diff options
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index d67007fea..38b84a0e5 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,430 @@
+1.7.0: 12 Mar 2018
+ * [Conf] Add bayes_expiry as explicit module
+ * [Conf] Adjust names and weights for neural network plugin
+ * [Conf] Change updates url
+ * [Conf] Default statistics is stored in Redis now
+ * [Conf] Disable fann_redis module by default
+ * [Conf] Fix default elastic configuration
+ * [Conf] Fix double quote position
+ * [Conf] Massive config rework for new structure of symbols and scores
+ * [Conf] Rename Rambler BLs as they are now Rspamd's ones
+ * [Conf] Use dedicated subdomains
+ * [Conf] Use more data from fuzzy storage
+ * [CritFix] Add sanity guards for badly broken HTML
+ * [CritFix] Another errors path handling fix
+ * [CritFix] Another portion of tokenization fixes
+ * [CritFix] Do not send reject messages after set reply
+ * [CritFix] Fix ARC chain verification
+ * [CritFix] Fix crash in milter errors handler
+ * [CritFix] Fix memory leak in spf caching logic
+ * [CritFix] Fix milter commands pipelining
+ * [CritFix] Fix newlines detection
+ * [CritFix] Fix semicolons parsing in the content type
+ * [CritFix] Plug memory leak in zstd protocol compression
+ * [Feature] Add ability to match score in force_actions module
+ * [Feature] Add aes-rng PRF to libottery
+ * [Feature] Add 'composites' debug module
+ * [Feature] Add concept of experimental modules
+ * [Feature] Add DKIM trace symbol
+ * [Feature] Add EBL to the default config
+ * [Feature] Add expected ip check for emails plugin
+ * [Feature] Add framework to manage Redis scripts
+ * [Feature] Add framing for the new reputation generic plugin
+ * [Feature] Add function to show plugins stat
+ * [Feature] Add gzip compression support for clickhouse module
+ * [Feature] Add gzip compression support for rspamd controller
+ * [Feature] Add gzip support when sending lua http requests
+ * [Feature] Add json output for rspamd_stats
+ * [Feature] Add method to do a synchronous Redis connection
+ * [Feature] Add method to get all content-type attributes in Lua
+ * [Feature] Add `-m` flag to configdump to show modules states
+ * [Feature] Add mime types to extensions map
+ * [Feature] Add more features to rescore utility
+ * [Feature] Add more gtube like patterns to test other spam actions
+ * [Feature] Add more metafunctions, improve logging
+ * [Feature] Add more text attributes
+ * [Feature] Add new configwizard command to rspamadm
+ * [Feature] Add new tooling for stats conversation
+ * [Feature] Add old groups migration tool
+ * [Feature] Add plugins state variable
+ * [Feature] Add preliminary ecdsa keys support in DKIM
+ * [Feature] Add preliminary support of idempotent symbols
+ * [Feature] Add Redis server wizard
+ * [Feature] Add routine to convert old style stats to a new one
+ * [Feature] Add some sanity checks for actions and controller
+ * [Feature] Add statistic convertation module to configwizard
+ * [Feature] Add sugestions logic to mempool allocator
+ * [Feature] Add support of config transform in Lua
+ * [Feature] Add timeout to rspamc when doing corpus test
+ * [Feature] Add tooling to convert bayes schemas
+ * [Feature] Add torch conditional to configuration
+ * [Feature] Add torch-decisiontree package
+ * [Feature] Add torch-optim contrib package
+ * [Feature] Add TTL autodetection
