# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class IssuesControllerTest < Redmine::ControllerTest fixtures :projects, :users, :email_addresses, :user_preferences, :roles, :members, :member_roles, :issues, :issue_statuses, :issue_relations, :versions, :trackers, :projects_trackers, :issue_categories, :enabled_modules, :enumerations, :attachments, :workflows, :custom_fields, :custom_values, :custom_fields_projects, :custom_fields_trackers, :time_entries, :journals, :journal_details, :queries, :repositories, :changesets, :watchers, :groups_users include Redmine::I18n def setup User.current = nil end def test_index with_settings :default_language => "en" do get :index assert_response :success # links to visible issues assert_select 'a[href="/issues/1"]', :text => /Cannot print recipes/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/5"]', :text => /Subproject issue/ # private projects hidden assert_select 'a[href="/issues/6"]', 0 assert_select 'a[href="/issues/4"]', 0 # project column assert_select 'th', :text => /Project/ end end def test_index_should_not_list_issues_when_module_disabled EnabledModule.where("name = 'issue_tracking' AND project_id = 1").delete_all get :index assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href="/issues/1"]', 0 assert_select 'a[href="/issues/5"]', :text => /Subproject issue/ end def test_index_should_list_visible_issues_only get(:index, :params => {:per_page => 100}) assert_response :success Issue.open.each do |issue| assert_select "tr#issue-#{issue.id}", issue.visible? ? 1 : 0 end end def test_index_with_project with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '0' do get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success # query form assert_select 'form#query_form' do assert_select 'div#query_form_with_buttons.hide-when-print' do assert_select 'div#query_form_content' do assert_select 'fieldset#filters.collapsible' assert_select 'fieldset#options' end assert_select 'p.buttons' end end assert_select 'a[href="/issues/1"]', :text => /Cannot print recipes/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/5"]', 0 end end def test_index_with_project_and_subprojects with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '1' do get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href="/issues/1"]', :text => /Cannot print recipes/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/5"]', :text => /Subproject issue/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/6"]', 0 end end def test_index_should_list_issues_of_closed_subprojects @request.session[:user_id] = 1 project = Project.find(1) with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '1' do # One of subprojects is closed Project.find_by(:identifier => 'subproject1').close get(:index, :params => {:project_id => project.id}) assert_response :success assert_equal 10, issues_in_list.count # All subprojects are closed project.descendants.each(&:close) get(:index, :params => {:project_id => project.id}) assert_response :success assert_equal 10, issues_in_list.count end end def test_index_with_subproject_filter_should_not_exclude_closed_subprojects_issues subproject1 = Project.find(3) subproject2 = Project.find(4) subproject1.close with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '1' do get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :f => ['subproject_id'], :op => {'subproject_id' => '!'}, :v => {'subproject_id' => [subproject2.id.to_s]}, :c => ['project'] } ) end assert_response :success column_values = columns_values_in_list('project') assert_includes column_values, subproject1.name assert_equal 9, column_values.size end def test_index_with_project_and_subprojects_should_show_private_subprojects_with_permission @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '1' do get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href="/issues/1"]', :text => /Cannot print recipes/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/5"]', :text => /Subproject issue/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/6"]', :text => /Issue of a private subproject/ end end def test_index_with_project_and_default_filter get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1 } ) assert_response :success # default filter assert_query_filters [['status_id', 'o', '']] end def test_index_with_project_and_filter get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :f => ['tracker_id'], :op => { 'tracker_id' => '=' }, :v => { 'tracker_id' => ['1'] } } ) assert_response :success assert_query_filters [['tracker_id', '=', '1']] end def test_index_with_short_filters to_test = { 'status_id' => { 'o' => {:op => 'o', :values => ['']}, 'c' => {:op => 'c', :values => ['']}, '7' => {:op => '=', :values => ['7']}, '7|3|4' => {:op => '=', :values => ['7', '3', '4']}, '=7' => {:op => '=', :values => ['7']}, '!3' => {:op => '!', :values => ['3']}, '!7|3|4' => {:op => '!', :values => ['7', '3', '4']} }, 'subject' => { 'This is a subject' => {:op => '=', :values => ['This is a subject']}, 'o' => {:op => '=', :values => ['o']}, '~This is part of a subject' => {:op => '~', :values => ['This is part of a subject']}, '!~This is part of a subject' => {:op => '!~', :values => ['This is part of a subject']} }, 'tracker_id' => { '3' => {:op => '=', :values => ['3']}, '=3' => {:op => '=', :values => ['3']} }, 'start_date' => { '2011-10-12' => {:op => '=', :values => ['2011-10-12']}, '=2011-10-12' => {:op => '=', :values => ['2011-10-12']}, '>=2011-10-12' => {:op => '>=', :values => ['2011-10-12']}, '<=2011-10-12' => {:op => '<=', :values => ['2011-10-12']}, '><2011-10-01|2011-10-30' => {:op => '><', :values => ['2011-10-01', '2011-10-30']}, ' {:op => ' ['2']}, '>t+2' => {:op => '>t+', :values => ['2']}, 't+2' => {:op => 't+', :values => ['2']}, 't' => {:op => 't', :values => ['']}, 'w' => {:op => 'w', :values => ['']}, '>t-2' => {:op => '>t-', :values => ['2']}, ' {:op => ' ['2']}, 't-2' => {:op => 't-', :values => ['2']} }, 'created_on' => { '>=2011-10-12' => {:op => '>=', :values => ['2011-10-12']}, ' {:op => ' ['2']}, '>t-2' => {:op => '>t-', :values => ['2']}, 't-2' => {:op => 't-', :values => ['2']} }, 'cf_1' => { 'c' => {:op => '=', :values => ['c']}, '!c' => {:op => '!', :values => ['c']}, '!*' => {:op => '!*', :values => ['']}, '*' => {:op => '*', :values => ['']} }, 'estimated_hours' => { '=13.4' => {:op => '=', :values => ['13.4']}, '>=45' => {:op => '>=', :values => ['45']}, '<=125' => {:op => '<=', :values => ['125']}, '><10.5|20.5' => {:op => '><', :values => ['10.5', '20.5']}, '!*' => {:op => '!*', :values => ['']}, '*' => {:op => '*', :values => ['']} } } default_filter = {'status_id' => {:operator => 'o', :values => ['']}} to_test.each do |field, expression_and_expected| expression_and_expected.each do |filter_expression, expected| get(:index, :params => {:set_filter => 1, field => filter_expression}) assert_response :success expected_with_default = default_filter. merge({field => {:operator => expected[:op], :values => expected[:values]}}) assert_query_filters( expected_with_default.map {|f, v| [f, v[:operator], v[:values]]} ) end end end def test_index_with_project_and_empty_filters get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :fields => [''] } ) assert_response :success # no filter assert_query_filters [] end def test_index_with_project_custom_field_filter field = ProjectCustomField. create!(:name => 'Client', :is_filter => true, :field_format => 'string') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => field, :customized => Project.find(3), :value => 'Foo') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => field, :customized => Project.find(5), :value => 'Foo') filter_name = "project.cf_#{field.id}" @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :f => [filter_name], :op => { filter_name => '=' }, :v => { filter_name => ['Foo'] }, :c => ['project'] } ) assert_response :success assert_equal [3, 5], issues_in_list.map(&:project_id).uniq.sort end def test_index_with_project_status_filter project = Project.find(2) project.close project.save get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :f => ['project.status'], :op => {'project.status' => '='}, :v => {'project.status' => ['1']} } ) assert_response :success issues = issues_in_list.map(&:id).uniq.sort assert_include 1, issues assert_not_include 4, issues end def test_index_with_query get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :query_id => 5 } ) assert_response :success assert_select '#sidebar .queries' do # assert only query is selected in sidebar assert_select 'a.query.selected', 1 # assert link properties assert_select( 'a.query.selected[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/issues?query_id=5', :text => "Open issues by priority and tracker" ) # assert only one clear link exists assert_select 'a.icon-clear-query', 1 # assert clear link properties assert_select( 'a.icon-clear-query[title=?][href=?]', 'Clear', '/projects/ecookbook/issues?set_filter=1&sort=', 1 ) end end def test_index_with_query_grouped_by_tracker get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :query_id => 6 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group span.count' end def test_index_with_query_grouped_and_sorted_by_category get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :group_by => "category", :sort => "category" } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group span.count' end def test_index_with_query_grouped_and_sorted_by_fixed_version get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :group_by => "fixed_version", :sort => "fixed_version" } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group span.count' end def test_index_with_query_grouped_and_sorted_by_fixed_version_in_reverse_order get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :group_by => "fixed_version", :sort => "fixed_version:desc" } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group span.count' end def test_index_grouped_by_due_date set_tmp_attachments_directory Issue.destroy_all Issue.generate!(:due_date => '2018-08-10') Issue.generate!(:due_date => '2018-08-10') Issue.generate! get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :group_by => "due_date" } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group span.name', :value => '2018-08-10' do assert_select '~ span.count', :value => '2' end assert_select 'tr.group span.name', :value => '(blank)' do assert_select '~ span.count', :value => '1' end end def test_index_grouped_by_created_on_if_time_zone_is_utc # TODO: test fails with mysql skip if mysql? skip unless IssueQuery.new.groupable_columns.detect {|c| c.name == :created_on} @request.session[:user_id] = 2 User.find(2).pref.update(time_zone: 'UTC') get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :group_by => 'created_on' } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group span.name', :text => '07/19/2006' do assert_select '+ span.count', :text => '2' end end def test_index_grouped_by_created_on_if_time_zone_is_nil skip unless IssueQuery.new.groupable_columns.detect {|c| c.name == :created_on} current_user = User.find(2) @request.session[:user_id] = current_user.id current_user.pref.update(time_zone: nil) get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :group_by => 'created_on' } ) assert_response :success # group_name depends on localtime group_name = format_date(Issue.second.created_on.localtime) assert_select 'tr.group span.name', :text => group_name do assert_select '+ span.count', :text => '2' end end def test_index_grouped_by_created_on_as_pdf skip unless IssueQuery.new.groupable_columns.detect {|c| c.name == :created_on} get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :group_by => 'created_on', :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', response.media_type end def test_index_with_query_grouped_by_list_custom_field get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :query_id => 9 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group span.count' end def test_index_with_query_grouped_by_key_value_custom_field cf = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Key', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2, 3], :field_format => 'enumeration' ) cf.enumerations << valueb = CustomFieldEnumeration.new(:name => 'Value B', :position => 1) cf.enumerations << valuea = CustomFieldEnumeration.new(:name => 'Value A', :position => 2) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(1), :value => valueb.id) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(2), :value => valueb.id) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(3), :value => valuea.id) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(5), :value => '') get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :group_by => "cf_#{cf.id}" } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group', 3 assert_select 'tr.group' do assert_select 'span.name', :text => 'Value B' assert_select 'span.count', :text => '2' end assert_select 'tr.group' do assert_select 'span.name', :text => 'Value A' assert_select 'span.count', :text => '1' end end def test_index_with_query_grouped_by_user_custom_field cf = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'User', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2, 3], :field_format => 'user' ) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(1), :value => '2') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(2), :value => '3') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(3), :value => '3') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(5), :value => '') get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :group_by => "cf_#{cf.id}" } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.group', 3 assert_select 'tr.group' do assert_select 'a', :text => 'John Smith' assert_select 'span.count', :text => '1' end assert_select 'tr.group' do assert_select 'a', :text => 'Dave Lopper' assert_select 'span.count', :text => '2' end end def test_index_grouped_by_boolean_custom_field_should_distinguish_blank_and_false_values cf = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Bool', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2, 3], :field_format => 'bool' ) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(1), :value => '1') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(2), :value => '0') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(3), :value => '') with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :group_by => "cf_#{cf.id}" } ) assert_response :success end assert_select 'tr.group', 3 assert_select 'tr.group', :text => /Yes/ assert_select 'tr.group', :text => /No/ assert_select 'tr.group', :text => /blank/ end def test_index_grouped_by_boolean_custom_field_with_false_group_in_first_position_should_show_the_group cf = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Bool', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2, 3], :field_format => 'bool', :is_filter => true ) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(1), :value => '0') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(2), :value => '0') with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, "cf_#{cf.id}" => "*", :group_by => "cf_#{cf.id}" } ) assert_response :success end assert_equal [1, 2], issues_in_list.map(&:id).sort assert_select 'tr.group', 1 assert_select 'tr.group', :text => /No/ end def test_index_with_query_grouped_by_tracker_in_normal_order 3.times {|i| Issue.generate!(:tracker_id => (i + 1))} get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :group_by => 'tracker', :sort => 'id:desc' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal ["Bug", "Feature request", "Support request"], css_select("tr.issue td.tracker").map(&:text).uniq end def test_index_with_query_grouped_by_tracker_in_reverse_order 3.times {|i| Issue.generate!(:tracker_id => (i + 1))} get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :group_by => 'tracker', :c => ['tracker', 'subject'], :sort => 'id:desc,tracker:desc' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal ["Bug", "Feature request", "Support request"].reverse, css_select("tr.issue td.tracker").map(&:text).uniq end def test_index_with_query_id_and_project_id_should_set_session_query get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :query_id => 4 } ) assert_response :success assert_kind_of Hash, session[:issue_query] assert_equal 4, session[:issue_query][:id] assert_equal 1, session[:issue_query][:project_id] end def test_index_with_invalid_query_id_should_respond_404 get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :query_id => 999 } ) assert_response 404 end def test_index_with_cross_project_query_in_session_should_show_project_issues q = IssueQuery. create!( :name => "cross_project_query", :user_id => 2, :project => nil, :column_names => ['project'] ) @request.session[:issue_query] = {:id => q.id, :project_id => 1} with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '0' do get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) end assert_response :success assert_select 'h2', :text => q.name assert_equal ["eCookbook"], css_select("tr.issue td.project").map(&:text).uniq end def test_private_query_should_not_be_available_to_other_users q = IssueQuery. create!( :name => "private", :user => User.find(2), :visibility => IssueQuery::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, :project => nil ) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get(:index, :params => {:query_id => q.id}) assert_response 403 end def test_private_query_should_be_available_to_its_user q = IssueQuery. create!( :name => "private", :user => User.find(2), :visibility => IssueQuery::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, :project => nil ) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:query_id => q.id}) assert_response :success end def test_public_query_should_be_available_to_other_users q = IssueQuery. create!( :name => "public", :user => User.find(2), :visibility => IssueQuery::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, :project => nil ) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get(:index, :params => {:query_id => q.id}) assert_response :success end def test_index_should_omit_page_param_in_export_links get(:index, :params => {:page => 2}) assert_response :success assert_select 'a.atom[href="/issues.atom"]' assert_select 'a.csv[href="/issues.csv"]' assert_select 'a.pdf[href="/issues.pdf"]' assert_select 'form#csv-export-form[action="/issues.csv"]' end def test_index_should_not_warn_when_not_exceeding_export_limit with_settings :issues_export_limit => 200 do get :index assert_select '#csv-export-options p.icon-warning', 0 end end def test_index_should_warn_when_exceeding_export_limit with_settings :issues_export_limit => 2 do get :index assert_select '#csv-export-options p.icon-warning', :text => %r{limit: 2} end end def test_index_should_include_query_params_as_hidden_fields_in_csv_export_form get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => "1", :tracker_id => "2", :sort => 'status', :c => ["status", "priority"] } ) assert_select '#csv-export-form[action=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/issues.csv' assert_select '#csv-export-form[method=?]', 'get' assert_select '#csv-export-form' do assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'set_filter', '1' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'f[]', 'tracker_id' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'op[tracker_id]', '=' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'v[tracker_id][]', '2' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'c[]', 'status' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'c[]', 'priority' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'sort', 'status' end get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => "1", :f => [''] } ) assert_select '#csv-export-form input[name=?][value=?]', 'f[]', '' end def test_index_should_show_block_columns_in_csv_export_form field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Long text', :field_format => 'text', :full_width_layout => '1', :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true ) get :index assert_response :success assert_select '#csv-export-form' do assert_select 'input[value=?]', 'description' assert_select 'input[value=?]', 'last_notes' assert_select 'input[value=?]', "cf_#{field.id}" end end def test_index_csv get(:index, :params => {:format => 'csv'}) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.media_type assert response.body.starts_with?("#,") lines = response.body.chomp.split("\n") # default columns + id and project assert_equal Setting.issue_list_default_columns.size + 2, lines[0].split(',').size end def test_index_csv_filename_without_query_name_param get :index, :params => {:format => 'csv'} assert_response :success assert_match /issues.csv/, @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] end def test_index_csv_filename_with_query_name_param get :index, :params => {:query_name => 'My Query Name', :format => 'csv'} assert_response :success assert_match /my_query_name\.csv/, @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] end def test_index_csv_with_project get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :format => 'csv' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.media_type end def test_index_csv_without_any_filters @request.session[:user_id] = 1 Issue. create!( :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 5, :subject => 'Closed issue', :author_id => 1 ) get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :f => [''], :format => 'csv' } ) assert_response :success # -1 for headers assert_equal Issue.count, response.body.chomp.split("\n").size - 1 end def test_index_csv_with_description Issue.generate!(:description => 'test_index_csv_with_description') with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get( :index, :params => { :format => 'csv', :c => [:tracker, :description] } ) assert_response :success end assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', response.media_type headers = response.body.chomp.split("\n").first.split(',') assert_include 'Description', headers assert_include 'test_index_csv_with_description', response.body end def test_index_csv_with_spent_time_column issue = Issue. create!( :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'test_index_csv_with_spent_time_column', :author_id => 2 ) TimeEntry. create!( :project => issue.project, :issue => issue, :hours => 7.33, :user => User.find(2), :spent_on => Date.today ) get( :index, :params => { :format => 'csv', :set_filter => '1', :c => %w(subject spent_hours) } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.media_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") assert_include "#{issue.id},#{issue.subject},7.33", lines end def test_index_csv_with_all_columns get( :index, :params => { :format => 'csv', :c => ['all_inline'] } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.media_type assert_match /\A#,/, response.body lines = response.body.chomp.split("\n") assert_equal IssueQuery.new.available_inline_columns.size, lines[0].split(',').size end def test_index_csv_with_multi_column_field CustomField.find(1).update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['MySQL', 'Oracle']} issue.save! get( :index, :params => { :format => 'csv', :c => ['tracker', "cf_1"] } ) assert_response :success lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") assert lines.detect {|line| line.include?('"MySQL, Oracle"')} end def test_index_csv_should_format_float_custom_fields_with_csv_decimal_separator field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Float', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1], :field_format => 'float' ) issue = Issue. generate!( :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :custom_field_values => {field.id => '185.6'} ) with_settings :default_language => 'fr' do get( :index, :params => { :format => 'csv', :c => ['id', 'tracker', "cf_#{field.id}"] } ) assert_response :success issue_line = response.body.chomp.split("\n"). map {|line| line.split(';')}. detect {|line| line[0]==issue.id.to_s} assert_include '185,60', issue_line end with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get( :index, :params => { :format => 'csv', :c => ['id', 'tracker', "cf_#{field.id}"] } ) assert_response :success issue_line = response.body.chomp. split("\n").map {|line| line.split(',')}. detect {|line| line[0]==issue.id.to_s} assert_include '185.60', issue_line end end def test_index_csv_should_fill_parent_column_with_parent_id Issue.delete_all parent = Issue.generate! child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id) with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get( :index, :params => { :format => 'csv', :c => %w(parent) } ) end lines = response.body.split("\n") assert_include "#{child.id},#{parent.id}", lines end def test_index_csv_big_5 with_settings :default_language => "zh-TW" do str_utf8 = '一月' str_big5 = (+"\xa4@\xa4\xeb").force_encoding('Big5') issue = Issue.generate!