diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2016-07-25 14:40:54 +0100
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2016-07-25 14:40:54 +0100
commit2842a5ffb17b485d4703018de6efb7f52b1ba990 (patch)
parent35bebde01fe935e5e595bde5ed4219cc3c8486fb (diff)
Release Signed-off-by: Vsevolod Stakhov <>
1 files changed, 539 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c8a4d1765..b1031aab6 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,542 @@
+ * [CritFix] Fix SA rawbody processing - exclude top part
+ * [CritFix] Fix decoding of UTF HTML entitles
+ * [CritFix] Fix encrypted fuzzy requests
+ * [CritFix] Fix leak of shared memory fds and files
+ * [CritFix] Fix levenshtein distance calculations
+ * [CritFix] Fix mime headers processing
+ * [CritFix] Fix parsing of URLs in texts
+ * [CritFix] Fix parsing of missing classes
+ * [CritFix] Fix redis structure by adding {NULL, NULL} member
+ * [CritFix] Fix some more URL detector issues
+ * [CritFix] Fix systemd sockets activation
+ * [CritFix] Fix unencrypted passwords processing in the controller
+ * [CritFix] Fix writing CDPs to the database
+ * [CritFix] Fix writing of encrypted HTTP requests
+ * [CritFix] Plug memory leak in dkim module
+ * [CritFix] Plug memory leak in headers getting code
+ * [CritFix] Pre-filters and post-filters were completely broken
+ * [CritFix] Properly support SA body regexps
+ * [CritFix] Really skip filters in case of pre-result set
+ * [CritFix] Restore the intended pre-filters behaviour
+ * [Rework] Adopt new maps code
+ * [Rework] Compile ragel sources when building rspamd
+ * [Rework] Finish rework for the rest of places that use HTTP
+ * [Rework] Fix DKIM headers canonicalization
+ * [Rework] Fix lua maps API
+ * [Rework] Import linenoise for line editing
+ * [Rework] Include config structure to all rcl handlers
+ * [Rework] Make chartable module useful
+ * [Rework] Move http internal structures to a private header
+ * [Rework] Partly fix controller
+ * [Rework] Remove dedicated images list
+ * [Rework] Rename http proxy to rspamd proxy
+ * [Rework] Rename mime parts structures
+ * [Rework] Rework HTTP code
+ * [Rework] Rework exceptions and newlines processing
+ * [Rework] Rework pre and postfilters system
+ * [Rework] Separate method to close backend connections
+ * [Rework] Start the complete maps rework
+ * [Rework] Use dynamically generated ragel C sources
+ * [Feature] Add 'blacklist' and 'strict' modes for whitelists
+ * [Feature] Add 'symbols_enabled' and 'groups_enabled' to settings
+ * [Feature] Add ESMTPSA received type
+ * [Feature] Add a simple script to evaluate rspamd rules in the logs
+ * [Feature] Add a simple tool to generate DKIM keys
+ * [Feature] Add a trivial heuristic for codepages
+ * [Feature] Add and use mumhash for non-crypto hashing
+ * [Feature] Add better method to check lua userdata types
+ * [Feature] Add better zip files search algorithm
+ * [Feature] Add catena PBKDF function
+ * [Feature] Add configuration knobs for in and out parser scripts
+ * [Feature] Add content filtering support to multimap
+ * [Feature] Add different timeouts for proxy connections
+ * [Feature] Add dot commands for lua REPL:
+ * [Feature] Add execution of lua global functions script
+ * [Feature] Add function for pretty printing of inet addresses
+ * [Feature] Add function to convert fstring_t to c string
+ * [Feature] Add function to create temporary shared memory mapping
+ * [Feature] Add function to generate random hex string
+ * [Feature] Add generic fucnction to parse IP maps
+ * [Feature] Add initial version of HTTP lua repl
+ * [Feature] Add learn condition to the default configuration
+ * [Feature] Add learn conditions for classifiers
+ * [Feature] Add limit for dkim signatures to be checked
+ * [Feature] Add locking routines for lua_util
+ * [Feature] Add lua API for getting info from archives
+ * [Feature] Add lua utility to decode URL encoding
