# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../../test_helper', __FILE__) class Redmine::ApiTest::IssuesTest < Redmine::ApiTest::Base fixtures( :projects, :users, :roles, :members, :member_roles, :issues, :issue_statuses, :issue_relations, :versions, :trackers, :projects_trackers, :issue_categories, :enabled_modules, :enumerations, :attachments, :workflows, :custom_fields, :custom_values, :custom_fields_projects, :custom_fields_trackers, :time_entries, :journals, :journal_details, :queries, :attachments) test "GET /issues.xml should contain metadata" do get '/issues.xml' assert_select 'issues[type=array][total_count][limit="25"][offset="0"]' end test "GET /issues.xml with nometa param should not contain metadata" do get '/issues.xml?nometa=1' assert_select 'issues[type=array]:not([total_count]):not([limit]):not([offset])' end test "GET /issues.xml with nometa header should not contain metadata" do get '/issues.xml', :headers => {'X-Redmine-Nometa' => '1'} assert_select 'issues[type=array]:not([total_count]):not([limit]):not([offset])' end test "GET /issues.xml with offset and limit" do get '/issues.xml?offset=2&limit=3' assert_select 'issues[type=array][total_count][limit="3"][offset="2"]' assert_select 'issues issue', 3 end test "GET /issues.xml with relations" do get '/issues.xml?include=relations' assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'issue id', :text => '3' do assert_select '~ relations relation', 1 assert_select '~ relations relation[id="2"][issue_id="2"][issue_to_id="3"][relation_type=relates]' end assert_select 'issue id', :text => '1' do assert_select '~ relations' assert_select '~ relations relation', 0 end end test "GET /issues.xml with attachments" do get '/issues.xml?include=attachments' assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'issue id', :text => '3' do assert_select '~ attachments attachment', 4 end assert_select 'issue id', :text => '1' do assert_select '~ attachments' assert_select '~ attachments attachment', 0 end end test "GET /issues.xml with invalid query params" do get '/issues.xml', :params => {:f => ['start_date'], :op => {:start_date => '='}} assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'errors error', :text => "Start date cannot be blank" end test "GET /issues.xml with custom field filter" do get( '/issues.xml', :params => {:set_filter => 1, :f => ['cf_1'], :op => {:cf_1 => '='}, :v => {:cf_1 => ['MySQL']}}) expected_ids = Issue.visible. joins(:custom_values). where(:custom_values => {:custom_field_id => 1, :value => 'MySQL'}).map(&:id) assert expected_ids.any? assert_select 'issues > issue > id', :count => expected_ids.count do |ids| ids.each { |id| assert expected_ids.delete(id.children.first.content.to_i) } end end test "GET /issues.xml with custom field filter (shorthand method)" do get '/issues.xml', :params => {:cf_1 => 'MySQL'} expected_ids = Issue.visible. joins(:custom_values). where(:custom_values => {:custom_field_id => 1, :value => 'MySQL'}).map(&:id) assert expected_ids.any? assert_select 'issues > issue > id', :count => expected_ids.count do |ids| ids.each { |id| assert expected_ids.delete(id.children.first.content.to_i) } end end def test_index_should_include_issue_attributes get '/issues.xml' assert_select 'issues>issue>is_private', :text => 'false' end def test_index_should_allow_timestamp_filtering Issue.delete_all Issue.generate!(:subject => '1').update_column(:updated_on, Time.parse("2014-01-02T10:25:00Z")) Issue.generate!(:subject => '2').update_column(:updated_on, Time.parse("2014-01-02T12:13:00Z")) get '/issues.xml', :params => { :set_filter => 1, :f => ['updated_on'], :op => {:updated_on => '<='}, :v => {:updated_on => ['2014-01-02T12:00:00Z']} } assert_select 'issues>issue', :count => 1 assert_select 'issues>issue>subject', :text => '1' get '/issues.xml', :params => { :set_filter => 1, :f => ['updated_on'], :op => {:updated_on => '>='}, :v => {:updated_on => ['2014-01-02T12:00:00Z']} } assert_select 'issues>issue', :count => 1 assert_select 'issues>issue>subject', :text => '2' get '/issues.xml', :params => { :set_filter => 1, :f => ['updated_on'], :op => {:updated_on => '>='}, :v => {:updated_on => ['2014-01-02T08:00:00Z']} } assert_select 'issues>issue', :count => 2 end test "GET /issues.xml with filter" do get '/issues.xml?status_id=5' expected_ids = Issue.visible.where(:status_id => 5).map(&:id) assert expected_ids.any? assert_select 'issues > issue > id', :count => expected_ids.count do |ids| ids.each { |id| assert expected_ids.delete(id.children.first.content.to_i) } end end test "GET /issues.json with filter" do get '/issues.json?status_id=5' json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) status_ids_used = json['issues'].collect {|j| j['status']['id'] } assert_equal 3, status_ids_used.length assert status_ids_used.all? {|id| id == 5 } end test "GET /issues/:id.xml with journals" do Journal.find(2).update_attribute(:private_notes, true) get '/issues/1.xml?include=journals', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_select 