_total_spent_time) ) end if User.current.allowed_to?(:set_issues_private, nil, :global => true) || User.current.allowed_to?(:set_own_issues_private, nil, :global => true) @available_columns << QueryColumn.new(:is_private, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.is_private", :groupable => true) end disabled_fields = Tracker.disabled_core_fields(trackers).map {|field| field.sub(/_id$/, '')} disabled_fields << "total_estimated_hours" if disabled_fields.include?("estimated_hours") @available_columns.reject! do |column| disabled_fields.include?(column.name.to_s) end @available_columns end def default_columns_names @default_columns_names ||= begin default_columns = Setting.issue_list_default_columns.map(&:to_sym) project.present? ? default_columns : [:project] | default_columns end end def default_totalable_names Setting.issue_list_default_totals.map(&:to_sym) end def default_sort_criteria [['id', 'desc']] end def base_scope Issue.visible.joins(:status, :project).where(statement) end # Returns the issue count def issue_count base_scope.count rescue ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e raise StatementInvalid.new(e.message) end # Returns sum of all the issue's estimated_hours def total_for_estimated_hours(scope) map_total(scope.sum(:estimated_hours)) {|t| t.to_f.round(2)} end # Returns sum of all the issue's time entries hours def total_for_spent_hours(scope) total = scope.joins(:time_entries). where(TimeEntry.visible_condition(User.current)). sum("#{TimeEntry.table_name}.hours") map_total(total) {|t| t.to_f.round(2)} end # Returns the issues # Valid options are :order, :offset, :limit, :include, :conditions def issues(options={}) order_option = [group_by_sort_order, (options[:order] || sort_clause)].flatten.reject(&:blank?) # The default order of IssueQuery is issues.id DESC(by IssueQuery#default_sort_criteria) unless ["#{Issue.table_name}.id ASC", "#{Issue.table_name}.id DESC"].any?{|i| order_option.include?(i)} order_option << "#{Issue.table_name}.id DESC" end scope = base_scope. preload(:priority). includes(([:status, :project] + (options[:include] || [])).uniq). where(options[:conditions]). order(order_option). joins(joins_for_order_statement(order_option.join(','))). limit(options[:limit]). offset(options[:offset]) scope = scope.preload( [:tracker, :author, :assigned_to, :fixed_version, :category, :attachments] & columns.map(&:name) ) if has_custom_field_column? scope = scope.preload(:custom_values) end issues = scope.to_a if has_column?(:spent_hours) Issue.load_visible_spent_hours(issues) end if has_column?(:total_spent_hours) Issue.load_visible_total_spent_hours(issues) end if has_column?(:last_updated_by) Issue.load_visible_last_updated_by(issues) end if has_column?(:relations) Issue.load_visible_relations(issues) end if has_column?(:last_notes) Issue.load_visible_last_notes(issues) end issues rescue ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e raise StatementInvalid.new(e.message) end # Returns the issues ids def issue_ids(options={}) order_option = [group_by_sort_order, (options[:order] || sort_clause)].flatten.reject(&:blank?) # The default order of IssueQuery is issues.id DESC(by IssueQuery#default_sort_criteria) unless ["#{Issue.table_name}.id ASC", "#{Issue.table_name}.id DESC"].any?{|i| order_option.include?(i)} order_option << "#{Issue.table_name}.id DESC" end base_scope. includes(([:status, :project] + (options[:include] || [])).uniq). references(([:status, :project] + (options[:include] || [])).uniq). where(options[:conditions]). order(order_option). joins(joins_for_order_statement(order_option.join(','))). limit(options[:limit]). offset(options[:offset]). pluck(:id) rescue ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e raise StatementInvalid.new(e.message) end # Returns the journals # Valid options are :order, :offset, :limit def journals(options={}) Journal.visible. joins(:issue => [:project, :status]). where(statement). order(options[:order]). limit(options[:limit]). offset(options[:offset]). preload(:details, :user, {:issue => [:project, :author, :tracker, :status]}). to_a rescue ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e raise StatementInvalid.new(e.message) end # Returns the versions # Valid options are :conditions def versions(options={}) Version.visible. where(project_statement). where(options[:conditions]). includes(:project). references(:project). to_a rescue ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e raise StatementInvalid.new(e.message) end def sql_for_notes_field(field, operator, value) subquery = "SELECT 1 FROM #{Journal.table_name}" + " WHERE #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_type='Issue' AND #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_id=#{Issue.table_name}.id" + " AND (#{sql_for_field field, operator.sub(/^!