path: root/src/libserver/maps
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>2020-02-11 12:34:40 +0000
committerVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>2020-02-11 12:34:40 +0000
commit41e28d1148a308957735875abb271d22ba0b4432 (patch)
tree8d549898192d0d513568140cd71e9475f982dea9 /src/libserver/maps
parentcb070eea5c1a2e39336171b37688202f334f7d70 (diff)
[Rework] Further project structure reorganisation
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libserver/maps')
5 files changed, 4923 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libserver/maps/map.c b/src/libserver/maps/map.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff3a38f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libserver/maps/map.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2923 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Vsevolod Stakhov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Implementation of map files handling
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "map_private.h"
+#include "libserver/http/http_connection.h"
+#include "libserver/http/http_private.h"
+#include "rspamd.h"
+#include "contrib/zstd/zstd.h"
+#include "contrib/libev/ev.h"
+#include "contrib/uthash/utlist.h"
+#define MAP_RETAIN(x, t) do { \
+ msg_err (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": " t ": retain ref %p, refcount: %d -> %d", (x), (x)->ref.refcount, (x)->ref.refcount + 1); \
+ REF_RETAIN(x); \
+} while (0)
+#define MAP_RELEASE(x, t) do { \
+ msg_err (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": " t ": release ref %p, refcount: %d -> %d", (x), (x)->ref.refcount, (x)->ref.refcount - 1); \
+} while (0)
+#define MAP_RETAIN(x, t) REF_RETAIN(x)
+#define MAP_RELEASE(x, t) REF_RELEASE(x)
+enum rspamd_map_periodic_opts {
+static void free_http_cbdata_common (struct http_callback_data *cbd,
+ gboolean plan_new);
+static void free_http_cbdata_dtor (gpointer p);
+static void free_http_cbdata (struct http_callback_data *cbd);
+static void rspamd_map_process_periodic (struct map_periodic_cbdata *cbd);
+static void rspamd_map_schedule_periodic (struct rspamd_map *map, int how);
+static gboolean read_map_file_chunks (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct map_cb_data *cbdata,
+ const gchar *fname,
+ gsize len,
+ goffset off);
+static gboolean rspamd_map_save_http_cached_file (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk,
+ struct http_map_data *htdata,
+ const guchar *data,
+ gsize len);
+static gboolean rspamd_map_update_http_cached_file (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk,
+ struct http_map_data *htdata);
+guint rspamd_map_log_id = (guint)-1;
+ rspamd_map_log_id = rspamd_logger_add_debug_module("map");
+ * Write HTTP request
+ */
+static void
+write_http_request (struct http_callback_data *cbd)
+ gchar datebuf[128];
+ struct rspamd_http_message *msg;
+ msg = rspamd_http_new_message (HTTP_REQUEST);
+ if (cbd->bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTPS) {
+ msg->flags |= RSPAMD_HTTP_FLAG_SSL;
+ }
+ if (cbd->check) {
+ msg->method = HTTP_HEAD;
+ }
+ msg->url = rspamd_fstring_append (msg->url,
+ cbd->data->path, strlen (cbd->data->path));
+ if (cbd->check) {
+ if (cbd->data->last_modified != 0) {
+ rspamd_http_date_format (datebuf, sizeof (datebuf),
+ cbd->data->last_modified);
+ rspamd_http_message_add_header (msg, "If-Modified-Since",
+ datebuf);
+ }
+ if (cbd->data->etag) {
+ rspamd_http_message_add_header_len (msg, "If-None-Match",
+ cbd->data->etag->str, cbd->data->etag->len);
+ }
+ }
+ msg->url = rspamd_fstring_append (msg->url, cbd->data->rest,
+ strlen (cbd->data->rest));
+ if (cbd->data->userinfo) {
+ rspamd_http_message_add_header (msg, "Authorization",
+ cbd->data->userinfo);
+ }
+ MAP_RETAIN (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ rspamd_http_connection_write_message (cbd->conn,
+ msg,
+ cbd->data->host,
+ cbd,
+ cbd->timeout);
+ * Callback for destroying HTTP callback data
+ */
+static void
+free_http_cbdata_common (struct http_callback_data *cbd, gboolean plan_new)
+ struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic = cbd->periodic;
+ if (cbd->shmem_data) {
+ rspamd_http_message_shmem_unref (cbd->shmem_data);
+ }
+ if (cbd->pk) {
+ rspamd_pubkey_unref (cbd->pk);
+ }
+ if (cbd->conn) {
+ rspamd_http_connection_unref (cbd->conn);
+ cbd->conn = NULL;
+ }
+ if (cbd->addrs) {
+ rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr;
+ guint i;
+ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (cbd->addrs, i, addr) {
+ rspamd_inet_address_free (addr);
+ }
+ g_ptr_array_free (cbd->addrs, TRUE);
+ }
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd->bk, "rspamd_map_backend");
+ if (periodic) {
+ /* Detached in case of HTTP error */
+ MAP_RELEASE (periodic, "periodic");
+ }
+ g_free (cbd);
+static void
+free_http_cbdata (struct http_callback_data *cbd)
+ cbd->map->tmp_dtor = NULL;
+ cbd->map->tmp_dtor_data = NULL;
+ free_http_cbdata_common (cbd, TRUE);
+static void
+free_http_cbdata_dtor (gpointer p)
+ struct http_callback_data *cbd = p;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ map = cbd->map;
+ if (cbd->stage == http_map_http_conn) {
+ REF_RELEASE (cbd);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* We cannot terminate DNS requests sent */
+ cbd->stage = http_map_terminated;
+ }
+ msg_warn_map ("%s: "
+ "connection with http server is terminated: worker is stopping",
+ map->name);
+ * HTTP callbacks
+ */
+static void
+http_map_error (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn,
+ GError *err)
+ struct http_callback_data *cbd = conn->ud;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ map = cbd->map;
+ if (cbd->periodic) {
+ cbd->periodic->errored = TRUE;
+ msg_err_map ("error reading %s(%s): "
+ "connection with http server terminated incorrectly: %e",
+ cbd->bk->uri,
+ cbd->addr ? rspamd_inet_address_to_string_pretty (cbd->addr) : "",
+ err);
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (cbd->periodic);
+ }
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+static void
+rspamd_map_cache_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents)
+ struct rspamd_http_map_cached_cbdata *cache_cbd = (struct rspamd_http_map_cached_cbdata *)
+ w->data;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct http_map_data *data;
+ map = cache_cbd->map;
+ data = cache_cbd->data;
+ if (cache_cbd->gen != cache_cbd->data->gen) {
+ /* We have another update, so this cache element is obviously expired */
+ /*
+ * Important!: we do not set cache availability to zero here, as there
+ * might be fresh cache
+ */
+ msg_info_map ("cached data is now expired (gen mismatch %L != %L) for %s",
+ cache_cbd->gen, cache_cbd->data->gen, map->name);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cache_cbd->shm, "rspamd_http_map_cached_cbdata");
+ ev_timer_stop (loop, &cache_cbd->timeout);
+ g_free (cache_cbd);
+ }
+ else if (cache_cbd->data->last_checked >= cache_cbd->last_checked) {
+ /*
+ * We checked map but we have not found anything more recent,
+ * reschedule cache check
+ */
+ if (cache_cbd->map->poll_timeout >
+ rspamd_get_calendar_ticks () - cache_cbd->data->last_checked) {
+ w->repeat = cache_cbd->map->poll_timeout -
+ (rspamd_get_calendar_ticks () - cache_cbd->data->last_checked);
+ }
+ else {
+ w->repeat = cache_cbd->map->poll_timeout;
+ }
+ cache_cbd->last_checked = cache_cbd->data->last_checked;
+ msg_debug_map ("cached data is up to date for %s", map->name);
+ ev_timer_again (loop, &cache_cbd->timeout);
+ }
+ else {
+ data->cur_cache_cbd = NULL;
+ g_atomic_int_set (&data->cache->available, 0);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cache_cbd->shm, "rspamd_http_map_cached_cbdata");
+ msg_info_map ("cached data is now expired for %s", map->name);
+ ev_timer_stop (loop, &cache_cbd->timeout);
+ g_free (cache_cbd);
+ }
+static int
+http_map_finish (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn,
+ struct rspamd_http_message *msg)
+ struct http_callback_data *cbd = conn->ud;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ struct http_map_data *data;
+ struct rspamd_http_map_cached_cbdata *cache_cbd;
+ const rspamd_ftok_t *expires_hdr, *etag_hdr;
+ char next_check_date[128];
+ guchar *in = NULL;
+ gsize dlen = 0;
+ map = cbd->map;
+ bk = cbd->bk;
+ data = bk->data.hd;
+ if (msg->code == 200) {
+ if (cbd->check) {
+ msg_info_map ("need to reread map from %s", cbd->bk->uri);
+ cbd->periodic->need_modify = TRUE;
+ /* Reset the whole chain */
+ cbd->periodic->cur_backend = 0;
+ /* Reset cache, old cached data will be cleaned on timeout */
+ g_atomic_int_set (&data->cache->available, 0);
+ data->cur_cache_cbd = NULL;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (cbd->periodic);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cbd->data->last_checked = msg->date;
+ if (msg->last_modified) {
+ cbd->data->last_modified = msg->last_modified;
+ }
+ else {
+ cbd->data->last_modified = msg->date;
+ }
+ /* Unsigned version - just open file */
+ cbd->shmem_data = rspamd_http_message_shmem_ref (msg);
+ cbd->data_len = msg->body_buf.len;
+ if (cbd->data_len == 0) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot read empty map");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ g_assert (cbd->shmem_data != NULL);
+ in = rspamd_shmem_xmap (cbd->shmem_data->shm_name, PROT_READ, &dlen);
+ if (in == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot read tempfile %s: %s",
+ cbd->shmem_data->shm_name,
+ strerror (errno));
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Check for expires */
+ double cached_timeout = map->poll_timeout * 2;
+ expires_hdr = rspamd_http_message_find_header (msg, "Expires");
+ if (expires_hdr) {
+ time_t hdate;
+ hdate = rspamd_http_parse_date (expires_hdr->begin, expires_hdr->len);
+ if (hdate != (time_t)-1 && hdate > msg->date) {
+ cached_timeout = map->next_check - msg->date +
+ map->poll_timeout * 2;
+ map->next_check = hdate;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for etag */
+ etag_hdr = rspamd_http_message_find_header (msg, "ETag");
+ if (etag_hdr) {
+ if (cbd->data->etag) {
+ /* Remove old etag */
+ rspamd_fstring_free (cbd->data->etag);
+ }
+ cbd->data->etag = rspamd_fstring_new_init (etag_hdr->begin,
+ etag_hdr->len);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (cbd->data->etag) {
+ /* Remove and clear old etag */
+ rspamd_fstring_free (cbd->data->etag);
+ cbd->data->etag = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ MAP_RETAIN (cbd->shmem_data, "shmem_data");
+ cbd->data->gen ++;
+ /*
+ * We know that a map is in the locked state
+ */
+ g_atomic_int_set (&data->cache->available, 1);
+ /* Store cached data */
+ rspamd_strlcpy (data->cache->shmem_name, cbd->shmem_data->shm_name,
+ sizeof (data->cache->shmem_name));
+ data->cache->len = cbd->data_len;
+ data->cache->last_modified = cbd->data->last_modified;
+ cache_cbd = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*cache_cbd));
+ cache_cbd->shm = cbd->shmem_data;
+ cache_cbd->event_loop = cbd->event_loop;
+ cache_cbd->map = map;
+ cache_cbd->data = cbd->data;
+ cache_cbd->last_checked = cbd->data->last_checked;
+ cache_cbd->gen = cbd->data->gen;
+ MAP_RETAIN (cache_cbd->shm, "shmem_data");
+ ev_timer_init (&cache_cbd->timeout, rspamd_map_cache_cb, cached_timeout,
+ 0.0);
+ ev_timer_start (cbd->event_loop, &cache_cbd->timeout);
+ cache_cbd->timeout.data = cache_cbd;
+ data->cur_cache_cbd = cache_cbd;
+ if (map->next_check) {
+ rspamd_http_date_format (next_check_date, sizeof (next_check_date),
+ map->next_check);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamd_http_date_format (next_check_date, sizeof (next_check_date),
+ rspamd_get_calendar_ticks () + map->poll_timeout);
+ }
+ if (cbd->bk->is_compressed) {
+ ZSTD_DStream *zstream;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer zin;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer zout;
+ guchar *out;
+ gsize outlen, r;
+ zstream = ZSTD_createDStream ();
+ ZSTD_initDStream (zstream);
+ zin.pos = 0;
+ zin.src = in;
+ zin.size = dlen;
+ if ((outlen = ZSTD_getDecompressedSize (zin.src, zin.size)) == 0) {
+ outlen = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize ();
+ }
+ out = g_malloc (outlen);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ zout.pos = 0;
+ zout.size = outlen;
+ while (zin.pos < zin.size) {
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream (zstream, &zout, &zin);
+ if (ZSTD_isError (r)) {
+ msg_err_map ("%s(%s): cannot decompress data: %s",
+ cbd->bk->uri,
+ rspamd_inet_address_to_string_pretty (cbd->addr),
+ ZSTD_getErrorName (r));
+ ZSTD_freeDStream (zstream);
+ g_free (out);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd->shmem_data, "shmem_data");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (zout.pos == zout.size) {
+ /* We need to extend output buffer */
+ zout.size = zout.size * 2 + 1.0;
+ out = g_realloc (zout.dst, zout.size);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDStream (zstream);
+ msg_info_map ("%s(%s): read map data %z bytes compressed, "
+ "%z uncompressed, next check at %s",
+ cbd->bk->uri,
+ rspamd_inet_address_to_string_pretty (cbd->addr),
+ dlen, zout.pos, next_check_date);
+ map->read_callback (out, zout.pos, &cbd->periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ rspamd_map_save_http_cached_file (map, bk, cbd->data, out, zout.pos);
+ g_free (out);
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info_map ("%s(%s): read map data %z bytes, next check at %s",
+ cbd->bk->uri,
+ rspamd_inet_address_to_string_pretty (cbd->addr),
+ dlen, next_check_date);
+ rspamd_map_save_http_cached_file (map, bk, cbd->data, in, cbd->data_len);
+ map->read_callback (in, cbd->data_len, &cbd->periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ }
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd->shmem_data, "shmem_data");
+ cbd->periodic->cur_backend ++;
+ munmap (in, dlen);
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (cbd->periodic);
+ }
+ else if (msg->code == 304 && cbd->check) {
+ cbd->data->last_checked = msg->date;
+ if (msg->last_modified) {
+ cbd->data->last_modified = msg->last_modified;
+ }
+ else {
+ cbd->data->last_modified = msg->date;
+ }
+ expires_hdr = rspamd_http_message_find_header (msg, "Expires");
+ if (expires_hdr) {
+ time_t hdate;
+ hdate = rspamd_http_parse_date (expires_hdr->begin, expires_hdr->len);
+ if (hdate != (time_t)-1 && hdate > msg->date) {
+ map->next_check = hdate;
+ }
+ }
+ etag_hdr = rspamd_http_message_find_header (msg, "ETag");
+ if (etag_hdr) {
+ if (cbd->data->etag) {
+ /* Remove old etag */
+ rspamd_fstring_free (cbd->data->etag);
+ cbd->data->etag = rspamd_fstring_new_init (etag_hdr->begin,
+ etag_hdr->len);
+ }
+ }
+ if (map->next_check) {