'issue journals[type=array]' do assert_select 'journal[id="1"]' do assert_select 'private_notes', :text => 'false' assert_select 'details[type=array]' do assert_select 'detail[name=status_id]' do assert_select 'old_value', :text => '1' assert_select 'new_value', :text => '2' end end end assert_select 'journal[id="2"]' do assert_select 'private_notes', :text => 'true' assert_select 'details[type=array]' end end end test "GET /issues/:id.xml with journals should format timestamps in ISO 8601" do get '/issues/1.xml?include=journals' issue = Issue.find(1) assert_select 'issue>created_on', :text => issue.created_on.iso8601 assert_select 'issue>updated_on', :text => issue.updated_on.iso8601 assert_select 'issue journal>created_on', :text => issue.journals[0].created_on.iso8601 end test "GET /issues/:id.xml with custom fields" do get '/issues/3.xml' assert_select 'issue custom_fields[type=array]' do assert_select 'custom_field[id="1"]' do assert_select 'value', :text => 'MySQL' end end assert_nothing_raised do Hash.from_xml(response.body).to_xml end end test "GET /issues/:id.xml with multi custom fields" do field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(3) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['MySQL', 'Oracle']} issue.save! get '/issues/3.xml' assert_response :success assert_select 'issue custom_fields[type=array]' do assert_select 'custom_field[id="1"]' do assert_select 'value[type=array] value', 2 end end xml = Hash.from_xml(response.body) custom_fields = xml['issue']['custom_fields'] assert_kind_of Array, custom_fields field = custom_fields.detect {|f| f['id'] == '1'} assert_kind_of Hash, field assert_equal ['MySQL', 'Oracle'], field['value'].sort end test "GET /issues/:id.json with multi custom fields" do field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(3) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['MySQL', 'Oracle']} issue.save! get '/issues/3.json' assert_response :success json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) custom_fields = json['issue']['custom_fields'] assert_kind_of Array, custom_fields field = custom_fields.detect {|f| f['id'] == 1} assert_kind_of Hash, field assert_equal ['MySQL', 'Oracle'], field['value'].sort end test "GET /issues/:id.xml with empty value for multi custom field" do field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(3) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['']} issue.save! get '/issues/3.xml' assert_select 'issue custom_fields[type=array]' do assert_select 'custom_field[id="1"]' do assert_select 'value[type=array]:empty' end end xml = Hash.from_xml(response.body) custom_fields = xml['issue']['custom_fields'] assert_kind_of Array, custom_fields field = custom_fields.detect {|f| f['id'] == '1'} assert_kind_of Hash, field assert_equal [], field['value'] end test "GET /issues/:id.json with empty value for multi custom field" do field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true issue = Issue.find(3) issue.custom_field_values = {1 => ['']} issue.save! get '/issues/3.json' assert_response :success json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) custom_fields = json['issue']['custom_fields'] assert_kind_of Array, custom_fields field = custom_fields.detect {|f| f['id'] == 1} assert_kind_of Hash, field assert_equal [], field['value'].sort end test "GET /issues/:id.xml with attachments" do get '/issues/3.xml?include=attachments' assert_select 'issue attachments[type=array]' do assert_select 'attachment', 4 assert_select 'attachment id', :text => '1' do assert_select '~ filename', :text => 'error281.txt' assert_select '~ content_url', :text => 'http://www.example.com/attachments/download/1/error281.txt' end end end test "GET /issues/:id.xml with subtasks" do issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants!(:project_id => 1) get "/issues/#{issue.id}.xml?include=children" assert_select 'issue id', :text => issue.id.to_s do assert_select '~ children[type=array] > issue', 2 assert_select '~ children[type=array] > issue > children', 1 end end test "GET /issues/:id.json with subtasks" do issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants!(:project_id => 1) get "/issues/#{issue.id}.json?include=children" json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) assert_equal 2, json['issue']['children'].size assert_equal 1, json['issue']['children'].count {|child| child.key?('children')} end test "GET /issues/:id.json with no spent time should return floats" do issue = Issue.generate! get "/issues/#{issue.id}.json" json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) assert_kind_of Float, json['issue']['spent_hours'] assert_kind_of Float, json['issue']['total_spent_hours'] end def test_show_should_include_issue_attributes get '/issues/1.xml' assert_select 'issue>is_private', :text => 'false' end test "GET /issues/:id.xml?include=watchers should include watchers" do Watcher.create!