/, ''), value, Journal.table_name, 'notes'})" + " AND (#{Journal.visible_notes_condition(User.current, :skip_pre_condition => true)})" "#{/^!/.match?(operator) ? "NOT EXISTS" : "EXISTS"} (#{subquery})" end def sql_for_updated_by_field(field, operator, value) neg = (operator == '!' ? 'NOT' : '') subquery = "SELECT 1 FROM #{Journal.table_name}" + " WHERE #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_type='Issue' AND #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_id=#{Issue.table_name}.id" + " AND (#{sql_for_field field, '=', value, Journal.table_name, 'user_id'})" + " AND (#{Journal.visible_notes_condition(User.current, :skip_pre_condition => true)})" "#{neg} EXISTS (#{subquery})" end def sql_for_last_updated_by_field(field, operator, value) neg = (operator == '!' ? 'NOT' : '') subquery = "SELECT 1 FROM #{Journal.table_name} sj" + " WHERE sj.journalized_type='Issue' AND sj.journalized_id=#{Issue.table_name}.id AND (#{sql_for_field field, '=', value, 'sj', 'user_id'})" + " AND sj.id IN (SELECT MAX(#{Journal.table_name}.id) FROM #{Journal.table_name}" + " WHERE #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_type='Issue' AND #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_id=#{Issue.table_name}.id" + " AND (#{Journal.visible_notes_condition(User.current, :skip_pre_condition => true)}))" "#{neg} EXISTS (#{subquery})" end def sql_for_spent_time_field(field, operator, value) first, second = value.first.to_f, value.second.to_f sql_op = case operator when "=", ">=", "<=" then "#{operator} #{first}" when "><" then "BETWEEN #{first} AND #{second}" when "*" then "> 0" when "!*" then "= 0" else return nil end "COALESCE((" + "SELECT ROUND(CAST(SUM(hours) AS DECIMAL(30,3)), 2) " + "FROM #{TimeEntry.table_name} " + "WHERE issue_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id), 0) #{sql_op}" end def sql_for_watcher_id_field(field, operator, value) db_table = Watcher.table_name me, others = value.partition {|id| ['0', User.current.id.to_s].include?(id)} sql = if others.any? "SELECT #{Issue.table_name}.id FROM #{Issue.table_name} " + "INNER JOIN #{db_table} ON #{Issue.table_name}.id = #{db_table}.watchable_id AND #{db_table}.watchable_type = 'Issue' " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Project.table_name} ON #{Project.table_name}.id = #{Issue.table_name}.project_id " + "WHERE (" + sql_for_field(field, '=', me, db_table, 'user_id') + ') OR (' + Project.allowed_to_condition(User.current, :view_issue_watchers) + ' AND ' + sql_for_field(field, '=', others, db_table, 'user_id') + ')' else "SELECT #{db_table}.watchable_id FROM #{db_table} " + "WHERE #{db_table}.watchable_type='Issue' AND " + sql_for_field(field, '=', me, db_table, 'user_id') end "#{Issue.table_name}.id #{ operator == '=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN' } (#{sql})" end def sql_for_member_of_group_field(field, operator, value) if operator == '*' # Any group groups = Group.givable operator = '=' # Override the operator since we want to find by assigned_to elsif operator == "!*" groups = Group.givable operator = '!' # Override the operator since we want to find by assigned_to else groups = Group.where(:id => value).to_a end groups ||= [] members_of_groups = groups.inject([]) do |user_ids, group| user_ids + group.user_ids + [group.id] end.uniq.compact.sort.collect(&:to_s) '(' + sql_for_field("assigned_to_id", operator, members_of_groups, Issue.table_name, "assigned_to_id", false) + ')' end def sql_for_assigned_to_role_field(field, operator, value) case operator when "*", "!*" # Member / Not member sw = operator == "!*" ? 'NOT' : '' nl = operator == "!*" ? "#{Issue.table_name}.assigned_to_id IS NULL OR" : '' "(#{nl} #{Issue.table_name}.assigned_to_id #{sw} IN (SELECT DISTINCT #{Member.table_name}.user_id FROM #{Member.table_name}" + " WHERE #{Member.table_name}.project_id = #{Issue.table_name}.project_id))" when "=", "!" role_cond = if value.any? "#{MemberRole.table_name}.role_id IN (" + value.collect{|val| "'#{self.class.connection.quote_string(val)}'"}.join(",") + ")" else "1=0" end sw = operator == "!" ? 'NOT' : '' nl = operator == "!" ? "#{Issue.table_name}.assigned_to_id IS NULL OR" : '' "(#{nl} #{Issue.table_name}.assigned_to_id #{sw} IN (SELECT DISTINCT #{Member.table_name}.user_id FROM #{Member.table_name}, #{MemberRole.table_name}" + " WHERE #{Member.table_name}.project_id = #{Issue.table_name}.project_id AND #{Member.table_name}.id = #{MemberRole.table_name}.member_id AND #{role_cond}))" end end def sql_for_fixed_version_status_field(field, operator, value) where = sql_for_field(field, operator, value, Version.table_name, "status") version_id_scope = project ? project.shared_versions : Version.visible version_ids = version_id_scope.where(where).pluck(:id) nl = operator == "!" ? "#{Issue.table_name}.fixed_version_id IS NULL OR" : '' "(#{nl} #{sql_for_field("fixed_version_id", "=", version_ids, Issue.table_name, "fixed_version_id")})" end def sql_for_fixed_version_due_date_field(field, operator, value) where = sql_for_field(field, operator, value, Version.table_name, "effective_date") version_id_scope = project ? project.shared_versions : Version.visible version_ids = version_id_scope.where(where).pluck(:id) nl = operator == "!