# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class MailHandler < ActionMailer::Base include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include Redmine::I18n class UnauthorizedAction < StandardError; end class NotAllowedInProject < UnauthorizedAction; end class InsufficientPermissions < UnauthorizedAction; end class LockedTopic < UnauthorizedAction; end class MissingInformation < StandardError; end class MissingContainer < StandardError; end attr_reader :email, :user, :handler_options def self.receive(raw_mail, options={}) options = options.deep_dup options[:issue] ||= {} options[:allow_override] ||= [] if options[:allow_override].is_a?(String) options[:allow_override] = options[:allow_override].split(',') end options[:allow_override].map! {|s| s.strip.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '_')} # Project needs to be overridable if not specified options[:allow_override] << 'project' unless options[:issue].has_key?(:project) options[:no_account_notice] = (options[:no_account_notice].to_s == '1') options[:no_notification] = (options[:no_notification].to_s == '1') options[:no_permission_check] = (options[:no_permission_check].to_s == '1') ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("receive.action_mailer") do |payload| mail = Mail.new(raw_mail.b) set_payload_for_mail(payload, mail) new.receive(mail, options) end end # Receives an email and rescues any exception def self.safe_receive(*args) receive(*args) rescue => e Rails.logger.error "MailHandler: an unexpected error occurred when receiving email: #{e.message}" return false end # Extracts MailHandler options from environment variables # Use when receiving emails with rake tasks def self.extract_options_from_env(env) options = {:issue => {}} %w(project status tracker category priority assigned_to fixed_version).each do |option| options[:issue][option.to_sym] = env[option] if env[option] end %w(allow_override unknown_user no_permission_check no_account_notice no_notification default_group project_from_subaddress).each do |option| options[option.to_sym] = env[option] if env[option] end if env['private'] options[:issue][:is_private] = '1' end options end def logger Rails.logger end cattr_accessor :ignored_emails_headers self.ignored_emails_headers = { 'Auto-Submitted' => /\Aauto-(replied|generated)/, 'X-Autoreply' => 'yes' } # Processes incoming emails # Returns the created object (eg. an issue, a message) or false def receive(email, options={}) @email = email @handler_options = options sender_email = email.from.to_a.first.to_s.strip # Ignore emails received from the application emission address to avoid hell cycles emission_address = Setting.mail_from.to_s.gsub(/(?:.*<|>.*|\(.*\))/, '').strip if sender_email.casecmp(emission_address) == 0 logger&.info "MailHandler: ignoring email from Redmine emission address [#{sender_email}]" return false end # Ignore auto generated emails self.class.ignored_emails_headers.each do |key, ignored_value| value = email.header[key] if value value = value.to_s.downcase if (ignored_value.is_a?(Regexp) && ignored_value.match?(value)) || value == ignored_value logger&.info "MailHandler: ignoring email with #{key}:#{value} header" return false end end end @user = User.find_by_mail(sender_email) if sender_email.present? if @user && !@user.active? logger&.info "MailHandler: ignoring email from non-active user [#{@user.login}]" return false end if @user.nil? # Email was submitted by an unknown user case handler_options[:unknown_user] when 'accept' @user = User.anonymous when 'create' @user = create_user_from_email if @user logger&.info "MailHandler: [#{@user.login}] account created" add_user_to_group(handler_options[:default_group]) unless handler_options[:no_account_notice] ::Mailer.deliver_account_information(@user, @user.password) end else logger&.error "MailHandler: could not create account for [#{sender_email}]" return false end else # Default behaviour, emails from unknown users are ignored logger&.info "MailHandler: ignoring email from unknown user [#{sender_email}]" return false end end User.current = @user dispatch end private MESSAGE_ID_RE = %r{^ e # TODO: send a email to the user logger&.error "MailHandler: #{e.message}" false rescue MissingInformation => e logger&.error "MailHandler: missing information from #{user}: #{e.message}" false rescue MissingContainer => e logger&.error "MailHandler: reply to nonexistant object from #{user}: #{e.message}" false rescue UnauthorizedAction => e logger&.error "MailHandler: unauthorized attempt from #{user}: #{e.message}" false end def dispatch_to_default receive_issue end # Creates a new issue def receive_issue project = target_project # Never receive emails to projects where adding issues is not possible raise NotAllowedInProject, "not possible to add issues to project [#{project.name}]" unless project.allows_to?