path: root/src/fuzzy_storage.c
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2020-03-04 16:20:57 +0000
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2020-03-04 20:04:00 +0000
commitd33893c59fb0a22f098c98445aa8b936655382e3 (patch)
tree4bfea608b9e4806706f4117c025e72a2b37836dd /src/fuzzy_storage.c
parentc5836a23f9bb91872f33375914baa02bca4001ca (diff)
[Feature] Add support for scripts in fuzzy storage
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fuzzy_storage.c')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/fuzzy_storage.c b/src/fuzzy_storage.c
index 073e66965..107cf7944 100644
--- a/src/fuzzy_storage.c
+++ b/src/fuzzy_storage.c
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "libutil/hash.h"
#include "libserver/maps/map_private.h"
#include "contrib/uthash/utlist.h"
+#include "lua/lua_common.h"
#include "unix-std.h"
#include <math.h>
@@ -180,6 +181,8 @@ struct rspamd_fuzzy_storage_ctx {
struct rspamd_worker *worker;
const ucl_object_t *skip_map;
struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *skip_hashes;
+ gint lua_pre_handler_cbref;
+ gint lua_post_handler_cbref;
guchar cookie[COOKIE_SIZE];
@@ -783,6 +786,71 @@ rspamd_fuzzy_check_callback (struct rspamd_fuzzy_reply *result, void *ud)
+ if (session->ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref != -1) {
+ /* Start lua post handler */
+ lua_State *L = session->ctx->cfg->lua_state;
+ gint err_idx, ret;
+ lua_pushcfunction (L, &rspamd_lua_traceback);
+ err_idx = lua_gettop (L);
+ /* Preallocate stack (small opt) */
+ lua_checkstack (L, err_idx + 9);
+ /* function */
+ lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, session->ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref);
+ /* client IP */
+ rspamd_lua_ip_push (L, session->addr);
+ /* client command */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, cmd->cmd);
+ /* command value (push as rspamd_text) */
+ (void)lua_new_text (L, result->digest, sizeof (result->digest), FALSE);
+ /* is shingle */
+ lua_pushboolean (L, is_shingle);
+ /* result value */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, result->v1.value);
+ /* result probability */
+ lua_pushnumber (L, result->v1.prob);
+ /* result flag */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, result->v1.flag);
+ /* result timestamp */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, result->ts);
+ /* TODO: add additional data maybe (encryption, pubkey, etc) */
+ if ((ret = lua_pcall (L, 8, LUA_MULTRET, err_idx)) != 0) {
+ msg_err ("call to lua_post_handler lua "
+ "script failed (%d): %s", ret, lua_tostring (L, -1));
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Return values order:
+ * the first reply will be on err_idx + 1
+ * if it is true, then we need to read the former ones:
+ * 2-nd will be reply code
+ * 3-rd will be probability (or 0.0 if missing)
+ */
+ ret = lua_toboolean (L, err_idx + 1);
+ if (ret) {
+ /* Artificial reply */
+ result->v1.value = lua_tointeger (L, err_idx + 2);
+ if (lua_isnumber (L, err_idx + 3)) {
+ result->v1.prob = lua_tonumber (L, err_idx + 3);
+ }
+ else {
+ result->v1.prob = 0.0f;
+ }
+ lua_settop (L, 0);
+ rspamd_fuzzy_make_reply (cmd, result, session, encrypted, is_shingle);
+ REF_RELEASE (session);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ lua_settop (L, 0);
+ }
rspamd_fuzzy_make_reply (cmd, result, session, encrypted, is_shingle);
/* Refresh hash if found with strong confidence */
@@ -883,6 +951,62 @@ rspamd_fuzzy_process_command (struct fuzzy_session *session)
result.v1.flag = cmd->flag;
result.v1.tag = cmd->tag;
+ if (session->ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref != -1) {
+ /* Start lua pre handler */
+ lua_State *L = session->ctx->cfg->lua_state;
+ gint err_idx, ret;
+ lua_pushcfunction (L, &rspamd_lua_traceback);
+ err_idx = lua_gettop (L);
+ /* Preallocate stack (small opt) */
+ lua_checkstack (L, err_idx + 5);
+ /* function */
+ lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, session->ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref);
+ /* client IP */
+ rspamd_lua_ip_push (L, session->addr);
+ /* client command */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, cmd->cmd);
+ /* command value (push as rspamd_text) */
+ (void)lua_new_text (L, cmd->digest, sizeof (cmd->digest), FALSE);