+ rspamd_http_date_format (next_check_date, sizeof (next_check_date),
+ map->next_check);
+ msg_info_map ("data is not modified for server %s, next check at %s "
+ "(http cache based)",
+ cbd->data->host, next_check_date);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamd_http_date_format (next_check_date, sizeof (next_check_date),
+ rspamd_get_calendar_ticks () + map->poll_timeout);
+ msg_info_map ("data is not modified for server %s, next check at %s "
+ "(timer based)",
+ cbd->data->host, next_check_date);
+ }
+ rspamd_map_update_http_cached_file (map, bk, cbd->data);
+ cbd->periodic->cur_backend ++;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (cbd->periodic);
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info_map ("cannot load map %s from %s: HTTP error %d",
+ bk->uri, cbd->data->host, msg->code);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ return 0;
+ cbd->periodic->errored = 1;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (cbd->periodic);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ return 0;
+static gboolean
+read_map_file_chunks (struct rspamd_map *map, struct map_cb_data *cbdata,
+ const gchar *fname, gsize len, goffset off)
+ gint fd;
+ gssize r, avail;
+ gsize buflen = 1024 * 1024;
+ gchar *pos, *bytes;
+ fd = rspamd_file_xopen (fname, O_RDONLY, 0, TRUE);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't open map for buffered reading %s: %s",
+ fname, strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (lseek (fd, off, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't seek in map to pos %d for buffered reading %s: %s",
+ (gint)off, fname, strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ buflen = MIN (len, buflen);
+ bytes = g_malloc (buflen);
+ avail = buflen;
+ pos = bytes;
+ while ((r = read (fd, pos, avail)) > 0) {
+ gchar *end = bytes + (pos - bytes) + r;
+ msg_debug_map ("%s: read map chunk, %z bytes", fname,
+ r);
+ pos = map->read_callback (bytes, end - bytes, cbdata, r == len);
+ if (pos && pos > bytes && pos < end) {
+ guint remain = end - pos;
+ memmove (bytes, pos, remain);
+ pos = bytes + remain;
+ /* Need to preserve the remain */
+ avail = ((gssize)buflen) - remain;
+ if (avail <= 0) {
+ /* Try realloc, too large element */
+ g_assert (buflen >= remain);
+ bytes = g_realloc (bytes, buflen * 2);
+ pos = bytes + remain; /* Adjust */
+ avail += buflen;
+ buflen *= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ avail = buflen;
+ pos = bytes;
+ }
+ len -= r;
+ }
+ if (r == -1) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't read from map %s: %s", fname, strerror (errno));
+ close (fd);
+ g_free (bytes);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ close (fd);
+ g_free (bytes);
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+rspamd_map_check_sig_pk_mem (const guchar *sig,
+ gsize siglen,
+ struct rspamd_map *map,
+ const guchar *input,
+ gsize inlen,
+ struct rspamd_cryptobox_pubkey *pk)
+ GString *b32_key;
+ gboolean ret = TRUE;
+ if (siglen != rspamd_cryptobox_signature_bytes (RSPAMD_CRYPTOBOX_MODE_25519)) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't open signature for %s: invalid size: %z", map->name, siglen);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ret && !rspamd_cryptobox_verify (sig, siglen, input, inlen,
+ rspamd_pubkey_get_pk (pk, NULL), RSPAMD_CRYPTOBOX_MODE_25519)) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't verify signature for %s: incorrect signature", map->name);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ b32_key = rspamd_pubkey_print (pk,
+ msg_info_map ("verified signature for %s using trusted key %v",
+ map->name, b32_key);
+ g_string_free (b32_key, TRUE);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+rspamd_map_check_file_sig (const char *fname,
+ struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk,
+ const guchar *input,
+ gsize inlen) {
+ guchar *data;
+ struct rspamd_cryptobox_pubkey *pk = NULL;
+ GString *b32_key;
+ gboolean ret = TRUE;
+ gsize len = 0;
+ gchar fpath[PATH_MAX];
+ if (bk->trusted_pubkey == NULL) {
+ /* Try to load and check pubkey */
+ rspamd_snprintf (fpath, sizeof (fpath), "%s.pub", fname);
+ data = rspamd_file_xmap (fpath, PROT_READ, &len, TRUE);
+ if (data == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't open pubkey %s: %s", fpath, strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pk = rspamd_pubkey_from_base32 (data, len, RSPAMD_KEYPAIR_SIGN,
+ munmap (data, len);
+ if (pk == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't load pubkey %s", fpath);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* We just check pk against the trusted db of keys */
+ b32_key = rspamd_pubkey_print (pk,
+ g_assert (b32_key != NULL);
+ if (g_hash_table_lookup (map->cfg->trusted_keys, b32_key->str) == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("pubkey loaded from %s is untrusted: %v", fpath,
+ b32_key);
+ g_string_free (b32_key, TRUE);
+ rspamd_pubkey_unref (pk);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ g_string_free (b32_key, TRUE);
+ }
+ else {
+ pk = rspamd_pubkey_ref (bk->trusted_pubkey);
+ }
+ rspamd_snprintf (fpath, sizeof (fpath), "%s.sig", fname);
+ data = rspamd_shmem_xmap (fpath, PROT_READ, &len);
+ if (data == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't open signature %s: %s", fpath, strerror (errno));
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ ret = rspamd_map_check_sig_pk_mem (data, len, map, input, inlen, pk);
+ munmap (data, len);
+ }
+ rspamd_pubkey_unref (pk);
+ return ret;
+ * Callback for reading data from file
+ */
+static gboolean
+read_map_file (struct rspamd_map *map, struct file_map_data *data,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk, struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic)
+ gchar *bytes;
+ gsize len;
+ struct stat st;
+ if (map->read_callback == NULL || map->fin_callback == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("%s: bad callback for reading map file",
+ data->filename);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (stat (data->filename, &st) == -1) {
+ /* File does not exist, skipping */
+ if (errno != ENOENT) {
+ msg_err_map ("%s: map file is unavailable for reading: %s",
+ data->filename, strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info_map ("%s: map file is not found; "
+ "it will be read automatically if created",
+ data->filename);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ ev_stat_stat (map->event_loop, &data->st_ev);
+ len = st.st_size;
+ if (bk->is_signed) {
+ bytes = rspamd_file_xmap (data->filename, PROT_READ, &len, TRUE);
+ if (bytes == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't open map %s: %s", data->filename, strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!rspamd_map_check_file_sig (data->filename, map, bk, bytes, len)) {
+ munmap (bytes, len);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ munmap (bytes, len);
+ }
+ if (len > 0) {
+ if (bk->is_compressed) {
+ bytes = rspamd_file_xmap (data->filename, PROT_READ, &len, TRUE);
+ if (bytes == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("can't open map %s: %s", data->filename, strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ZSTD_DStream *zstream;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer zin;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer zout;
+ guchar *out;
+ gsize outlen, r;
+ zstream = ZSTD_createDStream ();
+ ZSTD_initDStream (zstream);
+ zin.pos = 0;
+ zin.src = bytes;
+ zin.size = len;
+ if ((outlen = ZSTD_getDecompressedSize (zin.src, zin.size)) == 0) {
+ outlen = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize ();
+ }
+ out = g_malloc (outlen);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ zout.pos = 0;
+ zout.size = outlen;
+ while (zin.pos < zin.size) {
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream (zstream, &zout, &zin);
+ if (ZSTD_isError (r)) {
+ msg_err_map ("%s: cannot decompress data: %s",
+ data->filename,
+ ZSTD_getErrorName (r));
+ ZSTD_freeDStream (zstream);
+ g_free (out);
+ munmap (bytes, len);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (zout.pos == zout.size) {
+ /* We need to extend output buffer */
+ zout.size = zout.size * 2 + 1;
+ out = g_realloc (zout.dst, zout.size);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDStream (zstream);
+ msg_info_map ("%s: read map data, %z bytes compressed, "
+ "%z uncompressed)", data->filename,
+ len, zout.pos);
+ map->read_callback (out, zout.pos, &periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ g_free (out);
+ munmap (bytes, len);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Perform buffered read: fail-safe */
+ if (!read_map_file_chunks (map, &periodic->cbdata, data->filename,
+ len, 0)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Empty map */
+ map->read_callback (NULL, 0, &periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+read_map_static (struct rspamd_map *map, struct static_map_data *data,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk, struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic)
+ guchar *bytes;
+ gsize len;
+ if (map->read_callback == NULL || map->fin_callback == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("%s: bad callback for reading map file", map->name);
+ data->processed = TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ bytes = data->data;
+ len = data->len;
+ if (len > 0) {
+ if (bk->is_compressed) {
+ ZSTD_DStream *zstream;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer zin;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer zout;
+ guchar *out;
+ gsize outlen, r;
+ zstream = ZSTD_createDStream ();
+ ZSTD_initDStream (zstream);
+ zin.pos = 0;
+ zin.src = bytes;
+ zin.size = len;
+ if ((outlen = ZSTD_getDecompressedSize (zin.src, zin.size)) == 0) {
+ outlen = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize ();
+ }
+ out = g_malloc (outlen);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ zout.pos = 0;
+ zout.size = outlen;
+ while (zin.pos < zin.size) {
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream (zstream, &zout, &zin);
+ if (ZSTD_isError (r)) {
+ msg_err_map ("%s: cannot decompress data: %s",
+ map->name,
+ ZSTD_getErrorName (r));
+ ZSTD_freeDStream (zstream);
+ g_free (out);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (zout.pos == zout.size) {
+ /* We need to extend output buffer */
+ zout.size = zout.size * 2 + 1;
+ out = g_realloc (zout.dst, zout.size);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDStream (zstream);
+ msg_info_map ("%s: read map data, %z bytes compressed, "
+ "%z uncompressed)",
+ map->name,
+ len, zout.pos);
+ map->read_callback (out, zout.pos, &periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ g_free (out);
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info_map ("%s: read map data, %z bytes",
+ map->name, len);
+ map->read_callback (bytes, len, &periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ map->read_callback (NULL, 0, &periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ }
+ data->processed = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+rspamd_map_periodic_dtor (struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ map = periodic->map;
+ msg_debug_map ("periodic dtor %p", periodic);
+ if (periodic->need_modify) {
+ /* We are done */
+ periodic->map->fin_callback (&periodic->cbdata, periodic->map->user_data);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Not modified */
+ }
+ if (periodic->locked) {
+ g_atomic_int_set (periodic->map->locked, 0);
+ msg_debug_map ("unlocked map %s", periodic->map->name);
+ if (periodic->map->wrk->state == rspamd_worker_state_running) {
+ rspamd_map_schedule_periodic (periodic->map,
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_debug_map ("stop scheduling periodics for %s; terminating state",
+ periodic->map->name);
+ }
+ }
+ g_free (periodic);
+/* Called on timer execution */
+static void
+rspamd_map_periodic_callback (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents)
+ struct map_periodic_cbdata *cbd = (struct map_periodic_cbdata *)w->data;
+ MAP_RETAIN (cbd, "periodic");
+ ev_timer_stop (loop, w);
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (cbd);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "periodic");
+static void
+rspamd_map_schedule_periodic (struct rspamd_map *map, int how)
+ const gdouble error_mult = 20.0, lock_mult = 0.1;
+ static const gdouble min_timer_interval = 2.0;
+ const gchar *reason = "unknown reason";
+ gdouble jittered_sec;
+ gdouble timeout;
+ struct map_periodic_cbdata *cbd;
+ if (map->scheduled_check || (map->wrk &&
+ map->wrk->state != rspamd_worker_state_running)) {
+ /*
+ * Do not schedule check if some check is already scheduled or
+ * if worker is going to die
+ */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(how & RSPAMD_MAP_SCHEDULE_INIT) && map->static_only) {
+ /* No need to schedule anything for static maps */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (map->non_trivial && map->next_check != 0) {
+ timeout = map->next_check - rspamd_get_calendar_ticks ();
+ if (timeout > 0 && timeout < map->poll_timeout) {
+ /* Early check case, jitter */
+ gdouble poll_timeout = map->poll_timeout;
+ poll_timeout = map->poll_timeout * error_mult;
+ reason = "early active non-trivial check (after error)";
+ }
+ else if (how & RSPAMD_MAP_SCHEDULE_LOCKED) {
+ poll_timeout = map->poll_timeout * lock_mult;
+ reason = "early active non-trivial check (after being locked)";
+ }
+ else {
+ reason = "early active non-trivial check";
+ }
+ jittered_sec = MIN (timeout, poll_timeout);
+ }
+ else if (timeout <= 0) {
+ /* Data is already expired, need to check */
+ jittered_sec = 0.0;
+ reason = "expired non-trivial data";
+ }
+ else {
+ /* No need to check now, wait till next_check */
+ jittered_sec = timeout;
+ reason = "valid non-trivial data";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ timeout = map->poll_timeout;
+ timeout = 0.0;
+ reason = "init scheduled check";
+ }
+ else {
+ timeout = map->poll_timeout * error_mult;
+ reason = "errored scheduled check";
+ }
+ else if (how & RSPAMD_MAP_SCHEDULE_LOCKED) {
+ timeout = map->poll_timeout * lock_mult;
+ reason = "locked scheduled check";
+ }
+ else {
+ reason = "normal scheduled check";
+ }
+ }
+ jittered_sec = rspamd_time_jitter (timeout, 0);
+ }
+ /* Now, we do some sanity checks for jittered seconds */
+ if (!(how & RSPAMD_MAP_SCHEDULE_INIT)) {
+ /* Never allow too low interval between timer checks, it is epxensive */
+ if (jittered_sec < min_timer_interval) {
+ jittered_sec = rspamd_time_jitter (min_timer_interval, 0);
+ }
+ if (map->non_trivial) {
+ /*
+ * Even if we are reported that we need to reload cache often, we
+ * still want to be sane in terms of events...
