# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. module Redmine module Helpers # Simple class to handle gantt chart data class Gantt class MaxLinesLimitReached < StandardError end include ERB::Util include Redmine::I18n include Redmine::Utils::DateCalculation # Relation types that are rendered DRAW_TYPES = { IssueRelation::TYPE_BLOCKS => {:landscape_margin => 16, :color => '#F34F4F'}, IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES => {:landscape_margin => 20, :color => '#628FEA'} }.freeze UNAVAILABLE_COLUMNS = [:tracker, :id, :subject] # Some utility methods for the PDF export # @private class PDF MaxCharactorsForSubject = 45 TotalWidth = 280 LeftPaneWidth = 100 def self.right_pane_width TotalWidth - LeftPaneWidth end end attr_reader :year_from, :month_from, :date_from, :date_to, :zoom, :months, :truncated, :max_rows attr_accessor :query attr_accessor :project attr_accessor :view def initialize(options={}) options = options.dup if options[:year] && options[:year].to_i >0 @year_from = options[:year].to_i if options[:month] && options[:month].to_i >=1 && options[:month].to_i <= 12 @month_from = options[:month].to_i else @month_from = 1 end else @month_from ||= User.current.today.month @year_from ||= User.current.today.year end zoom = (options[:zoom] || User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom]).to_i @zoom = (zoom > 0 && zoom < 5) ? zoom : 2 months = (options[:months] || User.current.pref[:gantt_months]).to_i @months = (months > 0 && months < Setting.gantt_months_limit.to_i + 1) ? months : 6 # Save gantt parameters as user preference (zoom and months count) if User.current.logged? && (@zoom != User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom] || @months != User.current.pref[:gantt_months]) User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom], User.current.pref[:gantt_months] = @zoom, @months User.current.preference.save end @date_from = Date.civil(@year_from, @month_from, 1) @date_to = (@date_from >> @months) - 1 @subjects = +'' @lines = +'' @columns ||= {} @number_of_rows = nil @truncated = false if options.has_key?(:max_rows) @max_rows = options[:max_rows] else @max_rows = Setting.gantt_items_limit.blank? ? nil : Setting.gantt_items_limit.to_i end end def common_params {:controller => 'gantts', :action => 'show', :project_id => @project} end def params common_params.merge({:zoom => zoom, :year => year_from, :month => month_from, :months => months}) end def params_previous common_params.merge({:year => (date_from << months).year, :month => (date_from << months).month, :zoom => zoom, :months => months}) end def params_next common_params.merge({:year => (date_from >> months).year, :month => (date_from >> months).month, :zoom => zoom, :months => months}) end # Returns the number of rows that will be rendered on the Gantt chart def number_of_rows return @number_of_rows if @number_of_rows rows = projects.inject(0) {|total, p| total += number_of_rows_on_project(p)} [rows, @max_rows].min end # Returns the number of rows that will be used to list a project on # the Gantt chart. This will recurse for each subproject. def number_of_rows_on_project(project) return 0 unless projects.include?(project) count = 1 count += project_issues(project).size count += project_versions(project).size count end # Renders the subjects of the Gantt chart, the left side. def subjects(options={}) render(options.merge(:only => :subjects)) unless @subjects_rendered @subjects end # Renders the lines of the Gantt chart, the right side def lines(options={}) render(options.merge(:only => :lines)) unless @lines_rendered @lines end # Renders the selected column of the Gantt chart, the right side of subjects. def selected_column_content(options={}) render(options.merge(:only => :selected_columns)) unless @columns.has_key?(options[:column].name) @columns[options[:column].name] end # Returns issues that will be rendered def issues @issues ||= @query.issues( :order => ["#{Project.table_name}.lft ASC", "#{Issue.table_name}.id ASC"], :limit => @max_rows ) end # Returns a hash of the relations between the issues that are present on the gantt # and that should be displayed, grouped by issue ids. def relations return @relations if @relations if issues.any? issue_ids = issues.map(&:id) @relations = IssueRelation. where(:issue_from_id => issue_ids, :issue_to_id => issue_ids, :relation_type => DRAW_TYPES.keys). group_by(&:issue_from_id) else @relations = {} end end # Return all the project nodes that will be displayed def projects return @projects if @projects ids = issues.collect(&:project).uniq.collect(&:id) if ids.any? # All issues projects and their visible ancestors @projects = Project.visible. joins("LEFT JOIN #{Project.table_name} child ON #{Project.table_name}.lft <= child.lft AND #{Project.table_name}.rgt >= child.rgt"). where("child.id IN (?)", ids). order("#{Project.table_name}.lft ASC"). distinct. to_a else @projects = [] end end # Returns the issues that belong to +project+ def project_issues(project) @issues_by_project ||= issues.group_by(&:project) @issues_by_project[project] || [] end # Returns the distinct versions of the issues that belong to +project+ def project_versions(project) project_issues(project).filter_map(&:fixed_version).uniq end # Returns the issues that belong to +project+ and are assigned to +version+ def version_issues(project, version) project_issues(project).select {|issue| issue.fixed_version == version} end def render(options={}) options = {:top => 0, :top_increment => 20, :indent_increment => 20, :render => :subject, :format => :html}.merge(options) indent = options[:indent] || 4 @subjects = +'' unless options[:only] == :lines || options[:only] == :selected_columns @lines = +'' unless options[:only] == :subjects || options[:only] == :selected_columns @columns[options[:column].name] = +'' if options[:only] == :selected_columns && @columns.has_key?(options[:column]) == false @number_of_rows = 0 begin Project.project_tree(projects) do |project, level| options[:indent] = indent + level * options[:indent_increment] render_project(project, options) end rescue MaxLinesLimitReached @truncated = true end @subjects_rendered = true unless options[:only] == :lines || options[:only] == :selected_columns @lines_rendered = true unless options[:only] == :subjects || options[:only] == :selected_columns render_end(options) end def render_project(project, options={}) render_object_row(project, options) increment_indent(options) do # render issue that are not assigned to a version issues = project_issues(project).select {|i| i.fixed_version.nil?} render_issues(issues, options) # then render project versions and their issues versions = project_versions(project) self.class.sort_versions!(versions) versions.each do |version| render_version(project, version, options) end end end def render_version(project, version, options={}) render_object_row(version, options) increment_indent(options) do issues = version_issues(project, version) render_issues(issues, options) end end def render_issues(issues, options={}) self.class.sort_issues!(issues) ancestors = [] issues.each do |issue| while ancestors.any? && !issue.is_descendant_of?(ancestors.last) ancestors.pop decrement_indent(options) end render_object_row(issue, options) unless issue.leaf? ancestors << issue increment_indent(options) end end decrement_indent(options, ancestors.size) end def render_object_row(object, options) class_name = object.class.name.downcase send("subject_for_#{class_name}", object, options) unless options[:only] == :lines || options[:only] == :selected_columns send("line_for_#{class_name}", object, options) unless options[:only] == :subjects || options[:only] == :selected_columns column_content_for_issue(object, options) if options[:only] == :selected_columns && options[:column].present? && object.is_a?(Issue) options[:top] += options[:top_increment] @number_of_rows += 1 if @max_rows && @number_of_rows >= @max_rows raise MaxLinesLimitReached end end def render_end(options={}) case options[:format] when :pdf options[:pdf].Line(15, options[:top], PDF::TotalWidth, options[:top]) end end def increment_indent(options, factor=1) options[:indent] += options[:indent_increment] * factor if block_given? yield decrement_indent(options, factor) end end def decrement_indent(options, factor=1) increment_indent(options, -factor) end def subject_for_project(project, options) subject(project.name, options, project) end def line_for_project(project, options) # Skip projects that don't have a start_date or due date if project.is_a?(Project) && project.start_date && project.due_date label = project.name line(project.start_date, project.due_date, nil, true, label, options, project) end end def subject_for_version(version, options) subject(version.to_s_with_project, options, version) end def line_for_version(version, options) # Skip versions that don't have a start_date if version.is_a?