path: root/test/functional/configs
diff options
authorMikhail Galanin <mgalanin@mimecast.com>2018-08-21 15:55:50 +0100
committerMikhail Galanin <mgalanin@mimecast.com>2018-08-21 17:00:23 +0100
commit5d8ce4565dad08e122e5b66cac305171bb836c7d (patch)
treea3eabf15d2c0123c0976f60e16782c254b6e69ed /test/functional/configs
parent816987a0b25fd8e9915a0dc1f2f20c968c2177d4 (diff)
[Test] Added test for clickhouse migration vNONE -> v2
Diffstat (limited to 'test/functional/configs')
3 files changed, 502 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/functional/configs/clickhouse-config.xml b/test/functional/configs/clickhouse-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10530a580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/configs/clickhouse-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <logger>
+ <!-- Possible levels: https://github.com/pocoproject/poco/blob/develop/Foundation/include/Poco/Logger.h#L105 -->
+ <level>trace</level>
+ <log>${TMPDIR}/clickhouse-server.log</log>
+ <errorlog>${TMPDIR}/clickhouse-server.err.log</errorlog>
+ <size>1000M</size>
+ <count>10</count>
+ <!-- <console>1</console> --> <!-- Default behavior is autodetection (log to console if not daemon mode and is tty) -->
+ </logger>
+ <!--display_name>production</display_name--> <!-- It is the name that will be shown in the client -->
+ <http_port>18123</http_port>
+ <tcp_port>19000</tcp_port>
+ <!-- For HTTPS and SSL over native protocol. -->
+ <!--
+ <https_port>8443</https_port>
+ <tcp_port_secure>9440</tcp_port_secure>
+ -->
+ <!-- Default root page on http[s] server. For example load UI from https://tabix.io/ when opening http://localhost:8123 -->
+ <!--
+ <http_server_default_response><![CDATA[<html ng-app="SMI2"><head><base href="http://ui.tabix.io/"></head><body><div ui-view="" class="content-ui"></div><script src="http://loader.tabix.io/master.js"></script></body></html>]]></http_server_default_response>
+ -->
+ <!-- Port for communication between replicas. Used for data exchange. -->
+ <interserver_http_port>19009</interserver_http_port>
+ <!-- Hostname that is used by other replicas to request this server.
+ If not specified, than it is determined analoguous to 'hostname -f' command.
+ This setting could be used to switch replication to another network interface.
+ -->
+ <!--
+ <interserver_http_host>example.yandex.ru</interserver_http_host>
+ -->
+ <!-- Listen specified host. use :: (wildcard IPv6 address), if you want to accept connections both with IPv4 and IPv6 from everywhere. -->
+ <!-- <listen_host>::</listen_host> -->
+ <!-- Same for hosts with disabled ipv6: -->
+ <!-- <listen_host></listen_host> -->
+ <!-- Default values - try listen localhost on ipv4 and ipv6: -->
+ <!--
+ <listen_host>::1</listen_host>
+ <listen_host></listen_host>
+ -->
+ <!-- Don't exit if ipv6 or ipv4 unavailable, but listen_host with this protocol specified -->
+ <!-- <listen_try>0</listen_try> -->
+ <!-- Allow listen on same address:port -->
+ <!-- <listen_reuse_port>0</listen_reuse_port> -->
+ <!-- <listen_backlog>64</listen_backlog> -->
+ <max_connections>4096</max_connections>
+ <keep_alive_timeout>3</keep_alive_timeout>
+ <!-- Maximum number of concurrent queries. -->
+ <max_concurrent_queries>100</max_concurrent_queries>
+ <!-- Set limit on number of open files (default: maximum). This setting makes sense on Mac OS X because getrlimit() fails to retrieve
+ correct maximum value. -->
+ <max_open_files>256</max_open_files>
+ <!-- Size of cache of uncompressed blocks of data, used in tables of MergeTree family.
