diff options
2 files changed, 195 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/lua_util.lua b/lualib/lua_util.lua
index 520318fe6..c43286d8b 100644
--- a/lualib/lua_util.lua
+++ b/lualib/lua_util.lua
@@ -490,36 +490,71 @@ end
exports.override_defaults = override_defaults
--- @function lua_util.extract_specific_urls(task, limit, [need_emails[, filter[, prefix])
+-- @function lua_util.extract_specific_urls(params)
+-- params: {
+- - task
+- - limit <int> (default = 9999)
+- - esld_limit <int> (default = 9999) n domains per eSLD (effective second level domain)
+ works only if number of unique eSLD less than `limit`
+- - need_emails <bool> (default = false)
+- - filter <callback> (default = nil)
+- - prefix <string> cache prefix (default = nil)
+-- }
-- Apply heuristic in extracting of urls from task, this function
-- tries its best to extract specific number of urls from a task based on
-- their characteristics
-exports.extract_specific_urls = function(task, lim, need_emails, filter, prefix)
+-- exports.extract_specific_urls = function(params_or_task, limit, need_emails, filter, prefix)
+exports.extract_specific_urls = function(params_or_task, limit, need_emails, filter, prefix)
+ local default_params = {
+ limit = 9999,
+ esld_limit = 9999,
+ need_emails = false,
+ filter = nil,
+ prefix = nil
+ }
+ local params
+ if type(params_or_task) == 'table' and type(limit) == 'nil' then
+ params = params_or_task
+ else
+ -- Deprecated call
+ params = {
+ task = params_or_task,
+ limit = limit,
+ need_emails = need_emails,
+ filter = filter,
+ prefix = prefix
+ }
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(default_params) do
+ if not params[k] then params[k] = default_params[k] end
+ end
local cache_key
- if prefix then
- cache_key = prefix
+ if params.prefix then
+ cache_key = params.prefix
- cache_key = string.format('sp_urls_%d%s', lim, need_emails)
+ cache_key = string.format('sp_urls_%d%s', params.limit, params.need_emails)
- local cached = task:cache_get(cache_key)
+ local cached = params.task:cache_get(cache_key)
if cached then
return cached
- local urls = task:get_urls(need_emails)
+ local urls = params.task:get_urls(params.need_emails)
if not urls then return {} end
- if filter then urls = fun.totable(fun.filter(filter, urls)) end
- if #urls <= lim then
- task:cache_set(cache_key, urls)
+ if params.filter then urls = fun.totable(fun.filter(params.filter, urls)) end
+ if #urls <= params.limit and #urls <= params.esld_limit then
+ params.task:cache_set(cache_key, urls)
return urls
@@ -538,7 +573,9 @@ exports.extract_specific_urls = function(task, lim, need_emails, filter, prefix)
eslds[esld] = {u}
neslds = neslds + 1
- table.insert(eslds[esld], u)
+ if #eslds[esld] < params.esld_limit then
+ table.insert(eslds[esld], u)
+ end
local parts = rspamd_str_split(esld, '.')
