diff options
authorAndrew Lewis <nerf@judo.za.org>2017-05-11 15:52:55 +0200
committerAndrew Lewis <nerf@judo.za.org>2017-05-11 15:53:58 +0200
commitf41a3d0c634f7b05e76417fdf7b6067299e8ae4d (patch)
parent7b44f3af0b2b7674c4ee14d386022b8d96e4ceb8 (diff)
[Minor] DMARC reporting: rework backend
- Also fix deletion - Support redirecting reports (useful for evaluation) - Deal with possibly missing SPF results
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua b/src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua
index f7a95c5af..8f148d1b1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua
+++ b/src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ limitations under the License.
-- Dmarc policy filter
-local hash = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash"
local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
local mempool = require "rspamd_mempool"
local rspamd_tcp = require "rspamd_tcp"
@@ -38,6 +37,7 @@ local pool = mempool.create()
local report_settings = {
helo = 'rspamd',
+ hscan_count = 1000,
smtp = '',
smtp_port = 25,
@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@ local dmarc_symbols = {
local redis_keys = {
- dmarc_domains = 'dmarc_domains',
- dmarc_domain = 'dmarc_%s',
+ index_prefix = 'dmarc_idx',
+ report_prefix = 'dmarc',
+ join_char = ';',
local function gen_xml_grammar()
@@ -128,12 +129,14 @@ local E = {}
local take_report_sha
local take_report_script = [[
-local dmarc_domains_key = KEYS[1]
-local dmarc_domain_key = KEYS[2]
+local index_key = KEYS[1]
+local report_key = KEYS[2]
local dmarc_domain = ARGV[1]
local report = ARGV[2]
-redis.call('SADD', dmarc_domains_key, dmarc_domain)
-redis.call('LPUSH', dmarc_domain_key, report)
+redis.call('SADD', index_key, report_key)
+redis.call('EXPIRE', index_key, 172800)
+redis.call('HINCRBY', report_key, report, 1)
+redis.call('EXPIRE', report_key, 172800)
local function redis_make_request(ev_base, cfg, key, is_write, callback, command, args)
@@ -235,10 +238,10 @@ local function dmarc_report(task, spf_ok, dkim_ok, disposition, sampled_out, hfr
local dkim_fail = table.concat(dres.fail or E, '|')
local dkim_temperror = table.concat(dres.temperror or E, '|')
local dkim_permerror = table.concat(dres.permerror or E, '|')
- local res = string.format('%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s',
- task:get_date(0), ip:to_string(), spf_ok, dkim_ok,
+ local res = table.concat({
+ ip:to_string(), spf_ok, dkim_ok,
disposition, (sampled_out and 'sampled_out' or ''), hfromdom,
- dkim_pass, dkim_fail, dkim_temperror, dkim_permerror, spfdom, spf_result)
+ dkim_pass, dkim_fail, dkim_temperror, dkim_permerror, spfdom or '', spf_result or ''}, ',')
return res
@@ -554,9 +557,11 @@ local function dmarc_callback(task)
-- Prepare and send redis report element
- local dmarc_domain_key = string.format(redis_keys.dmarc_domain, hfromdom)
+ local period = os.date('%Y%m%d', task:get_date(0))
+ local dmarc_domain_key = table.concat({redis_keys.report_prefix, hfromdom, period}, redis_keys.join_char)
local report_data = dmarc_report(task, spf_ok and 'pass' or 'fail', dkim_ok and 'pass' or 'fail', dmarc_ok and 'pass' or 'fail', sampled_out,
hfromdom, spf_domain, dkim_results, spf_result)
+ local idx_key = table.concat({redis_keys.index_prefix, period}, redis_keys.join_char)
if report_data then
local ret = rspamd_redis_make_request(task,
@@ -565,7 +570,7 @@ local function dmarc_callback(task)
true, -- is write
dmarc_report_cb, --callback
'EVALSHA', -- command
- {take_report_sha, 2, redis_keys.dmarc_domains, dmarc_domain_key, hfromdom, report_data} -- arguments
+ {take_report_sha, 2, idx_key, dmarc_domain_key, hfromdom, report_data} -- arguments
if not ret then
rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'Unable to schedule redis request')
@@ -649,11 +654,12 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
assert(f:write(pool:get_variable(VAR_NAME, 'double')))
- local get_reporting_domain, reporting_domain, report_start, report_end, report_id
+ local get_reporting_domain, reporting_domain, report_start, report_end, report_id, want_period, report_key
local reporting_addr = {}
local domain_policy = {}
