path: root/lualib/rescore_utility.lua
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2018-05-24 14:13:32 +0100
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2018-05-24 19:56:05 +0100
commitbb638f7c7d851f20071f5f9ee77224c0173e73ae (patch)
tree25e5dd540a9064e1c189ad17e1c76ef2027db05a /lualib/rescore_utility.lua
parent08e99bfde4713e6253ce705926851c6639f65437 (diff)
[Project] Move rspamadm libraries to a standard place
Diffstat (limited to 'lualib/rescore_utility.lua')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/rescore_utility.lua b/lualib/rescore_utility.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a9372d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualib/rescore_utility.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
+local fun = require "fun"
+local utility = {}
+function utility.get_all_symbols(logs, ignore_symbols)
+ -- Returns a list of all symbols
+ local symbols_set = {}
+ for _, line in pairs(logs) do
+ line = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(line, " ")
+ for i=4,(#line-2) do
+ line[i] = line[i]:gsub("%s+", "")
+ if not symbols_set[line[i]] then
+ symbols_set[line[i]] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local all_symbols = {}
+ for symbol, _ in pairs(symbols_set) do
+ if not ignore_symbols[symbol] then
+ all_symbols[#all_symbols + 1] = symbol
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(all_symbols)
+ return all_symbols
+function utility.read_log_file(file)
+ local lines = {}
+ file = assert(, "r"))
+ for line in file:lines() do
+ lines[#lines + 1] = line
+ end
+ io.close(file)
+ return lines
+function utility.get_all_logs(dir_path)
+ -- Reads all log files in the directory and returns a list of logs.
+ if dir_path:sub(#dir_path, #dir_path) == "/" then
+ dir_path = dir_path:sub(1, #dir_path -1)
+ end
+ local files = rspamd_util.glob(dir_path .. "/*.log")
+ local all_logs = {}
+ for _, file in pairs(files) do
+ local logs = utility.read_log_file(file)
+ for _, log_line in pairs(logs) do
+ all_logs[#all_logs + 1] = log_line
+ end
+ end
+ return all_logs
+function utility.get_all_symbol_scores(conf, ignore_symbols)
+ local counters = conf:get_symbols_counters()
+ return fun.tomap(
+ return elt['symbol'],elt['weight']
+ end, fun.filter(function(elt)
+ return not ignore_symbols[elt['symbol']]
+ end, counters)))
+function utility.generate_statistics_from_logs(logs, threshold)
+ -- Returns file_stats table and list of symbol_stats table.
+ local file_stats = {
+ no_of_emails = 0,
+ no_of_spam = 0,
+ no_of_ham = 0,
+ spam_percent = 0,
+ ham_percent = 0,
+ true_positives = 0,
+ true_negatives = 0,
+ false_negative_rate = 0,
+ false_positive_rate = 0,
+ overall_accuracy = 0,
+ fscore = 0,
+ avg_scan_time = 0,
+ slowest_file = nil,
+ slowest = 0
+ }
+ local all_symbols_stats = {}
+ local all_fps = {}
+ local all_fns = {}
+ local false_positives = 0
+ local false_negatives = 0
+ local true_positives = 0
+ local true_negatives = 0
+ local no_of_emails = 0
+ local no_of_spam = 0
+ local no_of_ham = 0
+ for _, log in pairs(logs) do
+ log = lua_util.rspamd_str_trim(log)
+ log = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(log, " ")
+ local is_spam = (log[1] == "SPAM")
+ local score = tonumber(log[2])
+ no_of_emails = no_of_emails + 1
+ if is_spam then
+ no_of_spam = no_of_spam + 1
+ else
+ no_of_ham = no_of_ham + 1
+ end
+ if is_spam and (score >= threshold) then
+ true_positives = true_positives + 1
+ elseif is_spam and (score < threshold) then
+ false_negatives = false_negatives + 1
+ table.insert(all_fns, log[#log])
+ elseif not is_spam and (score >= threshold) then
+ false_positives = false_positives + 1
+ table.insert(all_fps, log[#log])
+ else
+ true_negatives = true_negatives + 1
+ end
+ for i=4, (#log-2) do
+ if all_symbols_stats[log[i]] == nil then
+ all_symbols_stats[log[i]] = {
+ name = log[i],
+ no_of_hits = 0,
+ spam_hits = 0,
+ ham_hits = 0,
+ spam_overall = 0
+ }
+ end
+ all_symbols_stats[log[i]].no_of_hits =
+ all_symbols_stats[log[i]].no_of_hits + 1
+ if is_spam then
+ all_symbols_stats[log[i]].spam_hits =
+ all_symbols_stats[log[i]].spam_hits + 1
+ else
+ all_symbols_stats[log[i]].ham_hits =
+ all_symbols_stats[log[i]].ham_hits + 1
+ end
+ -- Find slowest message
+ if (tonumber(log[#log-1]) > tonumber(file_stats.slowest)) then
+ file_stats.slowest = tostring(tonumber(log[#log-1]))
+ file_stats.slowest_file = log[#log]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Calculating file stats
+ file_stats.no_of_ham = no_of_ham
+ file_stats.no_of_spam = no_of_spam
+ file_stats.no_of_emails = no_of_emails
+ file_stats.true_positives = true_positives
+ file_stats.true_negatives = true_negatives
+ if no_of_emails > 0 then
+ file_stats.spam_percent = no_of_spam * 100 / no_of_emails
+ file_stats.ham_percent = no_of_ham * 100 / no_of_emails
+ file_stats.overall_accuracy = (true_positives + true_negatives) * 100 /
+ no_of_emails
+ end
+ if no_of_ham > 0 then
+ file_stats.false_positive_rate = false_positives * 100 / no_of_ham
+ end
+ if no_of_spam > 0 then
+ file_stats.false_negative_rate = false_negatives * 100 / no_of_spam
+ end
+ file_stats.fscore = 2 * true_positives / (2
+ * true_positives
+ + false_positives
+ + false_negatives)
+ -- Calculating symbol stats
+ for _, symbol_stats in pairs(all_symbols_stats) do
+ symbol_stats.spam_percent = symbol_stats.spam_hits * 100 / no_of_spam
+ symbol_stats.ham_percent = symbol_stats.ham_hits * 100 / no_of_ham
+ symbol_stats.overall = symbol_stats.no_of_hits * 100 / no_of_emails
+ symbol_stats.spam_overall = symbol_stats.spam_percent /
+ (symbol_stats.spam_percent + symbol_stats.ham_percent)
+ end
+ return file_stats, all_symbols_stats, all_fps, all_fns
+return utility