# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class UsersControllerTest < Redmine::ControllerTest include Redmine::I18n fixtures :users, :email_addresses, :projects, :members, :member_roles, :roles, :custom_fields, :custom_values, :groups_users, :auth_sources, :enabled_modules, :issues, :issue_statuses, :trackers def setup User.current = nil @request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin end def test_index get :index assert_response :success assert_select 'table.users' assert_select 'tr.user.active' assert_select 'tr.user.locked', 0 end def test_index_with_status_filter get :index, :params => {:status => 3} assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.user.active', 0 assert_select 'tr.user.locked' end def test_index_with_name_filter get :index, :params => {:name => 'john'} assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.user td.username', :text => 'jsmith' assert_select 'tr.user', 1 end def test_index_with_group_filter get :index, :params => {:group_id => '10'} assert_response :success assert_select 'tr.user', Group.find(10).users.count assert_select 'select[name=group_id]' do assert_select 'option[value="10"][selected=selected]' end end def test_index_csv with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get :index, :params => { :format => 'csv' } assert_response :success assert_equal User.logged.status(1).count, response.body.chomp.split("\n").size - 1 assert_include 'active', response.body assert_not_include 'locked', response.body assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.media_type end end def test_index_csv_with_status_filter with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get :index, :params => { :status => 3, :format => 'csv' } assert_response :success assert_equal User.logged.status(3).count, response.body.chomp.split("\n").size - 1 assert_include 'locked', response.body assert_not_include 'active', response.body assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.media_type end end def test_index_csv_with_name_filter get :index, :params => {:name => 'John', :format => 'csv'} assert_response :success assert_equal User.logged.like('John').count, response.body.chomp.split("\n").size - 1 assert_include 'John', response.body assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.media_type end def test_index_csv_with_group_filter get :index, :params => {:group_id => '10', :format => 'csv'} assert_response :success assert_equal Group.find(10).users.count, response.body.chomp.split("\n").size - 1 assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.media_type end def test_show @request.session[:user_id] = nil get :show, :params => {:id => 2} assert_response :success assert_select 'h2', :text => /John Smith/ # groups block should not be rendeder for users which are not part of any group assert_select 'div#groups', 0 end def test_show_should_display_visible_custom_fields @request.session[:user_id] = nil UserCustomField.find_by_name('Phone number').update_attribute :visible, true get :show, :params => {:id => 2} assert_response :success assert_select 'li[class=?]', 'cf_4', :text => /Phone number/ end def test_show_should_not_display_hidden_custom_fields @request.session[:user_id] = nil UserCustomField.find_by_name('Phone number').update_attribute :visible, false get :show, :params => {:id => 2} assert_response :success assert_select 'li', :text => /Phone number/, :count => 0 end def test_show_should_not_fail_when_custom_values_are_nil user = User.find(2) # Create a custom field to illustrate the issue custom_field = CustomField.create!(:name => 'Testing', :field_format => 'text') custom_value = user.custom_values.build(:custom_field => custom_field).save! get :show, :params => {:id => 2} assert_response :success end def test_show_inactive @request.session[:user_id] = nil get :show, :params => {:id => 5} assert_response 404 end def test_show_inactive_by_admin @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, :params => {:id => 5} assert_response 200 assert_select 'h2', :text => /Dave2 Lopper2/ end def test_show_user_who_is_not_visible_should_return_404 Role.anonymous.update! :users_visibility => 'members_of_visible_projects' user = User.generate! @request.session[:user_id] = nil get :show, :params => {:id => user.id} assert_response 404 end def test_show_displays_memberships_based_on_project_visibility @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, :params => {:id => 2} assert_response :success assert_select 'table.list.projects>tbody' do assert_select 'tr:nth-of-type(1)' do assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(1)>span>a', :text => 'eCookbook' assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(2)', :text => 'Manager' end assert_select 'tr:nth-of-type(2)' do assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(1)>span>a', :text => 'Private child of eCookbook' assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(2)', :text => 'Manager' end assert_select 'tr:nth-of-type(3)' do assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(1)>span>a', :text => 'OnlineStore' assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(2)', :text => 'Developer' end end end def test_show_current_should_require_authentication @request.session[:user_id] = nil get :show, :params => {:id => 'current'} assert_response 302 end def test_show_current @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:id => 