path: root/utils/
diff options
authorAlexander Moisseev <>2018-10-17 15:06:14 +0300
committerAlexander Moisseev <>2018-10-17 15:06:14 +0300
commit4582ebe8070a380d83217ac28cbc675a3a91a66d (patch)
tree5c28322abd7ce3e2ece5f12e38df18be3b623f9a /utils/
parentbd66db896d270af17db06e7019280a9623535c1d (diff)
[Minor] Reformat Perl scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 11bb6746b..b5f2ca41e 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ $LWP::Simple::ua->show_progress(1);
$Net::MRT::USE_RFC4760 = -1;
my %config = (
- asn_sources => [
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- ''
- ],
- bgp_sources => ['']
+ asn_sources => [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ''
+ ],
+ bgp_sources => ['']
my $download_asn = 0;
@@ -38,171 +38,169 @@ my $v4_zone = "";
my $v6_zone = "";
my $v4_file = "";
my $v6_file = "";
-my $ns_servers = ["", ""];
+my $ns_servers = [ "", "" ];
- "download-asn" => \$download_asn,
- "download-bgp" => \$download_bgp,
- "4!" => \$v4,
- "6!" => \$v6,
- "parse!" => \$parse,
- "target=s" => \$download_target,
- "zone-v4=s" => \$v4_zone,
- "zone-v6=s" => \$v6_zone,
- "file-v4=s" => \$v4_file,
- "file-v6=s" => \$v6_file,
- "ns-server=s@" => \$ns_servers,
- "help|?" => \$help,
- "man" => \$man
+ "download-asn" => \$download_asn,
+ "download-bgp" => \$download_bgp,
+ "4!" => \$v4,
+ "6!" => \$v6,
+ "parse!" => \$parse,
+ "target=s" => \$download_target,
+ "zone-v4=s" => \$v4_zone,
+ "zone-v6=s" => \$v6_zone,
+ "file-v4=s" => \$v4_file,
+ "file-v6=s" => \$v6_file,
+ "ns-server=s@" => \$ns_servers,
+ "help|?" => \$help,
+ "man" => \$man
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 2 ) if $man;
sub download_file {
- my ($u) = @_;
+ my ($u) = @_;
- print "Fetching $u\n";
- my $ff = File::Fetch->new( uri => $u );
- my $where = $ff->fetch( to => $download_target ) or die $ff->error;
+ print "Fetching $u\n";
+ my $ff = File::Fetch->new( uri => $u );
+ my $where = $ff->fetch( to => $download_target ) or die $ff->error;
- return $where;
+ return $where;
if ($download_asn) {
- foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'asn_sources'} } ) {
- download_file($u);
- }
+ foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'asn_sources'} } ) {
+ download_file($u);
+ }
if ($download_bgp) {
- foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'bgp_sources'} } ) {
- download_file($u);
- }
+ foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'bgp_sources'} } ) {
+ download_file($u);
+ }
if ( !$parse ) {
- exit 0;
+ exit 0;
my $v4_fh;
my $v6_fh;
if ($v4) {
- open( $v4_fh, ">", $v4_file ) or die "Cannot open $v4_file for writing: $!";
- print $v4_fh
- "\$SOA 43200 $ns_servers->[0] 0 600 300 86400 300\n";
- foreach my $ns (@{$ns_servers}) {
- print $v4_fh "\$NS 43200 $ns\n";
- }
+ open( $v4_fh, ">", $v4_file ) or die "Cannot open $v4_file for writing: $!";
+ print $v4_fh "\$SOA 43200 $ns_servers->[0] 0 600 300 86400 300\n";
+ foreach my $ns ( @{$ns_servers} ) {
+ print $v4_fh "\$NS 43200 $ns\n";
+ }
if ($v6) {
- open( $v6_fh, ">", $v6_file ) or die "Cannot open $v6_file for writing: $!";
- print $v6_fh
- "\$SOA 43200 $ns_servers->[0] 0 600 300 86400 300\n";
- foreach my $ns (@{$ns_servers}) {
- print $v6_fh "\$NS 43200 $ns\n";
- }
+ open( $v6_fh, ">", $v6_file ) or die "Cannot open $v6_file for writing: $!";
+ print $v6_fh "\$SOA 43200 $ns_servers->[0] 0 600 300 86400 300\n";
+ foreach my $ns ( @{$ns_servers} ) {
+ print $v6_fh "\$NS 43200 $ns\n";
+ }
# Now load BGP data
my $networks = {};
foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'bgp_sources'} } ) {
- my $parsed = URI->new($u);
- my $fname = $download_target . '/' . basename( $parsed->path );
- open( my $fh, "<:gzip", $fname )
- or die "Cannot open $fname: $!";
- while ( my $dd = eval { Net::MRT::mrt_read_next($fh) } ) {
- if ( $dd->{'prefix'} && $dd->{'bits'} ) {
- next if $dd->{'subtype'} == 2 and !$v4;
- next if $dd->{'subtype'} == 4 and !$v6;
- my $entry = $dd->{'entries'}->[0];
- my $net = $dd->{'prefix'} . '/' . $dd->{'bits'};
- if ( $entry && $entry->{'AS_PATH'} ) {
- my $as = $entry->{'AS_PATH'}->[-1];
- if (ref($as) eq "ARRAY") {
- $as = @{$as}[0];
