path: root/src
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@rambler-co.ru>2013-01-08 21:58:20 +0400
committerVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@rambler-co.ru>2013-01-08 21:58:20 +0400
commit86d52c83c8cb219e503704e4ee762a7633431e36 (patch)
treea78c861feb303459de0dd8a475e3be320ed885c6 /src
parent51189e8edb66a504bff39b10621171a6fbb4a869 (diff)
Rework /login handler.
Add skeleton for /savemap handler.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/webui.c b/src/webui.c
index 016c109c3..e77aeaa95 100644
--- a/src/webui.c
+++ b/src/webui.c
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
#define PATH_LEARN_HAM "/learnham"
#define PATH_SAVE_ACTIONS "/saveactions"
#define PATH_SAVE_SYMBOLS "/savesymbols"
+#define PATH_SAVE_MAP "/savemap"
/* Graph colors */
#define COLOR_CLEAN "#58A458"
@@ -330,7 +331,6 @@ http_learn_task_free (gpointer arg)
evhttp_send_reply (cbdata->req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb);
evbuffer_free (evb);
- g_error_free (err);
free_task_hard (cbdata->task);
/* If task is not processed, just do nothing */
@@ -345,8 +345,6 @@ http_learn_task_event_helper (int fd, short what, gpointer arg)
struct learn_callback_data *cbdata = arg;
- msg_info ("hui");
destroy_session (cbdata->task->s);
@@ -467,9 +465,11 @@ static void
http_handle_auth (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg)
struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg;
+ struct rspamd_stat *st;
struct evbuffer *evb;
- gchar *auth = "ok", *error = "none", uptime_buf[128];
- time_t uptime, days, hours, minutes;
+ gchar *auth = "ok", *error = "none";
+ time_t uptime;
+ gulong data[4];
if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) {
@@ -482,29 +482,20 @@ http_handle_auth (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg)
- /* Print uptime */
+ st = ctx->srv->stat;
+ data[0] = st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION];
+ data[1] = st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_ADD_HEADER] + st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_REWRITE_SUBJECT];
+ data[2] = st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST];
+ data[3] = st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_REJECT];
+ /* Get uptime */
uptime = time (NULL) - ctx->start_time;
- /* If uptime more than 2 hours, print as a number of days. */
- if (uptime >= 2 * 3600) {
- days = uptime / 86400;
- hours = uptime / 3600 - days * 24;
- minutes = uptime / 60 - hours * 60 - days * 1440;
- rspamd_snprintf (uptime_buf, sizeof (uptime_buf), "%d day%s %d hour%s %d minute%s", days, days != 1 ? "s" : " ", hours, hours != 1 ? "s" : " ", minutes, minutes != 1 ? "s" : " ");
- }
- /* If uptime is less than 1 minute print only seconds */
- else if (uptime / 60 == 0) {
- rspamd_snprintf (uptime_buf, sizeof (uptime_buf), "%d second%s", (gint)uptime, (gint)uptime != 1 ? "s" : " ");
- }
- /* Else print the minutes and seconds. */
- else {
- hours = uptime / 3600;
- minutes = uptime / 60 - hours * 60;
- uptime -= hours * 3600 + minutes * 60;
- rspamd_snprintf (uptime_buf, sizeof (uptime_buf), "%d hour%s %d minute%s %d second%s", hours, hours != 1 ? "s" : " ", minutes, minutes != 1 ? "s" : " ", (gint)uptime, uptime != 1 ? "s" : " ");
- }
- evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"auth\": \"%s\", \"version\": \"%s\", \"uptime\": \"%s\", \"error\": \"%s\"}" CRLF,
- auth, RVERSION, uptime_buf, error);
+ evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"auth\": \"%s\",\"version\":\"%s\",\"uptime\": %lu,\"error\":\"%s\", "
+ "\"clean\":%lu,\"probable\":%lu,\"greylist\":%lu,\"reject\":%lu,"
+ "\"scanned\":%u,\"learned\":%u}" CRLF,
+ auth, RVERSION, (long unsigned)uptime, error, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3],
+ st->messages_scanned, st->messages_learned);
evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close");
http_calculate_content_length (evb, req);
@@ -1201,6 +1192,81 @@ http_handle_save_symbols (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg)
evbuffer_free (evb);
+ * Save symbols command handler:
+ * request: /savesymbols
+ * headers: Password, Map
+ * input: plaintext data
+ * reply: json {"success":true} or {"error":"error message"}
+ */
+static void
+http_handle_save_map (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg)
+ struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg;
+ struct evbuffer *evb;
+ GList *cur;
+ struct rspamd_map *map;
+ const gchar *idstr;
+ gchar *errstr;
+ guint32 id;
+ gboolean found = FALSE;
+ if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ evb = evbuffer_new ();
+ if (!evb) {
+ msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply");
+ evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ idstr = evhttp_find_header (req->input_headers, "Map");
+ if (idstr == NULL) {
+ msg_info ("absent map id");
+ evbuffer_free (evb);
+ evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map open error", NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ id = strtoul (idstr, &errstr, 10);
+ if (*errstr != '\0') {
+ msg_info ("invalid map id");
+ evbuffer_free (evb);
+ evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map open error", NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Now let's be sure that we have map defined in configuration */
+ cur = ctx->cfg->maps;
+ while (cur) {
+ map = cur->data;
+ if (map->id == id && map->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ cur = g_list_next (cur);
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ msg_info ("map not found");
+ evbuffer_free (evb);
+ evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "404 map not found", NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* XXX: add real saving */
+ evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"success\":true}" CRLF);
+ evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close");
+ http_calculate_content_length (evb, req);
+ evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb);
+ evbuffer_free (evb);
init_webui_worker (void)
@@ -1287,6 +1353,7 @@ start_webui_worker (struct rspamd_worker *worker)
evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_LEARN_HAM, http_handle_learn_ham, ctx);
evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_ACTIONS, http_handle_save_actions, ctx);
evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_SYMBOLS, http_handle_save_symbols, ctx);
+ evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_MAP, http_handle_save_map, ctx);
ctx->resolver = dns_resolver_init (ctx->ev_base, worker->srv->cfg);