diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2019-03-22 20:06:36 +0000
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2019-03-22 20:06:36 +0000
commit59df0cec677fb67bbf766f5dc1b387b03fed691b (patch)
parentfbf41a8c872d63123512dda2629c2ed99adccfe2 (diff)
[Fix] Core: Fix squeezed dependencies handling for virtual symbols
4 files changed, 181 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/lua_squeeze_rules.lua b/lualib/lua_squeeze_rules.lua
index 0062504bc..abe4abdbd 100644
--- a/lualib/lua_squeeze_rules.lua
+++ b/lualib/lua_squeeze_rules.lua
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ local SN = 'lua_squeeze'
local squeeze_sym = 'LUA_SQUEEZE'
local squeeze_function_ids = {}
local squeezed_groups = {}
+local last_rule
+local virtual_symbols = {}
local function gen_lua_squeeze_function(order)
return function(task)
@@ -142,9 +144,22 @@ exports.squeeze_rule = function(s, func, flags)
+ last_rule = s
return squeeze_function_ids[1]
+-- TODO: poor approach, we register all virtual symbols with the previous real squeezed symbol
+exports.squeeze_virtual = function(id, name)
+ if squeeze_function_ids[1] and id == squeeze_function_ids[1] and last_rule then
+ virtual_symbols[name] = last_rule
+ return id
+ end
+ return -1
exports.squeeze_dependency = function(child, parent)
lua_util.debugm(SN, rspamd_config, 'squeeze dep %s->%s', child, parent)
@@ -223,6 +238,13 @@ exports.squeeze_init = function()
for parent,children in pairs(squeezed_deps) do
if not squeezed_symbols[parent] then
+ local real_parent = virtual_symbols[parent]
+ if real_parent then
+ parent = real_parent
+ end
+ end
+ if not squeezed_symbols[parent] then
-- Trivial case, external dependnency
for s,_ in pairs(children) do
diff --git a/src/libserver/rspamd_symcache.c b/src/libserver/rspamd_symcache.c
index 64e451f7a..c36a7e1d7 100644
--- a/src/libserver/rspamd_symcache.c
+++ b/src/libserver/rspamd_symcache.c
@@ -304,6 +304,33 @@ rspamd_symcache_find_filter (struct rspamd_symcache *cache,
return NULL;
+const gchar *
+rspamd_symcache_get_parent (struct rspamd_symcache *cache,
+ const gchar *symbol)
+ struct rspamd_symcache_item *item;
+ g_assert (cache != NULL);
+ if (symbol == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ item = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->items_by_symbol, symbol);
+ if (item != NULL) {
+ if (item->is_virtual) {
+ item = g_ptr_array_index (cache->items_by_id,
+ item->specific.virtual.parent);
+ }
+ return item->symbol;
+ }
+ return NULL;
static gint
postfilters_cmp (const void *p1, const void *p2, gpointer ud)
diff --git a/src/libserver/rspamd_symcache.h b/src/libserver/rspamd_symcache.h
index a038d6a9d..0228e4f5a 100644
--- a/src/libserver/rspamd_symcache.h
+++ b/src/libserver/rspamd_symcache.h
@@ -251,6 +251,15 @@ struct rspamd_abstract_callback_data* rspamd_symcache_get_cbdata (
struct rspamd_symcache *cache, const gchar *symbol);
+ * Returns symbol's parent name (or symbol name itself)
+ * @param cache
+ * @param symbol
+ * @return
+ */
+const gchar *rspamd_symcache_get_parent (struct rspamd_symcache *cache,
+ const gchar *symbol);
* Adds flags to a symbol
* @param cache
* @param symbol
diff --git a/src/lua/lua_config.c b/src/lua/lua_config.c
index 91c648e6f..9fea7eb51 100644
--- a/src/lua/lua_config.c
+++ b/src/lua/lua_config.c
@@ -438,6 +438,13 @@ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (config, enable_symbol);
LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (config, disable_symbol);
+ * @method rspamd_config:get_symbol_parent(symbol)
+ * Returns a parent symbol for specific symbol (or symbol itself if top level)
+ * @param {string} symbol symbol's name
+ */
+LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (config, get_symbol_parent);
* @method rspamd_config:__newindex(name, callback)
* This metamethod is called if new indicies are added to the `rspamd_config` object.
* Technically, it is the equivalent of @see rspamd_config:register_symbol where `weight` is 1.0.