+ my $parsed = URI->new($u);
+ my $fname = $download_target . '/' . basename( $parsed->path );
+ open( my $fh, "<:gzip", $fname )
+ or die "Cannot open $fname: $!";
+ while ( my $dd = eval { Net::MRT::mrt_read_next($fh) } ) {
+ if ( $dd->{'prefix'} && $dd->{'bits'} ) {
+ next if $dd->{'subtype'} == 2 and !$v4;
+ next if $dd->{'subtype'} == 4 and !$v6;
+ my $entry = $dd->{'entries'}->[0];
+ my $net = $dd->{'prefix'} . '/' . $dd->{'bits'};
+ if ( $entry && $entry->{'AS_PATH'} ) {
+ my $as = $entry->{'AS_PATH'}->[-1];
+ if ( ref($as) eq "ARRAY" ) {
+ $as = @{$as}[0];
+ }
+ if ( !$networks->{$as} ) {
+ if ( $dd->{'subtype'} == 2 ) {
+ $networks->{$as} = { nets_v4 => [$net], nets_v6 => [] };
+ }
+ else {
+ $networks->{$as} = { nets_v6 => [$net], nets_v4 => [] };
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $dd->{'subtype'} == 2 ) {
+ push @{ $networks->{$as}->{'nets_v4'} }, $net;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{ $networks->{$as}->{'nets_v6'} }, $net;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if ( !$networks->{$as} ) {
- if ( $dd->{'subtype'} == 2 ) {
- $networks->{$as} = { nets_v4 => [$net], nets_v6 => [] };
- }
- else {
- $networks->{$as} = { nets_v6 => [$net], nets_v4 => [] };
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( $dd->{'subtype'} == 2 ) {
- push @{ $networks->{$as}->{'nets_v4'} }, $net;
- }
- else {
- push @{ $networks->{$as}->{'nets_v6'} }, $net;
- }
- }
- }
- }
# Now roughly detect countries
foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'asn_sources'} } ) {
- my $parsed = URI->new($u);
- my $fname = $download_target . '/' . basename( $parsed->path );
- open( my $fh, "<", $fname ) or die "Cannot open $fname: $!";
- while (<$fh>) {
- next if /^\#/;
- chomp;
- my @elts = split /\|/;
- if ( $elts[2] eq 'asn' && $elts[3] ne '*' ) {
- my $as_start = int( $elts[3] );
- my $as_end = $as_start + int( $elts[4] );
- for ( my $as = $as_start ; $as < $as_end ; $as++ ) {
- my $real_as = $as;
- if (ref($as) eq "ARRAY") {
- $real_as = @{$as}[0];
+ my $parsed = URI->new($u);
+ my $fname = $download_target . '/' . basename( $parsed->path );
+ open( my $fh, "<", $fname ) or die "Cannot open $fname: $!";
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ next if /^\#/;
+ chomp;
+ my @elts = split /\|/;
+ if ( $elts[2] eq 'asn' && $elts[3] ne '*' ) {
+ my $as_start = int( $elts[3] );
+ my $as_end = $as_start + int( $elts[4] );
+ for ( my $as = $as_start ; $as < $as_end ; $as++ ) {
+ my $real_as = $as;
+ if ( ref($as) eq "ARRAY" ) {
+ $real_as = @{$as}[0];
+ }
+ if ( $networks->{"$real_as"} ) {
+ $networks->{"$real_as"}->{'country'} = $elts[1];
+ $networks->{"$real_as"}->{'rir'} = $elts[0];
+ }
+ }
- if ( $networks->{"$real_as"} ) {
- $networks->{"$real_as"}->{'country'} = $elts[1];
- $networks->{"$real_as"}->{'rir'} = $elts[0];
- }
- }
- }
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each( %{$networks} ) ) {
- if ($v4) {
- foreach my $n ( @{ $v->{'nets_v4'} } ) {
- # "15169 | | US | arin |" for
- if ( $v->{'country'} ) {
- printf $v4_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, $v->{'country'}, $v->{'rir'};
- }
- else {
- printf $v4_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, 'UN', 'UN';
- }
+ if ($v4) {
+ foreach my $n ( @{ $v->{'nets_v4'} } ) {
+ # "15169 | | US | arin |" for
+ if ( $v->{'country'} ) {
+ printf $v4_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, $v->{'country'}, $v->{'rir'};
+ }
+ else {
+ printf $v4_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, 'UN', 'UN';
+ }
+ }
- }
- if ($v6) {
- foreach my $n ( @{ $v->{'nets_v6'} } ) {
- # "15169 | | US | arin |" for
- if ( $v->{'country'} ) {
- printf $v6_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, $v->{'country'}, $v->{'rir'};
- }
- else {
- printf $v6_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, 'UN', 'UN';
- }
+ if ($v6) {
+ foreach my $n ( @{ $v->{'nets_v6'} } ) {
+ # "15169 | | US | arin |" for
+ if ( $v->{'country'} ) {
+ printf $v6_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, $v->{'country'}, $v->{'rir'};
+ }
+ else {
+ printf $v6_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, 'UN', 'UN';
+ }
+ }
- }