path: root/src/lua/lua_task.c
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2016-01-28 12:12:46 +0000
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2016-01-28 12:12:46 +0000
commitefd7390cf9d56b11437f920fc81d2107cf51d4d6 (patch)
treee4b4e80cb7fe5745bf1f94a320cbf26faef7fd12 /src/lua/lua_task.c
parent11d3b65b5598109f0374cb61843e66df2e5f9048 (diff)
Add methods to check if a messages has from/rcpts
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lua/lua_task.c')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lua/lua_task.c b/src/lua/lua_task.c
index 0dbf8dc0d..2b0e1cfbb 100644
--- a/src/lua/lua_task.c
+++ b/src/lua/lua_task.c
@@ -279,6 +279,14 @@ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_resolver);
LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, inc_dns_req);
+ * @method task:has_recipients([type])
+ * Return true if there are SMTP or MIME recipients for a task.
+ * @param {integer|string} type if specified has the following meaning: `0` or `any` means try SMTP recipients and fallback to MIME if failed, `1` or `smtp` means checking merely SMTP recipients and `2` or `mime` means MIME recipients only
+ * @return {bool} `true` if there are recipients of the following type
+ */
+LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, has_recipients);
* @method task:get_recipients([type])
* Return SMTP or MIME recipients for a task. This function returns list of internet addresses each one is a table with the following structure:
@@ -290,6 +298,15 @@ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, inc_dns_req);
* @return {list of addresses} list of recipients or `nil`
LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_recipients);
+ * @method task:has_from([type])
+ * Return true if there is SMTP or MIME sender for a task.
+ * @param {integer|string} type if specified has the following meaning: `0` or `any` means try SMTP recipients and fallback to MIME if failed, `1` or `smtp` means checking merely SMTP recipients and `2` or `mime` means MIME recipients only
+ * @return {bool} `true` if there is sender of the following type
+ */
+LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, has_from);
* @method task:get_from([type])
* Return SMTP or MIME sender for a task. This function returns list of internet addresses each one is a table with the following structure:
@@ -541,7 +558,9 @@ static const struct luaL_reg tasklib_m[] = {
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_queue_id),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_resolver),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, inc_dns_req),
+ LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, has_recipients),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_recipients),
+ LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, has_from),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_from),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_user),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_user),
@@ -1330,6 +1349,91 @@ lua_task_get_recipients (lua_State *L)
return 1;
+#define CHECK_ADDR(addr) do { \
+ if (addr == NULL) { \
+ ret = 0; \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ ret = internet_address_list_length (addr) > 0 ? 1 : 0; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+static gint
+lua_task_has_from (lua_State *L)
+ struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1);
+ gint what = 0;
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ if (task) {
+ if (lua_gettop (L) == 2) {
+ /* Get what value */
+ what = lua_task_str_to_get_type (L, 2);
+ }
+ switch (what) {
+ case 1:
+ /* Here we check merely envelope rcpt */
+ CHECK_ADDR (task->from_envelope);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* Here we check merely mime rcpt */
+ CHECK_ADDR (task->from_mime);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ CHECK_ADDR (task->from_envelope);
+ if (!ret) {
+ CHECK_ADDR (task->from_mime);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ lua_pushboolean (L, ret);
+ return 1;
+static gint
+lua_task_has_recipients (lua_State *L)
+ struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1);
+ gint what = 0;
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ if (task) {
+ if (lua_gettop (L) == 2) {
+ /* Get what value */
+ what = lua_task_str_to_get_type (L, 2);
+ }
+ switch (what) {
+ case 1:
+ /* Here we check merely envelope rcpt */
+ CHECK_ADDR (task->rcpt_envelope);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* Here we check merely mime rcpt */
+ CHECK_ADDR (task->rcpt_mime);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ CHECK_ADDR (task->rcpt_envelope);
+ if (!ret) {
+ CHECK_ADDR (task->rcpt_mime);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ lua_pushboolean (L, ret);
+ return 1;
static gint
lua_task_get_from (lua_State *L)