diff options
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lua-argparse/argparse.lua b/contrib/lua-argparse/argparse.lua
index 48950a662..dc6cdb0de 100644
--- a/contrib/lua-argparse/argparse.lua
+++ b/contrib/lua-argparse/argparse.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- The MIT License (MIT)
-- Copyright (c) 2013 - 2018 Peter Melnichenko
+-- 2019 Paul Ouellette
-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
-- this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
@@ -202,9 +203,9 @@ end}
local add_help = {"add_help", function(self, value)
typecheck("add_help", {"boolean", "string", "table"}, value)
- if self._has_help then
- table.remove(self._options)
- self._has_help = false
+ if self._help_option_idx then
+ table.remove(self._options, self._help_option_idx)
+ self._help_option_idx = nil
if value then
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ local add_help = {"add_help", function(self, value)
help "-h" "--help"
- self._has_help = true
+ self._help_option_idx = #self._options
@@ -262,6 +263,7 @@ local Command = class({
typechecked("description", "string"),
typechecked("epilog", "string"),
+ typechecked("summary", "string"),
typechecked("target", "string"),
typechecked("usage", "string"),
typechecked("help", "string"),
@@ -297,6 +299,7 @@ local Argument = class({
typechecked("defmode", "string"),
typechecked("show_default", "boolean"),
typechecked("argname", "string", "table"),
+ typechecked("choices", "table"),
typechecked("hidden", "boolean"),
@@ -319,6 +322,7 @@ local Option = class({
typechecked("show_default", "boolean"),
typechecked("overwrite", "boolean"),
typechecked("argname", "string", "table"),
+ typechecked("choices", "table"),
typechecked("hidden", "boolean"),
@@ -467,17 +471,33 @@ function Argument:_get_argname(narg)
+function Argument:_get_choices_list()
+ return "{" .. table.concat(self._choices, ",") .. "}"
function Argument:_get_default_argname()
- return "<" .. self._name .. ">"
+ if self._choices then
+ return self:_get_choices_list()
+ else
+ return "<" .. self._name .. ">"
+ end
function Option:_get_default_argname()
- return "<" .. self:_get_default_target() .. ">"
+ if self._choices then
+ return self:_get_choices_list()
+ else
+ return "<" .. self:_get_default_target() .. ">"
+ end
-- Returns labels to be shown in the help message.
function Argument:_get_label_lines()
- return {self._name}
+ if self._choices then
+ return {self:_get_choices_list()}
+ else
+ return {self._name}
+ end
function Option:_get_label_lines()
@@ -488,15 +508,26 @@ function Option:_get_label_lines()
return {table.concat(self._aliases, ", ")}
+ local longest_alias_length = -1
+ for _, alias in ipairs(self._aliases) do
+ longest_alias_length = math.max(longest_alias_length, #alias)
+ end
local argument_list_repr = table.concat(argument_list, " ")
local lines = {}
for i, alias in ipairs(self._aliases) do
- local line = alias .. " " .. argument_list_repr
+ local line = (" "):rep(longest_alias_length - #alias) .. alias .. " " .. argument_list_repr
+ if i ~= #self._aliases then
+ line = line .. ","
+ end
table.insert(lines, line)
- return {table.concat(lines, ", ")}
+ return lines
function Command:_get_label_lines()
@@ -516,7 +547,7 @@ function Argument:_get_description()
function Command:_get_description()
- return self._description or ""
+ return self._summary or self._description or ""
function Option:_get_usage()
@@ -553,12 +584,17 @@ function Option:_is_vararg()
return self._maxargs ~= self._minargs
-function Parser:_get_fullname()
+function Parser:_get_fullname(exclude_root)
local parent = self._parent
+ if exclude_root and not parent then
+ return ""
+ end
local buf = {self._name}
while parent do
- table.insert(buf, 1, parent._name)
+ if not exclude_root or parent._parent then
+ table.insert(buf, 1, parent._name)
+ end
parent = parent._parent
@@ -589,13 +625,7 @@ end
function Parser:option(...)
local option = Option(...)
- if self._has_help then
- table.insert(self._options, #self._options, option)
- else
- table.insert(self._options, option)
- end
+ table.insert(self._options, option)
return option
@@ -1020,6 +1050,524 @@ function Parser:get_help()
return table.concat(blocks, "\n\n")
+function Parser:add_help_command(value)
+ if value then
+ assert(type(value) == "string" or type(value) == "table",
+ ("bad argument #1 to 'add_help_command' (string or table expected, got %s)"):format(type(value)))
+ end
+ local help = self:command()
+ :description "Show help for commands."
+ help:argument "command"
+ :description "The command to show help for."
+ :args "?"
