path: root/lualib
diff options
authormoisseev <>2021-11-12 13:36:57 +0300
committermoisseev <>2021-11-12 13:36:57 +0300
commitfabf5ba536ba4f1f9833dd83955405097078833e (patch)
treefe300f1069fded42e5a646e3e4ed05d7534b3125 /lualib
parent800518efaf7543b79ebf6f4477f94a3a097e3078 (diff)
[Feature] Add support of Cloudmark
in the external services plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'lualib')
2 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/lua_scanners/cloudmark.lua b/lualib/lua_scanners/cloudmark.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66d93203d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualib/lua_scanners/cloudmark.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+Copyright (c) 2021, Alexander Moisseev <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+-- @module cloudmark
+-- This module contains Cloudmark v2 interface
+local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+local http = require "rspamd_http"
+local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list"
+local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+local ucl = require "ucl"
+local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
+local common = require "lua_scanners/common"
+local fun = require "fun"
+local N = 'cloudmark'
+-- Boundary for multipart transfers, generated on module init
+local static_boundary = rspamd_util.random_hex(32)
+local function cloudmark_config(opts)
+ local cloudmark_conf = {
+ name = N,
+ default_port = 2713,
+ url = '/score/v2/message',
+ use_https = false,
+ timeout = 5.0,
+ log_clean = false,
+ retransmits = 1,
+ score_threshold = 90, -- minimum score to considerate reply
+ message = '${SCANNER}: spam message found: "${VIRUS}"',
+ detection_category = "hash",
+ default_score = 1,
+ action = false,
+ log_spamcause = true,
+ symbol_fail = 'CLOUDMARK_FAIL',
+ symbol = 'CLOUDMARK_CHECK',
+ symbol_spam = 'CLOUDMARK_SPAM'
+ }
+ cloudmark_conf = lua_util.override_defaults(cloudmark_conf, opts)
+ if not cloudmark_conf.prefix then
+ cloudmark_conf.prefix = 'rs_' .. .. '_'
+ end
+ if not cloudmark_conf.log_prefix then
+ if == cloudmark_conf.type:lower() then
+ cloudmark_conf.log_prefix =
+ else
+ cloudmark_conf.log_prefix = .. ' (' .. cloudmark_conf.type .. ')'
+ end
+ end
+ if not cloudmark_conf.servers and cloudmark_conf.socket then
+ cloudmark_conf.servers = cloudmark_conf.socket
+ end
+ if not cloudmark_conf.servers then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'no servers defined')
+ return nil
+ end
+ cloudmark_conf.upstreams = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config,
+ cloudmark_conf.servers,
+ cloudmark_conf.default_port)
+ if cloudmark_conf.upstreams then
+ cloudmark_conf.symbols = {cloudmark_conf.symbol_spam}
+ lua_util.add_debug_alias('external_services',
+ return cloudmark_conf
+ end
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot parse servers %s',
+ cloudmark_conf['servers'])
+ return nil
+-- Converts a key-value map to the table representing multipart body, with the following values:
+-- `data`: data of the part
+-- `filename`: optional filename
+-- `content-type`: content type of the element (optional)
+-- `content-transfer-encoding`: optional CTE header
+local function table_to_multipart_body(tbl, boundary)
+ local seen_data = false
+ local out = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
+ if then
+ seen_data = true
+ table.insert(out, string.format('--%s\r\n', boundary))
+ if v.filename then
+ table.insert(out,
+ string.format('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"\r\n',
+ k, v.filename))
+ else
+ table.insert(out,
+ string.format('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"\r\n', k))
+ end
+ if v['content-type'] then
+ table.insert(out,
+ string.format('Content-Type: %s\r\n', v['content-type']))
+ else
+ table.insert(out, 'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n')
+ end
+ if v['content-transfer-encoding'] then
+ table.insert(out,
+ string.format('Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\r\n',
+ v['content-transfer-encoding']))
+ else
+ table.insert(out, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n')
+ end
+ table.insert(out, '\r\n')
+ table.insert(out,
+ table.insert(out, '\r\n')
+ end
+ end
+ if seen_data then
+ table.insert(out, string.format('--%s--\r\n', boundary))
+ end
+ return out
+local function parse_cloudmark_reply(task, rule, body)
