path: root/src/libserver/css
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>2021-03-02 23:11:03 +0000
committerVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>2021-03-02 23:11:03 +0000
commit11cf522ed3644b3be5262fc12b4b26a501882e7e (patch)
tree11b32ca56eee9043e6cc973c901438a29c7d01ff /src/libserver/css
parent21619069a406d42c1bc497016558258317049fe0 (diff)
[Project] Css: Further steps to parse css colors + rework
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libserver/css')
5 files changed, 812 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/libserver/css/css_colors_list.hxx b/src/libserver/css/css_colors_list.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc7f60960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libserver/css/css_colors_list.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+ * Copyright 2021 Vsevolod Stakhov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <string_view>
+#include "contrib/robin-hood/robin_hood.h"
+#include "css_value.hxx"
+namespace rspamd::css {
+ * List of all colors, intended to use with hashes/sets
+ * TODO: think about frozen structs when we can deal with 700 values without
+ * compiler limits...
+ */
+static const robin_hood::unordered_flat_map<std::string_view, css_color> css_colors_map{
+ {"aliceblue", {240, 248, 255}},
+ {"antiquewhite", {250, 235, 215}},
+ {"antiquewhite1", {255, 239, 219}},
+ {"antiquewhite2", {238, 223, 204}},
+ {"antiquewhite3", {205, 192, 176}},
+ {"antiquewhite4", {139, 131, 120}},
+ {"aqua", {0, 255, 255}},
+ {"aquamarine", {127, 255, 212}},
+ {"aquamarine1", {127, 255, 212}},
+ {"aquamarine2", {118, 238, 198}},
+ {"aquamarine3", {102, 205, 170}},
+ {"aquamarine4", {69, 139, 116}},
+ {"azure", {240, 255, 255}},
+ {"azure1", {240, 255, 255}},
+ {"azure2", {224, 238, 238}},
+ {"azure3", {193, 205, 205}},
+ {"azure4", {131, 139, 139}},
+ {"beige", {245, 245, 220}},
+ {"bisque", {255, 228, 196}},
+ {"bisque1", {255, 228, 196}},
+ {"bisque2", {238, 213, 183}},
+ {"bisque3", {205, 183, 158}},
+ {"bisque4", {139, 125, 107}},
+ {"black", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"blanchedalmond", {255, 235, 205}},
+ {"blue", {0, 0, 255}},
+ {"blue1", {0, 0, 255}},
+ {"blue2", {0, 0, 238}},
+ {"blue3", {0, 0, 205}},
+ {"blue4", {0, 0, 139}},
+ {"blueviolet", {138, 43, 226}},
+ {"brown", {165, 42, 42}},
+ {"brown1", {255, 64, 64}},
+ {"brown2", {238, 59, 59}},
+ {"brown3", {205, 51, 51}},
+ {"brown4", {139, 35, 35}},
+ {"burlywood", {222, 184, 135}},
+ {"burlywood1", {255, 211, 155}},
+ {"burlywood2", {238, 197, 145}},
+ {"burlywood3", {205, 170, 125}},
+ {"burlywood4", {139, 115, 85}},
+ {"cadetblue", {95, 158, 160}},
+ {"cadetblue1", {152, 245, 255}},
+ {"cadetblue2", {142, 229, 238}},
+ {"cadetblue3", {122, 197, 205}},
+ {"cadetblue4", {83, 134, 139}},
+ {"chartreuse", {127, 255, 0}},
+ {"chartreuse1", {127, 255, 0}},
+ {"chartreuse2", {118, 238, 0}},
+ {"chartreuse3", {102, 205, 0}},
+ {"chartreuse4", {69, 139, 0}},
+ {"chocolate", {210, 105, 30}},
+ {"chocolate1", {255, 127, 36}},
+ {"chocolate2", {238, 118, 33}},
+ {"chocolate3", {205, 102, 29}},
+ {"chocolate4", {139, 69, 19}},
+ {"coral", {255, 127, 80}},
+ {"coral1", {255, 114, 86}},
+ {"coral2", {238, 106, 80}},
+ {"coral3", {205, 91, 69}},
+ {"coral4", {139, 62, 47}},
+ {"cornflowerblue", {100, 149, 237}},
+ {"cornsilk", {255, 248, 220}},
+ {"cornsilk1", {255, 248, 220}},
+ {"cornsilk2", {238, 232, 205}},
+ {"cornsilk3", {205, 200, 177}},
+ {"cornsilk4", {139, 136, 120}},
+ {"crimson", {220, 20, 60}},
+ {"cyan", {0, 255, 255}},
+ {"cyan1", {0, 255, 255}},
+ {"cyan2", {0, 238, 238}},
+ {"cyan3", {0, 205, 205}},
