# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class WikiControllerTest < Redmine::ControllerTest fixtures :projects, :users, :email_addresses, :roles, :members, :member_roles, :enabled_modules, :wikis, :wiki_pages, :wiki_contents, :wiki_content_versions, :attachments, :issues, :issue_statuses, :trackers, :watchers def setup User.current = nil end def test_show_start_page with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_response :success assert_select 'h1', :text => /CookBook documentation/ # child_pages macro assert_select 'ul.pages-hierarchy>li>a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_an_inline_image', :text => 'Page with an inline image' end end def test_export_link Role.anonymous.add_permission! :export_wiki_pages get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation.txt' end def test_edit_sidebar_link Role.anonymous.add_permission! :edit_wiki_pages Role.anonymous.add_permission! :protect_wiki_pages get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/sidebar/edit' end def test_show_page_with_name with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page'} assert_response :success assert_select 'h1', :text => /Another page/ # Included page with an inline image assert_select 'p', :text => /This is an inline image/ assert_select 'img[src=?][alt=?]', '/attachments/download/3/logo.gif', 'This is a logo' end end def test_show_old_version with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => '2'} end assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/1', :text => /Previous/ assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/2/diff', :text => /diff/ assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/3', :text => /Next/ end def test_show_old_version_with_attachments page = WikiPage.find(4) assert page.attachments.any? content = page.content content.text = "update" content.save! get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => page.title, :version => '1'} assert_response :success end def test_show_old_version_without_permission_should_be_denied Role.anonymous.remove_permission! :view_wiki_edits get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => '2'} assert_redirected_to '/login?back_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.host%2Fprojects%2Fecookbook%2Fwiki%2FCookBook_documentation%2F2' end def test_show_first_version with_settings :default_language => 'en' do get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => '1'} end assert_response :success assert_select 'a', :text => /Previous/, :count => 0 assert_select 'a', :text => /diff/, :count => 0 assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/2', :text => /Next/ end def test_show_redirected_page WikiRedirect.create!(:wiki_id => 1, :title => 'Old_title', :redirects_to => 'Another_page') get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Old_title'} assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page' end def test_show_with_sidebar page = Project.find(1).wiki.pages.new(:title => 'Sidebar') page.content = WikiContent.new(:text => 'Side bar content for test_show_with_sidebar') page.save! get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page'} assert_response :success assert_select 'div#sidebar', :text => /Side bar content for test_show_with_sidebar/ end def test_show_should_display_watchers @request.session[:user_id] = 2 page = Project.find(1).wiki.find_page('Another_page') page.add_watcher User.find(2) page.add_watcher Group.find(10) [['1', true], ['0', false]].each do |(gravatar_enabled, is_display_gravatar)| with_settings :gravatar_enabled => gravatar_enabled do get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page'} end assert_select 'div#watchers ul' do assert_select 'li.user-2' do assert_select 'img.gravatar[title=?]', 'John Smith', is_display_gravatar assert_select 'a[href="/users/2"]' assert_select 'a[class*=delete]' end assert_select 'li.user-10' do assert_select 'img.gravatar[title=?]', 'A Team', is_display_gravatar assert_select 'a[href="/users/10"]', false assert_select 'a[class*=delete]' end end end end def test_show_should_display_section_edit_links with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Page with sections'} assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_sections/edit?section=1', 0 assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_sections/edit?section=2' assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_sections/edit?section=3' end end def test_show_current_version_should_display_section_edit_links with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Page with sections', :version => 3} assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_sections/edit?section=2' end end def test_show_old_version_should_not_display_section_edit_links @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Page with sections', :version => 2} assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_sections/edit?section=2', 0 end def test_show_unexistent_page_without_edit_right get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Unexistent page'} assert_response 404 end def test_show_unexistent_page_with_edit_right @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Unexistent page'} assert_response :success assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'content[text]' end def test_show_specific_version_of_an_unexistent_page_without_edit_right get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Unexistent page', :version => 1} assert_response 404 end def test_show_unexistent_page_with_parent_should_preselect_parent @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Unexistent page', :parent => 'Another_page'} assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?] option[value="2"][selected=selected]', 'wiki_page[parent_id]' end def test_show_unexistent_version_page @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => 100} assert_response 404 end def test_show_should_not_show_history_without_permission Role.anonymous.remove_permission! :view_wiki_edits get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Page with sections', :version => 2} assert_response 302 end def test_show_page_without_content_should_display_the_edit_form @request.session[:user_id] = 2 WikiPage.create!