(:user_id => 3, :watchable => Issue.find(1)) get '/issues/1.xml?include=watchers', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :ok assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type assert_select 'issue' do assert_select 'watchers', Issue.find(1).watchers.count assert_select 'watchers' do assert_select 'user[id="3"]' end end end test "GET /issues/:id.xml should not disclose associated changesets from projects the user has no access to" do project = Project.generate!(:is_public => false) repository = Repository::Subversion.create!(:project => project, :url => "svn://localhost") Issue.find(1).changesets << Changeset.generate!(:repository => repository) assert Issue.find(1).changesets.any? get '/issues/1.xml?include=changesets', :headers => credentials('jsmith') # the user jsmith has no permission to view the associated changeset assert_select 'issue changesets[type=array]' do assert_select 'changeset', 0 end end test "GET /issues/:id.xml should contains total_estimated_hours and total_spent_hours" do parent = Issue.find(3) parent.update_columns :estimated_hours => 2.0 child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id, :estimated_hours => 3.0) TimeEntry.create!(:project => child.project, :issue => child, :user => child.author, :spent_on => child.author.today, :hours => '2.5', :comments => '', :activity_id => TimeEntryActivity.first.id) get '/issues/3.xml' assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type assert_select 'issue' do assert_select 'estimated_hours', parent.estimated_hours.to_s assert_select 'total_estimated_hours', (parent.estimated_hours.to_f + 3.0).to_s assert_select 'spent_hours', parent.spent_hours.to_s assert_select 'total_spent_hours', (parent.spent_hours.to_f + 2.5).to_s end end test "GET /issues/:id.xml should contains total_estimated_hours, and should not contains spent_hours and total_spent_hours when permission does not exists" do parent = Issue.find(3) parent.update_columns :estimated_hours => 2.0 child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id, :estimated_hours => 3.0) Role.anonymous.remove_permission! :view_time_entries get '/issues/3.xml' assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type assert_select 'issue' do assert_select 'estimated_hours', parent.estimated_hours.to_s assert_select 'total_estimated_hours', (parent.estimated_hours.to_f + 3.0).to_s assert_select 'spent_hours', false assert_select 'total_spent_hours', false end end test "GET /issues/:id.xml should contains visible spent_hours only" do user = User.find_by_login('jsmith') Role.find(1).update(:time_entries_visibility => 'own') parent = Issue.find(3) child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id) TimeEntry.generate!(:user => user, :hours => 5.5, :issue_id => parent.id) TimeEntry.generate!(:user => user, :hours => 2, :issue_id => child.id) TimeEntry.generate!(:user => User.find(1), :hours => 100, :issue_id => child.id) get '/issues/3.xml', :headers => credentials(user.login) assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type assert_select 'issue' do assert_select 'spent_hours', '5.5' assert_select 'total_spent_hours', '7.5' end end test "GET /issues/:id.json should contains total_estimated_hours and total_spent_hours" do parent = Issue.find(3) parent.update_columns :estimated_hours => 2.0 child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id, :estimated_hours => 3.0) TimeEntry.create!(:project => child.project, :issue => child, :user => child.author, :spent_on => child.author.today, :hours => '2.5', :comments => '', :activity_id => TimeEntryActivity.first.id) get '/issues/3.json' assert_equal 'application/json', response.content_type json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) assert_equal parent.estimated_hours, json['issue']['estimated_hours'] assert_equal (parent.estimated_hours.to_f + 3.0), json['issue']['total_estimated_hours'] assert_equal parent.spent_hours, json['issue']['spent_hours'] assert_equal (parent.spent_hours.to_f + 2.5), json['issue']['total_spent_hours'] end test "GET /issues/:id.json should contains total_estimated_hours, and should not contains spent_hours and total_spent_hours when permission does not exists" do parent = Issue.find(3) parent.update_columns :estimated_hours => 2.0 child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id, :estimated_hours => 3.0) Role.anonymous.remove_permission! :view_time_entries get '/issues/3.json' assert_equal 'application/json', response.content_type json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) assert_equal parent.estimated_hours, json['issue']['estimated_hours'] assert_equal (parent.estimated_hours.to_f + 3.0), json['issue']['total_estimated_hours'] assert_nil json['issue']['spent_hours'] assert_nil json['issue']['total_spent_hours'] end test "GET /issues/:id.json should contains visible spent_hours only" do user = User.find_by_login('jsmith') Role.find(1).update(:time_entries_visibility => 'own') parent = Issue.find(3) child = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id) TimeEntry.generate!(:user => user, :hours => 5.5, :issue_id => parent.id) TimeEntry.generate!