+ In bytes. Cache is single for server. Memory is allocated only on demand.
+ Cache is used when 'use_uncompressed_cache' user setting turned on (off by default).
+ Uncompressed cache is advantageous only for very short queries and in rare cases.
+ -->
+ <uncompressed_cache_size>8589934592</uncompressed_cache_size>
+ <!-- Approximate size of mark cache, used in tables of MergeTree family.
+ In bytes. Cache is single for server. Memory is allocated only on demand.
+ You should not lower this value.
+ -->
+ <mark_cache_size>5368709120</mark_cache_size>
+ <!-- Path to data directory, with trailing slash. -->
+ <path>${TMPDIR}/</path>
+ <!-- Path to temporary data for processing hard queries. -->
+ <tmp_path>${TMPDIR}</tmp_path>
+ <!-- Directory with user provided files that are accessible by 'file' table function. -->
+ <user_files_path>${TMPDIR}</user_files_path>
+ <!-- Path to configuration file with users, access rights, profiles of settings, quotas. -->
+ <users_config>${TMPDIR}/users.xml</users_config>
+ <!-- Default profile of settings. -->
+ <default_profile>default</default_profile>
+ <!-- System profile of settings. This settings are used by internal processes (Buffer storage, Distibuted DDL worker and so on). -->
+ <!-- <system_profile>default</system_profile> -->
+ <!-- Default database. -->
+ <default_database>default</default_database>
+ <!-- Server time zone could be set here.
+ Time zone is used when converting between String and DateTime types,
+ when printing DateTime in text formats and parsing DateTime from text,
+ it is used in date and time related functions, if specific time zone was not passed as an argument.
+ Time zone is specified as identifier from IANA time zone database, like UTC or Africa/Abidjan.
+ If not specified, system time zone at server startup is used.
+ Please note, that server could display time zone alias instead of specified name.
+ Example: W-SU is an alias for Europe/Moscow and Zulu is an alias for UTC.
+ -->
+ <!-- <timezone>Europe/Moscow</timezone> -->
+ <!-- You can specify umask here (see "man umask"). Server will apply it on startup.
+ Number is always parsed as octal. Default umask is 027 (other users cannot read logs, data files, etc; group can only read).
+ -->
+ <!-- <umask>022</umask> -->
+ <!-- Configuration of clusters that could be used in Distributed tables.
+ https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/table_engines/distributed/
+ -->
+ <remote_servers incl="clickhouse_remote_servers" >
+ &lt;!&ndash; Test only shard config for testing distributed storage &ndash;&gt;
+ <test_shard_localhost>
+ <shard>
+ <replica>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <port>19000</port>
+ </replica>
+ </shard>
+ </test_shard_localhost>
+ <test_shard_localhost_secure>
+ <shard>
+ <replica>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <port>19440</port>
+ <secure>1</secure>
+ </replica>
+ </shard>
+ </test_shard_localhost_secure>
+ </remote_servers>
+ <!-- If element has 'incl' attribute, then for it's value will be used corresponding substitution from another file.
+ By default, path to file with substitutions is /etc/metrika.xml. It could be changed in config in 'include_from' element.
+ Values for substitutions are specified in /yandex/name_of_substitution elements in that file.
+ -->
+ <!-- ZooKeeper is used to store metadata about replicas, when using Replicated tables.
+ Optional. If you don't use replicated tables, you could omit that.
+ See https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/table_engines/replication/
+ -->
+ <zookeeper incl="zookeeper-servers" optional="true" />
+ <!-- Substitutions for parameters of replicated tables.
+ Optional. If you don't use replicated tables, you could omit that.
