# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../../../../test_helper', __FILE__) class Redmine::WikiFormatting::MacrosTest < Redmine::HelperTest include ApplicationHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include ERB::Util include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods fixtures :projects, :roles, :enabled_modules, :users, :repositories, :changesets, :trackers, :issue_statuses, :issues, :versions, :documents, :wikis, :wiki_pages, :wiki_contents, :boards, :messages, :attachments, :enumerations def setup super @project = nil end def teardown end def test_macro_registration Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do macro :foo do |obj, args| "Foo: #{args.size} (#{args.join(',')}) (#{args.class.name})" end end with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal '

Foo: 0 () (Array)

', textilizable('{{foo}}') assert_equal '

Foo: 0 () (Array)

', textilizable('{{foo()}}') assert_equal '

Foo: 1 (arg1) (Array)

', textilizable('{{foo(arg1)}}') assert_equal '

Foo: 2 (arg1,arg2) (Array)

', textilizable('{{foo(arg1, arg2)}}') end end def test_macro_registration_parse_args_set_to_false_should_disable_arguments_parsing Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do macro :bar, :parse_args => false do |obj, args| "Bar: (#{args}) (#{args.class.name})" end end with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal '

Bar: (args, more args) (String)

', textilizable('{{bar(args, more args)}}') assert_equal '

Bar: () (String)

', textilizable('{{bar}}') assert_equal '

Bar: () (String)

', textilizable('{{bar()}}') end end def test_macro_registration_with_3_args_should_receive_text_argument Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do macro :baz do |obj, args, text| "Baz: (#{args.join(',')}) (#{text.class.name}) (#{text})" end end with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal '

Baz: () (NilClass) ()

', textilizable('{{baz}}') assert_equal '

Baz: () (NilClass) ()

', textilizable('{{baz()}}') assert_equal "

Baz: () (String) (line1\nline2)

", textilizable("{{baz()\nline1\nline2\n}}") assert_equal "

Baz: (arg1,arg2) (String) (line1\nline2)

", textilizable("{{baz(arg1, arg2)\nline1\nline2\n}}") end end def test_macro_name_with_upper_case with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.macro(:UpperCase) {|obj, args| 'Upper'} assert_equal '


', textilizable('{{UpperCase}}') end end def test_multiple_macros_on_the_same_line Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.macro :foo do |obj, args| args.any? ? "args: #{args.join(',')}" : "no args" end with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal '

no args no args

', textilizable('{{foo}} {{foo}}') assert_equal '

args: a,b no args

', textilizable('{{foo(a,b)}} {{foo}}') assert_equal '

args: a,b args: c,d

', textilizable('{{foo(a,b)}} {{foo(c,d)}}') assert_equal '

no args args: c,d

', textilizable('{{foo}} {{foo(c,d)}}') end end def test_macro_should_receive_the_object_as_argument_when_with_object_and_attribute issue = Issue.find(1) issue.description = "{{hello_world}}" with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal( '

Hello world! Object: Issue, Called with no argument and no block of text.

', textilizable(issue, :description) ) end end def test_macro_should_receive_the_object_as_argument_when_called_with_object_option with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '{{hello_world}}' assert_equal( '

Hello world! Object: Issue, Called with no argument and no block of text.

', textilizable(text, :object => Issue.find(1)) ) end end def test_extract_macro_options_should_with_args options = extract_macro_options(["arg1", "arg2"], :foo, :size) assert_equal([["arg1", "arg2"], {}], options) end def test_extract_macro_options_should_with_options options = extract_macro_options(["foo=bar", "size=2"], :foo, :size) assert_equal([[], {:foo => "bar", :size => "2"}], options) end def test_extract_macro_options_should_with_args_and_options options = extract_macro_options(["arg1", "arg2", "foo=bar", "size=2"], :foo, :size) assert_equal([["arg1", "arg2"], {:foo => "bar", :size => "2"}], options) end def test_extract_macro_options_should_parse_options_lazily options = extract_macro_options(["params=x=1&y=2"], :params) assert_equal([[], {:params => "x=1&y=2"}], options) end def test_macro_exception_should_be_displayed Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.macro :exception do |obj, args| raise "My message" end text = "{{exception}}" assert_include( '
Error executing the exception macro (My message)
', textilizable(text) ) end def test_macro_arguments_should_not_be_parsed_by_formatters text = '{{hello_world(http://www.redmine.org, #1)}}' assert_include 'Arguments: http://www.redmine.org, #1', textilizable(text) end def test_exclamation_mark_should_not_run_macros with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '!{{hello_world}}' assert_equal '