(:subject => str_utf8) get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :subject => str_utf8, :format => 'csv' } ) assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.media_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") header = lines[0] status = (+"\xaa\xac\xbaA").force_encoding('Big5') assert_include status, header issue_line = lines.find {|l| l =~ /^#{issue.id},/} assert_include str_big5, issue_line end end def test_index_csv_cannot_convert_should_be_replaced_big_5 with_settings :default_language => "zh-TW" do str_utf8 = '以内' issue = Issue.generate!(:subject => str_utf8) get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :subject => str_utf8, :c => ['status', 'subject'], :format => 'csv', :set_filter => 1 } ) assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.media_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") header = lines[0] issue_line = lines.find {|l| l =~ /^#{issue.id},/} s1 = (+"\xaa\xac\xbaA").force_encoding('Big5') # status assert header.include?(s1) s2 = issue_line.split(",")[2] s3 = (+"\xa5H?").force_encoding('Big5') # subject assert_equal s3, s2 end end def test_index_csv_tw with_settings :default_language => "zh-TW" do str1 = "test_index_csv_tw" issue = Issue.generate!(:subject => str1, :estimated_hours => '1234.5') get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :subject => str1, :c => ['estimated_hours', 'subject'], :format => 'csv', :set_filter => 1 } ) assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.media_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") assert_include "#{issue.id},1234.50,#{str1}", lines end end def test_index_csv_fr with_settings :default_language => "fr" do str1 = "test_index_csv_fr" issue = Issue.generate!(:subject => str1, :estimated_hours => '1234.5') get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :subject => str1, :c => ['estimated_hours', 'subject'], :format => 'csv', :set_filter => 1 } ) assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', @response.media_type lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n") assert_include "#{issue.id};1234,50;#{str1}", lines end end def test_index_csv_should_not_change_selected_columns get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => ["subject", "due_date"], :project_id => "ecookbook" } ) assert_response :success assert_equal [:subject, :due_date], session[:issue_query][:column_names] get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c =>["all_inline"], :project_id => "ecookbook", :format => 'csv' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal [:subject, :due_date], session[:issue_query][:column_names] end def test_index_pdf ["en", "zh", "zh-TW", "ja", "ko", "ar"].each do |lang| with_settings :default_language => lang do get :index assert_response :success get(:index, :params => {:format => 'pdf'}) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :query_id => 6, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type end end end def test_index_pdf_with_query_grouped_by_list_custom_field get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :query_id => 9, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type end def test_index_pdf_filename_without_query get :index, :params => {:format => 'pdf'} assert_response :success assert_match /issues.pdf/, @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] end def test_index_pdf_filename_with_query query = IssueQuery.create!(:name => 'My Query Name', :visibility => IssueQuery::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) get :index, :params => {:query_id => query.id, :format => 'pdf'} assert_response :success assert_match /my_query_name\.pdf/, @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] end def test_index_atom get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 'ecookbook', :format => 'atom' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/atom+xml', response.media_type assert_select 'feed' do assert_select 'link[rel=self][href=?]', 'http://test.host/projects/ecookbook/issues.atom' assert_select 'link[rel=alternate][href=?]', 'http://test.host/projects/ecookbook/issues' assert_select 'entry link[href=?]', 'http://test.host/issues/1' end end def test_index_should_include_back_url_input get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 'ecookbook', :foo => 'bar' } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=back_url][value=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/issues?foo=bar' end def test_index_sort get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'tracker,id:desc'}) assert_response :success assert_equal( issues_in_list.sort_by {|issue| [issue.tracker.position, -issue.id]}, issues_in_list ) assert_select 'table.issues.sort-by-tracker.sort-asc' end def test_index_sort_by_field_not_included_in_columns with_settings :issue_list_default_columns => %w(subject author) do get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'tracker'}) assert_response :success end end def test_index_sort_by_assigned_to get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'assigned_to'}) assert_response :success assignees = issues_in_list.map(&:assigned_to).compact assert_equal assignees.sort, assignees assert_select 'table.issues.sort-by-assigned-to.sort-asc' end def test_index_sort_by_assigned_to_desc get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'assigned_to:desc'}) assert_response :success assignees = issues_in_list.map(&:assigned_to).compact assert_equal assignees.sort.reverse, assignees assert_select 'table.issues.sort-by-assigned-to.sort-desc' end def test_index_group_by_assigned_to get( :index, :params => { :group_by => 'assigned_to', :sort => 'priority' } ) assert_response :success end def test_index_sort_by_author get( :index, :params => { :sort => 'author', :c => ['author'] } ) assert_response :success authors = issues_in_list.map(&:author) assert_equal authors.sort, authors end def test_index_sort_by_author_desc get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'author:desc'}) assert_response :success authors = issues_in_list.map(&:author) assert_equal authors.sort.reverse, authors end def test_index_group_by_author get( :index, :params => { :group_by => 'author', :sort => 'priority' } ) assert_response :success end def test_index_sort_by_last_updated_by get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'last_updated_by'}) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.issues.sort-by-last-updated-by.sort-asc' end def test_index_sort_by_last_updated_by_desc get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'last_updated_by:desc'}) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.issues.sort-by-last-updated-by.sort-desc' end def test_index_sort_by_spent_hours get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'spent_hours:desc'}) assert_response :success hours = issues_in_list.map(&:spent_hours) assert_equal hours.sort.reverse, hours end def test_index_sort_by_spent_hours_should_sort_by_visible_spent_hours TimeEntry.delete_all TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1), :hours => 3) TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => Issue.generate!(:project_id => 3), :hours => 4) get( :index, :params => { :sort => "spent_hours:desc", :c => ['subject', 'spent_hours'] } ) assert_response :success assert_equal ['4:00', '3:00', '0:00'], columns_values_in_list('spent_hours').first(3) Project.find(3).disable_module!(:time_tracking) get( :index, :params => { :sort => "spent_hours:desc", :c => ['subject', 'spent_hours'] } ) assert_response :success assert_equal ['3:00', '0:00', '0:00'], columns_values_in_list('spent_hours').first(3) end def test_index_sort_by_total_spent_hours get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'total_spent_hours:desc'}) assert_response :success hours = issues_in_list.map(&:total_spent_hours) assert_equal hours.sort.reverse, hours end def test_index_sort_by_total_estimated_hours get(:index, :params => {:sort => 'total_estimated_hours:desc'}) assert_response :success hours = issues_in_list.map(&:total_estimated_hours) # Removes nil because the position of NULL is database dependent hours.compact! assert_equal hours.sort.reverse, hours end def test_index_sort_by_user_custom_field cf = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'User', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2, 3], :field_format => 'user' ) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(1), :value => '2') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(2), :value => '3') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(3), :value => '3') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(5), :value => '') get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1, :sort => "cf_#{cf.id},id" } ) assert_response :success assert_equal( [2, 3, 1], issues_in_list.select {|issue| issue.custom_field_value(cf).present?}.map(&:id) ) end def test_index_with_columns columns = ['tracker', 'subject', 'assigned_to', 'buttons'] get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => columns } ) assert_response :success # query should use specified columns + id and checkbox assert_select 'table.issues thead' do assert_select 'th', columns.size + 2 assert_select 'th.tracker' assert_select 'th.subject' assert_select 'th.assigned_to' assert_select 'th.buttons' end # columns should be stored in session assert_kind_of Hash, session[:issue_query] assert_kind_of Array, session[:issue_query][:column_names] assert_equal columns, session[:issue_query][:column_names].map(&:to_s) # ensure only these columns are kept in the selected columns list assert_select 'select[name=?] option', 'c[]' do assert_select 'option', 3 assert_select 'option[value=tracker]' assert_select 'option[value=project]', 0 end end def test_index_without_project_should_implicitly_add_project_column_to_default_columns with_settings :issue_list_default_columns => ['tracker', 'subject', 'assigned_to'] do get(:index, :params => {:set_filter => 1}) end # query should use specified columns assert_equal ["#", "Project", "Tracker", "Subject", "Assignee"], columns_in_issues_list end def test_index_without_project_and_explicit_default_columns_should_not_add_project_column with_settings :issue_list_default_columns => ['tracker', 'subject', 'assigned_to'] do columns = ['id', 'tracker', 'subject', 'assigned_to'] get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => columns } ) end # query should use specified columns assert_equal ["#", "Tracker", "Subject", "Assignee"], columns_in_issues_list end def test_index_with_default_columns_should_respect_default_columns_order columns = ['assigned_to', 'subject', 'status', 'tracker'] with_settings :issue_list_default_columns => columns do get( :index, :params => { :project_id => 1, :set_filter => 1 } ) assert_equal ["#", "Assignee", "Subject", "Status", "Tracker"], columns_in_issues_list end end def test_index_with_custom_field_column columns = %w(tracker subject cf_2) get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => columns } ) assert_response :success # query should use specified columns assert_equal ["#", "Tracker", "Subject", "Searchable field"], columns_in_issues_list assert_select 'table.issues' do assert_select 'th.cf_2.string' assert_select 'td.cf_2.string' end end def test_index_with_multi_custom_field_column field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['MySQL', 'Oracle']} issue.save! get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(tracker subject cf_1) } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.issues td.cf_1', :text => 'MySQL, Oracle' end def test_index_with_multi_user_custom_field_column field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Multi user', :field_format => 'user', :multiple => true, :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true ) issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => ['2', '3']} issue.save! get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => ['tracker', 'subject', "cf_#{field.id}"] } ) assert_response :success assert_select "table.issues td.cf_#{field.id}" do assert_select 'a', 2 assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/users/2', :text => 'John Smith' assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/users/3', :text => 'Dave Lopper' end end def test_index_with_date_column with_settings :date_format => '%d/%m/%Y' do Issue.find(1).update_attribute :start_date, '1987-08-24' get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(start_date) } ) assert_select 'table.issues' do assert_select 'th.start_date' assert_select 'td.start_date', :text => '24/08/1987' end end end def test_index_with_done_ratio_column Issue.find(1).update_attribute :done_ratio, 40 get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(done_ratio) } ) assert_select 'table.issues td.done_ratio' do assert_select 'table.progress' do assert_select 'td.closed[style=?]', 'width: 40%;' end end end def test_index_with_spent_hours_column Issue.expects(:load_visible_spent_hours).once get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject spent_hours) } ) assert_select 'table.issues tr#issue-3 td.spent_hours', :text => '1:00' end def test_index_with_total_spent_hours_column Issue.expects(:load_visible_total_spent_hours).once get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject total_spent_hours) } ) assert_select 'table.issues tr#issue-3 td.total_spent_hours', :text => '1:00' end def test_index_with_total_estimated_hours_column get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject total_estimated_hours) } ) assert_select 'table.issues td.total_estimated_hours' end def test_index_should_not_show_spent_hours_column_without_permission Role.anonymous.remove_permission! :view_time_entries get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject spent_hours) } ) assert_select 'td.spent_hours', 0 end def test_index_with_fixed_version_column get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(fixed_version) } ) assert_select 'table.issues td.fixed_version' do assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/versions/2', :text => 'eCookbook - 1.0' end end def test_index_with_relations_column IssueRelation.delete_all IssueRelation. create!( :relation_type => "relates", :issue_from => Issue.find(1), :issue_to => Issue.find(7) ) IssueRelation. create!( :relation_type => "relates", :issue_from => Issue.find(8), :issue_to => Issue.find(1) ) IssueRelation. create!( :relation_type => "blocks", :issue_from => Issue.find(1), :issue_to => Issue.find(11) ) IssueRelation. create!( :relation_type => "blocks", :issue_from => Issue.find(12), :issue_to => Issue.find(2) ) get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject relations) } ) assert_response :success assert_select "tr#issue-1 td.relations" do assert_select "span", 3 assert_select "span", :text => "Related to #7" assert_select "span", :text => "Related to #8" assert_select "span", :text => "Blocks #11" end assert_select "tr#issue-2 td.relations" do assert_select "span", 1 assert_select "span", :text => "Blocked by #12" end assert_select "tr#issue-3 td.relations" do assert_select "span", 0 end get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(relations), :format => 'csv' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/csv; header=present', response.media_type lines = response.body.chomp.split("\n") assert_include '1,"Related to #7, Related to #8, Blocks #11"', lines assert_include '2,Blocked by #12', lines assert_include '3,""', lines get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject relations), :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', response.media_type end def test_index_with_description_column get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject description) } ) assert_select 'table.issues thead th', 4 # columns: chekbox + id + subject assert_select 'td.description[colspan="4"]', :text => 'Unable to print recipes' get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject description), :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', response.media_type end def test_index_with_last_notes_column with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject last_notes) } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.issues thead th', 4 # columns: chekbox + id + subject assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"]', :text => 'Some notes with Redmine links: #2, r2.' assert_select( 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"]', :text => 'A comment with inline image: and a reference to #1 and r2.' ) get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject last_notes), :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', response.media_type end end def test_index_with_last_notes_column_should_display_private_notes_with_permission_only journal = Journal. create!( :journalized => Issue.find(2), :notes => 'Public notes', :user_id => 1 ) journal = Journal. create!( :journalized => Issue.find(2), :notes => 'Privates notes', :private_notes => true, :user_id => 1 ) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject last_notes) } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"]', :text => 'Privates notes' Role.find(1).remove_permission! :view_private_notes get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject last_notes) } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"]', :text => 'Public notes' end def test_index_with_description_and_last_notes_columns_should_display_column_name get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(subject last_notes description) } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"] span', :text => 'Last notes' assert_select 'td.description[colspan="4"] span', :text => 'Description' end def test_index_with_full_width_layout_custom_field_column_should_show_column_as_block_column field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Long text', :field_format => 'text', :full_width_layout => '1', :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true ) issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => 'This is a long text'} issue.save! get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => ['subject', 'description', "cf_#{field.id}"] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'td.description[colspan="4"] span', :text => 'Description' assert_select "td.cf_#{field.id} span", :text => 'Long text' end def test_index_with_parent_column Issue.delete_all parent = Issue.generate! child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id) get(:index, :params => {:c => %w(parent)}) assert_select 'td.parent', :text => "#{parent.tracker} ##{parent.id}" assert_select 'td.parent a[title=?]', parent.subject end def test_index_with_parent_subject_column Issue.delete_all parent = Issue.generate! child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id) get(:index, :params => {:c => %w(parent.subject)}) assert_select 'table.issues' do assert_select 'th.parent-subject', :text => l(:field_parent_issue_subject) assert_select "tr#issue-#{child.id}" do assert_select 'td.parent-subject', :text => parent.subject end end end def test_index_with_last_updated_by_column get( :index, :params => { :c => %w(subject last_updated_by), :issue_id => '1,2,3', :sort => 'id', :set_filter => '1' } ) assert_select 'td.last_updated_by' assert_equal ["John Smith", "John Smith", ""], css_select('td.last_updated_by').map(&:text) end def test_index_with_attachments_column get( :index, :params => { :c => %w(subject attachments), :set_filter => '1', :sort => 'id' } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'td.attachments' assert_select 'tr#issue-2' do assert_select 'td.attachments' do assert_select 'span:nth-of-type(1)' do assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/attachments/4', :text => 'source.rb' assert_select 'a[href=?].icon-download', '/attachments/download/4/source.rb' end assert_select 'span:nth-of-type(2)' do assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/attachments/10', :text => 'picture.jpg' assert_select 'a[href=?].icon-download', '/attachments/download/10/picture.jpg' end end end end def test_index_with_attachments_column_as_csv get( :index, :params => { :c => %w(subject attachments), :set_filter => '1', :sort => 'id', :format => 'csv' } ) assert_response :success assert_include "\"source.rb\npicture.jpg\"", response.body end def test_index_with_estimated_hours_total Issue.delete_all Issue.generate!(:estimated_hours => '5:30') Issue.generate!(:estimated_hours => '1:06') get(:index, :params => {:t => %w(estimated_hours)}) assert_response :success assert_select '.query-totals' assert_select '.total-for-estimated-hours span.value', :text => '6:36' assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][value=estimated_hours][checked=checked]', 't[]' end def test_index_with_grouped_query_and_estimated_hours_total Issue.delete_all Issue.generate!(:estimated_hours => '5:30', :category_id => 1) Issue.generate!(:estimated_hours => '2:18', :category_id => 1) Issue.generate!(:estimated_hours => '1:06', :category_id => 2) Issue.generate!(:estimated_hours => '4:36') get( :index, :params => { :t => %w(estimated_hours), :group_by => 'category' } ) assert_response :success assert_select '.query-totals' assert_select '.query-totals .total-for-estimated-hours span.value', :text => '13:30' assert_select 'tr.group', :text => /Printing/ do assert_select '.total-for-estimated-hours span.value', :text => '7:48' end assert_select 'tr.group', :text => /Recipes/ do assert_select '.total-for-estimated-hours span.value', :text => '1:06' end assert_select 'tr.group', :text => /blank/ do assert_select '.total-for-estimated-hours span.value', :text => '4:36' end end def test_index_with_int_custom_field_total field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:field_format => 'int', :is_for_all => true) CustomValue.create!(:customized => Issue.find(1), :custom_field => field, :value => '2') CustomValue.create!(:customized => Issue.find(2), :custom_field => field, :value => '7') get(:index, :params => {:t => ["cf_#{field.id}"]}) assert_response :success assert_select '.query-totals' assert_select ".total-for-cf-#{field.id} span.value", :text => '9' end def test_index_with_spent_time_total_should_sum_visible_spent_time_only TimeEntry.delete_all TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1), :hours => 3) TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => Issue.generate!(:project_id => 3), :hours => 4) get :index, :params => {:t => ["spent_hours"]} assert_response :success assert_select ".total-for-spent-hours span.value", :text => '7:00' Project.find(3).disable_module!