+ :action(function(_, _, cmd)
+ if not cmd then
+ print(self:get_help())
+ os.exit(0)
+ else
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ for _, alias in ipairs(command._aliases) do
+ if alias == cmd then
+ print(command:get_help())
+ os.exit(0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ help:error(("unknown command '%s'"):format(cmd))
+ end)
+ if value then
+ help = help(value)
+ end
+ if not help._name then
+ help "help"
+ end
+ help._is_help_command = true
+ return self
+function Parser:_is_shell_safe()
+ if self._basename then
+ if self._basename:find("[^%w_%-%+%.]") then
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ for _, alias in ipairs(self._aliases) do
+ if alias:find("[^%w_%-%+%.]") then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
+ for _, alias in ipairs(option._aliases) do
+ if alias:find("[^%w_%-%+%.]") then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ if option._choices then
+ for _, choice in ipairs(option._choices) do
+ if choice:find("[%s'\"]") then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _, argument in ipairs(self._arguments) do
+ if argument._choices then
+ for _, choice in ipairs(argument._choices) do
+ if choice:find("[%s'\"]") then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ if not command:_is_shell_safe() then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+function Parser:add_complete(value)
+ if value then
+ assert(type(value) == "string" or type(value) == "table",
+ ("bad argument #1 to 'add_complete' (string or table expected, got %s)"):format(type(value)))
+ end
+ local complete = self:option()
+ :description "Output a shell completion script for the specified shell."
+ :args(1)
+ :choices {"bash", "zsh", "fish"}
+ :action(function(_, _, shell)
+ io.write(self["get_" .. shell .. "_complete"](self))
+ os.exit(0)
+ end)
+ if value then
+ complete = complete(value)
+ end
+ if not complete._name then
+ complete "--completion"
+ end
+ return self
+function Parser:add_complete_command(value)
+ if value then
+ assert(type(value) == "string" or type(value) == "table",
+ ("bad argument #1 to 'add_complete_command' (string or table expected, got %s)"):format(type(value)))
+ end
+ local complete = self:command()
+ :description "Output a shell completion script."
+ complete:argument "shell"
+ :description "The shell to output a completion script for."
+ :choices {"bash", "zsh", "fish"}
+ :action(function(_, _, shell)
+ io.write(self["get_" .. shell .. "_complete"](self))
+ os.exit(0)
+ end)
+ if value then
+ complete = complete(value)
+ end
+ if not complete._name then
+ complete "completion"
+ end
+ return self
+local function base_name(pathname)
+ return pathname:gsub("[/\\]*$", ""):match(".*[/\\]([^/\\]*)") or pathname
+local function get_short_description(element)
+ local short = element:_get_description():match("^(.-)%.%s")
+ return short or element:_get_description():match("^(.-)%.?$")
+function Parser:_get_options()
+ local options = {}
+ for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
+ for _, alias in ipairs(option._aliases) do
+ table.insert(options, alias)
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(options, " ")
+function Parser:_get_commands()
+ local commands = {}
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ for _, alias in ipairs(command._aliases) do
+ table.insert(commands, alias)
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(commands, " ")
+function Parser:_bash_option_args(buf, indent)
+ local opts = {}
+ for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
+ if option._choices or option._minargs > 0 then
+ local compreply
+ if option._choices then
+ compreply = 'COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "' .. table.concat(option._choices, " ") .. '" -- "$cur"))'
+ else
+ compreply = 'COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -- "$cur"))'
+ end
+ table.insert(opts, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. table.concat(option._aliases, "|") .. ")")
+ table.insert(opts, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. compreply)
+ table.insert(opts, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. "return 0")
+ table.insert(opts, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. ";;")
+ end
+ end
+ if #opts > 0 then
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. 'case "$prev" in')
+ table.insert(buf, table.concat(opts, "\n"))
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "esac\n")
+ end
+function Parser:_bash_get_cmd(buf, indent)
+ if #self._commands == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. 'args=("${args[@]:1}")')
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. 'for arg in "${args[@]}"; do')
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. 'case "$arg" in')
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. table.concat(command._aliases, "|") .. ")")
+ if self._parent then
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. 'cmd="$cmd ' .. command._name .. '"')
+ else
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. 'cmd="' .. command._name .. '"')
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. 'opts="$opts ' .. command:_get_options() .. '"')
+ command:_bash_get_cmd(buf, indent + 12)