'current'} assert_response :success assert_select 'h2', :text => /John Smith/ end def test_show_issues_counts @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:id => 2} assert_select 'table.list.issue-report>tbody' do assert_select 'tr:nth-of-type(1)' do assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(1)>a', :text => 'Assigned issues' assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(2)>a', :text => '1' # open assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(3)>a', :text => '0' # closed assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(4)>a', :text => '1' # total end assert_select 'tr:nth-of-type(2)' do assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(1)>a', :text => 'Reported issues' assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(2)>a', :text => '11' # open assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(3)>a', :text => '2' # closed assert_select 'td:nth-of-type(4)>a', :text => '13' # total end end end def test_show_user_should_list_user_groups @request.session[:user_id] = 1 get :show, :params => {:id => 8} assert_select 'div#groups', 1 do assert_select 'h3', :text => 'Groups' assert_select 'li', 2 assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/groups/10/edit', :text => 'A Team' assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/groups/11/edit', :text => 'B Team' end end def test_new get :new assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'user[login]' end def test_create Setting.bcc_recipients = '1' assert_difference 'User.count' do assert_difference 'ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size' do post :create, :params => { :user => { :firstname => 'John', :lastname => 'Doe', :login => 'jdoe', :password => 'secret123', :password_confirmation => 'secret123', :mail => 'jdoe@gmail.com', :mail_notification => 'none' }, :send_information => '1' } end end user = User.order('id DESC').first assert_redirected_to :controller => 'users', :action => 'edit', :id => user.id assert_equal 'John', user.firstname assert_equal 'Doe', user.lastname assert_equal 'jdoe', user.login assert_equal 'jdoe@gmail.com', user.mail assert_equal 'none', user.mail_notification assert user.check_password?('secret123') mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_not_nil mail assert_equal [user.mail], mail.bcc assert_mail_body_match 'secret', mail end def test_create_with_preferences assert_difference 'User.count' do post :create, :params => { :user => { :firstname => 'John', :lastname => 'Doe', :login => 'jdoe', :password => 'secret123', :password_confirmation => 'secret123', :mail => 'jdoe@gmail.com', :mail_notification => 'none' }, :pref => { 'hide_mail' => '1', 'time_zone' => 'Paris', 'comments_sorting' => 'desc', 'warn_on_leaving_unsaved' => '0', 'textarea_font' => 'proportional', 'history_default_tab' => 'history' } } end user = User.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'jdoe', user.login assert_equal true, user.pref.hide_mail assert_equal 'Paris', user.pref.time_zone assert_equal 'desc', user.pref[:comments_sorting] assert_equal '0', user.pref[:warn_on_leaving_unsaved] assert_equal 'proportional', user.pref[:textarea_font] assert_equal 'history', user.pref[:history_default_tab] end def test_create_with_generate_password_should_email_the_password assert_difference 'User.count' do post :create, :params => { :user => { :login => 'randompass', :firstname => 'Random', :lastname => 'Pass', :mail => 'randompass@example.net', :language => 'en', :generate_password => '1', :password => '', :password_confirmation => '' }, :send_information => 1 } end user = User.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'randompass', user.login mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_not_nil mail m = mail_body(mail).match(/Password: ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) assert m password = m[1] assert user.check_password?(password) end def test_create_and_continue post :create, :params => { :user => { :login => 'randompass', :firstname => 'Random', :lastname => 'Pass', :mail => 'randompass@example.net', :generate_password => '1' }, :continue => '1' } assert_redirected_to '/users/new?user%5Bgenerate_password%5D=1' end def test_create_with_failure assert_no_difference 'User.count' do post :create, :params => {:user => {:login => 'foo'}} end assert_response :success assert_select_error /Email cannot be blank/ end def test_create_with_failure_sould_preserve_preference assert_no_difference 'User.count' do post :create, :params => { :user => { :login => 'foo' }, :pref => { 'no_self_notified' => '1', 'hide_mail' => '1', 'time_zone' => 'Paris', 'comments_sorting' => 'desc', 'warn_on_leaving_unsaved' => '0' } } end assert_response :success assert_select 'select#pref_time_zone option[selected=selected]', :text => /Paris/ assert_select 'input#pref_no_self_notified[value="1"][checked=checked]' end def test_create_admin_should_send_security_notification ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, :params => { :user => { :firstname => 'Edgar', :lastname => 'Schmoe', :login => 'eschmoe', :password => 'secret123', :password_confirmation => 'secret123', :mail => 'eschmoe@example.foo', :admin => '1' } } assert_not_nil (mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last) assert_mail_body_match '', mail assert_mail_body_match I18n.t(:mail_body_security_notification_add, field: I18n.t(:field_admin), value: 'eschmoe'), mail assert_select_email do assert_select 'a[href^=?]', 'http://localhost:3000/users', :text => 'Users' end # All admins should receive this User.where(admin: true, status: Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE).each do |admin| assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect{|mail| [mail.bcc, mail.cc].flatten.include?