*" ? "#{Issue.table_name}.fixed_version_id IS NULL OR" : '' "(#{nl} #{sql_for_field("fixed_version_id", "=", version_ids, Issue.table_name, "fixed_version_id")})" end def sql_for_is_private_field(field, operator, value) op = (operator == "=" ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN') va = value.map do |v| v == '0' ? self.class.connection.quoted_false : self.class.connection.quoted_true end.uniq.join(',') "#{Issue.table_name}.is_private #{op} (#{va})" end def sql_for_attachment_field(field, operator, value) case operator when "*", "!*" e = (operator == "*" ? "EXISTS" : "NOT EXISTS") "#{e} (SELECT 1 FROM #{Attachment.table_name} a WHERE a.container_type = 'Issue' AND a.container_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id)" when "~", "!~" c = sql_contains("a.filename", value.first) e = (operator == "~" ? "EXISTS" : "NOT EXISTS") "#{e} (SELECT 1 FROM #{Attachment.table_name} a WHERE a.container_type = 'Issue' AND a.container_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id AND #{c})" when "^", "$" c = sql_contains("a.filename", value.first, (operator == "^" ? :starts_with : :ends_with) => true) "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #{Attachment.table_name} a WHERE a.container_type = 'Issue' AND a.container_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id AND #{c})" end end def sql_for_attachment_description_field(field, operator, value) cond_description = "a.description IS NOT NULL AND a.description <> ''" c = case operator when '*', '!*' (operator == '*' ? cond_description : "NOT (#{cond_description})") when '~', '!~' (operator == '~' ? '' : "#{cond_description} AND ") + sql_contains('a.description', value.first, :match => (operator == '~')) when '^', '$' sql_contains('a.description', value.first, (operator == '^' ? :starts_with : :ends_with) => true) else '1=0' end "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #{Attachment.table_name} a WHERE a.container_type = 'Issue' AND a.container_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id AND #{c})" end def sql_for_parent_id_field(field, operator, value) case operator when "=" # accepts a comma separated list of ids ids = value.first.to_s.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i).uniq if ids.present? "#{Issue.table_name}.parent_id IN (#{ids.join(",")})" else "1=0" end when "~" root_id, lft, rgt = Issue.where(:id => value.first.to_i).pick(:root_id, :lft, :rgt) if root_id && lft && rgt "#{Issue.table_name}.root_id = #{root_id} AND #{Issue.table_name}.lft > #{lft} AND #{Issue.table_name}.rgt < #{rgt}" else "1=0" end when "!*" "#{Issue.table_name}.parent_id IS NULL" when "*" "#{Issue.table_name}.parent_id IS NOT NULL" end end def sql_for_child_id_field(field, operator, value) case operator when "=" # accepts a comma separated list of child ids child_ids = value.first.to_s.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i).uniq ids = Issue.where(:id => child_ids).pluck(:parent_id).compact.uniq if ids.present? "#{Issue.table_name}.id IN (#{ids.join(",")})" else "1=0" end when "~" root_id, lft, rgt = Issue.where(:id => value.first.to_i).pick(:root_id, :lft, :rgt) if root_id && lft && rgt "#{Issue.table_name}.root_id = #{root_id} AND #{Issue.table_name}.lft < #{lft} AND #{Issue.table_name}.rgt > #{rgt}" else "1=0" end when "!*" "#{Issue.table_name}.rgt - #{Issue.table_name}.lft = 1" when "*" "#{Issue.table_name}.rgt - #{Issue.table_name}.lft > 1" end end def sql_for_updated_on_field(field, operator, value) case operator when "!*" "#{Issue.table_name}.updated_on = #{Issue.table_name}.created_on" when "*" "#{Issue.table_name}.updated_on > #{Issue.table_name}.created_on" else sql_for_field("updated_on", operator, value, Issue.table_name, "updated_on") end end def sql_for_issue_id_field(field, operator, value) if operator == "=" # accepts a comma separated list of ids ids = value.first.to_s.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i) if ids.present? "#{Issue.table_name}.id IN (#{ids.join(",")})" else "1=0" end else sql_for_field("id", operator, value, Issue.table_name, "id") end end def sql_for_relations(field, operator, value, options={}) relation_options = IssueRelation::TYPES[field] return relation_options unless relation_options relation_type = field join_column, target_join_column = "issue_from_id", "issue_to_id" if relation_options[:reverse] || options[:reverse] relation_type = relation_options[:reverse] || relation_type join_column, target_join_column = target_join_column, join_column end sql = case operator when "*", "!