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. "break")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. ";;")
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. "esac")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "done")
+function Parser:_bash_cmd_completions(buf)
+ local cmd_buf = {}
+ if self._parent then
+ self:_bash_option_args(cmd_buf, 12)
+ end
+ if #self._commands > 0 then
+ table.insert(cmd_buf, (" "):rep(12) .. 'COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "' .. self:_get_commands() .. '" -- "$cur"))')
+ elseif self._is_help_command then
+ table.insert(cmd_buf, (" "):rep(12)
+ .. 'COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "'
+ .. self._parent:_get_commands()
+ .. '" -- "$cur"))')
+ end
+ if #cmd_buf > 0 then
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(8) .. "'" .. self:_get_fullname(true) .. "')")
+ table.insert(buf, table.concat(cmd_buf, "\n"))
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(12) .. ";;")
+ end
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ command:_bash_cmd_completions(buf)
+ end
+function Parser:get_bash_complete()
+ self._basename = base_name(self._name)
+ assert(self:_is_shell_safe())
+ local buf = {([[
+_%s() {
+ local IFS=$' \t\n'
+ local args cur prev cmd opts arg
+ args=("${COMP_WORDS[@]}")
+ prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
+ opts="%s"
+]]):format(self._basename, self:_get_options())}
+ self:_bash_option_args(buf, 4)
+ self:_bash_get_cmd(buf, 4)
+ if #self._commands > 0 then
+ table.insert(buf, "")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(4) .. 'case "$cmd" in')
+ self:_bash_cmd_completions(buf)
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(4) .. "esac\n")
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, ([=[
+ if [[ "$cur" = -* ]]; then
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$opts" -- "$cur"))
+ fi
+complete -F _%s -o bashdefault -o default %s
+]=]):format(self._basename, self._basename))
+ return table.concat(buf, "\n")
+function Parser:_zsh_arguments(buf, cmd_name, indent)
+ if self._parent then
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "options=(")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. "$options")
+ else
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "local -a options=(")
+ end
+ for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
+ local line = {}
+ if #option._aliases > 1 then
+ if option._maxcount > 1 then
+ table.insert(line, '"*"')
+ end
+ table.insert(line, "{" .. table.concat(option._aliases, ",") .. '}"')
+ else
+ table.insert(line, '"')
+ if option._maxcount > 1 then
+ table.insert(line, "*")
+ end
+ table.insert(line, option._name)
+ end
+ if option._description then
+ local description = get_short_description(option):gsub('["%]:`$]', "\\%0")
+ table.insert(line, "[" .. description .. "]")
+ end
+ if option._maxargs == math.huge then
+ table.insert(line, ":*")
+ end
+ if option._choices then
+ table.insert(line, ": :(" .. table.concat(option._choices, " ") .. ")")
+ elseif option._maxargs > 0 then
+ table.insert(line, ": :_files")
+ end
+ table.insert(line, '"')
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. table.concat(line))
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. ")")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "_arguments -s -S \\")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. "$options \\")
+ if self._is_help_command then
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '": :(' .. self._parent:_get_commands() .. ')" \\')
+ else
+ for _, argument in ipairs(self._arguments) do
+ local spec
+ if argument._choices then
+ spec = ": :(" .. table.concat(argument._choices, " ") .. ")"
+ else
+ spec = ": :_files"
+ end
+ if argument._maxargs == math.huge then
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '"*' .. spec .. '" \\')
+ break
+ end
+ for _ = 1, argument._maxargs do
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '"' .. spec .. '" \\')
+ end
+ end
+ if #self._commands > 0 then
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '": :_' .. cmd_name .. '_cmds" \\')
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '"*:: :->args" \\')
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. "&& return 0")
+function Parser:_zsh_cmds(buf, cmd_name)
+ table.insert(buf, "\n_" .. cmd_name .. "_cmds() {")
+ table.insert(buf, " local -a commands=(")
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ local line = {}
+ if #command._aliases > 1 then
+ table.insert(line, "{" .. table.concat(command._aliases, ",") .. '}"')
+ else
+ table.insert(line, '"' .. command._name)
+ end
+ if command._description then
+ table.insert(line, ":" .. get_short_description(command):gsub('["`$]', "\\%0"))
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, " " .. table.concat(line) .. '"')
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, ' )\n _describe "command" commands\n}')
+function Parser:_zsh_complete_help(buf, cmds_buf, cmd_name, indent)
+ if #self._commands == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ self:_zsh_cmds(cmds_buf, cmd_name)
+ table.insert(buf, "\n" .. (" "):rep(indent) .. "case $words[1] in")
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ local name = cmd_name .. "_" .. command._name
