# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006- Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require_relative '../test_helper' class RepositoriesSubversionControllerTest < Redmine::RepositoryControllerTest tests RepositoriesController fixtures :projects, :users, :email_addresses, :roles, :members, :member_roles, :enabled_modules, :repositories, :issues, :issue_statuses, :changesets, :changes, :issue_categories, :enumerations, :custom_fields, :custom_values, :trackers PRJ_ID = 3 NUM_REV = 14 def setup super Setting.default_language = 'en' User.current = nil @project = Project.find(PRJ_ID) @repository = Repository::Subversion.create(:project => @project, :url => self.class.subversion_repository_url) assert @repository end if repository_configured?('subversion') def test_new @request.session[:user_id] = 1 @project.repository.destroy get( :new, :params => { :project_id => 'subproject1', :repository_scm => 'Subversion' } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'repository_scm' do assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', 'Subversion' end end def test_show assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :show, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.entries tbody' do assert_select 'tr', 1 assert_select 'tr.dir td.filename a', :text => 'subversion_test' assert_select 'tr.dir td.filename a[href=?]', "/projects/subproject1/repository/#{@repository.id}/show/subversion_test" end assert_select 'table.changesets tbody' do assert_select 'tr', 10 assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '12' end assert_select 'input[name=rev]' assert_select 'a', :text => 'Statistics' assert_select 'a', :text => 'Atom' assert_select 'a[href=?]', "/projects/subproject1/repository/#{@repository.id}", :text => 'root' end def test_show_non_default Repository::Subversion.create(:project => @project, :url => self.class.subversion_repository_url, :is_default => false, :identifier => 'svn') get( :show, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => 'svn' } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.dir a[href="/projects/subproject1/repository/svn/show/subversion_test"]' # Repository menu should link to the main repo assert_select '#main-menu a[href="/projects/subproject1/repository"]' end def test_browse_directory assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :show, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.entries tbody' do assert_select 'tr', 6 assert_select 'tr.dir td.filename a', :text => '[folder_with_brackets]' assert_select 'tr.dir td.filename a', :text => 'folder' assert_select 'tr.file td.filename a', :text => '+.md' assert_select 'tr.file td.filename a', :text => '.project' assert_select 'tr.file td.filename a', :text => 'helloworld.c' assert_select 'tr.file td.filename a', :text => 'textfile.txt' end assert_select 'a.text-x-c', :text => 'helloworld.c' end def test_browse_at_given_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :show, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test'])[:param], :rev => 4 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.entries tbody' do assert_select 'tr', 5 assert_select 'tr.dir td.filename a', :text => 'folder' assert_select 'tr.file td.filename a', :text => '.project' assert_select 'tr.file td.filename a', :text => 'helloworld.c' assert_select 'tr.file td.filename a', :text => 'helloworld.rb' assert_select 'tr.file td.filename a', :text => 'textfile.txt' end end def test_file_changes assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :changes, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'folder', 'helloworld.rb'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.changesets tbody' do assert_select 'tr', 3 assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '6' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '3' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '2' end # svn properties displayed with svn >= 1.5 only if Redmine::Scm::Adapters::SubversionAdapter.client_version_above?([1, 5, 0]) assert_select 'ul li' do assert_select 'b', :text => 'svn:eol-style' assert_select 'span', :text => 'native' end end end def test_directory_changes assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :changes, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'folder'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'table.changesets tbody' do assert_select 'tr', 8 assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '13' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '12' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '10' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '9' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '7' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '6' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '5' assert_select 'tr td.id a', :text => '2' end end def test_entry assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'helloworld.c'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'h2 a', :text => 'subversion_test' assert_select 'h2 a', :text => 'helloworld.c' end def test_entry_should_show_other_if_too_big assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count # no files in the test repo is larger than 1KB... with_settings :file_max_size_displayed => 0 do get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'helloworld.c'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/html', @response.media_type assert_select 'p.nodata' end end def test_entry_should_display_images get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'folder', 'subfolder', 'rubylogo.gif'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'img[src=?]', "/projects/subproject1/repository/#{@repository.id}/raw/subversion_test/folder/subfolder/rubylogo.gif" end def test_entry_should_preview_audio get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'folder', 'subfolder', 'chords.mp3'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'audio[src=?]', "/projects/subproject1/repository/#{@repository.id}/raw/subversion_test/folder/subfolder/chords.mp3" end def text_entry_should_preview_markdown get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'folder', 'subfolder', 'testfile.md'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'div.wiki', :html => "<h1>Header 1</h1>\n\n<h2>Header 2</h2>\n\n<h3>Header 3</h3>" end def text_entry_should_preview_textile