(Version) && version.due_date && version.start_date label = "#{h(version)} #{h(version.visible_fixed_issues.completed_percent.to_f.round)}%" label = h("#{version.project} -") + label unless @project && @project == version.project line(version.start_date, version.due_date, version.visible_fixed_issues.completed_percent, true, label, options, version) end end def subject_for_issue(issue, options) subject(issue.subject, options, issue) end def line_for_issue(issue, options) # Skip issues that don't have a due_before (due_date or version's due_date) if issue.is_a?(Issue) && issue.due_before label = issue.status.name.dup unless issue.disabled_core_fields.include?('done_ratio') label << " #{issue.done_ratio}%" end markers = !issue.leaf? line(issue.start_date, issue.due_before, issue.done_ratio, markers, label, options, issue) end end def column_content_for_issue(issue, options) if options[:format] == :html data_options = {} data_options[:collapse_expand] = "issue-#{issue.id}" data_options[:number_of_rows] = number_of_rows style = "position: absolute;top: #{options[:top]}px; font-size: 0.8em;" content = view.content_tag( :div, view.column_content(options[:column], issue), :style => style, :class => "issue_#{options[:column].name}", :id => "#{options[:column].name}_issue_#{issue.id}", :data => data_options ) @columns[options[:column].name] << content if @columns.has_key?(options[:column].name) content end end def subject(label, options, object=nil) send "#{options[:format]}_subject", options, label, object end def line(start_date, end_date, done_ratio, markers, label, options, object=nil) options[:zoom] ||= 1 options[:g_width] ||= (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1) * options[:zoom] coords = coordinates(start_date, end_date, done_ratio, options[:zoom]) send "#{options[:format]}_task", options, coords, markers, label, object end # Generates a gantt image # Only defined if MiniMagick is avalaible def to_image(format='PNG') date_to = (@date_from >> @months) - 1 show_weeks = @zoom > 1 show_days = @zoom > 2 subject_width = 400 header_height = 18 # width of one day in pixels zoom = @zoom * 2 g_width = (@date_to - @date_from + 1) * zoom g_height = 20 * number_of_rows + 30 headers_height = (show_weeks ? 2 * header_height : header_height) height = g_height + headers_height # TODO: Remove rmagick_font_path in a later version unless Redmine::Configuration['rmagick_font_path'].nil? Rails.logger.warn( 'rmagick_font_path option is deprecated. Use minimagick_font_path instead.' ) end font_path = Redmine::Configuration['minimagick_font_path'].presence || Redmine::Configuration['rmagick_font_path'].presence img = MiniMagick::Image.create(".#{format}", false) if Redmine::Configuration['imagemagick_convert_command'].present? MiniMagick.cli_path = File.dirname(Redmine::Configuration['imagemagick_convert_command']) end MiniMagick::Tool::Convert.new do |gc| gc.size('%dx%d' % [subject_width + g_width + 1, height]) gc.xc('white') gc.font(font_path) if font_path.present? # Subjects gc.stroke('transparent') subjects(:image => gc, :top => (headers_height + 20), :indent => 4, :format => :image) # Months headers month_f = @date_from left = subject_width @months.times do width = ((month_f >> 1) - month_f) * zoom gc.fill('white') gc.stroke('grey') gc.strokewidth(1) gc.draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ left, 0, left + width, height ]) gc.fill('black') gc.stroke('transparent') gc.strokewidth(1) gc.draw('text %d,%d %s' % [ left.round + 8, 14, magick_text("#{month_f.year}-#{month_f.month}") ]) left = left + width month_f = month_f >> 1 end # Weeks headers if show_weeks left = subject_width height = header_height if @date_from.cwday == 1 # date_from is monday week_f = date_from else # find next monday after date_from week_f = @date_from + (7 - @date_from.cwday + 1) width = (7 - @date_from.cwday + 1) * zoom gc.fill('white') gc.stroke('grey') gc.strokewidth(1) gc.draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ left, header_height, left + width, 2 * header_height + g_height - 1 ]) left = left + width end while week_f <= date_to width = (week_f + 6 <= date_to) ? 7 * zoom : (date_to - week_f + 1) * zoom gc.fill('white') gc.stroke('grey') gc.strokewidth(1) gc.draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ left.round, header_height, left.round + width, 2 * header_height + g_height - 1 ]) gc.fill('black') gc.stroke('transparent') gc.strokewidth(1) gc.draw('text %d,%d %s' % [ left.round + 2, header_height + 14, magick_text(week_f.cweek.to_s) ]) left = left + width week_f = week_f + 7 end end # Days details (week-end in grey) if show_days left = subject_width height = g_height + header_height - 1 (@date_from..date_to).each do |g_date| width = zoom gc.fill(non_working_week_days.include?