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. table.concat(command._aliases, "|") .. ")")
+ command:_zsh_arguments(buf, name, indent + 4)
+ command:_zsh_complete_help(buf, cmds_buf, name, indent + 4)
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. ";;\n")
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "esac")
+function Parser:get_zsh_complete()
+ self._basename = base_name(self._name)
+ assert(self:_is_shell_safe())
+ local buf = {("#compdef %s\n"):format(self._basename)}
+ local cmds_buf = {}
+ table.insert(buf, "_" .. self._basename .. "() {")
+ if #self._commands > 0 then
+ table.insert(buf, " local context state state_descr line")
+ table.insert(buf, " typeset -A opt_args\n")
+ end
+ self:_zsh_arguments(buf, self._basename, 2)
+ self:_zsh_complete_help(buf, cmds_buf, self._basename, 2)
+ table.insert(buf, "\n return 1")
+ table.insert(buf, "}")
+ local result = table.concat(buf, "\n")
+ if #cmds_buf > 0 then
+ result = result .. "\n" .. table.concat(cmds_buf, "\n")
+ end
+ return result .. "\n\n_" .. self._basename .. "\n"
+local function fish_escape(string)
+ return string:gsub("[\\']", "\\%0")
+function Parser:_fish_get_cmd(buf, indent)
+ if #self._commands == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "set -e cmdline[1]")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "for arg in $cmdline")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. "switch $arg")
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. "case " .. table.concat(command._aliases, " "))
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. "set cmd $cmd " .. command._name)
+ command:_fish_get_cmd(buf, indent + 12)
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. "break")
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. "end")
+ table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "end")
+function Parser:_fish_complete_help(buf, basename)
+ local prefix = "complete -c " .. basename
+ table.insert(buf, "")
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ local aliases = table.concat(command._aliases, " ")
+ local line
+ if self._parent then
+ line = ("%s -n '__fish_%s_using_command %s' -xa '%s'")
+ :format(prefix, basename, self:_get_fullname(true), aliases)
+ else
+ line = ("%s -n '__fish_%s_using_command' -xa '%s'"):format(prefix, basename, aliases)
+ end
+ if command._description then
+ line = ("%s -d '%s'"):format(line, fish_escape(get_short_description(command)))
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, line)
+ end
+ if self._is_help_command then
+ local line = ("%s -n '__fish_%s_using_command %s' -xa '%s'")
+ :format(prefix, basename, self:_get_fullname(true), self._parent:_get_commands())
+ table.insert(buf, line)
+ end
+ for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
+ local parts = {prefix}
+ if self._parent then
+ table.insert(parts, "-n '__fish_" .. basename .. "_seen_command " .. self:_get_fullname(true) .. "'")
+ end
+ for _, alias in ipairs(option._aliases) do
+ if alias:match("^%-.$") then
+ table.insert(parts, "-s " .. alias:sub(2))
+ elseif alias:match("^%-%-.+") then
+ table.insert(parts, "-l " .. alias:sub(3))
+ end
+ end
+ if option._choices then
+ table.insert(parts, "-xa '" .. table.concat(option._choices, " ") .. "'")
+ elseif option._minargs > 0 then
+ table.insert(parts, "-r")
+ end
+ if option._description then
+ table.insert(parts, "-d '" .. fish_escape(get_short_description(option)) .. "'")
+ end
+ table.insert(buf, table.concat(parts, " "))
+ end
+ for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
+ command:_fish_complete_help(buf, basename)
+ end
+function Parser:get_fish_complete()
+ self._basename = base_name(self._name)
+ assert(self:_is_shell_safe())
+ local buf = {}
+ if #self._commands > 0 then
+ table.insert(buf, ([[
+function __fish_%s_print_command
+ set -l cmdline (commandline -poc)
+ set -l cmd]]):format(self._basename))
+ self:_fish_get_cmd(buf, 4)
+ table.insert(buf, ([[
+ echo "$cmd"
+function __fish_%s_using_command
+ test (__fish_%s_print_command) = "$argv"
+ and return 0
+ or return 1
+function __fish_%s_seen_command
+ string match -q "$argv*" (__fish_%s_print_command)
+ and return 0
+ or return 1
+end]]):format(self._basename, self._basename, self._basename, self._basename))
+ end
+ self:_fish_complete_help(buf, self._basename)
+ return table.concat(buf, "\n") .. "\n"
local function get_tip(context, wrong_name)
local context_pool = {}
local possible_name
@@ -1155,7 +1703,21 @@ function ElementState:invoke()
return self.open
+function ElementState:check_choices(argument)
+ if self.element._choices then
+ for _, choice in ipairs(self.element._choices) do
+ if argument == choice then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local choices_list = "'" .. table.concat(self.element._choices, "', '") .. "'"
+ local is_option = getmetatable(self.element) == Option
+ self:error("%s%s must be one of %s", is_option and "argument for " or "", self.name, choices_list)
+ end
function ElementState:pass(argument)
+ self:check_choices(argument)
argument = self:convert(argument, #self.args + 1)
table.insert(self.args, argument)
@@ -1507,7 +2069,7 @@ end
local argparse = {}
-argparse.version = "0.6.0"
+argparse.version = "0.7.0"
setmetatable(argparse, {__call = function(_, ...)
return Parser(default_cmdline[0]):add_help(true)(...)