+ * [Feature] Add method to copy message from http connection
+ * [Feature] Add mirrors feature
+ * [Feature] Add more algorithms for shingles generation
+ * [Feature] Add more domains to redirectors list
+ * [Feature] Add more encodingsto cryptobox hash API
+ * [Feature] Add more file utilities to lua_util
+ * [Feature] Add more functions to extract data from text parts
+ * [Feature] Add more methods to get headers from a task
+ * [Feature] Add more methods to init http message body
+ * [Feature] Add more options for redis config parsing function
+ * [Feature] Add new representation of email address
+ * [Feature] Add new symbols to filter bad extensions in messages
+ * [Feature] Add new utility methods to mimepart object
+ * [Feature] Add openphish support to rspamd phishing module
+ * [Feature] Add parsers for SMTP address in ragel
+ * [Feature] Add parsing of mirror hosts for fuzzy storage
+ * [Feature] Add parsing scripts for master connection as well
+ * [Feature] Add preliminary greylist plugin
+ * [Feature] Add preliminary phishtank support
+ * [Feature] Add preliminary rarv5 support
+ * [Feature] Add preliminary version of ssl toolbox
+ * [Feature] Add protection against open files limit and accepting sockets
+ * [Feature] Add rar v4 support
+ * [Feature] Add reading scripts for master connection
+ * [Feature] Add replies plugin
+ * [Feature] Add results parsing code
+ * [Feature] Add routines to compare and check pubkeys
+ * [Feature] Add simplier versions of refcounts
+ * [Feature] Add some time manipulation functions for lua APi
+ * [Feature] Add support for non-standard BATV signatures
+ * [Feature] Add support of address with at-domain list
+ * [Feature] Add support to search archives by magic
+ * [Feature] Add task:get_rawbody method
+ * [Feature] Add test to check shared memory support sanity
+ * [Feature] Add the initial version of LUA repl to rspamadm
+ * [Feature] Add throughput graph for RRD backend to WebUI
+ * [Feature] Add universal function to make a proper redis request
+ * [Feature] Add universal function to parse redis servers for plugins
+ * [Feature] Add util.unlink function
+ * [Feature] Add utility function to return random number from 0 to 1
+ * [Feature] Add utility method to convert ftok to C string
+ * [Feature] Add utility to map shared memory segments
+ * [Feature] Add versions to fuzzy storage
+ * [Feature] Add workaround for legacy clients in rspamd proxy
+ * [Feature] Add workaround for systems without sane shmem support
+ * [Feature] Add xoroshiro+ fast rng for non-crypto purposes
+ * [Feature] Adopt plugins for new maps API
+ * [Feature] Allow SPF to be checked for empty tasks
+ * [Feature] Allow binary patterns in lua_trie
+ * [Feature] Allow catena encrypted passwords in controller
+ * [Feature] Allow client ip match in the settings
+ * [Feature] Allow easy adding and overriding of fuzzy rules
+ * [Feature] Allow empty tasks to be processed
+ * [Feature] Allow hostnames in IP maps
+ * [Feature] Allow https maps
+ * [Feature] Allow multiple PBKDF types in `rspamadm pw`
+ * [Feature] Allow named fuzzy rules
+ * [Feature] Allow non zero terminated patterns in multipattern
+ * [Feature] Allow partial hash updates
+ * [Feature] Allow pipelining for redis.make_request
+ * [Feature] Allow sending empty requests using client
+ * [Feature] Allow setting fuzzy flag by symbol not by value
+ * [Feature] Allow setting scores and actions from lua
+ * [Feature] Allow shared memory simple http client
+ * [Feature] Allow static lua files in any parts of rspamd sources
+ * [Feature] Allow to change flag from fuzzy learn condition
+ * [Feature] Allow to check rspamd_text using maps
+ * [Feature] Allow to disable composite rules from settings
+ * [Feature] Allow to disable some modules from common redis setup
+ * [Feature] Allow to extract ucl_object from lua using common API
+ * [Feature] Allow to get settings and settings id hash from lua_task
+ * [Feature] Allow to have specific settings for mirrored traffic
