path: root/contrib/torch/nn/Jacobian.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/torch/nn/Jacobian.lua')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/torch/nn/Jacobian.lua b/contrib/torch/nn/Jacobian.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f728b18c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/torch/nn/Jacobian.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+nn.Jacobian = {}
+function nn.Jacobian.backward(module, input, param, dparam)
+ local doparam = 0
+ if param then
+ doparam = 1
+ end
+ param = param or input
+ -- output deriv
+ module:forward(input)
+ local dout =
+ -- 1D view
+ local sdout =,1,dout:nElement())
+ -- jacobian matrix to calculate
+ local jacobian = torch.Tensor(param:nElement(),dout:nElement()):zero()
+ for i=1,sdout:nElement() do
+ dout:zero()
+ sdout[i] = 1
+ module:zeroGradParameters()
+ local din = module:updateGradInput(input, dout)
+ module:accGradParameters(input, dout)
+ if doparam == 1 then
+ jacobian:select(2,i):copy(dparam)
+ else
+ jacobian:select(2,i):copy(din)
+ end
+ end
+ return jacobian
+function nn.Jacobian.backwardUpdate(module, input, param)
+ -- output deriv
+ module:forward(input)
+ local dout =
+ -- 1D view
+ local sdout =,1,dout:nElement())
+ -- jacobian matrix to calculate
+ local jacobian = torch.Tensor(param:nElement(),dout:nElement()):zero()
+ -- original param
+ local params = module:parameters()
+ local origparams = {}
+ for j=1,#params do
+ table.insert(origparams, params[j]:clone())
+ end
+ for i=1,sdout:nElement() do
+ for j=1,#params do
+ params[j]:copy(origparams[j])
+ end
+ dout:zero()
+ sdout[i] = 1
+ module:updateGradInput(input, dout)
+ module:accUpdateGradParameters(input, dout, 1)
+ jacobian:select(2,i):copy(param)
+ end
+ for j=1,#params do
+ params[j]:copy(origparams[j])
+ end
+ return jacobian
+function nn.Jacobian.forward(module, input, param, perturbation)
+ param = param or input
+ -- perturbation amount
+ perturbation = perturbation or 1e-6
+ -- 1D view of input
+ --local tst = param:storage()
+ local sin =,1,tst:size())
+ -- jacobian matrix to calculate
+ local jacobian = torch.Tensor():resize(param:nElement(),module:forward(input):nElement())
+ local outa = torch.Tensor(jacobian:size(2))
+ local outb = torch.Tensor(jacobian:size(2))
+ for i=1,sin:nElement() do
+ local orig = sin[i]
+ sin[i] = orig - perturbation
+ outa:copy(module:forward(input))
+ sin[i] = orig + perturbation
+ outb:copy(module:forward(input))
+ sin[i] = orig
+ outb:add(-1,outa):div(2*perturbation)
+ jacobian:select(1,i):copy(outb)
+ end
+ return jacobian
+function nn.Jacobian.backwardDiagHessian(module, input, diagHessianParamName)
+ -- Compute the second derivatives (diagonal Hessian elements)
+ -- by backpropagation (using the code from hessian.lua).
+ --
+ -- This function computes the diagonal Hessian elements of the following function:
+ --
+ -- F(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) = y_1^2/2 + y_2^2/2 + ... + y_m^2/2,
+ --
+ -- where
+ -- x_1, ..., x_n are the input values and parameters of the given module,
+ -- y_1, ..., y_m are the output values of the given module.
+ --
+ -- All x_i and y_i values are scalars here. In other words,
+ -- x_1, ..., x_n denote the scalar elements of the module input tensor,
+ -- the scalar elements of module.weight,
+ -- and the scalar elements of module.bias;
+ -- y_1, ..., y_m are the scalar elements of the module output tensor.
+ --
+ -- The diagonal Hessian elements of F are computed with respect to
+ -- the module input values and parameters (x_1, .., x_n).
+ --
+ -- The function F is chosen for its convenient properties:
+ --
+ -- dF / dy_i = y_i,
+ -- d^2F / dy_i^2 = 1.
+ --
+ -- In other words, the diagonal Hessian elements of F with respect
+ -- to the module OUTPUT values (y_1, ... y_m) are equal to 1.
+ --
+ -- Because of that, computing the diagonal Hessian elements of F
+ -- with respect to the module INPUT values and PARAMETERS (x_1, ..., x_n)
+ -- can be done by calling updateDiagHessianInput() and accDiagHessianParameters()
+ -- using a tensor of ones as diagHessianOutput.
+ module:forward(input)
+ local diagHessianOutput =
+ module.diagHessianWeight:zero()
+ module.diagHessianBias:zero()
+ module:updateDiagHessianInput(input, diagHessianOutput)
+ module:accDiagHessianParameters(input, diagHessianOutput)
+ return module[diagHessianParamName]
+function nn.Jacobian.linearModuleDiagHessian(module, input, gradParamName)
+ -- Compute the second derivatives (diagonal Hessian elements)
+ -- from the first derivatives for the given module
+ -- (without using the code from hessian.lua).