(:title => 'NoContent', :wiki => Project.find(1).wiki) get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'NoContent'} assert_response :success assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'content[text]' end def test_show_protected_page_shoud_show_locked_badge @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation'} assert_select 'p.wiki-update-info' do assert_select 'span.badge.badge-status-locked' end end def test_get_new @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :new, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_response :success assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'title' end def test_get_new_xhr @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :new, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'}, :xhr => true assert_response :success assert_include 'Unallowed characters', response.body end def test_post_new_with_valid_title_should_redirect_to_edit @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :new, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :title => 'New Page'} assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/New_Page' end def test_post_new_xhr_with_valid_title_should_redirect_to_edit @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :new, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :title => 'New Page'}, :xhr => true assert_response :success assert_equal 'window.location = "/projects/ecookbook/wiki/New_Page"', response.body end def test_post_new_should_redirect_to_edit_with_parent @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :new, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :title => 'New_Page', :parent => 'Child_1'} assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/New_Page?parent=Child_1' end def test_post_new_with_invalid_title_should_display_errors @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :new, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :title => 'Another page'} assert_response :success assert_select_error 'Title has already been taken' end def test_post_new_with_protected_title_should_display_errors Role.find(1).remove_permission!(:protect_wiki_pages) @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :new, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :title => 'Sidebar'} assert_response :success assert_select_error /Title/ end def test_post_new_xhr_with_invalid_title_should_display_errors @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :new, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :title => 'Another page'}, :xhr => true assert_response :success assert_include 'Title has already been taken', response.body end def test_create_page @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContent.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'New page', :content => { :comments => 'Created the page', :text => "h1. New page\n\nThis is a new page", :version => 0 } } end end assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'New_page' page = Project.find(1).wiki.find_page('New page') assert !page.new_record? assert_not_nil page.content assert_nil page.parent assert_equal 'Created the page', page.content.comments end def test_create_page_with_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'New page', :content => { :comments => 'Created the page', :text => "h1. New page\n\nThis is a new page", :version => 0 }, :attachments => {'1' => {'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain')}} } end end page = Project.find(1).wiki.find_page('New page') assert_equal 1, page.attachments.count assert_equal 'testfile.txt', page.attachments.first.filename end def test_create_page_with_parent @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'WikiPage.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'New page', :content => { :text => "h1. New page\n\nThis is a new page", :version => 0 }, :wiki_page => {:parent_id => 2} } end page = Project.find(1).wiki.find_page('New page') assert_equal WikiPage.find(2), page.parent end def test_edit_page @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :edit, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Another_page'} assert_response :success assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'content[text]', :text => WikiPage.find_by_title('Another_page').content.text end def test_edit_section with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :edit, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Page_with_sections', :section => 2} assert_response :success page = WikiPage.find_by_title('Page_with_sections') section, hash = Redmine::WikiFormatting::Textile::Formatter.new(page.content.text).get_section(2) assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'content[text]', :text => section assert_select 'input[name=section][type=hidden][value="2"]' assert_select 'input[name=section_hash][type=hidden][value=?]', hash end end def test_edit_invalid_section_should_respond_with_404 @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :edit, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Page_with_sections', :section => 10} assert_response 404 end def test_update_page @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :content => { :comments => "my comments", :text => "edited", :version => 1 } } end end end assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page' page = Wiki.find(1).pages.find_by_title('Another_page') assert_equal "edited", page.content.text assert_equal 2, page.content.version assert_equal "my comments", page.content.comments end def test_update_page_with_parent @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :content => { :comments => "my comments", :text => "edited", :version => 1 }, :wiki_page => {:parent_id => '1'} } end end end assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page' page = Wiki.find(1).pages.find_by_title('Another_page') assert_equal "edited", page.content.text