/* Redmine - project management software Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Jean-Philippe Lang */ var revisionGraph = null; function drawRevisionGraph(holder, commits_hash, graph_space) { var XSTEP = 20, CIRCLE_INROW_OFFSET = 10; var commits_by_scmid = commits_hash, commits = $.map(commits_by_scmid, function(val,i){return val;}); var max_rdmid = commits.length - 1; var commit_table_rows = $('table.changesets tr.changeset'); // create graph if(revisionGraph != null) revisionGraph.clear(); else revisionGraph = Raphael(holder); var top = revisionGraph.set(); // init dimensions var graph_x_offset = commit_table_rows.first().find('td').first().position().left - $(holder).position().left, graph_y_offset = $(holder).position().top, graph_right_side = graph_x_offset + (graph_space + 1) * XSTEP, graph_bottom = commit_table_rows.last().position().top + commit_table_rows.last().height() - graph_y_offset; var yForRow = function (index, commit) { var row = commit_table_rows.eq(index); switch (row.find("td:first").css("vertical-align")) { case "middle": return row.position().top + (row.height() / 2) - graph_y_offset; default: return row.position().top + - graph_y_offset + CIRCLE_INROW_OFFSET; } }; revisionGraph.setSize(graph_right_side, graph_bottom); // init colors var colors = []; Raphael.getColor.reset(); for (var k = 0; k <= graph_space; k++) { colors.push(Raphael.getColor()); } var parent_commit; var x, y, parent_x, parent_y; var path, title; var revision_dot_overlay; $.each(commits, function(index, commit) { if (!commit.hasOwnProperty("space")) commit.space = 0; y = yForRow(max_rdmid - commit.rdmid); x = graph_x_offset + XSTEP / 2 + XSTEP * commit.space; revisionGraph.circle(x, y, 3) .attr({ fill: colors[commit.space], stroke: 'none' }).toFront(); // paths to parents $.each(commit.parent_scmids, function(index, parent_scmid) { parent_commit = commits_by_scmid[parent_scmid]; if (parent_commit) { if (!parent_commit.hasOwnProperty("space")) parent_commit.space = 0; parent_y = yForRow(max_rdmid - parent_commit.rdmid); parent_x = graph_x_offset + XSTEP / 2 + XSTEP * parent_commit.space; if (parent_commit.space == commit.space) { // vertical path path = revisionGraph.path([ 'M', x, y, 'V', parent_y]); } else { // path to a commit in a different branch (Bezier curve) path = revisionGraph.path([ 'M', x, y, 'C', x, y, x, y + (parent_y - y) / 2, x + (parent_x - x) / 2, y + (parent_y - y) / 2, 'C', x + (parent_x - x) / 2, y + (parent_y - y) / 2, parent_x, parent_y-(parent_y-y)/2, parent_x, parent_y]); } } else { // vertical path ending at the bottom of the revisionGraph path = revisionGraph.path([ 'M', x, y, 'V', graph_bottom]); } path.attr({stroke: colors[commit.space], "stroke-width": 1.5}).toBack(); }); revision_dot_overlay = revisionGraph.circle(x, y, 10); revision_dot_overlay .attr({ fill: '#000', opacity: 0, cursor: 'pointer', href: commit.href }); if(commit.refs != null && commit.refs.length > 0) { title = document.createElementNS(revisionGraph.canvas.namespaceURI, 'title'); title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(commit.refs)); revision_dot_overlay.node.appendChild(title); } top.push(revision_dot_overlay); }); top.toFront(); };