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// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See for details.

package elastic

import (


// OpenPointInTimeService opens a point in time that can be used in subsequent
// searches.
// See
// for details.
type OpenPointInTimeService struct {
	client *Client

	pretty     *bool       // pretty format the returned JSON response
	human      *bool       // return human readable values for statistics
	errorTrace *bool       // include the stack trace of returned errors
	filterPath []string    // list of filters used to reduce the response
	headers    http.Header // custom request-level HTTP headers

	index             []string
	preference        string
	routing           string
	ignoreUnavailable *bool
	expandWildcards   string
	keepAlive         string
	bodyJson          interface{}
	bodyString        string

// NewOpenPointInTimeService creates a new OpenPointInTimeService.
func NewOpenPointInTimeService(client *Client) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	return &OpenPointInTimeService{
		client: client,

// Pretty tells Elasticsearch whether to return a formatted JSON response.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Pretty(pretty bool) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.pretty = &pretty
	return s

// Human specifies whether human readable values should be returned in
// the JSON response, e.g. "7.5mb".
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Human(human bool) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.human = &human
	return s

// ErrorTrace specifies whether to include the stack trace of returned errors.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) ErrorTrace(errorTrace bool) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.errorTrace = &errorTrace
	return s

// FilterPath specifies a list of filters used to reduce the response.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) FilterPath(filterPath ...string) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.filterPath = filterPath
	return s

// Header adds a header to the request.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Header(name string, value string) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	if s.headers == nil {
		s.headers = http.Header{}
	s.headers.Add(name, value)
	return s

// Headers specifies the headers of the request.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Headers(headers http.Header) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.headers = headers
	return s

// Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Preference(preference string) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.preference = preference
	return s

// Index is the name of the index (or indices).
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Index(index ...string) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.index = index
	return s

// Routing is a specific routing value.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Routing(routing string) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.routing = routing
	return s

// IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be
// ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.ignoreUnavailable = &ignoreUnavailable
	return s

// ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to
// concrete indices that are open, closed or both.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.expandWildcards = expandWildcards
	return s

// KeepAlive indicates the specific time to live for the point in time.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) KeepAlive(keepAlive string) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.keepAlive = keepAlive
	return s

// BodyJson is the document as a serializable JSON interface.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.bodyJson = body
	return s

// BodyString is the document encoded as a string.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) BodyString(body string) *OpenPointInTimeService {
	s.bodyString = body
	return s

// buildURL builds the URL for the operation.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) buildURL() (string, string, url.Values, error) {
	var err error
	var method, path string

	if len(s.index) > 0 {
		method = "POST"
		path, err = uritemplates.Expand("/{index}/_pit", map[string]string{
			"index": strings.Join(s.index, ","),
	} else {
		method = "POST"
		path = "/_pit"
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", url.Values{}, err

	// Add query string parameters
	params := url.Values{}
	if v := s.pretty; v != nil {
		params.Set("pretty", fmt.Sprint(*v))
	if v := s.human; v != nil {
		params.Set("human", fmt.Sprint(*v))
	if v := s.errorTrace; v != nil {
		params.Set("error_trace", fmt.Sprint(*v))
	if len(s.filterPath) > 0 {
		params.Set("filter_path", strings.Join(s.filterPath, ","))
	if s.preference != "" {
		params.Set("preference", s.preference)
	if s.routing != "" {
		params.Set("routing", s.routing)
	if s.ignoreUnavailable != nil {
		params.Set("ignore_unavailable", fmt.Sprintf("%v", *s.ignoreUnavailable))
	if s.expandWildcards != "" {
		params.Set("expand_wildcards", s.expandWildcards)
	if s.keepAlive != "" {
		params.Set("keep_alive", s.keepAlive)
	return method, path, params, nil

// Validate checks if the operation is valid.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Validate() error {
	var invalid []string
	if len(s.index) == 0 {
		invalid = append(invalid, "Index")
	if s.keepAlive == "" {
		invalid = append(invalid, "KeepAlive")
	if len(invalid) > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("missing required fields: %v", invalid)
	return nil

// Do executes the operation.
func (s *OpenPointInTimeService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*OpenPointInTimeResponse, error) {
	// Check pre-conditions
	if err := s.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Get URL for request
	method, path, params, err := s.buildURL()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Setup HTTP request body
	var body interface{}
	if s.bodyJson != nil {
		body = s.bodyJson
	} else {
		body = s.bodyString

	// Get HTTP response
	res, err := s.client.PerformRequest(ctx, PerformRequestOptions{
		Method:  method,
		Path:    path,
		Params:  params,
		Body:    body,
		Headers: s.headers,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Return operation response
	ret := new(OpenPointInTimeResponse)
	if err := s.client.decoder.Decode(res.Body, ret); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return ret, nil

// OpenPointInTimeResponse is the result of opening a point in time.
type OpenPointInTimeResponse struct {
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`