assert_equal 2, page.content.version assert_equal "my comments", page.content.comments assert_equal WikiPage.find(1), page.parent end def test_update_page_with_failure @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :content => { :comments => 'a' * 1300, # failure here, comment is too long :text => 'edited' }, :wiki_page => { :parent_id => "" } } end end end assert_response :success assert_select_error /Comment is too long/ assert_select 'textarea#content_text', :text => "edited" assert_select 'input#content_version[value="1"]' end def test_update_page_with_parent_change_only_should_not_create_content_version @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :content => { :comments => '', :text => Wiki.find(1).find_page('Another_page').content.text, :version => 1 }, :wiki_page => {:parent_id => '1'} } end end end page = Wiki.find(1).pages.find_by_title('Another_page') assert_equal 1, page.content.version assert_equal WikiPage.find(1), page.parent end def test_update_page_with_attachments_only_should_not_create_content_version set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :content => { :comments => '', :text => Wiki.find(1).find_page('Another_page').content.text, :version => 1 }, :attachments => {'1' => {'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain'), 'description' => 'test file'}} } end end end end page = Wiki.find(1).pages.find_by_title('Another_page') assert_equal 1, page.content.version end def test_update_with_deleted_attachment_ids set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 page = WikiPage.find(4) attachment = page.attachments.first assert_difference 'Attachment.count', -1 do put :update, :params => { :project_id => page.wiki.project.id, :id => page.title, :content => { :comments => 'delete file', :text => 'edited' }, :wiki_page => {:deleted_attachment_ids => [attachment.id]} } end page.reload refute_includes page.attachments, attachment end def test_update_with_deleted_attachment_ids_and_failure_should_preserve_selected_attachments set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 page = WikiPage.find(4) attachment = page.attachments.first assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => page.wiki.project.id, :id => page.title, :content => { :comments => 'a' * 1300, # failure here, comment is too long :text => 'edited' }, :wiki_page => {:deleted_attachment_ids => [attachment.id]} } end page.reload assert_includes page.attachments, attachment end def test_update_stale_page_should_not_raise_an_error @request.session[:user_id] = 2 c = Wiki.find(1).find_page('Another_page').content c.text = 'Previous text' c.save! assert_equal 2, c.version assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :content => { :comments => 'My comments', :text => 'Text should not be lost', :version => 1 } } end end end assert_response :success assert_select 'div.error', :text => /Data has been updated by another user/ assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'content[text]', :text => /Text should not be lost/ assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'content[comments]', 'My comments' c.reload assert_equal 'Previous text', c.text assert_equal 2, c.version end def test_update_page_without_content_should_create_content @request.session[:user_id] = 2 page = WikiPage.create!(:title => 'NoContent', :wiki => Project.find(1).wiki) assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContent.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'NoContent', :content => {:text => 'Some content'} } assert_response 302 end end assert_equal 'Some content', page.reload.content.text end def test_update_section with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 page = WikiPage.find_by(title: 'Page_with_sections') section, hash = Redmine::WikiFormatting::Textile::Formatter.new(page.content.text).get_section(2) text = page.content.text assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Page_with_sections', :content => { :text => 'New section content', :version => 3 }, :section => 2, :section_hash => hash } end end end assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_sections#section-2' assert_equal Redmine::WikiFormatting::Textile::Formatter.new(text).update_section(2, 'New section content'), page.reload.content.text end end def test_update_section_should_allow_stale_page_update with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 page = WikiPage.find_by(title: 'Page_with_sections') section, hash = Redmine::WikiFormatting::Textile::Formatter.new(page.content.text).get_section(2) text = page.content.text assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Page_with_sections', :content => { :text => 'New section content', :version => 2 # Current version is 3 }, :section => 2, :section_hash => hash } end end end assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_sections#section-2' page.reload assert_equal Redmine::WikiFormatting::Textile::Formatter.new(text).update_section(2, 'New section content'), page.content.text assert_equal 4, page.content.version end end def test_update_section_should_not_allow_stale_section_update @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do put :update, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Page_with_sections', :content => { :comments => 'My comments', :text => "Text should not be lost", :version => 3 }, :section => 2, :section_hash => Digest::MD5.hexdigest("wrong hash") } end end end assert_response :success assert_select 'div.error', :text => /Data has been updated by another user/ assert_select 'textarea[name=?]', 'content[text]', :text => /Text should not be lost/ assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'content[comments]', 'My comments' end def test_preview with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :preview, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :content => { :comments => '', :text => 'this is a *previewed text*', :version => 3 } }, :xhr => true assert_response :success assert_select 'strong', :text => /previewed text/ end end def test_preview_new_page