# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class RepositoryTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :projects, :trackers, :projects_trackers, :enabled_modules, :repositories, :issues, :issue_statuses, :issue_categories, :changesets, :changes, :users, :email_addresses, :members, :member_roles, :roles, :enumerations include Redmine::I18n def setup @repository = Project.find(1).repository end def test_blank_log_encoding_error_message set_language_if_valid 'en' repo = Repository::Bazaar.new( :project => Project.find(3), :url => "/test", :log_encoding => '' ) assert !repo.save assert_include "Commit messages encoding cannot be blank", repo.errors.full_messages end def test_blank_log_encoding_error_message_fr set_language_if_valid 'fr' str = "Encodage des messages de commit doit \xc3\xaatre renseign\xc3\xa9(e)".force_encoding('UTF-8') repo = Repository::Bazaar.new( :project => Project.find(3), :url => "/test" ) assert !repo.save assert_include str, repo.errors.full_messages end def test_create repository = Repository::Subversion.new(:project => Project.find(3)) assert !repository.save repository.url = "svn://localhost" assert repository.save repository.reload project = Project.find(3) assert_equal repository, project.repository end def test_2_repositories_with_same_identifier_in_different_projects_should_be_valid Repository::Subversion.create!(:project_id => 2, :identifier => 'foo', :url => 'file:///foo') r = Repository::Subversion.new(:project_id => 3, :identifier => 'foo', :url => 'file:///bar') assert r.save end def test_2_repositories_with_same_identifier_should_not_be_valid Repository::Subversion.create!(:project_id => 3, :identifier => 'foo', :url => 'file:///foo') r = Repository::Subversion.new(:project_id => 3, :identifier => 'foo', :url => 'file:///bar') assert !r.save end def test_2_repositories_with_blank_identifier_should_not_be_valid Repository::Subversion.create!(:project_id => 3, :identifier => '', :url => 'file:///foo') r = Repository::Subversion.new(:project_id => 3, :identifier => '', :url => 'file:///bar') assert !r.save end def test_2_repositories_with_blank_identifier_and_one_as_default_should_not_be_valid Repository::Subversion.create!(:project_id => 3, :identifier => '', :url => 'file:///foo', :is_default => true) r = Repository::Subversion.new(:project_id => 3, :identifier => '', :url => 'file:///bar') assert !r.save end def test_2_repositories_with_blank_and_nil_identifier_should_not_be_valid Repository::Subversion.create!(:project_id => 3, :identifier => nil, :url => 'file:///foo') r = Repository::Subversion.new(:project_id => 3, :identifier => '', :url => 'file:///bar') assert !r.save end def test_first_repository_should_be_set_as_default repository1 = Repository::Subversion.new( :project => Project.find(3), :identifier => 'svn1', :url => 'file:///svn1' ) assert repository1.save assert repository1.is_default? repository2 = Repository::Subversion.new( :project => Project.find(3), :identifier => 'svn2', :url => 'file:///svn2' ) assert repository2.save assert !repository2.is_default? assert_equal repository1, Project.find(3).repository assert_equal [repository1, repository2], Project.find(3).repositories.sort end def test_default_repository_should_be_one assert_equal 0, Project.find(3).repositories.count repository1 = Repository::Subversion.new( :project => Project.find(3), :identifier => 'svn1', :url => 'file:///svn1' ) assert repository1.save assert repository1.is_default? repository2 = Repository::Subversion.new( :project => Project.find(3), :identifier => 'svn2', :url => 'file:///svn2', :is_default => true ) assert repository2.save assert repository2.is_default? repository1.reload assert !repository1.is_default? assert_equal repository2, Project.find(3).repository assert_equal [repository2, repository1], Project.find(3).repositories.sort end def test_identifier_should_accept_letters_digits_dashes_and_underscores r = Repository::Subversion.new( :project_id => 3, :identifier => 'svn-123_45', :url => 'file:///svn' ) assert r.save end def test_identifier_should_not_be_frozen_for_a_new_repository assert_equal false, Repository.new.identifier_frozen? end def test_identifier_should_not_be_frozen_for_a_saved_repository_with_blank_identifier Repository.where(:id => 10).update_all(["identifier = ''"]) assert_equal false, Repository.find(10).identifier_frozen? end def test_identifier_should_be_frozen_for_a_saved_repository_with_valid_identifier Repository.where(:id => 10).update_all(["identifier = 'abc123'"]) assert_equal true, Repository.find(10).identifier_frozen? end def test_identifier_should_not_accept_change_if_frozen r = Repository.new(:identifier => 'foo') r.stubs(:identifier_frozen?).returns(true) r.identifier = 'bar' assert_equal 'foo', r.identifier end def