+ * [Feature] Add urls reputation to the reputation framework
+ * [Feature] Allow floating and negative values in expressions limits
+ * [Feature] Allow multiple CTs in full extensions map
+ * [Feature] Allow multiple fann rules
+ * [Feature] Allow randomly select User-Agent from a list
+ * [Feature] Allow rspamadm commands to export methods in Lua
+ * [Feature] Allow rule specific min_bytes in fuzzy check
+ * [Feature] Allow to adjust symbols scores from Lua
+ * [Feature] Allow to attach stat signature to messages
+ * [Feature] Allow to change SMTP from via milter headers
+ * [Feature] Allow to configure monitored
+ * [Feature] Allow to create directories in Lua API
+ * [Feature] Allow to disable torch and skip train samples for ANN
+ * [Feature] Allow to discard messages dynamically
+ * [Feature] Allow to enable/disable languages from the detector
+ * [Feature] Allow to generate DKIM keys from rspamadm API
+ * [Feature] Allow to get CPU flags from Lua
+ * [Feature] Allow to have high precision timestamps in logs
+ * [Feature] Allow to insert headers into specific position
+ * [Feature] Allow to limit redirector requests per task
+ * [Feature] Allow to load and use dynamic ANNs with torch
+ * [Feature] Allow to quarantine rejected messages using milter interface
+ * [Feature] Allow to receive signing keys from mempool vars
+ * [Feature] Allow to reserve elements in libucl
+ * [Feature] Allow to reuse signal handlers chains
+ * [Feature] Allow to set custom mempool variables from settings
+ * [Feature] Allow to set headers from settings
+ * [Feature] Allow to set Settings-Id for all connections
+ * [Feature] Allow to skip real action and add a header instead
+ * [Feature] Allow to skip specific hashes in fuzzy storage
+ * [Feature] Allow to spawn asynchronous processes from Lua
+ * [Feature] Allow to specify number of threads for ANN learning
+ * [Feature] Allow to use global lua maps in settings
+ * [Feature] Allow to use postfilters in composites
+ * [Feature] Allow to verify signatures from HTTP headers in maps
+ * [Feature] Antivirus: ordered pattern matches
+ * [Feature] Authentication-Results: support hiding usernames
+ * [Feature] Automatically create tables in clickhouse
+ * [Feature] Catch next-to-last bad extension
+ * [Feature] Check cached maps more frequently
+ * [Feature] Check groups sanity
+ * [Feature] Deal with obscured URLs with @ symbols
+ * [Feature] Enhance task:store_in_file method
+ * [Feature] Export password encryption routines to Redis
+ * [Feature] Filter nan and inf when adding scores
+ * [Feature] Finalize 7zip files support
+ * [Feature] Further improvements in language detection
+ * [Feature] Further improvements in language detection algorithm
+ * [Feature] Generic key name expansion for Redis keys
+ * [Feature] Hash whitelist for fuzzy_check
+ * [Feature] Implement bayes signatures storage
+ * [Feature] Implement buckets for Redis backend
+ * [Feature] Implement DKIM reputation adjustments
+ * [Feature] Implement forked workers children monitoring
+ * [Feature] Implement headers flags in mime parser
+ * [Feature] Implement l1/l2 regularization against the current weights
+ * [Feature] Implement manual ANN train mode
+ * [Feature] Implement per-user ANN support
+ * [Feature] Implement torch based ANN learning
+ * [Feature] Implement upstreams logic for clickhouse exporter
+ * [Feature] Import torch to Rspamd...
