# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. if ENV["COVERAGE"] require 'simplecov' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/coverage/html_formatter") SimpleCov.formatter = Redmine::Coverage::HtmlFormatter SimpleCov.start 'rails' end ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment") require 'rails/test_help' require Rails.root.join('test', 'mocks', 'open_id_authentication_mock.rb').to_s require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/object_helpers') include ObjectHelpers require 'awesome_nested_set/version' require 'net/ldap' class ActionView::TestCase helper :application include ApplicationHelper end class ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActionDispatch::TestProcess self.use_transactional_fixtures = true self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false def uploaded_test_file(name, mime) fixture_file_upload("files/#{name}", mime, true) end # Mock out a file def self.mock_file file = 'a_file.png' file.stubs(:size).returns(32) file.stubs(:original_filename).returns('a_file.png') file.stubs(:content_type).returns('image/png') file.stubs(:read).returns(false) file end def mock_file self.class.mock_file end def mock_file_with_options(options={}) file = '' file.stubs(:size).returns(32) original_filename = options[:original_filename] || nil file.stubs(:original_filename).returns(original_filename) content_type = options[:content_type] || nil file.stubs(:content_type).returns(content_type) file.stubs(:read).returns(false) file end # Use a temporary directory for attachment related tests def set_tmp_attachments_directory Dir.mkdir "#{Rails.root}/tmp/test" unless File.directory?("#{Rails.root}/tmp/test") unless File.directory?("#{Rails.root}/tmp/test/attachments") Dir.mkdir "#{Rails.root}/tmp/test/attachments" end Attachment.storage_path = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/test/attachments" end def set_fixtures_attachments_directory Attachment.storage_path = "#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/files" end def with_settings(options, &block) saved_settings = options.keys.inject({}) do |h, k| h[k] = case Setting[k] when Symbol, false, true, nil Setting[k] else Setting[k].dup end h end options.each {|k, v| Setting[k] = v} yield ensure saved_settings.each {|k, v| Setting[k] = v} if saved_settings end # Yields the block with user as the current user def with_current_user(user, &block) saved_user = User.current User.current = user yield ensure User.current = saved_user end def with_locale(locale, &block) saved_localed = ::I18n.locale ::I18n.locale = locale yield ensure ::I18n.locale = saved_localed end def self.ldap_configured? @test_ldap = Net::LDAP.new(:host => '', :port => 389) return @test_ldap.bind rescue Exception => e # LDAP is not listening return nil end def self.convert_installed? Redmine::Thumbnail.convert_available? end def convert_installed? self.class.convert_installed? end # Returns the path to the test +vendor+ repository def self.repository_path(vendor) path = Rails.root.join("tmp/test/#{vendor.downcase}_repository").to_s # Unlike ruby, JRuby returns Rails.root with backslashes under Windows path.tr("\\", "/") end # Returns the url of the subversion test repository def self.subversion_repository_url path = repository_path('subversion') path = '/' + path unless path.starts_with?('/') "file://#{path}" end # Returns true if the +vendor+ test repository is configured def self.repository_configured?(vendor) File.directory?(repository_path(vendor)) end def repository_path_hash(arr) hs = {} hs[:path] = arr.join("/") hs[:param] = arr.join("/") hs end def sqlite? ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name =~ /sqlite/i end def mysql? ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name =~ /mysql/i end def assert_save(object) saved = object.save message = "#{object.class} could not be saved" errors = object.errors.full_messages.map {|m| "- #{m}"} message << ":\n#{errors.join("\n")}" if errors.any? assert_equal true, saved, message end def assert_select_error(arg) assert_select '#errorExplanation', :text => arg end def assert_include(expected, s, message=nil) assert s.include?(expected), (message || "\"#{expected}\" not found in \"#{s}\"") end def assert_not_include(expected, s, message=nil) assert !s.include?(expected), (message || "\"#{expected}\" found in \"#{s}\"") end def assert_select_in(text, *args, &block) d = HTML::Document.new(CGI::unescapeHTML(String.new(text))).root assert_select(d, *args, &block) end def assert_mail_body_match(expected, mail, message=nil) if expected.is_a?(String) assert_include expected, mail_body(mail), message else assert_match expected, mail_body(mail), message end end def assert_mail_body_no_match(expected, mail, message=nil) if expected.is_a?(String) assert_not_include expected, mail_body(mail), message else assert_no_match expected, mail_body(mail), message end end def mail_body(mail) mail.parts.first.body.encoded end # awesome_nested_set new node lft and rgt value changed this refactor revision. # https://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set/commit/199fca9bb938e40200cd90714dc69247ef017c61 # The reason of behavior change is that "self.class.base_class.unscoped" was added to this line. # https://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set/commit/199fca9bb9#diff-f61b59a5e6319024e211b0ffdd0e4ef1R273 # It seems correct behavior because of this line comment. # https://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set/blame/199fca9bb9/lib/awesome_nested_set/model.rb#L278 def new_issue_lft # ::AwesomeNestedSet::VERSION > "2.1.6" ? Issue.maximum(:rgt) + 1 : 1 Issue.maximum(:rgt) + 1 end end module Redmine class RoutingTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def should_route(arg) arg = arg.dup request = arg.keys.detect {|key| key.is_a?(String)} raise ArgumentError unless request options = arg.slice!(request) raise ArgumentError unless request =~ /\A(GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE)\s+(.+)\z/ method, path = $1.downcase.to_sym, $2 raise ArgumentError unless arg.values.first =~ /\A(.+)#(.+)\z/ controller, action = $1, $2 assert_routing( {:method => method, :path => path}, options.merge(:controller => controller, :action => action) ) end end class IntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def log_user(login, password) User.anonymous get "/login" assert_equal nil, session[:user_id] assert_response :success assert_template "account/login" post "/login", :username => login, :password => password assert_equal login, User.find(session[:user_id]).login end def credentials(user, password=nil) {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(user, password || user)} end end module ApiTest API_FORMATS = %w(json xml).freeze # Base class for API tests class Base < Redmine::IntegrationTest def setup Setting.rest_api_enabled = '1' end def teardown Setting.rest_api_enabled = '0' end # Uploads content using the XML API and returns the attachment token def xml_upload(content, credentials) upload('xml', content, credentials) end # Uploads content using the JSON API and returns the attachment token def json_upload(content, credentials) upload('json', content, credentials) end def upload(format, content, credentials) set_tmp_attachments_directory assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do post "/uploads.#{format}", content, {"CONTENT_TYPE" => 'application/octet-stream'}.merge(credentials) assert_response :created end data = response_data assert_kind_of Hash, data['upload'] token = data['upload']['token'] assert_not_nil token token end # Parses the response body based on its content type def response_data unless response.content_type.to_s =~ /^application\/(.+)/ raise "Unexpected response type: #{response.content_type}" end format = $1 case format when 'xml' Hash.from_xml(response.body) when 'json' ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) else raise "Unknown response format: #{format}" end end end class Routing < Redmine::RoutingTest def should_route(arg) arg = arg.dup request = arg.keys.detect {|key| key.is_a?(String)} raise ArgumentError unless request options = arg.slice!(request) API_FORMATS.each do |format| format_request = request.sub /$/, ".#{format}" super options.merge(format_request => arg[request], :format => format) end end end end end