+ See https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/table_engines/replication/#creating-replicated-tables
+ -->
+ <macros incl="macros" optional="true" />
+ <!-- Reloading interval for embedded dictionaries, in seconds. Default: 3600. -->
+ <builtin_dictionaries_reload_interval>3600</builtin_dictionaries_reload_interval>
+ <!-- Maximum session timeout, in seconds. Default: 3600. -->
+ <max_session_timeout>3600</max_session_timeout>
+ <!-- Default session timeout, in seconds. Default: 60. -->
+ <default_session_timeout>60</default_session_timeout>
+ <!-- Sending data to Graphite for monitoring. Several sections can be defined. -->
+ <!--
+ interval - send every X second
+ root_path - prefix for keys
+ hostname_in_path - append hostname to root_path (default = true)
+ metrics - send data from table system.metrics
+ events - send data from table system.events
+ asynchronous_metrics - send data from table system.asynchronous_metrics
+ -->
+ <!--
+ <graphite>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <port>42000</port>
+ <timeout>0.1</timeout>
+ <interval>60</interval>
+ <root_path>one_min</root_path>
+ <hostname_in_path>true</hostname_in_path>
+ <metrics>true</metrics>
+ <events>true</events>
+ <asynchronous_metrics>true</asynchronous_metrics>
+ </graphite>
+ <graphite>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <port>42000</port>
+ <timeout>0.1</timeout>
+ <interval>1</interval>
+ <root_path>one_sec</root_path>
+ <metrics>true</metrics>
+ <events>true</events>
+ <asynchronous_metrics>false</asynchronous_metrics>
+ </graphite>
+ -->
+ <!-- Query log. Used only for queries with setting log_queries = 1. -->
+ <query_log>
+ <!-- What table to insert data. If table is not exist, it will be created.
+ When query log structure is changed after system update,
+ then old table will be renamed and new table will be created automatically.
+ -->
+ <database>system</database>
+ <table>query_log</table>
+ <!--
+ PARTITION BY expr https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/table_engines/custom_partitioning_key/
+ Example:
+ event_date
+ toMonday(event_date)
+ toYYYYMM(event_date)
+ toStartOfHour(event_time)
+ -->
+ <partition_by>toYYYYMM(event_date)</partition_by>
+ <!-- Interval of flushing data. -->
+ <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
+ </query_log>
+ <!-- Uncomment if use part_log
+ <part_log>
+ <database>system</database>
+ <table>part_log</table>
+ <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
+ </part_log>
+ -->
+ <!-- Parameters for embedded dictionaries, used in Yandex.Metrica.
+ See https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/dicts/internal_dicts/
+ -->
+ <!-- Path to file with region hierarchy. -->
+ <!-- <path_to_regions_hierarchy_file>/opt/geo/regions_hierarchy.txt</path_to_regions_hierarchy_file> -->
+ <!-- Path to directory with files containing names of regions -->
+ <!-- <path_to_regions_names_files>/opt/geo/</path_to_regions_names_files> -->
+ <!-- Configuration of external dictionaries. See:
+ https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/dicts/external_dicts/
+ -->
+ <dictionaries_config>*_dictionary.xml</dictionaries_config>
+ <!-- Uncomment if you want data to be compressed 30-100% better.
+ Don't do that if you just started using ClickHouse.
+ -->
+ <compression incl="clickhouse_compression">
+ <!--
+ <!- - Set of variants. Checked in order. Last matching case wins. If nothing matches, lz4 will be used. - ->
+ <case>
+ <!- - Conditions. All must be satisfied. Some conditions may be omitted. - ->
+ <min_part_size>10000000000</min_part_size> <!- - Min part size in bytes. - ->
+ <min_part_size_ratio>0.01</min_part_size_ratio> <!- - Min size of part relative to whole table size. - ->
+ <!- - What compression method to use. - ->
+ <method>zstd</method>
+ </case>
+ -->
+ </compression>
+ <!-- Allow to execute distributed DDL queries (CREATE, DROP, ALTER, RENAME) on cluster.
