# Serbian translations for Redmine # by Vladimir Medarović (vlada@medarovic.com) sr-YU: direction: ltr jquery: locale: "sr" date: formats: # Use the strftime parameters for formats. # When no format has been given, it uses default. # You can provide other formats here if you like! default: "%d.%m.%Y." short: "%e %b" long: "%B %e, %Y" day_names: [nedelja, ponedeljak, utorak, sreda, četvrtak, petak, subota] abbr_day_names: [ned, pon, uto, sre, čet, pet, sub] # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month month_names: [~, januar, februar, mart, april, maj, jun, jul, avgust, septembar, oktobar, novembar, decembar] abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maj, jun, jul, avg, sep, okt, nov, dec] # Used in date_select and datime_select. order: - :day - :month - :year time: formats: default: "%d.%m.%Y. u %H:%M" time: "%H:%M" short: "%d. %b u %H:%M" long: "%d. %B %Y u %H:%M" am: "am" pm: "pm" datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: "pola minuta" less_than_x_seconds: one: "manje od jedne sekunde" other: "manje od %{count} sek." x_seconds: one: "jedna sekunda" other: "%{count} sek." less_than_x_minutes: one: "manje od minuta" other: "manje od %{count} min." x_minutes: one: "jedan minut" other: "%{count} min." about_x_hours: one: "približno jedan sat" other: "približno %{count} sati" x_hours: one: "1 sat" other: "%{count} sati" x_days: one: "jedan dan" other: "%{count} dana" about_x_months: one: "približno jedan mesec" other: "približno %{count} meseci" x_months: one: "jedan mesec" other: "%{count} meseci" about_x_years: one: "približno godinu dana" other: "približno %{count} god." over_x_years: one: "preko godinu dana" other: "preko %{count} god." almost_x_years: one: "skoro godinu dana" other: "skoro %{count} god." number: format: separator: "," delimiter: "" precision: 3 human: format: delimiter: "" precision: 3 storage_units: format: "%n %u" units: byte: one: "Byte" other: "Bytes" kb: "KB" mb: "MB" gb: "GB" tb: "TB" # Used in array.to_sentence. support: array: sentence_connector: "i" skip_last_comma: false activerecord: errors: template: header: one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved" other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved" messages: inclusion: "nije uključen u spisak" exclusion: "je rezervisan" invalid: "je neispravan" confirmation: "potvrda ne odgovara" accepted: "mora biti prihvaćen" empty: "ne može biti prazno" blank: "ne može biti prazno" too_long: "je predugačka (maksimum znakova je %{count})" too_short: "je prekratka (minimum znakova je %{count})" wrong_length: "je pogrešne dužine (broj znakova mora biti %{count})" taken: "je već u upotrebi" not_a_number: "nije broj" not_a_date: "nije ispravan datum" greater_than: "mora biti veći od %{count}" greater_than_or_equal_to: "mora biti veći ili jednak %{count}" equal_to: "mora biti jednak %{count}" less_than: "mora biti manji od %{count}" less_than_or_equal_to: "mora biti manji ili jednak %{count}" odd: "mora biti paran" even: "mora biti neparan" greater_than_start_date: "mora biti veći od početnog datuma" not_same_project: "ne pripada istom projektu" circular_dependency: "Ova veza će stvoriti kružnu referencu" cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant: "Problem ne može biti povezan sa jednim od svojih podzadataka" earlier_than_minimum_start_date: "cannot be earlier than %{date} because of preceding issues" not_a_regexp: "is not a valid regular expression" open_issue_with_closed_parent: "An open issue cannot be attached to a closed parent task" must_contain_uppercase: "must contain uppercase letters (A-Z)" must_contain_lowercase: "must contain lowercase letters (a-z)" must_contain_digits: "must contain digits (0-9)" must_contain_special_chars: "must contain special characters (!, $, %, ...)" actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Molim odaberite general_text_No: 'Ne' general_text_Yes: 'Da' general_text_no: 'ne' general_text_yes: 'da' general_lang_name: 'Serbian (Srpski)' general_csv_separator: ',' general_csv_decimal_separator: '.' general_csv_encoding: UTF-8 general_pdf_fontname: freesans general_pdf_monospaced_fontname: freemono general_first_day_of_week: '1' notice_account_updated: Nalog je uspešno ažuriran. notice_account_invalid_credentials: Neispravno korisničko ime ili lozinka. notice_account_password_updated: Lozinka je uspešno ažurirana. notice_account_wrong_password: Pogrešna lozinka notice_account_register_done: Korisnički nalog je uspešno kreiran. Kliknite na link koji ste dobili u e-poruci za aktivaciju. notice_account_unknown_email: Nepoznat korisnik. notice_can_t_change_password: Ovaj korisnički nalog za potvrdu identiteta koristi spoljni izvor. Nemoguće je promeniti lozinku. notice_account_lost_email_sent: Poslata vam je e-poruka sa uputstvom za izbor nove lozinke notice_account_activated: Vaš korisnički nalog je aktiviran. Sada se možete prijaviti. notice_successful_create: Uspešno kreiranje. notice_successful_update: Uspešno ažuriranje. notice_successful_delete: Uspešno brisanje. notice_successful_connection: Uspešno povezivanje. notice_file_not_found: Strana kojoj želite pristupiti ne postoji ili je uklonjena. notice_locking_conflict: Podatak je ažuriran od strane drugog korisnika. notice_not_authorized: Niste ovlašćeni za pristup ovoj strani. notice_email_sent: "E-poruka je poslata na %{value}" notice_email_error: "Dogodila se greška prilikom slanja e-poruke (%{value})" notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: Vaš Atom pristupni ključ je poništen. notice_api_access_key_reseted: Vaš API pristupni ključ je poništen. notice_failed_to_save_issues: "Neuspešno snimanje %{count} problema od %{total} odabranih: %{ids}." notice_failed_to_save_members: "Neuspešno snimanje člana(ova): %{errors}." notice_account_pending: "Vaš nalog je kreiran i čeka na odobrenje administratora." notice_default_data_loaded: Podrazumevano konfigurisanje je uspešno učitano. notice_unable_delete_version: Verziju je nemoguće izbrisati. notice_unable_delete_time_entry: Stavku evidencije vremena je nemoguće izbrisati. notice_issue_done_ratios_updated: Odnos rešenih problema je ažuriran. error_can_t_load_default_data: "Podrazumevano konfigurisanje je nemoguće učitati: %{value}" error_scm_not_found: "Stavka ili ispravka nisu pronađene u spremištu." error_scm_command_failed: "Greška se javila prilikom pokušaja pristupa spremištu: %{value}" error_scm_annotate: "Stavka ne postoji ili ne može biti označena." error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'Problem nije pronađen ili ne pripada ovom projektu.' error_no_tracker_in_project: 'Ni jedno praćenje nije povezano sa ovim projektom. Molimo proverite podešavanja projekta.' error_no_default_issue_status: 'Podrazumevani status problema nije definisan. Molimo proverite vaše konfigurisanje (idite na "Administracija -> Statusi problema").' error_can_not_delete_custom_field: Nemoguće je izbrisati prilagođeno polje error_can_not_delete_tracker: "Ovo praćenje sadrži probleme i ne može biti obrisano." error_can_not_remove_role: "Ova uloga je u upotrebi i ne može biti obrisana." error_can_not_reopen_issue_on_closed_version: 'Problem dodeljen zatvorenoj verziji ne može biti ponovo otvoren' error_can_not_archive_project: Ovaj projekat se ne može arhivirati error_issue_done_ratios_not_updated: "Odnos rešenih problema nije ažuriran." error_workflow_copy_source: 'Molimo odaberite izvorno praćenje ili ulogu' error_workflow_copy_target: 'Molimo odaberite odredišno praćenje i ulogu' error_unable_delete_issue_status: 'Status problema je nemoguće obrisati (%{value})' error_unable_to_connect: "Povezivanje sa (%{value}) je nemoguće" warning_attachments_not_saved: "%{count} datoteka ne može biti snimljena." mail_subject_lost_password: "Vaša %{value} lozinka" mail_body_lost_password: 'Za promenu vaše lozinke, kliknite na sledeći link:' mail_subject_register: "Aktivacija vašeg %{value} naloga" mail_body_register: 'Za aktivaciju vašeg naloga, kliknite na sledeći link:' mail_body_account_information_external: "Vaš nalog %{value} možete koristiti za prijavu." mail_body_account_information: Informacije o vašem nalogu mail_subject_account_activation_request: "Zahtev za aktivaciju naloga %{value}" mail_body_account_activation_request: "Novi korisnik (%{value}) je registrovan. Nalog čeka na vaše odobrenje:" mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} problema dospeva narednih %{days} dana" mail_body_reminder: "%{count} problema dodeljenih vama dospeva u narednih %{days} dana:" mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "Wiki stranica '%{id}' je dodata" mail_body_wiki_content_added: "%{author} je dodao wiki stranicu '%{id}'." mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "Wiki stranica '%{id}' je ažurirana" mail_body_wiki_content_updated: "%{author} je ažurirao wiki stranicu '%{id}'." field_name: Naziv field_description: Opis field_summary: Rezime field_is_required: Obavezno field_firstname: Ime field_lastname: Prezime field_mail: E-adresa field_filename: Datoteka field_filesize: Veličina field_downloads: Preuzimanja field_author: Autor field_created_on: Kreirano field_updated_on: Ažurirano field_field_format: Format field_is_for_all: Za sve projekte field_possible_values: Moguće vrednosti field_regexp: Regularan izraz field_min_length: Minimalna dužina field_max_length: Maksimalna dužina field_value: Vrednost field_category: Kategorija field_title: Naslov field_project: Projekat field_issue: Problem field_status: Status field_notes: Beleške field_is_closed: Zatvoren problem field_is_default: Podrazumevana vrednost field_tracker: Praćenje field_subject: Predmet field_due_date: Krajnji rok field_assigned_to: Dodeljeno field_priority: Prioritet field_fixed_version: Odredišna verzija field_user: Korisnik field_principal: User or Group field_role: Uloga field_homepage: Početna stranica field_is_public: Javno objavljivanje field_parent: Potprojekat od field_is_in_roadmap: Problemi prikazani u planu rada field_login: Korisničko ime field_mail_notification: Obaveštenja putem e-pošte field_admin: Administrator field_last_login_on: Poslednje povezivanje field_language: Jezik field_effective_date: Datum field_password: Lozinka field_new_password: Nova lozinka field_password_confirmation: Potvrda lozinke field_version: Verzija field_type: Tip field_host: Glavni računar field_port: Port field_account: Korisnički nalog field_base_dn: Bazni DN field_attr_login: Atribut prijavljivanja field_attr_firstname: Atribut imena field_attr_lastname: Atribut prezimena field_attr_mail: Atribut e-adrese field_onthefly: Kreiranje korisnika u toku rada field_start_date: Početak field_done_ratio: "% urađeno" field_auth_source: Režim potvrde identiteta field_hide_mail: Sakrij moju e-adresu field_comments: Komentar field_url: URL field_start_page: Početna stranica field_subproject: Potprojekat field_hours: sati field_activity: Aktivnost field_spent_on: Datum field_identifier: Identifikator field_is_filter: Upotrebi kao filter field_issue_to: Srodni problemi field_delay: Kašnjenje field_assignable: Problem može biti dodeljen ovoj ulozi field_redirect_existing_links: Preusmeri postojeće veze field_estimated_hours: Procenjeno vreme field_column_names: Kolone field_time_zone: Vremenska zona field_searchable: Može da se pretražuje field_default_value: Podrazumevana vrednost field_comments_sorting: Prikaži komentare field_parent_title: Matična stranica field_editable: Izmenljivo field_watcher: Posmatrač field_content: Sadržaj field_group_by: Grupisanje rezultata po field_sharing: Deljenje field_parent_issue: Matični zadatak setting_app_title: Naslov aplikacije setting_welcome_text: Tekst dobrodošlice setting_default_language: Podrazumevani jezik setting_login_required: Obavezna potvrda identiteta setting_self_registration: Samoregistracija setting_attachment_max_size: Maks. veličina priložene datoteke setting_issues_export_limit: Ograničenje izvoza „problema“ setting_mail_from: E-adresa pošiljaoca setting_plain_text_mail: Poruka sa čistim tekstom (bez HTML-a) setting_host_name: Putanja i naziv glavnog računara setting_text_formatting: Oblikovanje teksta setting_wiki_compression: Kompresija Wiki istorije setting_feeds_limit: Ograničenje sadržaja izvora vesti setting_default_projects_public: Podrazumeva se javno prikazivanje novih projekata setting_autofetch_changesets: Izvršavanje automatskog preuzimanja setting_sys_api_enabled: Omogućavanje WS za upravljanje spremištem setting_commit_ref_keywords: Referenciranje ključnih reči setting_commit_fix_keywords: Popravljanje ključnih reči setting_autologin: Automatska prijava setting_date_format: Format datuma setting_time_format: Format vremena setting_cross_project_issue_relations: Dozvoli povezivanje problema iz unakrsnih projekata setting_issue_list_default_columns: Podrazumevane kolone prikazane na spisku problema setting_emails_footer: Podnožje stranice e-poruke setting_protocol: Protokol setting_per_page_options: Opcije prikaza objekata po stranici setting_user_format: Format prikaza korisnika setting_activity_days_default: Broj dana prikazanih na projektnoj aktivnosti setting_display_subprojects_issues: Prikazuj probleme iz potprojekata na glavnom projektu, ukoliko nije drugačije navedeno setting_enabled_scm: Omogućavanje SCM setting_mail_handler_body_delimiters: "Skraćivanje e-poruke nakon jedne od ovih linija" setting_mail_handler_api_enabled: Omogućavanje WS dolazne e-poruke setting_mail_handler_api_key: API ključ setting_sequential_project_identifiers: Generisanje sekvencijalnog imena projekta setting_gravatar_enabled: Koristi Gravatar korisničke ikone setting_gravatar_default: Podrazumevana Gravatar slika setting_diff_max_lines_displayed: Maks. broj prikazanih različitih linija setting_file_max_size_displayed: Maks. veličina tekst. datoteka prikazanih umetnuto setting_repository_log_display_limit: Maks. broj revizija prikazanih u datoteci za evidenciju setting_password_min_length: Minimalna dužina lozinke setting_new_project_user_role_id: Kreatoru projekta (koji nije administrator) dodeljuje je uloga setting_default_projects_modules: Podrazumevano omogućeni moduli za nove projekte setting_issue_done_ratio: Izračunaj odnos rešenih problema setting_issue_done_ratio_issue_field: koristeći polje problema setting_issue_done_ratio_issue_status: koristeći status problema setting_start_of_week: Prvi dan u sedmici setting_rest_api_enabled: Omogući REST web usluge setting_cache_formatted_text: Keširanje obrađenog teksta permission_add_project: Kreiranje projekta permission_add_subprojects: Kreiranje potpojekta permission_edit_project: Izmena projekata permission_select_project_modules: Odabiranje modula projekta permission_manage_members: Upravljanje članovima permission_manage_project_activities: Upravljanje projektnim aktivnostima permission_manage_versions: Upravljanje verzijama permission_manage_categories: Upravljanje kategorijama problema permission_view_issues: Pregled problema permission_add_issues: Dodavanje problema permission_edit_issues: Izmena problema permission_manage_issue_relations: Upravljanje vezama između problema permission_add_issue_notes: Dodavanje beleški permission_edit_issue_notes: Izmena beleški permission_edit_own_issue_notes: Izmena sopstvenih beleški permission_delete_issues: Brisanje problema permission_manage_public_queries: Upravljanje javnim upitima permission_save_queries: Snimanje upita permission_view_gantt: Pregledanje Gantovog dijagrama permission_view_calendar: Pregledanje kalendara permission_view_issue_watchers: Pregledanje spiska posmatrača permission_add_issue_watchers: Dodavanje posmatrača permission_delete_issue_watchers: Brisanje posmatrača permission_log_time: Beleženje utrošenog vremena permission_view_time_entries: Pregledanje utrošenog vremena permission_edit_time_entries: Izmena utrošenog vremena permission_edit_own_time_entries: Izmena sopstvenog utrošenog vremena permission_manage_news: Upravljanje vestima permission_comment_news: Komentarisanje vesti permission_view_documents: Pregledanje dokumenata permission_manage_files: Upravljanje datotekama permission_view_files: Pregledanje datoteka permission_manage_wiki: Upravljanje wiki stranicama permission_rename_wiki_pages: Promena imena wiki stranicama permission_delete_wiki_pages: Brisanje wiki stranica permission_view_wiki_pages: Pregledanje wiki stranica permission_view_wiki_edits: Pregledanje wiki istorije permission_edit_wiki_pages: Izmena wiki stranica permission_delete_wiki_pages_attachments: Brisanje