+ * [Feature] Allow to open message from a shared memory segment
+ * [Feature] Allow to parse pubkeys from the rcl config
+ * [Feature] Allow to pass extradata from rspamd to rmilter
+ * [Feature] Allow to query storage about number of fuzzy hashes stored
+ * [Feature] Allow to read logs without symbols scores
+ * [Feature] Allow to read password from console for rspamc
+ * [Feature] Allow to set ciphers and CA paths in config
+ * [Feature] Allow to skip some initialization phases to speed up rspamadm
+ * [Feature] Allow underscore separated names in settings
+ * [Feature] Allow versioning for sqlite databases
+ * [Feature] Always allow to terminate rspamd
+ * [Feature] Better deal with backend errors
+ * [Feature] Better lua_redis logging
+ * [Feature] Configure CA path and ciphers
+ * [Feature] Create a dedicated parser to strip newlines
+ * [Feature] Deduplicate the same urls in multimap module
+ * [Feature] Distinguish luajit from lua
+ * [Feature] Do not print garbadge in --compact output
+ * [Feature] Dynamically detect if a CPU is incompatible with hyperscan
+ * [Feature] Enable forced resolving for some lua plugins
+ * [Feature] Enable rrd by default
+ * [Feature] Enable workaround for exim
+ * [Feature] Fix task functions to work without rspamd_config
+ * [Feature] Further improvements to chartable module
+ * [Feature] Further micro-optimizations for hashing and shingles
+ * [Feature] Further relax parser
+ * [Feature] Humanize numbers in stats widgets
+ * [Feature] Implement HTTPS client
+ * [Feature] Implement SSL support in http client
+ * [Feature] Implement body rules for the trie plugin
+ * [Feature] Implement braced regexp quantifiers
+ * [Feature] Implement compare scripts for mirrors results
+ * [Feature] Implement compare scripts setup
+ * [Feature] Implement composites policies
+ * [Feature] Implement conditional learning for classifiers
+ * [Feature] Implement constructing of map from UCL
+ * [Feature] Implement dkim signing in dkim check plugin
+ * [Feature] Implement fuzzy storage updates
+ * [Feature] Implement fuzzy updates push protocol
+ * [Feature] Implement https maps
+ * [Feature] Implement inter-process maps caching
+ * [Feature] Implement mapping of remote flags to local flags
+ * [Feature] Implement mirroring in rspamd proxy
+ * [Feature] Implement multi-flags fuzzy replies
+ * [Feature] Implement multiple-sources fuzzy storage
+ * [Feature] Implement order of pre/post filters
+ * [Feature] Implement partial deleting for multi-flags
+ * [Feature] Implement pipelining for redis async interface
+ * [Feature] Implement ragel parser for received headers
+ * [Feature] Implement reading of messages to shared memory
+ * [Feature] Implement refcount for messages
+ * [Feature] Implement retransmits for master connection
+ * [Feature] Implement zero-copy mode for HTTP reading
+ * [Feature] Improve SPF domain detection logic
+ * [Feature] Improve config:register_symbol function
+ * [Feature] Improve error report for type missmatch in lua
+ * [Feature] Improve fstrings API
+ * [Feature] Improve getting SMTP data from lua_task
+ * [Feature] Improve levenshtein distance function
+ * [Feature] Improve logging in proxy and add refcounts
+ * [Feature] Improve logging lua types
+ * [Feature] Improve master/slave logging
+ * [Feature] Improve phishing plugin
+ * [Feature] Improve phishtank and openphish support
+ * [Feature] Improve ragel build target
+ * [Feature] Improve statistics script
+ * [Feature] Initialize ssl library to use SSL connections
+ * [Feature] Interpolate points sent to webui
+ * [Feature] Limit logging of elements that could have too many items
+ * [Feature] Lock ANN file when loading
+ * [Feature] New abstract hashing API in cryptobox
+ * [Feature] Normalize quoted addresses
+ * [Feature] Now cryptobox lua API accepts rspamd text as input
+ * [Feature] Optimize alignment to speed up hashing
+ * [Feature] Parse received date and ESMTPA proto