(:time_tracking) get :index, :params => {:t => ["spent_hours"]} assert_response :success assert_select ".total-for-spent-hours span.value", :text => '3:00' end def test_index_totals_should_default_to_settings with_settings :issue_list_default_totals => ['estimated_hours'] do get :index assert_response :success assert_select '.total-for-estimated-hours span.value' assert_select '.query-totals>span', 1 end end def test_index_send_html_if_query_is_invalid get( :index, :params => { :f => ['start_date'], :op => { :start_date => '=' } } ) assert_equal 'text/html', @response.media_type assert_select_error /Start date cannot be blank/i end def test_index_send_nothing_if_query_is_invalid get( :index, :params => { :f => ['start_date'], :op => { :start_date => '=' }, :format => 'csv' } ) assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.media_type assert @response.body.blank? end def test_index_should_include_new_issue_link @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select( '#content a.new-issue[href="/projects/ecookbook/issues/new"]', :text => 'New issue' ) end def test_index_should_not_include_new_issue_link_for_project_without_trackers Project.find(1).trackers.clear @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select '#content a.new-issue', 0 end def test_index_should_not_include_new_issue_link_for_users_with_copy_issues_permission_only role = Role.find(1) role.remove_permission! :add_issues role.add_permission! :copy_issues @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select '#content a.new-issue', 0 end def test_index_without_project_should_include_new_issue_link @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :index assert_select '#content a.new-issue[href="/issues/new"]', :text => 'New issue' end def test_index_should_show_setting_link_with_edit_project_permission role = Role.find(1) role.add_permission! :edit_project @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select '#content a.icon-settings[href="/projects/ecookbook/settings/issues"]', 1 end def test_index_should_not_show_setting_link_without_edit_project_permission role = Role.find(1) role.remove_permission! :edit_project @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select '#content a.icon-settings[href="/projects/ecookbook/settings/issues"]', 0 end def test_index_should_not_include_new_issue_tab_when_disabled with_settings :new_item_menu_tab => '0' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select '#main-menu a.new-issue', 0 end end def test_index_should_include_new_issue_tab_when_enabled with_settings :new_item_menu_tab => '1' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select( '#main-menu a.new-issue[href="/projects/ecookbook/issues/new"]', :text => 'New issue' ) end end def test_new_should_have_new_issue_tab_as_current_menu_item with_settings :new_item_menu_tab => '1' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select '#main-menu a.new-issue.selected' end end def test_index_should_not_include_new_issue_tab_for_project_without_trackers with_settings :new_item_menu_tab => '1' do Project.find(1).trackers.clear @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select '#main-menu a.new-issue', 0 end end def test_index_should_not_include_new_issue_tab_for_users_with_copy_issues_permission_only with_settings :new_item_menu_tab => '1' do role = Role.find(1) role.remove_permission! :add_issues role.add_permission! :copy_issues @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:index, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_select '#main-menu a.new-issue', 0 end end def test_index_should_respect_timespan_format with_settings :timespan_format => 'minutes' do get( :index, :params => { :set_filter => 1, :c => %w(estimated_hours total_estimated_hours spent_hours total_spent_hours) } ) assert_select 'table.issues tr#issue-1 td.estimated_hours', :text => '200:00' assert_select 'table.issues tr#issue-1 td.total_estimated_hours', :text => '200:00' assert_select 'table.issues tr#issue-1 td.spent_hours', :text => '154:15' assert_select 'table.issues tr#issue-1 td.total_spent_hours', :text => '154:15' end end def test_show_by_anonymous get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div.issue div.description', :text => /Unable to print recipes/ assert_select '#content>.contextual:first-child' do assert_select 'a', {:count => 1, :text => 'Edit'} assert_select 'a', {:count => 0, :text => 'Log time'} assert_select 'a', {:count => 0, :text => 'Watch'} assert_select 'a', {:count => 0, :text => 'Copy'} assert_select 'div.drdn-items a', {:count => 1, :text => 'Copy link'} assert_select 'div.drdn-items a', {:count => 0, :text => 'Delete issue'} end # anonymous role is allowed to add a note assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'fieldset' do assert_select 'legend', :text => 'Notes' assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[notes]' end end assert_select 'title', :text => "Bug #1: Cannot print recipes - eCookbook - Redmine" end def test_show_by_manager @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_select 'a', :text => /Quote/ assert_select '#content>.contextual:first-child' do assert_select 'a', {:count => 1, :text => 'Edit'} assert_select 'a', {:count => 1, :text => 'Log time'} assert_select 'a', {:count => 1, :text => 'Watch'} assert_select 'a', {:count => 1, :text => 'Copy'} assert_select 'div.drdn-items a', {:count => 1, :text => 'Copy link'} assert_select 'div.drdn-items a', {:count => 1, :text => 'Delete issue'} end assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'fieldset' do assert_select 'legend', :text => 'Change properties' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[subject]' end assert_select 'fieldset' do assert_select 'legend', :text => 'Log time' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'time_entry[hours]' end assert_select 'fieldset' do assert_select 'legend', :text => 'Notes' assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[notes]' end end end def test_show_should_display_update_form @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[is_private]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[subject]' assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[description]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[assigned_to_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[category_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[fixed_version_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[start_date]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[due_date]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[done_ratio]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][2]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', 0 assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[notes]' end end def test_show_should_display_update_form_with_minimal_permissions Role.find(1).update_attribute :permissions, [:view_issues, :add_issue_notes] WorkflowTransition.where(:role_id => 1).delete_all @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[is_private]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[subject]', 0 assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[description]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[assigned_to_id]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[category_id]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[fixed_version_id]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[start_date]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[due_date]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[done_ratio]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][2]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', 0 assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[notes]' end end def test_show_should_not_display_update_form_without_permissions Role.find(1).update_attribute :permissions, [:view_issues] @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form', 0 end def test_update_form_should_not_display_inactive_enumerations assert !IssuePriority.find(15).active? @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="4"]' assert_select 'option[value="15"]', 0 end end end def test_update_form_should_allow_attachment_upload @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_select 'form#issue-form[method=post][enctype="multipart/form-data"]' do assert_select 'input[type=file][name=?]', 'attachments[dummy][file]' end end def test_update_form_should_render_assign_to_me_link_when_issue_can_be_assigned_to_the_current_user @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get( :show, :params => { :id => 10 } ) assert_select 'form#issue-form #attributes' do assert_select 'a[class=?][data-id=?]', 'assign-to-me-link', '1', 1 end end def test_update_form_should_not_render_assign_to_me_link_when_issue_cannot_be_assigned_to_the_current_user @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get( :show, :params => { :id => 2 } ) assert_select 'form#issue-form #attributes' do assert_select 'a[class=?]', 'assign-to-me-link', 0 end end def test_update_form_should_not_show_assign_to_me_link_when_issue_is_assigned_to_the_current_user issue = Issue.find(10) issue.assigned_to_id = 1 issue.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get( :show, :params => { :id => 10 } ) assert_select 'form#issue-form #attributes' do assert_select 'a[class=?]', 'assign-to-me-link hidden', 1 end end def test_show_should_deny_anonymous_access_without_permission Role.anonymous.remove_permission!(:view_issues) get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :redirect end def test_show_should_deny_anonymous_access_to_private_issue Issue.where(:id => 1).update_all(["is_private = ?", true]) get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :redirect end def test_show_should_deny_non_member_access_without_permission Role.non_member.remove_permission!(:view_issues) @request.session[:user_id] = 9 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response 403 end def test_show_should_deny_non_member_access_to_private_issue Issue.where(:id => 1).update_all(["is_private = ?", true]) @request.session[:user_id] = 9 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response 403 end def test_show_should_deny_member_access_without_permission Role.find(1).remove_permission!(:view_issues) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response 403 end def test_show_should_deny_member_access_to_private_issue_without_permission Issue.where(:id => 1).update_all(["is_private = ?", true]) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response 403 end def test_show_should_allow_author_access_to_private_issue Issue.where(:id => 1).update_all(["is_private = ?, author_id = 3", true]) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success end def test_show_should_allow_assignee_access_to_private_issue Issue.where(:id => 1).update_all(["is_private = ?, assigned_to_id = 3", true]) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success end def test_show_should_allow_member_access_to_private_issue_with_permission Issue.where(:id => 1).update_all(["is_private = ?", true]) User.find(3).roles_for_project(Project.find(1)).first.update_attribute :issues_visibility, 'all' @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success end def test_show_should_format_related_issues_dates with_settings :date_format => '%d/%m/%Y' do issue = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2018-11-29', :due_date => '2018-12-01') IssueRelation. create!( :issue_from => Issue.find(1), :issue_to => issue, :relation_type => 'relates' ) get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select '#relations td.start_date', :text => '29/11/2018' assert_select '#relations td.due_date', :text => '01/12/2018' end end def test_show_should_not_disclose_relations_to_invisible_issues with_settings :cross_project_issue_relations => '1' do IssueRelation. create!( :issue_from => Issue.find(1), :issue_to => Issue.find(2), :relation_type => 'relates' ) # Relation to a private project issue IssueRelation. create!( :issue_from => Issue.find(1), :issue_to => Issue.find(4), :relation_type => 'relates' ) get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div#relations' do assert_select 'a', :text => /#2$/ assert_select 'a', :text => /#4$/, :count => 0 end end end def test_show_should_list_subtasks issue = Issue. create!( :project_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :parent_issue_id => 1, :subject => 'Child Issue' ) get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div#issue_tree' do assert_select 'td.subject', :text => /Child Issue/ end assert_select 'div#tab-content-history' do assert_select 'div[id=?]', "change-#{Issue.find(1).journals.last.id}" do assert_select 'ul.details', :text => "Subtask ##{issue.id} added" end end end def test_show_should_show_subtasks_stats @request.session[:user_id] = 1 child1 = Issue.generate!(parent_issue_id: 1, subject: 'Open child issue') Issue.generate!(parent_issue_id: 1, subject: 'Closed child issue', status_id: 5) Issue.generate!(parent_issue_id: child1.id, subject: 'Open child of child') # Issue not visible for anonymous Issue.generate!(parent_issue_id: 1, subject: 'Private child', project_id: 5) get(:show, params: {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div#issue_tree span.issues-stat' do assert_select 'span.badge', text: '4' assert_select 'span.open a', text: '3 open' assert_equal CGI.unescape(css_select('span.open a').first.attr(:href)), "/issues?parent_id=~1&set_filter=true&status_id=o" assert_select 'span.closed a', text: '1 closed' assert_equal CGI.unescape(css_select('span.closed a').first.attr(:href)), "/issues?parent_id=~1&set_filter=true&status_id=c" end end def test_show_subtasks_stats_should_not_link_if_issue_has_zero_open_or_closed_subtasks child1 = Issue.generate!(parent_issue_id: 1, subject: 'Open child issue') get(:show, params: {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div#issue_tree span.issues-stat' do assert_select 'span.open a', text: '1 open' assert_equal CGI.unescape(css_select('span.open a').first.attr(:href)), "/issues?parent_id=~1&set_filter=true&status_id=o" assert_select 'span.closed', text: '0 closed' assert_select 'span.closed a', 0 end end def test_show_should_not_show_subtasks_stats_if_subtasks_are_not_visible # Issue not visible for anonymous Issue.generate!(parent_issue_id: 1, subject: 'Private child', project_id: 5) get(:show, params: {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div#issue_tree span.issues-stat', 0 end def test_show_should_list_parents issue = Issue. create!( :project_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :parent_issue_id => 1, :subject => 'Child Issue' ) get(:show, :params => {:id => issue.id}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div.subject' do assert_select 'h3', 'Child Issue' assert_select 'a[href="/issues/1"]' end end def test_show_should_not_display_prev_next_links_without_query_in_session get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div.next-prev-links', 0 end def test_show_should_display_prev_next_links_with_query_in_session @request.session[:issue_query] = { :filters => { 'status_id' => { :values => [''], :operator => 'o' } }, :project_id => nil, :sort => [['id', 'asc']] } with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '0' do get(:show, :params => {:id => 3}) end assert_response :success count = Issue.open.visible.count # Previous and next issues for all projects assert_select 'div.next-prev-links' do assert_select 'a[href="/issues/2"]', :text => /Previous/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/5"]', :text => /Next/ assert_select 'span.position', :text => "3 of #{count}" end end def test_show_should_display_prev_next_links_with_saved_query_in_session query = IssueQuery.create!( :name => 'test', :visibility => IssueQuery::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, :user_id => 1, :filters => {'status_id' => {:values => ['5'], :operator => '='}}, :sort_criteria => [['id', 'asc']] ) @request.session[:issue_query] = {:id => query.id, :project_id => nil} get(:show, :params => {:id => 11}) assert_response :success # Previous and next issues for all projects assert_select 'div.next-prev-links' do assert_select 'a[href="/issues/8"]', :text => /Previous/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/12"]', :text => /Next/ end end def test_show_should_display_prev_next_links_with_query_and_sort_on_association @request.session[:issue_query] = { :filters => { 'status_id' => { :values => [''], :operator => 'o' } }, :project_id => nil } %w(project tracker status priority author assigned_to category fixed_version). each do |assoc_sort| @request.session[:issue_query][:sort] = [[assoc_sort, 'asc']] get(:show, :params => {:id => 3}) assert_response :success, "Wrong response status for #{assoc_sort} sort" assert_select 'div.next-prev-links' do assert_select 'a', :text => /(Previous|Next)/ end end end def test_show_should_display_prev_next_links_with_project_query_in_session @request.session[:issue_query] = { :filters => { 'status_id' => {:values => [''], :operator => 'o'} }, :project_id => 1, :sort => [['id', 'asc']] } with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '0' do get(:show, :params => {:id => 3}) end assert_response :success # Previous and next issues inside project assert_select 'div.next-prev-links' do assert_select 'a[href="/issues/2"]', :text => /Previous/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/7"]', :text => /Next/ end end def test_show_should_not_display_prev_link_for_first_issue @request.session[:issue_query] = { :filters => { 'status_id' => {:values => [''], :operator => 'o'} }, :project_id => 1, :sort => [['id', 'asc']] } with_settings :display_subprojects_issues => '0' do get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) end assert_response :success assert_select 'div.next-prev-links' do assert_select 'a', :text => /Previous/, :count => 0 assert_select 'a[href="/issues/2"]', :text => /Next/ end end def test_show_should_not_display_prev_next_links_for_issue_not_in_query_results @request.session[:issue_query] = { :filters => { 'status_id' => {:values => [''], :operator => 'c'} }, :project_id => 1, :sort => [['id', 'asc']] } get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'a', :text => /Previous/, :count => 0 assert_select 'a', :text => /Next/, :count => 0 end def test_show_show_should_display_prev_next_links_with_query_sort_by_user_custom_field cf = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'User', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2, 3], :field_format => 'user' ) CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(1), :value => '2') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(2), :value => '3') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(3), :value => '3') CustomValue.create!(:custom_field => cf, :customized => Issue.find(5), :value => '') query = IssueQuery.create!( :name => 'test', :visibility => IssueQuery::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, :user_id => 1, :filters => {}, :sort_criteria => [["cf_#{cf.id}", 'asc'], ['id', 'asc']] ) @request.session[:issue_query] = {:id => query.id, :project_id => nil} get(:show, :params => {:id => 3}) assert_response :success assert_select 'div.next-prev-links' do assert_select 'a[href="/issues/2"]', :text => /Previous/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/1"]', :text => /Next/ end end def test_show_should_display_prev_next_links_when_request_has_previous_and_next_issue_ids_params get( :show, :params => { :id => 1, :prev_issue_id => 1, :next_issue_id => 3, :issue_position => 2, :issue_count => 4 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'div.next-prev-links' do assert_select 'a[href="/issues/1"]', :text => /Previous/ assert_select 'a[href="/issues/3"]', :text => /Next/ assert_select 'span.position', :text => "2 of 4" end end def test_show_should_display_category_field_if_categories_are_defined Issue.update_all :category_id => nil get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select '.attributes .category' end def test_show_should_not_display_category_field_if_no_categories_are_defined Project.find(1).issue_categories.delete_all get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.attributes .category', 0 end def test_show_should_display_link_to_the_assigned_user get(:show, :params => {:id => 2}) assert_response :success assert_select '.assigned-to' do assert_select 'a[href="/users/3"]' end end def test_show_should_display_link_to_the_assigned_group Issue.find(2).update_attribute(:assigned_to_id, 10) get(:show, :params => {:id => 2}) assert_response :success assert_select '.assigned-to' do assert_select 'a[href="/groups/10"]' end end def test_show_should_display_visible_changesets_from_other_projects project = Project.find(2) issue = project.issues.first issue.changeset_ids = [102] issue.save! # changesets from other projects should be displayed even if repository # is disabled on issue's project project.disable_module! :repository @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :issue_tab, :params => { :id => issue.id, :name => 'changesets' }, :xhr => true ) assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/repository/10/revisions/3' assert_select 'div.changeset p', :text => /eCookbook - / end def test_show_should_display_watchers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) issue.add_watcher User.find(2) issue.add_watcher Group.find(10) get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_select 'div#watchers ul' do assert_select 'li.user-2' do assert_select 'a[href="/users/2"]' assert_select 'a[class*=delete]' end assert_select "li.user-10" do assert_select 'a[href="/users/10"]', false assert_select 'a[class*=delete]' end end end def test_show_should_display_watchers_with_gravatars @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) issue.add_watcher User.find(2) issue.add_watcher Group.find(10) with_settings :gravatar_enabled => '1' do get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) end assert_select 'div#watchers ul' do assert_select 'li.user-2' do assert_select 'img.gravatar[title=?]', 'John Smith' assert_select 'a[href="/users/2"]' assert_select 'a[class*=delete]' end assert_select "li.user-10" do assert_select 'img.gravatar[title=?]', 'A Team' assert_select 'a[href="/users/10"]', false assert_select 'a[class*=delete]' end end end def test_show_should_mark_invalid_watchers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(4) issue.add_watcher User.find(4) get :show, :params => {:id => issue.id} assert_response :success assert_select 'div#watchers ul' do assert_select 'li.user-4' do assert_select 'span.icon-warning[title=?]', l(:notice_invalid_watcher), text: l(:notice_invalid_watcher) end end end def test_show_with_thumbnails_enabled_should_display_thumbnails skip unless convert_installed? @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :thumbnails_enabled => '1' do get(:show, :params => {:id => 14}) assert_response :success end assert_select 'div.thumbnails' do assert_select 'a[href="/attachments/16"]' do assert_select 'img[src="/attachments/thumbnail/16/200"]' end end end def test_show_with_thumbnails_disabled_should_not_display_thumbnails @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :thumbnails_enabled => '0' do get(:show, :params => {:id => 14}) assert_response :success end assert_select 'div.thumbnails', 0 end def test_show_with_multi_custom_field field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['MySQL', 'Oracle']} issue.save! get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select ".cf_1 .value", :text => 'MySQL, Oracle' end def test_show_with_full_width_layout_custom_field_should_show_field_under_description field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Long text', :field_format => 'text', :full_width_layout => '1', :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true ) issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => 'This is a long text'} issue.save! get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success # long text custom field should not be render in the attributes div assert_select "div.attributes div.attribute.cf_#{field.id} p strong", 0, :text => 'Long text' assert_select( "div.attributes div.attribute.cf_#{field.id} div.value", 0, :text => 'This is a long text' ) # long text custom field should be render under description field assert_select "div.description ~ div.attribute.cf_#{field.id} p strong", :text => 'Long text' assert_select( "div.description ~ div.attribute.cf_#{field.id} div.value", :text => 'This is a long text' ) end def test_show_custom_fields_with_full_text_formatting_should_be_rendered_using_wiki_class half_field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Half width field', :field_format => 'text', :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true, :text_formatting => 'full' ) full_field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Full width field', :field_format => 'text', :full_width_layout => '1', :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true, :text_formatting => 'full' ) issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {full_field.id => 'This is a long text', half_field.id => 'This is a short text'} issue.save! get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select "div.attribute.cf_#{half_field.id} div.value div.wiki", 1 assert_select "div.attribute.cf_#{full_field.id} div.value div.wiki", 1 end def test_show_with_multi_user_custom_field field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Multi user', :field_format => 'user', :multiple => true, :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true ) issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => ['2', '3']} issue.save! get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select ".cf_#{field.id} .value", :text => 'Dave Lopper, John Smith' do assert_select 'a', :text => 'Dave Lopper' assert_select 'a', :text => 'John Smith' end end def test_show_should_not_display_default_value_for_new_custom_field prior = Issue.generate! field = IssueCustomField. generate!( :name => 'WithDefault', :field_format => 'string', :default_value => 'DEFAULT' ) after = Issue.generate! get :show, :params => {:id => prior.id} assert_response :success assert_select ".cf_#{field.id} .value", :text => '' get :show, :params => {:id => after.id} assert_response :success assert_select ".cf_#{field.id} .value", :text => 'DEFAULT' end def test_show_should_display_private_notes_with_permission_only journal = Journal. create!( :journalized => Issue.find(2), :notes => 'Privates notes', :private_notes => true, :user_id => 1 ) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:show, :params => {:id => 2}) assert_response :success assert_select "#change-#{journal.id}", 1 Role.find(1).remove_permission! :view_private_notes get(:show, :params => {:id => 2}) assert_response :success assert_select "#change-#{journal.id}", 0 end def test_show_should_display_private_notes_created_by_current_user User.find(3).roles_for_project(Project.find(1)).each do |role| role.remove_permission! :view_private_notes end visible = Journal. create!( :journalized => Issue.find(2), :notes => 'Private notes', :private_notes => true, :user_id => 3 ) not_visible = Journal.create!