+ {"cyan4", {0, 139, 139}},
+ {"darkblue", {0, 0, 139}},
+ {"darkcyan", {0, 139, 139}},
+ {"darkgoldenrod", {184, 134, 11}},
+ {"darkgoldenrod1", {255, 185, 15}},
+ {"darkgoldenrod2", {238, 173, 14}},
+ {"darkgoldenrod3", {205, 149, 12}},
+ {"darkgoldenrod4", {139, 101, 8}},
+ {"darkgray", {169, 169, 169}},
+ {"darkgreen", {0, 100, 0}},
+ {"darkgrey", {169, 169, 169}},
+ {"darkkhaki", {189, 183, 107}},
+ {"darkmagenta", {139, 0, 139}},
+ {"darkolivegreen", {85, 107, 47}},
+ {"darkolivegreen1", {202, 255, 112}},
+ {"darkolivegreen2", {188, 238, 104}},
+ {"darkolivegreen3", {162, 205, 90}},
+ {"darkolivegreen4", {110, 139, 61}},
+ {"darkorange", {255, 140, 0}},
+ {"darkorange1", {255, 127, 0}},
+ {"darkorange2", {238, 118, 0}},
+ {"darkorange3", {205, 102, 0}},
+ {"darkorange4", {139, 69, 0}},
+ {"darkorchid", {153, 50, 204}},
+ {"darkorchid1", {191, 62, 255}},
+ {"darkorchid2", {178, 58, 238}},
+ {"darkorchid3", {154, 50, 205}},
+ {"darkorchid4", {104, 34, 139}},
+ {"darkred", {139, 0, 0}},
+ {"darksalmon", {233, 150, 122}},
+ {"darkseagreen", {143, 188, 143}},
+ {"darkseagreen1", {193, 255, 193}},
+ {"darkseagreen2", {180, 238, 180}},
+ {"darkseagreen3", {155, 205, 155}},
+ {"darkseagreen4", {105, 139, 105}},
+ {"darkslateblue", {72, 61, 139}},
+ {"darkslategray", {47, 79, 79}},
+ {"darkslategray1", {151, 255, 255}},
+ {"darkslategray2", {141, 238, 238}},
+ {"darkslategray3", {121, 205, 205}},
+ {"darkslategray4", {82, 139, 139}},
+ {"darkslategrey", {47, 79, 79}},
+ {"darkturquoise", {0, 206, 209}},
+ {"darkviolet", {148, 0, 211}},
+ {"deeppink", {255, 20, 147}},
+ {"deeppink1", {255, 20, 147}},
+ {"deeppink2", {238, 18, 137}},
+ {"deeppink3", {205, 16, 118}},
+ {"deeppink4", {139, 10, 80}},
+ {"deepskyblue", {0, 191, 255}},
+ {"deepskyblue1", {0, 191, 255}},
+ {"deepskyblue2", {0, 178, 238}},
+ {"deepskyblue3", {0, 154, 205}},
+ {"deepskyblue4", {0, 104, 139}},
+ {"dimgray", {105, 105, 105}},
+ {"dimgrey", {105, 105, 105}},
+ {"dodgerblue", {30, 144, 255}},
+ {"dodgerblue1", {30, 144, 255}},
+ {"dodgerblue2", {28, 134, 238}},
+ {"dodgerblue3", {24, 116, 205}},
+ {"dodgerblue4", {16, 78, 139}},
+ {"firebrick", {178, 34, 34}},
+ {"firebrick1", {255, 48, 48}},
+ {"firebrick2", {238, 44, 44}},
+ {"firebrick3", {205, 38, 38}},
+ {"firebrick4", {139, 26, 26}},
+ {"floralwhite", {255, 250, 240}},
+ {"forestgreen", {34, 139, 34}},
+ {"fuchsia", {255, 0, 255}},
+ {"gainsboro", {220, 220, 220}},
+ {"ghostwhite", {248, 248, 255}},
+ {"gold", {255, 215, 0}},
+ {"gold1", {255, 215, 0}},
+ {"gold2", {238, 201, 0}},
+ {"gold3", {205, 173, 0}},
+ {"gold4", {139, 117, 0}},
+ {"goldenrod", {218, 165, 32}},
+ {"goldenrod1", {255, 193, 37}},
+ {"goldenrod2", {238, 180, 34}},
+ {"goldenrod3", {205, 155, 29}},
+ {"goldenrod4", {139, 105, 20}},
+ {"gray", {190, 190, 190}},
+ {"gray0", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"gray1", {3, 3, 3}},
+ {"gray10", {26, 26, 26}},
+ {"gray100", {255, 255, 255}},
+ {"gray11", {28, 28, 28}},
+ {"gray12", {31, 31, 31}},
+ {"gray13", {33, 33, 33}},
+ {"gray14", {36, 36, 36}},
+ {"gray15", {38, 38, 38}},
+ {"gray16", {41, 41, 41}},
+ {"gray17", {43, 43, 43}},
+ {"gray18", {46, 46, 46}},
+ {"gray19", {48, 48, 48}},
+ {"gray2", {5, 5, 5}},
+ {"gray20", {51, 51, 51}},
+ {"gray21", {54, 54, 54}},
+ {"gray22", {56, 56, 56}},
+ {"gray23", {59, 59, 59}},
+ {"gray24", {61, 61, 61}},
+ {"gray25", {64, 64, 64}},
+ {"gray26", {66, 66, 66}},
+ {"gray27", {69, 69, 69}},
+ {"gray28", {71, 71, 71}},
+ {"gray29", {74, 74, 74}},
+ {"gray3", {8, 8, 8}},
+ {"gray30", {77, 77, 77}},
+ {"gray31", {79, 79, 79}},
+ {"gray32", {82, 82, 82}},
+ {"gray33", {84, 84, 84}},
