# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../../test_helper', __FILE__) class Redmine::ApiTest::TimeEntriesTest < Redmine::ApiTest::Base fixtures :projects, :trackers, :issue_statuses, :issues, :enumerations, :users, :issue_categories, :projects_trackers, :roles, :member_roles, :members, :enabled_modules, :time_entries test "GET /time_entries.xml should return time entries" do get '/time_entries.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'time_entries[type=array] time_entry id', :text => '2' end test "GET /time_entries.xml with limit should return limited results" do get '/time_entries.xml?limit=2', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'time_entries[type=array] time_entry', 2 end test "GET /time_entries/:id.xml should return the time entry" do get '/time_entries/2.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'time_entry id', :text => '2' end test "GET /time_entries/:id.xml on closed project should return the time entry" do project = TimeEntry.find(2).project project.close project.save! get '/time_entries/2.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response :success assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'time_entry id', :text => '2' end test "GET /time_entries/:id.xml with invalid id should 404" do get '/time_entries/999.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') assert_response 404 end test "POST /time_entries.xml with issue_id should create time entry" do assert_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do post( '/time_entries.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:issue_id => '1', :spent_on => '2010-12-02', :hours => '3.5', :activity_id => '11'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_response :created assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type entry = TimeEntry.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'jsmith', entry.user.login assert_equal Issue.find(1), entry.issue assert_equal Project.find(1), entry.project assert_equal Date.parse('2010-12-02'), entry.spent_on assert_equal 3.5, entry.hours assert_equal TimeEntryActivity.find(11), entry.activity end test "POST /time_entries.xml with issue_id should accept custom fields" do field = TimeEntryCustomField.create!(:name => 'Test', :field_format => 'string') assert_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do post( '/time_entries.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:issue_id => '1', :spent_on => '2010-12-02', :hours => '3.5', :activity_id => '11', :custom_fields => [{:id => field.id.to_s, :value => 'accepted'}] }}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_response :created assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type entry = TimeEntry.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'accepted', entry.custom_field_value(field) end test "POST /time_entries.xml with project_id should create time entry" do assert_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do post( '/time_entries.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:project_id => '1', :spent_on => '2010-12-02', :hours => '3.5', :activity_id => '11'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_response :created assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type entry = TimeEntry.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'jsmith', entry.user.login assert_nil entry.issue assert_equal Project.find(1), entry.project assert_equal Date.parse('2010-12-02'), entry.spent_on assert_equal 3.5, entry.hours assert_equal TimeEntryActivity.find(11), entry.activity end test "POST /time_entries.xml with invalid parameters should return errors" do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do post( '/time_entries.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:project_id => '1', :spent_on => '2010-12-02', :activity_id => '11'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'errors error', :text => "Hours cannot be blank" end test "POST /time_entries.xml with :project_id for other user" do Role.find_by_name('Manager').add_permission! :log_time_for_other_users entry = new_record(TimeEntry) do post( '/time_entries.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:project_id => '1', :spent_on => '2010-12-02', :user_id => '3', :hours => '3.5', :activity_id => '11'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_response :created assert_equal 3, entry.user_id assert_equal 2, entry.author_id end test "POST /time_entries.xml with :issue_id for other user" do Role.find_by_name('Manager').add_permission! :log_time_for_other_users entry = new_record(TimeEntry) do post( '/time_entries.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:issue_id => '1', :spent_on => '2010-12-02', :user_id => '3', :hours => '3.5', :activity_id => '11'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_response :created assert_equal 3, entry.user_id assert_equal 2, entry.author_id end test "PUT /time_entries/:id.xml with valid parameters should update time entry" do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do put( '/time_entries/2.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:comments => 'API Update'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_response :no_content assert_equal '', @response.body assert_equal 'API Update', TimeEntry.find(2).comments end test "PUT /time_entries/:id.xml with invalid parameters should return errors" do assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do put( '/time_entries/2.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:hours => '', :comments => 'API Update'}}, :headers => credentials('jsmith')) end assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'errors error', :text => "Hours cannot be blank" end test "PUT /time_entries/:id.xml without permissions should fail" do put( '/time_entries/2.xml', :params => {:time_entry => {:hours => '2.3', :comments => 'API Update'}}, :headers => credentials('dlopper')) assert_response 403 end test "DELETE /time_entries/:id.xml should destroy time entry" do assert_difference 'TimeEntry.count', -1 do delete '/time_entries/2.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') end assert_response :no_content assert_equal '', @response.body assert_nil TimeEntry.find_by_id(2) end test "DELETE /time_entries/:id.xml with failure should return errors" do TimeEntry.any_instance.stubs(:destroy).returns(false) assert_no_difference 'TimeEntry.count' do delete '/time_entries/2.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith') end assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.content_type assert_select 'errors' end end