(:add_issues) # check permission unless handler_options[:no_permission_check] raise InsufficientPermissions, "not allowed to add issues to project [#{project.name}]" unless user.allowed_to?(:add_issues, project) end issue = Issue.new(:author => user, :project => project) attributes = issue_attributes_from_keywords(issue) if handler_options[:no_permission_check] issue.tracker_id = attributes['tracker_id'] if project issue.tracker_id ||= project.trackers.first.try(:id) end end issue.safe_attributes = attributes issue.safe_attributes = {'custom_field_values' => custom_field_values_from_keywords(issue)} issue.subject = cleaned_up_subject if issue.subject.blank? issue.subject = "(#{ll(Setting.default_language, :text_no_subject)})" end issue.description = cleaned_up_text_body issue.start_date ||= User.current.today if Setting.default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date? if handler_options[:issue][:is_private] == '1' issue.is_private = true end # add To and Cc as watchers before saving so the watchers can reply to Redmine add_watchers(issue) issue.save! add_attachments(issue) logger&.info "MailHandler: issue ##{issue.id} created by #{user}" issue end # Adds a note to an existing issue def receive_issue_reply(issue_id, from_journal=nil) issue = Issue.find_by(:id => issue_id) if issue.nil? raise MissingContainer, "reply to nonexistant issue [##{issue_id}]" end # Never receive emails to projects where adding issue notes is not possible project = issue.project raise NotAllowedInProject, "not possible to add notes to project [#{project.name}]" unless project.allows_to?(:add_issue_notes) # check permission unless handler_options[:no_permission_check] unless issue.notes_addable? raise InsufficientPermissions, "not allowed to add notes on issues to project [#{issue.project.name}]" end end # ignore CLI-supplied defaults for new issues handler_options[:issue] = {} journal = issue.init_journal(user) if from_journal && from_journal.private_notes? # If the received email was a reply to a private note, make the added note private issue.private_notes = true end issue.safe_attributes = issue_attributes_from_keywords(issue) issue.safe_attributes = {'custom_field_values' => custom_field_values_from_keywords(issue)} journal.notes = cleaned_up_text_body # add To and Cc as watchers before saving so the watchers can reply to Redmine add_watchers(issue) issue.save! add_attachments(issue) logger&.info "MailHandler: issue ##{issue.id} updated by #{user}" journal end # Reply will be added to the issue def receive_journal_reply(journal_id) journal = Journal.find_by(:id => journal_id) if journal && journal.journalized_type == 'Issue' receive_issue_reply(journal.journalized_id, journal) elsif m = email.subject.to_s.match(ISSUE_REPLY_SUBJECT_RE) logger&.info "MailHandler: reply to a nonexistant journal, calling receive_issue_reply with issue from subject" receive_issue_reply(m[1].to_i) else raise MissingContainer, "reply to nonexistant journal [#{journal_id}]" end end # Receives a reply to a forum message def receive_message_reply(message_id) message = Message.find_by(:id => message_id)&.root if message.nil? raise MissingContainer, "reply to nonexistant message [#{message_id}]" end # Never receive emails to projects where adding messages is not possible project = message.project raise NotAllowedInProject, "not possible to add messages to project [#{project.name}]" unless project.allows_to?(:add_messages) unless handler_options[:no_permission_check] raise InsufficientPermissions, "not allowed to add messages to project [#{message.project.name}]" unless user.allowed_to?