+ */
+ if (jittered_sec < min_timer_interval * 2.0) {
+ if (map->nelts > 0) {
+ jittered_sec = min_timer_interval * 3.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cbd = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*cbd));
+ cbd->cbdata.state = 0;
+ cbd->cbdata.prev_data = *map->user_data;
+ cbd->cbdata.cur_data = NULL;
+ cbd->cbdata.map = map;
+ cbd->map = map;
+ map->scheduled_check = cbd;
+ REF_INIT_RETAIN (cbd, rspamd_map_periodic_dtor);
+ cbd->ev.data = cbd;
+ ev_timer_init (&cbd->ev, rspamd_map_periodic_callback, jittered_sec, 0.0);
+ ev_timer_start (map->event_loop, &cbd->ev);
+ msg_debug_map ("schedule new periodic event %p in %.3f seconds for %s; reason: %s",
+ cbd, jittered_sec, map->name, reason);
+static void
+rspamd_map_dns_callback (struct rdns_reply *reply, void *arg)
+ struct http_callback_data *cbd = arg;
+ struct rdns_reply_entry *cur_rep;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ map = cbd->map;
+ msg_debug_map ("got dns reply with code %s on stage %d",
+ rdns_strerror (reply->code), cbd->stage);
+ if (cbd->stage == http_map_terminated) {
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (reply->code == RDNS_RC_NOERROR) {
+ /*
+ * We just get the first address hoping that a resolver performs
+ * round-robin rotation well
+ */
+ DL_FOREACH (reply->entries, cur_rep) {
+ rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr;
+ addr = rspamd_inet_address_from_rnds (reply->entries);
+ if (addr != NULL) {
+ rspamd_inet_address_set_port (addr, cbd->data->port);
+ g_ptr_array_add (cbd->addrs, (void *)addr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cbd->stage == http_map_resolve_host2) {
+ /* We have still one request pending */
+ cbd->stage = http_map_resolve_host1;
+ }
+ else if (cbd->stage == http_map_resolve_host1) {
+ cbd->stage = http_map_http_conn;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cbd->stage < http_map_http_conn) {
+ if (cbd->stage == http_map_resolve_host2) {
+ /* We have still one request pending */
+ cbd->stage = http_map_resolve_host1;
+ }
+ else if (cbd->addrs->len == 0) {
+ /* We could not resolve host, so cowardly fail here */
+ msg_err_map ("cannot resolve %s: %s", cbd->data->host,
+ rdns_strerror (reply->code));
+ cbd->periodic->errored = 1;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (cbd->periodic);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* We have at least one address, so we can continue... */
+ cbd->stage = http_map_http_conn;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cbd->stage == http_map_http_conn && cbd->addrs->len > 0) {
+ guint selected_addr_idx;
+ selected_addr_idx = rspamd_random_uint64_fast () % cbd->addrs->len;
+ cbd->addr = (rspamd_inet_addr_t *)g_ptr_array_index (cbd->addrs,
+ selected_addr_idx);
+ msg_debug_map ("open http connection to %s",
+ rspamd_inet_address_to_string_pretty (cbd->addr));
+ cbd->conn = rspamd_http_connection_new_client (NULL,
+ http_map_error,
+ http_map_finish,
+ flags,
+ cbd->addr);
+ if (cbd->conn != NULL) {
+ write_http_request (cbd);
+ }
+ else {
+ cbd->periodic->errored = TRUE;
+ msg_err_map ("error reading %s(%s): "
+ "connection with http server terminated incorrectly: %s",
+ cbd->bk->uri,
+ cbd->addr ? rspamd_inet_address_to_string_pretty (cbd->addr) : "",
+ strerror (errno));
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (cbd->periodic);
+ }
+ }
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+static gboolean
+rspamd_map_read_cached (struct rspamd_map *map, struct rspamd_map_backend *bk,
+ struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic, const gchar *host)
+ gsize len;
+ gpointer in;
+ struct http_map_data *data;
+ data = bk->data.hd;
+ in = rspamd_shmem_xmap (data->cache->shmem_name, PROT_READ, &len);
+ if (in == NULL) {
+ msg_err ("cannot map cache from %s: %s", data->cache->shmem_name,
+ strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (len < data->cache->len) {
+ msg_err ("cannot map cache from %s: bad length %z, %z expected",
+ data->cache->shmem_name,
+ len, data->cache->len);
+ munmap (in, len);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (bk->is_compressed) {
+ ZSTD_DStream *zstream;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer zin;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer zout;
+ guchar *out;
+ gsize outlen, r;
+ zstream = ZSTD_createDStream ();
+ ZSTD_initDStream (zstream);
+ zin.pos = 0;
+ zin.src = in;
+ zin.size = len;
+ if ((outlen = ZSTD_getDecompressedSize (zin.src, zin.size)) == 0) {
+ outlen = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize ();
+ }
+ out = g_malloc (outlen);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ zout.pos = 0;
+ zout.size = outlen;
+ while (zin.pos < zin.size) {
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream (zstream, &zout, &zin);
+ if (ZSTD_isError (r)) {
+ msg_err_map ("%s: cannot decompress data: %s",
+ bk->uri,
+ ZSTD_getErrorName (r));
+ ZSTD_freeDStream (zstream);
+ g_free (out);
+ munmap (in, len);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (zout.pos == zout.size) {
+ /* We need to extend output buffer */
+ zout.size = zout.size * 2 + 1;
+ out = g_realloc (zout.dst, zout.size);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDStream (zstream);
+ msg_info_map ("%s: read map data cached %z bytes compressed, "
+ "%z uncompressed", bk->uri,
+ len, zout.pos);
+ map->read_callback (out, zout.pos, &periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ g_free (out);
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info_map ("%s: read map data cached %z bytes", bk->uri,
+ len);
+ map->read_callback (in, len, &periodic->cbdata, TRUE);
+ }
+ munmap (in, len);
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+rspamd_map_has_http_cached_file (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk)
+ gchar path[PATH_MAX];
+ guchar digest[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES];
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg = map->cfg;
+ struct stat st;
+ if (cfg->maps_cache_dir == NULL || cfg->maps_cache_dir[0] == '\0') {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ rspamd_cryptobox_hash (digest, bk->uri, strlen (bk->uri), NULL, 0);
+ rspamd_snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s%c%*xs.map", cfg->maps_cache_dir,
+ G_DIR_SEPARATOR, 20, digest);
+ if (stat (path, &st) != -1 && st.st_size >
+ sizeof (struct rspamd_http_file_data)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+rspamd_map_save_http_cached_file (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk,
+ struct http_map_data *htdata,
+ const guchar *data,
+ gsize len)
+ gchar path[PATH_MAX];
+ guchar digest[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES];
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg = map->cfg;
+ gint fd;
+ struct rspamd_http_file_data header;
+ if (cfg->maps_cache_dir == NULL || cfg->maps_cache_dir[0] == '\0') {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ rspamd_cryptobox_hash (digest, bk->uri, strlen (bk->uri), NULL, 0);
+ rspamd_snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s%c%*xs.map", cfg->maps_cache_dir,
+ G_DIR_SEPARATOR, 20, digest);
+ fd = rspamd_file_xopen (path, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT,
+ 00600, FALSE);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!rspamd_file_lock (fd, FALSE)) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot lock file %s: %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ memcpy (header.magic, rspamd_http_file_magic, sizeof (rspamd_http_file_magic));
+ header.mtime = htdata->last_modified;
+ header.next_check = map->next_check;
+ header.data_off = sizeof (header);
+ if (htdata->etag) {
+ header.data_off += RSPAMD_FSTRING_LEN (htdata->etag);
+ header.etag_len = RSPAMD_FSTRING_LEN (htdata->etag);
+ }
+ else {
+ header.etag_len = 0;
+ }
+ if (write (fd, &header, sizeof (header)) != sizeof (header)) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot write file %s (header stage): %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (header.etag_len > 0) {
+ if (write (fd, RSPAMD_FSTRING_DATA (htdata->etag), header.etag_len) !=
+ header.etag_len) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot write file %s (etag stage): %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now write the rest */
+ if (write (fd, data, len) != len) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot write file %s (data stage): %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ msg_info_map ("saved data from %s in %s, %uz bytes", bk->uri, path, len +
+ sizeof (header) + header.etag_len);
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+rspamd_map_update_http_cached_file (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk,
+ struct http_map_data *htdata)
+ gchar path[PATH_MAX];
+ guchar digest[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES];
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg = map->cfg;
+ gint fd;
+ struct rspamd_http_file_data header;
+ if (!rspamd_map_has_http_cached_file (map, bk)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ rspamd_cryptobox_hash (digest, bk->uri, strlen (bk->uri), NULL, 0);
+ rspamd_snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s%c%*xs.map", cfg->maps_cache_dir,
+ G_DIR_SEPARATOR, 20, digest);
+ fd = rspamd_file_xopen (path, O_WRONLY,
+ 00600, FALSE);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!rspamd_file_lock (fd, FALSE)) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot lock file %s: %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ memcpy (header.magic, rspamd_http_file_magic, sizeof (rspamd_http_file_magic));
+ header.mtime = htdata->last_modified;
+ header.next_check = map->next_check;
+ header.data_off = sizeof (header);
+ if (htdata->etag) {
+ header.data_off += RSPAMD_FSTRING_LEN (htdata->etag);
+ header.etag_len = RSPAMD_FSTRING_LEN (htdata->etag);
+ }
+ else {
+ header.etag_len = 0;
+ }
+ if (write (fd, &header, sizeof (header)) != sizeof (header)) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot update file %s (header stage): %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (header.etag_len > 0) {
+ if (write (fd, RSPAMD_FSTRING_DATA (htdata->etag), header.etag_len) !=
+ header.etag_len) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot update file %s (etag stage): %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+rspamd_map_read_http_cached_file (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk,
+ struct http_map_data *htdata,
+ struct map_cb_data *cbdata)
+ gchar path[PATH_MAX];
+ guchar digest[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES];
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg = map->cfg;
+ gint fd;
+ struct stat st;
+ struct rspamd_http_file_data header;
+ if (cfg->maps_cache_dir == NULL || cfg->maps_cache_dir[0] == '\0') {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ rspamd_cryptobox_hash (digest, bk->uri, strlen (bk->uri), NULL, 0);
+ rspamd_snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s%c%*xs.map", cfg->maps_cache_dir,
+ G_DIR_SEPARATOR, 20, digest);
+ fd = rspamd_file_xopen (path, O_RDONLY, 00600, FALSE);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!rspamd_file_lock (fd, FALSE)) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot lock file %s: %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (void)fstat (fd, &st);
+ if (read (fd, &header, sizeof (header)) != sizeof (header)) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot read file %s (header stage): %s", path, strerror (errno));
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (memcmp (header.magic, rspamd_http_file_magic,
+ sizeof (rspamd_http_file_magic)) != 0) {
+ msg_warn_map ("invalid or old version magic in file %s; ignore it", path);
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ map->next_check = header.next_check;
+ htdata->last_modified = header.mtime;
+ if (header.etag_len > 0) {
+ rspamd_fstring_t *etag = rspamd_fstring_sized_new (header.etag_len);
+ if (read (fd, RSPAMD_FSTRING_DATA (etag), header.etag_len) != header.etag_len) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot read file %s (etag stage): %s", path,
+ strerror (errno));
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ rspamd_fstring_free (etag);
+ close (fd);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ etag->len = header.etag_len;
+ if (htdata->etag) {
+ /* FIXME: should be dealt somehow better */
+ msg_warn_map ("etag is already defined as %V; cached is %V; ignore cached",
+ htdata->etag, etag);
+ rspamd_fstring_free (etag);
+ }
+ else {
+ htdata->etag = etag;
+ }
+ }
+ rspamd_file_unlock (fd, FALSE);
+ close (fd);
+ /* Now read file data */
+ /* Perform buffered read: fail-safe */
+ if (!read_map_file_chunks (map, cbdata, path,
+ st.st_size - header.data_off, header.data_off)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ struct tm tm;
+ gchar ncheck_buf[32], lm_buf[32];
+ rspamd_localtime (map->next_check, &tm);
+ strftime (ncheck_buf, sizeof (ncheck_buf) - 1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
+ rspamd_localtime (htdata->last_modified, &tm);
+ strftime (lm_buf, sizeof (lm_buf) - 1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
+ msg_info_map ("read cached data for %s from %s, %uz bytes; next check at: %s;"
+ " last modified on: %s; etag: %V",
+ bk->uri,
+ path,
+ (size_t)(st.st_size - header.data_off),
+ ncheck_buf,
+ lm_buf,
+ htdata->etag);
+ return TRUE;
+ * Async HTTP callback
+ */
+static void
+rspamd_map_common_http_callback (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk,
+ struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic,
+ gboolean check)
+ struct http_map_data *data;
+ struct http_callback_data *cbd;
+ data = bk->data.hd;
+ if (g_atomic_int_get (&data->cache->available) == 1) {
+ /* Read cached data */
+ if (check) {
+ if (data->last_modified < data->cache->last_modified) {
+ periodic->need_modify = TRUE;
+ /* Reset the whole chain */
+ periodic->cur_backend = 0;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (map->active_http) {
+ /* Check even if there is a cached version */
+ goto check;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Switch to the next backend */
+ periodic->cur_backend++;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (map->active_http &&
+ data->last_modified > data->cache->last_modified) {
+ goto check;
+ }
+ else if (rspamd_map_read_cached (map, bk, periodic, data->host)) {
+ /* Switch to the next backend */
+ periodic->cur_backend++;
+ data->last_modified = data->cache->last_modified;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!map->active_http) {
+ /* Switch to the next backend */
+ periodic->cur_backend ++;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+ return;
+ }
+ cbd = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct http_callback_data));
+ cbd->event_loop = map->event_loop;
+ cbd->addrs = g_ptr_array_sized_new (4);
+ cbd->map = map;
+ cbd->data = data;
+ cbd->check = check;
+ cbd->periodic = periodic;
+ MAP_RETAIN (periodic, "periodic");
+ cbd->bk = bk;
+ MAP_RETAIN (bk, "rspamd_map_backend");
+ cbd->stage = http_map_terminated;
+ REF_INIT_RETAIN (cbd, free_http_cbdata);
+ msg_debug_map ("%s map data from %s", check ? "checking" : "reading",
+ data->host);
+ /* Try address */
+ rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr = NULL;
+ if (rspamd_parse_inet_address (&addr, data->host,
+ strlen (data->host), RSPAMD_INET_ADDRESS_PARSE_DEFAULT)) {
+ rspamd_inet_address_set_port (addr, cbd->data->port);
+ g_ptr_array_add (cbd->addrs, (void *)addr);
+ cbd->conn = rspamd_http_connection_new_client (
+ http_map_error,
+ http_map_finish,
+ flags,
+ addr);
+ if (cbd->conn != NULL) {
+ cbd->stage = http_map_http_conn;
+ write_http_request (cbd);
+ cbd->addr = addr;
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_warn_map ("cannot load map: cannot connect to %s: %s",
+ data->host, strerror (errno));
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (map->r->r) {
+ /* Send both A and AAAA requests */
+ guint nreq = 0;
+ if (rdns_make_request_full (map->r->r, rspamd_map_dns_callback, cbd,
+ map->cfg->dns_timeout, map->cfg->dns_retransmits, 1,
+ data->host, RDNS_REQUEST_A)) {