', textilizable(text) end end def test_exclamation_mark_should_escape_macros with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '!{{hello_world()}}' assert_equal '


', textilizable(text) end end def test_unknown_macros_should_not_be_replaced with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '{{unknown}}' assert_equal '


', textilizable(text) end end def test_unknown_macros_should_parsed_as_text with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '{{unknown(*test*)}}' assert_equal '


', textilizable(text) end end def test_unknown_macros_should_be_escaped with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '{{unknown()}}' assert_equal '


', textilizable(text) end end def test_html_safe_macro_output_should_not_be_escaped with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.macro :safe_macro do |obj, args| ''.html_safe end assert_equal '

', textilizable('{{safe_macro}}') end end def test_macro_hello_world text = "{{hello_world}}" assert textilizable(text).match(/Hello world!/) end def test_macro_hello_world_should_escape_arguments text = "{{hello_world()}}" assert_include 'Arguments: <tag>', textilizable(text) end def test_macro_macro_list text = "{{macro_list}}" assert_match %r{hello_world}, textilizable(text) end def test_macro_include @project = Project.find(1) # include a page of the current project wiki text = "{{include(Another page)}}" assert_include 'This is a link to a ticket', textilizable(text) @project = nil # include a page of a specific project wiki text = "{{include(ecookbook:Another page)}}" assert_include 'This is a link to a ticket', textilizable(text) text = "{{include(ecookbook:)}}" assert_include 'CookBook documentation', textilizable(text) text = "{{include(unknowidentifier:somepage)}}" assert_include 'Page not found', textilizable(text) end def test_macro_collapse text = "{{collapse\n*Collapsed* block of text\n}}" with_locale 'en' do with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do result = textilizable(text) assert_select_in result, 'div.collapsed-text' assert_select_in result, 'strong', :text => 'Collapsed' assert_select_in result, 'a.collapsible.icon-collapsed', :text => 'Show' assert_select_in result, 'a.collapsible.icon-expanded', :text => 'Hide' end end end def test_macro_collapse_with_one_arg text = "{{collapse(Example)\n*Collapsed* block of text\n}}" with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do result = textilizable(text) assert_select_in result, 'div.collapsed-text' assert_select_in result, 'strong', :text => 'Collapsed' assert_select_in result, 'a.collapsible.icon-collapsed', :text => 'Example' assert_select_in result, 'a.collapsible.icon-expanded', :text => 'Example' end end def test_macro_collapse_with_two_args text = "{{collapse(Show example, Hide example)\n*Collapsed* block of text\n}}" with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do result = textilizable(text) assert_select_in result, 'div.collapsed-text' assert_select_in result, 'strong', :text => 'Collapsed' assert_select_in result, 'a.collapsible.icon-collapsed', :text => 'Show example' assert_select_in result, 'a.collapsible.icon-expanded', :text => 'Hide example' end end def test_macro_collapse_should_not_break_toc set_language_if_valid 'en' text = <<~RAW {{toc}} h1. Title {{collapse(Show example, Hide example) h2. Heading }}" RAW expected_toc = '' with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_include expected_toc, textilizable(text).gsub(/[\r\n]/, '') end end def test_macro_child_pages expected = "


" @project = Project.find(1) with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do # child pages of the current wiki page assert_equal expected, textilizable('{{child_pages}}', :object => WikiPage.find(2).content) # child pages of another page assert_equal expected, textilizable('{{child_pages(Another_page)}}', :object => WikiPage.find(1).content) @project = Project.find(2) assert_equal expected, textilizable('{{child_pages(ecookbook:Another_page)}}', :object => WikiPage.find(1).content) end end def test_macro_child_pages_with_parent_option expected = "