@@ -566,35 +603,40 @@ exports.extract_specific_urls = function(task, lim, need_emails, filter, prefix)
- lim = lim - #res
- if lim <= 0 then lim = 1 end
+ local limit = params.limit
+ limit = limit - #res
+ if limit <= 0 then limit = 1 end
- if neslds <= lim then
+ if neslds <= limit then
-- We can get urls based on their eslds
- while lim > 0 do
+ repeat
+ local item_found = false
for _,lurls in pairs(eslds) do
if #lurls > 0 then
table.insert(res, table.remove(lurls))
- lim = lim - 1
+ limit = limit - 1
+ item_found = true
- end
- task:cache_set(cache_key, urls)
+ until limit <= 0 or not item_found
+ params.task:cache_set(cache_key, urls)
return res
- if ntlds <= lim then
- while lim > 0 do
+ if ntlds <= limit then
+ while limit > 0 do
for _,lurls in pairs(tlds) do
if #lurls > 0 then
table.insert(res, table.remove(lurls))
- lim = lim - 1
+ limit = limit - 1
- task:cache_set(cache_key, urls)
+ params.task:cache_set(cache_key, urls)
return res
@@ -611,14 +653,14 @@ exports.extract_specific_urls = function(task, lim, need_emails, filter, prefix)
local tld2 = tlds[tlds_keys[ntlds - i]]
table.insert(res, table.remove(tld1))
table.insert(res, table.remove(tld2))
- lim = lim - 2
+ limit = limit - 2
- if lim <= 0 then
+ if limit <= 0 then
- task:cache_set(cache_key, urls)
+ params.task:cache_set(cache_key, urls)
return res
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/lua_util.extract_specific_urls.lua b/test/lua/unit/lua_util.extract_specific_urls.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..424cca5f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/unit/lua_util.extract_specific_urls.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+context("Lua util - extract_specific_urls", function()
+ local util = require 'lua_util'
+ local mpool = require "rspamd_mempool"
+ local fun = require "fun"
+ local url = require "rspamd_url"
+ local logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+ local ffi = require "ffi"
+ ffi.cdef[[
+ void rspamd_url_init (const char *tld_file);
+ unsigned ottery_rand_range(unsigned top);
+ void rspamd_http_normalize_path_inplace(char *path, size_t len, size_t *nlen);
+ ]]
+ local test_dir = string.gsub(debug.getinfo(1).source, "^@(.+/)[^/]+$", "%1")
+ ffi.C.rspamd_url_init(string.format('%s/%s', test_dir, "test_tld.dat"))
+ local task_object = {
+ urls = {},
+ cache_set = function(self, ...) end,
+ cache_get = function(self, ...) end,
+ get_urls = function(self, need_emails) return self.urls end
+ }
+ local url_list = {
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ }
+ local cases = {
+ {expect = url_list, filter = nil, limit = 9999, need_emails = true, prefix = 'p'},
+ {expect = {}, filter = (function() return false end), limit = 9999, need_emails = true, prefix = 'p'},
+ {expect = {"", ""}, filter = nil, limit = 2, need_emails = true, prefix = 'p'},
+ {
+ expect = {"", "", "", "", "", ""},
+ filter = (function(s) return s:get_host():sub(-4) == ".net" end),
+ limit = 9999,
+ need_emails = true,
+ prefix = 'p'
+ },
+ {
+ input = {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""},
+ expect = {"", "", "", "", ""},
+ filter = nil,
+ limit = 9999,
+ esld_limit = 2,
+ need_emails = true,
+ prefix = 'p'
+ }
+ }
+ local pool = mpool.create()
+ for i,c in ipairs(cases) do
+ local function prepare_url_list(c)
+ return fun.totable(
+ function (u) return url.create(pool, u) end,
+ c.input or url_list
+ ))
+ end
+ test("extract_specific_urls, backward compatibility case #" .. i, function()
+ task_object.urls = prepare_url_list(c)
+ if (c.esld_limit) then
+ -- not awailable in deprecated version
+ return
+ end
+ local actual = util.extract_specific_urls(task_object, c.limit, c.need_emails, c.filter, c.prefix)
+ local actual_result = fun.totable(
+ function(u) return u:get_host() end,
+ actual
+ ))
+ --[[
+ local s = logger.slog("%1 =?= %2", c.expect, actual_result)
+ print(s) --]]
+ assert_equal(true, util.table_cmp(c.expect, actual_result), "checking that we got the same tables")
+ end)
+ test("extract_specific_urls " .. i, function()
+ task_object.urls = prepare_url_list(c)
+ local actual = util.extract_specific_urls({
+ task = task_object,
+ limit = c.limit,
+ esld_limit = c.esld_limit,
+ need_emails = c.need_emails,
+ filter = c.filter,
+ prefix = c.prefix,
+ })
+ local actual_result = fun.totable(
+ function(u) return u:get_host() end,
+ actual
+ ))
+ --[[
+ local s = logger.slog("case[%1] %2 =?= %3", i, c.expect, actual_result)
+ print(s) --]]
+ assert_equal(true, util.table_cmp(c.expect, actual_result), "checking that we got the same tables")
+ end)
+ end
+end) \ No newline at end of file