+ MAP_RETAIN (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ nreq ++;
+ }
+ if (rdns_make_request_full (map->r->r, rspamd_map_dns_callback, cbd,
+ map->cfg->dns_timeout, map->cfg->dns_retransmits, 1,
+ data->host, RDNS_REQUEST_AAAA)) {
+ MAP_RETAIN (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+ nreq ++;
+ }
+ if (nreq == 2) {
+ cbd->stage = http_map_resolve_host2;
+ }
+ else if (nreq == 1) {
+ cbd->stage = http_map_resolve_host1;
+ }
+ map->tmp_dtor = free_http_cbdata_dtor;
+ map->tmp_dtor_data = cbd;
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_warn_map ("cannot load map: DNS resolver is not initialized");
+ cbd->periodic->errored = TRUE;
+ }
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "http_callback_data");
+static void
+rspamd_map_http_check_callback (struct map_periodic_cbdata *cbd)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ map = cbd->map;
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (cbd->map->backends, cbd->cur_backend);
+ rspamd_map_common_http_callback (map, bk, cbd, TRUE);
+static void
+rspamd_map_http_read_callback (struct map_periodic_cbdata *cbd)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ map = cbd->map;
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (cbd->map->backends, cbd->cur_backend);
+ rspamd_map_common_http_callback (map, bk, cbd, FALSE);
+static void
+rspamd_map_file_check_callback (struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct file_map_data *data;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ map = periodic->map;
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (map->backends, periodic->cur_backend);
+ data = bk->data.fd;
+ if (data->need_modify) {
+ periodic->need_modify = TRUE;
+ periodic->cur_backend = 0;
+ data->need_modify = FALSE;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+ return;
+ }
+ map = periodic->map;
+ /* Switch to the next backend as the rest is handled by ev_stat */
+ periodic->cur_backend ++;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+static void
+rspamd_map_static_check_callback (struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct static_map_data *data;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ map = periodic->map;
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (map->backends, periodic->cur_backend);
+ data = bk->data.sd;
+ if (!data->processed) {
+ periodic->need_modify = TRUE;
+ periodic->cur_backend = 0;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Switch to the next backend */
+ periodic->cur_backend ++;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+static void
+rspamd_map_file_read_callback (struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct file_map_data *data;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ map = periodic->map;
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (map->backends, periodic->cur_backend);
+ data = bk->data.fd;
+ msg_info_map ("rereading map file %s", data->filename);
+ if (!read_map_file (map, data, bk, periodic)) {
+ periodic->errored = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Switch to the next backend */
+ periodic->cur_backend ++;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+static void
+rspamd_map_static_read_callback (struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct static_map_data *data;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ map = periodic->map;
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (map->backends, periodic->cur_backend);
+ data = bk->data.sd;
+ msg_info_map ("rereading static map");
+ if (!read_map_static (map, data, bk, periodic)) {
+ periodic->errored = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Switch to the next backend */
+ periodic->cur_backend ++;
+ rspamd_map_process_periodic (periodic);
+static void
+rspamd_map_process_periodic (struct map_periodic_cbdata *cbd)
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ map = cbd->map;
+ map->scheduled_check = NULL;
+ if (!map->file_only && !cbd->locked) {
+ if (!g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange (cbd->map->locked,
+ 0, 1)) {
+ msg_debug_map (
+ "don't try to reread map %s as it is locked by other process, "
+ "will reread it later", cbd->map->name);
+ rspamd_map_schedule_periodic (map, RSPAMD_MAP_SCHEDULE_LOCKED);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "periodic");
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_debug_map ("locked map %s", cbd->map->name);
+ cbd->locked = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cbd->errored) {
+ /* We should not check other backends if some backend has failed */
+ rspamd_map_schedule_periodic (cbd->map, RSPAMD_MAP_SCHEDULE_ERROR);
+ if (cbd->locked) {
+ g_atomic_int_set (cbd->map->locked, 0);
+ cbd->locked = FALSE;
+ }
+ msg_debug_map ("unlocked map %s, refcount=%d", cbd->map->name,
+ cbd->ref.refcount);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "periodic");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* For each backend we need to check for modifications */
+ if (cbd->cur_backend >= cbd->map->backends->len) {
+ /* Last backend */
+ msg_debug_map ("finished map: %d of %d", cbd->cur_backend,
+ cbd->map->backends->len);
+ MAP_RELEASE (cbd, "periodic");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cbd->map->wrk && cbd->map->wrk->state == rspamd_worker_state_running) {
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (cbd->map->backends, cbd->cur_backend);
+ g_assert (bk != NULL);
+ if (cbd->need_modify) {
+ /* Load data from the next backend */
+ switch (bk->protocol) {
+ rspamd_map_http_read_callback (cbd);
+ break;
+ rspamd_map_file_read_callback (cbd);
+ break;
+ rspamd_map_static_read_callback (cbd);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Check the next backend */
+ switch (bk->protocol) {
+ rspamd_map_http_check_callback (cbd);
+ break;
+ rspamd_map_file_check_callback (cbd);
+ break;
+ rspamd_map_static_check_callback (cbd);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+rspamd_map_on_stat (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_stat *w, int revents)
+ struct rspamd_map *map = (struct rspamd_map *)w->data;
+ if (w->attr.st_nlink > 0) {
+ if (w->attr.st_mtime > w->prev.st_mtime) {
+ msg_info_map ("old mtime is %t (size = %Hz), "
+ "new mtime is %t (size = %Hz) for map file %s",
+ w->prev.st_mtime, (gsize)w->prev.st_size,
+ w->attr.st_mtime, (gsize)w->attr.st_size,
+ w->path);
+ /* Fire need modify flag */
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ guint i;
+ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (map->backends, i, bk) {
+ if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) {
+ bk->data.fd->need_modify = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ map->next_check = 0;
+ if (map->scheduled_check) {
+ ev_timer_stop (map->event_loop, &map->scheduled_check->ev);
+ MAP_RELEASE (map->scheduled_check, "rspamd_map_on_stat");
+ map->scheduled_check = NULL;
+ }
+ rspamd_map_schedule_periodic (map, RSPAMD_MAP_SCHEDULE_INIT);
+ }
+ }
+/* Start watching event for all maps */
+rspamd_map_watch (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ struct ev_loop *event_loop,
+ struct rspamd_dns_resolver *resolver,
+ struct rspamd_worker *worker,
+ enum rspamd_map_watch_type how)
+ GList *cur = cfg->maps;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ guint i;
+ g_assert (how > RSPAMD_MAP_WATCH_MIN && how < RSPAMD_MAP_WATCH_MAX);
+ /* First of all do synced read of data */
+ while (cur) {
+ map = cur->data;
+ map->event_loop = event_loop;
+ map->r = resolver;
+ if (map->wrk == NULL && how != RSPAMD_MAP_WATCH_WORKER) {
+ /* Generic scanner map */
+ map->wrk = worker;
+ map->active_http = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ map->active_http = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (map->wrk != NULL && map->wrk == worker) {
+ /* Map is bound to a specific worker */
+ map->active_http = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Skip map for this worker as irrelevant */
+ cur = g_list_next (cur);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!map->active_http) {
+ /* Check cached version more frequently as it is cheap */
+ if (map->poll_timeout >= cfg->map_timeout &&
+ cfg->map_file_watch_multiplier < 1.0) {
+ map->poll_timeout =
+ map->poll_timeout * cfg->map_file_watch_multiplier;
+ }
+ }
+ map->file_only = TRUE;
+ map->static_only = TRUE;
+ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (map->backends, i, bk) {
+ bk->event_loop = event_loop;
+ if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) {
+ struct file_map_data *data;
+ data = bk->data.fd;
+ ev_stat_init (&data->st_ev, rspamd_map_on_stat,
+ data->filename, map->poll_timeout * cfg->map_file_watch_multiplier);
+ data->st_ev.data = map;
+ ev_stat_start (event_loop, &data->st_ev);
+ map->static_only = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if ((bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTP ||
+ bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTPS)) {
+ if (map->active_http) {
+ map->non_trivial = TRUE;
+ }
+ map->static_only = FALSE;
+ map->file_only = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ rspamd_map_schedule_periodic (map, RSPAMD_MAP_SCHEDULE_INIT);
+ cur = g_list_next (cur);
+ }
+rspamd_map_preload (struct rspamd_config *cfg)
+ GList *cur = cfg->maps;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ guint i;
+ gboolean map_ok;
+ /* First of all do synced read of data */
+ while (cur) {
+ map = cur->data;
+ map_ok = TRUE;
+ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (map->backends, i, bk) {
+ if (!(bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE ||
+ bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_STATIC)) {
+ if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTP ||
+ bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTPS) {
+ if (!rspamd_map_has_http_cached_file (map, bk)) {
+ if (!map->fallback_backend) {
+ map_ok = FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ continue; /* We are yet fine */
+ }
+ }
+ map_ok = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (map_ok) {
+ struct map_periodic_cbdata fake_cbd;
+ gboolean succeed = TRUE;
+ memset (&fake_cbd, 0, sizeof (fake_cbd));
+ fake_cbd.cbdata.state = 0;
+ fake_cbd.cbdata.prev_data = *map->user_data;
+ fake_cbd.cbdata.cur_data = NULL;
+ fake_cbd.cbdata.map = map;
+ fake_cbd.map = map;
+ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (map->backends, i, bk) {
+ fake_cbd.cur_backend = i;
+ if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) {
+ if (!read_map_file (map, bk->data.fd, bk, &fake_cbd)) {
+ succeed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_STATIC) {
+ if (!read_map_static (map, bk->data.sd, bk, &fake_cbd)) {
+ succeed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTP ||
+ bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTPS) {
+ if (!rspamd_map_read_http_cached_file (map, bk, bk->data.hd,
+ &fake_cbd.cbdata)) {
+ if (map->fallback_backend) {
+ /* Try fallback */
+ g_assert (map->fallback_backend->protocol ==
+ if (!read_map_file (map,
+ map->fallback_backend->data.fd,
+ map->fallback_backend, &fake_cbd)) {
+ succeed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ succeed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ }
+ if (succeed) {
+ map->fin_callback (&fake_cbd.cbdata, map->user_data);
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info_map ("preload of %s failed", map->name);
+ }
+ }
+ cur = g_list_next (cur);
+ }
+rspamd_map_remove_all (struct rspamd_config *cfg)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ GList *cur;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ struct map_cb_data cbdata;
+ guint i;
+ for (cur = cfg->maps; cur != NULL; cur = g_list_next (cur)) {
+ map = cur->data;
+ if (map->tmp_dtor) {
+ map->tmp_dtor (map->tmp_dtor_data);
+ }
+ if (map->dtor) {
+ cbdata.prev_data = NULL;
+ cbdata.map = map;
+ cbdata.cur_data = *map->user_data;
+ map->dtor (&cbdata);
+ *map->user_data = NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < map->backends->len; i ++) {
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (map->backends, i);
+ MAP_RELEASE (bk, "rspamd_map_backend");
+ }
+ if (map->fallback_backend) {
+ MAP_RELEASE (map->fallback_backend, "rspamd_map_backend");
+ }
+ }
+ g_list_free (cfg->maps);
+ cfg->maps = NULL;
+static const gchar *
+rspamd_map_check_proto (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ const gchar *map_line, struct rspamd_map_backend *bk)
+ const gchar *pos = map_line, *end, *end_key;
+ g_assert (bk != NULL);
+ g_assert (pos != NULL);
+ end = pos + strlen (pos);
+ /* Static check */
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (pos, "static") == 0) {
+ bk->protocol = MAP_PROTO_STATIC;
+ bk->uri = g_strdup (pos);
+ return pos;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (pos, "zst+static") == 0) {
+ bk->protocol = MAP_PROTO_STATIC;
+ bk->uri = g_strdup (pos + 4);
+ bk->is_compressed = TRUE;
+ return pos + 4;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (pos, "sign+", sizeof ("sign+") - 1) == 0) {
+ bk->is_signed = TRUE;
+ pos += sizeof ("sign+") - 1;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (pos, "fallback+", sizeof ("fallback+") - 1) == 0) {
+ bk->is_fallback = TRUE;
+ pos += sizeof ("fallback+") - 1;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (pos, "key=", sizeof ("key=") - 1) == 0) {
+ pos += sizeof ("key=") - 1;
+ end_key = memchr (pos, '+', end - pos);
+ if (end_key != NULL) {
+ bk->trusted_pubkey = rspamd_pubkey_from_base32 (pos, end_key - pos,
+ if (bk->trusted_pubkey == NULL) {
+ msg_err_config ("cannot read pubkey from map: %s",
+ map_line);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pos = end_key + 1;
+ } else if (end - pos > 64) {
+ /* Try hex encoding */
+ bk->trusted_pubkey = rspamd_pubkey_from_hex (pos, 64,
+ if (bk->trusted_pubkey == NULL) {
+ msg_err_config ("cannot read pubkey from map: %s",
+ map_line);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pos += 64;
+ } else {
+ msg_err_config ("cannot read pubkey from map: %s",
+ map_line);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (*pos == '+' || *pos == ':') {
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* No known flags */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bk->protocol = MAP_PROTO_FILE;
+ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (pos, "http://", sizeof ("http://") - 1) == 0) {
+ bk->protocol = MAP_PROTO_HTTP;
+ /* Include http:// */
+ bk->uri = g_strdup (pos);
+ pos += sizeof ("http://") - 1;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (pos, "https://", sizeof ("https://") - 1) == 0) {
+ bk->protocol = MAP_PROTO_HTTPS;
+ /* Include https:// */
+ bk->uri = g_strdup (pos);
+ pos += sizeof ("https://") - 1;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (pos, "file://", sizeof ("file://") - 1) == 0) {
+ pos += sizeof ("file://") - 1;
+ /* Exclude file:// */
+ bk->uri = g_strdup (pos);
+ }
+ else if (*pos == '/') {
+ /* Trivial file case */
+ bk->uri = g_strdup (pos);
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_err_config ("invalid map fetching protocol: %s", map_line);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (bk->protocol != MAP_PROTO_FILE && bk->is_signed) {
+ msg_err_config ("signed maps are no longer supported for HTTP(s): %s", map_line);
+ }
+ return pos;
+rspamd_map_is_map (const gchar *map_line)
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ g_assert (map_line != NULL);
+ if (map_line[0] == '/') {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (map_line, "sign+", sizeof ("sign+") - 1) == 0) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (map_line, "fallback+", sizeof ("fallback+") - 1) == 0) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (map_line, "file://", sizeof ("file://") - 1) == 0) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (map_line, "http://", sizeof ("http://") - 1) == 0) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (map_line, "https://", sizeof ("https://") - 1) == 0) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void
+rspamd_map_backend_dtor (struct rspamd_map_backend *bk)
+ g_free (bk->uri);
+ switch (bk->protocol) {
+ if (bk->data.fd) {