( :journalized => Issue.find(2), :notes => 'Private notes', :private_notes => true, :user_id => 1 ) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get(:show, :params => {:id => 2}) assert_response :success assert_select "#change-#{visible.id}", 1 assert_select "#change-#{not_visible.id}", 0 end def test_show_should_mark_notes_as_edited_only_for_edited_notes get :show, :params => {:id => 1} assert_response :success journal = Journal.find(1) journal_title = l(:label_time_by_author, :time => format_time(journal.updated_on), :author => journal.updated_by) assert_select "#change-1 h4 span.update-info[title=?]", journal_title, :text => '· Edited' assert_select "#change-2 h4 span.update-info", 0 end def test_show_atom with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do get( :show, :params => { :id => 2, :format => 'atom' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/atom+xml', response.media_type # Inline image assert_select( 'content', :text => Regexp.new(Regexp.quote('http://test.host/attachments/download/10')) ) end end def test_show_export_to_pdf issue = Issue.find(3) assert issue.relations.select{|r| r.other_issue(issue).visible?}.present? get( :show, :params => { :id => 3, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert @response.body.starts_with?('%PDF') end def test_export_to_pdf_with_utf8_u_fffd issue = Issue.generate!(:subject => "�") ["en", "zh", "zh-TW", "ja", "ko", "ar"].each do |lang| with_settings :default_language => lang do get( :show, :params => { :id => issue.id, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert @response.body.starts_with?('%PDF') end end end def test_show_export_to_pdf_with_ancestors issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :author_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'child', :parent_issue_id => 1) get( :show, :params => { :id => issue.id, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert @response.body.starts_with?('%PDF') end def test_show_export_to_pdf_with_descendants c1 = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :author_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'child', :parent_issue_id => 1) c2 = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :author_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'child', :parent_issue_id => 1) c3 = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :author_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'child', :parent_issue_id => c1.id) get( :show, :params => { :id => 1, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert @response.body.starts_with?('%PDF') end def test_show_export_to_pdf_with_journals get( :show, :params => { :id => 1, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert @response.body.starts_with?('%PDF') end def test_show_export_to_pdf_with_private_journal Journal.create!( :journalized => Issue.find(1), :notes => 'Private notes', :private_notes => true, :user_id => 3 ) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get( :show, :params => { :id => 1, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert @response.body.starts_with?('%PDF') end def test_show_export_to_pdf_with_changesets [[100], [100, 101], [100, 101, 102]].each do |cs| issue1 = Issue.find(3) issue1.changesets = Changeset.find(cs) issue1.save! issue = Issue.find(3) assert_equal issue.changesets.count, cs.size get( :show, :params => { :id => 3, :format => 'pdf' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert @response.body.starts_with?('%PDF') end end def test_show_invalid_should_respond_with_404 get(:show, :params => {:id => 999}) assert_response 404 end def test_show_on_active_project_should_display_edit_links @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'a', :text => 'Edit' assert_select 'a', :text => 'Delete issue' end def test_show_on_closed_project_should_not_display_edit_links Issue.find(1).project.close @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'a', :text => 'Edit', :count => 0 assert_select 'a', :text => 'Delete issue', :count => 0 end def test_show_should_not_display_history_tabs_for_issue_without_journals @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, :params => {:id => 5} assert_response :success assert_select '#history div.tabs', 0 assert_select '#history p.nodata', :text => 'No data to display' end def test_show_display_only_all_and_notes_tabs_for_issue_with_notes_only @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, :params => {:id => 6} assert_response :success assert_select '#history' do assert_select 'div.tabs ul a', 2 assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-history', :text => 'History' assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-notes', :text => 'Notes' end end def test_show_display_only_all_and_history_tabs_for_issue_with_history_changes_only journal = Journal.create!(:journalized => Issue.find(5), :user_id => 1) detail = JournalDetail. create!( :journal => journal, :property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'description', :old_value => 'Foo', :value => 'Bar' ) @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, :params => {:id => 5} assert_response :success assert_select '#history' do assert_select 'div.tabs ul a', 2 assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-history', :text => 'History' assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-properties', :text => 'Property changes' end end def test_show_display_all_notes_and_history_tabs_for_issue_with_notes_and_history_changes journal = Journal.create!(:journalized => Issue.find(6), :user_id => 1) detail = JournalDetail. create!( :journal => journal, :property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'description', :old_value => 'Foo', :value => 'Bar' ) @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, :params => {:id => 6} assert_response :success assert_select '#history' do assert_select 'div.tabs ul a', 3 assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-history', :text => 'History' assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-notes', :text => 'Notes' assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-properties', :text => 'Property changes' end end def test_show_display_changesets_tab_for_issue_with_changesets project = Project.find(2) issue = Issue.find(9) issue.changeset_ids = [102] issue.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:id => issue.id} assert_select '#history' do assert_select 'div.tabs ul a', 1 assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-changesets', :text => 'Associated revisions' end end def test_show_should_display_spent_time_tab_for_issue_with_time_entries @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, :params => {:id => 3} assert_response :success assert_select '#history' do assert_select 'div.tabs ul a', 1 assert_select 'div.tabs a[id=?]', 'tab-time_entries', :text => 'Spent time' end get( :issue_tab, :params => { :id => 3, :name => 'time_entries' }, :xhr => true ) assert_response :success assert_select 'div[id=?]', 'time-entry-3' do assert_select 'a[title=?][href=?]', 'Edit', '/time_entries/3/edit' assert_select 'a[title=?][href=?]', 'Delete', '/time_entries/3' assert_select 'ul[class=?]', 'details', :text => /1.00 h/ end end def test_show_should_display_open_badge_for_open_issue get :show, params: {id: 1} assert_response :success assert_select 'span.badge.badge-status-open', text: 'open' end def test_show_should_display_closed_badge_for_closed_issue get :show, params: {id: 8} assert_response :success assert_select 'span.badge.badge-status-closed', text: 'closed' end def test_show_should_display_private_badge_for_private_issue @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, params: {id: 14} assert_response :success assert_select 'span.badge.badge-private', text: 'Private' end def test_show_should_not_display_edit_attachment_icon_for_user_without_edit_issue_permission_on_tracker role = Role.find(2) role.set_permission_trackers 'edit_issues', [2, 3] role.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, params: {id: 4} assert_response :success assert_select 'div.attachments .icon-edit', 0 end def test_show_should_not_display_delete_attachment_icon_for_user_without_edit_issue_permission_on_tracker role = Role.find(2) role.set_permission_trackers 'edit_issues', [2, 3] role.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, params: {id: 4} assert_response :success assert_select 'div.attachments .icon-del', 0 end def test_get_new @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form[action=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/issues' assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[is_private]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[subject]' assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[description]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[assigned_to_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[category_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[fixed_version_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[start_date]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[due_date]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[done_ratio]' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][2]', 'Default string' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]' # Assert submit buttons assert_select 'input[type=submit][name=?]', 'commit' assert_select 'input[type=submit][name=?]', 'continue' assert_select 'input[type=submit][name=?]', 'follow', 0 end # Be sure we don't display inactive IssuePriorities assert_not IssuePriority.find(15).active? assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="15"]', 0 end end def test_get_new_global_should_show_all_projects @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :new assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?]', '1' assert_select 'option[value=?]', '2' end end def test_get_new_should_show_project_selector_for_project_with_subprojects @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name="issue[project_id]"]' do assert_select 'option', 3 assert_select 'option[value=?]', '1', :text => 'eCookbook' assert_select 'option[value=?]', '5', :text => '  » Private child of eCookbook' assert_select 'option[selected=selected][value=?]', '3', :text => '  » eCookbook Subproject 1' # user_id 2 is not allowed to add issues on project_id 4 (it's not a member) assert_select 'option[value=?]', '4', 0 end end def test_get_new_should_not_show_project_selector_for_project_without_subprojects @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name="issue[project_id]"]', 0 end def test_get_new_should_not_show_invalid_projects_when_issue_is_a_subtask @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) issue.parent_id = 3 issue.save with_settings :cross_project_subtasks => 'tree' do get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :parent_issue_id => 1 } ) end assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name="issue[project_id]"]' do assert_select 'option', 3 # Onlinestore project should not be included assert_select 'option[value=?]', '2', 0 end end def test_get_new_with_minimal_permissions Role.find(1).update_attribute :permissions, [:add_issues] WorkflowTransition.where(:role_id => 1).delete_all @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[is_private]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[subject]' assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[description]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[assigned_to_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[category_id]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[fixed_version_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[start_date]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[due_date]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[done_ratio]' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][2]', 'Default string' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', 0 end end def test_new_without_project_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :new assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form[action=?]', '/issues' assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' end end def test_new_with_me_assigned_to_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :issue => {:assigned_to_id => 'me'} } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[assigned_to_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]' end end def test_new_should_select_default_status @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="1"][selected=selected]' end assert_select 'input[name=was_default_status][value="1"]' end def test_new_should_propose_allowed_statuses WorkflowTransition.delete_all WorkflowTransition.create!(:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 1, :old_status_id => 0, :new_status_id => 1) WorkflowTransition.create!(:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 1, :old_status_id => 0, :new_status_id => 3) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="1"]' assert_select 'option[value="3"]' assert_select 'option', 2 assert_select 'option[value="1"][selected=selected]' end end def test_new_should_propose_allowed_statuses_without_default_status_allowed WorkflowTransition.delete_all WorkflowTransition.create!(:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 1, :old_status_id => 0, :new_status_id => 2) assert_equal 1, Tracker.find(1).default_status_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="2"]' assert_select 'option', 1 assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]' end end def test_new_should_propose_allowed_trackers role = Role.find(1) role.set_permission_trackers 'add_issues', [1, 3] role.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' do assert_select 'option', 2 assert_select 'option[value="1"]' assert_select 'option[value="3"]' end end def test_new_should_default_to_first_tracker @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' do assert_select 'option', 3 assert_select 'option[value="1"][selected=selected]' end end def test_new_with_parent_issue_id_should_default_to_first_tracker_without_disabled_parent_field tracker = Tracker.find(1) tracker.core_fields -= ['parent_issue_id'] tracker.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :parent_issue_id => 1 } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' do assert_select 'option', 2 assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]' assert_select 'option[value="1"]', 0 end end def test_new_without_allowed_trackers_should_respond_with_403 role = Role.find(1) role.set_permission_trackers 'add_issues', [] role.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response 403 end def test_new_without_projects_should_respond_with_403 Project.delete_all @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :new assert_response 403 assert_select_error /no projects/ end def test_new_without_enabled_trackers_on_projects_should_respond_with_403 Project.all.each {|p| p.trackers.clear} @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :new assert_response 403 assert_select_error /no projects/ end def test_new_should_preselect_default_version version = Version.generate!(:project_id => 1) Project.find(1).update_attribute :default_version_id, version.id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[fixed_version_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', version.id.to_s end end def test_get_new_with_list_custom_field @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select.list_cf[name=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][1]' do assert_select 'option', 4 assert_select 'option[value=MySQL]', :text => 'MySQL' end end def test_get_new_with_multi_custom_field field = IssueCustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?][multiple=multiple]', 'issue[custom_field_values][1][]' do assert_select 'option', 3 assert_select 'option[value=MySQL]', :text => 'MySQL' end assert_select 'input[name=?][type=hidden][value=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][1][]', '' end def test_get_new_with_multi_user_custom_field field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Multi user', :field_format => 'user', :multiple => true, :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true ) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?][multiple=multiple]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field.id}][]" do assert_select 'option', Project.find(1).users.count + 1 # users + 'me' assert_select 'option[value="2"]', :text => 'John Smith' end assert_select 'input[name=?][type=hidden][value=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field.id}][]", '' end def test_get_new_with_date_custom_field field = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Date', :field_format => 'date', :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field.id}]" end def test_get_new_with_text_custom_field field = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Text', :field_format => 'text', :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field.id}]" end def test_get_new_without_default_start_date_is_creation_date with_settings :default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date => 0 do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[start_date]' assert_select 'input[name=?][value]', 'issue[start_date]', 0 end end def test_get_new_with_default_start_date_is_creation_date with_settings :default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date => 1 do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[start_date]', Date.today.to_s end end def test_get_new_form_should_allow_attachment_upload @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form[id=issue-form][method=post][enctype="multipart/form-data"]' do assert_select 'input[name=?][type=file]', 'attachments[dummy][file]' end end def test_get_new_should_prefill_the_form_from_params @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 3, :description => 'Prefilled', :custom_field_values => { '2' => 'Custom field value' } } } ) assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="3"][selected=selected]' end assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[description]', :text => /Prefilled/ assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][2]', 'Custom field value' end def test_get_new_should_mark_required_fields cf1 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Foo', :field_format => 'string', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2]) cf2 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Bar', :field_format => 'string', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2]) WorkflowPermission.delete_all WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date', :rule => 'required') WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf2.id.to_s, :rule => 'required') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'label[for=issue_start_date]' do assert_select 'span[class=required]', 0 end assert_select 'label[for=issue_due_date]' do assert_select 'span[class=required]' end assert_select 'label[for=?]', "issue_custom_field_values_#{cf1.id}" do assert_select 'span[class=required]', 0 end assert_select 'label[for=?]', "issue_custom_field_values_#{cf2.id}" do assert_select 'span[class=required]' end end def test_get_new_should_not_display_readonly_fields cf1 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Foo', :field_format => 'string', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2]) cf2 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Bar', :field_format => 'string', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2]) WorkflowPermission.delete_all WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date', :rule => 'readonly') WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf2.id.to_s, :rule => 'readonly') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[start_date]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[due_date]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{cf1.id}]" assert_select 'input[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{cf2.id}]", 0 end def test_new_with_tracker_set_as_readonly_should_accept_status WorkflowPermission.delete_all [1, 2].each do |status_id| WorkflowPermission. create!( :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => status_id, :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'tracker_id', :rule => 'readonly' ) end @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :status_id => 2 } } ) assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', '2' end end def test_get_new_without_tracker_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', Project.find(1).trackers.first.id.to_s end end def test_get_new_with_no_default_status_should_display_an_error @request.session[:user_id] = 2 IssueStatus.delete_all get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1 } ) assert_response 500 assert_select_error /No default issue/ end def test_get_new_with_no_tracker_should_display_an_error @request.session[:user_id] = 2 Tracker.delete_all get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1 } ) assert_response 500 assert_select_error /No tracker/ end def test_new_with_invalid_project_id @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 'invalid' } ) assert_response 404 end def test_new_with_parent_id_should_only_propose_valid_trackers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 t = Tracker.find(3) assert !t.disabled_core_fields.include?('parent_issue_id') get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => {:parent_issue_id => 1} } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'option', text: /#{t.name}/, count: 1 t.core_fields = Tracker::CORE_FIELDS - ['parent_issue_id'] t.save! assert t.disabled_core_fields.include?('parent_issue_id') get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => {:parent_issue_id => 1} } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'option', text: /#{t.name}/, count: 0 end def test_get_new_should_show_trackers_description @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1 } } assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'a[title=?]', 'View all trackers description', :text => 'View all trackers description' assert_select 'select[name=?][title=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]', 'Description for Bug tracker' end assert_select 'div#trackers_description' do assert_select 'h3', 1, :text => 'Trackers description' # only Bug and Feature have descriptions assert_select 'dt', 2, :text => 'Bug' assert_select 'dd', 2, :text => 'Description for Bug tracker' end end def test_get_new_should_not_show_trackers_description_for_trackers_without_description Tracker.update_all(:description => '') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1 } } assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form' do assert_select 'a[title=?]', 'View all trackers description', 0 assert_select 'select[name=?][title=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]', '' end assert_select 'div#trackers_description', 0 end def test_get_new_should_show_create_and_follow_button_when_issue_is_subtask_and_back_url_is_present @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :new, params: { project_id: 1, issue: { parent_issue_id: 2 }, back_url: "/issues/2" } assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form' do # Assert submit buttons assert_select 'input[type=submit][name=?]', 'commit' assert_select 'input[type=submit][name=?]', 'continue' assert_select 'input[type=submit][name=?]', 'follow' end end def test_update_form_for_new_issue @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 2, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5 } }, :xhr => true ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/javascript', response.media_type assert_include 'This is the test_new issue', response.body end def test_update_form_for_new_issue_should_propose_transitions_based_on_initial_status @request.session[:user_id] = 2 WorkflowTransition.delete_all WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 0, :new_status_id => 2) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 0, :new_status_id => 5) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 5, :new_status_id => 4) post( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 5, :subject => 'This is an issue' } } ) assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', '5' assert_select 'option[value=?]', '2' assert_select 'option', :count => 2 end end def test_update_form_with_default_status_should_ignore_submitted_status_id_if_equals @request.session[:user_id] = 2 tracker = Tracker.find(2) tracker.update! :default_status_id => 2 tracker.generate_transitions! 2 => 1, :clear => true post( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 2, :status_id => 1 }, :was_default_status => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', '2' end end def test_update_form_for_new_issue_should_ignore_version_when_changing_project version = Version.generate!