+ --
+ -- The given module is assumed to be linear with respect to its inputs and weights
+ -- (like nn.Linear, nn.SpatialConvolution, etc.)
+ --
+ -- This function computes the diagonal Hessian elements of the following function:
+ --
+ -- F(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) = y_1^2/2 + y_2^2/2 + ... + y_m^2/2.
+ --
+ -- (See the the comment for nn.Jacobian.backwardDiagHessian() for explanation.)
+ --
+ -- The first derivatives of F with respect to
+ -- the module inputs and parameters (x_1, ..., x_n) are:
+ --
+ -- dF / dx_i = \sum_k (dF / dy_k) (dy_k / dx_i).
+ --
+ -- The second derivatives are:
+ --
+ -- d^2F / dx_i = \sum_k [(d^2F / dy_k^2) (dy_k / dx_i)^2 + (dF / dy_k) (d^2y_k / dx_i^2)].
+ --
+ -- The second derivatives of F with respect to the module outputs (y_1, ..., y_m)
+ -- are equal to 1, so:
+ --
+ -- d^2F / dx_i = \sum_k [(dy_k / dx_i)^2 + (dF / dy_k) (d^2y_k / dx_i^2)].
+ --
+ -- Assuming the linearity of module outputs (y_1, ..., y_m)
+ -- with respect to module inputs and parameters (x_1, ..., x_n),
+ -- we have (d^2y_k / dx_i^2) = 0,
+ -- and the expression finally becomes:
+ --
+ -- d^2F / dx_i = \sum_k (dy_k / dx_i)^2.
+ --
+ -- The first derivatives (dy_k / dx_i) are computed by normal backpropagation,
+ -- using updateGradInput() and accGradParameters().
+ local gradParam = module[gradParamName]
+ local diagHessian =
+ module:forward(input)
+ local gradOutput =
+ local gradOutput1D = gradOutput:view(gradOutput:nElement())
+ for i=1,gradOutput:nElement() do
+ gradOutput1D:zero()
+ gradOutput1D[i] = 1
+ module.gradWeight:zero()
+ if module.bias then
+ module.gradBias:zero()
+ end
+ module:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ module:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput)
+ diagHessian:addcmul(gradParam, gradParam)
+ end
+ return diagHessian
+function nn.Jacobian.forwardUpdate(module, input, param, perturbation)
+ -- perturbation amount
+ perturbation = perturbation or 1e-6
+ -- 1D view of input
+ --local tst = param:storage()
+ local sin =,1,tst:size())
+ -- jacobian matrix to calculate
+ local jacobian = torch.Tensor():resize(param:nElement(),module:forward(input):nElement())
+ local outa = torch.Tensor(jacobian:size(2))
+ local outb = torch.Tensor(jacobian:size(2))
+ for i=1,sin:nElement() do
+ local orig = sin[i]
+ sin[i] = orig - perturbation
+ outa:copy(module:forward(input))
+ sin[i] = orig + perturbation
+ outb:copy(module:forward(input))
+ sin[i] = orig
+ outb:add(-1,outa):div(2*perturbation)
+ jacobian:select(1,i):copy(outb)
+ jacobian:select(1,i):mul(-1)
+ jacobian:select(1,i):add(sin[i])
+ end
+ return jacobian
+function nn.Jacobian.testJacobian(module, input, minval, maxval, perturbation)
+ minval = minval or -2
+ maxval = maxval or 2
+ local inrange = maxval - minval
+ input:copy(torch.rand(input:nElement()):mul(inrange):add(minval))
+ local jac_fprop = nn.Jacobian.forward(module, input, input, perturbation)
+ local jac_bprop = nn.Jacobian.backward(module, input)
+ local error = jac_fprop-jac_bprop
+ return error:abs():max()
+function nn.Jacobian.testJacobianParameters(module, input, param, dparam, minval, maxval, perturbation)
+ minval = minval or -2
+ maxval = maxval or 2
+ local inrange = maxval - minval
+ input:copy(torch.rand(input:nElement()):mul(inrange):add(minval))
+ param:copy(torch.rand(param:nElement()):mul(inrange):add(minval))
+ local jac_bprop = nn.Jacobian.backward(module, input, param, dparam)
+ local jac_fprop = nn.Jacobian.forward(module, input, param, perturbation)
+ local error = jac_fprop - jac_bprop
+ return error:abs():max()
+function nn.Jacobian.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, param, minval, maxval, perturbation)
+ minval = minval or -2
+ maxval = maxval or 2
+ local inrange = maxval - minval
+ input:copy(torch.rand(input:nElement()):mul(inrange):add(minval))
+ param:copy(torch.rand(param:nElement()):mul(inrange):add(minval))
+ local params_bprop = nn.Jacobian.backwardUpdate(module, input, param)
+ local params_fprop = nn.Jacobian.forwardUpdate(module, input, param, perturbation)
+ local error = params_fprop - params_bprop
+ return error:abs():max()
+function nn.Jacobian.testDiagHessian(module, input, gradParamName, diagHessianParamName, minval, maxval)
+ -- Compute the diagonal Hessian elements for the same function in two different ways,
+ -- then compare the results and return the difference.