(:add_messages, message.project) end if !message.locked? reply = Message.new(:subject => cleaned_up_subject.gsub(%r{^.*msg\d+\]}, '').strip, :content => cleaned_up_text_body) reply.author = user reply.board = message.board message.children << reply add_attachments(reply) reply else raise LockedTopic, "ignoring reply to a locked message [#{message.id} #{message.subject}]" end end # Receives a reply to a news entry def receive_news_reply(news_id) news = News.find_by_id(news_id) if news.nil? raise MissingContainer, "reply to nonexistant news [#{news_id}]" end # Never receive emails to projects where adding news comments is not possible project = news.project raise NotAllowedInProject, "not possible to add news comments to project [#{project.name}]" unless project.allows_to?(:comment_news) unless handler_options[:no_permission_check] unless news.commentable?(user) raise InsufficientPermissions, "not allowed to comment on news item [#{news.id} #{news.title}]" end end comment = news.comments.new comment.author = user comment.comments = cleaned_up_text_body comment.save! comment end # Receives a reply to a comment to a news entry def receive_comment_reply(comment_id) comment = Comment.find_by_id(comment_id) if comment && comment.commented_type == 'News' receive_news_reply(comment.commented.id) else raise MissingContainer, "reply to nonexistant comment [#{comment_id}]" end end def add_attachments(obj) if email.attachments && email.attachments.any? email.attachments.each do |attachment| next unless accept_attachment?(attachment) next unless attachment.body.decoded.size > 0 obj.attachments << Attachment.create(:container => obj, :file => attachment.body.decoded, :filename => attachment.filename, :author => user, :content_type => attachment.mime_type) end end end # Returns false if the +attachment+ of the incoming email should be ignored def accept_attachment?(attachment) @excluded ||= Setting.mail_handler_excluded_filenames.to_s.split(',').map(&:strip).reject(&:blank?) @excluded.each do |pattern| if Setting.mail_handler_enable_regex_excluded_filenames? regexp = %r{\A#{pattern}\z}i else regexp = %r{\A#{Regexp.escape(pattern).gsub("\\*", ".*")}\z}i end if regexp.match?(attachment.filename.to_s) logger.info "MailHandler: ignoring attachment #{attachment.filename} matching #{pattern}" return false end end true end # Adds To and Cc as watchers of the given object if the sender has the # appropriate permission def add_watchers(obj) if handler_options[:no_permission_check] || user.allowed_to?("add_#{obj.class.name.underscore}_watchers".to_sym, obj.project) addresses = [email.to, email.cc].flatten.compact.uniq.collect {|a| a.strip.downcase} unless addresses.empty? users = User.active.having_mail(addresses).to_a users -= obj.watcher_users users.each do |u| obj.add_watcher(u) end end end end def get_keyword(attr, options={}) @keywords ||= {} if @keywords.has_key?(attr) @keywords[attr] else @keywords[attr] = begin override = if options.key?(:override) options[:override] else (handler_options[:allow_override] & [attr.to_s.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '_'), 'all']).present? end if override && (v = extract_keyword!(cleaned_up_text_body, attr, options[:format])) v elsif handler_options[:issue][attr].present? handler_options[:issue][attr] end end end end # Destructively extracts the value for +attr+ in +text+ # Returns nil if no matching keyword found def extract_keyword!(text, attr, format=nil) keys = [attr.to_s.humanize] if attr.is_a?(Symbol) if user && user.language.present? keys << l("field_#{attr}", :default => '', :locale => user.language) end if Setting.default_language.present? keys << l("field_#{attr}", :default => '', :locale => Setting.default_language) end end keys.reject! {|k| k.blank?} keys.collect! {|k| Regexp.escape(k)} format ||= '.+' keyword = nil regexp = /^(#{keys.join('|')})[ \t]*:[ \t]*(#{format})\s*$/i if m = text.match(regexp) keyword = m[2].strip text.sub!(regexp, '') end keyword end def get_project_from_receiver_addresses local, domain = handler_options[:project_from_subaddress].to_s.split("@") return nil unless local && domain local = Regexp.escape(local) [:to, :cc, :bcc].each do |field| header = @email[field] next if header.blank? || header.field.blank? || !header.field.respond_to?