(g_date.cwday) ? '#eee' : 'white') gc.stroke('#ddd') gc.strokewidth(1) gc.draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ left, 2 * header_height, left + width, 2 * header_height + g_height - 1 ]) left = left + width end end # border gc.fill('transparent') gc.stroke('grey') gc.strokewidth(1) gc.draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ 0, 0, subject_width + g_width, headers_height ]) gc.stroke('black') gc.draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ 0, 0, subject_width + g_width, g_height + headers_height - 1 ]) # content top = headers_height + 20 gc.stroke('transparent') lines(:image => gc, :top => top, :zoom => zoom, :subject_width => subject_width, :format => :image) # today red line if User.current.today >= @date_from and User.current.today <= date_to gc.stroke('red') x = (User.current.today - @date_from + 1) * zoom + subject_width gc.draw('line %g,%g %g,%g' % [ x, headers_height, x, headers_height + g_height - 1 ]) end gc << img.path end img.to_blob ensure img.destroy! if img end if Object.const_defined?(:MiniMagick) def to_pdf pdf = ::Redmine::Export::PDF::ITCPDF.new(current_language) pdf.SetTitle("#{l(:label_gantt)} #{project}") pdf.alias_nb_pages pdf.footer_date = format_date(User.current.today) pdf.AddPage("L") pdf.SetFontStyle('B', 12) pdf.SetX(15) pdf.RDMCell(PDF::LeftPaneWidth, 20, project.to_s) pdf.Ln pdf.SetFontStyle('B', 9) subject_width = PDF::LeftPaneWidth header_height = 5 headers_height = header_height show_weeks = false show_days = false if self.months < 7 show_weeks = true headers_height = 2 * header_height if self.months < 3 show_days = true headers_height = 3 * header_height if self.months < 2 show_day_num = true headers_height = 4 * header_height end end end g_width = PDF.right_pane_width zoom = g_width / (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1) g_height = 120 t_height = g_height + headers_height y_start = pdf.GetY # Months headers month_f = self.date_from left = subject_width height = header_height self.months.times do width = ((month_f >> 1) - month_f) * zoom pdf.SetY(y_start) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.RDMCell(width, height, "#{month_f.year}-#{month_f.month}", "LTR", 0, "C") left = left + width month_f = month_f >> 1 end # Weeks headers if show_weeks left = subject_width height = header_height if self.date_from.cwday == 1 # self.date_from is monday week_f = self.date_from else # find next monday after self.date_from week_f = self.date_from + (7 - self.date_from.cwday + 1) width = (7 - self.date_from.cwday + 1) * zoom-1 pdf.SetY(y_start + header_height) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.RDMCell(width + 1, height, "", "LTR") left = left + width + 1 end while week_f <= self.date_to width = (week_f + 6 <= self.date_to) ? 7 * zoom : (self.date_to - week_f + 1) * zoom pdf.SetY(y_start + header_height) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.RDMCell(width, height, (width >= 5 ? week_f.cweek.to_s : ""), "LTR", 0, "C") left = left + width week_f = week_f + 7 end end # Day numbers headers if show_day_num left = subject_width height = header_height day_num = self.date_from pdf.SetFontStyle('B', 7) (self.date_from..self.date_to).each do |g_date| width = zoom pdf.SetY(y_start + header_height * 2) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.SetTextColor(non_working_week_days.include?(g_date.cwday) ? 150 : 0) pdf.RDMCell(width, height, day_num.day.to_s, "LTR", 0, "C") left = left + width day_num = day_num + 1 end end # Days headers if show_days left = subject_width height = header_height pdf.SetFontStyle('B', 7) (self.date_from..self.date_to).each do |g_date| width = zoom pdf.SetY(y_start + header_height * (show_day_num ? 3 : 2)) pdf.SetX(left) pdf.SetTextColor(non_working_week_days.include?(g_date.cwday) ? 150 : 0) pdf.RDMCell(width, height, day_name(g_date.cwday).first, "LTR", 0, "C") left = left + width end end pdf.SetY(y_start) pdf.SetX(15) pdf.SetTextColor(0) pdf.RDMCell(subject_width + g_width - 15, headers_height, "", 1) # Tasks top = headers_height + y_start options = { :top => top, :zoom => zoom, :subject_width => subject_width, :g_width => g_width, :indent => 0, :indent_increment => 5, :top_increment => 5, :format => :pdf, :pdf => pdf } render(options) pdf.Output end private def coordinates(start_date, end_date, progress, zoom=nil) zoom ||= @zoom coords = {} if start_date && end_date && start_date <= self.date_to && end_date >= self.date_from if start_date >= self.date_from coords[:start] = start_date - self.date_from coords[:bar_start] = start_date - self.date_from else coords[:bar_start] = 0 end if end_date <= self.date_to coords[:end] = end_date - self.date_from + 1 coords[:bar_end] = end_date - self.date_from + 1 else coords[:bar_end] = self.date_to - self.date_from + 1 end if progress progress_date = calc_progress_date(start_date, end_date, progress) if progress_date > self.date_from && progress_date > start_date if progress_date < self.date_to coords[:bar_progress_end] = progress_date - self.date_from else coords[:bar_progress_end] = self.date_to - self.date_from + 1 end end if progress_date <= User.current.today late_date = [User.current.today, end_date].min + 1 if late_date > self.date_from && late_date > start_date if late_date < self.date_to coords[:bar_late_end] = late_date - self.date_from else coords[:bar_late_end] = self.date_to - self.date_from + 1 end end end end end # Transforms dates into pixels witdh coords.each_key do |key| coords[key] = (coords[key] * zoom).floor end coords end def calc_progress_date(start_date, end_date, progress) start_date + (end_date - start_date + 1) * (progress / 100.0) end # Singleton class method is public class << self def sort_issues!(issues) issues.sort_by! {|issue| sort_issue_logic(issue)} end def sort_issue_logic(issue) julian_date = Date.new ancesters_start_date = [] current_issue = issue begin ancesters_start_date.unshift([current_issue.start_date || julian_date, current_issue.id]) current_issue = current_issue.parent end while (current_issue) ancesters_start_date end def sort_versions!(versions) versions.sort! end end def pdf_new_page?(options) if options[:top] > 180 options[:pdf].Line(15, options[:top], PDF::TotalWidth, options[:top]) options[:pdf].AddPage("L") options[:top] = 15 options[:pdf].Line(15, options[:top] - 0.1, PDF::TotalWidth, options[:top] - 0.1) end end def html_subject_content(object) case object when Issue issue = object css_classes = +'' css_classes << ' issue-overdue' if issue.overdue? css_classes << ' issue-behind-schedule' if issue.behind_schedule? css_classes << ' icon icon-issue' unless Setting.gravatar_enabled? && issue.assigned_to css_classes << ' issue-closed' if issue.closed? if issue.start_date && issue.due_before && issue.done_ratio progress_date = calc_progress_date(issue.start_date, issue.due_before, issue.done_ratio) css_classes << ' behind-start-date' if progress_date < self.date_from css_classes << ' over-end-date' if progress_date > self.date_to end s = (+"").html_safe s << view.assignee_avatar(issue.assigned_to, :size => 13, :class => 'icon-gravatar') s << view.link_to_issue(issue).html_safe s << view.content_tag(:input, nil, :type => 'checkbox', :name => 'ids[]', :value => issue.id, :style => 'display:none;', :class => 'toggle-selection') view.content_tag(:span, s, :class => css_classes).html_safe when Version version = object html_class = +"" html_class << 'icon icon-package ' html_class << (version.behind_schedule? ? 'version-behind-schedule' : '') << " " html_class << (version.overdue? ? 'version-overdue' : '') html_class << ' version-closed' unless version.open? if version.start_date && version.due_date && version.visible_fixed_issues.completed_percent progress_date = calc_progress_date(version.start_date, version.due_date, version.visible_fixed_issues.completed_percent) html_class << ' behind-start-date' if progress_date < self.date_from html_class << ' over-end-date' if progress_date > self.date_to end s = view.link_to_version(version).html_safe view.content_tag(:span, s, :class => html_class).html_safe when Project project = object html_class = +"" html_class << 'icon icon-projects ' html_class << (project.overdue? ? 'project-overdue' : '') s = view.link_to_project(project).html_safe view.content_tag(:span, s, :class => html_class).html_safe end end def html_subject(params, subject, object) content = html_subject_content(object) || subject tag_options = {} case object when Issue tag_options[:id] = "issue-#{object.id}" tag_options[:class] = "issue-subject hascontextmenu" tag_options[:title] = object.subject children = object.children & project_issues(object.project) has_children = children.present? && (children.collect(&:fixed_version).uniq & [object.fixed_version]).present? when Version tag_options[:id] = "version-#{object.id}" tag_options[:class] = "version-name" has_children = object.fixed_issues.exists? when Project tag_options[:class] = "project-name" has_children = object.issues.exists? || object.versions.exists? end if object tag_options[:data] = { :collapse_expand => { :top_increment => params[:top_increment], :obj_id => "#{object.class}-#{object.id}".downcase, }, :number_of_rows => number_of_rows, } end if has_children content = view.content_tag(:span, nil, :class => 'icon icon-expanded expander') + content tag_options[:class] += ' open' else if params[:indent] params = params.dup params[:indent] += 12 end end style = "position: absolute;top:#{params[:top]}px;left:#{params[:indent]}px;" style += "width:#{params[:subject_width] - params[:indent]}px;" if params[:subject_width] tag_options[:style] = style output = view.content_tag(:div, content, tag_options) @subjects << output output end def pdf_subject(params, subject, options={}) pdf_new_page?(params) params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top]) params[:pdf].SetX(15) char_limit = PDF::MaxCharactorsForSubject - params[:indent] params[:pdf].RDMCell(params[:subject_width] - 15, 5, (" " * params[:indent]) + subject.to_s.sub(/^(.{#{char_limit}}[^\s]*\s).*$/, '\1 (...)'), "LR") params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top]) params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width]) params[:pdf].RDMCell(params[:g_width], 5, "", "LR") end def image_subject(params, subject, options={}) params[:image].fill('black') params[:image].stroke('transparent') params[:image].strokewidth(1) params[:image].draw('text %d,%d %s' % [ params[:indent], params[:top] + 2, magick_text(subject) ]) end def issue_relations(issue) rels = {} if relations[issue.id] relations[issue.id].each do |relation| (rels[relation.relation_type] ||= []) << relation.issue_to_id end end rels end def html_task(params, coords, markers, label, object) output = +'' data_options = {} if object data_options[:collapse_expand] = "#{object.class}-#{object.id}".downcase data_options[:number_of_rows] = number_of_rows end css = "task " + case object when Project "project" when Version "version" when Issue object.leaf? ? 'leaf' : 'parent' else "" end # Renders the task bar, with progress and late if coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end] width = coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2 style = +"" style << "top:#{params[:top]}px;" style << "left:#{coords[:bar_start]}px;" style << "width:#{width}px;" html_id = "task-todo-issue-#{object.id}" if object.is_a?(Issue) html_id = "task-todo-version-#{object.id}" if object.is_a?(Version) content_opt = {:style => style, :class => "#{css} task_todo", :id => html_id, :data => {}} if object.is_a?(Issue) rels = issue_relations(object) if rels.present? content_opt[:data] = {"rels" => rels.to_json} end end content_opt[:data].merge!(data_options) output << view.content_tag(:div, ' '.html_safe, content_opt) if coords[:bar_late_end] width = coords[:bar_late_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2 style = +"" style << "top:#{params[:top]}px;" style << "left:#{coords[:bar_start]}px;" style << "width:#{width}px;" output << view.content_tag(:div, ' '.html_safe, :style => style, :class => "#{css} task_late", :data => data_options) end if coords[:bar_progress_end] width = coords[:bar_progress_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2 style = +"" style << "top:#{params[:top]}px;" style << "left:#{coords[:bar_start]}px;" style << "width:#{width}px;" html_id = "task-done-issue-#{object.id}" if object.is_a?(Issue) html_id = "task-done-version-#{object.id}" if object.is_a?(Version) output << view.content_tag(:div, ' '.html_safe, :style => style, :class => "#{css} task_done", :id => html_id, :data => data_options) end end # Renders the markers if markers if coords[:start] style = +"" style << "top:#{params[:top]}px;" style << "left:#{coords[:start]}px;" style << "width:15px;" output << view.content_tag(:div, ' '.html_safe, :style => style, :class => "#{css} marker starting", :data => data_options) end if coords[:end] style = +"" style << "top:#{params[:top]}px;" style << "left:#{coords[:end]}px;" style << "width:15px;" output << view.content_tag(:div, ' '.html_safe, :style => style, :class => "#{css} marker ending", :data => data_options) end end # Renders the label on the right if label style = +"" style << "top:#{params[:top]}px;" style << "left:#{(coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 8}px;" style << "width:15px;" output << view.content_tag(:div, label, :style => style, :class => "#{css} label", :data => data_options) end # Renders the tooltip if object.is_a?