+ local parser = ucl.parser()
+ local ret, err = parser:parse_string(body)
+ if not ret then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(task, '%s: bad response body (raw): %s', N, body)
+ task:insert_result(rule.symbol_fail, 1.0, 'Parser error: ' .. err)
+ return
+ end
+ local obj = parser:get_object()
+ if not obj.score then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(task, '%s: bad response body (raw): %s', N, body)
+ task:insert_result(rule.symbol_fail, 1.0, 'Parser error: no score')
+ return
+ end
+ local score = tonumber(obj.score) or 0
+ if score >= rule.score_threshold then
+ task:insert_result(rule.symbol_spam, 1.0, tostring(score))
+ end
+local function cloudmark_check(task, content, digest, rule, maybe_part)
+ local function cloudmark_check_uncached()
+ local function cloudmark_url(addr)
+ local url
+ local port = addr:get_port()
+ if port == 0 then
+ port = rule.default_port
+ end
+ if rule.use_https then
+ url = string.format('https://%s:%d%s', tostring(addr),
+ port, rule.url)
+ else
+ url = string.format('http://%s:%d%s', tostring(addr),
+ port, rule.url)
+ end
+ return url
+ end
+ local upstream = rule.upstreams:get_upstream_round_robin()
+ local addr = upstream:get_addr()
+ local retransmits = rule.retransmits
+ local url = cloudmark_url(addr)
+ local request = {
+ rfc822 = {
+ ['Content-Type'] = 'message/rfc822',
+ data = task:get_content()
+ }
+ }
+ local helo = task:get_helo()
+ if helo then
+ request['heloDomain'] = {
+ data = helo,
+ }
+ end
+ local mail_from = task:get_from('smtp') or {}
+ if mail_from[1] and #mail_from[1].addr > 1 then
+ request['mailFrom'] = {
+ data = mail_from[1].addr
+ }
+ end
+ local rcpt_to = task:get_recipients('smtp')
+ if rcpt_to then
+ request['rcptTo'] = {
+ data = table.concat(fun.totable( return r.addr end, rcpt_to)), ',')
+ }
+ end
+ local fip = task:get_from_ip()
+ if fip and fip:is_valid() then
+ request['connIp'] = tostring(fip)
+ end
+ local hostname = task:get_hostname()
+ if hostname then
+ request['fromHost'] = hostname
+ end
+ local request_data = {
+ task = task,
+ url = url,
+ body = table_to_multipart_body(request, static_boundary),
+ headers = {
+ ['Content-Type'] = string.format('multipart/form-data; boundary="%s"', static_boundary)
+ },
+ timeout = rule.timeout,
+ }
+ local function cloudmark_callback(http_err, code, body, headers)
+ local function cloudmark_requery()
+ -- set current upstream to fail because an error occurred
+ upstream:fail()
+ -- retry with another upstream until retransmits exceeds
+ if retransmits > 0 then
+ retransmits = retransmits - 1
+ lua_util.debugm(, task,
+ '%s: request Error: %s - retries left: %s',
+ rule.log_prefix, http_err, retransmits)
+ -- Select a different upstream!
+ upstream = rule.upstreams:get_upstream_round_robin()
+ addr = upstream:get_addr()
+ url = cloudmark_url(addr)
+ lua_util.debugm(, task, '%s: retry IP: %s:%s',
+ rule.log_prefix, addr, addr:get_port())
+ request_data.url = url
+ http.request(request_data)
+ else
+ rspamd_logger.errx(task, '%s: failed to scan, maximum retransmits '..
+ 'exceed', rule.log_prefix)
+ task:insert_result(rule['symbol_fail'], 0.0, 'failed to scan and '..
+ 'retransmits exceed')
+ upstream:fail()
+ end
+ end
+ if http_err then
+ cloudmark_requery()
+ else
+ -- Parse the response
+ if upstream then upstream:ok() end
+ if code ~= 200 then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'invalid HTTP code: %s, body: %s, headers: %s', code, body, headers)
+ task:insert_result(rule.symbol_fail, 1.0, 'Bad HTTP code: ' .. code)
+ return
+ end
+ parse_cloudmark_reply(task, rule, body)
+ end
+ end
+ request_data.callback = cloudmark_callback
+ http.request(request_data)
+ end
+ if common.condition_check_and_continue(task, content, rule, digest,
+ cloudmark_check_uncached, maybe_part) then
+ return
+ else
+ cloudmark_check_uncached()
+ end
+return {
+ type = {'cloudmark', 'scanner'},
+ description = 'Cloudmark cartridge interface',
+ configure = cloudmark_config,
+ check = cloudmark_check,
+ name = N,
diff --git a/lualib/lua_scanners/init.lua b/lualib/lua_scanners/init.lua
index 2f0d6d341..8c0f18caa 100644
--- a/lualib/lua_scanners/init.lua
+++ b/lualib/lua_scanners/init.lua
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ require_scanner('spamassassin')
exports.add_scanner = function(name, t, conf_func, check_func)
assert(type(conf_func) == 'function' and type(check_func) == 'function',