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2 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua b/lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua
index 3f6dc61ee..0c82d1499 100644
--- a/lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua
+++ b/lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua
@@ -363,6 +363,25 @@ e.g. `get_user`]],
the second argument is optional and defines the type (string by default)]],
['args_schema'] = {ts.string, ts.string:is_optional()}
+ -- Get value of specific key from task cache
+ ['task_cache'] = {
+ ['get_value'] = function(task, args)
+ local val = task:cache_get(args[1])
+ if not val then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(val) == 'table' then
+ if not val[1] then
+ return
+ end
+ return val, 'string_list'
+ end
+ return val, 'string'
+ end,
+ ['description'] = [[Get value of specific key from task cache. The first argument must be
+the key name]],
+ ['args_schema'] = {ts.string}
+ },
-- Get specific HTTP request header. The first argument must be header name.
['request_header'] = {
['get_value'] = function(task, args)
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/selectors.lua b/test/lua/unit/selectors.lua
index 1f7252a77..270d06941 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/selectors.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/selectors.lua
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ context("Selectors test", function()
task:get_mempool():set_variable("int_var", 1)
task:get_mempool():set_variable("str_var", "str 1")
+ task:cache_set('cachevar1', 'hello\x00world')
+ task:cache_set('cachevar2', {'hello', 'world'})
if not res then
assert_true(false, "failed to load message")
@@ -358,6 +360,15 @@ context("Selectors test", function()
selector = "header('Subject').regexp('.*').first",
expect = {"Second, lower-cased header subject"}
+ ["task cache string"] = {
+ selector = "task_cache('cachevar1')",
+ expect = {"hello\x00world"}
+ },
+ ["task cache table"] = {
+ selector = "task_cache('cachevar2')",
+ expect = {{"hello", "world"}}
+ },
for case_name, case in lua_util.spairs(cases) do