local to_verify = {}
- local function entry_to_xml(data, count)
+ local cursor = 0
+ local function entry_to_xml(data)
local buf = {
[[ <record>
@@ -670,7 +676,7 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
-]], data.ip, count, data.disposition, data.dkim_disposition, data.spf_disposition, data.header_from),
+]], data.ip, data.count, data.disposition, data.dkim_disposition, data.spf_disposition, data.header_from),
if data.dkim_results[1] or (data.spf_result ~= '' and data.spf_domain ~= '') then
table.insert(buf, '\t\t<auth_results>\n')
@@ -694,67 +700,46 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
report_id = string.format('%s.%d.%d', reporting_domain, report_start, report_end)
rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'new report: %s', report_id)
local actions = {
- push = function(data)
- local counts = {}
+ push = function(t)
+ local data = t[1]
local split = rspamd_str_split(data, ',')
- local when = tonumber(split[1])
- if when > report_end then
- -- XXX: Replace data!
- rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'report is newer than report_end: %1 %2', when, report_end)
- return false
- elseif when < report_start then
- rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'report is older than report_start: %1 %2', when, report_start)
- return true
- elseif when >= report_start then
- local h = hash.create()
- for i = 2, #split do
- h:update(split[i])
- end
- local bin = h:bin()
- if counts[bin] then
- counts[bin] = counts[bin] + 1
- else
- counts[bin] = 1
- end
- local count = counts[bin]
- local row = {
- ip = split[2],
- spf_disposition = split[3],
- dkim_disposition = split[4],
- disposition = split[5],
- override = split[6],
- header_from = split[7],
- dkim_results = {},
- spf_domain = split[12],
- spf_result = split[13],
- }
- if split[8] and split[8] ~= '' then
- local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[8], '|')
- for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do
- table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'pass'})
- end
+ local row = {
+ ip = split[1],
+ spf_disposition = split[2],
+ dkim_disposition = split[3],
+ disposition = split[4],
+ override = split[5],
+ header_from = split[6],
+ dkim_results = {},
+ spf_domain = split[11],
+ spf_result = split[12],
+ count = t[2],
+ }
+ if split[7] and split[7] ~= '' then
+ local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[7], '|')
+ for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do
+ table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'pass'})
- if split[9] and split[9] ~= '' then
- local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[9], '|')
- for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do
- table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'fail'})
- end
+ end
+ if split[8] and split[8] ~= '' then
+ local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[8], '|')
+ for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do
+ table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'fail'})
- if split[10] and split[10] ~= '' then
- local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[10], '|')
- for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do
- table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'temperror'})
- end
+ end
+ if split[9] and split[9] ~= '' then
+ local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[9], '|')
+ for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do
+ table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'temperror'})
- if split[11] and split[11] ~= '' then
- local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[11], '|')
- for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do
- table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'permerror'})
- end
+ end
+ if split[10] and split[10] ~= '' then
+ local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[10], '|')
+ for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do
+ table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'permerror'})
- entries[bin] = {[row] = count}
- return true
+ table.insert(entries, row)
header = function()
return string.format(
