path: root/contrib/libottery/ottery.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libottery/ottery.c')
1 files changed, 842 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libottery/ottery.c b/contrib/libottery/ottery.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..851932e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libottery/ottery.c
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+/* Libottery by Nick Mathewson.
+ This software has been dedicated to the public domain under the CC0
+ public domain dedication.
+ To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
+ libottery has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
+ to libottery.
+ You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
+ work in doc/cc0.txt. If not, see
+ <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
+ */
+#include "ottery-internal.h"
+#include "ottery.h"
+#include "ottery_st.h"
+#include "ottery_nolock.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* I've added a few assertions to sanity-check for debugging, but they should
+ * never ever ever trigger. It's fine to build this code with NDEBUG. */
+#include <assert.h>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* On Windows, there is no fork(), so we don't need to worry about forking. */
+ * Evaluate the condition 'x', while hinting to the compiler that it is
+ * likely to be false.
+ */
+#define UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((x), 0)
+/** Magic number for deciding whether an ottery_state is initialized. */
+#define MAGIC_BASIS 0x11b07734
+/** Macro: yield the correct magic number for an ottery_state, based on
+ * its position in RAM. */
+#define MAGIC(ptr) (((uint32_t)(uintptr_t)(ptr)) ^ MAGIC_BASIS)
+static inline int ottery_st_rand_lock_and_check(struct ottery_state *st)
+static int ottery_st_reseed(struct ottery_state *state);
+static int ottery_st_add_seed_impl(struct ottery_state *st, const uint8_t *seed, size_t n, int locking, int check_magic);
+static void ottery_wipe_stack_(void) __attribute__((noinline));
+#define LOCK(st) ACQUIRE_LOCK(&(st)->mutex)
+#define UNLOCK(st) RELEASE_LOCK(&(st)->mutex)
+ return sizeof(struct ottery_config);
+ return sizeof(struct ottery_state);
+ return sizeof(struct ottery_state_nolock);
+const char *
+ uint32_t result = 0;
+ return result;
+/** Used to zero out the contents of our buffer after we've just given a few
+ * to the user. */
+#define CLEARBUF(ptr,n) do { memset((ptr), 0, (n)); } while (0)
+#define CLEARBUF(ptr,n) ((void)0)
+ * Volatile pointer to memset: we use this to keep the compiler from
+ * eliminating our call to memset. (Don't make this static.)
+ */
+void * (*volatile ottery_memset_volatile_)(void *, int, size_t) = memset;
+ottery_memclear_(void *mem, size_t len)
+ /* NOTE: whenever we change this, change test/test_memclear.c accordingly */
+ ottery_memset_volatile_(mem, 0, len);
+/* Chosen more or less arbitrarily */
+#define WIPE_STACK_LEN 512
+ * Try to clear memory on the stack to clean up after our PRF. This can't
+ * easily be done in standard C, so we're doing an ugly hack in hopes that it
+ * actually helps.
+ *
+ * This should never be necessary in a correct program, but if your program is
+ * doing something stupid like leaking uninitialized stack, it might keep an
+ * attacker from exploiting that.
+ **/
+static void
+ char buf[WIPE_STACK_LEN];
+ ottery_memset_volatile_(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+#define ottery_wipe_stack_() ((void)0)
+ottery_config_init(struct ottery_config *cfg)
+ cfg->impl = NULL;
+ cfg->entropy_config.urandom_fname = NULL;
+ cfg->entropy_config.urandom_fd = -1;
+ cfg->entropy_config.urandom_fd_is_set = 0;
+ cfg->entropy_config.disabled_sources = 0;
+ cfg->entropy_config.weak_sources = 0;