(:project_id => 1) Project.find(1).update_attribute :default_version_id, version.id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :new, :params => { :issue => { :project_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => '' }, :form_update_triggered_by => 'issue_project_id' } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', '1' end assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[fixed_version_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', version.id.to_s end end def test_post_create @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 3, :status_id => 2, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5, :start_date => '2010-11-07', :estimated_hours => '', :custom_field_values => { '2' => 'Value for field 2' } } } ) end end assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => Issue.last.id issue = Issue.find_by_subject('This is the test_new issue') assert_not_nil issue assert_equal 2, issue.author_id assert_equal 3, issue.tracker_id assert_equal 2, issue.status_id assert_equal Date.parse('2010-11-07'), issue.start_date assert_nil issue.estimated_hours v = issue.custom_values.where(:custom_field_id => 2).first assert_not_nil v assert_equal 'Value for field 2', v.value end def test_post_new_with_group_assignment group = Group.find(11) project = Project.find(1) project.members << Member.new(:principal => group, :roles => [Role.givable.first]) with_settings :issue_group_assignment => '1' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => project.id, :issue => { :tracker_id => 3, :status_id => 1, :subject => 'This is the test_new_with_group_assignment issue', :assigned_to_id => group.id } } ) end end assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => Issue.last.id issue = Issue.find_by_subject('This is the test_new_with_group_assignment issue') assert_not_nil issue assert_equal group, issue.assigned_to end def test_post_create_without_start_date_and_default_start_date_is_not_creation_date with_settings :default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date => 0 do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 3, :status_id => 2, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5, :estimated_hours => '', :custom_field_values => { '2' => 'Value for field 2' } } } ) end assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => Issue.last.id issue = Issue.find_by_subject('This is the test_new issue') assert_not_nil issue assert_nil issue.start_date end end def test_post_create_without_start_date_and_default_start_date_is_creation_date with_settings :default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date => 1 do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 3, :status_id => 2, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5, :estimated_hours => '', :custom_field_values => { '2' => 'Value for field 2' } } } ) end assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => Issue.last.id issue = Issue.find_by_subject('This is the test_new issue') assert_not_nil issue assert_equal Date.today, issue.start_date end end def test_post_create_and_continue @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 3, :subject => 'This is first issue', :priority_id => 5 }, :continue => '' } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'new', :project_id => 'ecookbook', :issue => {:tracker_id => 3} assert_not_nil flash[:notice], "flash was not set" assert_select_in flash[:notice], 'a[href=?][title=?]', "/issues/#{issue.id}", "This is first issue", :text => "##{issue.id}" end def test_post_create_without_custom_fields_param @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5 } } ) end assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => Issue.last.id end def test_post_create_with_multi_custom_field field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database') field.update_attribute(:multiple, true) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5, :custom_field_values => { '1' => ['', 'MySQL', 'Oracle'] } } } ) end assert_response 302 issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal ['MySQL', 'Oracle'], issue.custom_field_value(1).sort end def test_post_create_with_empty_multi_custom_field field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database') field.update_attribute(:multiple, true) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5, :custom_field_values => { '1' => [''] } } } ) end assert_response 302 issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal [''], issue.custom_field_value(1).sort end def test_post_create_with_multi_user_custom_field field = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Multi user', :field_format => 'user', :multiple => true, :tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5, :custom_field_values => { field.id.to_s => ['', '2', '3'] } } } ) end assert_response 302 issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal ['2', '3'], issue.custom_field_value(field).sort end def test_post_create_with_required_custom_field_and_without_custom_fields_param field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database') field.update_attribute(:is_required, true) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5 } } ) end assert_response :success assert_select 'label[for=?][class=?]', "issue_custom_field_values_#{field.id}", 'error' assert_select_error /Database cannot be blank/ end def test_create_should_validate_required_fields cf1 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Foo', :field_format => 'string', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2]) cf2 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Bar', :field_format => 'string', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2]) WorkflowPermission.delete_all WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date', :rule => 'required') WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf2.id.to_s, :rule => 'required') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 2, :status_id => 1, :subject => 'Test', :start_date => '', :due_date => '', :custom_field_values => { cf1.id.to_s => '', cf2.id.to_s => '' } } } ) assert_response :success end assert_select 'label[for=?][class=?]', 'issue_due_date', 'error' assert_select 'label[for=?][class=?]', "issue_custom_field_values_#{cf2.id}", 'error' assert_select_error /Due date cannot be blank/i assert_select_error /Bar cannot be blank/i end def test_create_should_validate_required_list_fields cf1 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Foo', :field_format => 'list', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2], :multiple => false, :possible_values => ['a', 'b']) cf2 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Bar', :field_format => 'list', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2], :multiple => true, :possible_values => ['a', 'b']) WorkflowPermission.delete_all WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf1.id.to_s, :rule => 'required') WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf2.id.to_s, :rule => 'required') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 2, :status_id => 1, :subject => 'Test', :start_date => '', :due_date => '', :custom_field_values => { cf1.id.to_s => '', cf2.id.to_s => [''] } } } ) assert_response :success end assert_select_error /Foo cannot be blank/i assert_select_error /Bar cannot be blank/i end def test_create_should_ignore_readonly_fields cf1 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Foo', :field_format => 'string', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2]) cf2 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Bar', :field_format => 'string', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2]) WorkflowPermission.delete_all WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date', :rule => 'readonly') WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf2.id.to_s, :rule => 'readonly') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 2, :status_id => 1, :subject => 'Test', :start_date => '2012-07-14', :due_date => '2012-07-16', :custom_field_values => { cf1.id.to_s => 'value1', cf2.id.to_s => 'value2' } } } ) assert_response 302 end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-14'), issue.start_date assert_nil issue.due_date assert_equal 'value1', issue.custom_field_value(cf1) assert_nil issue.custom_field_value(cf2) end def test_create_should_ignore_unallowed_trackers role = Role.find(1) role.set_permission_trackers :add_issues, [3] role.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = new_record(Issue) do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :subject => 'Test' } } ) assert_response 302 end assert_equal 3, issue.tracker_id end def test_post_create_with_watchers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_added) do assert_difference 'Watcher.count', 3 do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is a new issue with watchers', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5, :watcher_user_ids => ['2', '3', '10'] } } ) end end issue = Issue.find_by_subject('This is a new issue with watchers') assert_not_nil issue assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => issue # Watchers added assert_equal [2, 3, 10], issue.watcher_user_ids.sort assert issue.watched_by?(User.find(3)) assert issue.watched_by?(Group.find(10)) # Watchers notified assert_equal 3, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries[1] assert [mail.to].flatten.include?(User.find(3).mail) mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries[2] assert [mail.to].flatten.include?(User.find(8).mail) end def test_post_create_subissue @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is a child issue', :parent_issue_id => '2' } } ) assert_response 302 end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal Issue.find(2), issue.parent end def test_post_create_subissue_with_sharp_parent_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is a child issue', :parent_issue_id => '#2' } } ) assert_response 302 end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal Issue.find(2), issue.parent end def test_post_create_subissue_with_non_visible_parent_id_should_not_validate @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is a child issue', :parent_issue_id => '4' } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]', '4' assert_select_error /Parent task is invalid/i end end def test_post_create_subissue_with_non_numeric_parent_id_should_not_validate @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is a child issue', :parent_issue_id => '01ABC' } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]', '01ABC' assert_select_error /Parent task is invalid/i end end def test_post_create_private @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is a private issue', :is_private => '1' } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert issue.is_private? end def test_post_create_private_with_set_own_issues_private_permission role = Role.find(1) role.remove_permission! :set_issues_private role.add_permission! :set_own_issues_private @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is a private issue', :is_private => '1' } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert issue.is_private? end def test_create_without_project_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :issue => { :project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :subject => 'Foo' } } ) assert_response 302 end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 3, issue.project_id assert_equal 2, issue.tracker_id end def test_create_without_project_id_and_continue_should_redirect_without_project_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :issue => { :project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :subject => 'Foo' }, :continue => '1' } ) assert_redirected_to '/issues/new?issue%5Bproject_id%5D=3&issue%5Btracker_id%5D=2' end end def test_create_without_project_id_should_be_denied_without_permission Role.non_member.remove_permission! :add_issues Role.anonymous.remove_permission! :add_issues @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :issue => { :project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :subject => 'Foo' } } ) assert_response 422 end end def test_create_without_project_id_with_failure_should_not_set_project @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :create, :params => { :issue => { :project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :subject => '' } } ) assert_response :success # no project menu assert_select '#main-menu a.overview', 0 end def test_post_create_should_send_a_notification ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_added) do assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 3, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5, :estimated_hours => '', :custom_field_values => { '2' => 'Value for field 2' } } } ) end assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => Issue.last.id assert_equal 2, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end end def test_post_create_should_preserve_fields_values_on_validation_failure @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => '', # empty subject :description => 'This is a description', :priority_id => 6, :custom_field_values => {'1' => 'Oracle', '2' => 'Value for field 2'} } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[description]', :text => 'This is a description' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="6"][selected=selected]', :text => 'High' end # Custom fields assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][1]' do assert_select 'option[value=Oracle][selected=selected]', :text => 'Oracle' end assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][2]', 'Value for field 2' end def test_post_create_with_failure_should_preserve_watchers assert !User.find(8).member_of?(Project.find(1)) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :watcher_user_ids => ['3', '8'] } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?][value="2"]:not(checked)', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]' assert_select 'input[name=?][value="3"][checked=checked]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]' assert_select 'input[name=?][value="8"][checked=checked]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]' end def test_post_create_should_ignore_non_safe_attributes @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_nothing_raised do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker => "A param can not be a Tracker" } } ) end end def test_post_create_with_attachment set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => '1', :subject => 'With attachment' }, :attachments => { '1' => { 'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain'), 'description' => 'test file' } } } ) end end end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first attachment = Attachment.order('id DESC').first assert_equal issue, attachment.container assert_equal 2, attachment.author_id assert_equal 'testfile.txt', attachment.filename assert_equal 'text/plain', attachment.content_type assert_equal 'test file', attachment.description assert_equal 59, attachment.filesize assert File.exist?(attachment.diskfile) assert_equal 59, File.size(attachment.diskfile) end def test_post_create_with_attachment_should_notify_with_attachments ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_added) do assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => '1', :subject => 'With attachment' }, :attachments => { '1' => { 'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain'), 'description' => 'test file' } } } ) end end assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_select_email do assert_select 'a[href^=?]', 'http://localhost:3000/attachments/download', 'testfile.txt' end end def test_post_create_with_failure_should_save_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => '1', :subject => '' }, :attachments => { '1' => { 'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain'), 'description' => 'test file' } } } ) assert_response :success end end attachment = Attachment.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'testfile.txt', attachment.filename assert File.exist?(attachment.diskfile) assert_nil attachment.container assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'attachments[p0][token]', attachment.token assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'attachments[p0][filename]', 'testfile.txt' end def test_post_create_with_failure_should_keep_saved_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory attachment = Attachment.create!(:file => uploaded_test_file("testfile.txt", "text/plain"), :author_id => 2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => '1', :subject => '' }, :attachments => { 'p0' => { 'token' => attachment.token } } } ) assert_response :success end end assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'attachments[p0][token]', attachment.token assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'attachments[p0][filename]', 'testfile.txt' end def test_post_create_should_attach_saved_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory attachment = Attachment.create!(:file => uploaded_test_file("testfile.txt", "text/plain"), :author_id => 2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => '1', :subject => 'Saved attachments' }, :attachments => { 'p0' => { 'token' => attachment.token } } } ) assert_response 302 end end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, issue.attachments.count attachment.reload assert_equal issue, attachment.container end def setup_without_workflow_privilege WorkflowTransition.where(["role_id = ?", Role.anonymous.id]).delete_all Role.anonymous.add_permission! :add_issues, :add_issue_notes end private :setup_without_workflow_privilege test "without workflow privilege #new should propose default status only" do setup_without_workflow_privilege get(:new, :params => {:project_id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option', 1 assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', '1' end end test "without workflow privilege #create should accept default status" do setup_without_workflow_privilege assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is an issue', :status_id => 1 } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id').last assert_not_nil issue.default_status assert_equal issue.default_status, issue.status end test "without workflow privilege #create should ignore unauthorized status" do setup_without_workflow_privilege assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'This is an issue', :status_id => 3 } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id').last assert_not_nil issue.default_status assert_equal issue.default_status, issue.status end test "without workflow privilege #update should ignore status change" do setup_without_workflow_privilege assert_difference 'Journal.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :status_id => 3, :notes => 'just trying' } } ) end assert_equal 1, Issue.find(1).status_id end test "without workflow privilege #update ignore attributes changes" do setup_without_workflow_privilege assert_difference 'Journal.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'changed', :assigned_to_id => 2, :notes => 'just trying' } } ) end issue = Issue.find(1) assert_equal "Cannot print recipes", issue.subject assert_nil issue.assigned_to end def setup_with_workflow_privilege WorkflowTransition.where(["role_id = ?", Role.anonymous.id]).delete_all WorkflowTransition.create!(:role => Role.anonymous, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 1, :new_status_id => 3) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role => Role.anonymous, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 1, :new_status_id => 4) Role.anonymous.add_permission! :add_issues, :add_issue_notes end private :setup_with_workflow_privilege def setup_with_workflow_privilege_and_edit_issues_permission setup_with_workflow_privilege Role.anonymous.add_permission! :add_issues, :edit_issues end private :setup_with_workflow_privilege_and_edit_issues_permission test "with workflow privilege and :edit_issues permission should accept authorized status" do setup_with_workflow_privilege_and_edit_issues_permission assert_difference 'Journal.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :status_id => 3, :notes => 'just trying' } } ) end assert_equal 3, Issue.find(1).status_id end test "with workflow privilege and :edit_issues permission should ignore unauthorized status" do setup_with_workflow_privilege_and_edit_issues_permission assert_difference 'Journal.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :status_id => 2, :notes => 'just trying' } } ) end assert_equal 1, Issue.find(1).status_id end test "with workflow privilege and :edit_issues permission should accept authorized attributes changes" do setup_with_workflow_privilege_and_edit_issues_permission assert_difference 'Journal.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'changed', :assigned_to_id => 2, :notes => 'just trying' } } ) end issue = Issue.find(1) assert_equal "changed", issue.subject assert_equal 2, issue.assigned_to_id end def test_new_as_copy orig = Issue.find(1) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => orig.id } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form[id=issue-form][action="/projects/ecookbook/issues"]' do assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="1"][selected=selected]', :text => 'eCookbook' assert_select 'option[value="2"]:not([selected])', :text => 'OnlineStore' end assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[subject]', orig.subject assert_select 'input[name=copy_from][value="1"]' end end def test_new_as_copy_without_add_issues_permission_should_not_propose_current_project_as_target user = setup_user_with_copy_but_not_add_permission @request.session[:user_id] = user.id get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="1"]', 0 assert_select 'option[value="2"]', :text => 'OnlineStore' end end def test_new_as_copy_with_attachments_should_show_copy_attachments_checkbox @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(3) assert issue.attachments.count > 0 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 3 } ) assert_select 'input[name=copy_attachments][type=checkbox][checked=checked][value="1"]' end def test_new_as_copy_without_attachments_should_not_show_copy_attachments_checkbox @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(3) issue.attachments.delete_all get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 3 } ) assert_select 'input[name=copy_attachments]', 0 end def test_new_as_copy_should_preserve_parent_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => 2) get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => issue.id } ) assert_select 'input[name=?][value="2"]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]' end def test_new_as_copy_with_subtasks_should_show_copy_subtasks_checkbox @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants! get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => issue.id } ) assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=copy_subtasks][checked=checked][value="1"]' end def test_new_as_copy_should_preserve_watchers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) user = User.generate! Watcher.create!(:watchable => issue, :user => user) Watcher.create!(:watchable => issue, :user => Group.find(10)) get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1 } ) assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][checked=checked]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', 2 assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][checked=checked][value=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', user.id.to_s assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][checked=checked][value=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', '10' assert_select 'input[type=hidden][name=?][value=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', '', 1 end def test_new_as_copy_should_not_propose_locked_watchers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) user = User.generate! user2 = User.generate! Watcher.create!(:watchable => issue, :user => user) Watcher.create!(:watchable => issue, :user => user2) user2.status = User::STATUS_LOCKED user2.save! get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1 } ) assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][checked=checked]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', 1 assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][checked=checked][value=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', user.id.to_s assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][checked=checked][value=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', user2.id.to_s, 0 assert_select 'input[type=hidden][name=?][value=?]