path: root/lualib/lua_redis.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'lualib/lua_redis.lua')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/lua_redis.lua b/lualib/lua_redis.lua
index 33757b154..44cb75f4a 100644
--- a/lualib/lua_redis.lua
+++ b/lualib/lua_redis.lua
@@ -1018,4 +1018,94 @@ end
exports.redis_connect_sync = redis_connect_sync
+-- @function lua_redis.request(redis_params, attrs, req)
+-- Sends a request to Redis (modern API)
+-- @param redis_params a table of redis server parameters
+-- @param attrs a table of redis request attributes (e.g. task, or ev_base + cfg + session)
+-- @param req a table of request: a command + command options
+exports.request = function(redis_params, attrs, req)
+ local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+ if not attrs or not redis_params or not req then
+ logger.errx('invalid arguments for redis request')
+ return false,nil,nil
+ end
+ if not (attrs.task or (attrs.config and attrs.ev_base)) then
+ logger.errx('invalid attributes for redis request')
+ return false,nil,nil
+ end
+ local opts = lua_util.shallowcopy(attrs)
+ local log_obj = opts.task or opts.config
+ local addr
+ if opts.callback then
+ -- Wrap callback
+ local callback = opts.callback
+ local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data)
+ if err then
+ addr:fail()
+ else
+ addr:ok()
+ end
+ callback(err, data, addr)
+ end
+ opts.callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb
+ end
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ local is_write = opts.is_write
+ if opts.key then
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key)
+ end
+ else
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(attrs.key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(attrs.key)
+ end
+ end
+ if not addr then
+ logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot select server to make redis request')
+ end
+ = addr:get_addr()
+ opts.timeout = redis_params.timeout
+ if type(req) == 'string' then
+ opts.cmd = req
+ else
+ -- XXX: modifies the input table
+ opts.cmd = table.remove(req, 1);
+ opts.args = req
+ end
+ if redis_params.password then
+ opts.password = redis_params.password
+ end
+ if redis_params.db then
+ opts.dbname = redis_params.db
+ end
+ local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.make_request(opts)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis request')
+ addr:fail()
+ end
+ return ret,conn,addr
return exports