+ {"gray34", {87, 87, 87}},
+ {"gray35", {89, 89, 89}},
+ {"gray36", {92, 92, 92}},
+ {"gray37", {94, 94, 94}},
+ {"gray38", {97, 97, 97}},
+ {"gray39", {99, 99, 99}},
+ {"gray4", {10, 10, 10}},
+ {"gray40", {102, 102, 102}},
+ {"gray41", {105, 105, 105}},
+ {"gray42", {107, 107, 107}},
+ {"gray43", {110, 110, 110}},
+ {"gray44", {112, 112, 112}},
+ {"gray45", {115, 115, 115}},
+ {"gray46", {117, 117, 117}},
+ {"gray47", {120, 120, 120}},
+ {"gray48", {122, 122, 122}},
+ {"gray49", {125, 125, 125}},
+ {"gray5", {13, 13, 13}},
+ {"gray50", {127, 127, 127}},
+ {"gray51", {130, 130, 130}},
+ {"gray52", {133, 133, 133}},
+ {"gray53", {135, 135, 135}},
+ {"gray54", {138, 138, 138}},
+ {"gray55", {140, 140, 140}},
+ {"gray56", {143, 143, 143}},
+ {"gray57", {145, 145, 145}},
+ {"gray58", {148, 148, 148}},
+ {"gray59", {150, 150, 150}},
+ {"gray6", {15, 15, 15}},
+ {"gray60", {153, 153, 153}},
+ {"gray61", {156, 156, 156}},
+ {"gray62", {158, 158, 158}},
+ {"gray63", {161, 161, 161}},
+ {"gray64", {163, 163, 163}},
+ {"gray65", {166, 166, 166}},
+ {"gray66", {168, 168, 168}},
+ {"gray67", {171, 171, 171}},
+ {"gray68", {173, 173, 173}},
+ {"gray69", {176, 176, 176}},
+ {"gray7", {18, 18, 18}},
+ {"gray70", {179, 179, 179}},
+ {"gray71", {181, 181, 181}},
+ {"gray72", {184, 184, 184}},
+ {"gray73", {186, 186, 186}},
+ {"gray74", {189, 189, 189}},
+ {"gray75", {191, 191, 191}},
+ {"gray76", {194, 194, 194}},
+ {"gray77", {196, 196, 196}},
+ {"gray78", {199, 199, 199}},
+ {"gray79", {201, 201, 201}},
+ {"gray8", {20, 20, 20}},
+ {"gray80", {204, 204, 204}},
+ {"gray81", {207, 207, 207}},
+ {"gray82", {209, 209, 209}},
+ {"gray83", {212, 212, 212}},
+ {"gray84", {214, 214, 214}},
+ {"gray85", {217, 217, 217}},
+ {"gray86", {219, 219, 219}},
+ {"gray87", {222, 222, 222}},
+ {"gray88", {224, 224, 224}},
+ {"gray89", {227, 227, 227}},
+ {"gray9", {23, 23, 23}},
+ {"gray90", {229, 229, 229}},
+ {"gray91", {232, 232, 232}},
+ {"gray92", {235, 235, 235}},
+ {"gray93", {237, 237, 237}},
+ {"gray94", {240, 240, 240}},
+ {"gray95", {242, 242, 242}},
+ {"gray96", {245, 245, 245}},
+ {"gray97", {247, 247, 247}},
+ {"gray98", {250, 250, 250}},
+ {"gray99", {252, 252, 252}},
+ {"green", {0, 255, 0}},
+ {"green1", {0, 255, 0}},
+ {"green2", {0, 238, 0}},
+ {"green3", {0, 205, 0}},
+ {"green4", {0, 139, 0}},
+ {"greenyellow", {173, 255, 47}},
+ {"grey", {190, 190, 190}},
+ {"grey0", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"grey1", {3, 3, 3}},
+ {"grey10", {26, 26, 26}},
+ {"grey100", {255, 255, 255}},
+ {"grey11", {28, 28, 28}},
+ {"grey12", {31, 31, 31}},
+ {"grey13", {33, 33, 33}},
+ {"grey14", {36, 36, 36}},
+ {"grey15", {38, 38, 38}},
+ {"grey16", {41, 41, 41}},
+ {"grey17", {43, 43, 43}},
+ {"grey18", {46, 46, 46}},
+ {"grey19", {48, 48, 48}},
+ {"grey2", {5, 5, 5}},
+ {"grey20", {51, 51, 51}},
+ {"grey21", {54, 54, 54}},
+ {"grey22", {56, 56, 56}},
+ {"grey23", {59, 59, 59}},
+ {"grey24", {61, 61, 61}},
+ {"grey25", {64, 64, 64}},
+ {"grey26", {66, 66, 66}},
+ {"grey27", {69, 69, 69}},
+ {"grey28", {71, 71, 71}},
+ {"grey29", {74, 74, 74}},
+ {"grey3", {8, 8, 8}},
+ {"grey30", {77, 77, 77}},
+ {"grey31", {79, 79, 79}},
+ {"grey32", {82, 82, 82}},
+ {"grey33", {84, 84, 84}},
+ {"grey34", {87, 87, 87}},
+ {"grey35", {89, 89, 89}},
+ {"grey36", {92, 92, 92}},
+ {"grey37", {94, 94, 94}},
+ {"grey38", {97, 97, 97}},
+ {"grey39", {99, 99, 99}},
+ {"grey4", {10, 10, 10}},
+ {"grey40", {102, 102, 102}},
+ {"grey41", {105, 105, 105}},
+ {"grey42", {107, 107, 107}},
+ {"grey43", {110, 110, 110}},
+ {"grey44", {112, 112, 112}},
+ {"grey45", {115, 115, 115}},
+ {"grey46", {117, 117, 117}},