with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :preview, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'New page', :content => { :text => 'h1. New page', :comments => '', :version => 0 } }, :xhr => true assert_response :success assert_select 'h1', :text => /New page/ end end def test_history @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :history, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation'} assert_response :success assert_select 'table.wiki-page-versions tbody' do assert_select 'tr', 3 end assert_select "input[type=submit][name=commit]" assert_select 'td' do assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/2', :text => '2' assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/2/annotate', :text => 'Annotate' assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/2', :text => 'Delete' end end def test_history_with_one_version @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :history, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Another_page'} assert_response :success assert_select 'table.wiki-page-versions tbody' do assert_select 'tr', 1 end assert_select "input[type=submit][name=commit]", false assert_select 'td' do assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page/1', :text => '1' assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page/1/annotate', :text => 'Annotate' assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page/1', :text => 'Delete', :count => 0 end end def test_diff content = WikiPage.find(1).content assert_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count', 2 do content.text = "Line removed\nThis is a sample text for testing diffs" content.save! content.text = "This is a sample text for testing diffs\nLine added" content.save! end get :diff, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => content.version, :version_from => (content.version - 1) } assert_response :success assert_select 'span.diff_out', :text => 'Line removed' assert_select 'span.diff_in', :text => 'Line added' end def test_diff_with_invalid_version_should_respond_with_404 get :diff, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => '99' } assert_response 404 end def test_diff_with_invalid_version_from_should_respond_with_404 get :diff, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => '99', :version_from => '98' } assert_response 404 end def test_annotate get :annotate, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => 2 } assert_response :success # Line 1 assert_select 'table.annotate tr:nth-child(1)' do assert_select 'th.line-num', :text => '1' assert_select 'td.author', :text => /Redmine Admin/ assert_select 'td', :text => /h1\. CookBook documentation v2/ end # Line 2 assert_select 'table.annotate tr:nth-child(2)' do assert_select 'th.line-num', :text => '2' assert_select 'td.author', :text => /John Smith/ end # Line 5 assert_select 'table.annotate tr:nth-child(5)' do assert_select 'th.line-num', :text => '5' assert_select 'td.author', :text => /Redmine Admin/ assert_select 'td', :text => /Some updated \[\[documentation\]\] here/ end end def test_annotate_with_invalid_version_should_respond_with_404 get :annotate, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => '99' } assert_response 404 end def test_get_rename @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :rename, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page'} assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'wiki_page[parent_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=""]', :text => '' assert_select 'option[selected=selected]', 0 end end def test_get_rename_child_page @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :rename, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Child_1'} assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'wiki_page[parent_id]' do assert_select 'option[value=""]', :text => '' assert_select 'option[value="2"][selected=selected]', :text => /Another page/ end end def test_rename_with_redirect @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :rename, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :wiki_page => { :title => 'Another renamed page', :redirect_existing_links => 1 } } assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Another_renamed_page' wiki = Project.find(1).wiki # Check redirects assert_not_nil wiki.find_page('Another page') assert_nil wiki.find_page('Another page', :with_redirect => false) end def test_rename_without_redirect @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :rename, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :wiki_page => { :title => 'Another renamed page', :redirect_existing_links => "0" } } assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Another_renamed_page' wiki = Project.find(1).wiki # Check that there's no redirects assert_nil wiki.find_page('Another page') end def test_rename_with_parent_assignment @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :rename, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :wiki_page => { :title => 'Another page', :redirect_existing_links => "0", :parent_id => '4' } } assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Another_page' assert_equal WikiPage.find(4), WikiPage.find_by_title('Another_page').parent end def test_rename_with_parent_unassignment @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :rename, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Child_1', :wiki_page => { :title => 'Child 1', :redirect_existing_links => "0", :parent_id => '' } } assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Child_1' assert_nil WikiPage.find_by_title('Child_1').parent end def test_get_rename_should_show_target_projects_list @request.session[:user_id] = 2 project = Project.find(5) project.enable_module! :wiki get :rename, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page'} assert_response :success assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'wiki_page[wiki_id]' do assert_select 'option', 2 assert_select 'option[value=?][selected=selected]', '1', :text => /eCookbook/ assert_select 