diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2014-02-28 16:21:56 -0800
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2014-02-28 16:21:56 -0800
commitd78268251ff4dc3b437aec265194b2fa1a916e34 (patch)
parent650a45cf0768f6c26d3846f7288b56802992889a (diff)
Restore 'saveactions' target in webui.
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/src/webui.c b/src/webui.c
index d71da5e3e..99cb95ec0 100644
--- a/src/webui.c
+++ b/src/webui.c
@@ -645,27 +645,6 @@ rspamd_webui_prepare_learn (struct evhttp_request *req, struct rspamd_webui_work
return cbdata;
- * Set metric action
- */
-static gboolean
-rspamd_webui_set_metric_action (struct config_file *cfg,
- json_t *jv, struct metric *metric, enum rspamd_metric_action act)
- gdouble actval;
- if (!json_is_number (jv)) {
- msg_err ("json element data error");
- return FALSE;
- }
- actval = json_number_value (jv);
- if (metric->actions[act].score != actval) {
- return add_dynamic_action (cfg, DEFAULT_METRIC, act, actval);
- }
- return TRUE;
@@ -1348,7 +1327,7 @@ rspamd_webui_handle_learnham (struct rspamd_http_connection_entry *conn_ent,
return rspamd_webui_handle_learn_common (conn_ent, msg, TRUE);
-#if 0
* Save actions command handler:
* request: /saveactions
@@ -1356,97 +1335,94 @@ rspamd_webui_handle_learnham (struct rspamd_http_connection_entry *conn_ent,
* input: json array [<spam>,<probable spam>,<greylist>]
* reply: json {"success":true} or {"error":"error message"}
-static void
-rspamd_webui_handle_save_actions (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg)
+static int
+rspamd_webui_handle_saveactions (struct rspamd_http_connection_entry *conn_ent,
+ struct rspamd_http_message *msg)
- struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg;
- struct evbuffer *evb;
+ struct rspamd_webui_session *session = conn_ent->ud;
+ struct ucl_parser *parser;
struct metric *metric;
- json_t *json, *jv;
- json_error_t je;
+ ucl_object_t *obj, *cur;
+ struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx;
+ const gchar *error;
+ gint64 score;
+ gint i;
+ enum rspamd_metric_action act;
+ ctx = session->ctx;
- evb = evbuffer_new ();
- if (!evb) {
- msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply");
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL);
- return;
+ if (!rspamd_webui_check_password (conn_ent, session, msg)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (msg->body->len == 0) {
+ msg_err ("got zero length body, cannot continue");
+ rspamd_webui_send_error (conn_ent, 400, "Empty body is not permitted");
+ return 0;
metric = g_hash_table_lookup (ctx->cfg->metrics, DEFAULT_METRIC);
if (metric == NULL) {
msg_err ("cannot find default metric");
- evbuffer_free (evb);
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 default metric not defined", NULL);
- return;
+ rspamd_webui_send_error (conn_ent, 500, "Default metric is absent");
+ return 0;
/* Now check for dynamic config */
if (!ctx->cfg->dynamic_conf) {
msg_err ("dynamic conf has not been defined");
- evbuffer_free (evb);
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "503 dynamic config not found, cannot save", NULL);
- return;
+ rspamd_webui_send_error (conn_ent, 500, "No dynamic_rules setting defined");
+ return 0;
- /* Try to load json */
- json = json_load_evbuffer (req->input_buffer, &je);
- if (json == NULL) {
- msg_err ("json load error: %s", je.text);
- evbuffer_free (evb);
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "504 json parse error", NULL);
- return;
- }
+ parser = ucl_parser_new (0);
+ ucl_parser_add_chunk (parser, msg->body->str, msg->body->len);
- if (!json_is_array (json) || json_array_size (json) != 3) {
- msg_err ("json data error");
- evbuffer_free (evb);
- json_delete (json);
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "505 invalid json data", NULL);
- return;
+ if ((error = ucl_parser_get_error (parser)) != NULL) {
+ msg_err ("cannot parse input: %s", error);
+ rspamd_webui_send_error (conn_ent, 400, "Cannot parse input");
+ ucl_parser_free (parser);
+ return 0;
- /* Now try to check what we have */
+ obj = ucl_parser_get_object (parser);
+ ucl_parser_free (parser);
- /* Spam element */
- jv = json_array_get (json, 0);
- if (!http_set_metric_action (ctx->cfg, jv, metric, METRIC_ACTION_REJECT)) {
- msg_err ("json data error");
- evbuffer_free (evb);
- json_delete (json);
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "506 cannot set action's value", NULL);
- return;
- }
- /* Probable spam */
- jv = json_array_get (json, 1);
- if (!http_set_metric_action (ctx->cfg, jv, metric, METRIC_ACTION_ADD_HEADER)) {
- msg_err ("json data error");
- evbuffer_free (evb);
- json_delete (json);
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "506 cannot set action's value", NULL);
- return;
+ if (obj->type != UCL_ARRAY || obj->len != 3) {
+ msg_err ("input is not an array of 3 elements");
+ rspamd_webui_send_error (conn_ent, 400, "Cannot parse input");
+ ucl_object_unref (obj);
+ return 0;
- /* Greylist */
- jv = json_array_get (json, 2);
- if (!http_set_metric_action (ctx->cfg, jv, metric, METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST)) {
- msg_err ("json data error");
- evbuffer_free (evb);
- json_delete (json);
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "506 cannot set action's value", NULL);
- return;
+ cur = obj->value.av;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3 && cur != NULL; i ++, cur = cur->next) {
+ switch(i) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ }
+ score = ucl_object_toint (cur);
+ if (metric->actions[act].score != score) {
+ add_dynamic_action (ctx->cfg, DEFAULT_METRIC, act, score);
+ }
dump_dynamic_config (ctx->cfg);
- evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"success\":true}" CRLF);
- evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close");
- http_calculate_content_length (evb, req);
- evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb);
- evbuffer_free (evb);
+ rspamd_webui_send_string (conn_ent, "{\"success\":true}");
+ return 0;
+#if 0
* Save symbols command handler:
* request: /savesymbols
@@ -1848,9 +1824,10 @@ start_webui_worker (struct rspamd_worker *worker)
rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_HISTORY, rspamd_webui_handle_history);
rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_LEARN_SPAM, rspamd_webui_handle_learnspam);
rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_LEARN_HAM, rspamd_webui_handle_learnham);
+ rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_ACTIONS, rspamd_webui_handle_saveactions);
#if 0
rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_GRAPH, rspamd_webui_handle_graph, ctx);
- rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_ACTIONS, rspamd_webui_handle_save_actions, ctx);
rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_SYMBOLS, rspamd_webui_handle_save_symbols, ctx);
rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_MAP, rspamd_webui_handle_save_map, ctx);
rspamd_http_router_add_path (ctx->http, PATH_SCAN, rspamd_webui_handle_scan, ctx);