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1 files changed, 12 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/rspamadm/configwizard.lua b/lualib/rspamadm/configwizard.lua
index 07923df06..25e665aa0 100644
--- a/lualib/rspamadm/configwizard.lua
+++ b/lualib/rspamadm/configwizard.lua
@@ -452,17 +452,24 @@ local function setup_statistic(cfg, changes)
expire = lua_util.parse_time_interval(expire)
local reset_previous = ask_yes_no("Reset previuous data?")
if ask_yes_no('Do you wish to convert them to Redis?', true) then
for _,cls in ipairs(sqlite_configs) do
- if not lua_stat_tools.convert_sqlite_to_redis(parsed_redis, cls.db_spam,
- cls.db_ham, cls.symbol_spam, cls.symbol_ham, cls.learn_cache, expire,
- reset_previous) then
- rspamd_logger.errx('conversion failed')
+ if rspamd_util.file_exists(cls.db_spam) and rspamd_util.file_exists(cls.db_ham) then
+ if not lua_stat_tools.convert_sqlite_to_redis(parsed_redis, cls.db_spam,
+ cls.db_ham, cls.symbol_spam, cls.symbol_ham, cls.learn_cache, expire,
+ reset_previous) then
+ rspamd_logger.errx('conversion failed')
- return false
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ rspamd_logger.messagex('cannot find %s and %s, skip conversation',
+ cls.db_spam, cls.db_ham)
rspamd_logger.messagex('Converted classifier to the from sqlite to redis')
changes.l['classifier-bayes.conf'] = {
backend = 'redis',