path: root/src
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <>2016-11-25 17:04:20 +0000
committerVsevolod Stakhov <>2016-11-25 17:04:20 +0000
commit6c2e9334dcc350c917c9a6850ebf0e8386441609 (patch)
treec14316c3677734823e479324f9dee720dbfb42c5 /src
parenta67c8e9576403ee54859ec5fd33b367c4e51c28e (diff)
[Rework] Rework lua logger interface slightly
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/src/lua/lua_logger.c b/src/lua/lua_logger.c
index a01cb8436..c981a35bf 100644
--- a/src/lua/lua_logger.c
+++ b/src/lua/lua_logger.c
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ static const struct luaL_reg loggerlib_f[] = {
static void
lua_common_log_line (GLogLevelFlags level, lua_State *L,
- const gchar *msg, const gchar *uid)
+ const gchar *msg, const gchar *uid, const gchar *module)
lua_Debug d;
gchar func_buf[128], *p;
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ lua_common_log_line (GLogLevelFlags level, lua_State *L,
if (level == G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) {
rspamd_conditional_debug (NULL,
- "lua",
+ module,
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ lua_common_log_line (GLogLevelFlags level, lua_State *L,
else {
rspamd_common_log_function (NULL,
- "lua",
+ module,
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ lua_common_log_line (GLogLevelFlags level, lua_State *L,
if (level == G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) {
rspamd_conditional_debug (NULL,
- "lua",
+ module,
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ lua_common_log_line (GLogLevelFlags level, lua_State *L,
else {
rspamd_common_log_function (NULL,
- "lua",
+ module,
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ lua_logger_err (lua_State *L)
const gchar *msg;
msg = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
- lua_common_log_line (G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, L, msg, NULL);
+ lua_common_log_line (G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, L, msg, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ lua_logger_warn (lua_State *L)
const gchar *msg;
msg = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
- lua_common_log_line (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, L, msg, NULL);
+ lua_common_log_line (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, L, msg, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ lua_logger_info (lua_State *L)
const gchar *msg;
msg = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
- lua_common_log_line (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, L, msg, NULL);
+ lua_common_log_line (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, L, msg, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ lua_logger_debug (lua_State *L)
const gchar *msg;
msg = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
- lua_common_log_line (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, L, msg, NULL);
+ lua_common_log_line (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, L, msg, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
@@ -444,165 +444,154 @@ lua_logger_out_type (lua_State *L, gint pos, gchar *outbuf, gsize len)
return r;
-static gint
-lua_logger_logx (lua_State *L, GLogLevelFlags level, gboolean is_string)
+static const gchar *
+lua_logger_get_id (lua_State *L, gint pos)
- gchar logbuf[BUFSIZ];
- gchar *d;
- const gchar *s, *c, *clsname, *uid = NULL;
- gsize remain, r;
- guint arg_num = 0, fmt_pos, cur_arg;
- bool num_arg = false;
- enum {
- copy_char = 0,
- got_percent,
- parse_arg_num
- } state = copy_char;
+ const gchar *uid = NULL, *clsname;
- d = logbuf;
- remain = sizeof (logbuf) - 1;
+ if (lua_getmetatable (L, pos) != 0) {
+ uid = "";
+ lua_pushstring (L, "__index");
+ lua_gettable (L, -2);
- if (lua_type (L, 1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
- fmt_pos = 1;
- }
- else if (lua_type (L, 1) == LUA_TUSERDATA) {
- fmt_pos = 2;
+ lua_pushstring (L, "class");
+ lua_gettable (L, -2);
- if (lua_getmetatable (L, 1) != 0) {
- lua_pushstring (L, "__index");
- lua_gettable (L, -2);
+ clsname = lua_tostring (L, -1);
- lua_pushstring (L, "class");
- lua_gettable (L, -2);
+ if (strcmp (clsname, "rspamd{task}") == 0) {
+ struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1);
- clsname = lua_tostring (L, -1);
+ if (task) {
+ uid = task->task_pool->tag.uid;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (clsname, "rspamd{mempool}") == 0) {
+ rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
- if (strcmp (clsname, "rspamd{task}") == 0) {
- struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1);
+ pool = rspamd_lua_check_mempool (L, 1);
- if (task) {
- uid = task->task_pool->tag.uid;
- }
+ if (pool) {
+ uid = pool->tag.uid;
- else if (strcmp (clsname, "rspamd{mempool}") == 0) {
- rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (clsname, "rspamd{config}") == 0) {
+ struct rspamd_config *cfg;
- pool = rspamd_lua_check_mempool (L, 1);
+ cfg = lua_check_config (L, 1);
- if (pool) {
- uid = pool->tag.uid;
- }
+ if (cfg) {
+ uid = cfg->checksum;
- else if (strcmp (clsname, "rspamd{config}") == 0) {