priloženih datoteka permission_protect_wiki_pages: Zaštita wiki stranica permission_manage_repository: Upravljanje spremištem permission_browse_repository: Pregledanje spremišta permission_view_changesets: Pregledanje skupa promena permission_commit_access: Potvrda pristupa permission_manage_boards: Upravljanje forumima permission_view_messages: Pregledanje poruka permission_add_messages: Slanje poruka permission_edit_messages: Izmena poruka permission_edit_own_messages: Izmena sopstvenih poruka permission_delete_messages: Brisanje poruka permission_delete_own_messages: Brisanje sopstvenih poruka permission_export_wiki_pages: Izvoz wiki stranica permission_manage_subtasks: Upravljanje podzadacima project_module_issue_tracking: Praćenje problema project_module_time_tracking: Praćenje vremena project_module_news: Vesti project_module_documents: Dokumenti project_module_files: Datoteke project_module_wiki: Wiki project_module_repository: Spremište project_module_boards: Forumi label_user: Korisnik label_user_plural: Korisnici label_user_new: Novi korisnik label_user_anonymous: Anoniman label_project: Projekat label_project_new: Novi projekat label_project_plural: Projekti label_x_projects: zero: nema projekata one: jedan projekat other: "%{count} projekata" label_project_all: Svi projekti label_project_latest: Poslednji projekti label_issue: Problem label_issue_new: Novi problem label_issue_plural: Problemi label_issue_view_all: Prikaz svih problema label_issues_by: "Problemi (%{value})" label_issue_added: Problem je dodat label_issue_updated: Problem je ažuriran label_document: Dokument label_document_new: Novi dokument label_document_plural: Dokumenti label_document_added: Dokument je dodat label_role: Uloga label_role_plural: Uloge label_role_new: Nova uloga label_role_and_permissions: Uloge i dozvole label_member: Član label_member_new: Novi član label_member_plural: Članovi label_tracker: Praćenje label_tracker_plural: Praćenja label_tracker_new: Novo praćenje label_workflow: Tok posla label_issue_status: Status problema label_issue_status_plural: Statusi problema label_issue_status_new: Novi status label_issue_category: Kategorija problema label_issue_category_plural: Kategorije problema label_issue_category_new: Nova kategorija label_custom_field: Prilagođeno polje label_custom_field_plural: Prilagođena polja label_custom_field_new: Novo prilagođeno polje label_enumerations: Nabrojiva lista label_enumeration_new: Nova vrednost label_information: Informacija label_information_plural: Informacije label_register: Registracija label_password_lost: Izgubljena lozinka label_home: Početak label_my_page: Moja stranica label_my_account: Moj nalog label_my_projects: Moji projekti label_administration: Administracija label_login: Prijava label_logout: Odjava label_help: Pomoć label_reported_issues: Prijavljeni problemi label_assigned_to_me_issues: Problemi dodeljeni meni label_last_login: Poslednje povezivanje label_registered_on: Registrovan label_activity: Aktivnost label_user_activity: "Aktivnost korisnika %{value}" label_new: Novo label_logged_as: Prijavljeni ste kao label_environment: Okruženje label_authentication: Potvrda identiteta label_auth_source: Režim potvrde identiteta label_auth_source_new: Novi režim potvrde identiteta label_auth_source_plural: Režimi potvrde identiteta label_subproject_plural: Potprojekti label_subproject_new: Novi potprojekat label_and_its_subprojects: "%{value} i njegovi potprojekti" label_min_max_length: Min. - Maks. dužina label_list: Spisak label_date: Datum label_integer: Ceo broj label_float: Sa pokretnim zarezom label_boolean: Logički operator label_string: Tekst label_text: Dugi tekst label_attribute: Osobina label_attribute_plural: Osobine label_no_data: Nema podataka za prikazivanje label_change_status: Promena statusa label_history: Istorija label_attachment: Datoteka label_attachment_new: Nova datoteka label_attachment_delete: Brisanje datoteke label_attachment_plural: Datoteke label_file_added: Datoteka je dodata label_report: Izveštaj label_report_plural: Izveštaji label_news: Vesti label_news_new: Dodavanje vesti label_news_plural: Vesti label_news_latest: Poslednje vesti label_news_view_all: Prikaz svih vesti label_news_added: Vesti su dodate label_settings: Podešavanja label_overview: Pregled label_version: Verzija label_version_new: Nova verzija label_version_plural: Verzije label_close_versions: Zatvori završene verzije label_confirmation: Potvrda label_export_to: 'Takođe dostupno i u varijanti:' label_read: Čitanje... label_public_projects: Javni projekti label_open_issues: otvoren label_open_issues_plural: otvorenih label_closed_issues: zatvoren label_closed_issues_plural: zatvorenih label_x_open_issues_abbr: zero: 0 otvorenih one: 1 otvoren other: "%{count} otvorenih" label_x_closed_issues_abbr: zero: 0 zatvorenih one: 1 zatvoren other: "%{count} zatvorenih" label_total: Ukupno label_permissions: Dozvole label_current_status: Trenutni status label_new_statuses_allowed: Novi statusi dozvoljeni label_all: svi label_none: nijedan label_nobody: nikome label_next: Sledeće label_previous: Prethodno label_used_by: Koristio label_details: Detalji label_add_note: Dodaj belešku label_calendar: Kalendar label_months_from: meseci od label_gantt: Gantov dijagram label_internal: Unutrašnji label_last_changes: "poslednjih %{count} promena" label_change_view_all: Prikaži sve promene label_comment: Komentar label_comment_plural: Komentari label_x_comments: zero: bez komentara one: jedan komentar other: "%{count} komentara" label_comment_add: Dodaj komentar label_comment_added: Komentar dodat label_comment_delete: Obriši komentare label_query: Prilagođen upit label_query_plural: Prilagođeni upiti label_query_new: Novi upit label_filter_add: Dodavanje filtera label_filter_plural: Filteri label_equals: je label_not_equals: nije label_in_less_than: manje od label_in_more_than: više od label_greater_or_equal: '>=' label_less_or_equal: '<=' label_in: u label_today: danas label_yesterday: juče label_this_week: ove sedmice label_last_week: poslednje sedmice label_last_n_days: "poslednjih %{count} dana" label_this_month: ovog meseca label_last_month: poslednjeg meseca label_this_year: ove godine label_date_range: Vremenski period label_less_than_ago: pre manje od nekoliko dana label_more_than_ago: pre više od nekoliko dana label_ago: pre nekoliko dana label_contains: sadrži label_not_contains: ne sadrži label_day_plural: dana label_repository: Spremište label_repository_plural: Spremišta label_browse: Pregledanje label_branch: Grana label_tag: Oznaka label_revision: Revizija label_revision_plural: Revizije label_revision_id: "Revizija %{value}" label_associated_revisions: Pridružene revizije label_added: dodato label_modified: promenjeno label_copied: kopirano label_renamed: preimenovano label_deleted: izbrisano label_latest_revision: Poslednja revizija label_latest_revision_plural: Poslednje revizije label_view_revisions: Pregled revizija label_view_all_revisions: Pregled svih revizija label_max_size: Maksimalna veličina label_sort_highest: Premeštanje na vrh label_sort_higher: Premeštanje na gore label_sort_lower: Premeštanje na dole label_sort_lowest: Premeštanje na dno label_roadmap: Plan rada label_roadmap_due_in: "Dospeva %{value}" label_roadmap_overdue: "%{value} najkasnije" label_roadmap_no_issues: Nema problema za ovu verziju label_search: Pretraga label_result_plural: Rezultati label_all_words: Sve reči label_wiki: Wiki label_wiki_edit: Wiki izmena label_wiki_edit_plural: Wiki izmene label_wiki_page: Wiki stranica label_wiki_page_plural: Wiki stranice label_index_by_title: Indeksiranje po naslovu label_index_by_date: Indeksiranje po datumu label_current_version: Trenutna verzija label_preview: Pregled label_feed_plural: Izvori vesti label_changes_details: Detalji svih promena label_issue_tracking: Praćenje problema label_spent_time: Utrošeno vreme label_f_hour: "%{value} sat" label_f_hour_plural: "%{value} sati" label_time_tracking: Praćenje vremena label_change_plural: Promene label_statistics: Statistika label_commits_per_month: Izvršenja mesečno label_commits_per_author: Izvršenja po autoru label_view_diff: Pogledaj razlike label_diff_inline: unutra label_diff_side_by_side: uporedo label_options: Opcije label_copy_workflow_from: Kopiranje toka posla od label_permissions_report: Izveštaj o dozvolama label_watched_issues: Posmatrani problemi label_related_issues: Srodni problemi label_applied_status: Primenjeni statusi label_loading: Učitavanje... label_relation_new: Nova relacija label_relation_delete: Brisanje relacije label_relates_to: srodnih sa label_duplicates: dupliranih label_duplicated_by: dupliranih od label_blocks: odbijenih label_blocked_by: odbijenih od label_precedes: prethodi label_follows: praćenih label_stay_logged_in: Ostanite prijavljeni label_disabled: onemogućeno label_show_completed_versions: Prikazivanje završene verzije label_me: meni label_board: Forum label_board_new: Novi forum label_board_plural: Forumi label_board_locked: Zaključana label_board_sticky: Lepljiva label_topic_plural: Teme label_message_plural: Poruke label_message_last: Poslednja poruka label_message_new: Nova poruka label_message_posted: Poruka je dodata label_reply_plural: Odgovori label_send_information: Pošalji korisniku detalje naloga label_year: Godina label_month: Mesec label_week: Sedmica label_date_from: Šalje label_date_to: Prima label_language_based: Bazirano na jeziku korisnika label_sort_by: "Sortirano po %{value}" label_send_test_email: Slanje probne e-poruke label_feeds_access_key: Atom pristupni ključ label_missing_feeds_access_key: Atom pristupni ključ nedostaje label_feeds_access_key_created_on: "Atom pristupni ključ je napravljen pre %{value}" label_module_plural: Moduli label_added_time_by: "Dodao %{author} pre %{age}" label_updated_time_by: "Ažurirao %{author} pre %{age}" label_updated_time: "Ažurirano pre %{value}" label_jump_to_a_project: Skok na projekat... label_file_plural: Datoteke label_changeset_plural: Skupovi promena label_default_columns: Podrazumevane kolone label_no_change_option: (Bez promena) label_bulk_edit_selected_issues: Grupna izmena odabranih problema label_theme: Tema label_default: Podrazumevano label_search_titles_only: Pretražuj samo naslove label_user_mail_option_all: "Za bilo koji događaj na svim mojim projektima" label_user_mail_option_selected: "Za bilo koji događaj na samo odabranim projektima..." label_user_mail_no_self_notified: "Ne želim biti obaveštavan za promene koje sam pravim" label_registration_activation_by_email: aktivacija naloga putem e-poruke label_registration_manual_activation: ručna aktivacija naloga label_registration_automatic_activation: automatska aktivacija naloga label_display_per_page: "Broj stavki po stranici: %{value}" label_age: Starost label_change_properties: Promeni svojstva label_general: Opšti label_scm: SCM label_plugins: Dodatne komponente label_ldap_authentication: LDAP potvrda identiteta label_downloads_abbr: D/L label_optional_description: Opciono opis label_add_another_file: Dodaj još jednu datoteku label_preferences: Podešavanja label_chronological_order: po hronološkom redosledu label_reverse_chronological_order: po obrnutom hronološkom redosledu label_incoming_emails: Dolazne e-poruke label_generate_key: Generisanje ključa label_issue_watchers: Posmatrači label_example: Primer label_display: Prikaz label_sort: Sortiranje label_ascending: Rastući niz label_descending: Opadajući niz label_date_from_to: Od %{start} do %{end} label_wiki_content_added: Wiki stranica je dodata label_wiki_content_updated: Wiki stranica je ažurirana label_group: Grupa label_group_plural: Grupe label_group_new: Nova grupa label_time_entry_plural: Utrošeno vreme label_version_sharing_none: Nije deljeno label_version_sharing_descendants: Sa potprojektima label_version_sharing_hierarchy: Sa hijerarhijom projekta label_version_sharing_tree: Sa stablom projekta label_version_sharing_system: Sa svim projektima label_update_issue_done_ratios: Ažuriraj odnos rešenih problema label_copy_source: Izvor label_copy_target: Odredište label_copy_same_as_target: Isto kao odredište label_display_used_statuses_only: Prikazuj statuse korišćene samo od strane ovog praćenja label_api_access_key: API pristupni ključ label_missing_api_access_key: Nedostaje API pristupni ključ label_api_access_key_created_on: "API pristupni ključ je kreiran pre %{value}" label_profile: Profil label_subtask_plural: Podzadatak label_project_copy_notifications: Pošalji e-poruku sa obaveštenjem prilikom kopiranja projekta button_login: Prijava button_submit: Pošalji button_save: Snimi button_check_all: Uključi sve button_uncheck_all: Isključi sve button_delete: Izbriši button_create: Kreiraj button_create_and_continue: Kreiraj i nastavi button_test: Test button_edit: Izmeni button_add: Dodaj button_change: Promeni button_apply: Primeni button_clear: Obriši button_lock: Zaključaj button_unlock: Otključaj button_download: Preuzmi button_list: Spisak button_view: Prikaži button_move: Pomeri button_move_and_follow: Pomeri i prati button_back: Nazad button_cancel: Poništi button_activate: Aktiviraj button_sort: Sortiraj button_log_time: Evidentiraj vreme button_rollback: Povratak na ovu verziju button_watch: Prati button_unwatch: Ne prati više button_reply: Odgovori button_archive: Arhiviraj button_unarchive: Vrati iz arhive button_reset: Poništi button_rename: Preimenuj button_change_password: Promeni lozinku button_copy: Kopiraj button_copy_and_follow: Kopiraj i prati button_annotate: Pribeleži button_update: Ažuriraj button_configure: Podesi button_quote: Pod navodnicima button_show: Prikaži status_active: aktivni status_registered: registrovani status_locked: zaključani version_status_open: otvoren version_status_locked: zaključan version_status_closed: zatvoren field_active: Aktivan text_select_mail_notifications: Odaberi akcije za koje će obaveštenje biti poslato putem e-pošte. text_regexp_info: npr. ^[A-Z0-9]+$ text_project_destroy_confirmation: Jeste li sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovaj projekat i sve pripadajuće podatke? text_subprojects_destroy_warning: "Potprojekti: %{value} će takođe biti izbrisan." text_workflow_edit: Odaberite ulogu i praćenje za izmenu toka posla text_are_you_sure: Jeste li sigurni? text_journal_changed: "%{label} promenjen od %{old} u %{new}" text_journal_set_to: "%{label} postavljen u %{value}" text_journal_deleted: "%{label} izbrisano (%{old})" text_journal_added: "%{label} %{value} dodato" text_tip_issue_begin_day: zadatak počinje ovog dana text_tip_issue_end_day: zadatak se završava ovog dana text_tip_issue_begin_end_day: zadatak počinje i završava ovog dana text_caracters_maximum: "Najviše %{count} znak(ova)." text_caracters_minimum: "Broj znakova mora biti najmanje %{count}." text_length_between: "Broj znakova mora biti između %{min} i %{max}." text_tracker_no_workflow: Ovo praćenje nema definisan tok posla text_unallowed_characters: Nedozvoljeni znakovi text_comma_separated: Dozvoljene su višestruke vrednosti (odvojene zarezom). text_line_separated: Dozvoljene su višestruke vrednosti (jedan red za svaku vrednost). text_issues_ref_in_commit_messages: Referenciranje i popravljanje problema u izvršnim porukama text_issue_added: "%{author} je prijavio problem %{id}." text_issue_updated: "%{author} je ažurirao problem %{id}." text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: Jeste li sigurni da želite da obrišete wiki i sav sadržaj? text_issue_category_destroy_question: "Nekoliko problema (%{count}) je dodeljeno ovoj kategoriji. Šta želite da uradite?" text_issue_category_destroy_assignments: Ukloni dodeljene kategorije text_issue_category_reassign_to: Dodeli ponovo probleme ovoj kategoriji text_user_mail_option: "Za neizabrane projekte, dobićete samo obaveštenje o stvarima koje pratite ili ste uključeni (npr. problemi čiji ste vi autor ili zastupnik)." text_no_configuration_data: "Uloge, praćenja, statusi problema i toka posla još uvek nisu podešeni.