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', '', 1 end def test_new_as_copy_with_invalid_issue_should_respond_with_404 @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 99999 } ) assert_response 404 end def test_create_as_copy_on_different_project @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1, :issue => { :project_id => '2', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy' } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_redirected_to "/issues/#{issue.id}" assert_equal 2, issue.project_id assert_equal 3, issue.tracker_id assert_equal 'Copy', issue.subject end def test_create_as_copy_should_allow_status_to_be_set_to_default copied = Issue.generate! :status_id => 2 assert_equal 2, copied.reload.status_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => copied.id, :issue => { :project_id => '1', :tracker_id => '1', :status_id => '1' }, :was_default_status => '1' } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, issue.status_id end def test_create_as_copy_should_fail_without_add_issue_permission_on_original_tracker role = Role.find(2) role.set_permission_trackers :add_issues, [1, 3] role.save! Role.non_member.remove_permission! :add_issues issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => issue.id, :issue => { :project_id => '1' } } ) end assert_select_error 'Tracker is invalid' end def test_create_as_copy_should_copy_attachments @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(3) count = issue.attachments.count assert count > 0 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_difference 'Attachment.count', count do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 3, :issue => { :project_id => '1', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy with attachments' }, :copy_attachments => '1' } ) end end copy = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal count, copy.attachments.count assert_equal issue.attachments.map(&:filename).sort, copy.attachments.map(&:filename).sort end def test_create_as_copy_without_copy_attachments_option_should_not_copy_attachments @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(3) count = issue.attachments.count assert count > 0 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 3, :issue => { :project_id => '1', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy with attachments' } } ) end end copy = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 0, copy.attachments.count end def test_create_as_copy_with_attachments_should_also_add_new_files set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(3) count = issue.attachments.count assert count > 0 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_difference 'Attachment.count', count + 1 do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 3, :issue => { :project_id => '1', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy with attachments' }, :copy_attachments => '1', :attachments => { '1' => { 'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain'), 'description' => 'test file' } } } ) end end copy = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal count + 1, copy.attachments.count end def test_create_as_copy_should_add_relation_with_copied_issue @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1, :link_copy => '1', :issue => { :project_id => '1', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy' } } ) end end copy = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, copy.relations.size end def test_create_as_copy_should_allow_not_to_add_relation_with_copied_issue @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'Copy' } } ) end end end def test_create_as_copy_should_always_add_relation_with_copied_issue_by_setting with_settings :link_copied_issue => 'yes' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'Copy' } } ) end end end end def test_create_as_copy_should_never_add_relation_with_copied_issue_by_setting with_settings :link_copied_issue => 'no' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1, :link_copy => '1', :issue => { :subject => 'Copy' } } ) end end end end def test_create_as_copy_should_copy_subtasks @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants! count = issue.descendants.count assert_difference 'Issue.count', count + 1 do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => issue.id, :issue => { :project_id => '1', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy with subtasks' }, :copy_subtasks => '1' } ) end copy = Issue.where(:parent_id => nil).order('id DESC').first assert_equal count, copy.descendants.count assert_equal issue.descendants.map(&:subject).sort, copy.descendants.map(&:subject).sort end def test_create_as_copy_to_a_different_project_should_copy_subtask_custom_fields issue = Issue.generate! {|i| i.custom_field_values = {'2' => 'Foo'}} child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => issue.id) {|i| i.custom_field_values = {'2' => 'Bar'}} @request.session[:user_id] = 1 assert_difference 'Issue.count', 2 do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 'ecookbook', :copy_from => issue.id, :issue => { :project_id => '2', :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy with subtasks', :custom_field_values => { '2' => 'Foo' } }, :copy_subtasks => '1' } ) end child_copy, issue_copy = Issue.order(:id => :desc).limit(2).to_a assert_equal 2, issue_copy.project_id assert_equal 'Foo', issue_copy.custom_field_value(2) assert_equal 'Bar', child_copy.custom_field_value(2) end def test_create_as_copy_without_copy_subtasks_option_should_not_copy_subtasks @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants! assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1 do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 3, :issue => { :project_id => '1', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy with subtasks' } } ) end copy = Issue.where(:parent_id => nil).order('id DESC').first assert_equal 0, copy.descendants.count end def test_create_as_copy_with_failure @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1, :issue => { :project_id => '2', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => '' } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#issue-form[action="/projects/ecookbook/issues"]' do assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="1"]:not([selected])', :text => 'eCookbook' assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]', :text => 'OnlineStore' end assert_select 'input[name=copy_from][value="1"]' end end def test_create_as_copy_on_project_without_permission_should_ignore_target_project @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert !User.find(2).member_of?(Project.find(4)) assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => 1, :issue => { :project_id => '4', :tracker_id => '3', :status_id => '1', :subject => 'Copy' } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, issue.project_id end def test_create_as_copy_with_watcher_user_ids_should_copy_watchers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 copied = Issue.generate! copied.add_watcher User.find(2) copied.add_watcher User.find(3) assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => copied.id, :issue => { :subject => 'Copy cleared watchers', :watcher_user_ids => ['', '3', '10'] } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal [3, 10], issue.watcher_user_ids.sort end def test_create_as_copy_without_watcher_user_ids_should_not_copy_watchers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 copied = Issue.generate! copied.add_watcher User.find(2) copied.add_watcher User.find(3) assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :create, :params => { :project_id => 1, :copy_from => copied.id, :issue => { :subject => 'Copy cleared watchers', :watcher_user_ids => [''] } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal [], issue.watcher_user_ids end def test_get_edit @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:edit, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' # Be sure we don't display inactive IssuePriorities assert_not IssuePriority.find(15).active? assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="15"]', 0 end assert_select 'span.icon-warning', 0 end def test_edit_should_hide_project_if_user_is_not_allowed_to_change_project WorkflowPermission.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 1, :field_name => 'project_id', :rule => 'readonly') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:edit, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]', 0 end def test_edit_should_not_hide_project_when_user_changes_the_project_even_if_project_is_readonly_on_target_project WorkflowPermission.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 1, :field_name => 'project_id', :rule => 'readonly') issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :edit, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :project_id => 1 } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' end def test_get_edit_should_display_the_time_entry_form_with_log_time_permission @request.session[:user_id] = 2 Role.find_by_name('Manager').update_attribute :permissions, [:view_issues, :edit_issues, :log_time] get(:edit, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'time_entry[hours]' end def test_get_edit_should_not_display_the_time_entry_form_without_log_time_permission @request.session[:user_id] = 2 Role.find_by_name('Manager').remove_permission! :log_time get(:edit, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'time_entry[hours]', 0 end def test_get_edit_with_params @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :edit, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :status_id => 5, :priority_id => 7 }, :time_entry => { :hours => '2:30', :comments => 'test_get_edit_with_params', :activity_id => 10 } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="5"][selected=selected]', :text => 'Closed' end assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="7"][selected=selected]', :text => 'Urgent' end assert_select 'input[name=?][value="2:30"]', 'time_entry[hours]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'time_entry[activity_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="10"][selected=selected]', :text => 'Development' end assert_select 'input[name=?][value=test_get_edit_with_params]', 'time_entry[comments]' end def test_get_edit_with_multi_custom_field field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['MySQL', 'Oracle']} issue.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:edit, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?][multiple=multiple]', 'issue[custom_field_values][1][]' do assert_select 'option', 3 assert_select 'option[value=MySQL][selected=selected]' assert_select 'option[value=Oracle][selected=selected]' assert_select 'option[value=PostgreSQL]:not([selected])' end end def test_get_edit_with_me_assigned_to_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :edit, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => {:assigned_to_id => 'me'} } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[assigned_to_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]' end end def test_get_edit_for_issue_with_transition_warning_should_show_the_warning @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :edit, :params => { :id => 9, } ) assert_response :success reason = l(:notice_issue_not_closable_by_blocking_issue) assert_select 'span.icon-warning[title=?]', reason, :text => reason end def test_get_edit_should_display_visible_spent_time_custom_field @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :edit, :params => { :id => 13, } ) assert_response :success assert_select '#issue-form select.cf_10', 1 end def test_get_edit_should_not_display_spent_time_custom_field_not_visible cf = TimeEntryCustomField.find(10) cf.visible = false cf.role_ids = [1] cf.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :edit, :params => { :id => 13, } ) assert_response :success assert_select '#issue-form select.cf_10', 0 end def test_update_form_for_existing_issue @request.session[:user_id] = 2 patch( :edit, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :tracker_id => 2, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5 } }, :xhr => true ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/javascript', response.media_type assert_include 'This is the test_new issue', response.body end def test_update_form_for_existing_issue_should_keep_issue_author @request.session[:user_id] = 3 patch( :edit, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'Changed' } } ) assert_response :success assert_equal User.find(2), Issue.find(1).author end def test_update_form_for_existing_issue_should_propose_transitions_based_on_initial_status @request.session[:user_id] = 2 WorkflowTransition.delete_all WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :old_status_id => 2, :new_status_id => 1) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :old_status_id => 2, :new_status_id => 5) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :old_status_id => 5, :new_status_id => 4) patch( :edit, :params => { :id => 2, :issue => { :tracker_id => 2, :status_id => 5, :subject => 'This is an issue' } } ) assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="1"]' assert_select 'option[value="2"]' assert_select 'option[value="5"][selected=selected]' assert_select 'option', 3 end end def test_update_form_for_existing_issue_with_project_change @request.session[:user_id] = 2 patch( :edit, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :project_id => 2, :tracker_id => 2, :subject => 'This is the test_new issue', :description => 'This is the description', :priority_id => 5 } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]' end assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]' end assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[subject]', 'This is the test_new issue' end def test_update_form_should_keep_category_with_same_when_changing_project source = Project.generate! target = Project.generate! source_category = IssueCategory.create!(:name => 'Foo', :project => source) target_category = IssueCategory.create!(:name => 'Foo', :project => target) issue = Issue.generate!(:project => source, :category => source_category) @request.session[:user_id] = 1 patch( :edit, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :project_id => target.id, :category_id => source_category.id } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[category_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', target_category.id.to_s end end def test_update_form_should_propose_default_status_for_existing_issue @request.session[:user_id] = 2 WorkflowTransition.delete_all WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :old_status_id => 2, :new_status_id => 3) patch(:edit, :params => {:id => 2}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="2"]' assert_select 'option[value="3"]' assert_select 'option', 2 end end def test_put_update_without_custom_fields_param @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) assert_equal '125', issue.custom_value_for(2).value assert_difference('Journal.count') do assert_difference('JournalDetail.count') do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'New subject' } } ) end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' issue.reload assert_equal 'New subject', issue.subject # Make sure custom fields were not cleared assert_equal '125', issue.custom_value_for(2).value end def test_put_update_with_project_change @request.session[:user_id] = 2 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_updated) do assert_difference('Journal.count') do assert_difference('JournalDetail.count', 3) do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :project_id => '2', :tracker_id => '1', # no change :priority_id => '6', :category_id => '3' } } ) end end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' issue = Issue.find(1) assert_equal 2, issue.project_id assert_equal 1, issue.tracker_id assert_equal 6, issue.priority_id assert_equal 3, issue.category_id mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_not_nil mail assert mail.subject.starts_with?("[#{issue.project.name} - #{issue.tracker.name} ##{issue.id}]") assert_mail_body_match "Project changed from eCookbook to OnlineStore", mail end def test_put_update_trying_to_move_issue_to_project_without_tracker_should_not_error target = Project.generate!(:tracker_ids => []) assert target.trackers.empty? issue = Issue.generate! @request.session[:user_id] = 1 put( :update, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :project_id => target.id } } ) assert_response 302 end def test_put_update_with_tracker_change @request.session[:user_id] = 2 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_updated) do assert_difference('Journal.count') do assert_difference('JournalDetail.count', 3) do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :project_id => '1', :tracker_id => '2', :priority_id => '6' } } ) end end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' issue = Issue.find(1) assert_equal 1, issue.project_id assert_equal 2, issue.tracker_id assert_equal 6, issue.priority_id assert_equal 1, issue.category_id mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_not_nil mail assert mail.subject.starts_with?("[#{issue.project.name} - #{issue.tracker.name} ##{issue.id}]") assert_mail_body_match "Tracker changed from Bug to Feature request", mail end def test_put_update_with_custom_field_change @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) assert_equal '125', issue.custom_value_for(2).value with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_updated) do assert_difference('Journal.count') do assert_difference('JournalDetail.count', 3) do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'Custom field change', :priority_id => '6', :category_id => '1', # no change :custom_field_values => {'2' => 'New custom value'} } } ) end end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' issue.reload assert_equal 'New custom value', issue.custom_value_for(2).value mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_not_nil mail assert_mail_body_match "Searchable field changed from 125 to New custom value", mail end def test_put_update_with_multi_custom_field_change field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['MySQL', 'Oracle']} issue.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference('Journal.count') do assert_difference('JournalDetail.count', 3) do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'Custom field change', :custom_field_values => { '1' => ['', 'Oracle', 'PostgreSQL'] } } } ) end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' assert_equal ['Oracle', 'PostgreSQL'], Issue.find(1).custom_field_value(1).sort end def test_put_update_with_status_and_assignee_change issue = Issue.find(1) assert_equal 1, issue.status_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_updated) do assert_difference('TimeEntry.count', 0) do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :status_id => 2, :assigned_to_id => 3, :notes => 'Assigned to dlopper' }, :time_entry => { :hours => '', :comments => '', :activity_id => TimeEntryActivity.first } } ) end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' issue.reload assert_equal 2, issue.status_id j = Journal.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'Assigned to dlopper', j.notes assert_equal 2, j.details.size mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_mail_body_match "Status changed from New to Assigned", mail # subject should contain the new status assert mail.subject.include?("(#{IssueStatus.find(2).name})") end def test_put_update_with_note_only notes = 'Note added by IssuesControllerTest#test_update_with_note_only' with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_updated) do # anonymous user put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => notes } } ) end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' j = Journal.order('id DESC').first assert_equal notes, j.notes assert_equal 0, j.details.size assert_equal User.anonymous, j.user mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_mail_body_match notes, mail end def test_put_update_with_private_note_only notes = 'Private note' @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Journal.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => notes, :private_notes => '1' } } ) assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' end j = Journal.order('id DESC').first assert_equal notes, j.notes assert_equal true, j.private_notes end def test_put_update_with_private_note_and_changes notes = 'Private note' @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Journal.count', 2 do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => 'New subject', :notes => notes, :private_notes => '1' } } ) assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' end j = Journal.order('id DESC').first assert_equal notes, j.notes assert_equal true, j.private_notes assert_equal 0, j.details.count j = Journal.order('id DESC').offset(1).first assert_nil j.notes assert_equal false, j.private_notes assert_equal 1, j.details.count end def test_put_update_with_note_and_spent_time @request.session[:user_id] = 2 spent_hours_before = Issue.find(1).spent_hours assert_difference('TimeEntry.count') do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => '2.5 hours added' }, :time_entry => { :hours => '2.5', :comments => 'test_put_update_with_note_and_spent_time', :activity_id => TimeEntryActivity.first.id } } ) end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' issue = Issue.find(1) j = Journal.order('id DESC').first assert_equal '2.5 hours added', j.notes assert_equal 0, j.details.size t = issue.time_entries.find_by_comments('test_put_update_with_note_and_spent_time') assert_not_nil t assert_equal 2.5, t.hours assert_equal spent_hours_before + 2.5, issue.spent_hours end def test_put_update_should_check_add_issue_notes_permission role = Role.find(1) role.remove_permission! :add_issue_notes @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => 'New note' } } ) end end def test_put_update_should_preserve_parent_issue_even_if_not_visible parent = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :is_private => true) issue = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id) assert !parent.visible?(User.find(3)) @request.session[:user_id] = 3 get(:edit, :params => {:id => issue.id}) assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]', parent.id.to_s put( :update, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :subject => 'New subject', :parent_issue_id => parent.id.to_s } } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal parent, issue.parent end def test_put_update_with_attachment_only set_tmp_attachments_directory # Delete all fixtured journals, a race condition can occur causing the wrong # journal to get fetched in the next find. Journal.delete_all JournalDetail.delete_all with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_updated) do # anonymous user assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => '' }, :attachments => { '1' => { 'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain'), 'description' => 'test file' } } } ) end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' j = Issue.find(1).journals.reorder('id DESC').first assert j.notes.blank? assert_equal 1, j.details.size assert_equal 'testfile.txt', j.details.first.value assert_equal User.anonymous, j.user attachment = Attachment.order('id DESC').first assert_equal Issue.find(1), attachment.container assert_equal User.anonymous, attachment.author assert_equal 'testfile.txt', attachment.filename assert_equal 'text/plain', attachment.content_type assert_equal 'test file', attachment.description assert_equal 59, attachment.filesize assert File.exist?(attachment.diskfile) assert_equal 59, File.size(attachment.diskfile) mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_mail_body_match 'testfile.txt', mail end def test_put_update_with_failure_should_save_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => '' }, :attachments => { '1' => { 'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain'), 'description' => 'test file' } } } ) assert_response :success end end attachment = Attachment.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'testfile.txt', attachment.filename assert File.exist?(attachment.diskfile) assert_nil attachment.container assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'attachments[p0][token]', attachment.token assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'attachments[p0][filename]', 'testfile.txt' end def test_put_update_with_failure_should_keep_saved_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory attachment = Attachment.create!(:file => uploaded_test_file("testfile.txt", "text/plain"), :author_id => 2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => '' }, :attachments => { 'p0' => { 'token' => attachment.token } } } ) assert_response :success end end assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'attachments[p0][token]', attachment.token assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'attachments[p0][filename]', 'testfile.txt' end def test_put_update_should_attach_saved_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory attachment = Attachment.create!