(:user => user, :hours => 2, :issue_id => child.id) TimeEntry.generate!(:user => User.find(1), :hours => 100, :issue_id => child.id) get '/issues/3.json', :headers => credentials(user.login) assert_equal 'application/json', response.content_type json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) assert_equal 5.5, json['issue']['spent_hours'] assert_equal 7.5, json['issue']['total_spent_hours'] end test "POST /issues.xml should create an issue with the attributes" do payload = <<~XML 1 2 3 2 API test XML assert_difference('Issue.count') do post( '/issues.xml', :params => payload, :headers => {"CONTENT_TYPE" => 'application/xml'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, issue.project_id assert_equal 2, issue.tracker_id assert_equal 3, issue.status_id assert_equal 2, issue.category_id assert_equal 'API test', issue.subject assert_response :created assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'issue > id', :text => issue.id.to_s end test "POST /issues.xml with watcher_user_ids should create issue with watchers" do assert_difference('Issue.count') do post( '/issues.xml', :params => { :issue => { :project_id => 1, :subject => 'Watchers', :tracker_id => 2, :status_id => 3, :watcher_user_ids => [3, 1] } }, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :created end issue = Issue.order('id desc').first assert_equal 2, issue.watchers.size assert_equal [1, 3], issue.watcher_user_ids.sort end test "POST /issues.xml with failure should return errors" do assert_no_difference('Issue.count') do post( '/issues.xml', :params => {:issue => {:project_id => 1}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_select 'errors error', :text => "Subject cannot be blank" end test "POST /issues.json should create an issue with the attributes" do payload = <<~JSON { "issue": { "project_id": "1", "tracker_id": "2", "status_id": "3", "category_id": "2", "subject": "API test" } } JSON assert_difference('Issue.count') do post( '/issues.json', :params => payload, :headers => {"CONTENT_TYPE" => 'application/json'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))) end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, issue.project_id assert_equal 2, issue.tracker_id assert_equal 3, issue.status_id assert_equal 2, issue.category_id assert_equal 'API test', issue.subject end test "POST /issues.json should accept project identifier as project_id" do assert_difference('Issue.count') do post( '/issues.json', :params => {:issue => {:project_id => 'subproject1', :tracker_id => 2, :subject => 'Foo'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :created end end test "POST /issues.json without tracker_id should accept custom fields" do field = IssueCustomField.generate!( :field_format => 'list', :multiple => true, :possible_values => ["V1", "V2", "V3"], :default_value => "V2", :is_for_all => true, :trackers => Tracker.all.to_a ) payload = <<~JSON { "issue": { "project_id": "1", "subject": "Multivalued custom field", "custom_field_values":{"#{field.id}":["V1","V3"]} } } JSON assert_difference('Issue.count') do post( '/issues.json', :params => payload, :headers => {"CONTENT_TYPE" => 'application/json'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))) end assert_response :created issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal ["V1", "V3"], issue.custom_field_value(field).sort end test "POST /issues.json with omitted custom field should set default value" do field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:default_value => "Default") issue = new_record(Issue) do post( '/issues.json', :params => { :issue => {:project_id => 1, :subject => 'API', :custom_field_values => {}} }, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_equal "Default", issue.custom_field_value(field) end test "POST /issues.json with custom field set to blank should not set default value" do field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:default_value => "Default") issue = new_record(Issue) do post( '/issues.json', :params => { :issue => {:project_id => 1, :subject => 'API', :custom_field_values => {field.id.to_s => ""}} }, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_equal "", issue.custom_field_value(field) end test "POST /issues.json with failure should return errors" do assert_no_difference('Issue.count') do post( '/issues.json', :params => {:issue => {:project_id => 1}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) assert json['errors'].include?