# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class RepositoriesGitControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests RepositoriesController fixtures :projects, :users, :email_addresses, :roles, :members, :member_roles, :repositories, :enabled_modules REPOSITORY_PATH = Rails.root.join('tmp/test/git_repository').to_s REPOSITORY_PATH.gsub!(/\//, "\\") if Redmine::Platform.mswin? PRJ_ID = 3 CHAR_1_HEX = "\xc3\x9c".force_encoding('UTF-8') FELIX_HEX = "Felix Sch\xC3\xA4fer".force_encoding('UTF-8') NUM_REV = 28 ## Git, Mercurial and CVS path encodings are binary. ## Subversion supports URL encoding for path. ## Redmine Mercurial adapter and extension use URL encoding. ## Git accepts only binary path in command line parameter. ## So, there is no way to use binary command line parameter in JRuby. JRUBY_SKIP = (RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java') JRUBY_SKIP_STR = "TODO: This test fails in JRuby" def setup @ruby19_non_utf8_pass = Encoding.default_external.to_s != 'UTF-8' User.current = nil @project = Project.find(PRJ_ID) @repository = Repository::Git.create( :project => @project, :url => REPOSITORY_PATH, :path_encoding => 'ISO-8859-1' ) assert @repository end def test_create_and_update @request.session[:user_id] = 1 assert_difference 'Repository.count' do post :create, :project_id => 'subproject1', :repository_scm => 'Git', :repository => { :url => '/test', :is_default => '0', :identifier => 'test-create', :extra_report_last_commit => '1', } end assert_response 302 repository = Repository.order('id DESC').first assert_kind_of Repository::Git, repository assert_equal '/test', repository.url assert_equal true, repository.extra_report_last_commit put :update, :id => repository.id, :repository => { :extra_report_last_commit => '0' } assert_response 302 repo2 = Repository.find(repository.id) assert_equal false, repo2.extra_report_last_commit end if File.directory?(REPOSITORY_PATH) ## Ruby uses ANSI api to fork a process on Windows. ## Japanese Shift_JIS and Traditional Chinese Big5 have 0x5c(backslash) problem ## and these are incompatible with ASCII. ## Git for Windows (msysGit) changed internal API from ANSI to Unicode in 1.7.10 ## http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/issues/detail?id=80 ## So, Latin-1 path tests fail on Japanese Windows WINDOWS_PASS = (Redmine::Platform.mswin? && Redmine::Scm::Adapters::GitAdapter.client_version_above?([1, 7, 10])) WINDOWS_SKIP_STR = "TODO: This test fails in Git for Windows above 1.7.10" def test_get_new @request.session[:user_id] = 1 @project.repository.destroy get :new, :project_id => 'subproject1', :repository_scm => 'Git' assert_response :success assert_template 'new' assert_kind_of Repository::Git, assigns(:repository) assert assigns(:repository).new_record? end def test_browse_root assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get :show, :id => PRJ_ID assert_response :success assert_template 'show' assert_not_nil assigns(:entries) assert_equal 9, assigns(:entries).size assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'images' && e.kind == 'dir'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'this_is_a_really_long_and_verbose_directory_name' && e.kind == 'dir'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'sources' && e.kind == 'dir'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'README' && e.kind == 'file'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'copied_README' && e.kind == 'file'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'new_file.txt' && e.kind == 'file'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'renamed_test.txt' && e.kind == 'file'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'filemane with spaces.txt' && e.kind == 'file'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == ' filename with a leading space.txt ' && e.kind == 'file'} assert_not_nil assigns(:changesets) assert assigns(:changesets).size > 0 end def test_browse_branch assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get :show, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => 'test_branch' assert_response :success assert_template 'show' assert_not_nil assigns(:entries) assert_equal 4, assigns(:entries).size assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'images' && e.kind == 'dir'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'sources' && e.kind == 'dir'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'README' && e.kind == 'file'} assert assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'test.txt' && e.kind == 'file'} assert_not_nil assigns(:changesets) assert assigns(:changesets).size > 0 end def test_browse_tag assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count [ "tag00.lightweight", "tag01.annotated", ].each do |t1| get :show, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => t1 assert_response :success assert_template 'show' assert_not_nil assigns(:entries) assert assigns(:entries).size > 0 assert_not_nil assigns(:changesets) assert assigns(:changesets).size > 0 end end def test_browse_directory assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get :show, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['images'])[:param] assert_response :success assert_template 'show' assert_not_nil assigns(:entries) assert_equal ['edit.png'], assigns(:entries).collect(&:name) entry = assigns(:entries).detect {|e| e.name == 'edit.png'} assert_not_nil entry assert_equal 'file', entry.kind assert_equal 'images/edit.png', entry.path assert_not_nil assigns(:changesets) assert assigns(:changesets).size > 0 end def test_browse_at_given_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get :show, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['images'])[:param], :rev => '7234cb2750b63f47bff735edc50a1c0a433c2518' assert_response :success assert_template 'show' assert_not_nil assigns(:entries) assert_equal ['delete.png'], assigns(:entries).collect(&:name) assert_not_nil assigns(:changesets) assert assigns(:changesets).size > 0 end def test_changes get :changes, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['images', 'edit.png'])[:param] assert_response :success assert_template 'changes' assert_select 'h2', :text => /edit.png/ end def test_entry_show get :entry, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['sources', 'watchers_controller.rb'])[:param] assert_response :success assert_template 'entry' # Line 11 assert_select 'tr#L11 td.line-code', :text => /WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY/ end def test_entry_show_latin_1 if @ruby19_non_utf8_pass puts_ruby19_non_utf8_pass() elsif WINDOWS_PASS puts WINDOWS_SKIP_STR elsif JRUBY_SKIP puts JRUBY_SKIP_STR else with_settings :repositories_encodings => 'UTF-8,ISO-8859-1' do ['57ca437c', '57ca437c0acbbcb749821fdf3726a1367056d364'].each do |r1| get :entry, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['latin-1-dir', "test-#{CHAR_1_HEX}.txt"])[:param], :rev => r1 assert_response :success assert_template 'entry' assert_select 'tr#L1 td.line-code', :text => /test-#{CHAR_1_HEX}.txt/ end end end end def test_entry_download get :entry, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['sources', 'watchers_controller.rb'])[:param], :format => 'raw' assert_response :success # File content assert @response.body.include?('WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY') end def test_directory_entry get :entry, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['sources'])[:param] assert_response :success assert_template 'show' assert_not_nil assigns(:entry) assert_equal 'sources', assigns(:entry).name end def test_diff assert_equal true, @repository.is_default assert @repository.identifier.blank? assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count # Full diff of changeset 2f9c0091 ['inline', 'sbs'].each do |dt| get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => '2f9c0091c754a91af7a9c478e36556b4bde8dcf7', :type => dt assert_response :success assert_template 'diff' # Line 22 removed assert_select 'th.line-num:contains(22) ~ td.diff_out', :text => /def remove/ assert_select 'h2', :text => /2f9c0091/ end end def test_diff_with_rev_and_path assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count with_settings :diff_max_lines_displayed => 1000 do # Full diff of changeset 2f9c0091 ['inline', 'sbs'].each do |dt| get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => '2f9c0091c754a91af7a9c478e36556b4bde8dcf7', :path => repository_path_hash(['sources', 'watchers_controller.rb'])[:param], :type => dt assert_response :success assert_template 'diff' # Line 22 removed assert_select 'th.line-num:contains(22) ~ td.diff_out', :text => /def remove/ assert_select 'h2', :text => /2f9c0091/ end end end def test_diff_truncated assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count with_settings :diff_max_lines_displayed => 5 do # Truncated diff of changeset 2f9c0091 with_cache do with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :type => 'inline', :rev => '2f9c0091c754a91af7a9c478e36556b4bde8dcf7' assert_response :success assert @response.body.include?("... This diff was truncated") end with_settings :default_language => 'fr' do get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :type => 'inline', :rev => '2f9c0091c754a91af7a9c478e36556b4bde8dcf7' assert_response :success assert ! @response.body.include?("... This diff was truncated") assert @response.body.include?("... Ce diff") end end end end def test_diff_two_revs assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count ['inline', 'sbs'].each do |dt| get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => '61b685fbe55ab05b5ac68402d5720c1a6ac973d1', :rev_to => '2f9c0091c754a91af7a9c478e36556b4bde8dcf7', :type => dt assert_response :success assert_template 'diff' diff = assigns(:diff) assert_not_nil diff assert_select 'h2', :text => /2f9c0091:61b685fb/ assert_select 'form[action=?]', '/projects/subproject1/repository/revisions/61b685fbe55ab05b5ac68402d5720c1a6ac973d1/diff' assert_select 'input#rev_to[type=hidden][name=rev_to][value=?]', '2f9c0091c754a91af7a9c478e36556b4bde8dcf7' end end def test_diff_path_in_subrepo repo = Repository::Git.create( :project => @project, :url => REPOSITORY_PATH, :identifier => 'test-diff-path', :path_encoding => 'ISO-8859-1' ) assert repo assert_equal false, repo.is_default assert_equal 'test-diff-path', repo.identifier get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => 'test-diff-path', :rev => '61b685fbe55ab05b', :rev_to => '2f9c0091c754a91a', :type => 'inline' assert_response :success assert_template 'diff' diff = assigns(:diff) assert_not_nil diff assert_select 'form[action=?]', '/projects/subproject1/repository/test-diff-path/revisions/61b685fbe55ab05b/diff' assert_select 'input#rev_to[type=hidden][name=rev_to][value=?]', '2f9c0091c754a91a' end def test_diff_latin_1 if @ruby19_non_utf8_pass puts_ruby19_non_utf8_pass() else with_settings :repositories_encodings => 'UTF-8,ISO-8859-1' do ['57ca437c', '57ca437c0acbbcb749821fdf3726a1367056d364'].each do |r1| ['inline', 'sbs'].each do |dt| get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => r1, :type => dt assert_response :success assert_template 'diff' assert_select 'table' do assert_select 'thead th.filename', :text => /latin-1-dir\/test-#{CHAR_1_HEX}.txt/ assert_select 'tbody td.diff_in', :text => /test-#{CHAR_1_HEX}.txt/ end end end end end end def test_diff_should_show_filenames get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => 'deff712f05a90d96edbd70facc47d944be5897e3', :type => 'inline' assert_response :success assert_template 'diff' # modified file assert_select 'th.filename', :text => 'sources/watchers_controller.rb' # deleted file assert_select 'th.filename', :text => 'test.txt' end def test_save_diff_type user1 = User.find(1) user1.pref[:diff_type] = nil user1.preference.save user = User.find(1) assert_nil user.pref[:diff_type] @request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => '2f9c0091c754a91af7a9c478e36556b4bde8dcf7' assert_response :success assert_template 'diff' user.reload assert_equal "inline", user.pref[:diff_type] get :diff, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => '2f9c0091c754a91af7a9c478e36556b4bde8dcf7', :type => 'sbs' assert_response :success assert_template 'diff' user.reload assert_equal "sbs", user.pref[:diff_type] end def test_annotate get :annotate, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['sources', 'watchers_controller.rb'])[:param] assert_response :success assert_template 'annotate' # Line 23, changeset 2f9c0091 assert_select 'tr' do assert_select 'th.line-num', :text => '23' assert_select 'td.revision', :text => /2f9c0091/ assert_select 'td.author', :text => 'jsmith' assert_select 'td', :text => /remove_watcher/ end end def test_annotate_at_given_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get :annotate, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => 'deff7', :path => repository_path_hash(['sources', 'watchers_controller.rb'])[:param] assert_response :success assert_template 'annotate' assert_select 'h2', :text => /@ deff712f/ end def test_annotate_binary_file with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get :annotate, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['images', 'edit.png'])[:param] assert_response 500 assert_select 'p#errorExplanation', :text => /cannot be annotated/ end end def test_annotate_error_when_too_big with_settings :file_max_size_displayed => 1 do get :annotate, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['sources', 'watchers_controller.rb'])[:param], :rev => 'deff712f' assert_response 500 assert_select 'p#errorExplanation', :text => /exceeds the maximum text file size/ get :annotate, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['README'])[:param], :rev => '7234cb2' assert_response :success assert_template 'annotate' end end def test_annotate_latin_1 if @ruby19_non_utf8_pass puts_ruby19_non_utf8_pass() elsif WINDOWS_PASS puts WINDOWS_SKIP_STR elsif JRUBY_SKIP puts JRUBY_SKIP_STR else with_settings :repositories_encodings => 'UTF-8,ISO-8859-1' do ['57ca437c', '57ca437c0acbbcb749821fdf3726a1367056d364'].each do |r1| get :annotate, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash(['latin-1-dir', "test-#{CHAR_1_HEX}.txt"])[:param], :rev => r1 assert_select "th.line-num", :text => '1' do assert_select "+ td.revision" do assert_select "a", :text => '57ca437c' assert_select "+ td.author", :text => "jsmith" do assert_select "+ td", :text => "test-#{CHAR_1_HEX}.txt" end end end end end end end def test_annotate_latin_1_author ['83ca5fd546063a3c7dc2e568ba3355661a9e2b2c', '83ca5fd546063a'].each do |r1| get :annotate, :id => PRJ_ID, :path => repository_path_hash([" filename with a leading space.txt "])[:param], :rev => r1 assert_select "th.line-num", :text => '1' do assert_select "+ td.revision" do assert_select "a", :text => '83ca5fd5' assert_select "+ td.author", :text => FELIX_HEX do assert_select "+ td", :text => "And this is a file with a leading and trailing space..." end end end end end def test_revisions assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get :revisions, :id => PRJ_ID assert_response :success assert_template 'revisions' assert_select 'form[method=get][action=?]', '/projects/subproject1/repository/revision' end def test_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count ['61b685fbe55ab05b5ac68402d5720c1a6ac973d1', '61b685f'].each do |r| get :revision, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => r assert_response :success assert_template 'revision' end end def test_empty_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count ['', ' ', nil].each do |r| get :revision, :id => PRJ_ID, :rev => r assert_response 404 assert_select_error /was not found/ end end def test_destroy_valid_repository @request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count assert_difference 'Repository.count', -1 do delete :destroy, :id => @repository.id end assert_response 302 @project.reload assert_nil @project.repository end def test_destroy_invalid_repository @request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin @project.repository.destroy @repository = Repository::Git.create!( :project => @project, :url => "/invalid", :path_encoding => 'ISO-8859-1' ) @repository.fetch_changesets @repository.reload assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count assert_difference 'Repository.count', -1 do delete :destroy, :id => @repository.id end assert_response 302 @project.reload assert_nil @project.repository end private def puts_ruby19_non_utf8_pass puts "TODO: This test fails " + "when Encoding.default_external is not UTF-8. " + "Current value is '#{Encoding.default_external.to_s}'" end else puts "Git test repository NOT FOUND. Skipping functional tests !!!" def test_fake; assert true end end private def with_cache(&block) before = ActionController::Base.perform_caching ActionController::Base.perform_caching = true block.call ActionController::Base.perform_caching = before end end