+ {"grey47", {120, 120, 120}},
+ {"grey48", {122, 122, 122}},
+ {"grey49", {125, 125, 125}},
+ {"grey5", {13, 13, 13}},
+ {"grey50", {127, 127, 127}},
+ {"grey51", {130, 130, 130}},
+ {"grey52", {133, 133, 133}},
+ {"grey53", {135, 135, 135}},
+ {"grey54", {138, 138, 138}},
+ {"grey55", {140, 140, 140}},
+ {"grey56", {143, 143, 143}},
+ {"grey57", {145, 145, 145}},
+ {"grey58", {148, 148, 148}},
+ {"grey59", {150, 150, 150}},
+ {"grey6", {15, 15, 15}},
+ {"grey60", {153, 153, 153}},
+ {"grey61", {156, 156, 156}},
+ {"grey62", {158, 158, 158}},
+ {"grey63", {161, 161, 161}},
+ {"grey64", {163, 163, 163}},
+ {"grey65", {166, 166, 166}},
+ {"grey66", {168, 168, 168}},
+ {"grey67", {171, 171, 171}},
+ {"grey68", {173, 173, 173}},
+ {"grey69", {176, 176, 176}},
+ {"grey7", {18, 18, 18}},
+ {"grey70", {179, 179, 179}},
+ {"grey71", {181, 181, 181}},
+ {"grey72", {184, 184, 184}},
+ {"grey73", {186, 186, 186}},
+ {"grey74", {189, 189, 189}},
+ {"grey75", {191, 191, 191}},
+ {"grey76", {194, 194, 194}},
+ {"grey77", {196, 196, 196}},
+ {"grey78", {199, 199, 199}},
+ {"grey79", {201, 201, 201}},
+ {"grey8", {20, 20, 20}},
+ {"grey80", {204, 204, 204}},
+ {"grey81", {207, 207, 207}},
+ {"grey82", {209, 209, 209}},
+ {"grey83", {212, 212, 212}},
+ {"grey84", {214, 214, 214}},
+ {"grey85", {217, 217, 217}},
+ {"grey86", {219, 219, 219}},
+ {"grey87", {222, 222, 222}},
+ {"grey88", {224, 224, 224}},
+ {"grey89", {227, 227, 227}},
+ {"grey9", {23, 23, 23}},
+ {"grey90", {229, 229, 229}},
+ {"grey91", {232, 232, 232}},
+ {"grey92", {235, 235, 235}},
+ {"grey93", {237, 237, 237}},
+ {"grey94", {240, 240, 240}},
+ {"grey95", {242, 242, 242}},
+ {"grey96", {245, 245, 245}},
+ {"grey97", {247, 247, 247}},
+ {"grey98", {250, 250, 250}},
+ {"grey99", {252, 252, 252}},
+ {"honeydew", {240, 255, 240}},
+ {"honeydew1", {240, 255, 240}},
+ {"honeydew2", {224, 238, 224}},
+ {"honeydew3", {193, 205, 193}},
+ {"honeydew4", {131, 139, 131}},
+ {"hotpink", {255, 105, 180}},
+ {"hotpink1", {255, 110, 180}},
+ {"hotpink2", {238, 106, 167}},
+ {"hotpink3", {205, 96, 144}},
+ {"hotpink4", {139, 58, 98}},
+ {"indianred", {205, 92, 92}},
+ {"indianred1", {255, 106, 106}},
+ {"indianred2", {238, 99, 99}},
+ {"indianred3", {205, 85, 85}},
+ {"indianred4", {139, 58, 58}},
+ {"indigo", {75, 0, 130}},
+ {"ivory", {255, 255, 240}},
+ {"ivory1", {255, 255, 240}},
+ {"ivory2", {238, 238, 224}},
+ {"ivory3", {205, 205, 193}},
+ {"ivory4", {139, 139, 131}},
+ {"khaki", {240, 230, 140}},
+ {"khaki1", {255, 246, 143}},
+ {"khaki2", {238, 230, 133}},
+ {"khaki3", {205, 198, 115}},
+ {"khaki4", {139, 134, 78}},
+ {"lavender", {230, 230, 250}},
+ {"lavenderblush", {255, 240, 245}},
+ {"lavenderblush1", {255, 240, 245}},
+ {"lavenderblush2", {238, 224, 229}},
+ {"lavenderblush3", {205, 193, 197}},
+ {"lavenderblush4", {139, 131, 134}},
+ {"lawngreen", {124, 252, 0}},
+ {"lemonchiffon", {255, 250, 205}},
+ {"lemonchiffon1", {255, 250, 205}},
+ {"lemonchiffon2", {238, 233, 191}},
+ {"lemonchiffon3", {205, 201, 165}},
+ {"lemonchiffon4", {139, 137, 112}},
+ {"lightblue", {173, 216, 230}},
+ {"lightblue1", {191, 239, 255}},
+ {"lightblue2", {178, 223, 238}},
+ {"lightblue3", {154, 192, 205}},
+ {"lightblue4", {104, 131, 139}},
+ {"lightcoral", {240, 128, 128}},
+ {"lightcyan", {224, 255, 255}},
+ {"lightcyan1", {224, 255, 255}},
+ {"lightcyan2", {209, 238, 238}},
+ {"lightcyan3", {180, 205, 205}},
+ {"lightcyan4", {122, 139, 139}},
+ {"lightgoldenrod", {238, 221, 130}},
+ {"lightgoldenrod1", {255, 236, 139}},
+ {"lightgoldenrod2", {238, 220, 130}},
+ {"lightgoldenrod3", {205, 190, 112}},
+ {"lightgoldenrod4", {139, 129, 76}},