(Issue) && coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end] s = view.content_tag(:span, view.render_issue_tooltip(object).html_safe, :class => "tip") s += view.content_tag(:input, nil, :type => 'checkbox', :name => 'ids[]', :value => object.id, :style => 'display:none;', :class => 'toggle-selection') style = +"" style << "position: absolute;" style << "top:#{params[:top]}px;" style << "left:#{coords[:bar_start]}px;" style << "width:#{coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start]}px;" style << "height:12px;" output << view.content_tag(:div, s.html_safe, :style => style, :class => "tooltip hascontextmenu", :data => data_options) end @lines << output output end def pdf_task(params, coords, markers, label, object) cell_height_ratio = params[:pdf].get_cell_height_ratio params[:pdf].set_cell_height_ratio(0.1) height = 2 height /= 2 if markers # Renders the task bar, with progress and late if coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end] width = [1, coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start]].max params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1.5) params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start]) params[:pdf].SetFillColor(200, 200, 200) params[:pdf].RDMCell(width, height, "", 0, 0, "", 1) if coords[:bar_late_end] width = [1, coords[:bar_late_end] - coords[:bar_start]].max params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1.5) params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start]) params[:pdf].SetFillColor(255, 100, 100) params[:pdf].RDMCell(width, height, "", 0, 0, "", 1) end if coords[:bar_progress_end] width = [1, coords[:bar_progress_end] - coords[:bar_start]].max params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1.5) params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start]) params[:pdf].SetFillColor(90, 200, 90) params[:pdf].RDMCell(width, height, "", 0, 0, "", 1) end end # Renders the markers if markers if coords[:start] params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1) params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:start] - 1) params[:pdf].SetFillColor(50, 50, 200) params[:pdf].RDMCell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1) end if coords[:end] params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1) params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:end] - 1) params[:pdf].SetFillColor(50, 50, 200) params[:pdf].RDMCell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1) end end # Renders the label on the right if label params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 5) params[:pdf].RDMCell(30, 2, label) end params[:pdf].set_cell_height_ratio(cell_height_ratio) end def image_task(params, coords, markers, label, object) height = 6 height /= 2 if markers # Renders the task bar, with progress and late if coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end] params[:image].fill('#aaa') params[:image].draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start], params[:top], params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_end], params[:top] - height ]) if coords[:bar_late_end] params[:image].fill('#f66') params[:image].draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start], params[:top], params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_late_end], params[:top] - height ]) end if coords[:bar_progress_end] params[:image].fill('#00c600') params[:image].draw('rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' % [ params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start], params[:top], params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_progress_end], params[:top] - height ]) end end # Renders the markers if markers if coords[:start] x = params[:subject_width] + coords[:start] y = params[:top] - height / 2 params[:image].fill('blue') params[:image].draw('polygon %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d' % [ x - 4, y, x, y - 4, x + 4, y, x, y + 4 ]) end if coords[:end] x = params[:subject_width] + coords[:end] y = params[:top] - height / 2 params[:image].fill('blue') params[:image].draw('polygon %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d' % [ x - 4, y, x, y - 4, x + 4, y, x, y + 4 ]) end end # Renders the label on the right if label params[:image].fill('black') params[:image].draw('text %d,%d %s' % [ params[:subject_width] + (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 5, params[:top] + 1, magick_text(label) ]) end end # Escape the passed string as a text argument in a draw rule for # mini_magick. Note that the returned string is not shell-safe on its own. def magick_text(str) "'#{str.to_s.gsub(/['\\]/, '\\\\\0')}'" end end end end