path: root/contrib/lua-torch/optim/asgd.lua
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1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lua-torch/optim/asgd.lua b/contrib/lua-torch/optim/asgd.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc1c459f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/lua-torch/optim/asgd.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+--[[ An implementation of ASGD
+ x := (1 - lambda eta_t) x - eta_t df/dx(z,x)
+ a := a + mu_t [ x - a ]
+ eta_t = eta0 / (1 + lambda eta0 t) ^ 0.75
+ mu_t = 1/max(1,t-t0)
+implements ASGD algoritm as in L.Bottou's sgd-2.0
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+ evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x` : the initial point
+- `state` : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+ call the state is modified
+- `state.eta0` : learning rate
+- `state.lambda` : decay term
+- `state.alpha` : power for eta update
+- `state.t0` : point at which to start averaging
+- `x` : the new x vector
+- `f(x)` : the function, evaluated before the update
+- `ax` : the averaged x vector
+(Clement Farabet, 2012)
+function optim.asgd(opfunc, x, config, state)
+ -- (0) get/update state
+ local config = config or {}
+ local state = state or config
+ config.eta0 = config.eta0 or 1e-4
+ config.lambda = config.lambda or 1e-4
+ config.alpha = config.alpha or 0.75
+ config.t0 = config.t0 or 1e6
+ -- (hidden state)
+ state.eta_t = state.eta_t or config.eta0
+ state.mu_t = state.mu_t or 1
+ state.t = state.t or 0
+ -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+ local fx,dfdx = opfunc(x)
+ -- (2) decay term
+ x:mul(1 - config.lambda*state.eta_t)
+ -- (3) update x
+ x:add(-state.eta_t, dfdx)
+ -- (4) averaging
+ state.ax = state.ax or torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(x):zero()
+ state.tmp = state.tmp or torch.Tensor():typeAs(state.ax):resizeAs(state.ax)
+ if state.mu_t ~= 1 then
+ state.tmp:copy(x)
+ state.tmp:add(-1,state.ax):mul(state.mu_t)
+ state.ax:add(state.tmp)
+ else
+ state.ax:copy(x)
+ end
+ -- (5) update eta_t and mu_t
+ state.t = state.t + 1
+ state.eta_t = config.eta0 / math.pow((1 + config.lambda * config.eta0 * state.t), config.alpha)
+ state.mu_t = 1 / math.max(1, state.t - config.t0)
+ -- return x*, f(x) before optimization, and average(x_t0,x_t1,x_t2,...)
+ return x,{fx},state.ax