+ ev_stat_stop (bk->event_loop, &bk->data.fd->st_ev);
+ g_free (bk->data.fd->filename);
+ g_free (bk->data.fd);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (bk->data.sd) {
+ if (bk->data.sd->data) {
+ g_free (bk->data.sd->data);
+ }
+ g_free (bk->data.sd);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (bk->data.hd) {
+ struct http_map_data *data = bk->data.hd;
+ g_free (data->host);
+ g_free (data->path);
+ g_free (data->rest);
+ if (data->userinfo) {
+ g_free (data->userinfo);
+ }
+ if (data->etag) {
+ rspamd_fstring_free (data->etag);
+ }
+ if (g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange (&data->cache->available, 1, 0)) {
+ if (data->cur_cache_cbd) {
+ MAP_RELEASE (data->cur_cache_cbd->shm,
+ "rspamd_http_map_cached_cbdata");
+ ev_timer_stop (data->cur_cache_cbd->event_loop,
+ &data->cur_cache_cbd->timeout);
+ g_free (data->cur_cache_cbd);
+ data->cur_cache_cbd = NULL;
+ }
+ unlink (data->cache->shmem_name);
+ }
+ g_free (bk->data.hd);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bk->trusted_pubkey) {
+ rspamd_pubkey_unref (bk->trusted_pubkey);
+ }
+ g_free (bk);
+static struct rspamd_map_backend *
+rspamd_map_parse_backend (struct rspamd_config *cfg, const gchar *map_line)
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ struct file_map_data *fdata = NULL;
+ struct http_map_data *hdata = NULL;
+ struct static_map_data *sdata = NULL;
+ struct http_parser_url up;
+ const gchar *end, *p;
+ rspamd_ftok_t tok;
+ bk = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*bk));
+ REF_INIT_RETAIN (bk, rspamd_map_backend_dtor);
+ if (!rspamd_map_check_proto (cfg, map_line, bk)) {
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (bk->is_fallback && bk->protocol != MAP_PROTO_FILE) {
+ msg_err_config ("fallback backend must be file for %s", bk->uri);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ end = map_line + strlen (map_line);
+ if (end - map_line > 5) {
+ p = end - 5;
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (p, ".zstd") == 0) {
+ bk->is_compressed = TRUE;
+ }
+ p = end - 4;
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (p, ".zst") == 0) {
+ bk->is_compressed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now check for each proto separately */
+ if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) {
+ fdata = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct file_map_data));
+ if (access (bk->uri, R_OK) == -1) {
+ if (errno != ENOENT) {
+ msg_err_config ("cannot open file '%s': %s", bk->uri, strerror (errno));
+ goto err;
+ }
+ msg_info_config (
+ "map '%s' is not found, but it can be loaded automatically later",
+ bk->uri);
+ }
+ fdata->filename = g_strdup (bk->uri);
+ bk->data.fd = fdata;
+ }
+ else if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTP || bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTPS) {
+ hdata = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct http_map_data));
+ memset (&up, 0, sizeof (up));
+ if (http_parser_parse_url (bk->uri, strlen (bk->uri), FALSE,
+ &up) != 0) {
+ msg_err_config ("cannot parse HTTP url: %s", bk->uri);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!(up.field_set & 1u << UF_HOST)) {
+ msg_err_config ("cannot parse HTTP url: %s: no host", bk->uri);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ tok.begin = bk->uri + up.field_data[UF_HOST].off;
+ tok.len = up.field_data[UF_HOST].len;
+ hdata->host = rspamd_ftokdup (&tok);
+ if (up.field_set & (1u << UF_PORT)) {
+ hdata->port = up.port;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTP) {
+ hdata->port = 80;
+ }
+ else {
+ hdata->port = 443;
+ }
+ }
+ if (up.field_set & (1u << UF_PATH)) {
+ tok.begin = bk->uri + up.field_data[UF_PATH].off;
+ tok.len = up.field_data[UF_PATH].len;
+ hdata->path = rspamd_ftokdup (&tok);
+ /* We also need to check query + fragment */
+ if (up.field_set & ((1u << UF_QUERY) | (1u << UF_FRAGMENT))) {
+ tok.begin = bk->uri + up.field_data[UF_PATH].off +
+ up.field_data[UF_PATH].len;
+ tok.len = strlen (tok.begin);
+ hdata->rest = rspamd_ftokdup (&tok);
+ }
+ else {
+ hdata->rest = g_strdup ("");
+ }
+ }
+ if (up.field_set & (1u << UF_USERINFO)) {
+ /* Create authorisation header for basic auth */
+ guint len = sizeof ("Basic ") +
+ up.field_data[UF_USERINFO].len * 8 / 5 + 4;
+ hdata->userinfo = g_malloc (len);
+ rspamd_snprintf (hdata->userinfo, len, "Basic %*Bs",
+ (int)up.field_data[UF_USERINFO].len,
+ bk->uri + up.field_data[UF_USERINFO].off);
+ }
+ }
+ hdata->cache = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_shared (cfg->cfg_pool,
+ sizeof (*hdata->cache));
+ bk->data.hd = hdata;
+ }
+ else if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_STATIC) {
+ sdata = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*sdata));
+ bk->data.sd = sdata;
+ }
+ bk->id = rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_specific (RSPAMD_CRYPTOBOX_T1HA,
+ bk->uri, strlen (bk->uri), 0xdeadbabe);
+ return bk;
+ MAP_RELEASE (bk, "rspamd_map_backend");
+ if (hdata) {
+ g_free (hdata);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void
+rspamd_map_calculate_hash (struct rspamd_map *map)
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ guint i;
+ rspamd_cryptobox_hash_state_t st;
+ gchar *cksum_encoded, cksum[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES];
+ rspamd_cryptobox_hash_init (&st, NULL, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < map->backends->len; i ++) {
+ bk = g_ptr_array_index (map->backends, i);
+ rspamd_cryptobox_hash_update (&st, bk->uri, strlen (bk->uri));
+ }
+ rspamd_cryptobox_hash_final (&st, cksum);
+ cksum_encoded = rspamd_encode_base32 (cksum, sizeof (cksum));
+ rspamd_strlcpy (map->tag, cksum_encoded, sizeof (map->tag));
+ g_free (cksum_encoded);
+static gboolean
+rspamd_map_add_static_string (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ const ucl_object_t *elt,
+ GString *target)
+ gsize sz;
+ const gchar *dline;
+ if (ucl_object_type (elt) != UCL_STRING) {
+ msg_err_config ("map has static backend but `data` is "
+ "not string like: %s",
+ ucl_object_type_to_string (elt->type));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, we copy data to the backend */
+ dline = ucl_object_tolstring (elt, &sz);
+ if (sz == 0) {
+ msg_err_config ("map has static backend but empty no data");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ g_string_append_len (target, dline, sz);
+ g_string_append_c (target, '\n');
+ return TRUE;
+struct rspamd_map *
+rspamd_map_add (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ const gchar *map_line,
+ const gchar *description,
+ map_cb_t read_callback,
+ map_fin_cb_t fin_callback,
+ map_dtor_t dtor,
+ void **user_data,
+ struct rspamd_worker *worker)
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ bk = rspamd_map_parse_backend (cfg, map_line);
+ if (bk == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (bk->is_fallback) {
+ msg_err_config ("cannot add map with fallback only backend: %s", bk->uri);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ map = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (cfg->cfg_pool, sizeof (struct rspamd_map));
+ map->read_callback = read_callback;
+ map->fin_callback = fin_callback;
+ map->dtor = dtor;
+ map->user_data = user_data;
+ map->cfg = cfg;
+ map->id = rspamd_random_uint64_fast ();
+ map->locked =
+ rspamd_mempool_alloc0_shared (cfg->cfg_pool, sizeof (gint));
+ map->backends = g_ptr_array_sized_new (1);
+ map->wrk = worker;
+ rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cfg->cfg_pool, rspamd_ptr_array_free_hard,
+ map->backends);
+ g_ptr_array_add (map->backends, bk);
+ map->name = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, map_line);
+ if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) {
+ map->poll_timeout = (cfg->map_timeout * cfg->map_file_watch_multiplier);
+ } else {
+ map->poll_timeout = cfg->map_timeout;
+ }
+ if (description != NULL) {
+ map->description = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, description);
+ }
+ rspamd_map_calculate_hash (map);
+ msg_info_map ("added map %s", bk->uri);
+ cfg->maps = g_list_prepend (cfg->maps, map);
+ return map;
+static inline void
+rspamd_map_add_backend (struct rspamd_map *map, struct rspamd_map_backend *bk)
+ if (bk->is_fallback) {
+ if (map->fallback_backend) {
+ msg_warn_map ("redefining fallback backend from %s to %s",
+ map->fallback_backend->uri, bk->uri);
+ }
+ map->fallback_backend = bk;
+ }
+ else {
+ g_ptr_array_add (map->backends, bk);
+ }
+struct rspamd_map*
+rspamd_map_add_from_ucl (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ const ucl_object_t *obj,
+ const gchar *description,
+ map_cb_t read_callback,
+ map_fin_cb_t fin_callback,
+ map_dtor_t dtor,
+ void **user_data,
+ struct rspamd_worker *worker)
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = NULL;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur, *elt;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ guint i;
+ g_assert (obj != NULL);
+ if (ucl_object_type (obj) == UCL_STRING) {
+ /* Just a plain string */
+ return rspamd_map_add (cfg, ucl_object_tostring (obj), description,
+ read_callback, fin_callback, dtor, user_data, worker);
+ }
+ map = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (cfg->cfg_pool, sizeof (struct rspamd_map));
+ map->read_callback = read_callback;
+ map->fin_callback = fin_callback;
+ map->dtor = dtor;
+ map->user_data = user_data;
+ map->cfg = cfg;
+ map->id = rspamd_random_uint64_fast ();
+ map->locked =
+ rspamd_mempool_alloc0_shared (cfg->cfg_pool, sizeof (gint));
+ map->backends = g_ptr_array_new ();
+ map->wrk = worker;
+ rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cfg->cfg_pool, rspamd_ptr_array_free_hard,
+ map->backends);
+ map->poll_timeout = cfg->map_timeout;
+ if (description) {
+ map->description = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, description);
+ }
+ if (ucl_object_type (obj) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ /* Add array of maps as multiple backends */
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate (obj, &it, true)) != NULL) {
+ if (ucl_object_type (cur) == UCL_STRING) {
+ bk = rspamd_map_parse_backend (cfg, ucl_object_tostring (cur));
+ if (bk != NULL) {
+ rspamd_map_add_backend (map, bk);
+ if (!map->name) {
+ map->name = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool,
+ ucl_object_tostring (cur));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_err_config ("bad map element type: %s",
+ ucl_object_type_to_string (ucl_object_type (cur)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (map->backends->len == 0) {
+ msg_err_config ("map has no urls to be loaded: empty list");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ucl_object_type (obj) == UCL_OBJECT) {
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup (obj, "name");
+ if (elt && ucl_object_type (elt) == UCL_STRING) {
+ map->name = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool,
+ ucl_object_tostring (elt));
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup (obj, "description");
+ if (elt && ucl_object_type (elt) == UCL_STRING) {
+ map->description = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool,
+ ucl_object_tostring (elt));
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup_any (obj, "timeout", "poll", "poll_time",
+ "watch_interval", NULL);
+ if (elt) {
+ map->poll_timeout = ucl_object_todouble (elt);
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup_any (obj, "upstreams", "url", "urls", NULL);
+ if (elt == NULL) {
+ msg_err_config ("map has no urls to be loaded: no elt");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (ucl_object_type (elt) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ /* Add array of maps as multiple backends */
+ it = ucl_object_iterate_new (elt);
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate_safe (it, true)) != NULL) {
+ if (ucl_object_type (cur) == UCL_STRING) {
+ bk = rspamd_map_parse_backend (cfg, ucl_object_tostring (cur));
+ if (bk != NULL) {
+ rspamd_map_add_backend (map, bk);
+ if (!map->name) {
+ map->name = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool,
+ ucl_object_tostring (cur));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_err_config ("bad map element type: %s",
+ ucl_object_type_to_string (ucl_object_type (cur)));
+ ucl_object_iterate_free (it);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ ucl_object_iterate_free (it);
+ if (map->backends->len == 0) {
+ msg_err_config ("map has no urls to be loaded: empty object list");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ucl_object_type (elt) == UCL_STRING) {
+ bk = rspamd_map_parse_backend (cfg, ucl_object_tostring (elt));
+ if (bk != NULL) {
+ rspamd_map_add_backend (map, bk);
+ if (!map->name) {
+ map->name = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool,
+ ucl_object_tostring (elt));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!map->backends || map->backends->len == 0) {
+ msg_err_config ("map has no urls to be loaded: no valid backends");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_err_config ("map has invalid type for value: %s",
+ ucl_object_type_to_string (ucl_object_type (obj)));
+ goto err;
+ }
+ gboolean all_local = TRUE;
+ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (map->backends, i, bk) {
+ if (bk->protocol == MAP_PROTO_STATIC) {
+ GString *map_data;
+ /* We need data field in ucl */
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup (obj, "data");
+ if (elt == NULL) {
+ msg_err_config ("map has static backend but no `data` field");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (ucl_object_type (elt) == UCL_STRING) {
+ map_data = g_string_sized_new (32);
+ if (rspamd_map_add_static_string (cfg, elt, map_data)) {
+ bk->data.sd->data = map_data->str;
+ bk->data.sd->len = map_data->len;
+ g_string_free (map_data, FALSE);
+ }
+ else {
+ g_string_free (map_data, TRUE);
+ msg_err_config ("map has static backend with invalid `data` field");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ucl_object_type (elt) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ map_data = g_string_sized_new (32);
+ it = ucl_object_iterate_new (elt);
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate_safe (it, true))) {
+ if (!rspamd_map_add_static_string (cfg, cur, map_data)) {
+ g_string_free (map_data, TRUE);
+ msg_err_config ("map has static backend with invalid "
+ "`data` field");
+ ucl_object_iterate_free (it);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ ucl_object_iterate_free (it);
+ bk->data.sd->data = map_data->str;
+ bk->data.sd->len = map_data->len;
+ g_string_free (map_data, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (bk->protocol != MAP_PROTO_FILE) {
+ all_local = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (all_local) {
+ map->poll_timeout = (map->poll_timeout *
+ cfg->map_file_watch_multiplier);
+ }
+ rspamd_map_calculate_hash (map);
+ msg_debug_map ("added map from ucl");
+ cfg->maps = g_list_prepend (cfg->maps, map);
+ return map;
+ if (map) {
+ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (map->backends, i, bk) {
+ MAP_RELEASE (bk, "rspamd_map_backend");
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+rspamd_map_get_traverse_function (struct rspamd_map *map)
+ if (map) {
+ return map->traverse_function;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+rspamd_map_traverse (struct rspamd_map *map, rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb,
+ gpointer cbdata, gboolean reset_hits)
+ if (*map->user_data && map->traverse_function) {
+ map->traverse_function (*map->user_data, cb, cbdata, reset_hits);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libserver/maps/map.h b/src/libserver/maps/map.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce49bacbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libserver/maps/map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#ifndef RSPAMD_MAP_H
+#define RSPAMD_MAP_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "contrib/libev/ev.h"
+#include "ucl.h"
+#include "mem_pool.h"
+#include "radix.h"
+#include "dns.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Maps API is designed to load lists data from different dynamic sources.