+ /* is shingle */
+ lua_pushboolean (L, is_shingle);
+ /* TODO: add additional data maybe (encryption, pubkey, etc) */
+ if ((ret = lua_pcall (L, 4,LUA_MULTRET, err_idx)) != 0) {
+ msg_err ("call to lua_pre_handler lua "
+ "script failed (%d): %s", ret, lua_tostring (L, -1));
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Return values order:
+ * the first reply will be on err_idx + 1
+ * if it is true, then we need to read the former ones:
+ * 2-nd will be reply code
+ * 3-rd will be probability (or 0.0 if missing)
+ */
+ ret = lua_toboolean (L, err_idx + 1);
+ if (ret) {
+ /* Artificial reply */
+ result.v1.value = lua_tointeger (L, err_idx + 2);
+ if (lua_isnumber (L, err_idx + 3)) {
+ result.v1.prob = lua_tonumber (L, err_idx + 3);
+ }
+ else {
+ result.v1.prob = 0.0f;
+ }
+ lua_settop (L, 0);
+ rspamd_fuzzy_make_reply (cmd, &result, session, encrypted, is_shingle);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ lua_settop (L, 0);
+ }
if (G_UNLIKELY (cmd == NULL || up_len == 0)) {
result.v1.value = 500;
result.v1.prob = 0.0f;
@@ -1496,6 +1620,56 @@ rspamd_fuzzy_stat_to_ucl (struct rspamd_fuzzy_storage_ctx *ctx, gboolean ip_stat
return obj;
+static int
+lua_fuzzy_add_pre_handler (lua_State *L)
+ struct rspamd_worker *wrk = *(struct rspamd_worker **)
+ rspamd_lua_check_udata (L, 1, "rspamd{worker}");
+ struct rspamd_fuzzy_storage_ctx *ctx;
+ if (wrk && lua_isfunction (L, 2)) {
+ ctx = (struct rspamd_fuzzy_storage_ctx *)wrk->ctx;
+ if (ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref != -1) {
+ /* Should not happen */
+ luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref);
+ }
+ lua_pushvalue (L, 2);
+ ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ }
+ else {
+ return luaL_error (L, "invalid arguments, worker + function are expected");
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+lua_fuzzy_add_post_handler (lua_State *L)
+ struct rspamd_worker *wrk = *(struct rspamd_worker **)
+ rspamd_lua_check_udata (L, 1, "rspamd{worker}");
+ struct rspamd_fuzzy_storage_ctx *ctx;
+ if (wrk && lua_isfunction (L, 2)) {
+ ctx = (struct rspamd_fuzzy_storage_ctx *)wrk->ctx;
+ if (ctx->lua_post_handler_cbref != -1) {
+ /* Should not happen */
+ luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ctx->lua_post_handler_cbref);
+ }
+ lua_pushvalue (L, 2);
+ ctx->lua_post_handler_cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ }
+ else {
+ return luaL_error (L, "invalid arguments, worker + function are expected");
+ }
+ return 0;
static gboolean
rspamd_fuzzy_storage_stat (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main,
struct rspamd_worker *worker, gint fd,
@@ -1676,6 +1850,8 @@ init_fuzzy (struct rspamd_config *cfg)
ctx->magic = rspamd_fuzzy_storage_magic;
ctx->sync_timeout = DEFAULT_SYNC_TIMEOUT;
ctx->keypair_cache_size = DEFAULT_KEYPAIR_CACHE_SIZE;
+ ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref = -1;
+ ctx->lua_post_handler_cbref = -1;
ctx->keys = g_hash_table_new_full (fuzzy_kp_hash, fuzzy_kp_equal,
NULL, fuzzy_key_dtor);
rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cfg->cfg_pool,
@@ -2067,6 +2243,20 @@ start_fuzzy (struct rspamd_worker *worker)
rspamd_srv_send_command (worker, ctx->event_loop, &srv_cmd, -1,
fuzzy_peer_rep, ctx);
+ luaL_Reg fuzzy_lua_reg = {
+ .name = "add_fuzzy_pre_handler",
+ .func = lua_fuzzy_add_pre_handler,
+ };
+ rspamd_lua_add_metamethod (ctx->cfg->lua_state, "rspamd{worker}", &fuzzy_lua_reg);
+ fuzzy_lua_reg = (luaL_Reg){
+ .name = "add_fuzzy_post_handler",
+ .func = lua_fuzzy_add_post_handler,
+ };
+ rspamd_lua_add_metamethod (ctx->cfg->lua_state, "rspamd{worker}", &fuzzy_lua_reg);
+ rspamd_lua_run_postloads (ctx->cfg->lua_state, ctx->cfg, ctx->event_loop,
+ worker);
ev_loop (ctx->event_loop, 0);
rspamd_worker_block_signals ();
@@ -2104,6 +2294,14 @@ start_fuzzy (struct rspamd_worker *worker)
rspamd_lru_hash_destroy (ctx->ratelimit_buckets);
+ if (ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref != -1) {
+ luaL_unref (ctx->cfg->lua_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ctx->lua_pre_handler_cbref);
+ }
+ if (ctx->lua_post_handler_cbref != -1) {
+ luaL_unref (ctx->cfg->lua_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ctx->lua_post_handler_cbref);
+ }
REF_RELEASE (ctx->cfg);
rspamd_log_close (worker->srv->logger);