+ cfg->entropy_config.egd_sockaddr = NULL;
+ cfg->entropy_config.egd_socklen = 0;
+ cfg->entropy_config.allow_nondev_urandom = 0;
+ return 0;
+static const struct ottery_prf *
+ottery_get_impl(const char *impl)
+ int i;
+ const struct ottery_prf *ALL_PRFS[] = {
+ &ottery_prf_chacha20_krovetz_2_,
+ &ottery_prf_chacha12_krovetz_2_,
+ &ottery_prf_chacha8_krovetz_2_,
+ &ottery_prf_chacha20_krovetz_1_,
+ &ottery_prf_chacha12_krovetz_1_,
+ &ottery_prf_chacha8_krovetz_1_,
+ &ottery_prf_chacha20_merged_,
+ &ottery_prf_chacha12_merged_,
+ &ottery_prf_chacha8_merged_,
+ };
+ const uint32_t cap = ottery_get_cpu_capabilities_();
+ for (i = 0; ALL_PRFS[i]; ++i) {
+ const struct ottery_prf *prf = ALL_PRFS[i];
+ if ((prf->required_cpucap & cap) != prf->required_cpucap)
+ continue;
+ if (impl == NULL)
+ return prf;
+ if (!strcmp(impl, prf->name))
+ return prf;
+ if (!strcmp(impl, prf->impl))
+ return prf;
+ if (!strcmp(impl, prf->flav))
+ return prf;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ottery_config_force_implementation(struct ottery_config *cfg,
+ const char *impl)
+ const struct ottery_prf *prf = ottery_get_impl(impl);
+ if (prf) {
+ cfg->impl = prf;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ottery_config_set_manual_prf_(struct ottery_config *cfg,
+ const struct ottery_prf *prf)
+ cfg->impl = prf;
+ottery_config_set_urandom_device(struct ottery_config *cfg,
+ const char *fname)
+ cfg->entropy_config.urandom_fname = fname;
+ottery_config_set_urandom_fd(struct ottery_config *cfg,
+ int fd)
+ cfg->entropy_config.urandom_fd = fd;
+ cfg->entropy_config.urandom_fd_is_set = (fd >= 0);
+ottery_config_set_egd_socket(struct ottery_config *cfg,
+ const struct sockaddr *addr,
+ int len)
+ cfg->entropy_config.egd_sockaddr = addr;
+ cfg->entropy_config.egd_socklen = len;
+ottery_config_disable_entropy_sources(struct ottery_config *cfg,
+ uint32_t disabled_sources)
+ cfg->entropy_config.disabled_sources =
+ (disabled_sources & OTTERY_ENTROPY_ALL_SOURCES);
+ottery_config_mark_entropy_sources_weak(struct ottery_config *cfg,
+ uint32_t disabled_sources)
+ cfg->entropy_config.weak_sources =
+ (disabled_sources & OTTERY_ENTROPY_ALL_SOURCES);
+ * As ottery_st_nextblock_nolock(), but fill the entire block with
+ * entropy, and don't try to rekey the state.
+ */
+static void
+ottery_st_nextblock_nolock_norekey(struct ottery_state *st)
+ st->prf.generate(st->state, st->buffer, st->block_counter);
+ ottery_wipe_stack_();
+ ++st->block_counter;
+ * Generate (st->output_len) bytes of pseudorandom data from the PRF into
+ * (st->buffer). Use the first st->prf.state_bytes of those bytes to replace
+ * the PRF state and advance (st->pos) to point after them.
+ *
+ * This function does not acquire the lock on the state; use it within
+ * another function that does.
+ *
+ * @param st The state to use when generating the block.
+ */
+static void
+ottery_st_nextblock_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st)
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock_norekey(st);
+ st->prf.setup(st->state, st->buffer);
+ CLEARBUF(st->buffer, st->prf.state_bytes);
+ st->block_counter = 0;
+ st->pos = st->prf.state_bytes;
+ * Initialize or reinitialize a PRNG state.
+ *
+ * @param st The state to initialize or reinitialize.
+ * @param prf The configuration to use. (Ignored for reinit)
+ * @return An OTTERY_ERR_* value (zero on success, nonzero on failure).
+ */
+static int
+ottery_st_initialize(struct ottery_state *st,
+ const struct ottery_config *config,
+ int locked)
+ const struct ottery_prf *prf = NULL;
+ struct ottery_config cfg_tmp;
+ int err;
+ /* We really need our state to be aligned. If it isn't, let's give an
+ * error now, and not a crash when the SIMD instructions start to fail.
