path: root/contrib/torch/optim/lswolfe.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/torch/optim/lswolfe.lua')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/torch/optim/lswolfe.lua b/contrib/torch/optim/lswolfe.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0afbdbe8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/torch/optim/lswolfe.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+--[[ A Line Search satisfying the Wolfe conditions
+- `opfunc` : a function (the objective) that takes a single input (X),
+ the point of evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x` : initial point / starting location
+- `t` : initial step size
+- `d` : descent direction
+- `f` : initial function value
+- `g` : gradient at initial location
+- `gtd` : directional derivative at starting location
+- `options.c1` : sufficient decrease parameter
+- `options.c2` : curvature parameter
+- `options.tolX` : minimum allowable step length
+- `options.maxIter` : maximum nb of iterations
+- `f` : function value at x+t*d
+- `g` : gradient value at x+t*d
+- `x` : the next x (=x+t*d)
+- `t` : the step length
+- `lsFuncEval` : the number of function evaluations
+function optim.lswolfe(opfunc,x,t,d,f,g,gtd,options)
+ -- options
+ options = options or {}
+ local c1 = options.c1 or 1e-4
+ local c2 = options.c2 or 0.9
+ local tolX = options.tolX or 1e-9
+ local maxIter = options.maxIter or 20
+ local isverbose = options.verbose or false
+ -- some shortcuts
+ local abs = torch.abs
+ local min = math.min
+ local max = math.max
+ -- verbose function
+ local function verbose(...)
+ if isverbose then print('<optim.lswolfe> ', ...) end
+ end
+ -- evaluate objective and gradient using initial step
+ local x_init = x:clone()
+ x:add(t,d)
+ local f_new,g_new = opfunc(x)
+ local lsFuncEval = 1
+ local gtd_new = g_new * d
+ -- bracket an interval containing a point satisfying the Wolfe
+ -- criteria
+ local LSiter,t_prev,done = 0,0,false
+ local f_prev,g_prev,gtd_prev = f,g:clone(),gtd
+ local bracket,bracketFval,bracketGval
+ while LSiter < maxIter do
+ -- check conditions:
+ if (f_new > (f + c1*t*gtd)) or (LSiter > 1 and f_new >= f_prev) then
+ bracket = x.new{t_prev,t}
+ bracketFval = x.new{f_prev,f_new}
+ bracketGval = x.new(2,g_new:size(1))
+ bracketGval[1] = g_prev
+ bracketGval[2] = g_new
+ break
+ elseif abs(gtd_new) <= -c2*gtd then
+ bracket = x.new{t}
+ bracketFval = x.new{f_new}
+ bracketGval = x.new(1,g_new:size(1))
+ bracketGval[1] = g_new
+ done = true
+ break
+ elseif gtd_new >= 0 then
+ bracket = x.new{t_prev,t}
+ bracketFval = x.new{f_prev,f_new}
+ bracketGval = x.new(2,g_new:size(1))
+ bracketGval[1] = g_prev
+ bracketGval[2] = g_new
+ break
+ end
+ -- interpolate:
+ local tmp = t_prev
+ t_prev = t
+ local minStep = t + 0.01*(t-tmp)
+ local maxStep = t*10
+ t = optim.polyinterp(x.new{{tmp,f_prev,gtd_prev},
+ {t,f_new,gtd_new}},
+ minStep, maxStep)
+ -- next step:
+ f_prev = f_new
+ g_prev = g_new:clone()
+ gtd_prev = gtd_new
+ x[{}] = x_init
+ x:add(t,d)
+ f_new,g_new = opfunc(x)
+ lsFuncEval = lsFuncEval + 1
+ gtd_new = g_new * d
+ LSiter = LSiter + 1
+ end
+ -- reached max nb of iterations?
+ if LSiter == maxIter then
+ bracket = x.new{0,t}
+ bracketFval = x.new{f,f_new}
+ bracketGval = x.new(2,g_new:size(1))
+ bracketGval[1] = g
+ bracketGval[2] = g_new
+ end
+ -- zoom phase: we now have a point satisfying the criteria, or
+ -- a bracket around it. We refine the bracket until we find the
+ -- exact point satisfying the criteria
+ local insufProgress = false
+ local LOposRemoved = 0
+ while not done and LSiter < maxIter do
+ -- find high and low points in bracket
+ local f_LO,LOpos = bracketFval:min(1)
+ LOpos = LOpos[1] f_LO = f_LO[1]
+ local HIpos = -LOpos+3
+ -- compute new trial value
+ t = optim.polyinterp(x.new{{bracket[1],bracketFval[1],bracketGval[1]*d},
+ {bracket[2],bracketFval[2],bracketGval[2]*d}})
+ -- test what we are making sufficient progress
+ if min(bracket:max()-t,t-bracket:min())/(bracket:max()-bracket:min()) < 0.1 then
+ if insufProgress or t>=bracket:max() or t <= bracket:min() then
+ if abs(t-bracket:max()) < abs(t-bracket:min()) then
+ t = bracket:max()-0.1*(bracket:max()-bracket:min())
+ else
+ t = bracket:min()+0.1*(bracket:max()-bracket:min())
+ end
+ insufProgress = false
+ else
+ insufProgress = true
+ end
+ else
+ insufProgress = false
+ end
+ -- Evaluate new point
+ x[{}] = x_init
+ x:add(t,d)
+ f_new,g_new = opfunc(x)
+ lsFuncEval = lsFuncEval + 1
+ gtd_new = g_new * d
+ LSiter = LSiter + 1
+ if f_new > f + c1*t*gtd or f_new >= f_LO then
+ -- Armijo condition not satisfied or not lower than lowest point
+ bracket[HIpos] = t
+ bracketFval[HIpos] = f_new
+ bracketGval[HIpos] = g_new
+ else
+ if abs(gtd_new) <= - c2*gtd then
+ -- Wolfe conditions satisfied
+ done = true
+ elseif gtd_new*(bracket[HIpos]-bracket[LOpos]) >= 0 then
+ -- Old HI becomes new LO
+ bracket[HIpos] = bracket[LOpos]
+ bracketFval[HIpos] = bracketFval[LOpos]
+ bracketGval[HIpos] = bracketGval[LOpos]
+ end
+ -- New point becomes new LO
+ bracket[LOpos] = t
+ bracketFval[LOpos] = f_new
+ bracketGval[LOpos] = g_new
+ end
+ -- done?
+ if not done and abs((bracket[1]-bracket[2])*gtd_new) < tolX then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- be verbose
+ if LSiter == maxIter then
+ verbose('reached max number of iterations')
+ end
+ -- return stuff
+ local _,LOpos = bracketFval:min(1)
+ LOpos = LOpos[1]
+ t = bracket[LOpos]
+ f_new = bracketFval[LOpos]
+ g_new = bracketGval[LOpos]
+ x[{}] = x_init
+ x:add(t,d)
+ return f_new,g_new,x,t,lsFuncEval