+ {"lightgoldenrodyellow", {250, 250, 210}},
+ {"lightgray", {211, 211, 211}},
+ {"lightgreen", {144, 238, 144}},
+ {"lightgrey", {211, 211, 211}},
+ {"lightpink", {255, 182, 193}},
+ {"lightpink1", {255, 174, 185}},
+ {"lightpink2", {238, 162, 173}},
+ {"lightpink3", {205, 140, 149}},
+ {"lightpink4", {139, 95, 101}},
+ {"lightsalmon", {255, 160, 122}},
+ {"lightsalmon1", {255, 160, 122}},
+ {"lightsalmon2", {238, 149, 114}},
+ {"lightsalmon3", {205, 129, 98}},
+ {"lightsalmon4", {139, 87, 66}},
+ {"lightseagreen", {32, 178, 170}},
+ {"lightskyblue", {135, 206, 250}},
+ {"lightskyblue1", {176, 226, 255}},
+ {"lightskyblue2", {164, 211, 238}},
+ {"lightskyblue3", {141, 182, 205}},
+ {"lightskyblue4", {96, 123, 139}},
+ {"lightslateblue", {132, 112, 255}},
+ {"lightslategray", {119, 136, 153}},
+ {"lightslategrey", {119, 136, 153}},
+ {"lightsteelblue", {176, 196, 222}},
+ {"lightsteelblue1", {202, 225, 255}},
+ {"lightsteelblue2", {188, 210, 238}},
+ {"lightsteelblue3", {162, 181, 205}},
+ {"lightsteelblue4", {110, 123, 139}},
+ {"lightyellow", {255, 255, 224}},
+ {"lightyellow1", {255, 255, 224}},
+ {"lightyellow2", {238, 238, 209}},
+ {"lightyellow3", {205, 205, 180}},
+ {"lightyellow4", {139, 139, 122}},
+ {"lime", {0, 255, 0}},
+ {"limegreen", {50, 205, 50}},
+ {"linen", {250, 240, 230}},
+ {"magenta", {255, 0, 255}},
+ {"magenta1", {255, 0, 255}},
+ {"magenta2", {238, 0, 238}},
+ {"magenta3", {205, 0, 205}},
+ {"magenta4", {139, 0, 139}},
+ {"maroon", {176, 48, 96}},
+ {"maroon1", {255, 52, 179}},
+ {"maroon2", {238, 48, 167}},
+ {"maroon3", {205, 41, 144}},
+ {"maroon4", {139, 28, 98}},
+ {"mediumaquamarine", {102, 205, 170}},
+ {"mediumblue", {0, 0, 205}},
+ {"mediumorchid", {186, 85, 211}},
+ {"mediumorchid1", {224, 102, 255}},
+ {"mediumorchid2", {209, 95, 238}},
+ {"mediumorchid3", {180, 82, 205}},
+ {"mediumorchid4", {122, 55, 139}},
+ {"mediumpurple", {147, 112, 219}},
+ {"mediumpurple1", {171, 130, 255}},
+ {"mediumpurple2", {159, 121, 238}},
+ {"mediumpurple3", {137, 104, 205}},
+ {"mediumpurple4", {93, 71, 139}},
+ {"mediumseagreen", {60, 179, 113}},
+ {"mediumslateblue", {123, 104, 238}},
+ {"mediumspringgreen", {0, 250, 154}},
+ {"mediumturquoise", {72, 209, 204}},
+ {"mediumvioletred", {199, 21, 133}},
+ {"midnightblue", {25, 25, 112}},
+ {"mintcream", {245, 255, 250}},
+ {"mistyrose", {255, 228, 225}},
+ {"mistyrose1", {255, 228, 225}},
+ {"mistyrose2", {238, 213, 210}},
+ {"mistyrose3", {205, 183, 181}},
+ {"mistyrose4", {139, 125, 123}},
+ {"moccasin", {255, 228, 181}},
+ {"navajowhite", {255, 222, 173}},
+ {"navajowhite1", {255, 222, 173}},
+ {"navajowhite2", {238, 207, 161}},
+ {"navajowhite3", {205, 179, 139}},
+ {"navajowhite4", {139, 121, 94}},
+ {"navy", {0, 0, 128}},
+ {"navyblue", {0, 0, 128}},
+ {"oldlace", {253, 245, 230}},
+ {"olive", {128, 128, 0}},
+ {"olivedrab", {107, 142, 35}},
+ {"olivedrab1", {192, 255, 62}},
+ {"olivedrab2", {179, 238, 58}},
+ {"olivedrab3", {154, 205, 50}},
+ {"olivedrab4", {105, 139, 34}},
+ {"orange", {255, 165, 0}},
+ {"orange1", {255, 165, 0}},
+ {"orange2", {238, 154, 0}},
+ {"orange3", {205, 133, 0}},
+ {"orange4", {139, 90, 0}},
+ {"orangered", {255, 69, 0}},
+ {"orangered1", {255, 69, 0}},
+ {"orangered2", {238, 64, 0}},
+ {"orangered3", {205, 55, 0}},
+ {"orangered4", {139, 37, 0}},
+ {"orchid", {218, 112, 214}},
+ {"orchid1", {255, 131, 250}},
+ {"orchid2", {238, 122, 233}},
+ {"orchid3", {205, 105, 201}},
+ {"orchid4", {139, 71, 137}},
+ {"palegoldenrod", {238, 232, 170}},
+ {"palegreen", {152, 251, 152}},
+ {"palegreen1", {154, 255, 154}},
+ {"palegreen2", {144, 238, 144}},
+ {"palegreen3", {124, 205, 124}},