+ */
+ if (((uintptr_t)st) & 0xf)
+ if (!config) {
+ ottery_config_init(&cfg_tmp);
+ config = &cfg_tmp;
+ }
+ prf = config->impl;
+ if (!prf)
+ prf = ottery_get_impl(NULL);
+ memset(st, 0, sizeof(*st));
+ if (locked) {
+ /* Now set up the spinlock or mutex or hybrid thing. */
+ if (INIT_LOCK(&st->mutex))
+ }
+ /* Check invariants for PRF, in case we wrote some bad code. */
+ if ((prf->state_len > MAX_STATE_LEN) ||
+ (prf->state_bytes > MAX_STATE_BYTES) ||
+ (prf->state_bytes > prf->output_len) ||
+ (prf->output_len > MAX_OUTPUT_LEN))
+ /* Check whether some of our structure size assumptions are right. */
+ if ((sizeof(struct ottery_state) > OTTERY_STATE_DUMMY_SIZE_) ||
+ (sizeof(struct ottery_config) > OTTERY_CONFIG_DUMMY_SIZE_))
+ memcpy(&st->entropy_config, &config->entropy_config,
+ sizeof(struct ottery_entropy_config));
+ /* Copy the PRF into place. */
+ memcpy(&st->prf, prf, sizeof(*prf));
+ if ((err = ottery_st_reseed(st)))
+ return err;
+ /* Set the magic number last, or else we might look like we succeeded
+ * when we didn't */
+ st->magic = MAGIC(st);
+ st->pid = getpid();
+ return 0;
+static int
+ottery_st_reseed(struct ottery_state *st)
+ /* Now seed the PRF: Generate some random bytes from the OS, and use them
+ * as whatever keys/nonces/whatever the PRF wants to have. */
+ /* XXXX Add seed rather than starting from scratch? */
+ int err;
+ uint32_t flags=0;
+ size_t buflen = ottery_get_entropy_bufsize_(st->prf.state_bytes);
+ uint8_t *buf = alloca(buflen);
+ if (!buf)
+ if ((err = ottery_get_entropy_(&st->entropy_config, &st->entropy_state, 0,
+ buf, st->prf.state_bytes,
+ &buflen,
+ &flags)))
+ return err;
+ if (buflen < st->prf.state_bytes)
+ /* The first state_bytes bytes become the initial key. */
+ st->prf.setup(st->state, buf);
+ /* If there are more bytes, we mix them into the key with add_seed */
+ if (buflen > st->prf.state_bytes)
+ ottery_st_add_seed_impl(st,
+ buf + st->prf.state_bytes,
+ buflen - st->prf.state_bytes,
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ ottery_memclear_(buf, buflen);
+ st->last_entropy_flags = flags;
+ st->entropy_src_flags = flags;
+ /* Generate the first block of output. */
+ st->block_counter = 0;
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock(st);
+ return 0;
+ottery_st_init(struct ottery_state *st, const struct ottery_config *cfg)
+ return ottery_st_initialize(st, cfg, 1);
+ottery_st_init_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st,
+ const struct ottery_config *cfg)
+ return ottery_st_initialize(st, cfg, 0);
+static int
+ottery_st_add_seed_impl(struct ottery_state *st, const uint8_t *seed, size_t n, int locking, int check_magic)
+ if (check_magic && UNLIKELY(st->magic != MAGIC(st))) {
+ ottery_fatal_error_(OTTERY_ERR_STATE_INIT);
+ }
+ /* If the user passed NULL, then we should reseed from the operating
+ * system. */
+ uint8_t *tmp_seed = NULL;
+ size_t tmp_seed_len = 0;
+ uint32_t flags = 0;
+ if (!seed || !n) {
+ int err;
+ tmp_seed_len = ottery_get_entropy_bufsize_(st->prf.state_bytes);
+ tmp_seed = alloca(tmp_seed_len);
+ if (!tmp_seed)
+ n = tmp_seed_len;
+ if ((err = ottery_get_entropy_(&st->entropy_config, &st->entropy_state, 0,
+ tmp_seed, st->prf.state_bytes,
+ &n,
+ &flags)))
+ return err;
+ if (n < st->prf.state_bytes)
+ seed = tmp_seed;
+ }
+ if (locking)
+ LOCK(st);
+ /* The algorithm here is really easy. We grab a block of output from the
+ * PRNG, that the first (state_bytes) bytes of that, XOR it with up to
+ * (state_bytes) bytes of our new seed data, and use that to set our new
+ * state. We do this over and over until we have no more seed data to add.