("Subject cannot be blank") end test "POST /issues.json with invalid project_id should respond with 422" do post( '/issues.json', :params => {:issue => {:project_id => 999, :subject => "API"}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response 422 end test "POST /issues.json with invalid project_id and any assigned_to_id should respond with 422" do post( '/issues.json', :params => { :issue => { :project_id => 999, :assigned_to_id => 1, :subject => 'API' } }, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response 422 end test "POST /issues.json with invalid project_id and any fixed_version_id should respond with 422" do post( '/issues.json', :params => { :issue => { :project_id => 999, :fixed_version_id => 1, :subject => 'API' } }, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response 422 end test "PUT /issues/:id.xml" do assert_difference('Journal.count') do put( '/issues/6.xml', :params => {:issue => {:subject => 'API update', :notes => 'A new note'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end issue = Issue.find(6) assert_equal "API update", issue.subject journal = Journal.last assert_equal "A new note", journal.notes end test "PUT /issues/:id.xml with custom fields" do put( '/issues/3.xml', :params => { :issue => { :custom_fields => [ {'id' => '1', 'value' => 'PostgreSQL' }, {'id' => '2', 'value' => '150'} ] } }, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) issue = Issue.find(3) assert_equal '150', issue.custom_value_for(2).value assert_equal 'PostgreSQL', issue.custom_value_for(1).value end test "PUT /issues/:id.xml with multi custom fields" do field = CustomField.find(1) field.update_attribute :multiple, true put( '/issues/3.xml', :params => { :issue => { :custom_fields => [ {'id' => '1', 'value' => ['MySQL', 'PostgreSQL']}, {'id' => '2', 'value' => '150'} ] } }, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) issue = Issue.find(3) assert_equal '150', issue.custom_value_for(2).value assert_equal ['MySQL', 'PostgreSQL'], issue.custom_field_value(1).sort end test "PUT /issues/:id.xml with project change" do put( '/issues/3.xml', :params => {:issue => {:project_id => 2, :subject => 'Project changed'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) issue = Issue.find(3) assert_equal 2, issue.project_id assert_equal 'Project changed', issue.subject end test "PUT /issues/:id.xml with notes only" do assert_difference('Journal.count') do put( '/issues/6.xml', :params => {:issue => {:notes => 'Notes only'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end journal = Journal.last assert_equal "Notes only", journal.notes end test "PUT /issues/:id.json with omitted custom field should not change blank value to default value" do field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:default_value => "Default") issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :custom_field_values => {field.id.to_s => ""}) assert_equal "", issue.reload.custom_field_value(field) assert_difference('Journal.count') do put( "/issues/#{issue.id}.json", :params => {:issue => {:custom_field_values => {}, :notes => 'API'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_equal "", issue.reload.custom_field_value(field) end test "PUT /issues/:id.json with custom field set to blank should not change blank value to default value" do field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:default_value => "Default") issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :custom_field_values => {field.id.to_s => ""}) assert_equal "", issue.reload.custom_field_value(field) assert_difference('Journal.count') do put( "/issues/#{issue.id}.json", :params => {:issue => {:custom_field_values => {field.id.to_s => ""}, :notes => 'API'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_equal "", issue.reload.custom_field_value(field) end test "PUT /issues/:id.json with tracker change and omitted custom field specific to that tracker should set default value" do field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:default_value => "Default", :tracker_ids => [2]) issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1) assert_difference('Journal.count') do put( "/issues/#{issue.id}.json", :params => {:issue => {:tracker_id => 2, :custom_field_values => {}, :notes => 'API'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_equal 2, issue.reload.tracker_id assert_equal "Default", issue.reload.custom_field_value(field) end test "PUT /issues/:id.json with tracker change and custom field specific to that tracker set to blank should not set default value" do field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:default_value => "Default", :tracker_ids => [2]) issue = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1) assert_difference('Journal.count') do put( "/issues/#{issue.id}.json", :params => {:issue => {:tracker_id => 2, :custom_field_values => {field.id.to_s => ""}, :notes => 'API'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_equal 2, issue.reload.tracker_id assert_equal "", issue.reload.custom_field_value(field) end test "PUT /issues/:id.xml with failed update" do put( '/issues/6.xml', :params => {:issue => {:subject => ''}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_select 'errors error', :text => "Subject cannot be blank" end test "PUT /issues/:id.xml with invalid assignee should return error" do user = User.generate! put( '/issues/6.xml', :params => {:issue => {:assigned_to_id => user.id}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_select 'errors error', :text => "Assignee is invalid" end test "PUT /issues/:id.json" do assert_difference('Journal.count') do put( '/issues/6.json', :params => {:issue => {:subject => 'API update', :notes => 'A new note'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :no_content assert_equal '', response.body end issue = Issue.find(6) assert_equal "API update", issue.subject journal = Journal.last assert_equal "A new note", journal.notes end test "PUT /issues/:id.json with failed update" do put( '/issues/6.json', :params => {:issue => {:subject => ''}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :unprocessable_entity json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) assert json['errors'].include?