test_identifier_should_accept_change_if_not_frozen r = Repository.new(:identifier => 'foo') r.stubs(:identifier_frozen?).returns(false) r.identifier = 'bar' assert_equal 'bar', r.identifier end def test_destroy repository = Repository.find(10) changesets = repository.changesets.count changes = repository.filechanges.count assert_difference 'Changeset.count', -changesets do assert_difference 'Change.count', -changes do Repository.find(10).destroy end end end def test_destroy_should_delete_parents_associations changeset = Changeset.find(102) changeset.parents = Changeset.where(:id => [100, 101]).to_a assert_difference 'Changeset.connection.select_all("select * from changeset_parents").count', -2 do Repository.find(10).destroy end end def test_destroy_should_delete_issues_associations changeset = Changeset.find(102) changeset.issues = Issue.where(:id => [1, 2]).to_a assert_difference 'Changeset.connection.select_all("select * from changesets_issues").count', -2 do Repository.find(10).destroy end end def test_should_not_create_with_disabled_scm # disable Subversion with_settings :enabled_scm => ['Mercurial', 'Git'] do repository = Repository::Subversion.new( :project => Project.find(3), :url => "svn://localhost") assert !repository.save assert_include I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.invalid'), repository.errors[:type] end end def test_scan_changesets_for_issue_ids Setting.default_language = 'en' Setting.commit_ref_keywords = 'refs , references, IssueID' Setting.commit_update_keywords = [ {'keywords' => 'fixes , closes', 'status_id' => IssueStatus.where(:is_closed => true).first.id, 'done_ratio' => '90'} ] Setting.default_language = 'en' ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear # make sure issue 1 is not already closed fixed_issue = Issue.find(1) assert !fixed_issue.closed? old_status = fixed_issue.status with_settings :notified_events => %w(issue_added issue_updated) do Repository.scan_changesets_for_issue_ids end assert_equal [101, 102], Issue.find(3).changeset_ids # fixed issues fixed_issue.reload assert fixed_issue.closed? assert_equal 90, fixed_issue.done_ratio assert_equal [101], fixed_issue.changeset_ids # issue change journal = fixed_issue.journals.reorder('created_on desc').first assert_equal User.find_by_login('dlopper'), journal.user assert_equal 'Applied in changeset r2.', journal.notes # 5 email notifications, 2 for #1, 3 for #2 assert_equal 5, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first(2).each do |mail| assert_not_nil mail assert mail.subject.starts_with?( "[#{fixed_issue.project.name} - #{fixed_issue.tracker.name} ##{fixed_issue.id}]") assert_mail_body_match( "Status changed from #{old_status} to #{fixed_issue.status}", mail) end # ignoring commits referencing an issue of another project assert_equal [], Issue.find(4).changesets end def test_for_changeset_comments_strip repository = Repository::Mercurial.create( :project => Project.find(4), :url => '/foo/bar/baz' ) long_whitespace = " " expected_comment = "This is a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment" comment = "#{expected_comment}#{long_whitespace}\n" 3.times {comment << "#{long_whitespace}\n"} changeset = Changeset.new( :comments => comment, :commit_date => Time.now, :revision => 0, :scmid => 'f39b7922fb3c', :committer => 'foo ', :committed_on => Time.now, :repository => repository) assert(changeset.save) assert_not_equal comment, changeset.comments assert_equal expected_comment, changeset.comments assert_equal expected_comment, changeset.short_comments assert_equal "", changeset.long_comments end def test_for_urls_strip_cvs repository = Repository::Cvs.create( :project => Project.find(4), :url => ' :pserver:login:password@host:/path/to/the/repository', :root_url => 'foo ', :log_encoding => 'UTF-8') assert repository.save repository.reload assert_equal ':pserver:login:password@host:/path/to/the/repository', repository.url assert_equal 'foo', repository.root_url end def test_for_urls_strip_subversion repository = Repository::Subversion.create( :project => Project.find(4), :url => ' file:///dummy ') assert repository.save repository.reload assert_equal 'file:///dummy', repository.url end def test_for_urls_strip_git repository = Repository::Git.create( :project => Project.find(4), :url => ' c:\dummy ') assert repository.save repository.reload assert_equal 'c:\dummy', repository.url end def test_manual_user_mapping assert_no_difference "Changeset.where('user_id <> 2').count" do c = Changeset.create!( :repository => @repository, :committer => 'foo', :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => 100, :comments => 'Committed by foo.' ) assert_nil c.user @repository.committer_ids = {'foo' => '2'} assert_equal User.find(2), c.reload.user # committer is now mapped c = Changeset.create!