+ */
+ while (n) {
+ unsigned i;
+ size_t m = n > st->prf.state_bytes/2 ? st->prf.state_bytes/2 : n;
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock_norekey(st);
+ for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
+ st->buffer[i] ^= seed[i];
+ }
+ st->prf.setup(st->state, st->buffer);
+ st->block_counter = 0;
+ n -= m;
+ seed += m;
+ }
+ /* Now make sure that st->buffer is set up with the new state. */
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock(st);
+ st->entropy_src_flags |= flags;
+ st->last_entropy_flags = flags;
+ if (locking)
+ UNLOCK(st);
+ /* If we used stack-allocated seed material, wipe it. */
+ if (tmp_seed)
+ ottery_memclear_(tmp_seed, tmp_seed_len);
+ return 0;
+ottery_st_add_seed(struct ottery_state *st, const uint8_t *seed, size_t n)
+ return ottery_st_add_seed_impl(st, seed, n, 1, 1);
+ottery_st_add_seed_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st, const uint8_t *seed, size_t n)
+ return ottery_st_add_seed_impl(st, seed, n, 0, 1);
+ottery_st_wipe(struct ottery_state *st)
+ DESTROY_LOCK(&st->mutex);
+ ottery_st_wipe_nolock(st);
+ottery_st_wipe_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st)
+ ottery_memclear_(st, sizeof(struct ottery_state));
+ottery_st_prevent_backtracking_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st)
+ memset(st->buffer, 0, st->pos);
+ (void)st;
+ottery_st_prevent_backtracking(struct ottery_state *st)
+ LOCK(st);
+ ottery_st_prevent_backtracking_nolock(st);
+ UNLOCK(st);
+/** Function that's invoked on a fatal error. See
+ * ottery_set_fatal_handler() for more information. */
+static void (*ottery_fatal_handler)(int) = NULL;
+ottery_fatal_error_(int error)
+ if (ottery_fatal_handler)
+ ottery_fatal_handler(error);
+ else
+ abort();
+ottery_set_fatal_handler(void (*fn)(int))
+ ottery_fatal_handler = fn;
+ * Shared prologue for functions generating random bytes from an ottery_state.
+ * Make sure that the state is initialized.
+ */
+static inline int
+ottery_st_rand_check_init(struct ottery_state *st)
+ if (UNLIKELY(st->magic != MAGIC(st))) {
+ ottery_fatal_error_(OTTERY_ERR_STATE_INIT);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ (void)st;
+ return 0;
+/* XXXX */
+static inline int
+ottery_st_rand_check_pid(struct ottery_state *st)
+ if (UNLIKELY(st->pid != getpid())) {
+ int err;
+ if ((err = ottery_st_reseed(st))) {
+ ottery_fatal_error_(OTTERY_ERR_FLAG_POSTFORK_RESEED|err);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ st->pid = getpid();
+ }
+ (void) st;
+ return 0;
+static inline int
+ottery_st_rand_lock_and_check(struct ottery_state *st)
+ if (ottery_st_rand_check_init(st))
+ return -1;
+ LOCK(st);
+ if (ottery_st_rand_check_pid(st)) {
+ UNLOCK(st);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static inline int
+ottery_st_rand_check_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st)
+ if (ottery_st_rand_check_init(st))
+ return -1;
+ if (ottery_st_rand_check_pid(st))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ * Generate a small-ish number of bytes from an ottery_state, using
+ * buffered data. If there is insufficient data in the buffer right now,
+ * use what we have, and generate more.
+ *
+ * @param st The state to use.
+ * @param out A location to write to.
+ * @param n The number of bytes to write. Must not be greater than
+ * st->prf.output_len*2 - st->prf.state_bytes - st->pos - 1.
+ */
+static inline void
+ottery_st_rand_bytes_from_buf(struct ottery_state *st, uint8_t *out,
+ size_t n)
+ if (n + st->pos < st->prf.output_len) {
+ memcpy(out, st->buffer+st->pos, n);
+ CLEARBUF(st->buffer+st->pos, n);
+ st->pos += n;
+ } else {
+ unsigned cpy = st->prf.output_len - st->pos;
+ memcpy(out, st->buffer+st->pos, cpy);
+ n -= cpy;
+ out += cpy;
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock(st);
+ memcpy(out, st->buffer+st->pos, n);
+ CLEARBUF(st->buffer, n);
+ st->pos += n;
+ assert(st->pos < st->prf.output_len);
+ }
+static void
+ottery_st_rand_bytes_impl(struct ottery_state *st, void *out_,
+ size_t n)
+ uint8_t *out = out_;
+ size_t cpy;
+ if (n + st->pos < st->prf.output_len * 2 - st->prf.state_bytes - 1) {
+ /* Fulfill it all from the buffer simply if possible. */
+ ottery_st_rand_bytes_from_buf(st, out, n);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Okay. That's not going to happen. Well, take what we can... */
+ cpy = st->prf.output_len - st->pos;
+ memcpy(out, st->buffer + st->pos, cpy);
+ out += cpy;
+ n -= cpy;
+ /* Then take whole blocks so long as we need them, without stirring... */
+ while (n >= st->prf.output_len) {
+ /* (We could save a memcpy here if we generated the block directly at out
+ * rather than doing the memcpy here. First we'd need to make sure that we
+ * had gotten the block aligned to a 16-byte boundary, though, and we'd
+ * have some other tricky bookkeeping to do. Let's call this good enough
+ * for now.) */
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock_norekey(st);
+ memcpy(out, st->buffer, st->prf.output_len);
+ out += st->prf.output_len;
+ n -= st->prf.output_len;
+ }
+ /* Then stir for the last part. */
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock(st);
+ ottery_st_rand_bytes_from_buf(st, out, n);
+ottery_st_rand_bytes(struct ottery_state *st, void *out_, size_t n)
+ if (ottery_st_rand_lock_and_check(st))
+ return;
+ ottery_st_rand_bytes_impl(st, out_, n);
+ UNLOCK(st);
+ottery_st_rand_bytes_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st, void *out_, size_t n)
+ if (ottery_st_rand_check_nolock(st))
+ return;
+ ottery_st_rand_bytes_impl(st, out_, n);
+ * Assign an integer type from bytes at a possibly unaligned pointer.