'option[value=?]', project.wiki.id.to_s, :text => /#{project.name}/ end end def test_rename_with_move @request.session[:user_id] = 2 project = Project.find(5) project.enable_module! :wiki post :rename, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :wiki_page => { :wiki_id => project.wiki.id.to_s, :title => 'Another renamed page', :redirect_existing_links => 1 } } assert_redirected_to '/projects/private-child/wiki/Another_renamed_page' page = WikiPage.find(2) assert_equal project.wiki.id, page.wiki_id end def test_rename_as_start_page @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :rename, :params => { :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Another_page', :wiki_page => { :wiki_id => '1', :title => 'Another_page', :redirect_existing_links => '1', :is_start_page => '1' } } assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page' wiki = Wiki.find(1) assert_equal 'Another_page', wiki.start_page end def test_destroy_a_page_without_children_should_not_ask_confirmation @request.session[:user_id] = 2 delete :destroy, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Child_2'} assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] end def test_destroy_parent_should_ask_confirmation @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference('WikiPage.count') do delete :destroy, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page'} end assert_response :success assert_select 'form' do assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=nullify]' assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=destroy]' assert_select 'input[name=todo][value=reassign]' end end def test_destroy_parent_with_nullify_should_delete_parent_only @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference('WikiPage.count', -1) do delete :destroy, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :todo => 'nullify'} end assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] assert_nil WikiPage.find_by_id(2) end def test_destroy_parent_with_cascade_should_delete_descendants @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference('WikiPage.count', -4) do delete :destroy, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :todo => 'destroy'} end assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] assert_nil WikiPage.find_by_id(2) assert_nil WikiPage.find_by_id(5) end def test_destroy_parent_with_reassign @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference('WikiPage.count', -1) do delete :destroy, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page', :todo => 'reassign', :reassign_to_id => 1} end assert_redirected_to :action => 'index', :project_id => 'ecookbook' assert_equal 'Successful deletion.', flash[:notice] assert_nil WikiPage.find_by_id(2) assert_equal WikiPage.find(1), WikiPage.find_by_id(5).parent end def test_destroy_version @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count', -1 do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do delete :destroy_version, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => 2} assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation/history' end end end end def test_destroy_invalid_version_should_respond_with_404 @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_no_difference 'WikiContentVersion.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiContent.count' do assert_no_difference 'WikiPage.count' do delete :destroy_version, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => 99} end end end assert_response 404 end def test_index get :index, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_response :success assert_select 'ul.pages-hierarchy' do assert_select 'li', Project.find(1).wiki.pages.count end assert_select 'ul.pages-hierarchy' do assert_select 'li:nth-child(1) > a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page', :text => 'Another page' assert_select 'li:nth-child(2)' do assert_select '> a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation', :text => 'CookBook documentation' assert_select 'ul li a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page_with_an_inline_image', :text => 'Page with an inline image' end end end def test_index_should_include_atom_link get :index, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/activity.atom?show_wiki_edits=1' end def test_export_to_html @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :export, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_response :success assert_equal "text/html", @response.media_type assert_select 'ul.pages-hierarchy' do assert_select 'li:nth-child(1) > a[href=?]', '#Another_page', :text => 'Another page' assert_select 'li:nth-child(2) > a[href=?]', '#CookBook_documentation', :text => 'CookBook documentation' assert_select 'li:nth-child(3) > a[href=?]', '#Page_with_sections', :text => 'Page with sections' end assert_select "a[name=?]", "CookBook_documentation" assert_select "a[name=?]", "Another_page" assert_select "a[name=?]", "Page_with_an_inline_image" end def test_export_to_pdf @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :export, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :format => 'pdf'} assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"ecookbook.pdf\"; filename*=UTF-8''ecookbook.pdf", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] assert @response.body.starts_with?