/* Redmine - project management software Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang */ var contextMenuObserving; function contextMenuRightClick(event) { var target = $(event.target); if (target.is('a:not(.js-contextmenu)')) {return;} var tr = target.closest('.hascontextmenu').first(); if (tr.length < 1) {return;} event.preventDefault(); if (!contextMenuIsSelected(tr)) { contextMenuUnselectAll(); contextMenuAddSelection(tr); contextMenuSetLastSelected(tr); } contextMenuShow(event); } function contextMenuClick(event) { var target = $(event.target); var lastSelected; if (target.is('a') && target.hasClass('submenu')) { event.preventDefault(); return; } contextMenuHide(); if (target.is('a') || target.is('img')) { return; } if (event.which == 1 || (navigator.appVersion.match(/\bMSIE\b/))) { var tr = target.closest('.hascontextmenu').first(); if (tr.length > 0) { // a row was clicked if (target.is('td.checkbox')) { // the td containing the checkbox was clicked, toggle the checkbox target = target.find('input').first(); target.prop("checked", !target.prop("checked")); } if (target.is('input')) { // a checkbox may be clicked if (target.prop('checked')) { tr.addClass('context-menu-selection'); } else { tr.removeClass('context-menu-selection'); } } else { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { contextMenuToggleSelection(tr); } else if (event.shiftKey) { lastSelected = contextMenuLastSelected(); if (lastSelected.length) { var toggling = false; $('.hascontextmenu').each(function(){ if (toggling || $(this).is(tr)) { contextMenuAddSelection($(this)); } if ($(this).is(tr) || $(this).is(lastSelected)) { toggling = !toggling; } }); } else { contextMenuAddSelection(tr); } } else { contextMenuUnselectAll(); contextMenuAddSelection(tr); } contextMenuSetLastSelected(tr); } } else { // click is outside the rows if (target.is('a') && (target.hasClass('disabled') || target.hasClass('submenu'))) { event.preventDefault(); } else if (target.is('.toggle-selection') || target.is('.ui-dialog *') || $('#ajax-modal').is(':visible')) { // nop } else { contextMenuUnselectAll(); } } } } function contextMenuCreate() { if ($('#context-menu').length < 1) { var menu = document.createElement("div"); menu.setAttribute("id", "context-menu"); menu.setAttribute("style", "display:none;"); document.getElementById("content").appendChild(menu); } } function contextMenuShow(event) { var mouse_x = event.pageX; var mouse_y = event.pageY; var mouse_y_c = event.clientY; var render_x = mouse_x; var render_y = mouse_y; var dims; var menu_width; var menu_height; var window_width; var window_height; var max_width; var max_height; var url; $('#context-menu').css('left', (render_x + 'px')); $('#context-menu').css('top', (render_y + 'px')); $('#context-menu').html(''); url = $(event.target).parents('form').first().data('cm-url'); if (url == null) {alert('no url'); return;} $.ajax({ url: url, data: $(event.target).parents('form').first().serialize(), success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $('#context-menu').html(data); menu_width = $('#context-menu').width(); menu_height = $('#context-menu').height(); max_width = mouse_x + 2*menu_width; max_height = mouse_y_c + menu_height; var ws = window_size(); window_width = ws.width; window_height = ws.height; /* display the menu above and/or to the left of the click if needed */ if (max_width > window_width) { render_x -= menu_width; $('#context-menu').addClass('reverse-x'); } else { $('#context-menu').removeClass('reverse-x'); } if (max_height > window_height) { render_y -= menu_height; $('#context-menu').addClass('reverse-y'); // adding class for submenu if (mouse_y_c < 325) { $('#context-menu .folder').addClass('down'); } } else { // adding class for submenu if (window_height - mouse_y_c < 345) { $('#context-menu .folder').addClass('up'); } $('#context-menu').removeClass('reverse-y'); } if (render_x <= 0) render_x = 1; if (render_y <= 0) render_y = 1; $('#context-menu').css('left', (render_x + 'px')); $('#context-menu').css('top', (render_y + 'px')); $('#context-menu').show(); //if (window.parseStylesheets) { window.parseStylesheets(); } // IE } }); } function contextMenuSetLastSelected(tr) { $('.cm-last').removeClass('cm-last'); tr.addClass('cm-last'); } function contextMenuLastSelected() { return $('.cm-last').first(); } function contextMenuUnselectAll() { $('input[type=checkbox].toggle-selection').prop('checked', false); $('.hascontextmenu').each(function(){ contextMenuRemoveSelection($(this)); }); $('.cm-last').removeClass('cm-last'); } function contextMenuHide() { $('#context-menu').hide(); } function contextMenuToggleSelection(tr) { if (contextMenuIsSelected(tr)) { contextMenuRemoveSelection(tr); } else { contextMenuAddSelection(tr); } } function contextMenuAddSelection(tr) { tr.addClass('context-menu-selection'); contextMenuCheckSelectionBox(tr, true); contextMenuClearDocumentSelection(); } function contextMenuRemoveSelection(tr) { tr.removeClass('context-menu-selection'); contextMenuCheckSelectionBox(tr, false); } function contextMenuIsSelected(tr) { return tr.hasClass('context-menu-selection'); } function contextMenuCheckSelectionBox(tr, checked) { tr.find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', checked); } function contextMenuClearDocumentSelection() { // TODO if (document.selection) { document.selection.empty(); // IE } else { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } function contextMenuInit() { contextMenuCreate(); contextMenuUnselectAll(); if (!contextMenuObserving) { $(document).click(contextMenuClick); $(document).contextmenu(contextMenuRightClick); $(document).on('click', '.js-contextmenu', contextMenuRightClick); contextMenuObserving = true; } } function toggleIssuesSelection(el) { var checked = $(this).prop('checked'); var boxes = $(this).parents('table').find('input[name=ids\\[\\]]'); boxes.prop('checked', checked).parents('.hascontextmenu').toggleClass('context-menu-selection', checked); } function window_size() { var w; var h; if (window.innerWidth) { w = window.innerWidth; h = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement) { w = document.documentElement.clientWidth; h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { w = document.body.clientWidth; h = document.body.clientHeight; } return {width: w, height: h}; } $(document).ready(function(){ contextMenuInit(); $('input[type=checkbox].toggle-selection').on('change', toggleIssuesSelection); });