path: root/contrib/lua-torch/torch7/init.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/lua-torch/torch7/init.lua')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lua-torch/torch7/init.lua b/contrib/lua-torch/torch7/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f3cfbb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/lua-torch/torch7/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+-- We are using paths.require to appease mkl
+-- Make this work with LuaJIT in Lua 5.2 compatibility mode, which
+-- renames string.gfind (already deprecated in 5.1)
+if not string.gfind then
+ string.gfind = string.gmatch
+if not table.unpack then
+ table.unpack = unpack
+require "paths"
+paths.require "libtorch"
+-- Keep track of all thread local variables torch.
+-- if a Lua VM is passed to another thread thread local
+-- variables need to be updated.
+function torch.updatethreadlocals()
+ torch.updateerrorhandlers()
+ local tracking = torch._heaptracking
+ if tracking == nil then tracking = false end
+ torch.setheaptracking(tracking)
+--- package stuff
+function torch.packageLuaPath(name)
+ if not name then
+ local ret = string.match(torch.packageLuaPath('torch'), '(.*)/')
+ if not ret then --windows?
+ ret = string.match(torch.packageLuaPath('torch'), '(.*)\\')
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ for path in string.gmatch(package.path, "[^;]+") do
+ path = string.gsub(path, "%?", name)
+ local f =
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ local ret = string.match(path, "(.*)/")
+ if not ret then --windows?
+ ret = string.match(path, "(.*)\\")
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ end
+local function include(file, depth)
+ paths.dofile(file, 3 + (depth or 0))
+rawset(_G, 'include', include)
+function torch.include(package, file)
+ dofile(torch.packageLuaPath(package) .. '/' .. file)
+function torch.class(...)
+ local tname, parenttname, module
+ if select('#', ...) == 3
+ and type(select(1, ...)) == 'string'
+ and type(select(2, ...)) == 'string'
+ and type(select(3, ...)) == 'table'
+ then
+ tname = select(1, ...)
+ parenttname = select(2, ...)
+ module = select(3, ...)
+ elseif select('#', ...) == 2
+ and type(select(1, ...)) == 'string'
+ and type(select(2, ...)) == 'string'
+ then
+ tname = select(1, ...)
+ parenttname = select(2, ...)
+ elseif select('#', ...) == 2
+ and type(select(1, ...)) == 'string'
+ and type(select(2, ...)) == 'table'
+ then
+ tname = select(1, ...)
+ module = select(2, ...)
+ elseif select('#', ...) == 1
+ and type(select(1, ...)) == 'string'
+ then
+ tname = select(1, ...)
+ else
+ error('<class name> [<parent class name>] [<module table>] expected')
+ end
+ local function constructor(...)
+ local self = {}
+ torch.setmetatable(self, tname)
+ if self.__init then
+ self:__init(...)
+ end
+ return self
+ end
+ local function factory()
+ local self = {}
+ torch.setmetatable(self, tname)
+ return self
+ end
+ local mt = torch.newmetatable(tname, parenttname, constructor, nil, factory, module)
+ local mpt
+ if parenttname then
+ mpt = torch.getmetatable(parenttname)
+ end
+ return mt, mpt
+function torch.setdefaulttensortype(typename)
+ assert(type(typename) == 'string', 'string expected')
+ if torch.getconstructortable(typename) then
+ torch.Tensor = torch.getconstructortable(typename)
+ torch.Storage = torch.getconstructortable(torch.typename(torch.Tensor(1):storage()))
+ else
+ error(string.format("<%s> is not a string describing a torch object", typename))
+ end
+function torch.type(obj)
+ local class = torch.typename(obj)
+ if not class then
+ class = type(obj)
+ end
+ return class
+--[[ See if a given object is an instance of the provided torch class. ]]
+function torch.isTypeOf(obj, typeSpec)
+ -- typeSpec can be provided as either a string, pattern, or the constructor.
+ -- If the constructor is used, we look in the __typename field of the
+ -- metatable to find a string to compare to.
+ if type(typeSpec) ~= 'string' then
+ typeSpec = getmetatable(typeSpec).__typename
+ assert(type(typeSpec) == 'string',
+ "type must be provided as [regexp] string, or factory")
+ end
+ local mt = getmetatable(obj)
+ while mt do
+ if type(mt) == 'table' and mt.__typename then
+ local match = mt.__typename:match(typeSpec)
+ -- Require full match for non-pattern specs
+ if match and (match ~= typeSpec or match == mt.__typename) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ mt = getmetatable(mt)
+ end
+ return false
+function torch.totable(obj)
+ if torch.isTensor(obj) or torch.isStorage(obj) then
+ return obj:totable()
+ else
+ error("obj must be a Storage or a Tensor")
+ end
+function torch.isTensor(obj)
+ local typename = torch.typename(obj)
+ if typename and typename:find('torch.*Tensor') then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function torch.isStorage(obj)
+ local typename = torch.typename(obj)
+ if typename and typename:find('torch.*Storage') then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+-- alias for convenience
+torch.Tensor.isTensor = torch.isTensor
+-- remove this line to disable automatic heap-tracking for garbage collection
+return torch