( :repository => @repository, :committer => 'foo', :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => 101, :comments => 'Another commit by foo.' ) assert_equal User.find(2), c.user end end def test_auto_user_mapping_by_username c = Changeset.create!( :repository => @repository, :committer => 'jsmith', :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => 100, :comments => 'Committed by john.' ) assert_equal User.find(2), c.user end def test_auto_user_mapping_by_email c = Changeset.create!( :repository => @repository, :committer => 'john ', :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => 100, :comments => 'Committed by john.' ) assert_equal User.find(2), c.user end def test_filesystem_avaialbe klass = Repository::Filesystem assert klass.scm_adapter_class assert_equal true, klass.scm_available end def test_extra_info_should_not_return_non_hash_value repo = Repository.new repo.extra_info = "foo" assert_nil repo.extra_info end def test_merge_extra_info repo = Repository::Subversion.new(:project => Project.find(3)) assert !repo.save repo.url = "svn://localhost" assert repo.save repo.reload project = Project.find(3) assert_equal repo, project.repository assert_nil repo.extra_info h1 = {"test_1" => {"test_11" => "test_value_11"}} repo.merge_extra_info(h1) assert_equal h1, repo.extra_info h2 = {"test_2" => { "test_21" => "test_value_21", "test_22" => "test_value_22", }} repo.merge_extra_info(h2) assert_equal (h = {"test_11" => "test_value_11"}), repo.extra_info["test_1"] assert_equal "test_value_21", repo.extra_info["test_2"]["test_21"] h3 = {"test_2" => { "test_23" => "test_value_23", "test_24" => "test_value_24", }} repo.merge_extra_info(h3) assert_equal (h = {"test_11" => "test_value_11"}), repo.extra_info["test_1"] assert_nil repo.extra_info["test_2"]["test_21"] assert_equal "test_value_23", repo.extra_info["test_2"]["test_23"] end def test_sort_should_not_raise_an_error_with_nil_identifiers r1 = Repository.new r2 = Repository.new assert_nothing_raised do [r1, r2].sort end end def test_stats_by_author_reflect_changesets_and_changes repository = Repository.find(10) expected = {"Dave Lopper"=>{:commits_count=>10, :changes_count=>3}} assert_equal expected, repository.stats_by_author set = Changeset.create!( :repository => repository, :committer => 'dlopper', :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => 101, :comments => 'Another commit by foo.' ) Change.create!(:changeset => set, :action => 'A', :path => '/path/to/file1') Change.create!(:changeset => set, :action => 'A', :path => '/path/to/file2') expected = {"Dave Lopper"=>{:commits_count=>11, :changes_count=>5}} assert_equal expected, repository.stats_by_author end def test_stats_by_author_honnor_committers # in fact it is really tested above, but let's have a dedicated test # to ensure things are dynamically linked to Users User.find_by_login("dlopper").update_attribute(:firstname, "Dave's") repository = Repository.find(10) expected = {"Dave's Lopper"=>{:commits_count=>10, :changes_count=>3}} assert_equal expected, repository.stats_by_author end def test_stats_by_author_doesnt_drop_unmapped_users repository = Repository.find(10) Changeset.create!( :repository => repository, :committer => 'unnamed ', :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => 101, :comments => 'Another commit by foo.' ) assert repository.stats_by_author.has_key?("unnamed ") end def test_stats_by_author_merge_correctly # as we honnor users->committer map and it's not injective, # we must be sure merges happen correctly and stats are not # wiped out when two source counts map to the same user. # # Here we have Changeset's with committer="dlopper" and others # with committer="dlopper " repository = Repository.find(10) expected = {"Dave Lopper"=>{:commits_count=>10, :changes_count=>3}} assert_equal expected, repository.stats_by_author set = Changeset.create!( :repository => repository, :committer => 'dlopper ', :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => 101, :comments => 'Another commit by foo.' ) expected = {"Dave Lopper"=>{:commits_count=>11, :changes_count=>3}} assert_equal expected, repository.stats_by_author end def test_fetch_changesets # 2 repositories in fixtures Repository::Subversion.any_instance.expects(:fetch_changesets).twice.returns(true) Repository.fetch_changesets end def test_repository_class assert_equal Repository::Subversion, Repository.repository_class('Subversion') assert_equal Repository::Git, Repository.repository_class('Git') assert_nil Repository.factory('Serializer') assert_nil Repository.factory('Query') end def test_factory assert_instance_of Repository::Subversion, Repository.factory('Subversion') assert_instance_of Repository::Git, Repository.factory('Git') assert_nil Repository.factory('Serializer') assert_nil Repository.factory('Query') end end