+ * It monitor files and HTTP locations for modifications and reload them if they are
+ * modified.
+ */
+struct map_cb_data;
+struct rspamd_worker;
+ * Callback types
+ */
+typedef gchar *(*map_cb_t) (gchar *chunk, gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final);
+typedef void (*map_fin_cb_t) (struct map_cb_data *data, void **target);
+typedef void (*map_dtor_t) (struct map_cb_data *data);
+typedef gboolean (*rspamd_map_traverse_cb) (gconstpointer key,
+ gconstpointer value, gsize hits, gpointer ud);
+typedef void (*rspamd_map_traverse_function) (void *data,
+ rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb,
+ gpointer cbdata, gboolean reset_hits);
+ * Common map object
+ */
+struct rspamd_config;
+struct rspamd_map;
+ * Callback data for async load
+ */
+struct map_cb_data {
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ gint state;
+ void *prev_data;
+ void *cur_data;
+ * Returns TRUE if line looks like a map definition
+ * @param map_line
+ * @return
+ */
+gboolean rspamd_map_is_map (const gchar *map_line);
+ * Add map from line
+ */
+struct rspamd_map *rspamd_map_add (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ const gchar *map_line,
+ const gchar *description,
+ map_cb_t read_callback,
+ map_fin_cb_t fin_callback,
+ map_dtor_t dtor,
+ void **user_data,
+ struct rspamd_worker *worker);
+ * Add map from ucl
+ */
+struct rspamd_map *rspamd_map_add_from_ucl (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ const ucl_object_t *obj,
+ const gchar *description,
+ map_cb_t read_callback,
+ map_fin_cb_t fin_callback,
+ map_dtor_t dtor,
+ void **user_data,
+ struct rspamd_worker *worker);
+enum rspamd_map_watch_type {
+ * Start watching of maps by adding events to libevent event loop
+ */
+void rspamd_map_watch (struct rspamd_config *cfg,
+ struct ev_loop *event_loop,
+ struct rspamd_dns_resolver *resolver,
+ struct rspamd_worker *worker,
+ enum rspamd_map_watch_type how);
+ * Preloads maps where all backends are file
+ * @param cfg
+ */
+void rspamd_map_preload (struct rspamd_config *cfg);
+ * Remove all maps watched (remove events)
+ */
+void rspamd_map_remove_all (struct rspamd_config *cfg);
+ * Get traverse function for specific map
+ * @param map
+ * @return
+ */
+rspamd_map_traverse_function rspamd_map_get_traverse_function (struct rspamd_map *map);
+ * Perform map traverse
+ * @param map
+ * @param cb
+ * @param cbdata
+ * @param reset_hits
+ * @return
+ */
+void rspamd_map_traverse (struct rspamd_map *map, rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb,
+ gpointer cbdata, gboolean reset_hits);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/libserver/maps/map_helpers.c b/src/libserver/maps/map_helpers.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d179d44f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libserver/maps/map_helpers.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1397 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 Vsevolod Stakhov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "map_helpers.h"
+#include "map_private.h"
+#include "khash.h"
+#include "radix.h"
+#include "rspamd.h"
+#include "cryptobox.h"
+#include "contrib/fastutf8/fastutf8.h"
+#include "hs.h"
+#ifndef WITH_PCRE2
+#include <pcre.h>
+#include <pcre2.h>
+static const guint64 map_hash_seed = 0xdeadbabeULL;
+static const gchar *hash_fill = "1";
+struct rspamd_map_helper_value {
+ gsize hits;
+ gconstpointer key;
+ gchar value[]; /* Null terminated */
+KHASH_INIT (rspamd_map_hash, const gchar *,
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *, true,
+ rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal);
+struct rspamd_radix_map_helper {
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
+ khash_t(rspamd_map_hash) *htb;
+ radix_compressed_t *trie;
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_state_t hst;
+struct rspamd_hash_map_helper {
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
+ khash_t(rspamd_map_hash) *htb;
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_state_t hst;
+struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper {
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ GPtrArray *regexps;
+ GPtrArray *values;
+ khash_t(rspamd_map_hash) *htb;
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_state_t hst;
+ enum rspamd_regexp_map_flags map_flags;
+ hs_database_t *hs_db;
+ hs_scratch_t *hs_scratch;
+ gchar **patterns;
+ gint *flags;
+ gint *ids;
+ * FSM for parsing lists
+ */
+#define MAP_STORE_KEY do { \
+ while (g_ascii_isspace (*c) && p > c) { c ++; } \
+ key = g_malloc (p - c + 1); \
+ rspamd_strlcpy (key, c, p - c + 1); \
+ key = g_strstrip (key); \
+} while (0)
+#define MAP_STORE_VALUE do { \
+ while (g_ascii_isspace (*c) && p > c) { c ++; } \
+ value = g_malloc (p - c + 1); \
+ rspamd_strlcpy (value, c, p - c + 1); \
+ value = g_strstrip (value); \
+} while (0)
+gchar *
+rspamd_parse_kv_list (
+ gchar * chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ insert_func func,
+ const gchar *default_value,
+ gboolean final)
+ enum {
+ map_skip_spaces_before_key = 0,
+ map_read_key,
+ map_read_key_quoted,
+ map_read_key_slashed,
+ map_skip_spaces_after_key,
+ map_backslash_quoted,
+ map_backslash_slashed,
+ map_read_key_after_slash,
+ map_read_value,
+ map_read_comment_start,
+ map_skip_comment,
+ map_read_eol,
+ };
+ gchar *c, *p, *key = NULL, *value = NULL, *end;
+ struct rspamd_map *map = data->map;
+ guint line_number = 0;
+ p = chunk;
+ c = p;
+ end = p + len;
+ while (p < end) {
+ switch (data->state) {
+ case map_skip_spaces_before_key:
+ if (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) {
+ p ++;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (*p == '"') {
+ p++;
+ c = p;
+ data->state = map_read_key_quoted;
+ }
+ else if (*p == '/') {
+ /* Note that c is on '/' here as '/' is a part of key */
+ c = p;
+ p++;
+ data->state = map_read_key_slashed;
+ }
+ else {
+ c = p;
+ data->state = map_read_key;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_read_key:
+ /* read key */
+ /* Check here comments, eol and end of buffer */
+ if (*p == '#' && (p == c || *(p - 1) != '\\')) {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ /* Store a single key */
+ func (data->cur_data, key, default_value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d",
+ key, default_value, line_number);
+ g_free (key);
+ }
+ key = NULL;
+ data->state = map_read_comment_start;
+ }
+ else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ /* Store a single key */
+ func (data->cur_data, key, default_value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d",
+ key, default_value, line_number);
+ g_free (key);
+ }
+ data->state = map_read_eol;
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ data->state = map_skip_spaces_after_key;
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_err_map ("empty or invalid key found on line %d", line_number);
+ data->state = map_skip_comment;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ p++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_read_key_quoted:
+ if (*p == '\\') {
+ data->state = map_backslash_quoted;
+ p ++;
+ }
+ else if (*p == '"') {
+ /* Allow empty keys in this case */
+ if (p - c >= 0) {
+ data->state = map_skip_spaces_after_key;
+ }
+ else {
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ p ++;
+ }
+ else {
+ p ++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_read_key_slashed:
+ if (*p == '\\') {
+ data->state = map_backslash_slashed;
+ p ++;
+ }
+ else if (*p == '/') {
+ /* Allow empty keys in this case */
+ if (p - c >= 0) {
+ data->state = map_read_key_after_slash;
+ }
+ else {
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ p ++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_read_key_after_slash:
+ /*
+ * This state is equal to reading of key but '/' is not
+ * treated specially
+ */
+ if (*p == '#') {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ /* Store a single key */
+ func (data->cur_data, key, default_value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d",
+ key, default_value, line_number);
+ g_free (key);
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ data->state = map_read_comment_start;
+ }
+ else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ /* Store a single key */
+ func (data->cur_data, key, default_value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d",
+ key, default_value, line_number);
+ g_free (key);
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ data->state = map_read_eol;
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ data->state = map_skip_spaces_after_key;
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_err_map ("empty or invalid key found on line %d", line_number);
+ data->state = map_skip_comment;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ p ++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_backslash_quoted:
+ p ++;
+ data->state = map_read_key_quoted;
+ break;
+ case map_backslash_slashed:
+ p ++;
+ data->state = map_read_key_slashed;
+ break;
+ case map_skip_spaces_after_key:
+ if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') {
+ p ++;
+ }
+ else {
+ c = p;
+ data->state = map_read_value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_read_value:
+ if (key == NULL) {
+ /* Ignore line */
+ msg_err_map ("empty or invalid key found on line %d", line_number);
+ data->state = map_skip_comment;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (*p == '#') {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ /* Store a single key */
+ func (data->cur_data, key, value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key value pair: %s -> %s; line: %d",
+ key, value, line_number);
+ g_free (key);
+ g_free (value);
+ key = NULL;
+ value = NULL;
+ } else {
+ func (data->cur_data, key, default_value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d",
+ key, default_value, line_number);
+ g_free (key);
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ data->state = map_read_comment_start;
+ } else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ /* Store a single key */
+ func (data->cur_data, key, value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key value pair: %s -> %s",
+ key, value);
+ g_free (key);
+ g_free (value);
+ key = NULL;
+ value = NULL;
+ } else {
+ func (data->cur_data, key, default_value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key only pair: %s -> %s",
+ key, default_value);
+ g_free (key);
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ data->state = map_read_eol;
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_read_comment_start:
+ if (*p == '#') {
+ data->state = map_skip_comment;
+ p ++;
+ key = NULL;
+ value = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_skip_comment:
+ if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') {
+ data->state = map_read_eol;
+ }
+ else {
+ p ++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_read_eol:
+ /* Skip \r\n and whitespaces */
+ if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') {
+ if (*p == '\n') {
+ /* We don't care about \r only line separators, they are too rare */
+ line_number ++;
+ }
+ p++;
+ }
+ else {
+ data->state = map_skip_spaces_before_key;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (final) {
+ /* Examine the state */
+ switch (data->state) {
+ case map_read_key:
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ /* Store a single key */
+ func (data->cur_data, key, default_value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key only pair: %s -> %s",
+ key, default_value);
+ g_free (key);
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case map_read_value:
+ if (key == NULL) {
+ /* Ignore line */
+ msg_err_map ("empty or invalid key found on line %d", line_number);
+ data->state = map_skip_comment;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (p - c > 0) {
+ /* Store a single key */
+ func (data->cur_data, key, value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key value pair: %s -> %s",
+ key, value);
+ g_free (key);
+ g_free (value);
+ key = NULL;
+ value = NULL;
+ } else {
+ func (data->cur_data, key, default_value);
+ msg_debug_map ("insert key only pair: %s -> %s",
+ key, default_value);
+ g_free (key);
+ key = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ data->state = map_skip_spaces_before_key;
+ }
+ return c;
+ * Radix tree helper function
+ */
+rspamd_map_helper_insert_radix (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value)
+ struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *)st;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ gsize vlen;
+ khiter_t k;
+ gconstpointer nk;
+ gint res;
+ vlen = strlen (value);
+ val = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (r->pool, sizeof (*val) +
+ vlen + 1);
+ memcpy (val->value, value, vlen);
+ k = kh_get (rspamd_map_hash, r->htb, key);
+ if (k == kh_end (r->htb)) {
+ nk = rspamd_mempool_strdup (r->pool, key);
+ k = kh_put (rspamd_map_hash, r->htb, nk, &res);
+ }
+ nk = kh_key (r->htb, k);
+ val->key = nk;
+ kh_value (r->htb, k) = val;
+ rspamd_radix_add_iplist (key, ",", r->trie, val, FALSE);
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&r->hst, nk, strlen (nk));
+rspamd_map_helper_insert_radix_resolve (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value)
+ struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *)st;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ gsize vlen;
+ khiter_t k;
+ gconstpointer nk;
+ gint res;
+ vlen = strlen (value);
+ val = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (r->pool, sizeof (*val) +
+ vlen + 1);
