path: root/src/util.h
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2010-10-06 20:03:57 +0400
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2010-10-06 20:03:57 +0400
commit6b306ab8752befc28d259be55495f8249cc2df24 (patch)
tree0fa3d471aef61925563709e0f8ee5667b57c7a9d /src/util.h
parent8d0053734fb5a4ccd8c3bda731e6b7c8261c6f67 (diff)
Fixes types (use glib ones) no functional change.
Now all comments in commit logs beginning with '*' would be included in changelog, so important changes would be separated from small ones.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/util.h')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/util.h b/src/util.h
index b3e9338ab..403d3447e 100644
--- a/src/util.h
+++ b/src/util.h
@@ -13,82 +13,108 @@ struct statfile;
struct classifier_config;
/* Create socket and bind or connect it to specified address and port */
-int make_tcp_socket (struct in_addr *, u_short, gboolean is_server, gboolean async);
+gint make_tcp_socket (struct in_addr *, u_short, gboolean is_server, gboolean async);
/* Create socket and bind or connect it to specified address and port */
-int make_udp_socket (struct in_addr *, u_short, gboolean is_server, gboolean async);
+gint make_udp_socket (struct in_addr *, u_short, gboolean is_server, gboolean async);
/* Accept from socket */
-int accept_from_socket (int listen_sock, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len);
+gint accept_from_socket (gint listen_sock, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len);
/* Create and bind or connect unix socket */
-int make_unix_socket (const char *, struct sockaddr_un *, gboolean is_server);
+gint make_unix_socket (const gchar *, struct sockaddr_un *, gboolean is_server);
/* Write pid to file */
-int write_pid (struct rspamd_main *);
+gint write_pid (struct rspamd_main *);
/* Make specified socket non-blocking */
-int make_socket_nonblocking (int);
-int make_socket_blocking (int);
+gint make_socket_nonblocking (gint);
+gint make_socket_blocking (gint);
/* Poll sync socket for specified events */
-int poll_sync_socket (int fd, int timeout, short events);
+gint poll_sync_socket (gint fd, gint timeout, short events);
/* Init signals */
-void init_signals (struct sigaction *sa, void (*sig_handler)(int, siginfo_t *, void *));
+void init_signals (struct sigaction *sa, void (*sig_handler)(gint, siginfo_t *, void *));
void init_signals (struct sigaction *sa, sighandler_t);
/* Send specified signal to each worker */
-void pass_signal_worker (GHashTable *, int );
+void pass_signal_worker (GHashTable *, gint );
/* Convert string to lowercase */
-void convert_to_lowercase (char *str, unsigned int size);
+void convert_to_lowercase (gchar *str, guint size);
-int init_title(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]);
-int setproctitle(const char *fmt, ...);
+gint init_title(gint argc, gchar *argv[], gchar *envp[]);
+gint setproctitle(const gchar *fmt, ...);
struct pidfh {
- int pf_fd;
+ gint pf_fd;
- char pf_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
+ gchar pf_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
#elif defined(HAVE_MAXPATHLEN)
- char pf_path[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
+ gchar pf_path[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
- char pf_path[1024 + 1];
+ gchar pf_path[1024 + 1];
dev_t pf_dev;
ino_t pf_ino;
-struct pidfh *pidfile_open(const char *path, mode_t mode, pid_t *pidptr);
-int pidfile_write(struct pidfh *pfh);
-int pidfile_close(struct pidfh *pfh);
-int pidfile_remove(struct pidfh *pfh);
+struct pidfh *pidfile_open(const gchar *path, mode_t mode, pid_t *pidptr);
+gint pidfile_write(struct pidfh *pfh);
+gint pidfile_close(struct pidfh *pfh);
+gint pidfile_remove(struct pidfh *pfh);
/* Replace %r with rcpt value and %f with from value, new string is allocated in pool */
-char* resolve_stat_filename (memory_pool_t *pool, char *pattern, char *rcpt, char *from);
+gchar* resolve_stat_filename (memory_pool_t *pool, gchar *pattern, gchar *rcpt, gchar *from);
-const char* calculate_check_time (struct timeval *tv, struct timespec *begin, int resolution);
+const gchar* calculate_check_time (struct timeval *tv, struct timespec *begin, gint resolution);
-const char* calculate_check_time (struct timeval *begin, int resolution);
+const gchar* calculate_check_time (struct timeval *begin, gint resolution);
-double set_counter (const char *name, long int value);
+double set_counter (const gchar *name, guint32 value);
-gboolean lock_file (int fd, gboolean async);
-gboolean unlock_file (int fd, gboolean async);
+gboolean lock_file (gint fd, gboolean async);
+gboolean unlock_file (gint fd, gboolean async);
guint rspamd_strcase_hash (gconstpointer key);
gboolean rspamd_strcase_equal (gconstpointer v, gconstpointer v2);
guint fstr_strcase_hash (gconstpointer key);
gboolean fstr_strcase_equal (gconstpointer v, gconstpointer v2);
-void gperf_profiler_init (struct config_file *cfg, const char *descr);
+void gperf_profiler_init (struct config_file *cfg, const gchar *descr);
stat_file_t* get_statfile_by_symbol (statfile_pool_t *pool, struct classifier_config *ccf,
- const char *symbol, struct statfile **st, gboolean try_create);
+ const gchar *symbol, struct statfile **st, gboolean try_create);
-int rspamd_sprintf (u_char *buf, const char *fmt, ...);
-int rspamd_snprintf (u_char *buf, size_t max, const char *fmt, ...);
-u_char *rspamd_vsnprintf (u_char *buf, size_t max, const char *fmt, va_list args);
+ * supported formats:
+ * %[0][width][x][X]O off_t
+ * %[0][width]T time_t
+ * %[0][width][u][x|X]z ssize_t/size_t
+ * %[0][width][u][x|X]d gint/guint
+ * %[0][width][u][x|X]l long
+ * %[0][width][u][x|X]D gint32/guint32
+ * %[0][width][u][x|X]L gint64/guint64
+ * %[0][width][.width]f double
+ * %[0][width][.width]F long double
+ * %[0][width][.width]g double
+ * %[0][width][.width]G long double
+ * %P pid_t
+ * %r rlim_t
+ * %p void *
+ * %V f_str_t *
+ * %s null-terminated string
+ * %*s length and string
+ * %Z '\0'
+ * %N '\n'
+ * %c gchar
+ * %% %
+ *
+ */
+gint rspamd_sprintf (gchar *buf, const gchar *fmt, ...);
+gint rspamd_fprintf (FILE *f, const gchar *fmt, ...);
+gint rspamd_snprintf (gchar *buf, size_t max, const gchar *fmt, ...);
+gchar *rspamd_vsnprintf (gchar *buf, size_t max, const gchar *fmt, va_list args);