path: root/doc/
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2014-09-11 12:49:01 +0100
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2014-09-11 12:49:01 +0100
commit57c3dd72006a31a1aa0707e68bda09b6294a60bc (patch)
treede70d4fdeb32ca11a4cf7086c9fc9cbaa9e6ef37 /doc/
parent5383a5b80fae73cbc082962e4c4123b2b368f1a1 (diff)
Remove pre-historic documentation.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
deleted file mode 100755
index e4225b40a..000000000
--- a/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
-use constant {
-my $state = STATE_READ_SKIP;
-my $content;
-my %modules = ();
-my $cur_module;
-sub print_module_markdown {
- my ( $mname, $m ) = @_;
- print <<EOD;
-## Module `$mname` {#$m->{'id'}}
- if ( $m->{'example'} ) {
- print <<EOD;
- }
- sub print_func {
- my ($f) = @_;
- my $name = $f->{'name'};
- my $id = $f->{'id'};
- print "> [`$name`](#$id)\n\n";
- }
- print "\n###Brief content:\n\n";
- print "**Functions**:\n\n";
- foreach ( @{ $m->{'functions'} } ) {
- print_func($_);
- }
- print "\n\n**Methods**:\n\n";
- foreach ( @{ $m->{'methods'} } ) {
- print_func($_);
- }
-sub print_function_markdown {
- my ( $type, $fname, $f ) = @_;
- print <<EOD;
-### $type `$fname` {#$f->{'id'}}
- print "\n**Parameters:**\n\n";
- if ( $f->{'params'} && scalar @{ $f->{'params'} } > 0 ) {
- foreach ( @{ $f->{'params'} } ) {
- if ( $_->{'type'} ) {
- print
- "- `$_->{'name'} \{$_->{'type'}\}`: $_->{'description'}\n";
- }
- else {
- print "- `$_->{'name'}`: $_->{'description'}\n";
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- print "\tnothing\n";
- }
- print "\n**Returns:**\n\n";
- if ( $f->{'return'} && $f->{'return'}->{'description'} ) {
- $_ = $f->{'return'};
- if ( $_->{'type'} ) {
- print "- `\{$_->{'type'}\}`: $_->{'description'}\n";
- }
- else {
- print "- $_->{'description'}\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- print "\tnothing\n";
- }
- if ( $f->{'example'} ) {
- print <<EOD;
- }
-sub print_markdown {
- while ( my ( $mname, $m ) = each %modules ) {
- print_module_markdown( $mname, $m );
- print
-"\n## Functions\n\nThe module `$mname` defines the following functions.\n\n";
- foreach ( @{ $m->{'functions'} } ) {
- print_function_markdown( "Function", $_->{'name'}, $_ );
- print "\nBack to [module description](#$m->{'id'}).\n\n";
- }
- print
-"\n## Methods\n\nThe module `$mname` defines the following methods.\n\n";
- foreach ( @{ $m->{'methods'} } ) {
- print_function_markdown( "Method", $_->{'name'}, $_ );
- print "\nBack to [module description](#$m->{'id'}).\n\n";
- }
- print "\nBack to [top](#).\n\n";
- }
-sub make_id {
- my ( $name, $prefix ) = @_;
- if ( !$prefix ) {
- $prefix = "f";
- }
- $name =~ /^(\S+).*$/;
- return substr( $prefix . md5_hex($1), 0, 6 );
-sub substitute_data_keywords {
- my ($line) = @_;
- if ( $line =~ /^.*\@see\s+(\S+)\s*.*$/ ) {
- my $name = $1;
- my $id = make_id($name);
- return $line =~ s/\@see\s+\S+/[`$name`](#$id)/r;
- }
- return $line;
-sub parse_function {
- my ( $func, @data ) = @_;
- my ( $type, $name ) = ( $func =~ /^\@(\w+)\s*(.+)\s*$/ );
- my $f = {
- name => $name,
- data => '',
- example => undef,
- id => make_id($name),
- };
- my $example = 0;
- foreach (@data) {
- if (/^\@param\s*(?:\{([^}]+)\})?\s*(\S+)\s*(.+)?\s*$/) {
- my $p = { name => $2, type => $1, description => $3 };
- push @{ $f->{'params'} }, $p;
- }
- elsif (/^\@return\s*(?:\{([^}]+)\})?\s*(.+)?\s*$/) {
- my $r = { type => $1, description => $2 };
- $f->{'return'} = $r;
- }
- elsif (/^\@example$/) {
- $example = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $_ ne $func ) {
- if ($example) {
- $f->{'example'} .= $_;
- }
- else {
- $f->{'data'} .= substitute_data_keywords($_);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $f->{'data'} ) {
- chomp $f->{'data'};
- }
- if ( $f->{'example'} ) {
- chomp $f->{'example'};
- }
- if ( $type eq "function" ) {
- push @{ $cur_module->{'functions'} }, $f;
- }
- else {
- push @{ $cur_module->{'methods'} }, $f;
- }
-sub parse_module {
- my ( $module, @data ) = @_;
- my ($name) = ( $module =~ /^\@module\s*(.+)\s*$/ );
- $modules{$name} = {
- functions => [],
- methods => [],
- data => '',
- example => undef,
- id => make_id( $name, 'm' ),
- };
- my $f = $modules{$name};
- my $example = 0;
- foreach (@data) {
- if (/^\@example$/) {
- $example = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $_ ne $module ) {
- if ($example) {
- $f->{'example'} .= $_;
- }
- else {
- $f->{'data'} .= substitute_data_keywords($_);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $f->{'data'} ) {
- chomp $f->{'data'};
- }
- if ( $f->{'example'} ) {
- chomp $f->{'example'};
- }
- $cur_module = $f;
-sub parse_content {
- my @func = grep /^\@function|method.+$/, @_;
- if ( scalar @func > 0 ) {
- parse_function( $func[0], @_ );
- }
- else {
- my @module = grep /^\@module.+$/, @_;
- if ( scalar @module > 0 ) {
- parse_module( $module[0], @_ );
- }
- }
-while (<>) {
- if ( $state == STATE_READ_SKIP ) {
- if ( $_ =~ /^\s*\/\*\*\*$/ ) {
- $content = "";
- }
- }
- elsif ( $state == STATE_READ_CONTENT ) {
- if ( $_ =~ /^\s*\*\/$/ ) {
- $state = STATE_READ_SKIP;
- parse_content( split /^/, $content );
- $content = "";
- }
- else {
- my ($line) = ( $_ =~ /^(?:\s*\*\s)?(.+)\s*$/ );
- if ($line) {
- $content .= $line . "\n";
- }
- else {
- # Preserve empty lines
- $content .= "\n";
- }
- }
- }
-#print Dumper( \%modules );