(:file => uploaded_test_file("testfile.txt", "text/plain"), :author_id => 2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Journal.count' do assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count' do assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => 'Attachment added' }, :attachments => { 'p0' => { 'token' => attachment.token } } } ) assert_redirected_to '/issues/1' end end end attachment.reload assert_equal Issue.find(1), attachment.container journal = Journal.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, journal.details.size assert_equal 'testfile.txt', journal.details.first.value end def test_put_update_with_attachment_that_fails_to_save set_tmp_attachments_directory # anonymous user with_settings :attachment_max_size => 0 do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => '' }, :attachments => { '1' => { 'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain') } } } ) assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' assert_equal '1 file(s) could not be saved.', flash[:warning] end end def test_put_update_with_attachment_deletion_should_create_a_single_journal set_tmp_attachments_directory ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear @request.session[:user_id] = 2 journal = new_record(Journal) do assert_difference 'Attachment.count', -2 do put( :update, :params => { :id => 3, :issue => { :notes => 'Removing attachments', :deleted_attachment_ids => ['1', '5'] } } ) end end assert_equal 'Removing attachments', journal.notes assert_equal 2, journal.details.count assert_select_email do assert_select 'ul.journal.details li', 2 assert_select 'del', :text => 'error281.txt' assert_select 'del', :text => 'changeset_iso8859-1.diff' end end def test_put_update_with_attachment_deletion_and_failure_should_preserve_selected_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do put( :update, :params => { :id => 3, :issue => { :subject => '', :notes => 'Removing attachments', :deleted_attachment_ids => ['1', '5'] } } ) end end assert_select 'input[name=?][value="1"][checked=checked]', 'issue[deleted_attachment_ids][]' assert_select 'input[name=?][value="5"][checked=checked]', 'issue[deleted_attachment_ids][]' assert_select 'input[name=?][value="6"]:not([checked])', 'issue[deleted_attachment_ids][]' end def test_put_update_with_no_change issue = Issue.find(1) issue.journals.clear ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => '' } } ) assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :id => '1' issue.reload assert issue.journals.empty? # No email should be sent assert ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty? end def test_put_update_should_send_a_notification @request.session[:user_id] = 2 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear issue = Issue.find(1) old_subject = issue.subject new_subject = 'Subject modified by IssuesControllerTest#test_post_edit' with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_updated) do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :subject => new_subject, :priority_id => '6', :category_id => '1' # no change } } ) assert_equal 2, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end end def test_put_update_with_invalid_spent_time_hours_only @request.session[:user_id] = 2 notes = 'Note added by IssuesControllerTest#test_post_edit_with_invalid_spent_time' assert_no_difference('Journal.count') do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => notes }, :time_entry => { "comments"=>"", "activity_id"=>"", "hours"=>"2z" } } ) end assert_response :success assert_select_error /Activity cannot be blank/ assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[notes]', :text => notes assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'time_entry[hours]', '2z' end def test_put_update_with_invalid_spent_time_comments_only @request.session[:user_id] = 2 notes = 'Note added by IssuesControllerTest#test_post_edit_with_invalid_spent_time' assert_no_difference('Journal.count') do put( :update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :notes => notes }, :time_entry => { "comments"=>"this is my comment", "activity_id"=>"", "hours"=>"" } } ) end assert_response :success assert_select_error /Activity cannot be blank/ assert_select_error /Hours cannot be blank/ assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'issue[notes]', :text => notes assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'time_entry[comments]', 'this is my comment' end def test_put_with_spent_time_when_assigned_to_of_private_issue_is_update_at_the_same_time @request.session[:user_id] = 3 Role.find(2).update! :issues_visibility => 'own' private_issue = Issue.find(3) assert_difference('TimeEntry.count', 1) do put( :update, params: { id: private_issue.id, issue: { assigned_to_id: nil }, time_entry: { comments: "add spent time", activity_id: TimeEntryActivity.first.id, hours: 1 } } ) end assert_select '#errorExplanation', {text: /Log time is invalid/, count: 0} assert_select '#errorExplanation', {text: /Issue is invalid/, count: 0} assert_redirected_to action: 'show', id: private_issue.id assert_not private_issue.reload.visible? end def test_put_update_should_allow_fixed_version_to_be_set_to_a_subproject issue = Issue.find(2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 put( :update, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :fixed_version_id => 4 } } ) assert_response :redirect issue.reload assert_equal 4, issue.fixed_version_id assert_not_equal issue.project_id, issue.fixed_version.project_id end def test_put_update_should_redirect_back_using_the_back_url_parameter issue = Issue.find(2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 put( :update, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :fixed_version_id => 4 }, :back_url => '/issues' } ) assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to '/issues' end def test_put_update_should_not_redirect_back_using_the_back_url_parameter_off_the_host issue = Issue.find(2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 put( :update, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :fixed_version_id => 4 }, :back_url => 'http://google.com' } ) assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => issue.id end def test_put_update_should_redirect_with_previous_and_next_issue_ids_params @request.session[:user_id] = 2 put( :update, :params => { :id => 11, :issue => { :status_id => 6, :notes => 'Notes' }, :prev_issue_id => 8, :next_issue_id => 12, :issue_position => 2, :issue_count => 3 } ) assert_redirected_to '/issues/11?issue_count=3&issue_position=2&next_issue_id=12&prev_issue_id=8' end def test_update_with_permission_on_tracker_should_be_allowed role = Role.find(1) role.set_permission_trackers :edit_issues, [1] role.save! issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'Original subject') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 put( :update, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :subject => 'Changed subject' } } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal 'Changed subject', issue.reload.subject end def test_update_without_permission_on_tracker_should_be_denied role = Role.find(1) role.set_permission_trackers :edit_issues, [1] role.save! issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :subject => 'Original subject') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 put( :update, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :subject => 'Changed subject' } } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal 'Original subject', issue.reload.subject end def test_update_with_me_assigned_to_id @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) assert_not_equal 2, issue.assigned_to_id put( :update, :params => { :id => issue.id, :issue => { :assigned_to_id => 'me' } } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal 2, issue.reload.assigned_to_id end def test_update_with_value_of_none_should_set_the_values_to_blank @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue = Issue.find(1) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => 'MySQL'} issue.assigned_to_id = 2 issue.save! put( :update, params: { id: issue.id, issue: { assigned_to_id: 'none', category_id: 'none', fixed_version_id: 'none', custom_field_values: { 1 => '__none__' } } } ) issue.reload assert_nil issue.assigned_to assert_nil issue.category assert_nil issue.fixed_version assert_equal '', issue.custom_field_value(1) end def test_get_bulk_edit @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:bulk_edit, :params => {:ids => [1, 3]}) assert_response :success assert_select 'ul#bulk-selection' do assert_select 'li', 2 assert_select 'li a', :text => 'Bug #1' end assert_select 'form#bulk_edit_form[action=?]', '/issues/bulk_update' do assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'ids[]', 2 assert_select 'input[name=?][value="1"][type=hidden]', 'ids[]' assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]' # Project specific custom field, date type field = CustomField.find(9) assert !field.is_for_all? assert_equal 'date', field.field_format assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][9]' # System wide custom field assert CustomField.find(1).is_for_all? assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][1]' # Be sure we don't display inactive IssuePriorities assert_not IssuePriority.find(15).active? assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[priority_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="15"]', 0 end # Initial form should hide 'follow' button assert_select 'input[type=submit]', 1 do assert_select '[name=?]', 'commit', 1 assert_select '[name=?]', 'follow', 0 end end end test "bulk_edit should show follow button when project is selected" do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :issue => { :project_id => 2, } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#bulk_edit_form[action=?]', '/issues/bulk_update' do assert_select 'input[type=submit]', 2 do assert_select '[name=?]', 'commit', 1 assert_select '[name=?]', 'follow', 1 end end end test "bulk_edit should hide follow button when project is not changed" do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :issue => { :project_id => "", } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#bulk_edit_form[action=?]', '/issues/bulk_update' do assert_select 'input[type=submit]', 1 do assert_select '[name=?]', 'commit', 1 assert_select '[name=?]', 'follow', 0 end end end def test_get_bulk_edit_on_different_projects @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:bulk_edit, :params => {:ids => [1, 2, 6]}) assert_response :success # Can not set issues from different projects as children of an issue assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[parent_issue_id]', 0 # Project specific custom field, date type field = CustomField.find(9) assert !field.is_for_all? assert !field.project_ids.include?(Issue.find(6).project_id) assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][9]', 0 end def test_get_bulk_edit_with_user_custom_field field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Tester', :field_format => 'user', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2, 3] ) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:bulk_edit, :params => {:ids => [1, 2]}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select.user_cf[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field.id}]" do assert_select 'option', Project.find(1).users.count + 3 # "no change" + "none" + "me" options end end def test_get_bulk_edit_with_version_custom_field field = IssueCustomField. create!( :name => 'Affected version', :field_format => 'version', :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2, 3] ) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:bulk_edit, :params => {:ids => [1, 2]}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select.version_cf[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field.id}]" do assert_select 'option', Project.find(1).shared_versions.count + 2 # "no change" + "none" options end end def test_get_bulk_edit_with_multi_custom_field field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:bulk_edit, :params => {:ids => [1, 3]}) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][1][]' do assert_select 'option', field.possible_values.size + 1 # "none" options end end def test_bulk_edit_should_propose_to_clear_text_custom_fields @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:bulk_edit, :params => {:ids => [1, 3]}) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[custom_field_values][2]', '__none__' end def test_bulk_edit_should_only_propose_statuses_allowed_for_all_issues WorkflowTransition.delete_all WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 1, :new_status_id => 1) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 1, :new_status_id => 3) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 1, :new_status_id => 4) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :old_status_id => 2, :new_status_id => 1) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :old_status_id => 2, :new_status_id => 3) WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2, :old_status_id => 2, :new_status_id => 5) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get(:bulk_edit, :params => {:ids => [1, 2]}) assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[status_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=""]' assert_select 'option[value="1"]' assert_select 'option[value="3"]' assert_select 'option', 3 # 2 statuses + "no change" option end end def test_bulk_edit_should_propose_target_project_open_shared_versions @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 6], :issue => { :project_id => 1 } } ) assert_response :success expected_versions = Project.find(1).shared_versions.open.to_a.sort assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[fixed_version_id]' do expected_versions.each do |version| assert_select 'option[value=?]', version.id.to_s end assert_select 'option[value=""]' assert_select 'option[value="none"]' assert_select 'option', expected_versions.size + 2 end end def test_bulk_edit_should_propose_target_project_categories @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 6], :issue => { :project_id => 1 } } ) assert_response :success expected_categories = Project.find(1).issue_categories.sort assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[category_id]' do expected_categories.each do |category| assert_select 'option[value=?]', category.id.to_s end assert_select 'option[value=""]' assert_select 'option[value="none"]' assert_select 'option', expected_categories.size + 2 end end def test_bulk_edit_should_only_propose_issues_trackers_custom_fields IssueCustomField.delete_all field1 = IssueCustomField.generate!(:tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true) field2 = IssueCustomField.generate!(:tracker_ids => [2], :is_for_all => true) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue_ids = Issue.where(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1).limit(2).ids get( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => issue_ids } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field1.id}]" assert_select 'input[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field2.id}]", 0 end def test_bulk_edit_should_propose_target_tracker_custom_fields IssueCustomField.delete_all field1 = IssueCustomField.generate!(:tracker_ids => [1], :is_for_all => true) field2 = IssueCustomField.generate!(:tracker_ids => [2], :is_for_all => true) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue_ids = Issue.where(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1).limit(2).ids get( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => issue_ids, :issue => { :tracker_id => 2 } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field1.id}]", 0 assert_select 'input[name=?]', "issue[custom_field_values][#{field2.id}]" end def test_bulk_edit_should_warn_about_custom_field_values_about_to_be_cleared CustomField.destroy_all cleared = IssueCustomField.generate!(:name => 'Cleared', :tracker_ids => [2], :is_for_all => true) CustomValue.create!(:customized => Issue.find(2), :custom_field => cleared, :value => 'foo') not_cleared = IssueCustomField.generate!(:name => 'Not cleared', :tracker_ids => [2, 3], :is_for_all => true) CustomValue.create!(:customized => Issue.find(2), :custom_field => not_cleared, :value => 'bar') @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :issue => { :tracker_id => 3 } } ) assert_response :success assert_select '.warning', :text => /automatic deletion of values/ assert_select '.warning span', :text => 'Cleared (1)' assert_select '.warning span', :text => /Not cleared/, :count => 0 end def test_bulk_update @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # update issues priority post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :notes => 'Bulk editing', :issue => { :priority_id => 7, :assigned_to_id => '', :custom_field_values => { '2' => '' } } } ) assert_response 302 # check that the issues were updated assert_equal [7, 7], Issue.where(:id =>[1, 2]).collect {|i| i.priority.id} issue = Issue.find(1) journal = issue.journals.reorder('created_on DESC').first assert_equal '125', issue.custom_value_for(2).value assert_equal 'Bulk editing', journal.notes assert_equal 1, journal.details.size end def test_bulk_update_with_group_assignee group = Group.find(11) project = Project.find(1) project.members << Member.new(:principal => group, :roles => [Role.givable.first]) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # update issues assignee with_settings :issue_group_assignment => '1' do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :notes => 'Bulk editing', :issue => { :priority_id => '', :assigned_to_id => group.id, :custom_field_values => { '2' => '' } } } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal [group, group], Issue.where(:id => [1, 2]).collect {|i| i.assigned_to} end end def test_bulk_update_on_different_projects @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # update issues priority post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 6], :notes => 'Bulk editing', :issue => { :priority_id => 7, :assigned_to_id => '', :custom_field_values => { '2' => '' } } } ) assert_response 302 # check that the issues were updated assert_equal [7, 7, 7], Issue.find([1, 2, 6]).map(&:priority_id) issue = Issue.find(1) journal = issue.journals.reorder('created_on DESC').first assert_equal '125', issue.custom_value_for(2).value assert_equal 'Bulk editing', journal.notes assert_equal 1, journal.details.size end def test_bulk_update_on_different_projects_without_rights @request.session[:user_id] = 3 user = User.find(3) action = {:controller => "issues", :action => "bulk_update"} assert user.allowed_to?(action, Issue.find(1).project) assert_not user.allowed_to?(action, Issue.find(6).project) post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 6], :notes => 'Bulk should fail', :issue => { :priority_id => 7, :assigned_to_id => '', :custom_field_values => { '2' => '' } } } ) assert_response 403 assert_not_equal "Bulk should fail", Journal.last.notes end def test_bulk_update_should_send_a_notification @request.session[:user_id] = 2 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_updated) do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :notes => 'Bulk editing', :issue => { :priority_id => 7, :assigned_to_id => '', :custom_field_values => {'2' => ''} } } ) assert_response 302 # 4 emails for 2 members and 2 issues # 1 email for a watcher of issue #2 assert_equal 5, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end end def test_bulk_update_project @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :issue => { :project_id => '2' } } ) assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' # Issues moved to project 2 assert_equal 2, Issue.find(1).project_id assert_equal 2, Issue.find(2).project_id # No tracker change assert_equal 1, Issue.find(1).tracker_id assert_equal 2, Issue.find(2).tracker_id end def test_bulk_update_project_on_single_issue_should_follow_when_needed @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :id => 1, :issue => { :project_id => '2' }, :follow => '1' } ) assert_redirected_to '/issues/1' end def test_bulk_update_project_on_multiple_issues_should_follow_when_needed @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :id => [1, 2], :issue => { :project_id => '2' }, :follow => '1' } ) assert_redirected_to '/projects/onlinestore/issues' end def test_bulk_update_tracker @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :issue => { :tracker_id => '2' } } ) assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 2, Issue.find(1).tracker_id assert_equal 2, Issue.find(2).tracker_id end def test_bulk_update_status @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # update issues priority post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :notes => 'Bulk editing status', :issue => { :priority_id => '', :assigned_to_id => '', :status_id => '5' } } ) assert_response 302 issue = Issue.find(1) assert issue.closed? end def test_bulk_update_priority @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :issue => { :priority_id => 6 } } ) assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 6, Issue.find(1).priority_id assert_equal 6, Issue.find(2).priority_id end def test_bulk_update_with_notes @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :notes => 'Moving two issues' } ) assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Moving two issues', Issue.find(1).journals.sort_by(&:id).last.notes assert_equal 'Moving two issues', Issue.find(2).journals.sort_by(&:id).last.notes assert_equal false, Issue.find(1).journals.sort_by(&:id).last.private_notes assert_equal false, Issue.find(2).journals.sort_by(&:id).last.private_notes end def test_bulk_update_with_private_notes @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :notes => 'Moving two issues', :issue => {:private_notes => 'true'} } ) assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Moving two issues', Issue.find(1).journals.sort_by(&:id).last.notes assert_equal 'Moving two issues', Issue.find(2).journals.sort_by(&:id).last.notes assert_equal true, Issue.find(1).journals.sort_by(&:id).last.private_notes assert_equal true, Issue.find(2).journals.sort_by(&:id).last.private_notes end def test_bulk_update_parent_id IssueRelation.delete_all @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :notes => 'Bulk editing parent', :issue => { :priority_id => '', :assigned_to_id => '', :status_id => '', :parent_issue_id => '2' } } ) assert_response 302 parent = Issue.find(2) assert_equal parent.id, Issue.find(1).parent_id assert_equal parent.id, Issue.find(3).parent_id assert_equal [1, 3], parent.children.collect(&:id).sort end def test_bulk_update_estimated_hours @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :issue => { :estimated_hours => 4.25 } } ) assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 4.25, Issue.find(1).estimated_hours assert_equal 4.25, Issue.find(2).estimated_hours end def test_bulk_update_custom_field @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # update issues priority post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :notes => 'Bulk editing custom field', :issue => { :priority_id => '', :assigned_to_id => '', :custom_field_values => { '2' => '777' } } } ) assert_response 302 issue = Issue.find(1) journal = issue.journals.reorder('created_on DESC').first assert_equal '777', issue.custom_value_for(2).value assert_equal 1, journal.details.size assert_equal '125', journal.details.first.old_value assert_equal '777', journal.details.first.value end def test_bulk_update_custom_field_to_blank @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :notes => 'Bulk editing custom field', :issue => { :priority_id => '', :assigned_to_id => '', :custom_field_values => { '1' => '__none__' } } } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal '', Issue.find(1).custom_field_value(1) assert_equal '', Issue.find(3).custom_field_value(1) end def test_bulk_update_multi_custom_field field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 3], :notes => 'Bulk editing multi custom field', :issue => { :priority_id => '', :assigned_to_id => '', :custom_field_values => { '1' => ['MySQL', 'Oracle'] } } } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal ['MySQL', 'Oracle'], Issue.find(1).custom_field_value(1).sort assert_equal ['MySQL', 'Oracle'], Issue.find(3).custom_field_value(1).sort # the custom field is not associated with the issue tracker assert_nil Issue.find(2).custom_field_value(1) end def test_bulk_update_multi_custom_field_to_blank field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :notes => 'Bulk editing multi custom field', :issue => { :priority_id => '', :assigned_to_id => '', :custom_field_values => { '1' => ['__none__'] } } } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal [''], Issue.find(1).custom_field_value(1) assert_equal [''], Issue.find(3).custom_field_value(1) end def test_bulk_update_unassign assert_not_nil Issue.find(2).assigned_to @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # unassign issues post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :notes => 'Bulk unassigning', :issue => { :assigned_to_id => 'none' } } ) assert_response 302 # check that the issues were updated assert_nil Issue.find(2).assigned_to end def test_post_bulk_update_should_allow_fixed_version_to_be_set_to_a_subproject @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :issue => { :fixed_version_id => 4 } } ) assert_response :redirect issues = Issue.find([1, 2]) issues.each do |issue| assert_equal 4, issue.fixed_version_id assert_not_equal issue.project_id, issue.fixed_version.project_id end end def test_post_bulk_update_should_redirect_back_using_the_back_url_parameter @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :back_url => '/issues' } ) assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to '/issues' end def test_post_bulk_update_should_not_redirect_back_using_the_back_url_parameter_off_the_host @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :back_url => 'http://google.com' } ) assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to( :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => Project.find(1).identifier ) end def test_bulk_update_with_all_failures_should_show_errors @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :issue => { :start_date => 'foo' } } ) assert_response :success assert_select '#errorExplanation span', :text => 'Failed to save 2 issue(s) on 2 selected: #1, #2.' assert_select '#errorExplanation ul li', :text => 'Start date is not a valid date: #1, #2' end def test_bulk_update_with_some_failures_should_show_errors issue1 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2013-05-12') issue2 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2013-05-15') issue3 = Issue.generate! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [issue1.id, issue2.id, issue3.id], :issue => { :due_date => '2013-05-01' } } ) assert_response :success assert_select '#errorExplanation span', :text => "Failed to save 2 issue(s) on 3 selected: ##{issue1.id}, ##{issue2.id}." assert_select '#errorExplanation ul li', :text => "Due date must be greater than start date: ##{issue1.id}, ##{issue2.id}" assert_select '#bulk-selection li', 2 end def test_bulk_update_with_failure_should_preserved_form_values @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :issue => { :tracker_id => '2', :start_date => 'foo' } } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[tracker_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]' end assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue[start_date]', 'foo' end def test_get_bulk_copy assert_not Issue.find(1).attachments.any? assert Issue.find(2).attachments.any? assert Issue.find(3).attachments.any? @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 3], :copy => '1' } ) assert_response :success assert_select '#bulk-selection li', 3 assert_select 'form#bulk_edit_form[action=?]', '/issues/bulk_update' do assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=""]' end assert_select 'input[name=copy_attachments]' end end test "bulk copy should show follow button when project is selected" do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :issue => { :project_id => 2, }, :copy => '1', } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#bulk_edit_form[action=?]', '/issues/bulk_update' do assert_select 'input[type=submit]', 2 do assert_select '[name=?]', 'commit', 1 assert_select '[name=?]', 'follow', 1 end end end def test_get_bulk_copy_without_add_issues_permission_should_not_propose_current_project_as_target user = setup_user_with_copy_but_not_add_permission @request.session[:user_id] = user.id get( :bulk_edit, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 3], :copy => '1' } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'form#bulk_edit_form[action=?]', '/issues/bulk_update' do assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'issue[project_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=""]', 0 assert_select 'option[value="2"]' end end end def test_bulk_copy_to_another_project @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issue_ids = [1, 2] assert_difference 'Issue.count', issue_ids.size do assert_no_difference 'Project.find(1).issues.count' do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => issue_ids, :issue => { :project_id => '2' }, :copy => '1' } ) end end assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/issues' copies = Issue.order('id DESC').limit(issue_ids.size) copies.each do |copy| assert_equal 2, copy.project_id end end def test_bulk_copy_without_add_issues_permission_should_be_allowed_on_project_with_permission user = setup_user_with_copy_but_not_add_permission @request.session[:user_id] = user.id assert_difference 'Issue.count', 3 do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 3], :issue => { :project_id => '2' }, :copy => '1' } ) assert_response 302 end end def test_bulk_copy_on_same_project_without_add_issues_permission_should_be_denied user = setup_user_with_copy_but_not_add_permission @request.session[:user_id] = user.id post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 3], :issue => { :project_id => '' }, :copy => '1' } ) assert_response 403 end def test_bulk_copy_on_different_project_without_add_issues_permission_should_be_denied user = setup_user_with_copy_but_not_add_permission @request.session[:user_id] = user.id post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 3], :issue => { :project_id => '1' }, :copy => '1' } ) assert_response 403 end def test_bulk_copy_should_allow_not_changing_the_issue_attributes @request.session[:user_id] = 2 issues = [ Issue.create!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :priority_id => 2, :subject => 'issue 1', :author_id => 1, :assigned_to_id => nil), Issue.create!(:project_id => 2, :tracker_id => 3, :status_id => 2, :priority_id => 1, :subject => 'issue 2', :author_id => 2, :assigned_to_id => 2) ] assert_difference 'Issue.count', issues.size do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => issues.map(&:id), :copy => '1', :issue => { :project_id => '', :tracker_id => '', :assigned_to_id => '', :status_id => '', :start_date => '', :due_date => '' } } ) end copies = Issue.order('id DESC').limit(issues.size) issues.each do |orig| copy = copies.detect {|c| c.subject == orig.subject} assert_not_nil copy assert_equal orig.project_id, copy.project_id assert_equal orig.tracker_id, copy.tracker_id assert_equal 1, copy.status_id if orig.assigned_to_id assert_equal orig.assigned_to_id, copy.assigned_to_id else assert_nil copy.assigned_to_id end assert_equal orig.priority_id, copy.priority_id end end def test_bulk_copy_should_allow_changing_the_issue_attributes # Fixes random test failure with Mysql # where Issue.where(:project_id => 2).limit(2).order('id desc') # doesn't return the expected results Issue.where("project_id=2").delete_all @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', 2 do assert_no_difference 'Project.find(1).issues.count' do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :copy => '1', :issue => { :project_id => '2', :tracker_id => '', :assigned_to_id => '2', :status_id => '1', :start_date => '2009-12-01', :due_date => '2009-12-31' } } ) end end copied_issues = Issue.where(:project_id => 2).limit(2).order('id desc').to_a assert_equal 2, copied_issues.size copied_issues.each do |issue| assert_equal 2, issue.project_id, "Project is incorrect" assert_equal 2, issue.assigned_to_id, "Assigned to is incorrect" assert_equal 1, issue.status_id, "Status is incorrect" assert_equal '2009-12-01', issue.start_date.to_s, "Start date is incorrect" assert_equal '2009-12-31', issue.due_date.to_s, "Due date is incorrect" end end def test_bulk_copy_should_allow_adding_a_note @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1 do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1], :copy => '1', :notes => 'Copying one issue', :issue => { :project_id => '', :tracker_id => '', :status_id => '3', :start_date => '2009-12-01', :due_date => '2009-12-31' } } ) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, issue.journals.size journal = issue.journals.first assert_equal 'Copying one issue', journal.notes end def test_bulk_copy_should_allow_not_copying_the_attachments attachment_count = Issue.find(3).attachments.size assert attachment_count > 0 @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1 do assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [3], :copy => '1', :copy_attachments => '0', :issue => { :project_id => '' } } ) end end end def test_bulk_copy_should_allow_copying_the_attachments attachment_count = Issue.find(3).attachments.size assert attachment_count > 0 @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1 do assert_difference 'Attachment.count', attachment_count do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [3], :copy => '1', :copy_attachments => '1', :issue => { :project_id => '' } } ) end end end def test_bulk_copy_should_add_relations_with_copied_issues @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', 2 do assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count', 2 do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :copy => '1', :link_copy => '1', :issue => { :project_id => '1' } } ) end end end def test_bulk_copy_should_allow_not_copying_the_subtasks issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1 do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [issue.id], :copy => '1', :copy_subtasks => '0', :issue => { :project_id => '' } } ) end end test "bulk copy should allow copying the subtasks" do issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants! count = issue.descendants.count @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', count + 1 do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [issue.id], :copy => '1', :copy_subtasks => '1', :issue => { :project_id => '' } } ) end copy = Issue.where(:parent_id => nil).order("id DESC").first assert_equal count, copy.descendants.count end test "issue bulk copy copy watcher" do issue = Issue.find(1) Watcher.create!(:watchable => issue, :user => User.find(3)) Watcher.create!(:watchable => issue, :user => Group.find(10)) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1], :copy => '1', :copy_watchers => '1', :issue => { :project_id => '' } } ) end copy = Issue.order(:id => :desc).first assert_equal 2, copy.watchers.count assert_equal [3, 10], copy.watcher_user_ids.sort end def test_bulk_copy_should_not_copy_selected_subtasks_twice issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants! count = issue.descendants.count @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', count + 1 do post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => issue.self_and_descendants.map(&:id), :copy => '1', :copy_subtasks => '1', :issue => { :project_id => '' } } ) end copy = Issue.where(:parent_id => nil).order("id DESC").first assert_equal count, copy.descendants.count end def test_bulk_copy_to_another_project_should_follow_when_needed @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1], :copy => '1', :issue => { :project_id => 2 }, :follow => '1' } ) issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => issue end def test_bulk_copy_with_all_failures_should_display_errors @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post( :bulk_update, :params => { :ids => [1, 2], :copy => '1', :issue => { :start_date => 'foo' } } ) assert_response :success end def test_destroy_issue_with_no_time_entries_should_delete_the_issues set_tmp_attachments_directory assert_nil TimeEntry.find_by_issue_id(2) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', -1 do delete(:destroy, :params => {:id => 2}) end assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] assert_nil Issue.find_by_id(2) end def test_destroy_issues_with_time_entries_should_show_the_reassign_form set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :timelog_required_fields => [] do assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 3] } ) end end assert_response :success assert_select 'form' do assert_select 'input[name=_method][value=delete]' assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=destroy]' assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=nullify]' assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=reassign]' end end def test_destroy_issues_with_time_entries_should_not_show_the_nullify_option_when_issue_is_required_for_time_entries set_tmp_attachments_directory with_settings :timelog_required_fields => ['issue_id'] do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 3] } ) end assert_response :success assert_select 'form' do assert_select 'input[name=_method][value=delete]' assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=destroy]' assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=nullify]', 0 assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=reassign]' end end end def test_destroy_issues_with_time_entries_should_show_hours_on_issues_and_descendants parent = Issue.generate_with_child! TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => parent) TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => parent.children.first) leaf = Issue.generate! TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => leaf) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [parent.id, leaf.id] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'p', :text => /3\.00 hours were reported/ end def test_destroy_issues_and_destroy_time_entries set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', -2 do assert_difference 'TimeEntry.count', -3 do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :todo => 'destroy' } ) end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] assert !(Issue.find_by_id(1) || Issue.find_by_id(3)) assert_nil TimeEntry.find_by_id([1, 2]) end def test_destroy_issues_and_assign_time_entries_to_project set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :timelog_required_fields => [] do assert_difference 'Issue.count', -2 do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :todo => 'nullify' } ) end end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] assert !(Issue.find_by_id(1) || Issue.find_by_id(3)) assert_nil TimeEntry.find(1).issue_id assert_nil TimeEntry.find(2).issue_id end def test_destroy_issues_and_reassign_time_entries_to_another_issue set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', -2 do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :todo => 'reassign', :reassign_to_id => 2 } ) end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] assert !(Issue.find_by_id(1) || Issue.find_by_id(3)) assert_equal 2, TimeEntry.find(1).issue_id assert_equal 2, TimeEntry.find(2).issue_id end def test_destroy_issues_with_time_entries_should_reassign_time_entries_of_issues_and_descendants parent = Issue.generate_with_child! TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => parent) TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => parent.children.first) leaf = Issue.generate! TimeEntry.generate!(:issue => leaf) target = Issue.generate! @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', -3 do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [parent.id, leaf.id], :todo => 'reassign', :reassign_to_id => target.id } ) assert_response 302 assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] end end assert_equal 3, target.time_entries.count end def test_destroy_issues_and_reassign_time_entries_to_an_invalid_issue_should_fail set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do # try to reassign time to an issue of another project delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :todo => 'reassign', :reassign_to_id => 4 } ) end end assert_response :success end def test_destroy_issues_and_reassign_time_entries_to_an_issue_to_delete_should_fail set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :todo => 'reassign', :reassign_to_id => 3 } ) end end assert_response :success assert_select '#flash_error', :text => I18n.t(:error_cannot_reassign_time_entries_to_an_issue_about_to_be_deleted) end def test_destroy_issues_and_nullify_time_entries_should_fail_when_issue_is_required_for_time_entries set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 with_settings :timelog_required_fields => ['issue_id'] do assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 3], :todo => 'nullify' } ) end end end assert_response :success assert_select '#flash_error', :text => 'Issue cannot be blank' end def test_destroy_issues_from_different_projects set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', -3 do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [1, 2, 6], :todo => 'destroy' } ) end assert_redirected_to :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] assert !(Issue.find_by_id(1) || Issue.find_by_id(2) || Issue.find_by_id(6)) end def test_destroy_child_issue parent = Issue.create!(:project_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'Parent Issue') child = Issue.create!(:project_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'Child Issue', :parent_issue_id => parent.id) assert child.is_descendant_of?(parent.reload) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', -1 do delete :destroy, :params => {:id => child.id} end assert_response :found assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' parent.reload assert_equal 2, parent.journals.count get :show, :params => {:id => parent.id} assert_response :success assert_select 'div#tab-content-history' do assert_select 'div[id=?]', "change-#{parent.journals.last.id}" do assert_select 'ul.details', :text => "Subtask deleted (##{child.id})" end end end def test_destroy_parent_and_child_issues parent = Issue.create!(:project_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'Parent Issue') child = Issue.create!(:project_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :subject => 'Child Issue', :parent_issue_id => parent.id) assert child.is_descendant_of?(parent.reload) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', -2 do delete( :destroy, :params => { :ids => [parent.id, child.id], :todo => 'destroy' } ) end assert_response 302 assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] end def test_destroy_invalid_should_respond_with_404 @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do delete(:destroy, :params => {:id => 999}) end assert_response 404 end def test_destroy_with_permission_on_tracker_should_be_allowed role = Role.find(1) role.set_permission_trackers :delete_issues, [1] role.save! issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Issue.count', -1 do delete(:destroy, :params => {:id => issue.id}) end assert_response 302 assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] end def test_destroy_without_permission_on_tracker_should_be_denied role = Role.find(1) role.set_permission_trackers :delete_issues, [2] role.save! issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do delete(:destroy, :params => {:id => issue.id}) end assert_response 403 end def test_default_search_scope get :index assert_select 'div#quick-search form' do assert_select 'input[name=issues][value="1"][type=hidden]' end end def setup_user_with_copy_but_not_add_permission Role.all.each {|r| r.remove_permission! :add_issues} Role.find_by_name('Manager').add_permission! :add_issues user = User.generate! User.add_to_project(user, Project.find(1), Role.find_by_name('Developer')) User.add_to_project(user, Project.find(2), Role.find_by_name('Manager')) user end def test_cancel_edit_link_for_issue_show_action_should_have_onclick_action @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get(:show, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href=?][onclick=?]', "/issues/1", "$('#update').hide(); return false;", :text => 'Cancel' end def test_cancel_edit_link_for_issue_edit_action_should_not_have_onclick_action @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get(:edit, :params => {:id => 1}) assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href=?][onclick=?]', "/issues/1", "", :text => 'Cancel' end def test_show_should_display_author_gravatar_only_when_not_assigned issue = Issue.find(1) assert_nil issue.assigned_to_id @request.session[:user_id] = 1 with_settings :gravatar_enabled => '1' do get :show, :params => {:id => issue.id} assert_select 'div.gravatar-with-child' do assert_select 'img.gravatar', 1 end end end def test_show_should_display_author_and_assignee_gravatars_when_assigned issue = Issue.find(1) issue.assigned_to_id = 2 issue.save! @request.session[:user_id] = 1 with_settings :gravatar_enabled => '1' do get :show, :params => {:id => issue.id} assert_select 'div.gravatar-with-child' do assert_select 'img.gravatar', 2 assert_select 'img.gravatar-child', 1 end end end def test_show_should_be_able_to_link_to_another_journal_attachment_of_the_same_issue @request.session[:user_id] = 1 issue = Issue.find(2) attachment = issue.journals.first.attachments.first issue.init_journal(User.first, "attachment:#{attachment.filename}") issue.save! issue.reload get :show, params: { id: issue.id } assert_select "div#history div#journal-#{issue.journals.last.id}-notes" do assert_select "a[href='/attachments/#{attachment.id}']", :text => 'source.rb' end end def test_index_should_retrieve_default_query query = IssueQuery.find(4) IssueQuery.stubs(:default).returns query [nil, 1].each do |user_id| @request.session[:user_id] = user_id get :index assert_select 'h2', text: query.name get :index, params: { project_id: 1 } assert_select 'h2', text: query.name end end def test_index_should_ignore_default_query_with_without_default query = IssueQuery.find(4) IssueQuery.stubs(:default).returns query [nil, 1].each do |user_id| @request.session[:user_id] = user_id get :index, params: { set_filter: '1', without_default: '1' } assert_select 'h2', text: I18n.t(:label_issue_plural) get :index, params: { project_id: 1, set_filter: '1', without_default: '1' } assert_select 'h2', text: I18n.t(:label_issue_plural) end end def test_index_should_ignore_default_query_with_session_query query = IssueQuery.find 4 IssueQuery.stubs(:default).returns query session_query = IssueQuery.find 1 @request.session[:issue_query] = { id: 1, project_id: 1} @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :index, params: { project_id: '1' } assert_select 'h2', text: session_query.name end def test_index_global_should_ignore_default_query_with_session_query query = IssueQuery.find 4 IssueQuery.stubs(:default).returns query session_query = IssueQuery.find 5 @request.session[:issue_query] = { id: 5, project_id: nil} @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :index assert_select 'h2', text: session_query.name end def test_index_should_use_default_query_with_invalid_session_query query = IssueQuery.find 4 IssueQuery.stubs(:default).returns query @request.session[:issue_query] = { id: 1, project_id: 1} @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :index assert_select 'h2', text: query.name end def test_index_should_not_load_default_query_for_api_request query = IssueQuery.find 4 IssueQuery.stubs(:default).returns query @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :index, params: { format: 'json' } assert results = JSON.parse(@response.body)['issues'] # query filters for tracker_id == 3 assert results.detect{ |i| i['tracker_id'] != 3 } end def test_index_should_ignore_user_default_query_if_it_is_invisible query = IssueQuery.find(4) query.update(visibility: Query::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, user_id: 2) query.save! # If visible default query @request.session[:user_id] = 2 @request.session[:issue_query] = nil User.find(2).pref.update(default_issue_query: query.id) get :index assert_select 'h2', text: query.name # If invisible default query @request.session[:user_id] = 3 @request.session[:issue_query] = nil User.find(3).pref.update(default_issue_query: query.id) get :index assert_select 'h2', text: 'Issues' end def test_index_should_ignore_project_default_query_if_it_is_not_public query = IssueQuery.find(1) query.project.update(default_issue_query: query) query.update(visibility: Query::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, user_id: 2) query.save! [User.find(1), User.find(2)].each do |user| @request.session[:user_id] = user.id @request.session[:issue_query] = nil get :index, params: { project_id: query.project.id } assert_select 'h2', text: 'Issues' end end def test_index_should_ignore_global_default_query_if_it_is_not_public query = IssueQuery.find(1) with_settings default_issue_query: query.id do query.update(visibility: Query::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, user_id: 2) query.save! [User.find(1), User.find(2)].each do |user| @request.session[:user_id] = user.id @request.session[:issue_query] = nil get :index assert_select 'h2', text: 'Issues' end end end end