# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software class UserQuery < Query self.queried_class = Principal # must be Principal (not User) for custom field filters to work self.available_columns = [ QueryColumn.new(:login, sortable: "#{User.table_name}.login"), QueryColumn.new(:firstname, sortable: "#{User.table_name}.firstname"), QueryColumn.new(:lastname, sortable: "#{User.table_name}.lastname"), QueryColumn.new(:mail, sortable: "#{EmailAddress.table_name}.address"), QueryColumn.new(:admin, sortable: "#{User.table_name}.admin"), QueryColumn.new(:created_on, :sortable => "#{User.table_name}.created_on"), QueryColumn.new(:updated_on, :sortable => "#{User.table_name}.updated_on"), QueryColumn.new(:last_login_on, :sortable => "#{User.table_name}.last_login_on"), QueryColumn.new(:passwd_changed_on, :sortable => "#{User.table_name}.passwd_changed_on"), QueryColumn.new(:status, sortable: "#{User.table_name}.status"), QueryAssociationColumn.new(:auth_source, :name, caption: :field_auth_source, sortable: "#{AuthSource.table_name}.name") ] def initialize(attributes=nil, *args) super attributes self.filters ||= { 'status' => {operator: "=", values: [User::STATUS_ACTIVE]} } end def initialize_available_filters add_available_filter "status", type: :list_optional, values: ->{ user_statuses_values } add_available_filter "auth_source_id", type: :list_optional, values: ->{ auth_sources_values } add_available_filter "is_member_of_group", type: :list_optional, values: ->{ Group.givable.visible.map {|g| [g.name, g.id.to_s] } } if Setting.twofa? add_available_filter "twofa_scheme", type: :list_optional, values: ->{ Redmine::Twofa.available_schemes.map {|s| [I18n.t("twofa__#{s}__name"), s] } } end add_available_filter "name", type: :text, label: :field_name_or_email_or_login add_available_filter "login", type: :string add_available_filter "firstname", type: :string add_available_filter "lastname", type: :string add_available_filter "mail", type: :string add_available_filter "created_on", type: :date_past add_available_filter "last_login_on", type: :date_past add_available_filter "admin", type: :list, values: [[l(:general_text_yes), '1'], [l(:general_text_no), '0']] add_custom_fields_filters(user_custom_fields) end def auth_sources_values AuthSource.order(name: :asc).to_a.map do |auth_source| [auth_source.name, auth_source.id] end end def user_statuses_values [ [l(:status_active), User::STATUS_ACTIVE.to_s], [l(:status_registered), User::STATUS_REGISTERED.to_s], [l(:status_locked), User::STATUS_LOCKED.to_s] ] end def available_columns return @available_columns if @available_columns @available_columns = self.class.available_columns.dup if Setting.twofa? @available_columns << QueryColumn.new(:twofa_scheme, sortable: "#{User.table_name}.twofa_scheme") end @available_columns += user_custom_fields.visible. map {|cf| QueryCustomFieldColumn.new(cf)} @available_columns end # Returns a scope of user custom fields that are available as columns or filters def user_custom_fields UserCustomField.sorted end def default_columns_names @default_columns_names ||= [:login, :firstname, :lastname, :mail, :admin, :created_on, :last_login_on] end def default_sort_criteria [['login', 'asc']] end def base_scope User.logged.where(statement).includes(:email_address) end def results_scope(options={}) order_option = [group_by_sort_order, (options[:order] || sort_clause)].flatten.reject(&:blank?) base_scope. order(order_option). joins(joins_for_order_statement(order_option.join(','))) end def sql_for_admin_field(field, operator, value) return unless value = value.first true_value = operator == '=' ? '1' : '0' val = if value.to_s == true_value self.class.connection.quoted_true else self.class.connection.quoted_false end "(#{User.table_name}.admin = #{val})" end def sql_for_is_member_of_group_field(field, operator, value) if ["*", "!*"].include? operator value = Group.givable.map(&:id) end e = operator.start_with?("!") ? "NOT EXISTS" : "EXISTS" "(#{e} (SELECT 1 FROM groups_users WHERE #{User.table_name}.id = groups_users.user_id AND #{sql_for_field(field, '=', value, 'groups_users', 'group_id')}))" end def sql_for_mail_field(field, operator, value) if operator == '!*' match = false operator = '*' else match = true end emails = EmailAddress.table_name <<-SQL #{match ? 'EXISTS' : 'NOT EXISTS'} (SELECT 1 FROM #{emails} WHERE #{emails}.user_id = #{User.table_name}.id AND #{sql_for_field(:mail, operator, value, emails, 'address')}) SQL end def joins_for_order_statement(order_options) joins = [super] if order_options if order_options.include?('auth_source') joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{AuthSource.table_name} auth_sources ON auth_sources.id = #{queried_table_name}.auth_source_id" end end joins.any? ? joins.join(' ') : nil end def sql_for_name_field(field, operator, value) case operator when '*' '1=1' when '!*' '1=0' else # match = (operator == '~') match = !operator.start_with?('!') matching_operator = operator.sub /^!/, '' name_sql = %w(login firstname lastname).map{|field| sql_for_field(:name, operator, value, User.table_name, field)} emails = EmailAddress.table_name email_sql = <<-SQL #{match ? "EXISTS" : "NOT EXISTS"} (SELECT 1 FROM #{emails} WHERE #{emails}.user_id = #{User.table_name}.id AND #{sql_for_field(:name, matching_operator, value, emails, 'address')}) SQL conditions = name_sql + [email_sql] op = match ? " OR " : " AND " "(#{conditions.map{|s| "(#{s})"}.join(op)})" end end end