+ * [Feature] Improve allocation policy when interacting with Lua
+ * [Feature] Improve Lua/C interaction in history_redis
+ * [Feature] Improve multiple fuzzy results combining
+ * [Feature] Improve parsing of DKIM keys: parse algorithm
+ * [Feature] Improve subprocesses termination handle
+ * [Feature] Improve symbol type parsing in Lua API
+ * [Feature] Metadata Exporter: e-Mail Alerts: support multiple recipients; alerting senders/recipients/users (#1600)
+ * [Feature] Milter headers: support adding/removing arbitrary headers from config
+ * [Feature] More metatokens
+ * [Feature] Multimap: checking of symbol options
+ * [Feature] Multimap: template URL filter
+ * [Feature] New bayes expiry plugin
+ * [Feature] Periodically save rspamd stats to disk
+ * [Feature] Preliminary import of the elasticsearch module
+ * [Feature] Ratelimit: allow full addresses in whitelisted_rcpts
+ * [Feature] Ratelimit: support fetching limits from Redis
+ * [Feature] RBL: received: filtering by position & flags
+ * [Feature] Read global maps for lua
+ * [Feature] Redis settings: support checking multiple keys
+ * [Feature] Rework fann plugin to be a normal post-filter
+ * [Feature] Rework logging configuration for rspamadm case
+ * [Feature] Rework short hashes generation to avoid FP
+ * [Feature] Save real ucl types when exporting to Lua
+ * [Feature] Set TCP_NODELAY for milter sockets
+ * [Feature] Setup DKIM signing from configwizard
+ * [Feature] Skip certain symbols from ANN classify
+ * [Feature] Store plugins state
+ * [Feature] Support etag for HTTP maps
+ * [Feature] Support Expires header when using HTTP maps
+ * [Feature] Support sending given header multiple times in lua_http
+ * [Feature] Support sha512 in DKIM signatures
+ * [Feature] Try to detect HTML messages better
+ * [Feature] Use array instead of queue to reduce memory fragmentation
+ * [Feature] Use controller port by default when connecting to local IP
+ * [Feature] Use rdtsc where possible
+ * [Fix] Actively load skip hashes map in fuzzy storage
+ * [Fix] Add another workaround to display history properly
+ * [Fix] Add definition for old glib compatibility method
+ * [Fix] Add missing rspamadm control options to help
+ * [Fix] Add workaround for IPv6 in sendmail
+ * [Fix] Add workaround for system with non-XSI compatible tzset
+ * [Fix] Allow oversigning in DKIM signatures
+ * [Fix] Allow to check negative scores in force_actions
+ * [Fix] Allow to have negative actions limits
+ * [Fix] Allow to set any layers number for fann rules
+ * [Fix] Another fix for rdtcs
+ * [Fix] Another fix to lua xmlrpc
+ * [Fix] Another try to deal with #1998
+ * [Fix] Another try to fix #1998
+ * [Fix] Another try to fix threading in torch
+ * [Fix] Apply language detection when adding fuzzy hashes
+ * [Fix] ARC: Fix Lua 5.3 compatibility; timestamp should be integer
+ * [Fix] Authentication Results: Fix SPF smtp.mail_from
+ * [Fix] Auth-Results: Multiple DKIM signatures
+ * [Fix] Avoid changing content-transfer-encoding header's value
+ * [Fix] Better handling of the legacy protocol
+ * [Fix] Check decoded headers sanity (e.g. by excluding \0)
+ * [Fix] Check for magic when checking for an archive
+ * [Fix] Cleanup mess with groups
+ * [Fix] Clickhouse: Insertion in the symbols table
+ * [Fix] Crash in URL processing
+ * [Fix] Deal with another case when processing exceptions
+ * [Fix] Deal with deeply nested messages more aggressively
+ * [Fix] Deal with nan and inf encoding in json/ucl
+ * [Fix] Deal with non-key arguments in lua_redis.exec_script
+ * [Fix] Deal with unknown weight
+ * [Fix] Deal with URLs with no slashes after protocol
+ * [Fix] Deal with URLs wrapped in [] in text parts
+ * [Fix] Deal with zero scores symbols
+ * [Fix] Default monitoring domain for surbl plugin
+ * [Fix] Delay upstream re-resolving when one upstream is defined
+ * [Fix] Detection of maillist optimized and fixed