+ *
+ * @param type the type of integer to assign.
+ * @param r the integer lvalue to write to.
+ * @param p a pointer to the bytes to read from.
+ **/
+#define INT_ASSIGN_PTR(type, r, p) do { \
+ memcpy(&r, p, sizeof(type)); \
+} while (0)
+ * Shared code for implementing rand_unsigned() and rand_uint64().
+ *
+ * @param st The state to use.
+ * @param inttype The type of integer to generate.
+ **/
+#define OTTERY_RETURN_RAND_INTTYPE_IMPL(st, inttype, unlock) do { \
+ inttype result; \
+ if (sizeof(inttype) + (st)->pos <= (st)->prf.output_len) { \
+ INT_ASSIGN_PTR(inttype, result, (st)->buffer + (st)->pos); \
+ CLEARBUF((st)->buffer + (st)->pos, sizeof(inttype)); \
+ (st)->pos += sizeof(inttype); \
+ if (st->pos == (st)->prf.output_len) { \
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock(st); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ /* Our handling of this case here is significantly simpler */ \
+ /* than that of ottery_st_rand_bytes_from_buf, at the expense */ \
+ /* of wasting up to sizeof(inttype)-1 bytes. Since inttype */ \
+ /* is at most 8 bytes long, that's not such a big deal. */ \
+ ottery_st_nextblock_nolock(st); \
+ INT_ASSIGN_PTR(inttype, result, (st)->buffer + (st)->pos); \
+ CLEARBUF((st)->buffer, sizeof(inttype)); \
+ (st)->pos += sizeof(inttype); \
+ } \
+ unlock; \
+ return result; \
+} while (0)
+#define OTTERY_RETURN_RAND_INTTYPE(st, inttype) do { \
+ if (ottery_st_rand_lock_and_check(st)) \
+ return (inttype)0; \
+} while (0)
+#define OTTERY_RETURN_RAND_INTTYPE_NOLOCK(st, inttype) do { \
+ if (ottery_st_rand_check_nolock(st)) \
+ return (inttype)0; \
+} while (0)
+ottery_st_rand_unsigned(struct ottery_state *st)
+ottery_st_rand_unsigned_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st)
+ottery_st_rand_uint32(struct ottery_state *st)
+ottery_st_rand_uint32_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st)
+ottery_st_rand_uint64(struct ottery_state *st)
+ottery_st_rand_uint64_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st)
+ottery_st_rand_range_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st, unsigned upper)
+ unsigned lim = upper+1;
+ unsigned divisor = lim ? (UINT_MAX / lim) : 1;
+ unsigned n;
+ do {
+ n = (ottery_st_rand_unsigned_nolock(st) / divisor);
+ } while (n > upper);
+ return n;
+ottery_st_rand_range64_nolock(struct ottery_state_nolock *st, uint64_t upper)
+ uint64_t lim = upper+1;
+ uint64_t divisor = lim ? (UINT64_MAX / lim) : 1;
+ uint64_t n;
+ do {
+ n = (ottery_st_rand_uint64_nolock(st) / divisor);
+ } while (n > upper);
+ return n;
+ottery_st_rand_range(struct ottery_state *state, unsigned upper)
+ unsigned n;
+ if (ottery_st_rand_check_init(state))
+ return 0;
+ LOCK(state);
+ n = ottery_st_rand_range_nolock(state, upper);
+ UNLOCK(state);
+ return n;
+ottery_st_rand_range64(struct ottery_state *state, uint64_t upper)
+ uint64_t n;
+ if (ottery_st_rand_check_init(state))
+ return 0;
+ LOCK(state);
+ n = ottery_st_rand_range64_nolock(state, upper);
+ UNLOCK(state);
+ return n;