*" op = (operator == "*" ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN') "#{Issue.table_name}.id #{op}" \ " (SELECT DISTINCT #{IssueRelation.table_name}.#{join_column}" \ " FROM #{IssueRelation.table_name}" \ " WHERE #{IssueRelation.table_name}.relation_type =" \ " '#{self.class.connection.quote_string(relation_type)}')" when "=", "!" op = (operator == "=" ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN') "#{Issue.table_name}.id #{op}" \ " (SELECT DISTINCT #{IssueRelation.table_name}.#{join_column}" \ " FROM #{IssueRelation.table_name}" \ " WHERE #{IssueRelation.table_name}.relation_type =" \ " '#{self.class.connection.quote_string(relation_type)}'" \ " AND #{IssueRelation.table_name}.#{target_join_column} = #{value.first.to_i})" when "=p", "=!p", "!p" op = (operator == "!p" ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN') comp = (operator == "=!p" ? '<>' : '=') "#{Issue.table_name}.id #{op}" \ " (SELECT DISTINCT #{IssueRelation.table_name}.#{join_column}" \ " FROM #{IssueRelation.table_name}, #{Issue.table_name} relissues" \ " WHERE #{IssueRelation.table_name}.relation_type =" \ " '#{self.class.connection.quote_string(relation_type)}'" \ " AND #{IssueRelation.table_name}.#{target_join_column} = relissues.id" \ " AND relissues.project_id #{comp} #{value.first.to_i})" when "*o", "!o" op = (operator == "!o" ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN') "#{Issue.table_name}.id #{op}" \ " (SELECT DISTINCT #{IssueRelation.table_name}.#{join_column}" \ " FROM #{IssueRelation.table_name}, #{Issue.table_name} relissues" \ " WHERE #{IssueRelation.table_name}.relation_type =" \ " '#{self.class.connection.quote_string(relation_type)}'" \ " AND #{IssueRelation.table_name}.#{target_join_column} = relissues.id" \ " AND relissues.status_id IN" \ " (SELECT id FROM #{IssueStatus.table_name}" \ " WHERE is_closed = #{self.class.connection.quoted_false}))" end if relation_options[:sym] == field && !options[:reverse] sqls = [sql, sql_for_relations(field, operator, value, :reverse => true)] sql = sqls.join(["!", "!*", "!p", '!o'].include?(operator) ? " AND " : " OR ") end "(#{sql})" end def sql_for_project_status_field(field, operator, value, options={}) sql_for_field(field, operator, value, Project.table_name, "status") end def find_assigned_to_id_filter_values(values) Principal.visible.where(:id => values).map {|p| [p.name, p.id.to_s]} end alias :find_author_id_filter_values :find_assigned_to_id_filter_values IssueRelation::TYPES.each_key do |relation_type| alias_method "sql_for_#{relation_type}_field".to_sym, :sql_for_relations end def joins_for_order_statement(order_options) joins = [super] if order_options if order_options.include?('authors') joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{User.table_name} authors ON authors.id = #{queried_table_name}.author_id" end if order_options.include?('users') joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{User.table_name} ON #{User.table_name}.id = #{queried_table_name}.assigned_to_id" end if order_options.include?('last_journal_user') joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Journal.table_name}" \ " ON #{Journal.table_name}.id = (SELECT MAX(#{Journal.table_name}.id)" \ " FROM #{Journal.table_name}" \ " WHERE #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_type = 'Issue'" \ " AND #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id " \ " AND #{Journal.visible_notes_condition(User.current, :skip_pre_condition => true)})" \ " LEFT OUTER JOIN #{User.table_name} last_journal_user" \ " ON last_journal_user.id = #{Journal.table_name}.user_id" end if order_options.include?('versions') joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Version.table_name}" \ " ON #{Version.table_name}.id = #{queried_table_name}.fixed_version_id" end if order_options.include?('issue_categories') joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{IssueCategory.table_name}" \ " ON #{IssueCategory.table_name}.id = #{queried_table_name}.category_id" end if order_options.include?('trackers') joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Tracker.table_name}" \ " ON #{Tracker.table_name}.id = #{queried_table_name}.tracker_id" end if order_options.include?('enumerations') joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{IssuePriority.table_name}" \ " ON #{IssuePriority.table_name}.id = #{queried_table_name}.priority_id" end end joins.any? ? joins.join(' ') : nil end end