("Subject cannot be blank") end test "DELETE /issues/:id.xml" do assert_difference('Issue.count', -1) do delete '/issues/6.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :no_content assert_equal '', response.body end assert_nil Issue.find_by_id(6) end test "DELETE /issues/:id.json" do assert_difference('Issue.count', -1) do delete '/issues/6.json', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :no_content assert_equal '', response.body end assert_nil Issue.find_by_id(6) end test "POST /issues/:id/watchers.xml should add watcher" do assert_difference 'Watcher.count' do post( '/issues/1/watchers.xml', :params => {:user_id => 3}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :no_content assert_equal '', response.body end watcher = Watcher.order('id desc').first assert_equal Issue.find(1), watcher.watchable assert_equal User.find(3), watcher.user end test "DELETE /issues/:id/watchers/:user_id.xml should remove watcher" do Watcher.create!(:user_id => 3, :watchable => Issue.find(1)) assert_difference 'Watcher.count', -1 do delete '/issues/1/watchers/3.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :no_content assert_equal '', response.body end assert_equal false, Issue.find(1).watched_by?(User.find(3)) end def test_create_issue_with_uploaded_file token = xml_upload('test_create_with_upload', credentials('jsmith')) attachment = Attachment.find_by_token(token) # create the issue with the upload's token assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( '/issues.xml', :params => {:issue => {:project_id => 1, :subject => 'Uploaded file', :uploads => [{:token => token, :filename => 'test.txt', :content_type => 'text/plain'}]}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :created end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 1, issue.attachments.count assert_equal attachment, issue.attachments.first attachment.reload assert_equal 'test.txt', attachment.filename assert_equal 'text/plain', attachment.content_type assert_equal 'test_create_with_upload'.size, attachment.filesize assert_equal 2, attachment.author_id # get the issue with its attachments get "/issues/#{issue.id}.xml?include=attachments" assert_response :success xml = Hash.from_xml(response.body) attachments = xml['issue']['attachments'] assert_kind_of Array, attachments assert_equal 1, attachments.size url = attachments.first['content_url'] assert_not_nil url # download the attachment get url assert_response :success assert_equal 'test_create_with_upload', response.body end def test_create_issue_with_multiple_uploaded_files_as_xml token1 = xml_upload('File content 1', credentials('jsmith')) token2 = xml_upload('File content 2', credentials('jsmith')) payload = <<~XML 1 1 Issue with multiple attachments #{token1} test1.txt #{token2} test1.txt XML assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( '/issues.xml', :params => payload, :headers => {"CONTENT_TYPE" => 'application/xml'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))) assert_response :created end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 2, issue.attachments.count end def test_create_issue_with_multiple_uploaded_files_as_json token1 = json_upload('File content 1', credentials('jsmith')) token2 = json_upload('File content 2', credentials('jsmith')) payload = <<~JSON { "issue": { "project_id": "1", "tracker_id": "1", "subject": "Issue with multiple attachments", "uploads": [ {"token": "#{token1}", "filename": "test1.txt"}, {"token": "#{token2}", "filename": "test2.txt"} ] } } JSON assert_difference 'Issue.count' do post( '/issues.json', :params => payload, :headers => {"CONTENT_TYPE" => 'application/json'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))) assert_response :created end issue = Issue.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 2, issue.attachments.count end def test_update_issue_with_uploaded_file token = xml_upload('test_upload_with_upload', credentials('jsmith')) attachment = Attachment.find_by_token(token) # update the issue with the upload's token assert_difference 'Journal.count' do put( '/issues/1.xml', :params => {:issue => {:notes => 'Attachment added', :uploads => [{:token => token, :filename => 'test.txt', :content_type => 'text/plain'}]}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) assert_response :no_content assert_equal '', @response.body end issue = Issue.find(1) assert_include attachment, issue.attachments end end