(:addrs) header.field.addrs.each do |addr| if addr.domain.to_s.casecmp(domain)==0 && addr.local.to_s =~ /\A#{local}\+([^+]+)\z/ if project = Project.find_by_identifier($1) return project end end end end nil end def target_project # TODO: other ways to specify project: # * parse the email To field # * specific project (eg. Setting.mail_handler_target_project) target = get_project_from_receiver_addresses target ||= Project.find_by_identifier(get_keyword(:project)) if target.nil? # Invalid project keyword, use the project specified as the default one default_project = handler_options[:issue][:project] if default_project.present? target = Project.find_by_identifier(default_project) end end raise MissingInformation, 'Unable to determine target project' if target.nil? target end # Returns a Hash of issue attributes extracted from keywords in the email body def issue_attributes_from_keywords(issue) attrs = { 'tracker_id' => (k = get_keyword(:tracker)) && issue.project.trackers.named(k).first.try(:id), 'status_id' => (k = get_keyword(:status)) && IssueStatus.named(k).first.try(:id), 'priority_id' => (k = get_keyword(:priority)) && IssuePriority.named(k).first.try(:id), 'category_id' => (k = get_keyword(:category)) && issue.project.issue_categories.named(k).first.try(:id), 'assigned_to_id' => (k = get_keyword(:assigned_to)) && find_assignee_from_keyword(k, issue).try(:id), 'fixed_version_id' => (k = get_keyword(:fixed_version)) && issue.project.shared_versions.named(k).first.try(:id), 'start_date' => get_keyword(:start_date, :format => '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'), 'due_date' => get_keyword(:due_date, :format => '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'), 'estimated_hours' => get_keyword(:estimated_hours), 'done_ratio' => get_keyword(:done_ratio, :format => '(\d|10)?0'), 'is_private' => get_keyword_bool(:is_private), 'parent_issue_id' => get_keyword(:parent_issue) }.delete_if {|k, v| v.blank?} attrs end def get_keyword_bool(attr) true_values = ["1"] false_values = ["0"] locales = [Setting.default_language] if user locales << user.language end locales.select(&:present?).each do |locale| true_values << l("general_text_yes", :default => '', :locale => locale) true_values << l("general_text_Yes", :default => '', :locale => locale) false_values << l("general_text_no", :default => '', :locale => locale) false_values << l("general_text_No", :default => '', :locale => locale) end values = (true_values + false_values).select(&:present?) format = Regexp.union values if value = get_keyword(attr, :format => format) if true_values.include?(value) return true elsif false_values.include?(value) return false end end nil end # Returns a Hash of issue custom field values extracted from keywords in the email body def custom_field_values_from_keywords(customized) customized.custom_field_values.inject({}) do |h, v| if keyword = get_keyword(v.custom_field.name) h[v.custom_field.id.to_s] = v.custom_field.value_from_keyword(keyword, customized) end h end end # Returns the text content of the email. # If the value of Setting.mail_handler_preferred_body_part is 'html', # it returns text converted from the text/html part of the email. # Otherwise, it returns text/plain part. def plain_text_body return @plain_text_body unless @plain_text_body.nil? parse_order = if Setting.mail_handler_preferred_body_part == 'html' ['text/html', 'text/plain'] else ['text/plain', 'text/html'] end parse_order.each do |mime_type| @plain_text_body ||= email_parts_to_text(email.all_parts.select {|p| p.mime_type == mime_type}).presence return @plain_text_body unless @plain_text_body.nil? end # If there is still no body found, and there are no mime-parts defined, # we use the whole raw mail body @plain_text_body ||= email_parts_to_text([email]).presence if email.all_parts.empty? # As a fallback we return an empty plain text body (e.g. if we have only # empty text parts but a non-text attachment) @plain_text_body ||= "" end def email_parts_to_text(parts) parts.reject! do |part| part.attachment? end parts.map do |p| body_charset = Mail::Utilities.pick_encoding(p.charset).to_s body = Redmine::CodesetUtil.to_utf8(p.body.decoded, body_charset) # convert html parts to