+ Works only if ZooKeeper is enabled. Comment it if such functionality isn't required. -->
+ <distributed_ddl>
+ <!-- Path in ZooKeeper to queue with DDL queries -->
+ <path>/clickhouse/task_queue/ddl</path>
+ <!-- Settings from this profile will be used to execute DDL queries -->
+ <!-- <profile>default</profile> -->
+ </distributed_ddl>
+ <!-- Settings to fine tune MergeTree tables. See documentation in source code, in MergeTreeSettings.h -->
+ <!--
+ <merge_tree>
+ <max_suspicious_broken_parts>5</max_suspicious_broken_parts>
+ </merge_tree>
+ -->
+ <!-- Protection from accidental DROP.
+ If size of a MergeTree table is greater than max_table_size_to_drop (in bytes) than table could not be dropped with any DROP query.
+ If you want do delete one table and don't want to restart clickhouse-server, you could create special file <clickhouse-path>/flags/force_drop_table and make DROP once.
+ By default max_table_size_to_drop is 50GB, max_table_size_to_drop=0 allows to DROP any tables.
+ Uncomment to disable protection.
+ -->
+ <!-- <max_table_size_to_drop>0</max_table_size_to_drop> -->
+ <!-- Example of parameters for GraphiteMergeTree table engine -->
+ <graphite_rollup_example>
+ <pattern>
+ <regexp>click_cost</regexp>
+ <function>any</function>
+ <retention>
+ <age>0</age>
+ <precision>3600</precision>
+ </retention>
+ <retention>
+ <age>86400</age>
+ <precision>60</precision>
+ </retention>
+ </pattern>
+ <default>
+ <function>max</function>
+ <retention>
+ <age>0</age>
+ <precision>60</precision>
+ </retention>
+ <retention>
+ <age>3600</age>
+ <precision>300</precision>
+ </retention>
+ <retention>
+ <age>86400</age>
+ <precision>3600</precision>
+ </retention>
+ </default>
+ </graphite_rollup_example>
+ <!-- Directory in <clickhouse-path> containing schema files for various input formats.
+ The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
+ -->
+ <format_schema_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/format_schemas/</format_schema_path>
+ <!-- Uncomment to disable ClickHouse internal DNS caching. -->
+ <!-- <disable_internal_dns_cache>1</disable_internal_dns_cache> -->
diff --git a/test/functional/configs/clickhouse-users.xml b/test/functional/configs/clickhouse-users.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f746baf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/configs/clickhouse-users.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <!-- Profiles of settings. -->
+ <profiles>
+ <!-- Default settings. -->
+ <default>
+ <!-- Maximum memory usage for processing single query, in bytes. -->
+ <max_memory_usage>10000000000</max_memory_usage>
+ <!-- Use cache of uncompressed blocks of data. Meaningful only for processing many of very short queries. -->
+ <use_uncompressed_cache>0</use_uncompressed_cache>
+ <!-- How to choose between replicas during distributed query processing.
+ random - choose random replica from set of replicas with minimum number of errors
+ nearest_hostname - from set of replicas with minimum number of errors, choose replica
+ with minumum number of different symbols between replica's hostname and local hostname
+ (Hamming distance).
+ in_order - first live replica is choosen in specified order.
+ -->
+ <load_balancing>random</load_balancing>
+ </default>
+ <!-- Profile that allows only read queries. -->
+ <readonly>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+ </readonly>
+ </profiles>
+ <!-- Users and ACL. -->
+ <users>
+ <!-- If user name was not specified, 'default' user is used. -->
+ <default>
+ <!-- Password could be specified in plaintext or in SHA256 (in hex format).
+ If you want to specify password in plaintext (not recommended), place it in 'password' element.
+ Example: <password>qwerty</password>.
+ Password could be empty.
+ If you want to specify SHA256, place it in 'password_sha256_hex' element.
+ Example: <password_sha256_hex>65e84be33532fb784c48129675f9eff3a682b27168c0ea744b2cf58ee02337c5</password_sha256_hex>
+ How to generate decent password:
+ Execute: PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha256sum | tr -d '-'
+ In first line will be password and in second - corresponding SHA256.