+ * [Feature] Parse received timestamp
+ * [Feature] Pass settings id to log helper
+ * [Feature] Pass settings id to lua script from log helper
+ * [Feature] Perform files expansion on proxying
+ * [Feature] Preliminary implementation of fuzzy master/slave updates
+ * [Feature] Print userdata using tostring if possible
+ * [Feature] Propagate HTTP result string when using proxy
+ * [Feature] Properly implement unweighted round-robin algorithm
+ * [Feature] Reduce number of timers queries
+ * [Feature] Rework and improve fuzzy storage
+ * [Feature] Rework dns resolving API for lua, add 'forced' option
+ * [Feature] Rework fann module to understand settings
+ * [Feature] Rework listening system to allow multiple socket types per worker
+ * [Feature] Rework ratelimit module to set expiration
+ * [Feature] Save bayes probability in memory pool var
+ * [Feature] Save settings id hash for convenience
+ * [Feature] Search for SSL_set_tlsext_host_name support
+ * [Feature] Send DKIM signature to protocol reply
+ * [Feature] Show DKIM signature in rspamc client
+ * [Feature] Show symbols description in scan output
+ * [Feature] Sign message merely after DKIM check
+ * [Feature] Simplify machines by assuming that headers are unfolded
+ * [Feature] Sort symbols when displaying them in log
+ * [Feature] Split main connection from mirrored connections
+ * [Feature] Start moving to the new email address structure
+ * [Feature] Store HTTP headers in a hash table
+ * [Feature] Store more information about compressed files
+ * [Feature] Store raw headers value to use them in DKIM
+ * [Feature] Store text parts content with newlines stripped
+ * [Feature] Support DKIM signing
+ * [Feature] Support EXIF jpeg images
+ * [Feature] Support archive files list extraction
+ * [Feature] Support archives when matching patterns in multimap
+ * [Feature] Support premium/academic feed for openphish
+ * [Feature] Support rspamd_updates via https
+ * [Feature] Supprort FQDNs in phishing module maps
+ * [Feature] Try to read on fuzzy timeout to avoid fake timeouts
+ * [Feature] Try to select the optimal possible function for input
+ * [Feature] Unescape and unquote smtp addresses
+ * [Feature] Update fuzzy timestamp when adding value
+ * [Feature] Update mumhash
+ * [Feature] Use -flto if possible when optimizations are enabled
+ * [Feature] Use extended map types in lua map, unify code
+ * [Feature] Use file lock in logger to avoid deadlocks
+ * [Feature] Use generic global string split function
+ * [Feature] Use metrohash as well
+ * [Feature] Use mumhash by default for incremental hashing
+ * [Feature] Use mumhash for words hashing
+ * [Feature] Use new ip parsing API
+ * [Feature] Use new maps API for local addrs
+ * [Feature] Use new ragel parser in message parsing code
+ * [Feature] Use new received parser instead of old one
+ * [Feature] Use new redis API in DMARC plugin
+ * [Feature] Use new redis API in greylist plugin
+ * [Feature] Use new redis API in ip_score plugin
+ * [Feature] Use new redis API in ratelimit plugin
+ * [Feature] Use new redis API in replies plugin
+ * [Feature] Use new version of register_symbol in rspamd plugins
+ * [Feature] Use offset when passing shm to deal with encrypted requests
+ * [Feature] Use one pass to remove newlines and store their positions
+ * [Feature] Use rspamd specific type checks for userdata
+ * [Feature] Use shared memory storage for http maps
+ * [Feature] Use universal redis definitions in rspamd plugins
+ * [Feature] Various improvements in greylist module
+ * [Feature] Wait for sqlite if locked when switching to WAL mode
+ * [Fix] Add filenames sanity filtering for mime types
+ * [Fix] Add guards for empty parts
+ * [Fix] Add missing types
+ * [Fix] Add more priority for config file symbols registered from UCL
+ * [Fix] Add sanity checks when compiling regexp maps
+ * [Fix] Add spaces instead of newlines to the normalized content
+ * [Fix] Add workaround for ancient openssl
