# frozen_string_literal: true =begin = Diff (({diff.rb})) - computes the differences between two arrays or strings. Copyright (C) 2001 Lars Christensen == Synopsis diff = Diff.new(a, b) b = a.patch(diff) == Class Diff === Class Methods --- Diff.new(a, b) --- a.diff(b) Creates a Diff object which represent the differences between ((|a|)) and ((|b|)). ((|a|)) and ((|b|)) can be either be arrays of any objects, strings, or object of any class that include module ((|Diffable|)) == Module Diffable The module ((|Diffable|)) is intended to be included in any class for which differences are to be computed. Diffable is included into String and Array when (({diff.rb})) is (({require}))'d. Classes including Diffable should implement (({[]})) to get element at integer indices, (({<<})) to append elements to the object and (({ClassName#new})) should accept 0 arguments to create a new empty object. === Instance Methods --- Diffable#patch(diff) Applies the differences from ((|diff|)) to the object ((|obj|)) and return the result. ((|obj|)) is not changed. ((|obj|)) and can be either an array or a string, but must match the object from which the ((|diff|)) was created. =end module Redmine module StringArrayDiff class Diff VERSION = 0.3 def Diff.lcs(a, b) astart = 0 bstart = 0 afinish = a.length-1 bfinish = b.length-1 mvector = [] # First we prune off any common elements at the beginning while (astart <= afinish) && (bstart <= afinish) && (a[astart] == b[bstart]) mvector[astart] = bstart astart += 1 bstart += 1 end # now the end while (astart <= afinish) && (bstart <= bfinish) && (a[afinish] == b[bfinish]) mvector[afinish] = bfinish afinish -= 1 bfinish -= 1 end bmatches = b.reverse_hash(bstart..bfinish) thresh = [] links = [] (astart..afinish).each { |aindex| aelem = a[aindex] next unless bmatches.has_key? aelem k = nil bmatches[aelem].reverse_each { |bindex| if k && (thresh[k] > bindex) && (thresh[k-1] < bindex) thresh[k] = bindex else k = thresh.replacenextlarger(bindex, k) end links[k] = [ (k==0) ? nil : links[k-1], aindex, bindex ] if k } } if !thresh.empty? link = links[thresh.length-1] while link mvector[link[1]] = link[2] link = link[0] end end return mvector end def makediff(a, b) mvector = Diff.lcs(a, b) ai = bi = 0 while ai < mvector.length bline = mvector[ai] if bline while bi < bline discardb(bi, b[bi]) bi += 1 end match(ai, bi) bi += 1 else discarda(ai, a[ai]) end ai += 1 end while ai < a.length discarda(ai, a[ai]) ai += 1 end while bi < b.length discardb(bi, b[bi]) bi += 1 end match(ai, bi) 1 end def compactdiffs diffs = [] @diffs.each { |df| i = 0 curdiff = [] while i < df.length whot = df[i][0] s = @isstring ? df[i][2].chr : [df[i][2]] p = df[i][1] last = df[i][1] i += 1 while df[i] && df[i][0] == whot && df[i][1] == last+1 s << df[i][2] last = df[i][1] i += 1 end curdiff.push [whot, p, s] end diffs.push curdiff } return diffs end attr_reader :diffs, :difftype def initialize(diffs_or_a, b = nil, isstring = nil) if b.nil? @diffs = diffs_or_a @isstring = isstring else @diffs = [] @curdiffs = [] makediff(diffs_or_a, b) @difftype = diffs_or_a.class end end def match(ai, bi) @diffs.push @curdiffs unless @curdiffs.empty? @curdiffs = [] end def discarda(i, elem) @curdiffs.push ['-', i, elem] end def discardb(i, elem) @curdiffs.push ['+', i, elem] end def compact return Diff.new(compactdiffs) end def compact! @diffs = compactdiffs end def inspect @diffs.inspect end end end end class Array include Redmine::StringArrayDiff::Diffable end class String include Redmine::StringArrayDiff::Diffable end