" @project = Project.find(1) with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do # child pages of the current wiki page assert_equal expected, textilizable('{{child_pages(parent=1)}}', :object => WikiPage.find(2).content) # child pages of another page assert_equal( expected, textilizable('{{child_pages(Another_page, parent=1)}}', :object => WikiPage.find(1).content) ) @project = Project.find(2) assert_equal( expected, textilizable('{{child_pages(ecookbook:Another_page, parent=1)}}', :object => WikiPage.find(1).content) ) end end def test_macro_child_pages_with_depth_option expected = "


" @project = Project.find(1) with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal expected, textilizable("{{child_pages(depth=1)}}", :object => WikiPage.find(2).content) end end def test_macro_child_pages_without_wiki_page_should_fail assert_match /can be called from wiki pages only/, textilizable("{{child_pages}}") end def test_macro_thumbnail with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do link = link_to('testfile.PNG'.html_safe, '/attachments/17', :class => 'thumbnail', :title => 'testfile.PNG') assert_equal "


", textilizable('{{thumbnail(testfile.png)}}', :object => Issue.find(14)) end end def test_macro_thumbnail_with_full_path with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do link = link_to('testfile.PNG'.html_safe, 'http://test.host/attachments/17', :class => 'thumbnail', :title => 'testfile.PNG') assert_equal "


", textilizable('{{thumbnail(testfile.png)}}', :object => Issue.find(14), :only_path => false) end end def test_macro_thumbnail_with_size with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do link = link_to('testfile.PNG'.html_safe, '/attachments/17', :class => 'thumbnail', :title => 'testfile.PNG') assert_equal "


", textilizable('{{thumbnail(testfile.png, size=400)}}', :object => Issue.find(14)) end end def test_macro_thumbnail_with_title with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do link = link_to('testfile.PNG'.html_safe, '/attachments/17', :class => 'thumbnail', :title => 'Cool image') assert_equal "


", textilizable('{{thumbnail(testfile.png, title=Cool image)}}', :object => Issue.find(14)) end end def test_macro_thumbnail_with_invalid_filename_should_fail assert_include 'test.png not found', textilizable("{{thumbnail(test.png)}}", :object => Issue.find(14)) end def test_macros_should_not_be_executed_in_pre_tags text = <<~RAW {{hello_world(foo)}}
{{hello_world(bar)}} RAW expected = <<~EXPECTED

Hello world! Object: NilClass, Arguments: foo and no block of text.


Hello world! Object: NilClass, Arguments: bar and no block of text.

EXPECTED with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal expected.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, ''), textilizable(text).gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, '') end end def test_macros_should_be_escaped_in_pre_tags with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '
' assert_equal '
', textilizable(text) end end def test_macros_should_not_mangle_next_macros_outputs with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '{{macro(2)}} !{{macro(2)}} {{hello_world(foo)}}' assert_equal( '

{{macro(2)}} {{macro(2)}} Hello world! Object: NilClass, Arguments: foo and no block of text.

', textilizable(text) ) end end def test_macros_with_text_should_not_mangle_following_macros text = <<~RAW {{hello_world Line of text }} {{hello_world Another line of text }} RAW expected = <<~EXPECTED

Hello world! Object: NilClass, Called with no argument and a 12 bytes long block of text.

Hello world! Object: NilClass, Called with no argument and a 20 bytes long block of text.

EXPECTED assert_equal expected.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, ''), textilizable(text).gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, '') end def test_macro_should_support_phrase_modifiers with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do text = '*{{hello_world}}*' assert_match %r|\A

Hello world!.*

\z|, textilizable(text) end end def test_issue_macro_should_not_render_link_if_not_visible with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal '


', textilizable('{{issue(123)}}') end end def test_issue_macro_should_render_link_to_issue issue = Issue.find(1) with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do assert_equal( %{

Bug #1: #{issue.subject}

}, textilizable('{{issue(1)}}') ) assert_equal( %{

eCookbook - } + %{Bug #1: #{issue.subject}

}, textilizable('{{issue(1, project=true)}}') ) end end end