get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'folder', 'subfolder', 'testfile.textile'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'div.wiki', :html => "<h1>Header 1</h1>\n\n\n\t<h2>Header 2</h2>\n\n\n\t<h3>Header 3</h3>" end def test_entry_at_given_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'helloworld.rb'])[:param], :rev => 2 } ) assert_response :success # this line was removed in r3 and file was moved in r6 assert_select 'td.line-code', :text => /Here's the code/ end def test_entry_not_found assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'zzz.c'])[:param] } ) assert_select 'p#errorExplanation', :text => /The entry or revision was not found in the repository/ end def test_entry_download assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :raw, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'helloworld.c'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"helloworld.c\"; filename*=UTF-8''helloworld.c", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] end def test_directory_entry assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :entry, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'folder'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'h2 a', :text => 'subversion_test' assert_select 'h2 a', :text => 'folder' end # TODO: this test needs fixtures. def test_revision get( :revision, :params => { :id => 1, :repository_id => 10, :rev => 2 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'ul' do assert_select 'li' do # link to the entry at rev 2 assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/repository/10/revisions/2/entry/test/some/path/in/the/repo', :text => 'repo' # link to partial diff assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/repository/10/revisions/2/diff/test/some/path/in/the/repo' end end end def test_invalid_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :revision, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :rev => 'something_weird' } ) assert_response 404 assert_select_error /was not found/ end def test_invalid_revision_diff get( :diff, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :rev => '1', :rev_to => 'something_weird' } ) assert_response 404 assert_select_error /was not found/ end def test_empty_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count ['', ' ', nil].each do |r| get( :revision, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :rev => r } ) assert_response 404 assert_select_error /was not found/ end end # TODO: this test needs fixtures. def test_revision_with_repository_pointing_to_a_subdirectory r = Project.find(1).repository # Changes repository url to a subdirectory r.update_attribute :url, (r.url + '/test/some') get( :revision, :params => { :id => 1, :repository_id => 10, :rev => 2 } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'ul' do assert_select 'li' do # link to the entry at rev 2 assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/repository/10/revisions/2/entry/path/in/the/repo', :text => 'repo' # link to partial diff assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/repository/10/revisions/2/diff/path/in/the/repo' end end end def test_revision_diff assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count ['inline', 'sbs'].each do |dt| get( :diff, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :rev => 3, :type => dt } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'h2', :text => /Revision 3/ assert_select 'th.filename', :text => 'subversion_test/textfile.txt' end end def test_revision_diff_raw_format assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :diff, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :rev => 5, :format => 'diff' } ) assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/x-patch', @response.media_type assert_equal 'Index: subversion_test/folder/greeter.rb', @response.body.split(/\r?\n/).first end def test_directory_diff assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count ['inline', 'sbs'].each do |dt| get( :diff, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :rev => 6, :rev_to => 2, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'folder'])[:param], :type => dt } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'h2', :text => /2:6/ # 2 files modified assert_select 'table.filecontent', 2 assert_select 'table.filecontent thead th.filename', :text => 'greeter.rb' assert_select 'table.filecontent thead th.filename', :text => 'helloworld.rb' end end def test_annotate assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :annotate, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'helloworld.c'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'tr' do assert_select 'th.line-num a[data-txt=?]', '1' assert_select 'td.revision', :text => '4' assert_select 'td.author', :text => 'jp' assert_select 'td', :text => /stdio.h/ end # Same revision assert_select 'tr' do assert_select 'th.line-num a[data-txt=?]', '2' assert_select 'td.revision', :text => '' assert_select 'td.author', :text => '' end end def test_annotate_at_given_revision assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets @project.reload assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count get( :annotate, :params => { :id => PRJ_ID, :repository_id => @repository.id, :rev => 8, :path => repository_path_hash(['subversion_test', 'helloworld.c'])[:param] } ) assert_response :success assert_select 'h2', :text => /@ 8/ end def test_destroy_valid_repository @request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count @repository.fetch_changesets assert_equal NUM_REV, @repository.changesets.count assert_difference 'Repository.count', -1 do delete(:destroy, :params => {:id => @repository.id}) end assert_response 302 @project.reload assert_nil @project.repository end def test_destroy_invalid_repository @request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin @project.repository.destroy @repository = Repository::Subversion. create!( :project => @project, :url => "file:///invalid" ) @repository.fetch_changesets assert_equal 0, @repository.changesets.count assert_difference 'Repository.count', -1 do delete(:destroy, :params => {:id => @repository.id}) end assert_response 302 @project.reload assert_nil @project.repository end else puts "Subversion test repository NOT FOUND. Skipping functional tests !!!" def test_fake; assert true end end end