+ memcpy (val->value, value, vlen);
+ k = kh_get (rspamd_map_hash, r->htb, key);
+ if (k == kh_end (r->htb)) {
+ nk = rspamd_mempool_strdup (r->pool, key);
+ k = kh_put (rspamd_map_hash, r->htb, nk, &res);
+ }
+ nk = kh_key (r->htb, k);
+ val->key = nk;
+ kh_value (r->htb, k) = val;
+ rspamd_radix_add_iplist (key, ",", r->trie, val, TRUE);
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&r->hst, nk, strlen (nk));
+rspamd_map_helper_insert_hash (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value)
+ struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *ht = st;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ khiter_t k;
+ gconstpointer nk;
+ gsize vlen;
+ gint r;
+ k = kh_get (rspamd_map_hash, ht->htb, key);
+ vlen = strlen (value);
+ if (k == kh_end (ht->htb)) {
+ nk = rspamd_mempool_strdup (ht->pool, key);
+ k = kh_put (rspamd_map_hash, ht->htb, nk, &r);
+ }
+ else {
+ val = kh_value (ht->htb, k);
+ if (strcmp (value, val->value) == 0) {
+ /* Same element, skip */
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Null termination due to alloc0 */
+ val = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (ht->pool, sizeof (*val) + vlen + 1);
+ memcpy (val->value, value, vlen);
+ nk = kh_key (ht->htb, k);
+ val->key = nk;
+ kh_value (ht->htb, k) = val;
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&ht->hst, nk, strlen (nk));
+rspamd_map_helper_insert_re (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value)
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map = st;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ rspamd_regexp_t *re;
+ gchar *escaped;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ gint pcre_flags;
+ gsize escaped_len;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ khiter_t k;
+ gconstpointer nk;
+ gsize vlen;
+ gint r;
+ map = re_map->map;
+ if (re_map->map_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_GLOB) {
+ escaped = rspamd_str_regexp_escape (key, strlen (key), &escaped_len,
+ re = rspamd_regexp_new (escaped, NULL, &err);
+ g_free (escaped);
+ }
+ else {
+ re = rspamd_regexp_new (key, NULL, &err);
+ }
+ if (re == NULL) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot parse regexp %s: %e", key, err);
+ if (err) {
+ g_error_free (err);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ vlen = strlen (value);
+ val = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (re_map->pool, sizeof (*val) +
+ vlen + 1);
+ memcpy (val->value, value, vlen);
+ k = kh_get (rspamd_map_hash, re_map->htb, key);
+ if (k == kh_end (re_map->htb)) {
+ nk = rspamd_mempool_strdup (re_map->pool, key);
+ k = kh_put (rspamd_map_hash, re_map->htb, nk, &r);
+ }
+ nk = kh_key (re_map->htb, k);
+ val->key = nk;
+ kh_value (re_map->htb, k) = val;
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&re_map->hst, nk, strlen (nk));
+ pcre_flags = rspamd_regexp_get_pcre_flags (re);
+#ifndef WITH_PCRE2
+ if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF8)) {
+ re_map->map_flags |= RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_UTF;
+ }
+ if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF)) {
+ re_map->map_flags |= RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_UTF;
+ }
+ g_ptr_array_add (re_map->regexps, re);
+ g_ptr_array_add (re_map->values, val);
+static void
+rspamd_map_helper_traverse_regexp (void *data,
+ rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb,
+ gpointer cbdata,
+ gboolean reset_hits)
+ gconstpointer k;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map = data;
+ kh_foreach (re_map->htb, k, val, {
+ if (!cb (k, val->value, val->hits, cbdata)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (reset_hits) {
+ val->hits = 0;
+ }
+ });
+struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *
+rspamd_map_helper_new_hash (struct rspamd_map *map)
+ struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *htb;
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
+ if (map) {
+ pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (),
+ map->tag, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (),
+ NULL, 0);
+ }
+ htb = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (pool, sizeof (*htb));
+ htb->htb = kh_init (rspamd_map_hash);
+ htb->pool = pool;
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_init (&htb->hst, map_hash_seed);
+ return htb;
+rspamd_map_helper_destroy_hash (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *r)
+ if (r == NULL || r->pool == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool = r->pool;
+ kh_destroy (rspamd_map_hash, r->htb);
+ memset (r, 0, sizeof (*r));
+ rspamd_mempool_delete (pool);
+static void
+rspamd_map_helper_traverse_hash (void *data,
+ rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb,
+ gpointer cbdata,
+ gboolean reset_hits)
+ gconstpointer k;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *ht = data;
+ kh_foreach (ht->htb, k, val, {
+ if (!cb (k, val->value, val->hits, cbdata)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (reset_hits) {
+ val->hits = 0;
+ }
+ });
+struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *
+rspamd_map_helper_new_radix (struct rspamd_map *map)
+ struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r;
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
+ if (map) {
+ pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (),
+ map->tag, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (),
+ NULL, 0);
+ }
+ r = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (pool, sizeof (*r));
+ r->trie = radix_create_compressed_with_pool (pool);
+ r->htb = kh_init (rspamd_map_hash);
+ r->pool = pool;
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_init (&r->hst, map_hash_seed);
+ return r;
+rspamd_map_helper_destroy_radix (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r)
+ if (r == NULL || !r->pool) {
+ return;
+ }
+ kh_destroy (rspamd_map_hash, r->htb);
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool = r->pool;
+ memset (r, 0, sizeof (*r));
+ rspamd_mempool_delete (pool);
+static void
+rspamd_map_helper_traverse_radix (void *data,
+ rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb,
+ gpointer cbdata,
+ gboolean reset_hits)
+ gconstpointer k;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r = data;
+ kh_foreach (r->htb, k, val, {
+ if (!cb (k, val->value, val->hits, cbdata)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (reset_hits) {
+ val->hits = 0;
+ }
+ });
+struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *
+rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ enum rspamd_regexp_map_flags flags)
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map;
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
+ pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (),
+ map->tag, 0);
+ re_map = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (pool, sizeof (*re_map));
+ re_map->pool = pool;
+ re_map->values = g_ptr_array_new ();
+ re_map->regexps = g_ptr_array_new ();
+ re_map->map = map;
+ re_map->map_flags = flags;
+ re_map->htb = kh_init (rspamd_map_hash);
+ rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_init (&re_map->hst, map_hash_seed);
+ return re_map;
+rspamd_map_helper_destroy_regexp (struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map)
+ rspamd_regexp_t *re;
+ guint i;
+ if (!re_map || !re_map->regexps) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (re_map->hs_scratch) {
+ hs_free_scratch (re_map->hs_scratch);
+ }
+ if (re_map->hs_db) {
+ hs_free_database (re_map->hs_db);
+ }
+ if (re_map->patterns) {
+ for (i = 0; i < re_map->regexps->len; i ++) {
+ g_free (re_map->patterns[i]);
+ }
+ g_free (re_map->patterns);
+ }
+ if (re_map->flags) {
+ g_free (re_map->flags);
+ }
+ if (re_map->ids) {
+ g_free (re_map->ids);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < re_map->regexps->len; i ++) {
+ re = g_ptr_array_index (re_map->regexps, i);
+ rspamd_regexp_unref (re);
+ }
+ g_ptr_array_free (re_map->regexps, TRUE);
+ g_ptr_array_free (re_map->values, TRUE);
+ kh_destroy (rspamd_map_hash, re_map->htb);
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool = re_map->pool;
+ memset (re_map, 0, sizeof (*re_map));
+ rspamd_mempool_delete (pool);
+gchar *
+rspamd_kv_list_read (
+ gchar * chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final)
+ if (data->cur_data == NULL) {
+ data->cur_data = rspamd_map_helper_new_hash (data->map);
+ }
+ return rspamd_parse_kv_list (
+ chunk,
+ len,
+ data,
+ rspamd_map_helper_insert_hash,
+ "",
+ final);
+rspamd_kv_list_fin (struct map_cb_data *data, void **target)
+ struct rspamd_map *map = data->map;
+ struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *htb;
+ if (data->cur_data) {
+ htb = (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *)data->cur_data;
+ msg_info_map ("read hash of %d elements", kh_size (htb->htb));
+ data->map->traverse_function = rspamd_map_helper_traverse_hash;
+ data->map->nelts = kh_size (htb->htb);
+ data->map->digest = rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_final (&htb->hst);
+ }
+ if (target) {
+ *target = data->cur_data;
+ }
+ if (data->prev_data) {
+ htb = (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *)data->prev_data;
+ rspamd_map_helper_destroy_hash (htb);
+ }
+rspamd_kv_list_dtor (struct map_cb_data *data)
+ struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *htb;
+ if (data->cur_data) {
+ htb = (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *)data->cur_data;
+ rspamd_map_helper_destroy_hash (htb);
+ }
+gchar *
+rspamd_radix_read (
+ gchar * chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final)
+ struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r;
+ struct rspamd_map *map = data->map;
+ if (data->cur_data == NULL) {
+ r = rspamd_map_helper_new_radix (map);
+ data->cur_data = r;
+ }
+ return rspamd_parse_kv_list (
+ chunk,
+ len,
+ data,
+ rspamd_map_helper_insert_radix,
+ hash_fill,
+ final);
+rspamd_radix_fin (struct map_cb_data *data, void **target)
+ struct rspamd_map *map = data->map;
+ struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r;
+ if (data->cur_data) {
+ r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *)data->cur_data;
+ msg_info_map ("read radix trie of %z elements: %s",
+ radix_get_size (r->trie), radix_get_info (r->trie));
+ data->map->traverse_function = rspamd_map_helper_traverse_radix;
+ data->map->nelts = kh_size (r->htb);
+ data->map->digest = rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_final (&r->hst);
+ }
+ if (target) {
+ *target = data->cur_data;
+ }
+ if (data->prev_data) {
+ r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *)data->prev_data;
+ rspamd_map_helper_destroy_radix (r);
+ }
+rspamd_radix_dtor (struct map_cb_data *data)
+ struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r;
+ if (data->cur_data) {
+ r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *)data->cur_data;
+ rspamd_map_helper_destroy_radix (r);
+ }
+static void
+rspamd_re_map_finalize (struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map)
+ guint i;
+ hs_platform_info_t plt;
+ hs_compile_error_t *err;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ rspamd_regexp_t *re;
+ gint pcre_flags;
+ map = re_map->map;
+ if (!(map->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->cpu_config & CPUID_SSSE3)) {
+ msg_info_map ("disable hyperscan for map %s, ssse3 instructons are not supported by CPU",
+ map->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hs_populate_platform (&plt) != HS_SUCCESS) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot populate hyperscan platform");
+ return;
+ }
+ re_map->patterns = g_new (gchar *, re_map->regexps->len);
+ re_map->flags = g_new (gint, re_map->regexps->len);
+ re_map->ids = g_new (gint, re_map->regexps->len);
+ for (i = 0; i < re_map->regexps->len; i ++) {
+ const gchar *pat;
+ gchar *escaped;
+ gint pat_flags;
+ re = g_ptr_array_index (re_map->regexps, i);
+ pcre_flags = rspamd_regexp_get_pcre_flags (re);
+ pat = rspamd_regexp_get_pattern (re);
+ pat_flags = rspamd_regexp_get_flags (re);
+ if (pat_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_FLAG_UTF) {
+ escaped = rspamd_str_regexp_escape (pat, strlen (pat), NULL,
+ re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_UTF8;
+ }
+ else {
+ escaped = rspamd_str_regexp_escape (pat, strlen (pat), NULL,
+ }
+ re_map->patterns[i] = escaped;
+ re_map->flags[i] = HS_FLAG_SINGLEMATCH;
+#ifndef WITH_PCRE2
+ if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF8)) {
+ re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_UTF8;
+ }
+ if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF)) {
+ re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_UTF8;
+ }
+ if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(CASELESS)) {
+ re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_CASELESS;
+ }
+ if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(MULTILINE)) {
+ re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_MULTILINE;
+ }
+ if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(DOTALL)) {
+ re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_DOTALL;
+ }
+ if (rspamd_regexp_get_maxhits (re) == 1) {
+ re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_SINGLEMATCH;
+ }
+ re_map->ids[i] = i;
+ }
+ if (re_map->regexps->len > 0 && re_map->patterns) {
+ if (hs_compile_multi ((const gchar **)re_map->patterns,
+ re_map->flags,
+ re_map->ids,
+ re_map->regexps->len,
+ &plt,
+ &re_map->hs_db,
+ &err) != HS_SUCCESS) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot create tree of regexp when processing '%s': %s",
+ err->expression >= 0 ?