+ * [Fix] Add workaround for gmime CTE stupidity
+ * [Fix] Add workaround for hex digits
+ * [Fix] Adjust MISSING_MIMEOLE score
+ * [Fix] Adjust body/body_buf when stealing encrypted message
+ * [Fix] Adopt lua task API for the new email addresses structure
+ * [Fix] Allow for disabling DMARC reporting when Redis is configured
+ * [Fix] Always register openphish and phishtank virtual symbols
+ * [Fix] Always use shmem on linux
+ * [Fix] Another change of newlines policy
+ * [Fix] Another d3evolution update
+ * [Fix] Another fix for exim workaround
+ * [Fix] Another fix for legacy clients
+ * [Fix] Another fix for maps scheduling
+ * [Fix] Another fix for marking upstreams inactive
+ * [Fix] Another fix for postfilters
+ * [Fix] Another fix for redis timeouts
+ * [Fix] Avoid `table.getn` method as it has been removed in lua 5.3
+ * [Fix] Avoid double hashing for images
+ * [Fix] Avoid linking with actrie if hyperscan is enabled
+ * [Fix] Check copy result when sending message to mirrors
+ * [Fix] Cleanup message when assiging body
+ * [Fix] Cleanup stack from global vars
+ * [Fix] Correctly parse query type
+ * [Fix] Disable all symbols if enable_groups is found in settings
+ * [Fix] Disable fts as it is completely broken in bloody linux
+ * [Fix] Disable multiple autolearn checks
+ * [Fix] Disallow updates by default
+ * [Fix] Do not abort when cannot load a map
+ * [Fix] Do not check recursion for non-DNS SPF record types
+ * [Fix] Do not delete uninitialized events
+ * [Fix] Do not die if shmem_mkstemp fails
+ * [Fix] Do not die when no metrics defined
+ * [Fix] Do not even try pcre in case of regexp maps
+ * [Fix] Do not greylist messages if redis has failed somehow
+ * [Fix] Do not greylist on rejection
+ * [Fix] Do not leave temporary maps cached
+ * [Fix] Do not output meaningless errors
+ * [Fix] Do not send NaN in json
+ * [Fix] Don't mix hyperscan and pcre processing within a same task
+ * [Fix] Finally rework and simplify redis backend for statistics
+ * [Fix] Fix Exim shutdown patch
+ * [Fix] Fix JIT compilation for PCRE2 expressions
+ * [Fix] Fix JIT usage for PCRE2
+ * [Fix] Fix REPL output
+ * [Fix] Fix SMTP address parsing machine
+ * [Fix] Fix UTF8 mode in PCRE2
+ * [Fix] Fix a stupid misprint in word 'phishing'
+ * [Fix] Fix accepting the first update when local idx is -1
+ * [Fix] Fix adding maps from ucl
+ * [Fix] Fix adding upstream to an active queue
+ * [Fix] Fix and rescore R_PARTS_DIFFER logic
+ * [Fix] Fix body rules in SA plugin
+ * [Fix] Fix body start position
+ * [Fix] Fix border case in urls detector
+ * [Fix] Fix border cases for incremental hashing
+ * [Fix] Fix caseless uthash application
+ * [Fix] Fix chartable issue with starting digits
+ * [Fix] Fix client_ip in users settings
+ * [Fix] Fix compilation issue
+ * [Fix] Fix conditional learning
+ * [Fix] Fix crash on empty maps
+ * [Fix] Fix creating of URLs from LUA
+ * [Fix] Fix creating of temporary shmem segment
+ * [Fix] Fix creation of mmapped statfiles
+ * [Fix] Fix descriptors leak on shmem detaching
+ * [Fix] Fix detaching of shared memory segments
+ * [Fix] Fix detection of URLs in text parts
+ * [Fix] Fix directories processing for rspamc
+ * [Fix] Fix displaying of rewrite subject in WebUI
+ * [Fix] Fix dkim private keys operations
+ * [Fix] Fix dkim signing
+ * [Fix] Fix dynamic scoring of subject symbols
+ * [Fix] Fix email address build
+ * [Fix] Fix encrypted proxy requests
+ * [Fix] Fix errors counting in upstreams
+ * [Fix] Fix errors handling in the proxy
+ * [Fix] Fix event bases for IO events
+ * [Fix] Fix events handling when scheduling map wacth
+ * [Fix] Fix fann rewrite
+ * [Fix] Fix files fallback for shmem transfer
+ * [Fix] Fix fuzzy adding in webui
+ * [Fix] Fix fuzzy storage encrypted mirroring
+ * [Fix] Fix fuzzy storage sync replies
+ * [Fix] Fix handling of the same words
+ * [Fix] Fix inserting values to the sources list
+ * [Fix] Fix ipv6 mask application