+ * [Fix] DKIM signing: allow for auth_only to be false
+ * [Fix] DMARC: require report_settings for sending reports only
+ * [Fix] Do not allow garbadge when checking url domain
+ * [Fix] Do not cache SPF records with PTR elements
+ * [Fix] Do not constantly re-resolve failed upstreams with a single element
+ * [Fix] Do not crash if no words defined
+ * [Fix] Do not crash on empty subtype
+ * [Fix] Do not expose spamtrap messages to SMTP reply
+ * [Fix] Do not fail rbl plugin when there are no received or emails
+ * [Fix] Do not ignore short words
+ * [Fix] Do not include idempotent/nostat symbols to checksum
+ * [Fix] Do not override groups when converting metrics
+ * [Fix] Do not override unix socket group when group comes before owner
+ * [Fix] Do not skip the last character
+ * [Fix] Do not spawn too many workers by default
+ * [Fix] Do not stop monitored on dns errors
+ * [Fix] Do not stop parsing headers on bad IP header
+ * [Fix] Do not strip last character in the last word
+ * [Fix] Do not treat script content as text
+ * [Fix] Do not try to connect to non-supported addresses
+ * [Fix] Do not try to dereference last character
+ * [Fix] Do not try to sign unknown domains
+ * [Fix] Don't use whitelist/greylist maps as regexp, but as map
+ * [Fix] Erase unknown HTML entities
+ * [Fix] Exim Received header protocol parsing
+ * [Fix] First load selector_map and path_map. And only return false when domain not found if try_fallback is false
+ * [Fix] Fix a lot of FP in chartable in mixed languages
+ * [Fix] Fix ANN checks
+ * [Fix] Fix ANN loading logic
+ * [Fix] Fix another tokenization issue
+ * [Fix] Fix autolearn parameters reading
+ * [Fix] Fix bad archive characters stripping
+ * [Fix] Fix bad extension check
+ * [Fix] Fix bayes schema conversion
+ * [Fix] Fix blacklists and DMARC in whitelist
+ * [Fix] Fix brain-damaged torch build system
+ * [Fix] Fix build on FreeBSD
+ * [Fix] Fix clickhouse exporter
+ * [Fix] Fix clickhouse schema
+ * [Fix] Fix comparision
+ * [Fix] Fix composites processing
+ * [Fix] Fix connecting to a unix socket in rspamadm statconvert
+ * [Fix] Fix couple of warnings
+ * [Fix] Fix crashes in the rspamd_control path
+ * [Fix] Fix deletion from hash
+ * [Fix] Fix DKIM forgeries via multiple headers
+ * [Fix] FIx dynamic conf plugin
+ * [Fix] Fix emails detection
+ * [Fix] Fix empty headers simple canonicalization
+ * [Fix] Fix empty threshold check in greylisting module
+ * [Fix] Fix encrypted legacy reply in fuzzy storage
+ * [Fix] Fix enormous scores for R_WHITE_ON_WHITE
+ * [Fix] Fix exceptions list in surbl
+ * [Fix] Fix *_EXCESS_BASE64 rules
+ * [Fix] Fix expire rounding
+ * [Fix] Fix extra hits in PCRE mode for regular expressions
+ * [Fix] Fix format strings
+ * [Fix] Fix get_content method
+ * [Fix] Fix groups override when defining symbols
+ * [Fix] Fix learned count in new schema
+ * [Fix] Fix learn errors propagation
+ * [Fix] Fix loading of per-user redis backend for statistics
+ * [Fix] Fix logging buffer corruption in case of repeated messages
+ * [Fix] Fix lua cached elements invalidation
+ * [Fix] Fix merging of the implicit arrays
+ * [Fix] Fix mime_types scoring
+ * [Fix] Fix multiple headers in DKIM headers list
+ * [Fix] Fix null callee case in clang plugin
+ * [Fix] Fix obscured url in format
+ * [Fix] Fix parsing of the per-user script
+ * [Fix] Fix priorities in rspamd_update, disable rules execution
+ * [Fix] Fix processing of closed tags
+ * [Fix] Fix processing of idempotent rules when autolearn fails
+ * [Fix] Fix processing of multipart parts with no headers
+ * [Fix] Fix processing of skip-hashes in fuzzy storage
+ * [Fix] Fix PTR processing in SPF
+ * [Fix] Fix pushing country to clickhouse asn table
+ * [Fix] Fix random forests module
+ * [Fix] Fix real IP parsing for some strange Exim received
+ * [Fix] Fix Redis timeout setup
+ * [Fix] Fix reload crash when hyperscan is enabled
+ * [Fix] Fix reusing of redis connection after exec