+ re_map->patterns[err->expression] :
+ "unknown regexp", err->message);
+ re_map->hs_db = NULL;
+ hs_free_compile_error (err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hs_alloc_scratch (re_map->hs_db, &re_map->hs_scratch) != HS_SUCCESS) {
+ msg_err_map ("cannot allocate scratch space for hyperscan");
+ hs_free_database (re_map->hs_db);
+ re_map->hs_db = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_err_map ("regexp map is empty");
+ }
+gchar *
+rspamd_regexp_list_read_single (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final)
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map;
+ if (data->cur_data == NULL) {
+ re_map = rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp (data->map, 0);
+ data->cur_data = re_map;
+ }
+ return rspamd_parse_kv_list (
+ chunk,
+ len,
+ data,
+ rspamd_map_helper_insert_re,
+ hash_fill,
+ final);
+gchar *
+rspamd_glob_list_read_single (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final)
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map;
+ if (data->cur_data == NULL) {
+ re_map = rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp (data->map, RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_GLOB);
+ data->cur_data = re_map;
+ }
+ return rspamd_parse_kv_list (
+ chunk,
+ len,
+ data,
+ rspamd_map_helper_insert_re,
+ hash_fill,
+ final);
+gchar *
+rspamd_regexp_list_read_multiple (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final)
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map;
+ if (data->cur_data == NULL) {
+ re_map = rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp (data->map,
+ data->cur_data = re_map;
+ }
+ return rspamd_parse_kv_list (
+ chunk,
+ len,
+ data,
+ rspamd_map_helper_insert_re,
+ hash_fill,
+ final);
+gchar *
+rspamd_glob_list_read_multiple (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final)
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map;
+ if (data->cur_data == NULL) {
+ re_map = rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp (data->map,
+ data->cur_data = re_map;
+ }
+ return rspamd_parse_kv_list (
+ chunk,
+ len,
+ data,
+ rspamd_map_helper_insert_re,
+ hash_fill,
+ final);
+rspamd_regexp_list_fin (struct map_cb_data *data, void **target)
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map;
+ struct rspamd_map *map = data->map;
+ if (data->cur_data) {
+ re_map = data->cur_data;
+ rspamd_re_map_finalize (re_map);
+ msg_info_map ("read regexp list of %ud elements",
+ re_map->regexps->len);
+ data->map->traverse_function = rspamd_map_helper_traverse_regexp;
+ data->map->nelts = kh_size (re_map->htb);
+ data->map->digest = rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_final (&re_map->hst);
+ }
+ if (target) {
+ *target = data->cur_data;
+ }
+ if (data->prev_data) {
+ rspamd_map_helper_destroy_regexp (data->prev_data);
+ }
+rspamd_regexp_list_dtor (struct map_cb_data *data)
+ if (data->cur_data) {
+ rspamd_map_helper_destroy_regexp (data->cur_data);
+ }
+static int
+rspamd_match_hs_single_handler (unsigned int id, unsigned long long from,
+ unsigned long long to,
+ unsigned int flags, void *context)
+ guint *i = context;
+ /* Always return non-zero as we need a single match here */
+ *i = id;
+ return 1;
+rspamd_match_regexp_map_single (struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *map,
+ const gchar *in, gsize len)
+ guint i;
+ rspamd_regexp_t *re;
+ gint res = 0;
+ gpointer ret = NULL;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ gboolean validated = FALSE;
+ g_assert (in != NULL);
+ if (map == NULL || len == 0 || map->regexps == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (map->map_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_UTF) {
+ if (rspamd_fast_utf8_validate (in, len) == 0) {
+ validated = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ validated = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (map->hs_db && map->hs_scratch) {
+ if (validated) {
+ res = hs_scan (map->hs_db, in, len, 0, map->hs_scratch,
+ rspamd_match_hs_single_handler, (void *)&i);
+ if (res == HS_SCAN_TERMINATED) {
+ res = 1;
+ val = g_ptr_array_index (map->values, i);
+ ret = val->value;
+ val->hits ++;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!res) {
+ /* PCRE version */
+ for (i = 0; i < map->regexps->len; i ++) {
+ re = g_ptr_array_index (map->regexps, i);
+ if (rspamd_regexp_search (re, in, len, NULL, NULL, !validated, NULL)) {
+ val = g_ptr_array_index (map->values, i);
+ ret = val->value;
+ val->hits ++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+struct rspamd_multiple_cbdata {
+ GPtrArray *ar;
+ struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *map;
+static int
+rspamd_match_hs_multiple_handler (unsigned int id, unsigned long long from,
+ unsigned long long to,
+ unsigned int flags, void *context)
+ struct rspamd_multiple_cbdata *cbd = context;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ if (id < cbd->map->values->len) {
+ val = g_ptr_array_index (cbd->map->values, id);
+ val->hits ++;
+ g_ptr_array_add (cbd->ar, val->value);
+ }
+ /* Always return zero as we need all matches here */
+ return 0;
+rspamd_match_regexp_map_all (struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *map,
+ const gchar *in, gsize len)
+ guint i;
+ rspamd_regexp_t *re;
+ GPtrArray *ret;
+ gint res = 0;
+ gboolean validated = FALSE;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ if (map == NULL || map->regexps == NULL || len == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ g_assert (in != NULL);
+ if (map->map_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_UTF) {
+ if (rspamd_fast_utf8_validate (in, len) == 0) {
+ validated = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ validated = TRUE;
+ }
+ ret = g_ptr_array_new ();
+ if (map->hs_db && map->hs_scratch) {
+ if (validated) {
+ struct rspamd_multiple_cbdata cbd;
+ cbd.ar = ret;
+ cbd.map = map;
+ if (hs_scan (map->hs_db, in, len, 0, map->hs_scratch,
+ rspamd_match_hs_multiple_handler, &cbd) == HS_SUCCESS) {
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!res) {
+ /* PCRE version */
+ for (i = 0; i < map->regexps->len; i ++) {
+ re = g_ptr_array_index (map->regexps, i);
+ if (rspamd_regexp_search (re, in, len, NULL, NULL,
+ !validated, NULL)) {
+ val = g_ptr_array_index (map->values, i);
+ val->hits ++;
+ g_ptr_array_add (ret, val->value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret->len > 0) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ g_ptr_array_free (ret, TRUE);
+ return NULL;
+rspamd_match_hash_map (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *map, const gchar *in)
+ khiter_t k;
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ if (map == NULL || map->htb == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ k = kh_get (rspamd_map_hash, map->htb, in);
+ if (k != kh_end (map->htb)) {
+ val = kh_value (map->htb, k);
+ val->hits ++;
+ return val->value;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+rspamd_match_radix_map (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *map,
+ const guchar *in, gsize inlen)
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ if (map == NULL || map->trie == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ val = (struct rspamd_map_helper_value *)radix_find_compressed (map->trie,
+ in, inlen);
+ if (val != (gconstpointer)RADIX_NO_VALUE) {
+ val->hits ++;
+ return val->value;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+rspamd_match_radix_map_addr (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *map,
+ const rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr)
+ struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val;
+ if (map == NULL || map->trie == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ val = (struct rspamd_map_helper_value *)radix_find_compressed_addr (map->trie, addr);
+ if (val != (gconstpointer)RADIX_NO_VALUE) {
+ val->hits ++;
+ return val->value;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libserver/maps/map_helpers.h b/src/libserver/maps/map_helpers.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f7b5b804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libserver/maps/map_helpers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 Vsevolod Stakhov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "addr.h"
+ * @file map_helpers.h
+ *
+ * Defines helper structures to deal with different map types
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Common structures, abstract for simplicity
+ */
+struct rspamd_radix_map_helper;
+struct rspamd_hash_map_helper;
+struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper;
+struct rspamd_map_helper_value;
+enum rspamd_regexp_map_flags {
+typedef void (*insert_func) (gpointer st, gconstpointer key,
+ gconstpointer value);
+ * Radix list is a list like ip/mask
+ */
+gchar *rspamd_radix_read (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final);
+void rspamd_radix_fin (struct map_cb_data *data, void **target);
+void rspamd_radix_dtor (struct map_cb_data *data);
+ * Kv list is an ordinal list of keys and values separated by whitespace
+ */
+gchar *rspamd_kv_list_read (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final);
+void rspamd_kv_list_fin (struct map_cb_data *data, void **target);
+void rspamd_kv_list_dtor (struct map_cb_data *data);
+ * Regexp list is a list of regular expressions
+ */
+gchar *rspamd_regexp_list_read_single (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final);
+gchar *rspamd_regexp_list_read_multiple (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final);
+gchar *rspamd_glob_list_read_single (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final);
+gchar *rspamd_glob_list_read_multiple (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ gboolean final);
+void rspamd_regexp_list_fin (struct map_cb_data *data, void **target);
+void rspamd_regexp_list_dtor (struct map_cb_data *data);
+ * FSM for lists parsing (support comments, blank lines and partial replies)
+ */
+gchar *
+rspamd_parse_kv_list (
+ gchar *chunk,
+ gint len,
+ struct map_cb_data *data,
+ insert_func func,
+ const gchar *default_value,
+ gboolean final);
+ * Find a single (any) matching regexp for the specified text or NULL if
+ * no matches found
+ * @param map
+ * @param in
+ * @param len
+ * @return
+ */
+gconstpointer rspamd_match_regexp_map_single (struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *map,
+ const gchar *in, gsize len);
+ * Find a multiple (all) matching regexp for the specified text or NULL if
+ * no matches found. Returns GPtrArray that *must* be freed by a caller if not NULL
+ * @param map
+ * @param in
+ * @param len
+ * @return
+ */
+GPtrArray *rspamd_match_regexp_map_all (struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *map,
+ const gchar *in, gsize len);
+ * Find value matching specific key in a hash map
+ * @param map
+ * @param in
+ * @param len
+ * @return
+ */
+gconstpointer rspamd_match_hash_map (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *map,
+ const gchar *in);
+ * Find value matching specific key in a hash map
+ * @param map
+ * @param in raw ip address
+ * @param inlen ip address length (4 for IPv4 and 16 for IPv6)
+ * @return
+ */
+gconstpointer rspamd_match_radix_map (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *map,
+ const guchar *in, gsize inlen);
+gconstpointer rspamd_match_radix_map_addr (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *map,
+ const rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr);
+ * Creates radix map helper
+ * @param map
+ * @return
+ */
+struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *rspamd_map_helper_new_radix (struct rspamd_map *map);
+ * Inserts new value into radix map
+ * @param st
+ * @param key
+ * @param value
+ */
+void rspamd_map_helper_insert_radix (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value);
+ * Inserts new value into radix map performing synchronous resolving
+ * @param st
+ * @param key
+ * @param value
+ */
+void rspamd_map_helper_insert_radix_resolve (gpointer st, gconstpointer key,
+ gconstpointer value);
+ * Destroys radix map helper
+ * @param r
+ */
+void rspamd_map_helper_destroy_radix (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r);
+ * Creates hash map helper
+ * @param map
+ * @return
+ */
+struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *rspamd_map_helper_new_hash (struct rspamd_map *map);
+ * Inserts a new value into a hash map
+ * @param st
+ * @param key
+ * @param value
+ */
+void rspamd_map_helper_insert_hash (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value);
+ * Destroys hash map helper
+ * @param r
+ */
+void rspamd_map_helper_destroy_hash (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *r);
+ * Create new regexp map
+ * @param map
+ * @param flags
+ * @return
+ */
+struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp (struct rspamd_map *map,
+ enum rspamd_regexp_map_flags flags);
+ * Inserts a new regexp into regexp map
+ * @param st
+ * @param key
+ * @param value
+ */
+void rspamd_map_helper_insert_re (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value);
+ * Destroy regexp map
+ * @param re_map
+ */
+void rspamd_map_helper_destroy_regexp (struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/libserver/maps/map_private.h b/src/libserver/maps/map_private.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..347f63538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libserver/maps/map_private.h
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "mem_pool.h"
+#include "keypair.h"
+#include "unix-std.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "ref.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef void (*rspamd_map_tmp_dtor) (gpointer p);
+extern guint rspamd_map_log_id;
+#define msg_err_map(...) rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \
+ "map", map->tag, \
+ __VA_ARGS__)
+#define msg_warn_map(...) rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, \
+ "map", map->tag, \
+ __VA_ARGS__)
+#define msg_info_map(...) rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \
+ "map", map->tag, \
+ __VA_ARGS__)
+#define msg_debug_map(...) rspamd_conditional_debug_fast (NULL, NULL, \
+ rspamd_map_log_id, "map", map->tag, \
+ __VA_ARGS__)
+enum fetch_proto {
+ * Data specific to file maps
+ */
+struct file_map_data {
+ gchar *filename;
+ gboolean need_modify;
+ ev_stat st_ev;
+struct http_map_data;
+struct rspamd_http_map_cached_cbdata {
+ ev_timer timeout;
+ struct ev_loop *event_loop;
+ struct rspamd_storage_shmem *shm;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct http_map_data *data;
+ guint64 gen;
+ time_t last_checked;
+struct rspamd_map_cachepoint {
+ gint available;
+ gsize len;
+ time_t last_modified;
+ gchar shmem_name[256];
+ * Data specific to HTTP maps
+ */
+struct http_map_data {
+ /* Shared cache data */
+ struct rspamd_map_cachepoint *cache;
+ /* Non-shared for cache owner, used to cleanup cache */
+ struct rspamd_http_map_cached_cbdata *cur_cache_cbd;
+ gchar *userinfo;
+ gchar *path;
+ gchar *host;
+ gchar *rest;
+ rspamd_fstring_t *etag;
+ time_t last_modified;
+ time_t last_checked;
+ gboolean request_sent;
+ guint64 gen;
+ guint16 port;
+struct static_map_data {
+ guchar *data;
+ gsize len;
+ gboolean processed;
+union rspamd_map_backend_data {
+ struct file_map_data *fd;
+ struct http_map_data *hd;
+ struct static_map_data *sd;
+struct rspamd_map_backend {
+ enum fetch_proto protocol;
+ gboolean is_signed;
+ gboolean is_compressed;
+ gboolean is_fallback;
+ struct ev_loop *event_loop;
+ guint32 id;
+ struct rspamd_cryptobox_pubkey *trusted_pubkey;
+ union rspamd_map_backend_data data;
+ gchar *uri;
+ ref_entry_t ref;
+struct map_periodic_cbdata;
+struct rspamd_map {
+ struct rspamd_dns_resolver *r;
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg;
+ GPtrArray *backends;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *fallback_backend;
+ map_cb_t read_callback;
+ map_fin_cb_t fin_callback;
+ map_dtor_t dtor;
+ void **user_data;
+ struct ev_loop *event_loop;
+ struct rspamd_worker *wrk;
+ gchar *description;
+ gchar *name;
+ guint32 id;
+ struct map_periodic_cbdata *scheduled_check;
+ rspamd_map_tmp_dtor tmp_dtor;
+ gpointer tmp_dtor_data;
+ rspamd_map_traverse_function traverse_function;
+ gpointer lua_map;
+ gsize nelts;
+ guint64 digest;
+ /* Should we check HTTP or just load cached data */
+ ev_tstamp timeout;
+ gdouble poll_timeout;
+ time_t next_check;
+ gboolean active_http;
+ gboolean non_trivial; /* E.g. has http backends in active mode */
+ gboolean file_only; /* No HTTP backends found */
+ gboolean static_only; /* No need to check */
+ /* Shared lock for temporary disabling of map reading (e.g. when this map is written by UI) */
+ gint *locked;
+ gchar tag[MEMPOOL_UID_LEN];
+enum rspamd_map_http_stage {
+ http_map_resolve_host2 = 0, /* 2 requests sent */
+ http_map_resolve_host1, /* 1 requests sent */
+ http_map_http_conn, /* http connection */
+ http_map_terminated /* terminated when doing resolving */
+struct map_periodic_cbdata {
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct map_cb_data cbdata;
+ ev_timer ev;
+ gboolean need_modify;
+ gboolean errored;
+ gboolean locked;
+ guint cur_backend;
+ ref_entry_t ref;
+static const gchar rspamd_http_file_magic[] =
+ {'r', 'm', 'c', 'd', '2', '0', '0', '0'};
+struct rspamd_http_file_data {
+ guchar magic[sizeof (rspamd_http_file_magic)];
+ goffset data_off;
+ gulong mtime;
+ gulong next_check;
+ gulong etag_len;
+struct http_callback_data {
+ struct ev_loop *event_loop;
+ struct rspamd_http_connection *conn;
+ GPtrArray *addrs;
+ rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ struct rspamd_map_backend *bk;
+ struct http_map_data *data;
+ struct map_periodic_cbdata *periodic;
+ struct rspamd_cryptobox_pubkey *pk;
+ struct rspamd_storage_shmem *shmem_data;
+ gsize data_len;
+ gboolean check;
+ enum rspamd_map_http_stage stage;
+ ev_tstamp timeout;
+ ref_entry_t ref;
+#ifdef __cplusplus