(admin.mail) } end end def test_create_non_admin_should_not_send_security_notification ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, :params => { :user => { :firstname => 'Edgar', :lastname => 'Schmoe', :login => 'eschmoe', :password => 'secret123', :password_confirmation => 'secret123', :mail => 'eschmoe@example.foo', :admin => '0' } } assert_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last end def test_edit with_settings :gravatar_enabled => '1' do get :edit, :params => {:id => 2} end assert_response :success assert_select 'h2>a+img.gravatar' assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'user[login]', 'jsmith' end def test_edit_registered_user assert User.find(2).register! get :edit, :params => {:id => 2} assert_response :success assert_select 'a', :text => 'Activate' end def test_edit_should_be_denied_for_anonymous assert User.find(6).anonymous? get :edit, :params => {:id => 6} assert_response 404 end def test_edit_user_with_full_text_formatting_custom_field_should_not_fail field = UserCustomField.find(4) field.update_attribute :text_formatting, 'full' get :edit, :params => {:id => 2} assert_response :success end def test_update ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => {:firstname => 'Changed', :mail_notification => 'only_assigned'}, :pref => {:hide_mail => '1', :comments_sorting => 'desc'} } user = User.find(2) assert_equal 'Changed', user.firstname assert_equal 'only_assigned', user.mail_notification assert_equal true, user.pref[:hide_mail] assert_equal 'desc', user.pref[:comments_sorting] assert ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty? end def test_update_with_failure assert_no_difference 'User.count' do put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => {:firstname => ''} } end assert_response :success assert_select_error /First name cannot be blank/ end def test_update_with_group_ids_should_assign_groups put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => {:group_ids => ['10']} } user = User.find(2) assert_equal [10], user.group_ids end def test_update_with_activation_should_send_a_notification u = User.new(:firstname => 'Foo', :lastname => 'Bar', :mail => 'foo.bar@somenet.foo', :language => 'fr') u.login = 'foo' u.status = User::STATUS_REGISTERED u.save! ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear Setting.bcc_recipients = '1' put :update, :params => { :id => u.id, :user => {:status => User::STATUS_ACTIVE} } assert u.reload.active? mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_not_nil mail assert_equal ['foo.bar@somenet.foo'], mail.bcc assert_mail_body_match ll('fr', :notice_account_activated), mail end def test_update_with_password_change_should_send_a_notification ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear Setting.bcc_recipients = '1' put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => {:password => 'newpass123', :password_confirmation => 'newpass123'}, :send_information => '1' } u = User.find(2) assert u.check_password?('newpass123') mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_not_nil mail assert_equal [u.mail], mail.bcc assert_mail_body_match 'newpass123', mail end def test_update_with_generate_password_should_email_the_password ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear Setting.bcc_recipients = '1' put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => { :generate_password => '1', :password => '', :password_confirmation => '' }, :send_information => '1' } mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last assert_not_nil mail m = mail_body(mail).match(/Password: ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) assert m password = m[1] assert User.find(2).check_password?(password) end def test_update_without_generate_password_should_not_change_password put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => { :firstname => 'changed', :generate_password => '0', :password => '', :password_confirmation => '' }, :send_information => '1' } user = User.find(2) assert_equal 'changed', user.firstname assert user.check_password?('jsmith') end def test_update_user_switchin_from_auth_source_to_password_authentication # Configure as auth source u = User.find(2) u.auth_source = AuthSource.find(1) u.save! put :update, :params => { :id => u.id, :user => {:auth_source_id => '', :password => 'newpass123', :password_confirmation => 'newpass123'} } assert_nil u.reload.auth_source assert u.check_password?