path: root/.circleci
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2021-03-28 22:43:21 +0100
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2021-03-28 22:43:21 +0100
commit90226f812c87dc598403dc5385d5736879c2ad6a (patch)
tree5ffba3de9d4b2d385a813b20301d7e555207ec1c /.circleci
parentff07415a3b827737a6be30d3d36ef123363556e1 (diff)
[Minor] Remove obsoleted files
Diffstat (limited to '.circleci')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1be12ac86..000000000
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- - &defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/ruby:latest
- - &workspace_root
- ~/
- - &capture_coverage_data
- run:
- name: Capturing coverage data
- command: |
- set -e
- sudo apt-get install -qq python-pip
- sudo pip install cpp-coveralls
- # further, these files will be saved in cache and used in "send-coverage" step
- # see "merge_and_upload_coverage_data" and "save_cache" records
- coveralls --dump coverage.${CIRCLE_JOB}.dump
- - &merge_and_upload_coverage_data
- run:
- name: Merging and uploading coverage data
- command: |
- set -e
- if [ -f ~/project/coverage.rspamd-test.dump ] && [ -f ~/project/coverage.functional.dump ]; then
- sudo apt-get install -qq python-pip python-dev
- sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools
- sudo pip install --upgrade pyOpenSSL
- sudo pip install cpp-coveralls requests cryptography
- cd ~/project
- if [ ! -z $COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN ]; then
- # Merge Lua coverage (collected into lua_coverage_report.json) and with C-coverage
- # (in coverage.rspamd-test.dump, coverage.functional.dump, see &capture_coverage_data)
- # and finally upload it into
- test/tools/ --input coverage.functional.dump coverage.rspamd-test.dump lua_coverage_report.json unit_test_lua.json --output out.josn --token=${COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN}
- fi
- fi
-version: 2
- build:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - checkout
- - run: sudo apt-get update -qq || true
- - run: sudo apt-get install -qq cmake libevent-dev libglib2.0-dev libicu-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libmagic-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev ragel libunwind-dev libunwind8
- - run: mkdir ../build ; mkdir ../install ; cd ../build
- # this weird peice is needed to properly collect coverage
- # rspamd works under "nobody" user and will not be able to dump
- # the coverage if directories have restrictive permissions
- - run: umask 0000
- - run: make install -j`nproc`
- - persist_to_workspace:
- root: *workspace_root
- paths:
- - project
- - build
- - install
- rspamd-test:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: *workspace_root
- - run: sudo apt-get update -qq || true
- - run: sudo apt-get install -qq cmake libevent-dev libglib2.0-dev libicu-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libmagic-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev ragel libunwind-dev libunwind8 luarocks
- - run: sudo luarocks install luacheck
- - run: sudo luarocks install luacov
- - run: sudo luarocks install luacov-coveralls
- - run: cd ../build
- - run: make rspamd-test -j`nproc`
- - run: set +e; test/rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua; echo "export RETURN_CODE=$?" >> $BASH_ENV
- - run: luacov-coveralls -o unit_test_lua.json --dryrun
- - *capture_coverage_data
- # Share coverage data between jobs
- - save_cache:
- key: coverage-rspamd-test-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID }}
- paths:
- - coverage.rspamd-test.dump
- - unit_test_lua.json
- - run: (exit $RETURN_CODE)
- functional:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: *workspace_root
- - run: echo 'deb main/' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clickhouse.list
- - run: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E0C56BD4 # optional, clickhouse key
- - run: sudo apt-get update -qq || true
- - run: sudo apt-get install -qq libluajit-5.1-dev libpcre3-dev luarocks opendkim-tools python-pip redis-server libunwind8 libglib2.0-dev libicu-dev libevent-dev python-dev
- - run: sudo apt-get install clickhouse-server
- - run: sudo pip install demjson psutil robotframework requests http
- - run: sudo luarocks install luacheck
- - run: sudo luarocks install luacov
- - run: sudo luarocks install luacov-coveralls
- - run: cd ../build
- # see coverage notice in "build" stage
- - run: set +e; RSPAMD_INSTALLROOT=../install sudo -E bash -c "umask 0000; robot -x xunit.xml --exclude isbroken ../project/test/functional/cases"; echo "export RETURN_CODE=$?" >> $BASH_ENV
- # luacov-coveralls reads luacov.stats.out generated by functional tests
- # (see collect_lua_coverage() in test/functional/lib/
- # and writes json report for
- - run: luacov-coveralls -o lua_coverage_report.json --dryrun
- - *capture_coverage_data
- # Share coverage data between jobs
- - save_cache:
- key: coverage-functional-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID }}
- paths:
- - coverage.functional.dump
- - lua_coverage_report.json
- - store_artifacts:
- path: output.xml
- - store_artifacts:
- path: log.html
- - store_artifacts:
- path: report.html
- - run: mkdir -p test-results; mv xunit.xml test-results
- - store_test_results:
- path: test-results
- - run: (exit $RETURN_CODE)
- eslint:
- docker:
- - image: circleci/node:latest
- steps:
- - checkout
- - restore_cache:
- keys:
- - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}
- # fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found
- - v1-dependencies-
- - run: npm install
- - save_cache:
- paths:
- - node_modules
- key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}
- - run: ./node_modules/.bin/eslint -v && ./node_modules/.bin/eslint ./
- tidy:
- docker:
- - image: buildpack-deps:latest
- steps:
- - run:
- name: Exporting env vars
- command: |
- cat >> $BASH_ENV <<EOF
- export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/perl5/bin
- export PERL_CPANM_OPT=--local-lib=$HOME/perl5
- export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB
- - checkout
- - restore_cache:
- key: v0-tidyall_dependencies
- - run:
- name: Installing cpanm
- command: 'curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus'
- - run:
- name: Installing CPAN dependencies
- command: |
- cpanm --quiet --notest \
- Code::TidyAll \
- Code::TidyAll::Plugin::Test::Vars \
- Perl::Critic \
- Perl::Tidy \
- Pod::Tidy
- - save_cache:
- key: v0-tidyall_dependencies
- paths:
- - ~/perl5
- - run: tidyall -a --check-only
- send-coverage:
- <<: *defaults
- steps:
- - attach_workspace:
- at: *workspace_root
- - restore_cache:
- key: coverage-rspamd-test-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID }}
- - restore_cache:
- key: coverage-functional-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID }}
- - *merge_and_upload_coverage_data
- - store_artifacts:
- path: out.josn
- webhooks:
- - url:{{ .Environment.COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN }}
- version: 2
- build-and-test:
- jobs:
- - build
- - eslint
- - tidy
- - rspamd-test:
- requires:
- - build
- - functional:
- requires:
- - build
- - send-coverage:
- requires:
- - rspamd-test
- - functional