+ minval = minval or -2
+ maxval = maxval or 2
+ local inrange = maxval - minval
+ input:copy(torch.rand(input:nElement()):mul(inrange):add(minval))
+ module:initDiagHessianParameters()
+ local h_bprop = nn.Jacobian.backwardDiagHessian(module, input, diagHessianParamName)
+ local h_linearmodule = nn.Jacobian.linearModuleDiagHessian(module, input, gradParamName)
+ local error = h_bprop - h_linearmodule
+ return error:abs():max()
+function nn.Jacobian.testDiagHessianInput(module, input, minval, maxval)
+ return nn.Jacobian.testDiagHessian(module, input, 'gradInput', 'diagHessianInput', minval, maxval)
+function nn.Jacobian.testDiagHessianWeight(module, input, minval, maxval)
+ return nn.Jacobian.testDiagHessian(module, input, 'gradWeight', 'diagHessianWeight', minval, maxval)
+function nn.Jacobian.testDiagHessianBias(module, input, minval, maxval)
+ return nn.Jacobian.testDiagHessian(module, input, 'gradBias', 'diagHessianBias', minval, maxval)
+function nn.Jacobian.testIO(module,input, minval, maxval)
+ minval = minval or -2
+ maxval = maxval or 2
+ local inrange = maxval - minval
+ local inputclone = input:clone()
+ -- run module
+ module:forward(input)
+ local go = module.output:clone():copy(torch.rand(module.output:nElement()):mul(inrange):add(minval))
+ local goclone = go:clone()
+ module:zeroGradParameters()
+ module:updateGradInput(input,go)
+ module:accGradParameters(input,go)
+ local fo = module.output:clone()
+ local bo = module.gradInput:clone()
+ -- write module
+ local filename = os.tmpname()
+ local f = torch.DiskFile(filename, 'w'):binary()
+ -- call clearState and check that it returns itself
+ assert(module == module:clearState(),'clearState did not return self')
+ f:writeObject(module)
+ f:close()
+ -- read module
+ local m = torch.DiskFile(filename):binary():readObject()
+ m:forward(inputclone)
+ m:zeroGradParameters()
+ m:updateGradInput(inputclone,goclone)
+ m:accGradParameters(inputclone,goclone)
+ -- cleanup
+ os.remove(filename)
+ local fo2 = m.output:clone()
+ local bo2 = m.gradInput:clone()
+ local errf = fo - fo2
+ local errb = bo - bo2
+ return errf:abs():max(), errb:numel() == 0 and 0 or errb:abs():max()
+function nn.Jacobian.testAllUpdate(module, input, weight, gradWeight)
+ local gradOutput
+ local lr = torch.uniform(0.1, 1)
+ local errors = {}
+ -- accGradParameters
+ local maccgp = module:clone()
+ local weightc = maccgp[weight]:clone()
+ maccgp:forward(input)
+ gradOutput = torch.rand(maccgp.output:size())
+ maccgp:zeroGradParameters()
+ maccgp:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ maccgp:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput)
+ maccgp:updateParameters(lr)
+ errors["accGradParameters"] = (weightc-maccgp[gradWeight]*lr-maccgp[weight]):norm()
+ -- accUpdateGradParameters
+ local maccugp = module:clone()
+ maccugp:forward(input)
+ maccugp:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ maccugp:accUpdateGradParameters(input, gradOutput, lr)
+ errors["accUpdateGradParameters"] = (maccugp[weight]-maccgp[weight]):norm()
+ -- shared, accGradParameters
+ local macsh1 = module:clone()
+ local macsh2 = module:clone()
+ macsh2:share(macsh1, weight)
+ macsh1:forward(input)
+ macsh2:forward(input)
+ macsh1:zeroGradParameters()
+ macsh2:zeroGradParameters()
+ macsh1:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ macsh2:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ macsh1:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput)
+ macsh2:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput)
+ macsh1:updateParameters(lr)
+ macsh2:updateParameters(lr)
+ local err = (weightc-maccgp[gradWeight]*(lr*2)-macsh1[weight]):norm()
+ err = err + (weightc-maccgp[gradWeight]*(lr*2)-macsh2[weight]):norm()
+ errors["accGradParameters [shared]"] = err
+ -- shared, accUpdateGradParameters
+ local macshu1 = module:clone()
+ local macshu2 = module:clone()
+ macshu2:share(macshu1, weight)
+ macshu1:forward(input)
+ macshu2:forward(input)
+ macshu1:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ macshu2:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ macshu1:accUpdateGradParameters(input, gradOutput, lr)
+ macshu2:accUpdateGradParameters(input, gradOutput, lr)
+ err = (weightc-maccgp[gradWeight]*(lr*2)-macshu1[weight]):norm()
+ err = err + (weightc-maccgp[gradWeight]*(lr*2)-macshu2[weight]):norm()
+ errors["accUpdateGradParameters [shared]"] = err
+ return errors