\nPreporučljivo je da učitate podrazumevano konfigurisanje. Izmena je moguća nakon prvog učitavanja." text_load_default_configuration: Učitaj podrazumevano konfigurisanje text_status_changed_by_changeset: "Primenjeno u skupu sa promenama %{value}." text_issues_destroy_confirmation: 'Jeste li sigurni da želite da izbrišete odabrane probleme?' text_select_project_modules: 'Odaberite module koje želite omogućiti za ovaj projekat:' text_default_administrator_account_changed: Podrazumevani administratorski nalog je promenjen text_file_repository_writable: Fascikla priloženih datoteka je upisiva text_plugin_assets_writable: Fascikla elemenata dodatnih komponenti je upisiva text_minimagick_available: MiniMagick je dostupan (opciono) text_destroy_time_entries_question: "%{hours} sati je prijavljeno za ovaj problem koji želite izbrisati. Šta želite da uradite?" text_destroy_time_entries: Izbriši prijavljene sate text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Dodeli prijavljene sate projektu text_reassign_time_entries: 'Dodeli ponovo prijavljene sate ovom problemu:' text_user_wrote: "%{value} je napisao:" text_user_wrote_in: "%{value} je napisao (%{link}):" text_enumeration_destroy_question: "%{count} objekat(a) je dodeljeno ovoj vrednosti." text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Dodeli ih ponovo ovoj vrednosti:' text_email_delivery_not_configured: "Isporuka e-poruka nije konfigurisana i obaveštenja su onemogućena.\nPodesite vaš SMTP server u config/configuration.yml i pokrenite ponovo aplikaciju za njihovo omogućavanje." text_repository_usernames_mapping: "Odaberite ili ažurirajte Redmine korisnike mapiranjem svakog korisničkog imena pronađenog u evidenciji spremišta.\nKorisnici sa istim Redmine imenom i imenom spremišta ili e-adresom su automatski mapirani." text_diff_truncated: '... Ova razlika je isečena jer je dostignuta maksimalna veličina prikaza.' text_custom_field_possible_values_info: 'Jedan red za svaku vrednost' text_wiki_page_destroy_question: "Ova stranica ima %{descendants} podređenih stranica i podstranica. Šta želite da uradite?" text_wiki_page_nullify_children: "Zadrži podređene stranice kao korene stranice" text_wiki_page_destroy_children: "Izbriši podređene stranice i sve njihove podstranice" text_wiki_page_reassign_children: "Dodeli ponovo podređene stranice ovoj matičnoj stranici" text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "Nakon uklanjanja pojedinih ili svih vaših dozvola nećete više moći da uređujete ovaj projekat.\nŽelite li da nastavite?" text_zoom_in: Uvećaj text_zoom_out: Umanji default_role_manager: Menadžer default_role_developer: Programer default_role_reporter: Izveštač default_tracker_bug: Greška default_tracker_feature: Funkcionalnost default_tracker_support: Podrška default_issue_status_new: Novo default_issue_status_in_progress: U toku default_issue_status_resolved: Rešeno default_issue_status_feedback: Povratna informacija default_issue_status_closed: Zatvoreno default_issue_status_rejected: Odbijeno default_doc_category_user: Korisnička dokumentacija default_doc_category_tech: Tehnička dokumentacija default_priority_low: Nizak default_priority_normal: Normalan default_priority_high: Visok default_priority_urgent: Hitno default_priority_immediate: Neposredno default_activity_design: Dizajn default_activity_development: Razvoj enumeration_issue_priorities: Prioriteti problema enumeration_doc_categories: Kategorije dokumenta enumeration_activities: Aktivnosti (praćenje vremena) enumeration_system_activity: Sistemska aktivnost field_time_entries: Vreme evidencije project_module_gantt: Gantov dijagram project_module_calendar: Kalendar button_edit_associated_wikipage: "Edit associated Wiki page: %{page_title}" field_text: Text field setting_default_notification_option: Podrazumevana opcija za notifikaciju label_user_mail_option_only_my_events: Za dogadjaje koje pratim ili sam u njih uključen label_user_mail_option_none: Bez obaveštenja field_member_of_group: Assignee's group field_assigned_to_role: Assignee's role notice_not_authorized_archived_project: Projekat kome pokušavate da pristupite je arhiviran label_principal_search: "Traži korisnike ili grupe:" label_user_search: "Traži korisnike:" field_visible: Vidljivo setting_emails_header: Email zaglavlje setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: Activity for logged time text_time_logged_by_changeset: Applied in changeset %{value}. setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Omogući praćenje vremena notice_gantt_chart_truncated: The chart was truncated because it exceeds the maximum number of items that can be displayed (%{max}) setting_gantt_items_limit: Maksimalan broj stavki na gant grafiku field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Upozori me ako napuštam stranu sa tekstom koji nije snimljen text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Strana sadrži tekst koji nije snimljen i biće izgubljen ako je napustite. label_my_queries: My custom queries text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} ažuriran" label_news_comment_added: Komentar dodat u novosti button_expand_all: Proširi sve button_collapse_all: Zatvori sve label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the assignee label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the author label_bulk_edit_selected_time_entries: Bulk edit selected time entries text_time_entries_destroy_confirmation: Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete selektovane stavke ? label_role_anonymous: Anonimus label_role_non_member: Nije član label_issue_note_added: Nota dodana label_issue_status_updated: Status ažuriran label_issue_priority_updated: Prioritet ažuriran label_issues_visibility_own: Problem kreiran od strane ili je dodeljen korisniku field_issues_visibility: Vidljivost problema label_issues_visibility_all: Svi problemi permission_set_own_issues_private: Podesi sopstveni problem kao privatan ili javan field_is_private: Privatno permission_set_issues_private: Podesi problem kao privatan ili javan label_issues_visibility_public: Svi javni problemi text_issues_destroy_descendants_confirmation: Ova operacija će takođe obrisati %{count} podzadataka. field_commit_logs_encoding: Kodiranje izvršnih poruka field_scm_path_encoding: Path encoding text_scm_path_encoding_note: "Default: UTF-8" field_path_to_repository: Path to repository field_root_directory: Root directory field_cvs_module: Module field_cvsroot: CVSROOT text_mercurial_repository_note: Local repository (e.g. /hgrepo, c:\hgrepo) text_scm_command: Command text_scm_command_version: Version label_git_report_last_commit: Report last commit for files and directories notice_issue_successful_create: Issue %{id} created. label_between: between setting_issue_group_assignment: Allow issue assignment to groups label_diff: diff text_git_repository_note: Repository is bare and local (e.g. /gitrepo, c:\gitrepo) description_query_sort_criteria_direction: Sort direction description_project_scope: Search scope description_filter: Filter description_user_mail_notification: Mail notification settings description_message_content: Message content description_available_columns: Available Columns description_issue_category_reassign: Choose issue category description_search: Searchfield description_notes: Notes description_choose_project: Projects description_query_sort_criteria_attribute: Sort attribute description_wiki_subpages_reassign: Choose new parent page description_selected_columns: Selected Columns label_parent_revision: Parent label_child_revision: Child error_scm_annotate_big_text_file: The entry cannot be annotated, as it exceeds the maximum text file size. setting_default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date: Use current date as start date for new issues button_edit_section: Edit this section setting_repositories_encodings: Attachments and repositories encodings description_all_columns: All Columns button_export: Export label_export_options: "%{export_format} export options" error_attachment_too_big: This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum allowed file size (%{max_size}) notice_failed_to_save_time_entries: "Failed to save %{count} time entrie(s) on %{total} selected: %{ids}." label_x_issues: zero: 0 problem one: 1 problem other: "%{count} problemi" label_repository_new: New repository field_repository_is_default: Main repository label_copy_attachments: Copy attachments label_item_position: "%{position}/%{count}" label_completed_versions: Completed versions text_project_identifier_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.
Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed. field_multiple: Multiple values setting_commit_cross_project_ref: Allow issues of all the other projects to be referenced and fixed text_issue_conflict_resolution_add_notes: Add my notes and discard my other changes text_issue_conflict_resolution_overwrite: Apply my changes anyway (previous notes will be kept but some changes may be overwritten) notice_issue_update_conflict: The issue has been updated by an other user while you were editing it. text_issue_conflict_resolution_cancel: Discard all my changes and redisplay %{link} permission_manage_related_issues: Manage related issues field_auth_source_ldap_filter: LDAP filter label_search_for_watchers: Search for watchers to add notice_account_deleted: Your account has been permanently deleted. setting_unsubscribe: Allow users to delete their own account button_delete_my_account: Delete my account text_account_destroy_confirmation: |- Are you sure you want to proceed? Your account will be permanently deleted, with no way to reactivate it. error_session_expired: Your session has expired. Please login again. text_session_expiration_settings: "Warning: changing these settings may expire the current sessions including yours." setting_session_lifetime: Session maximum lifetime setting_session_timeout: Session inactivity timeout label_session_expiration: Session expiration permission_close_project: Close / reopen the project button_close: Close button_reopen: Reopen project_status_active: active project_status_closed: closed project_status_archived: archived text_project_closed: This project is closed and read-only. notice_user_successful_create: User %{id} created. field_core_fields: Standard fields field_timeout: Timeout (in seconds) setting_thumbnails_enabled: Display attachment thumbnails setting_thumbnails_size: Thumbnails size (in pixels) label_status_transitions: Status transitions label_fields_permissions: Fields permissions label_readonly: Read-only label_required: Required text_repository_identifier_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.
Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed. field_board_parent: Parent forum label_attribute_of_project: Project's %{name} label_attribute_of_author: Author's %{name} label_attribute_of_assigned_to: Assignee's %{name} label_attribute_of_fixed_version: Target version's %{name} label_copy_subtasks: Copy subtasks label_copied_to: copied to label_copied_from: copied from label_any_issues_in_project: any issues in project label_any_issues_not_in_project: any issues not in project field_private_notes: Private notes permission_view_private_notes: View private notes permission_set_notes_private: Set notes as private label_no_issues_in_project: no issues in project label_any: svi label_last_n_weeks: last %{count} weeks setting_cross_project_subtasks: Allow cross-project subtasks label_cross_project_descendants: Sa potprojektima label_cross_project_tree: Sa stablom projekta label_cross_project_hierarchy: Sa hijerarhijom projekta label_cross_project_system: Sa svim projektima button_hide: Hide setting_non_working_week_days: Non-working days label_in_the_next_days: in the next label_in_the_past_days: in the past label_attribute_of_user: User's %{name} text_turning_multiple_off: If you disable multiple values, multiple values will be removed in order to preserve only one value per item. label_attribute_of_issue: Issue's %{name} permission_add_documents: Add documents permission_edit_documents: Edit documents permission_delete_documents: Delete documents label_gantt_progress_line: Progress line setting_jsonp_enabled: Enable JSONP support field_inherit_members: Inherit members field_closed_on: Closed field_generate_password: Generate password setting_default_projects_tracker_ids: Default trackers for new projects label_total_time: Ukupno text_scm_config: You can configure your SCM commands in config/configuration.yml. Please restart the application after editing it. text_scm_command_not_available: SCM command is not available. Please check settings on the administration panel. notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want to receive a new activation email, please click this link. notice_account_locked: Your account is locked. label_hidden: Hidden label_visibility_private: to me only label_visibility_roles: to these roles only label_visibility_public: to any users field_must_change_passwd: Must change password at next logon notice_new_password_must_be_different: The new password must be different from the current password setting_mail_handler_excluded_filenames: Exclude attachments by name text_convert_available: ImageMagick convert available (optional) label_link: Link label_only: only label_drop_down_list: drop-down list label_checkboxes: checkboxes label_link_values_to: Link values to URL setting_force_default_language_for_anonymous: Force default language for anonymous users setting_force_default_language_for_loggedin: Force default language for logged-in users label_custom_field_select_type: Select the type of object to which the custom field is to be attached label_issue_assigned_to_updated: Assignee updated label_check_for_updates: Check for updates label_latest_compatible_version: Latest compatible version label_unknown_plugin: Unknown plugin label_radio_buttons: radio buttons label_group_anonymous: Anonymous users label_group_non_member: Non member users label_add_projects: Add projects field_default_status: Default status text_subversion_repository_note: 'Examples: file:///, http://, https://, svn://, svn+[tunnelscheme]://' field_users_visibility: Users visibility label_users_visibility_all: All active users label_users_visibility_members_of_visible_projects: Members of visible projects label_edit_attachments: Edit attached files setting_link_copied_issue: Link issues on copy label_link_copied_issue: Link copied issue label_ask: Ask label_search_attachments_yes: Search attachment filenames and descriptions label_search_attachments_no: Do not search attachments label_search_attachments_only: Search attachments only label_search_open_issues_only: Open issues only field_address: E-adresa setting_max_additional_emails: Maximum number of additional email addresses label_email_address_plural: Emails label_email_address_add: Add email address label_enable_notifications: Enable notifications label_disable_notifications: Disable notifications setting_search_results_per_page: Search results per page label_blank_value: blank permission_copy_issues: Copy issues error_password_expired: Your password has expired or the administrator requires you to change it. field_time_entries_visibility: Time logs visibility setting_password_max_age: Require password change after label_parent_task_attributes: Parent tasks attributes label_parent_task_attributes_derived: Calculated from subtasks label_parent_task_attributes_independent: Independent of subtasks label_time_entries_visibility_all: All time entries label_time_entries_visibility_own: Time entries created by the user label_member_management: Member management label_member_management_all_roles: All roles label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue label_total_spent_time: Celokupno utrošeno vreme notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported" notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported" error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the settings below (%{value}) error_can_not_read_import_file: An error occurred while reading the file to import permission_import_issues: Import issues label_import_issues: Import issues label_select_file_to_import: Select the file to import label_fields_separator: Field separator label_fields_wrapper: Field wrapper label_encoding: Encoding label_comma_char: Comma label_semi_colon_char: Semicolon label_quote_char: Quote label_double_quote_char: Double quote label_fields_mapping: Fields mapping label_file_content_preview: File content preview label_create_missing_values: Create missing values button_import: Import field_total_estimated_hours: Total estimated time label_api: API label_total_plural: Totals label_assigned_issues: Assigned issues label_field_format_enumeration: Key/value list label_f_hour_short: '%{value} h' field_default_version: Default version error_attachment_extension_not_allowed: Attachment extension %{extension} is not allowed setting_attachment_extensions_allowed: Allowed extensions setting_attachment_extensions_denied: Disallowed extensions label_any_open_issues: any open issues label_no_open_issues: no open issues label_default_values_for_new_users: Default values for new users error_ldap_bind_credentials: Invalid LDAP Account/Password setting_sys_api_key: API ključ setting_lost_password: Izgubljena lozinka mail_subject_security_notification: Security notification mail_body_security_notification_change: ! '%{field} was changed.' mail_body_security_notification_change_to: ! '%{field} was changed to %{value}.' mail_body_security_notification_add: ! '%{field} %{value} was added.' mail_body_security_notification_remove: ! '%{field} %{value} was removed.' mail_body_security_notification_notify_enabled: Email address %{value} now receives notifications. mail_body_security_notification_notify_disabled: Email address %{value} no longer receives notifications. mail_body_settings_updated: ! 