path: root/src/libserver/dynamic_cfg.c
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2014-08-19 17:00:31 +0100
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2014-08-19 17:00:31 +0100
commit6cef19905c13ea7c2cbd001f45e5236bc35805c4 (patch)
tree6d7a60acd852d4865d5634c0b3573553b649f518 /src/libserver/dynamic_cfg.c
parentbb9b69e80ceb18de1575cf1f4d515bcf36bf8b83 (diff)
Use ucl instead of jansson.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libserver/dynamic_cfg.c')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/src/libserver/dynamic_cfg.c b/src/libserver/dynamic_cfg.c
index 0e513ddd8..9340efee7 100644
--- a/src/libserver/dynamic_cfg.c
+++ b/src/libserver/dynamic_cfg.c
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#include "map.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "dynamic_cfg.h"
-#include "json/jansson.h"
struct dynamic_cfg_symbol {
gchar *name;
@@ -192,10 +191,12 @@ void
json_config_fin_cb (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, struct map_cb_data *data)
struct config_json_buf *jb;
- guint nelts, i, j, selts;
gint test_act;
- json_t *js, *cur_elt, *cur_nm, *it_val;
- json_error_t je;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur_elt, *cur_nm, *it_val;
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = NULL;
+ ucl_object_t *top;
+ struct ucl_parser *parser;
struct dynamic_cfg_metric *cur_metric;
struct dynamic_cfg_symbol *cur_symbol;
struct dynamic_cfg_action *cur_action;
@@ -224,16 +225,19 @@ json_config_fin_cb (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, struct map_cb_data *data)
/* NULL terminate current buf */
*jb->pos = '\0';
- js = json_loads (jb->buf, &je);
- if (!js) {
- msg_err ("cannot load json data: parse error %s, on line %d",
- je.text,
- je.line);
+ parser = ucl_parser_new (0);
+ if (!ucl_parser_add_string (parser, jb->buf, 0)) {
+ msg_err ("cannot load json data: parse error %s",
+ ucl_parser_get_error (parser));
+ ucl_parser_free (parser);
- if (!json_is_array (js)) {
- json_decref (js);
+ top = ucl_parser_get_object (parser);
+ ucl_parser_free (parser);
+ if (!ucl_object_type (top) != UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_unref (top);
msg_err ("loaded json is not an array");
@@ -243,87 +247,82 @@ json_config_fin_cb (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, struct map_cb_data *data)
jb->config_metrics = NULL;
/* Parse configuration */
- nelts = json_array_size (js);
- for (i = 0; i < nelts; i++) {
- cur_elt = json_array_get (js, i);
- if (!cur_elt || !json_is_object (cur_elt)) {
+ while ((cur_elt = ucl_iterate_object (top, &it, true))) {
+ if (ucl_object_type (cur_elt) != UCL_OBJECT) {
msg_err ("loaded json array element is not an object");
- cur_nm = json_object_get (cur_elt, "metric");
- if (!cur_nm || !json_is_string (cur_nm)) {
+ cur_nm = ucl_object_find_key (cur_elt, "metric");
+ if (!cur_nm || ucl_object_type (cur_nm) != UCL_OBJECT) {
msg_err (
"loaded json metric object element has no 'metric' attribute");
cur_metric = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (struct dynamic_cfg_metric));
+ for (int i = METRIC_ACTION_REJECT; i < METRIC_ACTION_MAX; i++) {
cur_metric->actions[i].value = -1.0;
- cur_metric->name = g_strdup (json_string_value (cur_nm));
- cur_nm = json_object_get (cur_elt, "symbols");
+ cur_metric->name = g_strdup (ucl_object_tostring (cur_nm));
+ cur_nm = ucl_object_find_key (cur_elt, "symbols");
/* Parse symbols */
- if (cur_nm && json_is_array (cur_nm)) {
- selts = json_array_size (cur_nm);
- for (j = 0; j < selts; j++) {
- it_val = json_array_get (cur_nm, j);
- if (it_val && json_is_object (it_val)) {
- if (json_object_get (it_val,
- "name") && json_object_get (it_val, "value")) {
- cur_symbol =
+ if (cur_nm && ucl_object_type (cur_nm) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t nit = NULL;
+ while ((it_val = ucl_iterate_object (cur_nm, &nit, true))) {
+ if (ucl_object_find_key (it_val, "name") &&
+ ucl_object_find_key (it_val, "value")) {
+ cur_symbol =
g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (struct dynamic_cfg_symbol));
- cur_symbol->name =
- g_strdup (json_string_value (json_object_get (it_val,
- "name")));
- cur_symbol->value =
- json_number_value (json_object_get (it_val,
- "value"));
- /* Insert symbol */
- cur_metric->symbols = g_list_prepend (
+ cur_symbol->name =
+ g_strdup (ucl_object_tostring (ucl_object_find_key (
+ it_val,
+ "name")));
+ cur_symbol->value = ucl_object_todouble (
+ ucl_object_find_key (it_val,
+ "value"));
+ /* Insert symbol */
+ cur_metric->symbols = g_list_prepend (
- }
- else {
- msg_info (
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info (
"json symbol object has no mandatory 'name' and 'value' attributes");
- }
- cur_nm = json_object_get (cur_elt, "actions");
+ cur_nm = ucl_object_find_key (cur_elt, "actions");
/* Parse actions */
- if (cur_nm && json_is_array (cur_nm)) {
- selts = json_array_size (cur_nm);
- for (j = 0; j < selts; j++) {
- it_val = json_array_get (cur_nm, j);
- if (it_val && json_is_object (it_val)) {
- if (json_object_get (it_val,
- "name") && json_object_get (it_val, "value")) {
- if (!check_action_str (json_string_value (
- json_object_get (it_val, "name")), &test_act)) {
- msg_err ("unknown action: %s",
- json_string_value (json_object_get (it_val,
- "name")));
- g_slice_free1 (sizeof (struct dynamic_cfg_action),
+ if (cur_nm && ucl_object_type (cur_nm) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t nit = NULL;
+ while ((it_val = ucl_iterate_object (cur_nm, &nit, true))) {
+ if (ucl_object_find_key (it_val, "name") &&
+ ucl_object_find_key (it_val, "value")) {
+ if (!check_action_str (ucl_object_tostring (
+ ucl_object_find_key (it_val, "name")), &test_act)) {
+ msg_err ("unknown action: %s",
+ ucl_object_tostring (ucl_object_find_key (it_val,
+ "name")));
+ g_slice_free1 (sizeof (struct dynamic_cfg_action),
- continue;
- }
- cur_action = &cur_metric->actions[test_act];
- cur_action->action = test_act;
- cur_action->value =
- json_number_value (json_object_get (it_val,
- "value"));
+ continue;
- else {
- msg_info (
+ cur_action = &cur_metric->actions[test_act];
+ cur_action->action = test_act;
+ cur_action->value =
+ ucl_object_todouble (ucl_object_find_key (it_val,
+ "value"));
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info (
"json symbol object has no mandatory 'name' and 'value' attributes");
- }
- jb->config_metrics = g_list_prepend (jb->config_metrics, cur_metric);
+ jb->config_metrics = g_list_prepend (jb->config_metrics, cur_metric);
* Note about thread safety: we are updating values that are gdoubles so it is not atomic in general case
* but on the other hand all that data is used only in the main thread, so why it is *likely* safe
@@ -333,7 +332,7 @@ json_config_fin_cb (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, struct map_cb_data *data)
jb->cfg->current_dynamic_conf = jb->config_metrics;
- json_decref (js);
+ ucl_object_unref (top);