+ * [Fix] Fix issue with missing recipients
+ * [Fix] Fix issues with multiple returns from lua
+ * [Fix] Fix learning for non-existent backend
+ * [Fix] Fix legacy clients support in proxy
+ * [Fix] Fix length calculations for shared memory segments
+ * [Fix] Fix listening on UDP sockets
+ * [Fix] Fix loading of file maps
+ * [Fix] Fix long regexp flags (e.g. {sa_body})
+ * [Fix] Fix lua compare function init
+ * [Fix] Fix maps descriptions
+ * [Fix] Fix maps locking
+ * [Fix] Fix max_train setup in ANN module
+ * [Fix] Fix memory corruption
+ * [Fix] Fix memory leak in unsigned maps reading
+ * [Fix] Fix misprints for lto usage
+ * [Fix] Fix more issues with scripts processing
+ * [Fix] Fix next-to-last extension length check
+ * [Fix] Fix openssl initialization
+ * [Fix] Fix order of arguments
+ * [Fix] Fix order of initialization
+ * [Fix] Fix parser
+ * [Fix] Fix parsing of binary tries
+ * [Fix] Fix parsing of braced IPv6 addresses
+ * [Fix] Fix parsing of nested braces in SMTP comments
+ * [Fix] Fix parsing of rarv5 archives
+ * [Fix] Fix periodic scheduling when a map is not modified
+ * [Fix] Fix possible FP in TRACKER_ID rule
+ * [Fix] Fix post-filters processing
+ * [Fix] Fix potential NULL dereference
+ * [Fix] Fix processing of <br> and <hr> tags
+ * [Fix] Fix processing of addresses in protocol
+ * [Fix] Fix processing of messages without received headers
+ * [Fix] Fix proxying issue for unconnected sessions
+ * [Fix] Fix proxying of the encrypted messages
+ * [Fix] Fix race condition with shared memory by refcounts
+ * [Fix] Fix ratelimit initialization
+ * [Fix] Fix redis set request in replies plugin
+ * [Fix] Fix redis timeout events handling
+ * [Fix] Fix redis timeouts processing logic
+ * [Fix] Fix refcounts in lua_redis
+ * [Fix] Fix results checking if no master connection is active
+ * [Fix] Fix return value for couple of lua functions
+ * [Fix] Fix round-robin selection when upstreams have no weight
+ * [Fix] Fix rows calculation in graph
+ * [Fix] Fix rspamd_redis_make_request syntax in replies plugin
+ * [Fix] Fix scheduling of locked map events
+ * [Fix] Fix scores detection
+ * [Fix] Fix searching for newline positions
+ * [Fix] Fix secure_ip setting in controller
+ * [Fix] Fix sending data to graph command
+ * [Fix] Fix setting of score for parts differ
+ * [Fix] Fix setting of the lua top
+ * [Fix] Fix setting path for lua
+ * [Fix] Fix setting path for phishtank
+ * [Fix] Fix settings application
+ * [Fix] Fix shm_open call as described in POSIX
+ * [Fix] Fix size of length in fuzzy mirror wire protocol
+ * [Fix] Fix smtp grammar issues
+ * [Fix] Fix some issues with redis API
+ * [Fix] Fix some issues with retries in the proxy
+ * [Fix] Fix stack growing
+ * [Fix] Fix start of body detection in DKIM
+ * [Fix] Fix state on timeout
+ * [Fix] Fix stats script
+ * [Fix] Fix substring search when there are '\0' in strings
+ * [Fix] Fix symbol name for spf soft fail
+ * [Fix] Fix symbol type's check
+ * [Fix] Fix symbols registration and execution
+ * [Fix] Fix the case of multiple values keys
+ * [Fix] Fix the default symbol names according to metric
+ * [Fix] Fix timeout setup on learning
+ * [Fix] Fix timeouts in redis cache processing
+ * [Fix] Fix timeouts processing in lua_redis
+ * [Fix] Fix upstreams interaction for rspamd proxy
+ * [Fix] Fix usage of rdns reply structure
+ * [Fix] Fix varargs loop
+ * [Fix] Fix whitelists and blacklists in SA rules
+ * [Fix] Fix write servers setup for redis
+ * [Fix] Fix writing of HTTP messages
+ * [Fix] Force rspamd to upgrade fuzzy db on opening
+ * [Fix] Free the correct pointer
+ * [Fix] Further fixes for lto and static linking
+ * [Fix] Further fixes for surbl extensions map
+ * [Fix] Further fixes in maps code
+ * [Fix] Further improvements to error messages in fuzzy check
+ * [Fix] Further tweaks to redis garbadge collection
+ * [Fix] Groups are now case insensitive
+ * [Fix] Handle log pipe read errors