+ {"palegreen4", {84, 139, 84}},
+ {"paleturquoise", {175, 238, 238}},
+ {"paleturquoise1", {187, 255, 255}},
+ {"paleturquoise2", {174, 238, 238}},
+ {"paleturquoise3", {150, 205, 205}},
+ {"paleturquoise4", {102, 139, 139}},
+ {"palevioletred", {219, 112, 147}},
+ {"palevioletred1", {255, 130, 171}},
+ {"palevioletred2", {238, 121, 159}},
+ {"palevioletred3", {205, 104, 137}},
+ {"palevioletred4", {139, 71, 93}},
+ {"papayawhip", {255, 239, 213}},
+ {"peachpuff", {255, 218, 185}},
+ {"peachpuff1", {255, 218, 185}},
+ {"peachpuff2", {238, 203, 173}},
+ {"peachpuff3", {205, 175, 149}},
+ {"peachpuff4", {139, 119, 101}},
+ {"peru", {205, 133, 63}},
+ {"pink", {255, 192, 203}},
+ {"pink1", {255, 181, 197}},
+ {"pink2", {238, 169, 184}},
+ {"pink3", {205, 145, 158}},
+ {"pink4", {139, 99, 108}},
+ {"plum", {221, 160, 221}},
+ {"plum1", {255, 187, 255}},
+ {"plum2", {238, 174, 238}},
+ {"plum3", {205, 150, 205}},
+ {"plum4", {139, 102, 139}},
+ {"powderblue", {176, 224, 230}},
+ {"purple", {160, 32, 240}},
+ {"purple1", {155, 48, 255}},
+ {"purple2", {145, 44, 238}},
+ {"purple3", {125, 38, 205}},
+ {"purple4", {85, 26, 139}},
+ {"rebeccapurple", {102, 51, 153}},
+ {"red", {255, 0, 0}},
+ {"red1", {255, 0, 0}},
+ {"red2", {238, 0, 0}},
+ {"red3", {205, 0, 0}},
+ {"red4", {139, 0, 0}},
+ {"rosybrown", {188, 143, 143}},
+ {"rosybrown1", {255, 193, 193}},
+ {"rosybrown2", {238, 180, 180}},
+ {"rosybrown3", {205, 155, 155}},
+ {"rosybrown4", {139, 105, 105}},
+ {"royalblue", {65, 105, 225}},
+ {"royalblue1", {72, 118, 255}},
+ {"royalblue2", {67, 110, 238}},
+ {"royalblue3", {58, 95, 205}},
+ {"royalblue4", {39, 64, 139}},
+ {"saddlebrown", {139, 69, 19}},
+ {"salmon", {250, 128, 114}},
+ {"salmon1", {255, 140, 105}},
+ {"salmon2", {238, 130, 98}},
+ {"salmon3", {205, 112, 84}},
+ {"salmon4", {139, 76, 57}},
+ {"sandybrown", {244, 164, 96}},
+ {"seagreen", {46, 139, 87}},
+ {"seagreen1", {84, 255, 159}},
+ {"seagreen2", {78, 238, 148}},
+ {"seagreen3", {67, 205, 128}},
+ {"seagreen4", {46, 139, 87}},
+ {"seashell", {255, 245, 238}},
+ {"seashell1", {255, 245, 238}},
+ {"seashell2", {238, 229, 222}},
+ {"seashell3", {205, 197, 191}},
+ {"seashell4", {139, 134, 130}},
+ {"sienna", {160, 82, 45}},
+ {"sienna1", {255, 130, 71}},
+ {"sienna2", {238, 121, 66}},
+ {"sienna3", {205, 104, 57}},
+ {"sienna4", {139, 71, 38}},
+ {"silver", {192, 192, 192}},
+ {"skyblue", {135, 206, 235}},
+ {"skyblue1", {135, 206, 255}},
+ {"skyblue2", {126, 192, 238}},
+ {"skyblue3", {108, 166, 205}},
+ {"skyblue4", {74, 112, 139}},
+ {"slateblue", {106, 90, 205}},
+ {"slateblue1", {131, 111, 255}},
+ {"slateblue2", {122, 103, 238}},
+ {"slateblue3", {105, 89, 205}},
+ {"slateblue4", {71, 60, 139}},
+ {"slategray", {112, 128, 144}},
+ {"slategray1", {198, 226, 255}},
+ {"slategray2", {185, 211, 238}},
+ {"slategray3", {159, 182, 205}},
+ {"slategray4", {108, 123, 139}},
+ {"slategrey", {112, 128, 144}},
+ {"snow", {255, 250, 250}},
+ {"snow1", {255, 250, 250}},
+ {"snow2", {238, 233, 233}},
+ {"snow3", {205, 201, 201}},
+ {"snow4", {139, 137, 137}},
+ {"springgreen", {0, 255, 127}},
+ {"springgreen1", {0, 255, 127}},
+ {"springgreen2", {0, 238, 118}},
+ {"springgreen3", {0, 205, 102}},
+ {"springgreen4", {0, 139, 69}},
+ {"steelblue", {70, 130, 180}},
+ {"steelblue1", {99, 184, 255}},
+ {"steelblue2", {92, 172, 238}},
+ {"steelblue3", {79, 148, 205}},
+ {"steelblue4", {54, 100, 139}},
+ {"tan", {210, 180, 140}},
+ {"tan1", {255, 165, 79}},
+ {"tan2", {238, 154, 73}},
+ {"tan3", {205, 133, 63}},
+ {"tan4", {139, 90, 43}},
+ {"teal", {0, 128, 128}},
+ {"thistle", {216, 191, 216}},
+ {"thistle1", {255, 225, 255}},