'The following settings were changed:' field_remote_ip: IP address label_wiki_page_new: New wiki page label_relations: Relations button_filter: Filter mail_body_password_updated: Your password has been changed. label_no_preview: No preview available error_no_tracker_allowed_for_new_issue_in_project: The project doesn't have any trackers for which you can create an issue label_tracker_all: All trackers label_new_project_issue_tab_enabled: Display the "New issue" tab setting_new_item_menu_tab: Project menu tab for creating new objects label_new_object_tab_enabled: Display the "+" drop-down error_no_projects_with_tracker_allowed_for_new_issue: There are no projects with trackers for which you can create an issue field_textarea_font: Font used for text areas label_font_default: Default font label_font_monospace: Monospaced font label_font_proportional: Proportional font setting_timespan_format: Time span format label_table_of_contents: Table of contents setting_commit_logs_formatting: Apply text formatting to commit messages setting_mail_handler_enable_regex: Enable regular expressions error_move_of_child_not_possible: 'Subtask %{child} could not be moved to the new project: %{errors}' error_cannot_reassign_time_entries_to_an_issue_about_to_be_deleted: Spent time cannot be reassigned to an issue that is about to be deleted setting_timelog_required_fields: Required fields for time logs label_attribute_of_object: '%{object_name}''s %{name}' label_user_mail_option_only_assigned: Only for things I watch or I am assigned to label_user_mail_option_only_owner: Only for things I watch or I am the owner of warning_fields_cleared_on_bulk_edit: Changes will result in the automatic deletion of values from one or more fields on the selected objects field_updated_by: Updated by field_last_updated_by: Last updated by field_full_width_layout: Full width layout label_last_notes: Last notes field_digest: Checksum field_default_assigned_to: Default assignee setting_show_custom_fields_on_registration: Show custom fields on registration permission_view_news: View news label_no_preview_alternative_html: No preview available. %{link} the file instead. label_no_preview_download: Download setting_close_duplicate_issues: Close duplicate issues automatically error_exceeds_maximum_hours_per_day: Cannot log more than %{max_hours} hours on the same day (%{logged_hours} hours have already been logged) setting_time_entry_list_defaults: Timelog list defaults setting_timelog_accept_0_hours: Accept time logs with 0 hours setting_timelog_max_hours_per_day: Maximum hours that can be logged per day and user label_x_revisions: "%{count} revisions" error_can_not_delete_auth_source: This authentication mode is in use and cannot be deleted. button_actions: Actions mail_body_lost_password_validity: Please be aware that you may change the password only once using this link. text_login_required_html: When not requiring authentication, public projects and their contents are openly available on the network. You can edit the applicable permissions. label_login_required_yes: 'Yes' label_login_required_no: No, allow anonymous access to public projects text_project_is_public_non_member: Public projects and their contents are available to all logged-in users. text_project_is_public_anonymous: Public projects and their contents are openly available on the network. label_version_and_files: Versions (%{count}) and Files label_ldap: LDAP label_ldaps_verify_none: LDAPS (without certificate check) label_ldaps_verify_peer: LDAPS label_ldaps_warning: It is recommended to use an encrypted LDAPS connection with certificate check to prevent any manipulation during the authentication process. label_nothing_to_preview: Nothing to preview error_token_expired: This password recovery link has expired, please try again. error_spent_on_future_date: Cannot log time on a future date setting_timelog_accept_future_dates: Accept time logs on future dates label_delete_link_to_subtask: Brisanje relacije error_not_allowed_to_log_time_for_other_users: You are not allowed to log time for other users permission_log_time_for_other_users: Log spent time for other users label_tomorrow: tomorrow label_next_week: next week label_next_month: next month text_role_no_workflow: No workflow defined for this role text_status_no_workflow: No tracker uses this status in the workflows setting_mail_handler_preferred_body_part: Preferred part of multipart (HTML) emails setting_show_status_changes_in_mail_subject: Show status changes in issue mail notifications subject label_inherited_from_parent_project: Inherited from parent project label_inherited_from_group: Inherited from group %{name} label_trackers_description: Trackers description label_open_trackers_description: View all trackers description label_preferred_body_part_text: Text label_preferred_body_part_html: HTML (experimental) field_parent_issue_subject: Parent task subject permission_edit_own_issues: Edit own issues text_select_apply_tracker: Select tracker label_updated_issues: Updated issues text_avatar_server_config_html: The current avatar server is %{url}. You can configure it in config/configuration.yml. setting_gantt_months_limit: Maximum number of months displayed on the gantt chart permission_import_time_entries: Import time entries label_import_notifications: Send email notifications during the import text_gs_available: ImageMagick PDF support available (optional) field_recently_used_projects: Number of recently used projects in jump box label_optgroup_bookmarks: Bookmarks label_optgroup_others: Other projects label_optgroup_recents: Recently used button_project_bookmark: Add bookmark button_project_bookmark_delete: Remove bookmark field_history_default_tab: Issue's history default tab label_issue_history_properties: Property changes label_issue_history_notes: Notes label_last_tab_visited: Last visited tab field_unique_id: Unique ID text_no_subject: no subject setting_password_required_char_classes: Required character classes for passwords label_password_char_class_uppercase: uppercase letters label_password_char_class_lowercase: lowercase letters label_password_char_class_digits: digits label_password_char_class_special_chars: special characters text_characters_must_contain: Must contain %{character_classes}. label_starts_with: starts with label_ends_with: ends with label_issue_fixed_version_updated: Target version updated setting_project_list_defaults: Projects list defaults label_display_type: Display results as label_display_type_list: List label_display_type_board: Board label_my_bookmarks: My bookmarks label_import_time_entries: Import time entries field_toolbar_language_options: Code highlighting toolbar languages label_user_mail_notify_about_high_priority_issues_html: Also notify me about issues with a priority of %{prio} or higher label_assign_to_me: Assign to me notice_issue_not_closable_by_open_tasks: This issue cannot be closed because it has at least one open subtask. notice_issue_not_closable_by_blocking_issue: This issue cannot be closed because it is blocked by at least one open issue. notice_issue_not_reopenable_by_closed_parent_issue: This issue cannot be reopened because its parent issue is closed. error_bulk_download_size_too_big: These attachments cannot be bulk downloaded because the total