+ * [Fix] Handle nested dependencies in SpamAssassin plugin
+ * [Fix] Implement new automata to skip empty lines for dkim signing
+ * [Fix] Improve error messages on fuzzy add
+ * [Fix] Improve lua redis handling
+ * [Fix] Improve phishing module logging
+ * [Fix] Improve printing of fuzzy errors
+ * [Fix] Improve rrd diagnostic errors
+ * [Fix] Improve strcase hash used in uthash
+ * [Fix] Include fuzzy key to distinguish storages with different keys
+ * [Fix] Include slave cluster name into http request
+ * [Fix] Include some more information about archives
+ * [Fix] Indicate upstream error on timeout
+ * [Fix] Initialize hash tables array to avoid crashes
+ * [Fix] Initialize parser scripts properly
+ * [Fix] Initialize vars to avoid warnings
+ * [Fix] Inverse logic for saving ANN
+ * [Fix] Link lpeg to rspamd lua library
+ * [Fix] Make extension checks case-insensitive
+ * [Fix] Mark expired hashes as not found and not as zero flag
+ * [Fix] Match archive name as well
+ * [Fix] More and more fixes to redis states
+ * [Fix] More fixes about shared memory in proxy
+ * [Fix] More fixes for redis refcounts
+ * [Fix] More fixes to end of headers detection
+ * [Fix] More fixes to events logic
+ * [Fix] More fixes to multi-flag fuzzy storage
+ * [Fix] More fixes to parts distance calculations
+ * [Fix] More guards for redis free
+ * [Fix] One more fix in redis destructor
+ * [Fix] One more try to fix redis
+ * [Fix] PIE is required for static build
+ * [Fix] Partial fix for mmap'd statistics tests
+ * [Fix] Plug memory leak in proxy
+ * [Fix] Properly detect end of headers position
+ * [Fix] Properly init and free session structures
+ * [Fix] Reduce PRECEDENCE_BULK rule weight
+ * [Fix] Reduce the default thresholds for learning
+ * [Fix] Remove Type=forking from systemd unit file (#709)
+ * [Fix] Remove bad FANN file to save computational resources
+ * [Fix] Remove event before closing of fd to avoid race conditions
+ * [Fix] Remove parsing of 'from' variable in redis backend
+ * [Fix] Remove some bad domains from whitelists
+ * [Fix] Repair optional dependencies
+ * [Fix] Reset master connection when retransmitting scan request
+ * [Fix] Restore ONCE_RECEIVED symbol
+ * [Fix] Restore compatibility with old lua API behaviour
+ * [Fix] Restore redis runtime state
+ * [Fix] Reverse options when received
+ * [Fix] Send updates to mirrors only if we have some changes
+ * [Fix] Set host attribute properly when making HTTP request from lua
+ * [Fix] Set terminated state before calling of async free
+ * [Fix] Simplify MISSING_MIMEOLE rule
+ * [Fix] Simplify state machine by ignoring multiple spaces
+ * [Fix] Skip setting RPATH for static builds
+ * [Fix] Slightly reduce weights of rules with high FP rate
+ * [Fix] Some fixes to libmagic initialization
+ * [Fix] Some more fixes to ratelimit plugin
+ * [Fix] Strip '\r\n' properly
+ * [Fix] Switch hashes to mumhash
+ * [Fix] Treat NaN values properly in graph command
+ * [Fix] Try to avoid FP when checking for phished URLs
+ * [Fix] Try to avoid recursive events deletions
+ * [Fix] Try to fix false positive URL detections in text parts
+ * [Fix] Try to fix issue in redis stats backend when task is closed
+ * [Fix] Try to fix proxying of stupid spamc protocol to HTTP mirrors
+ * [Fix] Try to fix redis crashes
+ * [Fix] Try to fix upstreams with one element
+ * [Fix] Try to handle multiline history in a more sane way
+ * [Fix] Unbreak build on gcc < 4.9
+ * [Fix] Update RPM spec/sources (#700)
+ * [Fix] Update d3evolution version
+ * [Fix] Update mumhash implementation
+ * [Fix] Use custom error function for pre and post filters
+ * [Fix] Use new postfilters and prefilters API in the plugins
+ * [Fix] Use non-blocking mode for systemd sockets
+ * [Fix] Use shared memory merely for local backends in the proxy
+ * [Fix] Use watchers for spf plugin
+ * [Fix] Varioud fixes to the maps code
* Another fix for exim workaround (#637)
* Fix unencrypted passwords processing in the controller