+ * [Fix] Fix sanity checks on macro value
+ * [Fix] Fix setting of path and cpath for Lua
+ * [Fix] Fix setting of signals when spawning a thread
+ * [Fix] Fix text splitting: stack overflow (too many captures)
+ * [Fix] Fix ticks processing
+ * [Fix] Fix upstream addrs updating
+ * [Fix] Fix urls/emails distinguishing found in queries
+ * [Fix] Fix user settings check
+ * [Fix] Fix variable increment
+ * [Fix] Fix various issues in stat_convert
+ * [Fix] F-PROT Antivirus infection string for all known occurences
+ * [Fix] F-PROT Antivirus: only check return code to determine infection
+ * [Fix] Further fixes around floating point expressions
+ * [Fix] Further fixes to ANN module
+ * [Fix] Further fixes to rescore tool
+ * [Fix] Further fixes to support ES 6
+ * [Fix] Further tokenization fixes
+ * [Fix] Greylisting set phase is not idempotent
+ * [Fix] Handle proxy copy errors
+ * [Fix] Header checks: Fix get_raw_header method
+ * [Fix] Header checks: REPLYTO_UNPARSEABLE rule
+ * [Fix] Kill spawned processes on termination
+ * [Fix] Load skip map from all processes as shared cache is unavailable
+ * [Fix] Lowercase HTTP headers to make them searchable from Lua
+ * [Fix] Lowercase words
+ * [Fix] Lua_http: freeing
+ * [Fix] Lua: lpeg to be loaded with rspamd_lua_add_preload, to avoid "rspamd_config_read: rcl parse error: cannot init lua file […] module 'lpeg' not found"
+ * [Fix] Map absence is not an error
+ * [Fix] Metadata exporter: check IP sanity
+ * [Fix] Milter headers: custom headers: removing headers
+ * [Fix] Milter headers: skip_local / skip_authenticated settings
+ * [Fix] Milter headers: X-Spamd-Result header if X-Virus ran first
+ * [Fix] mime_types: fix next-to-last extension length check
+ * [Fix] More hacks to deal with old configs
+ * [Fix] Move composites second pass to the dedicated stage
+ * [Fix] Multimap: received: filtering of artificial header
+ * [Fix] Multiple fixes in torch based ANN plugins
+ * [Fix] Once more (#1879) fix bad extension check
+ * [Fix] Optimize rspamd_fstring_t reallocations
+ * [Fix] options.local_networks setting
+ * [Fix] Parse HREF urls without explicit prefix
+ * [Fix] Plan new event on HTTP errors
+ * [Fix] Plug another possible memory leak
+ * [Fix] Plug memory leak
+ * [Fix] Plug memory leak in lua_tcp
+ * [Fix] Plug memory leak when setting email addresses from Lua
+ * [Fix] Propagate learn/stat errors more precisely
+ * [Fix] Ratelimit: fix whitelisted_rcpts matching
+ * [Fix] Ratelimit: lowercase email addresses
+ * [Fix] RBL: received: deal with missing data (#1965)
+ * [Fix] Rebalance and slightly rework MX check plugin
+ * [Fix] Redis key expansion: EVAL: deal with strings
+ * [Fix] Redis script loading in DMARC; URL tags; URL reputation
+ * [Fix] Reject invalid bh for DKIM signatures earlier
+ * [Fix] Relax pem signature detection
+ * [Fix] Relax unicode properties requirements for chartable module
+ * [Fix] Remove extra noise from dkim and arc signing
+ * [Fix] Remove hop-by-hop headers in proxy
+ * [Fix] Remove incorrect method `task:set_metric_subject`
+ * [Fix] Replace space like characters in headers with plain space
+ * [Fix] Restore old style ratelimits support
+ * [Fix] Rework elasticsearch plugin
+ * [Fix] Rewriting subjects via force actions module
+ * [Fix] RPM postinstall
+ * [Fix] Sanitize IP in history redis
+ * [Fix] Select the correct signature when doing simple canon
+ * [Fix] Set CLOEXEC flag on files opened
+ * [Fix] Setting check_local / check_authed in plugins (#1954)
+ * [Fix] Settings: avoid checking invalid IP (#1981)
+ * [Fix] Settings: header: deal with multiple settings (#1988)
+ * [Fix] Skip checks if both extensions are not bad
+ * [Fix] Skip nostat tokens when get number of tokens
+ * [Fix] Some more fixes towards emails detection
+ * [Fix] SpamAssassin: Fail check_freemail_header if regexp didn't match
+ * [Fix] Stop using of g_slice...