@@ -813,6 +820,7 @@ static const struct luaL_reg configlib_m[] = {
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (config, get_symbol_callback),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (config, set_symbol_callback),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (config, get_symbol_stat),
+ LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (config, get_symbol_parent),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (config, register_finish_script),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (config, register_monitored),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (config, add_doc),
@@ -1363,50 +1371,48 @@ lua_metric_symbol_callback_return (struct thread_entry *thread_entry, int ret)
static gint
-rspamd_register_symbol_fromlua (lua_State *L,
- struct rspamd_config *cfg,
- const gchar *name,
- gint ref,
- gdouble weight,
- gint priority,
- enum rspamd_symbol_type type,
- gint parent,
- gboolean optional,
- gboolean no_squeeze)
+rspamd_lua_squeeze_rule (lua_State *L,
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ const gchar *name,
+ gint cbref,
+ enum rspamd_symbol_type type,
+ gint parent)
- struct lua_callback_data *cd;
gint ret = -1, err_idx;
- if (priority == 0 && weight < 0) {
- priority = 1;
- }
+ lua_pushcfunction (L, &rspamd_lua_traceback);
+ err_idx = lua_gettop (L);
- if ((ret = rspamd_symcache_find_symbol (cfg->cache, name)) != -1) {
- if (optional) {
- msg_debug_config ("duplicate symbol: %s, skip registering", name);
+ if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL) {
+ if (rspamd_lua_require_function (L, "lua_squeeze_rules", "squeeze_virtual")) {
+ lua_pushnumber (L, parent);
+ if (name) {
+ lua_pushstring (L, name);
+ }
+ else {
+ lua_pushnil (L);
+ }
- return ret;
+ /* Now call for squeeze function */
+ if (lua_pcall (L, 2, 1, err_idx) != 0) {
+ GString *tb = lua_touserdata (L, -1);
+ msg_err_config ("call to squeeze_virtual failed: %v", tb);
+ if (tb) {
+ g_string_free (tb, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ ret = lua_tonumber (L, -1);
else {
- msg_err_config ("duplicate symbol: %s, skip registering", name);
- return -1;
+ msg_err_config ("lua_squeeze is absent or bad (missing squeeze_virtual),"
+ " your Rspamd installation"
+ " is likely corrupted!");
- if (ref != -1) {
- if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_USE_CORO) {
- /* Coroutines are incompatible with squeezing */
- no_squeeze = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * We call for routine called lua_squeeze_rules.squeeze_rule if it exists
- */
- lua_pushcfunction (L, &rspamd_lua_traceback);
- err_idx = lua_gettop (L);
- if (!no_squeeze && (type & (SYMBOL_TYPE_CALLBACK|SYMBOL_TYPE_NORMAL)) &&
- rspamd_lua_require_function (L, "lua_squeeze_rules", "squeeze_rule")) {
+ else {
+ if (rspamd_lua_require_function (L, "lua_squeeze_rules", "squeeze_rule")) {
if (name) {
lua_pushstring (L, name);
@@ -1415,7 +1421,7 @@ rspamd_register_symbol_fromlua (lua_State *L,
/* Push function reference */
- lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref);
+ lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbref);
/* Flags */
lua_createtable (L, 0, 0);
@@ -1452,45 +1458,62 @@ rspamd_register_symbol_fromlua (lua_State *L,
ret = lua_tonumber (L, -1);
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_err_config ("lua_squeeze is absent or bad (missing squeeze_rule),"
+ " your Rspamd installation"
+ " is likely corrupted!");
+ }
+ }
- if (ret == -1) {
- /* Do direct registration */
- cd = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (cfg->cfg_pool,
- sizeof (struct lua_callback_data));
- cd->magic = rspamd_lua_callback_magic;
- cd->cb_is_ref = TRUE;
- cd->callback.ref = ref;
- cd->L = L;
+ /* Cleanup lua stack */
+ lua_settop (L, err_idx - 1);
- if (name) {
- cd->symbol = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, name);
- }
+ return ret;
- if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_USE_CORO) {
- ret = rspamd_symcache_add_symbol (cfg->cache,
- name,
- priority,
- lua_metric_symbol_callback_coro,
- cd,
- type,
- parent);
- }
- else {
- ret = rspamd_symcache_add_symbol (cfg->cache,
- name,
- priority,
- lua_metric_symbol_callback,
- cd,
- type,
- parent);
- }
+static gint
+rspamd_register_symbol_fromlua (lua_State *L,
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ const gchar *name,
+ gint ref,
+ gdouble weight,
+ gint priority,
+ enum rspamd_symbol_type type,
+ gint parent,
+ gboolean optional,
+ gboolean no_squeeze)
+ struct lua_callback_data *cd;
+ gint ret = -1;
- rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cfg->cfg_pool,
- (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t) lua_destroy_cfg_symbol,
- cd);
- }
+ if (priority == 0 && weight < 0) {
+ priority = 1;
+ }
+ if ((ret = rspamd_symcache_find_symbol (cfg->cache, name)) != -1) {
+ if (optional) {
+ msg_debug_config ("duplicate symbol: %s, skip registering", name);
+ return ret;
else {
+ msg_err_config ("duplicate symbol: %s, skip registering", name);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref != -1) {
+ if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_USE_CORO) {
+ /* Coroutines are incompatible with squeezing */
+ no_squeeze = TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We call for routine called lua_squeeze_rules.squeeze_rule if it exists
+ */
+ if (no_squeeze || (ret = rspamd_lua_squeeze_rule (L, cfg, name, ref,
+ type, parent)) == -1) {
cd = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (cfg->cfg_pool,
sizeof (struct lua_callback_data));
cd->magic = rspamd_lua_callback_magic;
@@ -1524,11 +1547,13 @@ rspamd_register_symbol_fromlua (lua_State *L,
- /* Cleanup lua stack */
- lua_settop (L, err_idx - 1);
else {
+ if (!no_squeeze) {
+ rspamd_lua_squeeze_rule (L, cfg, name, ref,
+ type, parent);
+ }
+ /* Not a squeezed symbol */
ret = rspamd_symcache_add_symbol (cfg->cache,
@@ -2197,6 +2222,9 @@ rspamd_lua_squeeze_dependency (lua_State *L, struct rspamd_config *cfg,
ret = lua_toboolean (L, -1);
+ else {
+ msg_err_config ("cannot get lua_squeeze_rules.squeeze_dependency function");
+ }
lua_settop (L, err_idx - 1);
@@ -3411,6 +3439,29 @@ lua_config_get_symbol_stat (lua_State *L)
return 1;
+static gint
+lua_config_get_symbol_parent (lua_State *L)
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg = lua_check_config (L, 1);
+ const gchar *sym = luaL_checkstring (L, 2), *parent;
+ if (cfg != NULL && sym != NULL) {
+ parent = rspamd_symcache_get_parent (cfg->cache, sym);
+ if (parent) {
+ lua_pushstring (L, parent);
+ }
+ else {
+ lua_pushnil (L);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return luaL_error (L, "invalid arguments");
+ }
+ return 1;
static gint
lua_config_register_finish_script (lua_State *L)