text p.mime_type == 'text/html' ? self.class.html_body_to_text(body) : self.class.plain_text_body_to_text(body) end.join("\r\n") end def cleaned_up_text_body @cleaned_up_text_body ||= cleanup_body(plain_text_body) end def cleaned_up_subject subject = email.subject.to_s subject.strip[0, 255] end def self.assign_string_attribute_with_limit(object, attribute, value, limit=nil) limit ||= object.class.columns_hash[attribute.to_s].limit || 255 value = value.to_s.slice(0, limit) object.send("#{attribute}=", value) end private_class_method :assign_string_attribute_with_limit # Singleton class method is public class << self # Converts a HTML email body to text def html_body_to_text(html) Redmine::WikiFormatting.html_parser.to_text(html) end # Converts a plain/text email body to text def plain_text_body_to_text(text) # Removes leading spaces that would cause the line to be rendered as # preformatted text with textile text.gsub(/^ +(?![*#])/, '') end # Returns a User from an email address and a full name def new_user_from_attributes(email_address, fullname=nil) user = User.new # Truncating the email address would result in an invalid format user.mail = email_address assign_string_attribute_with_limit(user, 'login', email_address, User::LOGIN_LENGTH_LIMIT) names = fullname.blank? ? email_address.gsub(/@.*$/, '').split('.') : fullname.split assign_string_attribute_with_limit(user, 'firstname', names.shift, 30) assign_string_attribute_with_limit(user, 'lastname', names.join(' '), 30) user.lastname = '-' if user.lastname.blank? user.language = Setting.default_language user.generate_password = true user.mail_notification = 'only_my_events' unless user.valid? user.login = "user#{Redmine::Utils.random_hex(6)}" unless user.errors[:login].blank? user.firstname = "-" unless user.errors[:firstname].blank? (puts user.errors[:lastname]; user.lastname = "-") unless user.errors[:lastname].blank? end user end end # Creates a User for the +email+ sender # Returns the user or nil if it could not be created def create_user_from_email if from_addr = email.header['from'].try(:addrs).to_a.first addr = from_addr.address name = from_addr.display_name || from_addr.comments.to_a.first user = self.class.new_user_from_attributes(addr, name) if handler_options[:no_notification] user.mail_notification = 'none' end if user.save user else logger&.error "MailHandler: failed to create User: #{user.errors.full_messages}" nil end else logger&.error "MailHandler: failed to create User: no FROM address found" nil end end # Adds the newly created user to default group def add_user_to_group(default_group) if default_group.present? default_group.split(',').each do |group_name| if group = Group.named(group_name).first group.users << @user elsif logger logger.warn "MailHandler: could not add user to [#{group_name}], group not found" end end end end # Removes the email body of text after the truncation configurations. def cleanup_body(body) delimiters = Setting.mail_handler_body_delimiters.to_s.split(/[\r\n]+/).reject(&:blank?) if Setting.mail_handler_enable_regex_delimiters? begin delimiters = delimiters.map {|s| Regexp.new(s)} rescue RegexpError => e logger&.error "MailHandler: invalid regexp delimiter found in mail_handler_body_delimiters setting (#{e.message})" end else # In a "normal" delimiter, allow a single space from the originally # defined delimiter to match: # * any space-like character, or # * line-breaks and optional quoting with arbitrary spacing around it # in the mail in order to allow line breaks of delimiters. delimiters = delimiters.map do |delimiter| delimiter = Regexp.escape(delimiter).encode!(Encoding::UTF_8) delimiter = delimiter.gsub(/(\\ )+/, '\p{Space}*(\p{Space}|[\r\n](\p{Space}|>)*)') Regexp.new(delimiter) end end unless delimiters.empty? regex = Regexp.new("^(\\p{Space}|>)*(#{ Regexp.union(delimiters) })\\p{Space}*[\\r\\n].*", Regexp::MULTILINE) if Setting.text_formatting == "common_mark" && Redmine::Configuration['common_mark_enable_hardbreaks'] == false body = Redmine::WikiFormatting::CommonMark::AppendSpacesToLines.call(body) end body = body.gsub(regex, '') end body.strip end def find_assignee_from_keyword(keyword, issue) Principal.detect_by_keyword(issue.assignable_users, keyword) end end