file size exceeds the maximum allowed size (%{max_size}) setting_bulk_download_max_size: Maximum total size for bulk download label_download_all_attachments: Download all files error_attachments_too_many: This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum number of files that can be attached simultaneously (%{max_number_of_files}) setting_email_domains_allowed: Allowed email domains setting_email_domains_denied: Disallowed email domains field_passwd_changed_on: Password last changed label_relations_mapping: Relations mapping label_import_users: Import users label_days_to_html: "%{days} days up to %{date}" setting_twofa: Two-factor authentication label_optional: optional label_required_lower: required button_disable: Disable twofa__totp__name: Authenticator app twofa__totp__text_pairing_info_html: Scan this QR code or enter the plain text key into a TOTP app (e.g. Google Authenticator, Authy, Duo Mobile) and enter the code in the field below to activate two-factor authentication. twofa__totp__label_plain_text_key: Plain text key twofa__totp__label_activate: Enable authenticator app twofa_currently_active: 'Currently active: %{twofa_scheme_name}' twofa_not_active: Not activated twofa_label_code: Code twofa_hint_disabled_html: Setting %{label} will deactivate and unpair two-factor authentication devices for all users. twofa_hint_required_html: Setting %{label} will require all users to set up two-factor authentication at their next login. twofa_label_setup: Enable two-factor authentication twofa_label_deactivation_confirmation: Disable two-factor authentication twofa_notice_select: 'Please select the two-factor scheme you would like to use:' twofa_warning_require: The administrator requires you to enable two-factor authentication. twofa_activated: Two-factor authentication successfully enabled. It is recommended to generate backup codes for your account. twofa_deactivated: Two-factor authentication disabled. twofa_mail_body_security_notification_paired: Two-factor authentication successfully enabled using %{field}. twofa_mail_body_security_notification_unpaired: Two-factor authentication disabled for your account. twofa_mail_body_backup_codes_generated: New two-factor authentication backup codes generated. twofa_mail_body_backup_code_used: A two-factor authentication backup code has been used. twofa_invalid_code: Code is invalid or outdated. twofa_label_enter_otp: Please enter your two-factor authentication code. twofa_too_many_tries: Too many tries. twofa_resend_code: Resend code twofa_code_sent: An authentication code has been sent to you. twofa_generate_backup_codes: Generate backup codes twofa_text_generate_backup_codes_confirmation: This will invalidate all existing backup codes and generate new ones. Would you like to continue? twofa_notice_backup_codes_generated: Your backup codes have been generated. twofa_warning_backup_codes_generated_invalidated: New backup codes have been generated. Your existing codes from %{time} are now invalid. twofa_label_backup_codes: Two-factor authentication backup codes twofa_text_backup_codes_hint: Use these codes instead of a one-time password should you not have access to your second factor. Each code can only be used once. It is recommended to print and store them in a safe place. twofa_text_backup_codes_created_at: Backup codes generated %{datetime}. twofa_backup_codes_already_shown: Backup codes cannot be shown again, please generate new backup codes if required. error_can_not_execute_macro_html: Error executing the %{name} macro (%{error}) error_macro_does_not_accept_block: This macro does not accept a block of text error_childpages_macro_no_argument: With no argument, this macro can be called from wiki pages only error_circular_inclusion: Circular inclusion detected error_page_not_found: Page not found error_filename_required: Filename required error_invalid_size_parameter: Invalid size parameter error_attachment_not_found: Attachment %{name} not found permission_delete_project: Delete the project field_twofa_scheme: Two-factor authentication scheme text_user_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this user and remove all references to them? This cannot be undone. Often, locking a user instead of deleting them is the better solution. To confirm, please enter their login (%{login}) below. text_project_destroy_enter_identifier: To confirm, please enter the project's identifier (%{identifier}) below. button_add_subtask: Add subtask notice_invalid_watcher: 'Invalid watcher: User will not receive any notifications because it does not have access to view this object.' button_fetch_changesets: Fetch commits permission_view_message_watchers: View message watchers list permission_add_message_watchers: Add message watchers permission_delete_message_watchers: Delete message watchers label_message_watchers: Watchers button_copy_link: Copy link error_invalid_authenticity_token: Invalid form authenticity token. error_query_statement_invalid: An error occurred while executing the query and has been logged. Please report this error to your Redmine administrator. permission_view_wiki_page_watchers: View wiki page watchers list permission_add_wiki_page_watchers: Add wiki page watchers permission_delete_wiki_page_watchers: Delete wiki page watchers label_wiki_page_watchers: Watchers label_attachment_description: File description error_no_data_in_file: The file does not contain any data field_twofa_required: Require two factor authentication twofa_hint_optional_html: Setting %{label} will let users set up two-factor authentication at will, unless it is required by one of their groups. twofa_text_group_required: This setting is only effective when the global two factor authentication setting is set to 'optional'. Currently, two factor authentication is required for all users. twofa_text_group_disabled: This setting is only effective when the global two factor authentication setting is set to 'optional'. Currently, two factor authentication is disabled. field_default_issue_query: Default issue query label_default_queries: for_all_projects: For all projects for_current_project: For current project for_all_users: For all users text_allowed_queries_to_select: Public (to any users) queries only selectable text_all_migrations_have_been_run: All database migrations have been run button_save_object: Save %{object_name} button_edit_object: Edit %{object_name} button_delete_object: Delete %{object_name} text_setting_config_change: You can configure the behaviour in config/configuration.yml. Please restart the application after editing it. label_bulk_edit: Bulk edit button_create_and_follow: Create and follow label_subtask: Subtask label_default_query: Default query field_default_project_query: Default project query label_required_administrators: required for administrators twofa_hint_required_administrators_html: Setting %{label} behaves like optional, but will require all users with administration rights to set up two-factor authentication at their next login. label_auto_watch_on: Auto watch label_auto_watch_on_issue_contributed_to: Issues I contributed to text_project_close_confirmation: Are you sure you want to close the '%{value}' project to make it read-only? text_project_reopen_confirmation: Are you sure you want to reopen the '%{value}' project? text_project_archive_confirmation: Are you sure you want to archive the '%{value}' project? mail_destroy_project_failed: Project %{value} could not be deleted. mail_destroy_project_successful: Project %{value} was deleted successfully. mail_destroy_project_with_subprojects_successful: Project %{value} and its subprojects were deleted successfully. project_status_scheduled_for_deletion: scheduled for deletion text_projects_bulk_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete the selected projects and related data? text_projects_bulk_destroy_head: | You are about to permanently delete the following projects, including possible subprojects and any related data. Please review the information below and confirm that this is indeed what you want to do. This action cannot be undone. text_projects_bulk_destroy_confirm: To confirm, please enter "%{yes}" in the box below. text_subprojects_bulk_destroy: 'including its subproject(s): %{value}'