+ * [Fix] Switch rspamadm logging to message level
+ * [Fix] Symbol 'FANNR_SPAM' has its score defined..
+ * [Fix] Table parameter for rspamd_config:add_doc()
+ * [Fix] Treat 'rewrite subject' as spam action
+ * [Fix] Try harder in passing IPv6 addresses
+ * [Fix] Try harder to find rfc822 notifications
+ * [Fix] Try harder to find urls
+ * [Fix] Use decoded values when parsing mime addresses
+ * [Fix] Use full URL when making an HTTP request
+ * [Fix] Use greylisting threshold in greylisting module
+ * [Fix] Use n_words attribute from ngramms
+ * [Fix] Use raw urls when sending requests to redirector
+ * [Fix] Use the right boolean operator on error check
+ * [Fix] Use weight from map for fuzzy scoring
+ * [Fix] Various fixes to elastic plugin
+ * [Fix] Various fixes to fann_redis instantiation
+ * [Fix] Various improvements in language detection
+ * [Fix] Virus infection string for F-PROT Antivirus
+ * [Fix] Virus infetction string for F-PROT Antivirus
+ * [Fix] WebUI: use relative path for savemap (#1943)
+ * [Fix] WHITE_ON_WHITE: Ensure score is matched to part that fired the rule
+ * [Fix] Write configuration changes as UCL config
+ * [Project] Add detection logic for words
+ * [Project] Add fast debug logging infrastructure
+ * [Project] Add more flags to languages
+ * [Project] Add n-gramms data files
+ * [Project] Add ngramms frequencies detector
+ * [Project] Add random words selection logic
+ * [Project] Add unigramms to language detection as well
+ * [Project] Convert all C modules to fast debug infrastructure
+ * [Project] Detect some languages based on unicode script
+ * [Project] Enable fast debug lookup for some modules
+ * [Project] Enable language detector init in scanner workers
+ * [Project] Further improvements to language detector
+ * [Project] Implement logic of ngramms application
+ * [Project] Improve weighting in lang_detection
+ * [Project] Initialize language detector
+ * [Project] Preliminary version of ngramms based language detector
+ * [Project] Preliminary version of the new stat_convert
+ * [Project] Remove old language detector
+ * [Project] Rework language detection ngramms structure
+ * [Project] Start language detection project
+ * [Project] Start rework of language detection to improve quality
+ * [Project] Use fast debug logging check
+ * [Rework] Add frame for new reputation based IP score module
+ * [Rework] Continue stat_convert rework task
+ * [Rework] Implement new version of fuzzy replies
+ * [Rework] Improve readability of xmlrpc API
+ * [Rework] Kill metrics!11
+ * [Rework] Ratelimit module
+ * [Rework] Rename fann_redis to neural plugin
+ * [Rework] Reorganize mime_types module
+ * [Rework] Rework rescore utility
+ * [Rework] Rewrite model and learning logic for rescore
+ * [Rework] Run post-loads when all initialization is completed
+ * [Rework] Simplify lua path initialization
+ * [Rework] Start major stat_convert rework
+ * [Rework] Start mempool fragmentation reduce project
+ * [Rework] Start moving of fann redis to torch
+ * [Rework] Stop embedding rspamadm scripts into C
+ * [Rework] Use floating point arithmetics in Rspamd expressions
+ * [Rework] Use frequencies distribution in language detector
+ * [Rules] Penalise R_BAD_CTE_7BIT for utf8 messages
+ * [WebUI] Compact graph selectors
+ * [WebUI] Escape strings inside HTML in history
+ * [WebUI] Fix message count in throughput summary (#1724)
+ * [WebUI] Fix NaNs display on Throughput graph
+ * [WebUI] Migrate widgets to D3 v4
+ * [WebUI] Restore passwordless login support (#2003)
+ * [WebUI] Show symbol descriptions as tooltips in history
+ * [WebUI] Stop using commas in pie chart tooltips
+ * [WebUI] Update D3 and jQuery
+ * [WebUI] Update D3Evolution 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0
1.6.6: 16 Feb 2018
* [CritFix] Add sanity guards for badly broken HTML
* [CritFix] Another errors path handling fix