('newpass123') end def test_update_notified_project get :edit, :params => {:id => 2} assert_response :success u = User.find(2) assert_equal [1, 2, 5], u.projects.collect{|p| p.id}.sort assert_equal [1, 2, 5], u.notified_projects_ids.sort assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'user[notified_project_ids][]', '1' assert_equal 'all', u.mail_notification put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => { :mail_notification => 'selected', :notified_project_ids => [1, 2] } } u = User.find(2) assert_equal 'selected', u.mail_notification assert_equal [1, 2], u.notified_projects_ids.sort end def test_update_status_should_not_update_attributes user = User.find(2) user.pref[:no_self_notified] = '1' user.pref.save put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => {:status => 3} } assert_response 302 user = User.find(2) assert_equal 3, user.status assert_equal '1', user.pref[:no_self_notified] end def test_update_assign_admin_should_send_security_notification ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => {:admin => 1} } assert_not_nil (mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last) assert_mail_body_match I18n.t(:mail_body_security_notification_add, field: I18n.t(:field_admin), value: User.find(2).login), mail # All admins should receive this User.where(admin: true, status: Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE).each do |admin| assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect{|mail| [mail.bcc, mail.cc].flatten.include?(admin.mail) } end end def test_update_unassign_admin_should_send_security_notification user = User.find(2) user.admin = true user.save! ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear put :update, :params => { :id => user.id, :user => {:admin => 0} } assert_not_nil (mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last) assert_mail_body_match I18n.t(:mail_body_security_notification_remove, field: I18n.t(:field_admin), value: user.login), mail # All admins should receive this User.where(admin: true, status: Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE).each do |admin| assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect{|mail| [mail.bcc, mail.cc].flatten.include?(admin.mail) } end end def test_update_lock_admin_should_send_security_notification user = User.find(2) user.admin = true user.save! ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => {:status => Principal::STATUS_LOCKED} } assert_not_nil (mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last) assert_mail_body_match I18n.t(:mail_body_security_notification_remove, field: I18n.t(:field_admin), value: User.find(2).login), mail # All admins should receive this User.where(admin: true, status: Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE).each do |admin| assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect{|mail| [mail.bcc, mail.cc].flatten.include?(admin.mail) } end # if user is already locked, destroying should not send a second mail # (for active admins see furtherbelow) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear delete :destroy, :params => {:id => 1} assert_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last end def test_update_unlock_admin_should_send_security_notification user = User.find(5) # already locked user.admin = true user.save! ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear put :update, :params => { :id => user.id, :user => {:status => Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE} } assert_not_nil (mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last) assert_mail_body_match I18n.t(:mail_body_security_notification_add, field: I18n.t(:field_admin), value: user.login), mail # All admins should receive this User.where(admin: true, status: Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE).each do |admin| assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect{|mail| [mail.bcc, mail.cc].flatten.include?(admin.mail) } end end def test_update_admin_unrelated_property_should_not_send_security_notification ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear put :update, :params => { :id => 1, :user => {:firstname => 'Jimmy'} } assert_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last end def test_update_should_be_denied_for_anonymous assert User.find(6).anonymous? put :update, :params => {:id => 6} assert_response 404 end def test_update_with_blank_email_should_not_raise_exception assert_no_difference 'User.count' do with_settings :gravatar_enabled => '1' do put :update, :params => { :id => 2, :user => {:mail => ''} } end end assert_response :success assert_select_error /Email cannot be blank/ end def test_destroy assert_difference 'User.count', -1 do delete :destroy, :params => {:id => 2} end assert_redirected_to '/users' assert_nil User.find_by_id(2) end def test_destroy_should_be_denied_for_non_admin_users @request.session[:user_id] = 3 assert_no_difference 'User.count' do get :destroy, :params => {:id => 2} end assert_response 403 end def test_destroy_should_be_denied_for_anonymous assert User.find(6).anonymous? assert_no_difference 'User.count' do put :destroy, :params => {:id => 6} end assert_response 404 end def test_destroy_should_redirect_to_back_url_param assert_difference 'User.count', -1 do delete :destroy, :params => {:id => 2, :back_url => '/users?name=foo'} end assert_redirected_to '/users?name=foo' end def test_destroy_active_admin_should_send_security_notification user = User.find(2) user.admin = true user.save! ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear delete :destroy, :params => {:id => user.id} assert_not_nil (mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last) assert_mail_body_match I18n.t(:mail_body_security_notification_remove, field: I18n.t(:field_admin), value: user.login), mail # All admins should receive this User.where(admin: true, status: Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE).each do |admin| assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect{|mail| [mail.bcc, mail.cc].flatten.include?(admin.mail) } end end end