# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006- Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require_relative '../../test_helper' class Redmine::ApiTest::AuthenticationTest < Redmine::ApiTest::Base fixtures :users def teardown User.current = nil end def test_api_should_deny_without_credentials get '/users/current.xml' assert_response :unauthorized assert response.headers.has_key?('WWW-Authenticate') end def test_api_should_accept_http_basic_auth_using_username_and_password user = User.generate! do |user| user.password = 'my_password' end get '/users/current.xml', :headers => credentials(user.login, 'my_password') assert_response :ok end def test_api_should_deny_http_basic_auth_using_username_and_wrong_password user = User.generate! do |user| user.password = 'my_password' end get '/users/current.xml', :headers => credentials(user.login, 'wrong_password') assert_response :unauthorized end def test_api_should_deny_http_basic_auth_if_twofa_is_active user = User.generate! do |user| user.password = 'my_password' user.update(twofa_scheme: 'totp') end get '/users/current.xml', :headers => credentials(user.login, 'my_password') assert_response :unauthorized end def test_api_should_accept_http_basic_auth_using_api_key user = User.generate! token = Token.create!(:user => user, :action => 'api') get '/users/current.xml', :headers => credentials(token.value, 'X') assert_response :ok end def test_api_should_deny_http_basic_auth_using_wrong_api_key user = User.generate! token = Token.create!(:user => user, :action => 'feeds') # not the API key get '/users/current.xml', :headers => credentials(token.value, 'X') assert_response :unauthorized end def test_api_should_accept_auth_using_api_key_as_parameter user = User.generate! token = Token.create!(:user => user, :action => 'api') get "/users/current.xml?key=#{token.value}" assert_response :ok end def test_api_should_deny_auth_using_wrong_api_key_as_parameter user = User.generate! token = Token.create!(:user => user, :action => 'feeds') # not the API key get "/users/current.xml?key=#{token.value}" assert_response :unauthorized end def test_api_should_accept_auth_using_api_key_as_request_header user = User.generate! token = Token.create!(:user => user, :action => 'api') get "/users/current.xml", :headers => {'X-Redmine-API-Key' => token.value.to_s} assert_response :ok end def test_api_should_deny_auth_using_wrong_api_key_as_request_header user = User.generate! token = Token.create!(:user => user, :action => 'feeds') # not the API key get "/users/current.xml", :headers => {'X-Redmine-API-Key' => token.value.to_s} assert_response :unauthorized end def test_api_should_trigger_basic_http_auth_with_basic_authorization_header ApplicationController.any_instance.expects(:authenticate_with_http_basic).once get '/users/current.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :unauthorized end def test_api_should_not_trigger_basic_http_auth_with_non_basic_authorization_header ApplicationController.any_instance.expects(:authenticate_with_http_basic).never get '/users/current.xml', :headers => {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Digest foo bar'} assert_response :unauthorized end def test_invalid_utf8_credentials_should_not_trigger_an_error invalid_utf8 = "\x82" assert !invalid_utf8.valid_encoding? assert_nothing_raised do get '/users/current.xml', :headers => credentials(invalid_utf8, "foo") end end def test_api_request_should_not_use_user_session log_user('jsmith', 'jsmith') get '/users/current' assert_response :success get '/users/current.json' assert_response :unauthorized end def test_api_should_accept_switch_user_header_for_admin_user user = User.find(1) su = User.find(4) get '/users/current', :headers => {'X-Redmine-API-Key' => user.api_key, 'X-Redmine-Switch-User' => su.login} assert_response :success assert_select 'h2', :text => su.name end def test_api_should_respond_with_412_when_trying_to_switch_to_a_invalid_user get '/users/current', :headers => {'X-Redmine-API-Key' => User.find(1).api_key, 'X-Redmine-Switch-User' => 'foobar'} assert_response :precondition_failed end def test_api_should_respond_with_412_when_trying_to_switch_to_a_locked_user user = User.find(5) assert user.locked? get '/users/current', :headers => {'X-Redmine-API-Key' => User.find(1).api_key, 'X-Redmine-Switch-User' => user.login} assert_response :precondition_failed end def test_api_should_not_accept_switch_user_header_for_non_admin_user user = User.find(2) su = User.find(4) get '/users/current', :headers => {'X-Redmine-API-Key' => user.api_key, 'X-Redmine-Switch-User' => su.login} assert_response :success assert_select 'h2', :text => user.name end end