+ -->
+ <password></password>
+ <!-- List of networks with open access.
+ To open access from everywhere, specify:
+ <ip>::/0</ip>
+ To open access only from localhost, specify:
+ <ip>::1</ip>
+ <ip></ip>
+ Each element of list has one of the following forms:
+ <ip> IP-address or network mask. Examples: or or
+ 2a02:6b8::3 or 2a02:6b8::3/64 or 2a02:6b8::3/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::.
+ <host> Hostname. Example: server01.yandex.ru.
+ To check access, DNS query is performed, and all received addresses compared to peer address.
+ <host_regexp> Regular expression for host names. Example, ^server\d\d-\d\d-\d\.yandex\.ru$
+ To check access, DNS PTR query is performed for peer address and then regexp is applied.
+ Then, for result of PTR query, another DNS query is performed and all received addresses compared to peer address.
+ Strongly recommended that regexp is ends with $
+ All results of DNS requests are cached till server restart.
+ -->
+ <networks incl="networks" replace="replace">
+ <ip>::/0</ip>
+ </networks>
+ <!-- Settings profile for user. -->
+ <profile>default</profile>
+ <!-- Quota for user. -->
+ <quota>default</quota>
+ </default>
+ <!-- Example of user with readonly access. -->
+ <readonly>
+ <password></password>
+ <networks incl="networks" replace="replace">
+ <ip>::1</ip>
+ <ip></ip>
+ </networks>
+ <profile>readonly</profile>
+ <quota>default</quota>
+ </readonly>
+ </users>
+ <!-- Quotas. -->
+ <quotas>
+ <!-- Name of quota. -->
+ <default>
+ <!-- Limits for time interval. You could specify many intervals with different limits. -->
+ <interval>
+ <!-- Length of interval. -->
+ <duration>3600</duration>
+ <!-- No limits. Just calculate resource usage for time interval. -->
+ <queries>0</queries>
+ <errors>0</errors>
+ <result_rows>0</result_rows>
+ <read_rows>0</read_rows>
+ <execution_time>0</execution_time>
+ </interval>
+ </default>
+ </quotas>
diff --git a/test/functional/configs/clickhouse.conf b/test/functional/configs/clickhouse.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e1b8d466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/configs/clickhouse.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+options = {
+ filters = ["spf", "dkim", "regexp"]
+ pidfile = "${TMPDIR}/rspamd.pid"
+ lua_path = "${INSTALLROOT}/share/rspamd/lib/?.lua"
+ dns {
+ nameserver = ["", ""];
+ retransmits = 10;
+ timeout = 2s;
+ fake_records = [{ # ed25519
+ name = "test._domainkey.example.com";
+ type = txt;
+ replies = ["k=ed25519; p=yi50DjK5O9pqbFpNHklsv9lqaS0ArSYu02qp1S0DW1Y="];
+ }];
+ }
+clickhouse {
+ # Push update when 1000 records are collected (1000 if unset)
+ limit = 1;
+ # IP:port of Clickhouse server
+ server = "localhost:18123";
+ allow_local = true;
+logging = {
+ type = "file",
+ level = "debug"
+ filename = "${TMPDIR}/rspamd.log"
+metric = {
+ name = "default",
+ actions = {
+ reject = 100500,
+ }
+ unknown_weight = 1
+worker {
+ type = normal
+ bind_socket = ${LOCAL_ADDR}:${PORT_NORMAL}
+ count = 1
+ task_timeout = 60s;
+worker {
+ type = controller
+ bind_socket = ${LOCAL_ADDR}:${PORT_CONTROLLER}
+ count = 1
+ secure_ip = ["", "::1"];
+ stats_path = "${TMPDIR}/stats.ucl"
+modules {
+ path = "${TESTDIR}/../../src/plugins/lua/"
+lua = "${INSTALLROOT}/share/rspamd/rules/rspamd.lua"