@@ -786,9 +771,7 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
entries = function()
local buf = {}
for _, e in pairs(entries) do
- for k, v in pairs(e) do
- table.insert(buf, entry_to_xml(k, v))
- end
+ table.insert(buf, entry_to_xml(e))
return table.concat(buf, '')
@@ -919,35 +902,38 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
local function make_report()
+ if type(report_settings.override_address) == 'string' then
+ reporting_addr = {report_settings.override_address}
+ end
rspamd_logger.infox(ev_base, 'sending report for %s <%s>', reporting_domain, table.concat(reporting_addr, ','))
local dmarc_xml = dmarc_report_xml()
local dmarc_push_cb
- local dmarc_domain_key = string.format(redis_keys.dmarc_domain, reporting_domain)
dmarc_push_cb = function(err, data)
if err then
rspamd_logger.errx(ev_base, 'Redis request failed: %s', err)
-- XXX: data is orphaned; replace key or delete data
- elseif type(data) == 'string' then
- if dmarc_xml('push', data) then
+ elseif type(data) == 'table' then
+ cursor = tonumber(data[1])
+ for i = 1, #data[2], 2 do
+ dmarc_xml('push', {data[2][i], data[2][i+1]})
+ end
+ if cursor ~= 0 then
local ret = redis_make_request(ev_base,
false, -- is write
dmarc_push_cb, --callback
- 'LPOP', -- command
- {dmarc_domain_key}
+ 'HSCAN', -- command
+ {report_key, cursor, 'COUNT', report_settings.hscan_count}
if not ret then
rspamd_logger.errx(ev_base, 'Failed to schedule redis request')
- -- XXX: data is orphaned; replace key or delete data
- else
- send_report_via_email(dmarc_xml)
local ret = redis_make_request(ev_base,
@@ -955,8 +941,8 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
false, -- is write
dmarc_push_cb, --callback
- 'LPOP', -- command
- {dmarc_domain_key}
+ 'HSCAN', -- command
+ {report_key, cursor, 'COUNT', report_settings.hscan_count}
if not ret then
rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Failed to schedule redis request')
@@ -972,14 +958,13 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'Deleted reports for %s')
- local dmarc_domain_key = string.format(redis_keys.dmarc_domain, reporting_domain)
local ret = redis_make_request(ev_base,
false, -- is write
delete_reports_cb, --callback
'DEL', -- command
- {dmarc_domain_key}
+ {report_key}
if not ret then
rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Failed to schedule redis request')
@@ -1107,6 +1092,7 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
reporting_domain = nil
reporting_addr = {}
domain_policy = {}
+ cursor = 0
local function get_reporting_domain_cb(err, data)
if err then
rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, 'Unable to get DMARC domain: %s', err)
@@ -1114,7 +1100,9 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
if type(data) == 'userdata' then
reporting_domain = nil
- reporting_domain = data
+ report_key = data
+ local tmp = rspamd_str_split(data, redis_keys.join_char)
+ reporting_domain = tmp[2]
if not reporting_domain then
rspamd_logger.infox(cfg, 'No more domains to generate reports for')
@@ -1123,13 +1111,14 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
+ local idx_key = table.concat({redis_keys.index_prefix, want_period}, redis_keys.join_char)
local ret = redis_make_request(ev_base,
false, -- is write
get_reporting_domain_cb, --callback
'SPOP', -- command
- {redis_keys.dmarc_domains}
+ {idx_key}
if not ret then
rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, 'Unable to get DMARC domain')
@@ -1138,8 +1127,15 @@ if opts['reporting'] == true then
local function send_reports(time)
rspamd_logger.infox(ev_base, 'sending reports ostensibly %1', time)
pool:set_variable(VAR_NAME, time)
- report_end = time
- report_start = time - INTERVAL
+ local yesterday = os.date('*t', rspamd_util.get_time() - INTERVAL)
+ local today = os.date('*t', rspamd_util.get_time())
+ report_start = os.time({year = yesterday.year, month = yesterday.month, day = yesterday.day, hour = 0})
+ report_end = os.time({year = today.year, month = today.month, day = today.day, hour = 0})
+ want_period = table.concat({
+ yesterday.year,
+ string.format('%02d', yesterday.month),
+ string.format('%02d', yesterday.day)
+ })
-- Push reports at regular intervals