+ {"thistle2", {238, 210, 238}},
+ {"thistle3", {205, 181, 205}},
+ {"thistle4", {139, 123, 139}},
+ {"tomato", {255, 99, 71}},
+ {"tomato1", {255, 99, 71}},
+ {"tomato2", {238, 92, 66}},
+ {"tomato3", {205, 79, 57}},
+ {"tomato4", {139, 54, 38}},
+ {"turquoise", {64, 224, 208}},
+ {"turquoise1", {0, 245, 255}},
+ {"turquoise2", {0, 229, 238}},
+ {"turquoise3", {0, 197, 205}},
+ {"turquoise4", {0, 134, 139}},
+ {"violet", {238, 130, 238}},
+ {"violetred", {208, 32, 144}},
+ {"violetred1", {255, 62, 150}},
+ {"violetred2", {238, 58, 140}},
+ {"violetred3", {205, 50, 120}},
+ {"violetred4", {139, 34, 82}},
+ {"webgray", {128, 128, 128}},
+ {"webgreen", {0, 128, 0}},
+ {"webgrey", {128, 128, 128}},
+ {"webmaroon", {128, 0, 0}},
+ {"webpurple", {128, 0, 128}},
+ {"wheat", {245, 222, 179}},
+ {"wheat1", {255, 231, 186}},
+ {"wheat2", {238, 216, 174}},
+ {"wheat3", {205, 186, 150}},
+ {"wheat4", {139, 126, 102}},
+ {"white", {255, 255, 255}},
+ {"whitesmoke", {245, 245, 245}},
+ {"x11gray", {190, 190, 190}},
+ {"x11green", {0, 255, 0}},
+ {"x11grey", {190, 190, 190}},
+ {"x11maroon", {176, 48, 96}},
+ {"x11purple", {160, 32, 240}},
+ {"yellow", {255, 255, 0}},
+ {"yellow1", {255, 255, 0}},
+ {"yellow2", {238, 238, 0}},
+ {"yellow3", {205, 205, 0}},
+ {"yellow4", {139, 139, 0}},
+ {"yellowgreen", {154, 205, 50}},
+ {"activeborder", {180, 180, 180}},
+ {"activecaption", {153, 180, 209}},
+ {"appworkspace", {171, 171, 171}},
+ {"background", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"buttonhighlight", {255, 255, 255}},
+ {"buttonshadow", {160, 160, 160}},
+ {"captiontext", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"inactiveborder", {244, 247, 252}},
+ {"inactivecaption", {191, 205, 219}},
+ {"inactivecaptiontext", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"infobackground", {255, 255, 225}},
+ {"infotext", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"menu", {240, 240, 240}},
+ {"menutext", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"scrollbar", {200, 200, 200}},
+ {"threeddarkshadow", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"threedface", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"threedhighlight", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"threedlightshadow", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"threedshadow", {0, 0, 0}},
+ {"window", {255, 255, 255}},
+ {"windowframe", {100, 100, 100}},
+ {"windowtext", {0, 0, 0}},
diff --git a/src/libserver/css/css_property.hxx b/src/libserver/css/css_property.hxx
index 562e54894..3d51bf99f 100644
--- a/src/libserver/css/css_property.hxx
+++ b/src/libserver/css/css_property.hxx
@@ -45,6 +45,41 @@ struct css_property {
css_property_type type;
static tl::expected<css_property,css_parse_error> from_token(
const css_parser_token &tok);
+ constexpr auto to_string(void) const -> const char * {
+ const char *ret = "nyi";
+ switch(type) {
+ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_FONT:
+ ret = "font";
+ break;
+ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_COLOR:
+ ret = "color";
+ break;
+ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_BGCOLOR:
+ ret = "bgcolor";
+ break;
+ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_BACKGROUND:
+ ret = "background";
+ break;
+ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_HEIGHT:
+ ret = "height";
+ break;
+ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_WIDTH:
+ ret = "width";
+ break;
+ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_DISPLAY:
+ ret = "display";
+ break;
+ case css_property_type::PROPERTY_VISIBILITY:
+ ret = "visibility";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libserver/css/css_rule.cxx b/src/libserver/css/css_rule.cxx
index cb0d4abad..572033e1f 100644
--- a/src/libserver/css/css_rule.cxx
+++ b/src/libserver/css/css_rule.cxx
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ auto process_declaration_tokens(rspamd_mempool_t *pool,
+ msg_debug_css("got css property: %s", cur_property.to_string());
/* We now expect colon block */
const auto &expect_colon_block = next_block_functor();
diff --git a/src/libserver/css/css_value.cxx b/src/libserver/css/css_value.cxx
index eb893f21c..520127da8 100644
--- a/src/libserver/css/css_value.cxx
+++ b/src/libserver/css/css_value.cxx
@@ -15,13 +15,28 @@
#include "css_value.hxx"
+#include "css_colors_list.hxx"
+#include "contrib/robin-hood/robin_hood.h"
namespace rspamd::css {
css_value::from_css_block(const css_consumed_block &bl)
return tl::unexpected{css_parse_error(css_parse_error_type::PARSE_ERROR_NYI)};
+auto css_value::maybe_color_from_string(const std::string_view &input)
+ -> std::optional<css_value>
+ auto found_it = css_colors_map.find(input);
+ if (found_it != css_colors_map.end()) {
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
diff --git a/src/libserver/css/css_value.hxx b/src/libserver/css/css_value.hxx
index 9290dc8f4..882abf990 100644
--- a/src/libserver/css/css_value.hxx
+++ b/src/libserver/css/css_value.hxx
@@ -29,12 +29,23 @@
namespace rspamd::css {
+struct alignas(int) css_color {
+ std::uint8_t r;
+ std::uint8_t g;
+ std::uint8_t b;
+ std::uint8_t alpha;
+ constexpr css_color(std::uint8_t _r, std::uint8_t _g, std::uint8_t _b, std::uint8_t _alpha = 255) :
+ r(_r), g(_g), b(_b), alpha(_alpha) {}
* Simple enum class for display stuff
enum class css_display_value {
@@ -54,27 +65,25 @@ struct css_value {
enum class css_value_type {
} type;
- std::variant<struct html_color,
+ std::variant<css_color,
- std::string,
css_flag_value> value;
- constexpr std::optional<struct html_color> to_color (void) const {
+ constexpr std::optional<css_color> to_color(void) const {
if (type == css_value_type::CSS_VALUE_COLOR) {
- return std::get<struct html_color>(value);
+ return std::get<css_color>(value);
return std::nullopt;
- constexpr std::optional<double> to_size (void) const {
+ constexpr std::optional<double> to_size(void) const {
if (type == css_value_type::CSS_VALUE_SIZE) {
return std::get<double>(value);
@@ -82,7 +91,7 @@ struct css_value {
return std::nullopt;
- constexpr std::optional<css_display_value> to_display (void) const {
+ constexpr std::optional<css_display_value> to_display(void) const {
if (type == css_value_type::CSS_VALUE_DISPLAY) {
return std::get<css_display_value>(value);
@@ -90,7 +99,7 @@ struct css_value {
return std::nullopt;
- constexpr std::optional<css_flag_value> to_flag (void) const {
+ constexpr std::optional<css_flag_value> to_flag(void) const {
if (type == css_value_type::CSS_VALUE_FLAG) {
return std::get<css_flag_value>(value);
@@ -98,19 +107,14 @@ struct css_value {
return std::nullopt;
- constexpr std::optional<std::string_view> to_string (void) const {
- if (type == css_value_type::CSS_VALUE_STRING) {
- return std::string_view(std::get<std::string>(value));
- }
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- constexpr bool is_valid (void) const {
+ constexpr bool is_valid(void) const {
return (type != css_value_type::CSS_VALUE_NYI);
- static tl::expected<css_value,css_parse_error> from_css_block(const css_consumed_block &bl);
+ static auto from_css_block(const css_consumed_block &bl) -> tl::expected<css_value, css_parse_error>;
+ static auto maybe_color_from_string(const std::string_view &input)
+ -> std::optional<css_value>;