- struct rspamd_config *cfg;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (clsname, "rspamd{map}") == 0) {
+ struct rspamd_lua_map *map;
- cfg = lua_check_config (L, 1);
+ map = lua_check_map (L, 1);
- if (cfg) {
- uid = cfg->checksum;
+ if (map) {
+ if (map->map) {
+ uid = map->map->tag;
- }
- else if (strcmp (clsname, "rspamd{map}") == 0) {
- struct rspamd_lua_map *map;
- map = lua_check_map (L, 1);
- if (map) {
- if (map->map) {
- uid = map->map->tag;
- }
- else {
- uid = "embedded";
- }
+ else {
+ uid = "embedded";
- /* Metatable, __index, classname */
- lua_pop (L, 3);
- else {
- lua_error (L);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Bad argument type */
- msg_err ("bad format string type: %s", lua_typename (L, lua_type (L,
- 1)));
- lua_error (L);
- return 0;
+ /* Metatable, __index, classname */
+ lua_pop (L, 3);
+ return uid;
+static gboolean
+lua_logger_log_format (lua_State *L, gint fmt_pos, gboolean is_string,
+ gchar *logbuf, gsize remain)
+ gchar *d;
+ const gchar *s, *c;
+ gsize r, cpylen = 0;
+ guint arg_num = 0, cur_arg;
+ bool num_arg = false;
+ enum {
+ copy_char = 0,
+ got_percent,
+ parse_arg_num
+ } state = copy_char;
+ d = logbuf;
s = lua_tostring (L, fmt_pos);
c = s;
cur_arg = fmt_pos;
if (s == NULL) {
- return 0;
+ return FALSE;
while (remain > 0 && *s != '\0') {
switch (state) {
- case copy_char:
- if (*s == '%') {
- state = got_percent;
- s++;
- }
- else {
- *d++ = *s++;
- remain--;
+ case copy_char:
+ if (*s == '%') {
+ state = got_percent;
+ s++;
+ if (cpylen > 0) {
+ memcpy (d, c, cpylen);
+ d += cpylen;
- break;
- case got_percent:
- if (g_ascii_isdigit (*s) || *s == 's') {
- state = parse_arg_num;
- c = s;
+ cpylen = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ s++;
+ cpylen ++;
+ remain--;
+ }
+ break;
+ case got_percent:
+ if (g_ascii_isdigit (*s) || *s == 's') {
+ state = parse_arg_num;
+ c = s;
+ }
+ else {
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ c = s;
+ state = copy_char;
+ }
+ break;
+ case parse_arg_num:
+ if (g_ascii_isdigit (*s)) {
+ s++;
+ num_arg = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (num_arg) {
+ arg_num = strtoul (c, NULL, 10);
+ arg_num += fmt_pos - 1;
+ /* Update the current argument */
+ cur_arg = arg_num;
else {
- *d++ = *s++;
- state = copy_char;
- }
- break;
- case parse_arg_num:
- if (g_ascii_isdigit (*s)) {
- s++;
- num_arg = true;
+ /* We have non numeric argument, e.g. %s */
+ arg_num = cur_arg ++;
+ s ++;
- else {
- if (num_arg) {
- arg_num = strtoul (c, NULL, 10);
- arg_num += fmt_pos - 1;
- /* Update the current argument */
- cur_arg = arg_num;
- }
- else {
- /* We have non numeric argument, e.g. %s */
- arg_num = cur_arg ++;
- s ++;
- }
- if (arg_num < 1 || arg_num > (guint) lua_gettop (L) + 1) {
- msg_err ("wrong argument number: %ud", arg_num);
- if (is_string) {
- lua_pushnil (L);
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- r = lua_logger_out_type (L, arg_num + 1, d, remain);
- g_assert (r <= remain);
- remain -= r;
- d += r;
- state = copy_char;
+ if (arg_num < 1 || arg_num > (guint) lua_gettop (L) + 1) {
+ msg_err ("wrong argument number: %ud", arg_num);
+ return FALSE;
- break;
+ r = lua_logger_out_type (L, arg_num + 1, d, remain);
+ g_assert (r <= remain);
+ remain -= r;
+ d += r;
+ state = copy_char;
+ c = s;
+ }
+ break;
@@ -619,13 +608,7 @@ lua_logger_logx (lua_State *L, GLogLevelFlags level, gboolean is_string)
if (arg_num < 1 || arg_num > (guint) lua_gettop (L) + 1) {
msg_err ("wrong argument number: %ud", arg_num);
- if (is_string) {
- lua_pushnil (L);
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
+ return FALSE;
r = lua_logger_out_type (L, arg_num + 1, d, remain);
@@ -633,14 +616,66 @@ lua_logger_logx (lua_State *L, GLogLevelFlags level, gboolean is_string)
remain -= r;
d += r;
+ else if (state == copy_char) {
+ if (cpylen > 0 && remain > 0) {
+ memcpy (d, c, cpylen);
+ d += cpylen;
+ }
+ }
+ *d = '\0';
+ return TRUE;
+static gint
+lua_logger_logx (lua_State *L, GLogLevelFlags level, gboolean is_string)
+ gchar logbuf[RSPAMD_LOGBUF_SIZE - 128];
+ const gchar *uid;
+ gint fmt_pos = 1;
+ gboolean ret;
+ if (lua_type (L, 1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
+ fmt_pos = 1;
+ }
+ else if (lua_type (L, 1) == LUA_TUSERDATA) {
+ fmt_pos = 2;
- if (is_string) {
- lua_pushlstring (L, logbuf, sizeof (logbuf) - remain - 1);
- return 1;
+ uid = lua_logger_get_id (L, 1);
+ if (uid == NULL) {
+ return luaL_error (L, "bad userdata for logging");
+ }
else {
- *d = '\0';
- lua_common_log_line (level, L, logbuf, uid);
+ /* Bad argument type */
+ msg_err ("bad format string type: %s", lua_typename (L, lua_type (L,
+ 1)));
+ lua_error (L);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ret = lua_logger_log_format (L, fmt_pos, is_string,
+ logbuf, sizeof (logbuf) - 1);
+ if (ret) {
+ if (is_string) {
+ lua_pushstring (L, logbuf);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ lua_common_log_line (level, L, logbuf, uid, "lua");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (is_string) {
+ lua_pushnil (L);
+ return 1;
+ }
return 0;