('%PDF') end def test_export_without_permission_should_be_denied @request.session[:user_id] = 2 Role.find_by_name('Manager').remove_permission! :export_wiki_pages get :export, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_response 403 end def test_date_index get :date_index, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook'} assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/activity.atom?show_wiki_edits=1' end def test_not_found get :show, :params => {:project_id => 999} assert_response 404 end def test_protect_page page = WikiPage.find_by_wiki_id_and_title(1, 'Another_page') assert !page.protected? @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :protect, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => page.title, :protected => '1'} assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'Another_page' assert page.reload.protected? end def test_unprotect_page page = WikiPage.find_by_wiki_id_and_title(1, 'CookBook_documentation') assert page.protected? @request.session[:user_id] = 2 post :protect, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => page.title, :protected => '0'} assert_redirected_to :action => 'show', :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation' assert !page.reload.protected? end def test_show_page_with_edit_link @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1} assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/1/wiki/CookBook_documentation/edit' end def test_show_page_without_edit_link @request.session[:user_id] = 4 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1} assert_response :success assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/1/wiki/CookBook_documentation/edit', 0 end def test_show_pdf @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :format => 'pdf'} assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/pdf', @response.media_type assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"CookBook_documentation.pdf\"; filename*=UTF-8''CookBook_documentation.pdf", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] end def test_show_html with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :format => 'html'} assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/html', @response.media_type assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"CookBook_documentation.html\"; filename*=UTF-8''CookBook_documentation.html", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] assert_select 'h1', :text => /CookBook documentation/ end end def test_show_versioned_html with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :format => 'html', :version => 2} assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/html', @response.media_type assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"CookBook_documentation.html\"; filename*=UTF-8''CookBook_documentation.html", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] assert_select 'h1', :text => /CookBook documentation v2/ end end def test_show_txt @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :format => 'txt'} assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/plain', @response.media_type assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"CookBook_documentation.txt\"; filename*=UTF-8''CookBook_documentation.txt", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] assert_include 'h1. CookBook documentation', @response.body end def test_show_versioned_txt @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :format => 'txt', :version => 2} assert_response :success assert_equal 'text/plain', @response.media_type assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"CookBook_documentation.txt\"; filename*=UTF-8''CookBook_documentation.txt", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] assert_include 'h1. CookBook documentation v2', @response.body end def test_show_filename_should_be_uri_encoded @request.session[:user_id] = 2 title = 'Этика_менеджмента' %w|pdf html txt|.each do |format| # Non-MS browsers @request.user_agent = "" get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => title, :format => format} assert_response :success ascii_filename = "%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F_%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F.#{format}" utf8_filename = "%D0%AD%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B6%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0.#{format}" assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"#{ascii_filename}\"; filename*=UTF-8''#{utf8_filename}", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] # Microsoft's browsers @request.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 Edge/15.15063' get :show, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => title, :format => format} assert_response :success assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"#{ascii_filename}\"; filename*=UTF-8''#{utf8_filename}", @response.headers['Content-Disposition'] end end def test_edit_unprotected_page # Non members can edit unprotected wiki pages @request.session[:user_id] = 4 get :edit, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Another_page'} assert_response :success end def test_edit_protected_page_by_nonmember # Non members cannot edit protected wiki pages @request.session[:user_id] = 4 get :edit, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation'} assert_response 403 end def test_edit_protected_page_by_member @request.session[:user_id] = 2 get :edit, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation'} assert_response :success end def test_history_of_non_existing_page_should_return_404 get :history, :params => {:project_id => 1, :id => 'Unknown_page'} assert_response 404 end def test_add_attachment set_tmp_attachments_directory @request.session[:user_id] = 2 assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do post :add_attachment, :params => { :project_id => 1, :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :attachments => { '1' => {'file' => uploaded_test_file('testfile.txt', 'text/plain'), 'description' => 'test file'} } } end attachment = Attachment.order('id DESC').first assert_equal Wiki.find(1).find_page('CookBook_documentation'), attachment.container end def test_old_version_should_have_robot_exclusion_tag @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # Discourage search engines from indexing old versions get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation', :version => '2'} assert_response :success assert_select 'head>meta[name="robots"][content=?]', 'noindex,follow,noarchive' # No robots meta tag in the current version get :show, :params => {:project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => 'CookBook_documentation'} assert_response :success assert_select 'head>meta[name="robots"]', false end end